Anyone else sort of miss PLAYING this game?



  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    prof wrote: »
    That's really quite simple - there's no content pre-100. There's no real gear, there's no real fun. The game doesn't start until 90, and even at 90, you're weak. Most, if not all players, have the mentality that you can't do anything until 100; And, they're right.

    I think there's plenty of things to do before lvl100, for someone who's new to this game anyway. The big issue is that there are no people around to use this content with. Everybody powerlevels their alt, some newcomers get dragged to powerleveling and the rest are just high levels already.

    PvP has been limited to endgame gear for..the obvious reasons.

    I remember I had tons of fun as a new player pre-100 and there was much less content 4 years ago than there is now however...I had a lot of people to play with. Strangers who would squad me and do quests and whatnot with me. Some of them turned out to be good friends.

    I think it is an issue mostly caused by the playerbase and how it has developed through the years :/ (sure the company had its hand on it but the playerbase is the one at fault in my opinion.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I don't think i was here when all u guys talk about back then but i do understand where you are coming from. From many diff. games I have played I do prefer the ones where everyone works together around the same level. For me though it gets boring when you cant do anything while in run. most days I do want to rush through dungeons though but that's just so I am done and over with them and can get back to my lovely quests where I sometimes team with random players to complete them. Only thing that sucks is my venomancer's quests require squads and most people in my faction are either really high or really low or are a few levels to short of what i am doing so I end up with high levels helping. Don't get me wrong I love my faction members I just miss the days on another game I had where we could all do the same quests together.

    I still have fun though when enough people are online. We run BH 69, 79, TT and FF at times. Levels 69-101 b:chuckle but we all have fun. no one person is running another through unless we are one hit then we stand back and just help where we can.

    Did the Wraiths Ploy quest yesturday had high levels helping along with one near my level on the same quest but it was still fun. everyone did their own thing to help out till we got to a 79 boss but it will be done with we run 79 again oneday.
    Your level and gear does not matter to me. If you can not level one toon on your own then don't tell me how to play the game.
  • Posts: 3,045 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    prof wrote: »
    If you're not working to get better gear to pvp, then why are you playing at all?

    Pvp is actually obligatory now with the introduction of nw.

    For pve, the more skills you use, the more time you waste. This is a very simple concept. If you find enjoyment in wasting time and mana, then good for you.

    Most pvpers are casters, or warriors using axes; I don't think any of these people use auto attacking.

    Pwi was fun in its closed beta and the first few months afters its release. It was shortly after that the GM's took the initiative of banning many hundreds of players for suspected-exploits, terrible updates started rolling out, and the all around un-tasteful attitude of our community matured.

    1) I am not interested in competing with others. Is that hard to accept that not all PWI players are into bashing each others' heads or reaching the top only to QQ around afterwards?
    "Slow", "weak", yes, in your vision, if you measure yourself up to others. I think I stated I got no business/interest in that.

    2) You are not obligated to do NW. I don't like being repeatedly steamrolled by bored players anyway.
    I would have chosen a PvP server otherwise, or rather not have played PWI in the first place if it was forced PvP only (yes, it was one of the requirements for me to join this game)

    3) I'm sure RPGs in general must bore you to death, given it's about grinding and following some story.
    Ironically enough, this is a MMORPG.
    Yes, yes, there is not really a story in PWI, that's right.
    A game is also made to waste time.

    4) Shortcuts to reach the top, assistance via cash (when it applies) and packs, mindless battling ways and narrow-minded/robotic ways of playing still.

    5) I think the GMs were too lenient on the contrary. Just check world chat and FC abuse. The foul gamers act like that because they feel immune, they brag about when they are banned for seven days, even when one of their characters is perma-banned.
    Chat filters backfired in a horrible manner, because it was a lazy path to take. FC was shut down but reopened after because powerleveling is now a "way of life" for many.
    If you condone such ways of behaving, you are not looking at it the right way.
    Imagine if the right measures were taken in sufficiently fast time... It probably would have ended in some sort of dictatorship, but I would rather have that than the ruin of a community we got now (or then this thread would not exist)

    In sum: Add more variety to your views. It's just a game. You don't have to follow one way only. If not, you're just trying to preach on me.
    I think there's plenty of things to do before lvl100, for someone who's new to this game anyway. The big issue is that there are no people around to use this content with. Everybody powerlevels their alt, some newcomers get dragged to powerleveling and the rest are just high levels already.

    PvP has been limited to endgame gear for..the obvious reasons.

    I remember I had tons of fun as a new player pre-100 and there was much less content 4 years ago than there is now however...I had a lot of people to play with. Strangers who would squad me and do quests and whatnot with me. Some of them turned out to be good friends.

    I think it is an issue mostly caused by the playerbase and how it has developed through the years :/ (sure the company had its hand on it but the playerbase is the one at fault in my opinion.

    *Please read above when it comes to the player base and its attitude, no need for me to repeat myself, right?* *laughs*

    In fact, devs and GMs understood that, but too late and in awkward ways.

    BH was made so people would focus even more on teamwork and learn the instance layouts perfectly. The rewards made people dependant and even more greedy.
    Hyper stones, lucid quests (I know I have been using them too much) and reflection only made it worse.

    Supply stash and low-level free equipment only accelerates the process of leveling up fast and being assisted... but yes, very few people join the game now.

    Morai was created to cater on the higher levels. NW, the sandbag ("Illusion of Grandeur", if you did not recognize it) and the Theater of Blood are for the bored PvPers.
    Phoenix Valley, on the other hand, seems like being a total failure since players only focus on rewards now, I am not sure about public quests.

    "Archosaur Assault" event and its clones are just stale now...

    I feel there is indeed a lot of variety now... So much it's headache-inducing. But if people prefer to boost their levels via glitch abuse and open packs in chain, it's up to them.
    Maintenance time. Please choose a line:
    - When is it over? OMG I need my fix!! *super spazzing*
    - Fix the damn bugs, dammit! I'm so angry! I'll quit!!
    - New codes out there? I like free stuff~ *wink*
    - When will we get new content? QQ
    - Will we get sales? I got a ton of gold to spend.
    - I'm bored, I'll create a useless thread to annoy Opkorock.
    - *Incessant poking on Sweetiebot* Fun~
  • Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    R9rr makes first cast R9 look weak in comparison. R9rr casters can easily solo a 20v1 battle in NW. At gear differences this huge, there really is no point for low level pvp unless you like loosing 20 v 1 or you just want a challenge when your main is too OP. Any low level pvp is overshadowed by this.
    Zsw -104 Sage Assassin
    TehZsw - 100 Demon Archer

    All Luck No Skillz PvPer:
  • Posts: 3,045 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    R9rr makes first cast R9 look weak in comparison. R9rr casters can easily solo a 20v1 battle in NW. At gear differences this huge, there really is no point for low level pvp unless you like loosing 20 v 1 or you just want a challenge when your main is too OP. Any low level pvp is overshadowed by this.

    You know, I've always wondered what NW would have been like if there were tiers and balanced numbers (a bit like in FPS games... a balanced number in each team) in the whole concept. Add the no-spawn point camping rule to that.
    Maintenance time. Please choose a line:
    - When is it over? OMG I need my fix!! *super spazzing*
    - Fix the damn bugs, dammit! I'm so angry! I'll quit!!
    - New codes out there? I like free stuff~ *wink*
    - When will we get new content? QQ
    - Will we get sales? I got a ton of gold to spend.
    - I'm bored, I'll create a useless thread to annoy Opkorock.
    - *Incessant poking on Sweetiebot* Fun~
  • Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Personally, I enjoy PvE. I enjoy content, taking time in dungeons, not worrying about drops, seeing the art that went into the game, etc. I enjoy the quality of people that PvE, which is 99% of my friends list, because we don't come across as elitist button pushes at a keyboard. I tend to turn off WC when the pvp crowd starts up, as their tone, is well, less than mature, and mainly calls them out as being moronic twits. Not all of them, but most of them.

    As for rushing alts, no, I do my quests on each of my characters, or quest with friends, or help people along the way that are working the same quests as i am. I am in no hurry to level, nor do I care about reaching endgame. I have thought about spending the money to go full r9rr, sharded and refined on my main. Money isnt much of a deal to me, but what stops me are PWIs refusal to concentrate on anything but endgame (a few new quests here and there don't make for drawing new people in), their refusal to make players adhere to the ToS, their leniency towards bans, and exploits, the various weekly updates that have more bugs than a roach infested motel, and lastly, the attitude of high level PvPers.

    NW is more of a hassle than anything else, especially to those of us that joined a PvE server...for PvE. It sure is fun to watch max level r9rr players steamroll everyone, and then think, "my are so cool, I want to be just like you". The mentality of these "elite" players, and the incessant need to dominate the game is what causes many to quit. They are more of a joke than anything, at least to me.

    For my enjoyment, running around killing mobs with friends is far more entertaining, and a good outlet to forget about a 12 to 18 hour workday. To Hell with PvP.
    WeBeKinky Leader - lvl 10x psychic

    If you don't like my attitude, you should realize I don't care.

    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
  • Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ... to read posts which lament "wasting my time" by having to do certain things in the game.

    These time wasters ARE the game. If you want instant victory, go back to Super Mario.
  • Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    prof wrote: »
    If you're not working to get better gear to pvp, then why are you playing at all?

    Because its fun?

    I like playing this game with my boyfriend, it's something we both enjoy and we have fun squading together and doing whatever. Whether its dailies like PQ and BH or seeing just what we can duo together in TT or even messing around with our alts, i have fun.

    You can measure progression in ways other than how many people you can kill in pvp. For instance, not to long ago the highest TT we could do with just the two of us was 1-2. Now we can easily do 1-3, 2-1,2-2,2-3, and 3-1.

    You have to realize that just because you like something, or think that it is the entire basis for this game it doesn't make this true.

    You state that you MUST now PVP because of nation war and that is just flat out false. You are not FORCED into the instance twice weekly, and there are many nation wars i skip because i am either doing something with my boyfriend or just dont feel like it. We get more than enough money from BH and TT so it really isn't mandatory in any sense of the word
    A sword can cut a man in twain, but words can shake a fortress to the ground.
  • Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Its simple

    Some people like to waste their time doing low level quests over and over again with each of there different toons and wish to prevent getting to the boring end game of farming.

    Other people like to waste their time farming TT over and over again to get better gears and wish to skip the boring early game after they done it once or twice.

    People are different in how they prefer to waste their time. Now can we just live with that please and stop the whine ? This whole discussion that has been going on for years is about the equivalent of the debate if bleu or red is a nicer color.
  • Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Its simple

    Some people like to waste their time doing low level quests over and over again with each of there different toons and wish to prevent getting to the boring end game of farming.

    Other people like to waste their time farming TT over and over again to get better gears and wish to skip the boring early game after they done it once or twice.

    People are different in how they prefer to waste their time. Now can we just live with that please and stop the whine ? This whole discussion that has been going on for years is about the equivalent of the debate if bleu or red is a nicer color.

    There is a vast difference between whining and discussing.
    A sword can cut a man in twain, but words can shake a fortress to the ground.
  • Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    There is a vast difference between whining and discussing.

    When the discussion has been going on for years in many different forms and context and has just had its climax a week ago, then its whining.
  • Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    When the discussion has been going on for years, in many different forms and context then its whining.

    Perhaps if i had taken part in said discussion over the years then perhaps, but i haven't. I find it laughable that just because something has been discussed in the past by different people, any other person who dares discuss it themselves is considered a "whiner".

    Forums are meant to be a place for open discussion pertaining to a common interest, your rules and restrictions are silly when applied to such a place.
    A sword can cut a man in twain, but words can shake a fortress to the ground.
  • Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    you must have been living under a rock the last weeks because there was no space for anything else on the forums.
  • Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    you must have been living under a rock the last weeks because there was no space for anything else on the forums.

    My place of residence is none of your concern, beneath a cobblestone domicile or otherwise
    A sword can cut a man in twain, but words can shake a fortress to the ground.
  • Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    prof wrote: »
    That's really quite simple - there's no content pre-100. There's no real gear, there's no real fun. The game doesn't start until 90, and even at 90, you're weak. Most, if not all players, have the mentality that you can't do anything until 100; And, they're right.

    Even when I started playing this game, all everyone wanted to do was get to cap first. What else would you do? Sure, we did our occasional world pvp around quest areas, and that was lots of fun, but what about new players? All they have is dead zones all over the world. There's no world leveling/questing anymore, because it's depreciated. Not that it matters. If there was a random scrap in the village of the lost, higher geared players would be called on to help defend one side.

    So what's the point of leveling slow? Really? Do you all want to go back to the time when it took 15 fish, with miji, to get .1% exp at 90? No? I didn't think so. All lower gear players have to speed through everything to catch up to the current top players, and there's no way to earn gold in-game anymore; how are they going to catch up taking a casual approach?

    How do you plan to learn all "subtleties" of every class while doing low level pve, exactly?

    When Lost City started, I didn't realize the server was an arms race since it had began. Whoever got to 100 would "win". Four or three months after I started playing in Lost City, which is since the day it opened, I try to join this arms race too...

    It may seem like today's acctitude of getting to 100 asap, but the circumstances are completely different. In the past leveling really helped a lot because every level helped you in pve and pk, greatly. Back then, instead of having r9-3, we had high leveled people. And talking about gears, the other reason to level as fast as posible was to be able to DO INSTANCES to FARM YOUR GEAR. But why were we even bothering about levels and gears in Lost City in the 1st place anyway? Because back then there was pvp at any level, it was fun, you would meet a lot of people doing this, and TW was epic.

    Now things are very different. There is really no pk a low levels because you can always count with a high level loser that will kill any lowbie pvping. In the old days, the pvp competetion drove all this crazy leveling and gearing. If you have no one to compete with, why then rush it?

    Many people who are new to the game and get rushed to 100 suffeer many problems. One is that once they reach level 100 they have no idea about the game. The only instance they know is frost, probably just the big room. They don't know that if you get a rainbow squad you can go to something called TT, and farm some decent gear. Oh that's right, when they reach level, they also have no gear at all. Maybe just npc gear. And of course, those who level to 100 in frost most of the time have no idea about their class. They don't know their skills and how to use them.

    If the point of getting to 100 asap was to be competetive then being moneyless, without general knowledge of the game, and without any gear won't help at all for the cause. And if getting to 100 was to get to the "real" content of the game, these people will not be ready for it.

    If it's an instance they want to do, they will need to learn their class 1st, and learn to play in team, and most important of all: learn to be authonomous...

    If it is NW... poof, they are gonna be hopless: fighting without skills and gear. The other day a friend of mine and I, who are both r9-3, were able to win a 20vs3 battle because a level 83 cleric was rebuffing us, and puryfing. That cleric didn't have a great level, nor the gear, but he knows how to play.

    So, if you are not prepared for level 100, it could be as boring as being in the lower levels, and maybe even more frustating because at 100 you can get stucked. Lower levels have so much to do, and can't get stucked unless they need to kill a boss for a culti.

    I understand why alts want to skip all this 1-99 thing. It could be because they want to reroll a new main. These people have all the basic knowledge from the game and will just need to learn the specfics about their new class. For whatever reason it may be, but when they accidently shut down frost I was hoping this would create like separete community of low levels that would give new life to all. Too bad this didn't reall happen.
  • Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Its all rush rush rush, lets do everything as fast as physically possible. Its always been this way to a degree, but in the last year or so, its just gotten so much worse.

    I've always loved the rush...b:pleased
    Look here, we all in
    Everyone is a target
    Teetering on insanity, reasonin' with the heartless


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