Seekers, what annoys you the most when in as squad?



  • edited April 2013
    There's many things(in FC)...

    -Sins who don't BP before doing anything else(and stealthing to kill those 2 shades to open doors to 1st boss)
    -Sins who don't know they have skills for quick chi(sin CAN permaspark with lvl 1 chi skills since lvl 59, if they know their stuff at all...seems like 90% don't), AOEs(yay for "What's that?" when asking could you Subsea on pull)...
    -Other seekers claiming they can't pull even half pulls when I've done fulls with crappy gear compared to them
    -Other seekers using overwriting Bladed Fervor with their lvl 1 Saber Rattle when I've already buffed squad with lvl 3 one(this happens...even in 95+ FCs...)
    -Other seekers who have stance on, but don't bother to activate them(or even worse...I have to tell them how to trigger them)
    -Other seekers who BA-Gemini just when I'm sparking to launch my nuke combo(or even worse, once again, BA-Gemini when I'm channeling Ion Spike)
    -Other seekers who kill the first half of the pull between 3rd and 4th boss group by group saying "they'll be killed anyway". Even better if they go afk just when sin/I as puller seek has started sin/rock pull...
    -Other seekers mindlessly using all shatters in squad without any water, wood, earth or fire user(a.k.a. Heartshatter is enough-squad) just to show they are "pr0 seekerz"
    -Other seekers that I know to be hyperbabies claiming they're 100x better seekers than me after doing at least 3 of things mentioned before(my seeker was hypered to around 60, true too, didn't bother to do those BH29 and 39 runs I had done with 9 other chars already, but I did most quests and BHs after that to compensate and solo'd PV after 75 to 82 to learn how to handle masses of mobs)
    -Barbs who can't obviously do the big pulls successfully and still trying "because I'm a barb" when everyone has clearly said my seeker pulls as I can do full pulls without problems(and sometimes kill them before anyone else gets to attackf:sneaky). And those barbs either forgetting to Invoke/Roar/otherwise failing so I have 0,1 secs to save squad before wipe...if there's any way to do it >.<'
    -BMs that either go do half pull when I'm supposed to do full, maybe not even stunning...
    -anyone suddenly coming to "help" clearing hall of bishop groups and charging in without anti-stun/stuff and get both of us immobilized(and if bishops nastyer than usual, killed)
    -archers that speedbuff just when I had used Unfetter(this during magic pull, I as a puller, can kill if it ends before I've got all groups and can turn back to run in middle of them to vortex/use other AOEs, depending on my mood)

    And some others outside...
    -at BH79 when I'm supposed to tank Styg, I'd like to debuff it with Soulsever and shatter before I setup vortex after having it run 2 times. Usually fishes can't keep themselves from attacking that time...f:fume
    -at BH79 too, seeker can tank both Brig and Linus at once with Vortex. I'd ofc like to debuff here too, but some can't wait...and with bad luck squad has both bosses on at once, but only either of them can be inside vortex range.
    Wondering a bit too that seekers are considered bad debuffers. Seeker who know what skills do what can give squad 50% extra dmg topped with seeker's own attacks, even more when using SS-QPQ-combos or "pocket BMs" aka. Crimson Blood Powder+QPQ combo.
    Final ragequit on 21/02/2014 'cause ARC. Back on 15/04/2014, RL was bored.
    Ten Paths of Kittyness(old mains when deleted): Kittysama 100(100) Sage HA-Venomancer |Aivina 100(101) Sage (ex-Zerk) Str. Seeker | Kittytart 90(101) Demon All path Zerk BM | KittyFishie 92(101) Demon APS/DPH Zerk Assassin | Haroin 100(100) Demon Vit. Zerk Barbarian | Elfborn 82(100) Demon Cleric | Pessimiste 85(100) Sage Wizard | PalavaEnkeli 87(100) Demon Fist/APS-Archer | VerenVanki 85(100) Demon Mystic | MerenPeto 85(100) Sage Psychic
    Current mains: Old psy and 19 new/recreated mains(avg. level 82)
  • Posts: 1,696 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Time to explain some points again..
    There's many things(in FC)...

    -Sins who don't BP before doing anything else(and stealthing to kill those 2 shades to open doors to 1st boss) I actually almost never BP other ones when I go to kill shades if they all aren't there already waiting... why? It prevents people from casual rushing.
    -Sins who don't know they have skills for quick chi(sin CAN permaspark with lvl 1 chi skills since lvl 59, if they know their stuff at all...seems like 90% don't), AOEs(yay for "What's that?" when asking could you Subsea on pull). Sometimes perma-spark is bad, especially if you do not want to tank the boss.
    -Other seekers claiming they can't pull even half pulls when I've done fulls with crappy gear compared to them. Guess not everyone want to pull..
    -Other seekers using overwriting Bladed Fervor with their lvl 1 Saber Rattle when I've already buffed squad with lvl 3 one(this happens...even in 95+ FCs...) lol this is super annoying seen it happen
    -Other seekers who have stance on, but don't bother to activate them(or even worse...I have to tell them how to trigger them)
    -Other seekers who BA-Gemini just when I'm sparking to launch my nuke combo(or even worse, once again, BA-Gemini when I'm channeling Ion Spike)
    -Other seekers who kill the first half of the pull between 3rd and 4th boss group by group saying "they'll be killed anyway". Even better if they go afk just when sin/I as puller seek has started sin/rock pull...
    -Other seekers mindlessly using all shatters in squad without any water, wood, earth or fire user(a.k.a. Heartshatter is enough-squad) just to show they are "pr0 seekerz" Remember that barbs/archers have wood and fire dmg added to attack, thus shatters needed.
    -Other seekers that I know to be hyperbabies claiming they're 100x better seekers than me after doing at least 3 of things mentioned before(my seeker was hypered to around 60, true too, didn't bother to do those BH29 and 39 runs I had done with 9 other chars already, but I did most quests and BHs after that to compensate and solo'd PV after 75 to 82 to learn how to handle masses of mobs) PV is a joke in terms of pulling.
    -Barbs who can't obviously do the big pulls successfully and still trying "because I'm a barb" when everyone has clearly said my seeker pulls as I can do full pulls without problems(and sometimes kill them before anyone else gets to attackf:sneaky). And those barbs either forgetting to Invoke/Roar/otherwise failing so I have 0,1 secs to save squad before wipe...if there's any way to do it. Give them a chance. Know few barbs who used to fail their pulls but slightly learned the right way.
    -BMs that either go do half pull when I'm supposed to do full, maybe not even stunning...
    -anyone suddenly coming to "help" clearing hall of bishop groups and charging in without anti-stun/stuff and get both of us immobilized(and if bishops nastyer than usual, killed)
    -archers that speedbuff just when I had used Unfetter(this during magic pull, I as a puller, can kill if it ends before I've got all groups and can turn back to run in middle of them to vortex/use other AOEs, depending on my mood) I think most of speed buffing archrs gather chi or want to help cleric.

    And some others outside...
    -at BH79 when I'm supposed to tank Styg, I'd like to debuff it with Soulsever and shatter before I setup vortex after having it run 2 times. Usually fishes can't keep themselves from attacking that time...f:fume faced this issue and then they shout for BB and the bosss runs outta range... yeaaaahh
    -at BH79 too, seeker can tank both Brig and Linus at once with Vortex. I'd ofc like to debuff here too, but some can't wait...and with bad luck squad has both bosses on at once, but only either of them can be inside vortex range.
    Wondering a bit too that seekers are considered bad debuffers. Seeker who know what skills do what can give squad 50% extra dmg topped with seeker's own attacks, even more when using SS-QPQ-combos or "pocket BMs" aka. Crimson Blood Powder+QPQ combo.

    My answers in orange.

    As a seeker I hate it if barb is too afraid to pull mobs in BH and I have to attack the groups because rest of squad is full of casters...
    Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
    Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101

    Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 47
  • Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You guys complain way too much about little things that can make bosses 5-10 seconds faster. Really you need to shatter for a barb or archer cause they have a little extra magic damage? Grats you just increased their damage by a few hundred if that. since when is pv a joke for pulling? are you pulling the whole instance? do you even know how to pull the whole instance?

    Yeah ill admit there is a few things you mentioned that are annoying but its really not a big deal, get over it. You should expect by now that most people haven't read their skill descriptions and just use them cause they can.
  • Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    This happened long enough ago that I don't think I'll get in trouble for saying this. Anyway someone wanted to do a free full lunar to get the essences, was in a rush and had an OP squad so we go off with no cleric just a mystic. OP squad I might have been the only non R9 in it.

    Every effing pull Mystic starts sealing mobs left and right. I lose my bp heals cuz mobs go out of range, I don't have cleric buffs, I don't have BB. With the range mobs attacking me in that situation any loss of of bp puts me in danger. Died only once or twice but got my charm abused I buy a plat on friday for NW try to make it last till sunday's NW. Had to use tons of pots and genie healing. It was hell. This is the thing, the whole time every person in squad was telling the mystic to stop sealing mobs. Mystic just wouldn't. I stuck it out to help the guy who paid for the lunar. It was a mess and at the end the squad fell apart before the second version of primal fear because the barb had to go.

    If I was squad leader I would have booted her and paid for a cleric to come.
  • Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    They have an AOE that seals.. why was the mystic using that? @_@
  • Posts: 1,696 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You guys complain way too much about little things that can make bosses 5-10 seconds faster. Really you need to shatter for a barb or archer cause they have a little extra magic damage? Grats you just increased their damage by a few hundred if that. since when is pv a joke for pulling? are you pulling the whole instance? do you even know how to pull the whole instance?

    Yeah ill admit there is a few things you mentioned that are annoying but its really not a big deal, get over it. You should expect by now that most people haven't read their skill descriptions and just use them cause they can.

    You should re-read my parts, I wasn't QQing in any point about the things you claimed me to.

    IMO it does not tae too much time to use bot Heart and Mind Shatter on a boss and I also was explaining why some people do what they do.

    PV _IS_ a joke compared to Warsong/Lunar pulls.

    Yes, I can pull whole PV and especially the PV she was referring to (85-94) is ridiculously easy to pull in. Hit vac and genie skills at right point, use sage unfetter, avoid the immobilizers when you can.

    I should have pointed out that the person speaking haven't been in PV 95+/100+ - these two PVs requie more braincells than the previous ones.

    b:kiss Have a good day and learn to quote. b:bye
    Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
    Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101

    Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 47
  • Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    when a cleric gives me buffs, and i dont get magic shell ... wahahaha


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