FC discussion from undocumented changes (reference only)

Posts: 461 Arc User
edited March 2013 in General Discussion
Aww I'm a little sad that the no more hyper in fc was a mistake.
Guess all the people having a hissy fit in world chat/forums can rejoice >.>;;
Post edited by Narcillatrix - Dreamweaver on


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  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    FC is okay like this b:laugh There are a lot of ways to level right now. FC is just creating more players with no skill ._.
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Very Unfortunate...
    I hoped it would stay like this.
  • Posts: 426 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ... I bet this thread will turn into a rage thread.

    Anyway, I for one will be glad to have FC back, but hey, any chance of putting a 70-80(around there) limit on it?
    Samaela[demon cleric]||Nanimee[mystic]||aquaelle[psychic]
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ... I bet this thread will turn into a rage thread.

    Anyway, I for one will be glad to have FC back, but hey, any chance of putting a 70-80(around there) limit on it?

    Fcc was meant for 85+ ...
  • Posts: 426 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    mechmon3 wrote: »
    Fcc was meant for 85+ ...

    I am well aware of the limit, yet at the moment anyone no matter the level can enter.
    Samaela[demon cleric]||Nanimee[mystic]||aquaelle[psychic]
  • Posts: 756 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    v4liance wrote: »
    1) Frostcovered City no longer supports hyper exp.

    Please don't fix this!!!!!!!!! This is what a lot of people have been wanting and will balance the game and force people to learn their character....
  • Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    At least make FC 85+ to enter.

    It doesnt take long to get a char from 1 to 85 anyway. I don't mind hypers in FC at 85 or even lvl 90, but because of FC hypered babies, I will NOT join random squads, only faction members, and friends of mine, or friends of faction members. Far too many idiot players.

    Case in point, friend needed help in BH 51 that had a lvl 100 sin join the squad and the sin demanded a cleric be there. I mean seriously?? The sin lived in FC, levelled in FC, knew only FC.
    WeBeKinky Leader - lvl 10x psychic

    If you don't like my attitude, you should realize I don't care.

    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
  • Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    For the love of god Val, look around, some people don't want FC to go back to normal, so the LEAST you could do is suggest to the Devs about a limit on people entering the instance like 80+ only, for crying out loud you have a chance to do something good for the game with this, don't waste it.
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    Remember my name. For it's the one you will fear in your waking nightmares...
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    so it seems PWE wants their game to be a dead field again by returning Hyper Babies to be born.
    I'm on Heavens Tear!
  • Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    >People in favor of the FC change are 100+


    (Jone's Blessing fix please)
  • Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ... I would like to offer a new service: I'll play your toon for you from spawn until 105 for 5 million coins per week. You don't ever have to log on or deal with those detestable gameplay features (like quests or bhs) anymore.

    For an extra million per week, I'll make witty comments in world chat, attributing them to you. You can totally enjoy the game with totally never having to participate.
  • Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Shut down Frost!No more lvling in there!b:angryYou notice pw mobs are untouched now a days? lol
  • Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ok, so my live is not saved and i will still be leaving the beautifull caribean behind to go home and play PWI :D

    And to everyone disapointed that FC was a mistake, how about realise that it is a beautifull instance if you really play it go shout and petition for having level ranges when entering the instance (so that you choose a 10 level range on opening, and after that, chars outside that range cannot come in)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well, yeah FC is good as it is now.
    I mean, 1-100 in 1 month? Well, most of other games I've played require u to lvl ur toon for like half year to reach max lvl unless u are botting, but here, with FC u can lvl 1-100 in a month.

    Not that I'm againts it, I'm personally using FC too for op source of EXP :D
    But well, no plvl is good too. There are still PV, and BH will work more effectively.
  • Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Please don't fix this!!!!!!!!! This is what a lot of people have been wanting and will balance the game and force people to learn their character....
    No, it won't. People can still quest/oracle/crazy stone/BH/AFK level their way to 100. Emphasis on the AFK leveling as deep reflection gives really good exp. And if you have a high level alt or friend to run you through BH, you can pretty much stay in **** gear the whole way as long as you have good enough gear to kill the oracle mobs.

    Really, this change doesn't bother me in the least. I'm just not going to pretend it's going to magically increase anyone's skill level since people can still reach 100 without ever joining a level appropriate squad.
  • Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    If they revert FCC back, after you better check if goon xp is back to original, knowing PWI it might happen...
  • Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    redblood28 wrote: »
    Well, yeah FC is good as it is now.
    I mean, 1-100 in 1 month? Well, most of other games I've played require u to lvl ur toon for like half year to reach max lvl unless u are botting, but here, with FC u can lvl 1-100 in a month.

    Not that I'm against it, I'm personally using FC too for op source of EXP :D
    But well, no plvl is good too. There are still PV, and BH will work more effectively.

    thats you, why should every other player need to subscribe to your ideal on what gameplay should be. plus other games were implemented in a much more reasonable fashion. they even have power-leveling in other games that gets you to endgame quicker, its like a necessity when a game gets this old.
  • Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    This is indeed unfortunate. It's sad that the PWE team don't wish to support a balanced game with skillful high-level players. If this feature continued untouched, I'd wager than PWI would have thrived for all levels once again.

    Sadly, it was too good to be true.
  • Posts: 1,497 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    This is indeed unfortunate. It's sad that the PWE team don't wish to support a balanced game with skillful high-level players. If this feature continued untouched, I'd wager than PWI would have thrived for all levels once again.

    Sadly, it was too good to be true.

    Sigh, lol. Seriously the alternative good exp methods actually make the players worse than having to group in FF from 80-100.

    Back in the day we complained about solo oracle noobs. Believe me they were worse than hyper babies.
    pwcalc.com/bb6fc16982637a5c / pwcalc.com/28948ee5778526f5
  • Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    v4liance wrote: »
    Regarding the FCC issue:
    - I'm seeing a lot of support to keep this change, or at least to have a modified version. Since it's on the table, I'll see if we can start discussing possible alternatives, such as setting a level limit, or a hyper exp lvl requirement for FCC. I cannot promise that we'll be able to get this fixed, let alone to everyone's satisfaction, but we'll do our best.

    - Val

    Holy **** finally! Thought they'd never pick up on this, all I can say now is; I told you so.b:mischievous
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    Remember my name. For it's the one you will fear in your waking nightmares...
  • Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ... I would like to offer a new service: I'll play your toon for you from spawn until 105 for 5 million coins per week. You don't ever have to log on or deal with those detestable gameplay features (like quests or bhs) anymore.

    For an extra million per week, I'll make witty comments in world chat, attributing them to you. You can totally enjoy the game with totally never having to participate.

    5 million coins per week? At the 1.5mil/gold rate currently on RT, you'd be working for the equivalent of $3.33 per week. I'd add a few zeroes to the end of that price if I were you. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    man i waited until i got into 80+ lvl to start doing fcc and this happens...wow now it looks like i'll have to keep grinding and try to do bh if i find team, which i doubt i had the same bh for 2 weeks now...lmao i guess i'll give pv a try
  • Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ty for the response val.

    is funny how ppl so happy about FCC, why would people go if they couldnt use hypers? might as well delete instance. if want to change FCC atleast make it the version where u can farm gold 85 gear xD

    new players (do they even exist o.o) would just be even more discouraged to begin playing. changing like this wouldn't even solve "problem" (unskilled players is a problem?)

    1) people would just lvl by other means - ex: PV

    2) having to "play" your char to 101 doesnt really make you that good. it makes you slightly better then some1 who didn't but cmon PvE so hard gotta be skilled right? actually you could just extend the whole arguement to, there's skill in this game? but eitherway pvping requires players to be better at playing then pve even if the player is in overpowered gear. and do you really want ppl who just cash shop their way to the "top" to actually be good at playing?

    3) the fact that alot of pwi players suck at playing is not really related to powerleveling. its more that alot of pwi players are stupid/dont care bc its jsut a game to them. I didn't do a single quest except culti/geographic map until after 101. I'm not the best but im way better then an average wizard.
    full r999 91% chan wizzy b:kiss

    Current build: pwcalc.com/bf1f46790766e26d
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  • Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Back in the day we complained about solo oracle noobs. Believe me they were worse than hyper babies.

    And now hyper babies will seem pro in comparison to the reflection babies, since they had to actually kill mobs to level up.
  • Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    To be honest changing FC to anything else as it was is a little too late. You can have quests in there at level 75 (if I remember correctly) so if there was to be a set level to have people able to hyper in fc, that would be at level 75.

    Either way, the damage has long been done by alt fc's and selling big rooms and what now. Changing it now won't do much good.

    Apart from that, the majority of people who "support" this idea are a bunch of hypocrits for either one of the following reasons:
    1. They have run fc's themselves.
    1b. Also for their alts.
    2. some of them have abused the goonz glitch back in the day (at least the people in the dreamweaver world chat saying how they support no more hypers in fc).
    3. See Astrelle's post below.

    The ONLY people who I would see fit to follow up on "supporting" the fc change would be the ones who have leveled in a legit way without FC spamming. Which is about maybe 5~10% of the player base, maybe.

    For balance in game it won't do a thing.

    There's no obvious way to determine any limitations for FC at this point, people have been used to using it as it was. Take out hypers and you'll end up with another dead instance like Nirvana is now.

    If there is to be a limitation starting hypers, it should be level 75. This is the point where you get quests in Frostcovered, this is also the level in which people are allowed to "open" Frostcovered.

    But just my 2 cents: It's a little too late for this.
  • Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Sigh, lol. Seriously the alternative good exp methods actually make the players worse than having to group in FF from 80-100.

    Back in the day we complained about solo oracle noobs. Believe me they were worse than hyper babies.
    Back in the day, we didn't even have Oracles.

    I'd support FC being a high-level-only instance though, but as it is right now, it would still bring some life back into the game.
  • Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Although PV is still good exp, I find it amusing how it really is only the 100+ player base that are in favour of this new FC nerf. Not even sure why, seeing as someone Pleveling or grinding to 100 really has little to no effect, just adds more TW/PK potential in there for the most partb:chuckle.

    Of course I am excluding the whole 'Noobs at 100' complaint. In all honesty this game is easy to learn and whether you plevel or grind to 100 you can still be a total noob, seen it beforeb:laugh.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I've been hearing a lot of mixed points of view on this whole no hyper in FC thing. Personally I do want it back. Everyone knows there are a lot of FC babies out there that can't play their toons. If you don like that then here's a thought.... don't squad with them again!! I've babied a few toons up myself but I at least learn my characters. i.e. I had a buffer cleric up untill about a month ago and she was at lvl 78. Now she's level 92 and from all the people I've repeatedly squaded with have constantly said she's the best cleric they've ever squaded with and constantly try to get me to go. Clearly if you want to learn your class you can.

    Then there are others who say it's making it unbalanced for people to level so fast. The people that level that fast are typically people who buy the instance, not run through it in a squad - ya know the REAL way to do it.... Those are the ones that are the nabs, not the ones who go through it for real. I could easily solo it on my 102 sin and give the bog room to my cleric but I choose not to jsut for the purpose of being a great cleric and because of that, I am now.

    If you want to make fast leveling like that more difficult then do this, make it NOT ALLOWED TO SELL FC BIG ROOMS!! Force people to do FC the way it was meant to be done, with a squad.... Don't **** over the people like me who may have a lot of money and high-end hand-me-downs to give to my alts but still try to keep the basic ideas of the game alive by not taking extreme shortcuts.
  • Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I would warn against doing this. Forum users are not representative of the people that benefit the most from FCC as newer players are underrepresented in the forums. Keep in mind forum users are a small minority of those who actually play the game.
    "Benefit from FCC" is a loaded term in this context. The problem is not that people benefit from Frost, the problem is how they benefit.

    Of course if you got all the hyper babies to visit this forum and vote, they'd drown us all out tenfold. The reason that the forums are such a small minority is that we're the ones who care enough about the game to debate in this manner. If the hyper babies want to offer up an informed opinion, then they're welcome to do so. In fact some of them have done so already, but not many, and the ones that have posted haven't offered much of an informed viewpoint on the subject yet.
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I would warn against doing this. Forum users are not representative of the people that benefit the most from FCC as newer players are underrepresented in the forums. Keep in mind forum users are a small minority of those who actually play the game.

    Sure, because the BR Market is a good thing for the lower level BH's and hundreds of quests that almost no one tries to do anymore. Not.

    We were fine without people throwing their characters into frost before the Genesis update, so what the bloody hell has changed now to make it so that we couldn't cope if they did make FC restricted to 80+? Nothing.

    Oh a bunch of people QQing that they lost out on a specific level range of potential customers? Yeah, I think there's an old saying that fits for this kind of situation... "Deal with it".
    (Need better/up-to-date sig)

    Remember my name. For it's the one you will fear in your waking nightmares...
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