Usefull Genie Skills/Builds

Zymari - Archosaur
Zymari - Archosaur Posts: 62 Arc User
edited April 2013 in Psychic
What are some really useful skills for a genie on a psychic? Holy path, earthquake, second wind...what else? I see the seeker forums talking about AD, expel and a bunch of other potentially useful skills. I'm a sage psy if that makes any difference.

Please give details like genie type, vit/dex/mag/str point allocation, skills you use and what you use them for. Tell if you are a sage or demon psy to see if there is a difference.

I'd like to make discussion of this.
Post edited by Zymari - Archosaur on


  • Apostasy - Raging Tide
    Apostasy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,197 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    For the most part, the typical Genies are set up more according to wether or not they are PvP or PvE, more so than even Sage or Demon (of which I am Demon)...

    The Sage Bubble of Life as having a Purify component is the only spell I am aware of that may effect Genie skill or how it is / can be used with the greatest significance.

    Thus, Sage BoL is cast, then hit Expel... proper timing will allow you finish casting the spell and purify the silencing effect of expel with the maximum use of it's physical immunity. Using Expel this way however, you may consider Expel L.10 rather than Expel L.1, as Expel L.10 has a 50% chance to lower your magic resistance i believe (im doin this off the top of my head) as compared to L.1 with a 95% chance. - A Sage Psy or someone with such knowledge would do well to correct this or add to it if needed.

    Concerning Stats

    The main thing I usually try to do as a basis, is figure out what skills I want before allotting affinities and stat points. So you might group Strength or Dexterity advantaged skills on a single genie to keep your points concentrated accordingly. This takes quite a bit of reading over all the skills (both through the genie and the watcher of earth npc) and calculating affinities needed. When you can, a typical goal is 50 Magic and 50 Vitality. If more Vitality is needed based on skill energy chosen, then Vitality must be raised or a lower level of the skill should be deemed useful. If Vitality is not an issue, Magic is very much recommended for quicker energy regeneration.

    Typically a PvP Genie is Any Genie at 81+ LP

    Expel L.10 - used mainly vs pop-up sins, can buy you time from getting wrecked. used on an opponent (PvP settings need to be properly toggled for this), this can be wicked against casters in particular.

    Absolute Domain L.10 - used obviously for the instant burst immunity to damage.

    Holy Path L.10 - used obviously for speed boost. most people use this to quickly retreat, the more dangerous psys have better uses for this.

    Cloud Eruption L.1 - used to gain 1 spark +x chi stated... you can bring this up to L.10, but that depends on your own preferences as far as genie stats go. Higher Magic points are suggested if possible.

    Fortify L.1 - use this and follow it with Ironguard Powder for 10-12 second damage immunity... used this way, there is no need for L.10.

    Extreme Poison L.10 - use this to make a target take +20% extra damage for a short amount of time.

    Tree of Protection L.10 - although I dont particularly care for healing skills on my PvP Genie at this point, this is a typical skill to see.


    Typically a PvE Genie is a Zeal Genie at 71+ LP

    Earthflame L.1 - Skill available with Zeal Genies from level 1 which allows to solo pull mobs in groups if done correctly.

    Holy Path L.10 - used obviously for speed boost. most people use this to keep up with the squad or barb. Also can be used for retreat.

    Absolute Domain L.10 - used obviously for the instant burst immunity to damage.

    Cloud Eruption L.1 - used to gain 1 spark +x chi stated... you can bring this up to L.10, but that depends on your own preferences as far as genie stats go. Higher Magic points are suggested if possible.

    Fority L.1 - use this and follow it with Ironguard Powder for 10-12 second damage immunity... used this way, there is no need for L.10.

    Tree of Protection L.10] - although I dont particularly care for healing skills on my PvP Genie at this point, this is one I can agree with for PvE.

    -- Whereas I use some of these skills, I prefer a set of skills more suited to my playstyle, and thus am just giving what I've seen as the typical run down. I hope this helps and good luck to you b:victory
  • PsychicTuna - Harshlands
    PsychicTuna - Harshlands Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    For the most part, the typical Genies are set up more according to wether or not they are PvP or PvE, more so than even Sage or Demon (of which I am Demon)...

    The Sage Bubble of Life as having a Purify component is the only spell I am aware of that may effect Genie skill or how it is / can be used with the greatest significance.

    Thus, Sage BoL is cast, then hit Expel... proper timing will allow you finish casting the spell and purify the silencing effect of expel with the maximum use of it's physical immunity. Using Expel this way however, you may consider Expel L.10 rather than Expel L.1, as Expel L.10 has a 50% chance to lower your magic resistance i believe (im doin this off the top of my head) as compared to L.1 with a 95% chance. - A Sage Psy or someone with such knowledge would do well to correct this or add to it if needed.

    What your thinking of with the mag def decrease is Fortify which lowers mag def by 95% at lvl 1 and 50% at lvl 10 iirc.
    *Explodes into Tuna* ._.


    Doom_Panda- 102 R9 partial 3rd cast Sage Barb 29k HP.
    Dawnx - 100 Demon Cleric.
    Dawnx_- 101 Sage Cleric.
    DawnMyst- 94 Demon Mystic.
  • Zymari - Archosaur
    Zymari - Archosaur Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I noticed that you used tree of protection. I never put that on a genie b/c it didn't seem as effective of a skill as Second Wind. If you up your genies str, second wind will instantly heal over 1k HP. What is the affect of level 10 tree of protection?
  • Arctix - Dreamweaver
    Arctix - Dreamweaver Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I noticed that you used tree of protection. I never put that on a genie b/c it didn't seem as effective of a skill as Second Wind. If you up your genies str, second wind will instantly heal over 1k HP. What is the affect of level 10 tree of protection?

    Second wind is a quick heal n ToP is a heal over time

    unless ToP is low lvled than second wind or ur hp is too low (one second wind is enough to heal u full) ToP does heal u more than second wind
  • Apostasy - Raging Tide
    Apostasy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,197 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    What your thinking of with the mag def decrease is Fortify which lowers mag def by 95% at lvl 1 and 50% at lvl 10 iirc.

    oops, you're right b:embarrass
    I noticed that you used tree of protection. I never put that on a genie b/c it didn't seem as effective of a skill as Second Wind. If you up your genies str, second wind will instantly heal over 1k HP. What is the affect of level 10 tree of protection?
    Second wind is a quick heal n ToP is a heal over time... unless ToP is low lvled than second wind or ur hp is too low (one second wind is enough to heal u full) ToP does heal u more than second wind

    1. What Arctix said.

    2. I don't use heals on my genie, I was just giving you what I've mainly seen is typical among PvP and PvE genies that others have (considering most people just follow the "what others have" route, leaving what I think is good and do, as something not worth speaking of in most cases) but most certainly effective for me ;p... my genie has different skills that suit my own playstyle and I see heals as a wasted slot given the other more offensive options b:sin
  • Zymari - Archosaur
    Zymari - Archosaur Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    So then, what do you use? I am an extremely offensive player. Very aggressive. I generally take down 3-4 toons before I die in NW unless they are well shared r9/rrr9
  • Apostasy - Raging Tide
    Apostasy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,197 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    So then, what do you use? I am an extremely offensive player. Very aggressive. I generally take down 3-4 toons before I die in NW unless they are well shared r9/rrr9

    I use a level 101 Zeal Genie (doesnt matter which genie you use) with 87 LP atm

    Stats : 99 Str 3 Dex 50 Vit 56 Mgc (All 4 gears : 4/4 Str/Vit)

    ***Virulent Poison L.10 - Reduces the target's Chi by 5% of the total amount. Deals wood damage equal to 100 times the amount (of chi) drained. Every 5 Str increases the chi reduction by 1% and the duration by 1 second.
    ***Mantle Ripple of Death L.10 - 100% chance to reduce target's Chi by 20 constantly. Lasts for 60 seconds. Every 1 Str increases the damage by 1 (the Chi reduced). Every 5 Str reduces the duration by 1 second.

    These first two skills in particular must be stated at the same time with one another, and can not be mentioned fully without another minor detail as to why these are so effective so often... the Demon Psy skill : Mo Zun's Taunt - Stifles opponent and reduces their Chi by 50.

    All 3 of these skills used within seconds of each other on a single target, leaves most players lost without their Chi Skills... Some blow through their genie energy on cloud erupt... others through their apothecary supplies... And then watch it all just get sapped away again as the effects are still doing their thing or another of the 2 genie chi sapping skills are up again to finish the job b:chuckle thus, such renders most players at your mercy ...and you still have chi b:sin

    Occult Ice L.10 - 30% chance to freeze target for 6 seconds. Every 2 Str increases the freeze chance by 1%.

    Holy Path L.10 - Although I do use this to retreat at times, I rarely use this for such the instance. Holy Path is great for putting yourself in an Archer's face, where the majority of an Archer's damage is reduced by HALF (within 5 meters). Considering Archers are a natural problem for every arcane-geared class, this is the best use for this skill.

    Fortify L.1 - use this and follow it with Ironguard Powder for 10-12 second damage immunity... used this way, there is no need for L.10.

    Extreme Poison L.10 - use this to make a target take +20% extra damage for a short amount of time. (especially good if flipping to black voodoo, swapping in your jones blessing and pew pew pewing, even with my fail r6 weapon b:cute)

    Expel L.10 - Causes target to be silenced and grants them physical damage immunity... for 9 seconds... but NOT magic damage immunity... this is a great skill to use on most casters of every class, as long as your PvP toggles are set correctly. (Under Buffing/Heal Filter... Uncheck RED NAMED line, casts buff on self... However there is a catch... you might accidently buff your opponent, it does happen).

    This genie has greatly improved my own performance in Nation Wars personally... It took me quite a while to perfect it this far... Hope this helps you, wether its in copying it or in getting you to really consider reading over all the genie skills closely and experimenting. b:victory
  • Zymari - Archosaur
    Zymari - Archosaur Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Thank you Apo...Very helpful.
  • Aiwana - Harshlands
    Aiwana - Harshlands Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I use a level 101 Zeal Genie (doesnt matter which genie you use) with 87 LP atm

    Actually genie type does matter, since if you make a DEX build Longecity (with base 15 dex), it will only start using 2 attribute when it passes the 55 (if i remember the value correctly) mark, instead of 40, which pretty much gives you more points to distribute elsewhere. But that was off-topic.

    On topic: I find Badge of Courage on a high DEX genie to be quite handy, since, unlike Fortify, where you gotta predict the stun, you can just use BoC to escape a stun.
  • Euzebe - Sanctuary
    Euzebe - Sanctuary Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Prolly not considered exactly aggressive but my layout is:

    103 Zeal 81 LP 61 VIT 70 DEX 75 MAG

    * Holy Path

    Belief- great for escaping virtually any lockdown scenario, provides time to go WV or to Psy WIll

    *Will Surge- pretty much a requirement for killing equally geared psychics, useful against wizards as well

    *Extreme Poison


    Badge of Courage- good for escaping those stuns you didn't predict as well as to regain mobility after using Spirit Phalanx on yourself

    Soul of Fire- cause spark combos suck.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I noticed that you used tree of protection.

    You may have also noticed that Apostasy is an idiot.

    Anyways, rule of thumb with Psychic genies: defense, not offense. You have offense, you don't need to compensate for that. What you lack is defense, so your genie should reflect it; get defensive skills. Don't bother with healing skills because both suck massive balls for Psy (Second Wind is more for low levels, ToP is better for Barbs or BMs, not so much for casters).

    My genie is:

    Holy Path
    Badge of Courage
    Heart of Steel
    Nullify poison

    Expel is obviously huge if you're sage; double your physical immunity

    AD is a given. Kind of a standard for anyone.

    Holy Path is also a standard. You'll definitely want this for proper positioning and kiting.

    Badge of Courage may have lost some value due to purify weapons, but we'll see, I don't have mine yet. At any rate, breaking stun ON COMMAND is never a bad thing, and if combined with the Shroud skill properly, this is yet another 10 second immunity. Actually tested this the other day; was able to remain untouched by a tanky sin for a good 40-50 seconds. (forget, I'm afraid)
    Should also mention that I prefer Badge to Fortify. A good enemy will simply see when you cast fortify and simply wait it out, but there's no way to anticipate Badge, making them waste their stun.

    Heart of Steel and Nullify Poison I initially stuck on my genie because there was nothing else I could get that felt useful, so I thought "meh wtf whatever." They've -actually- proven to be pretty impressive. You gotta realize that, combined with Psy will, those two afford you pure 100% immunity to 5 out of the 10 classes in this game for 8 seconds straight. (Archer, Seeker, Cleric, Mystic, Veno) I've actually been pleasantly surprised at how many times I've had too much magic DD on me, then a quick Nullify Poison or Heart of Steel cut the incoming damage down dramatically. I get why people would doubt these as viable; I did too. But through practice? They're actually pretty damned useful. It's not something you'll be spamming nonstop, but neither is Occult ice, Extreme Poison (trust me, you'll want your genie for defense; of course you can get use from this skill but much wiser to live longer and live to DD another day) or what have you. But I mean just yesterday in Nation war, I DID end up with ~4 mystics/venos + a seeker, 2 clerics and a wiz on me, and I was able to walk away from that victorious just by canceling out the damage of the 4 wood mages (not to mention physical from the seeker/clerics) while killing the other four.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • OHelixSykar - Archosaur
    OHelixSykar - Archosaur Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The genie I have on my psy is:
    Holy path
    Nullify Poison
    Absolute Domain

    Here's a video from a fellow psy who I've been watching to try and pick up a few tips to help me better pk with my psy. He talks in depth about his genie builds and such:
  • Euzebe - Sanctuary
    Euzebe - Sanctuary Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Yeah, if i get a 9x LP Genie, I'd try to get either Heart of Steel or Nullify Poison, probably the latter.
  • T_i_m - Dreamweaver
    T_i_m - Dreamweaver Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Pretty sure this topic has been beaten to death in other threads.

    I run a pure magic genie with:

    Cloud Erupt
    Oxygen Bubble
    Heart of Steel
    Will Surge
    Holy Path
    Extreme Poison

    Replaced AD with EP, sometimes I wish I had it back but it drains the genie. If I bother getting a 105 and an appropriate genie I would replace EP with Faith to break out of sleep, but until then it's a nice damage boost.
  • Apostasy - Raging Tide
    Apostasy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,197 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I use a level 101 Zeal Genie with 87 LP atm

    Stats : 99 Str 3 Dex 50 Vit 56 Mgc (All 4 gears : 4/4 Str/Vit)

    Virulent Poison L.10
    Mantle Ripple of Death L.10
    Occult Ice L.10
    Holy Path L.10
    Fortify L.1
    Extreme Poison L.10

    ***Replaced Expel L.10 with => Adrenaline Surge L.10 - makes you immune to sleep for 7 seconds.
    You may have also noticed that Apostasy is an idiot. - You may have also noticed Longknife is always a D*u*chebag f:hush and you have more than earned that title baby b:kiss b:kiss

    AD is a given. Kind of a standard for anyone. - AD was great for a time, till you realize it does drain your genie's energy and is not long enough to be bothered with for that energy cost. Fortify and Ironguard combo delivers a longer immunity for tactics with intention behind them and does not kill your genie's energy

    Badge of Courage may have lost some value due to purify weapons, but we'll see...

    ... if combined with the Shroud skill properly, this is yet another 10 second immunity. <== THIS. So what is there to see? But I am an idiot? f:laugh

    Heart of Steel and Nullify Poison <= Learn when to Psy Will ...omfg, AND I should add... you are a sage psy longknife b:chuckle you have ur sage BoL too ... pathetic
    If I bother getting a 105 and an appropriate genie I would replace EP with Faith to break out of sleep, but until then it's a nice damage boost.
    Whereas I agree with getting Faith on a genie, it will be on a second genie for me... there is no way I'd destroy my toy as it stands now, it is WAAAAY too good.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Heart of Steel and Nullify Poison <= Learn when to Psy Will ...omfg, AND I should add... you are a sage psy longknife you have ur sage BoL too ... pathetic

    Did this kid just tell me to use Psy will to resist wood and metal wtf?
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Apostasy - Raging Tide
    Apostasy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,197 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Did this kid just tell me to use Psy will to resist wood and metal wtf?

    Not at all... I'm telling you verses the majority of the classes you waste 2 genie slots for, a properly utilized purify (via psy will and/or sage BoL) would do you some good... you just need to practice that a bit... you're welcome f:cool
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Not at all... I'm telling you verses the majority of the classes you waste 2 genie slots for, a properly utilized purify (via psy will and/or sage BoL) would do you some good... you just need to practice that a bit... you're welcome f:cool

    Heart of Steel and Nullify Poison are metal and wood IMMUNITIES, not stupid useless skills to get rid of metal/wood debuffs or whatever the hell you seem to think they are. Psy will and Bubble of Life aren't gonna do jack if you have 4+ venos and mystics spamming skills on you, Nullify poison will.

    Good job proving you're not an idiot.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Apostasy - Raging Tide
    Apostasy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,197 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Heart of Steel and Nullify Poison are metal and wood IMMUNITIES, not stupid useless skills to get rid of metal/wood debuffs or whatever the hell you seem to think they are. Psy will and Bubble of Life aren't gonna do jack if you have 4+ venos and mystics spamming skills on you, Nullify poison will.

    Good job proving you're not an idiot.

    Have fun sleeping b:bye
  • PsychicTuna - Harshlands
    PsychicTuna - Harshlands Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I use a level 101 Zeal Genie (doesnt matter which genie you use) with 87 LP atm

    Stats : 99 Str 3 Dex 50 Vit 56 Mgc (All 4 gears : 4/4 Str/Vit)

    ***Virulent Poison L.10 - Reduces the target's Chi by 5% of the total amount. Deals wood damage equal to 100 times the amount (of chi) drained. Every 5 Str increases the chi reduction by 1% and the duration by 1 second.
    ***Mantle Ripple of Death L.10 - 100% chance to reduce target's Chi by 20 constantly. Lasts for 60 seconds. Every 1 Str increases the damage by 1 (the Chi reduced). Every 5 Str reduces the duration by 1 second.

    These first two skills in particular must be stated at the same time with one another, and can not be mentioned fully without another minor detail as to why these are so effective so often... the Demon Psy skill : Mo Zun's Taunt - Stifles opponent and reduces their Chi by 50.

    All 3 of these skills used within seconds of each other on a single target, leaves most players lost without their Chi Skills... Some blow through their genie energy on cloud erupt... others through their apothecary supplies... And then watch it all just get sapped away again as the effects are still doing their thing or another of the 2 genie chi sapping skills are up again to finish the job b:chuckle thus, such renders most players at your mercy ...and you still have chi b:sin

    Occult Ice L.10 - 30% chance to freeze target for 6 seconds. Every 2 Str increases the freeze chance by 1%.

    Holy Path L.10 - Although I do use this to retreat at times, I rarely use this for such the instance. Holy Path is great for putting yourself in an Archer's face, where the majority of an Archer's damage is reduced by HALF (within 5 meters). Considering Archers are a natural problem for every arcane-geared class, this is the best use for this skill.

    Fortify L.1 - use this and follow it with Ironguard Powder for 10-12 second damage immunity... used this way, there is no need for L.10.

    Extreme Poison L.10 - use this to make a target take +20% extra damage for a short amount of time. (especially good if flipping to black voodoo, swapping in your jones blessing and pew pew pewing, even with my fail r6 weapon b:cute)

    Expel L.10 - Causes target to be silenced and grants them physical damage immunity... for 9 seconds... but NOT magic damage immunity... this is a great skill to use on most casters of every class, as long as your PvP toggles are set correctly. (Under Buffing/Heal Filter... Uncheck RED NAMED line, casts buff on self... However there is a catch... you might accidently buff your opponent, it does happen).

    This genie has greatly improved my own performance in Nation Wars personally... It took me quite a while to perfect it this far... Hope this helps you, wether its in copying it or in getting you to really consider reading over all the genie skills closely and experimenting. b:victory

    Eww... Occult Ice...
    *Explodes into Tuna* ._.


    Doom_Panda- 102 R9 partial 3rd cast Sage Barb 29k HP.
    Dawnx - 100 Demon Cleric.
    Dawnx_- 101 Sage Cleric.
    DawnMyst- 94 Demon Mystic.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Have fun sleeping b:bye

    Dare I ask what the hell you're trying to say now? Or is it going to be as embarassingly stupid as your last claim?

    Please just level your damned Harshlands Psy up already and come fight me. I would love to crush your delusions that you've got any clue whatsoever what you're doing, because obviously you've got this "they just don't understand how pro I am cause I'm THAT pro; beyond their comprehension. B:cool" attitude going on that desperately needs to go.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Apostasy - Raging Tide
    Apostasy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,197 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Eww... Occult Ice...
    lol... u MUST be either joking or dislike being on the receiving end of occult ice... it is a great skill to have on a high str statted genie versus any class... my other option was expel versus casters, which seemed like it would be good, but it eats a lot of energy and does not work on everyone on two accounts... meanwhile using expel on myself also proved to be useless defensively, as you become immune to physical damage, can not cast, and end up leaving yourself vulnerable to casters... just no thanks. sure, going sage would eliminate the silence effect, but i dont see the sage path as effective in maximizing damage output based on my playstyle. im just not the "needs to maximize defenses" type b:sin
    Dare I ask what the hell you're trying to say now? Or is it going to be as embarassingly stupid as your last claim?

    Please just level your damned Harshlands Psy up already and come fight me. I would love to crush your delusions that you've got any clue whatsoever what you're doing, because obviously you've got this "they just don't understand how pro I am cause I'm THAT pro; beyond their comprehension. B:cool" attitude going on that desperately needs to go.
    I guess you dont have clerics on harshlands? b:question
    well, unfortunately, ill get around to my harshlands psy whenever i get around to it... my main is Apostasy on rt and thats who im concentrating on first, which may take a while... besides, you are not that important to me b:shocked i actually have better things to do than to waste my time, money or effort on an alt toon just to appease the self appointed and self righteous great longwiff who's ranking is likely based on farming lowbies anyways as i can imagine based on the way you come across on these forums... but u are more than welcomed to come to rt any time b:bye

    I might as well add, without r9.3 atm, you'd most likely have NO chance against me f:laugh
  • HrunsPanda - Archosaur
    HrunsPanda - Archosaur Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    ***Virulent Poison L.10 - Reduces the target's Chi by 5% of the total amount. Deals wood damage equal to 100 times the amount (of chi) drained. Every 5 Str increases the chi reduction by 1% and the duration by 1 second.
    ***Mantle Ripple of Death L.10 - 100% chance to reduce target's Chi by 20 constantly. Lasts for 60 seconds. Every 1 Str increases the damage by 1 (the Chi reduced). Every 5 Str reduces the duration by 1 second.

    Can you explain how exactly these skills work ? The first one doesnt say it reduces chi more than once, and i also dont know what does it mean with total amount. 2,5 sparks is 250 ? or only whats visible in the bar ? Finally, when the duration is extended, does this simply mean it keeps doig the same amount of damage per second for this longer duration ? So what happens when i cast this with my 100str genie on someone whos got 2,5 sparks ? 25% of 250 chi = 62 chi drained and 6200 damage per 3 seconds for 23 seconds ?

    The second one sais "constantly" what does that mean ? 20 chi per second would surely be a bit overpowered and it would be on everyones genie. So thats not what it means. What does it mean ?
  • Apostasy - Raging Tide
    Apostasy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,197 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ***Virulent Poison L.10 - Reduces the target's Chi by 5% of the total amount. Deals wood damage equal to 100 times the amount (of chi) drained. Every 5 Str increases the chi reduction by 1% and the duration by 1 second.
    ***Mantle Ripple of Death L.10 - 100% chance to reduce target's Chi by 20 constantly. Lasts for 60 seconds. Every 1 Str increases the damage by 1 (the Chi reduced). Every 5 Str reduces the duration by 1 second.

    on a 100 str genie

    Virulent Poison : will reduce chi by 25% of the targets total... what i do with this due to not having actually tested this, is hit the opponent with this skill first... it will drain the % amount, either the 62 chi (if it is calculated based on what an opponent has) or 100 chi if it is based on the actual total possible. In either case, by hitting them with this first, it will maximize effect or have equal effect as it would no matter how it works. Honestly, i was never interested in this skill for the damage component, but it is just the 100 times whatever it hits up the chi for as a damage over time. I think the wood damage is actually where the duration comes in, it does have a dot buff that pops up on the opponent for a little bit of time. Wether or not it does more chi drain after the % amount it states, i never paid attention to.

    As a demon psy, i have a class skill (Mo Zun's Taunt) that reduces the additional 50 chi... so ive already knocked off over 1 spark before hitting them with the best one :

    Mantle Ripple of Death : Oh it most certainly does take down 20 chi base constantly (120 chi per tick at 100 str), but i do not think the ticks are per second... might be like every 3 seconds or more... but i would guess around that range. I had an r9.3 cleric actually let me hit them with my chi drain skills and they were going nuts trying to get chi back by spamming buffs over and over and over again for about 30 seconds or more. That cleric concluded they hate that skill b:chuckle.

    As far as everyone having this skill or not, its not about how effective it is, its about the typical cookie-cutter thinking the majority of people have and the fact that you cant actually see what it is doing. But i can very confidently say it is VERY effective against most opponents. One of the sin types however, i forget sage or demon, really isnt effected by these skills at all. Other than that, ive come to enjoy these skills at my opponents expenses. b:sin
    ***Add***Besides that as a reason for most people not having these skills... Cloud Eruption is more visible to its effect, AND even more so gives the player a more comforting feeling that they can gain back chi in order to perform the more powerful skills. The chi sapping skills however, are actually more powerful skills when you weigh out energy costs versus actual amount of chi involved, as gained versus lost. And the beauty of the chi sapping skills is in watching them blow their genie energy and apothecary in order to gain back chi, which is a lost cause against a properly designed chi sapping genie. I basicly went with these for the same reason i picked a psy in the first place, the same reason i decided on going demon when i reached that decision making point... they all fit my playstyle as close to a Necromancer as is usually my main.
  • T_i_m - Dreamweaver
    T_i_m - Dreamweaver Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Virulent poison can drain about half a spark from one target using a moderately high strength genie. Mantle ripple does basically nothing.

    Elemental immunities are handy because they cost less energy to use than AD, last longer and achieve a similar effect. The tradeoff is they take up more skill slots, so you need to know your opponents and tailor accordingly. I prefer water immune over wood because it's useful against a wider variety of opponents and especially useful against other psychics. It also resists occult ice (I don't know why you'd want that on a psychic genie in the first place).
  • Apostasy - Raging Tide
    Apostasy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,197 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Virulent poison can drain about half a spark from one target using a moderately high strength genie. Mantle ripple does basically nothing.
    b:surprised say wha? b:surprised lol... u aint seen what it can do then... try it on a 99 str genie and then try to say that... just wow b:chuckle lets put it this way... the biggest difference i noticed was versus seekers especially... seekers used to absolutely roll my *** always. no more. you wanna know why? it sure aint cause of just 2 skills that amount to only 1 spark eaten from them... Mantle Ripple is a beast. I would absolutely bet my left and right one on that. Now of course, that means you actually need to know how to fight the opponent with just their base skills to begin with. so i gots no idea how you can even make that statement with only 1 possible reason... You aint seen it used on a high str genie - period. seriously, mantle ripple of death is a monster.
  • T_i_m - Dreamweaver
    T_i_m - Dreamweaver Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Thanks for the lecture on genies, but as a BM I carry genies like weapons. I tried mantle on a str genie and it was not effective so I went back to virulent + dissolve.

    Re: opponents... I think you're just a troll. My BM consumes chi like no other, can't get enough. Psy usually but not always has a surplus. My seeker hardly uses chi at all, which was one of the reasons I made it demon.

    Perhaps you should try heart of steel vs seekers. And clerics. And archers. lol...
  • HrunsPanda - Archosaur
    HrunsPanda - Archosaur Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Ok, i tested them.

    Virulent indeed takes the stated percentage of the existing chi. 62 from 250. It seems to do a bunch of damage on cast and a smaller bit immeadiately after, but nothing more after that.

    Mantle riple on a lvl 100 genie takes 9 chi per tick for a total of 120 chi. A tick seems to take about 3 seconds. So it takes about 14 * 3 seconds to take this amount of chi.
  • Apostasy - Raging Tide
    Apostasy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,197 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ah... nice, ya actually tested it... ill still stick with it... thats an easy 2+ sparks off an enemy within no time. and i usually have the option of nailing them a third time in the tougher battles, saying i dont opt to something else. this is not to mention most players use their chi as well, and i survive even arma just fine on most occassions.

    seekers and archers i dont worry about... clerics on the other hand, i usually run up on them using adrenaline surge and vector for stun, unless my soul comes down and i can throw stun soul up... from there it depends... most clerics i have problems with are r9.3 or backed by a decent squad... or they're dead.

    and as for occult ice on a psychic... 1. sin pops. 2. melee opponents. 3. casters. 4. oh yeah, every class. 5. most opponents dont live past getting torn to death after i do hit them with occult... if they do, im usually in trouble or in for a major battle.

    And thank you HrunsPanda, i just fixxed up my genie str to 100, and magic to 55, while keeping the 50 vit. should do me better even than it has been doing me till now, even if only a smidge. so now im looking at 170 chi-270 chi within seconds, and thats not including hitting them again for another 120 chi soon after b:chuckle
  • trands
    trands Posts: 2
    edited April 2013
    What are some really useful skills for a genie on a psychic? Holy path, earthquake, second wind...what else? I see the seeker forums talking about AD, expel and a bunch of other potentially useful skills. I'm a sage psy if that makes any difference.

    Please give details like genie type, vit/dex/mag/str point allocation, skills you use and what you use them for. Tell if you are a sage or demon psy to see if there is a difference.

    I'd like to make discussion of this.

    I think a genie should be based on personal needs and activities. I don't know if anyone already put it, but play around with Asterelles genie builder.

    Personally, I made my genie mainly for group pvp (like NW and TW). With that some skills will find use in pve and 1vs1, which I both don't consider worthy of making a genie for.
    So I got a 84 lp Zeal with 100 dex, 60ish vit and 37(?) mag, using the following skills
    - Earthflame : probably gonna replace that as soon as I get a decent genie for the other toon on same account. I barely use it anymore, though at lower levels it was quite usefull.
    - Elemental weakness : nice since it stacks with other magic debbufs.
    - Extreme poison : 16 sec ep is nice. Also 1 of the usefull skills pve wise.
    - Holy path : One of the rare skills I consider a must. Wether it is to not take ages to walk through a dungeon, save your ***, quick retreat for cd/rebuff, intercept a flag, ... just to many uses.
    - Tree of protection : Yeah I got it, but would only recommand it for high hp psychics (like 10k+ unbuffed) with high str/dex genies. You need good survival to make this skill efficient.
    - Badge of courage : Pretty obvious. Badge + holy path is a very usefull survival combo.
    - Leaf dance : had a filler spot so put this on. Gonna replace it with AD maybe, once I can level my genie up. Maybe soul of fire. Not sure yet. Didn't find anything more usefull at current affinities.

    As noticed, I don't have to many survival skills as what kills me most is what I don't/can't see comming or massive gank. In most cases, I find killing someone faster and thus limiting the chance of having some other join against me better for survival then an immunity. For everything I do see coming, there are already many measures at disposal (defense charms, apo, sor, psy will, ...). Not worthy putting many defense skills on genie for. Also, having 1 sec longer holy path is a great add in defense on itself.