Warsong Rules For Runs

royalchief Posts: 1 Arc User
edited March 2013 in General Discussion
Hi everybody this is RC, last night I was doing another good full warsong run, and I realized at the end of the run that people is becoming a little bit "needy" with weapon molds, without even thinking first if someone else needs it or not, and all this because they want to sell manufacturing service; which, in my opinion is very cool, it is a good way to do honest coins, since you have to work hard to sell one; but most of the people is forgeting that they are in a squad and there are 5 more people who want to get something at the end of the run either for their own usage or sell. People is becoming like "I need Axe, dagger, fist, claws, glaive and bow if they drop",b:infuriated and this demands are starting to be a little bit annoying for everybody in squad. So I came up with the next "Rules" or maybe not rules just ideas, and they can be assigned by anybody who wants a fair run for everybody else:

1. You cannot demand/ask for many weapons; you can only ask for ONE. You want more? Get another 5 toons and clean up Pavillions yourself :3.

2. At the very begining of the run, before even start QUEST, call the mold, think carefully what you want, because you cannot change your mind.b:worried

3. Class Priority must be respected, that means, for example, if a barb comes and he needs axes for his own usage, and we even see the weapon he has is ready to be upgraded to G16, that's more important than our own business.b:mischievous

4. Molds will be called depending on the order people join in squad. If player "B" joined before player "A", then player "B" calls for "daggers" (AND IF THERE'S NO PRIORITY), then nobody else can call daggers.b:lipcurl

5. If you set the rules and somebody in squad "picks" the mold, then as community we have got to start making a "Blacklist" for these guys that do not respect everybody else interests ir order not to invite them.b:puzzled

About gear molds, well they are not so often demanded, but be sure not to pick it up if someone really needs it.

So guys these are the ideas I came up last night, probably someone out there is already doing this or have posted it before, but a feedback won't hurt anybody. And just to clearify things, I also sell manufacturing weapons, but I believe it is not fair "to ask for all I need" putting aside other's interests.

Thanks for reading,
Leave your opinions,
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  • sakit
    sakit Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I agree with the post

    It happends quite alot that a late comer gets first pick without asking ppl who were in squad from start who wanted what.

    or ppl just pick and couldn't care less - greed is a powerful motivator -
  • Narcillatrix - Dreamweaver
    Narcillatrix - Dreamweaver Posts: 461 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    sakit wrote: »

    or ppl just pick and couldn't care less - greed is a powerful motivator -

    ^- That :<
    Can't tell you how many times I've been unable to get my arcane molds because people don't care if I said I needed it and pick it anyway.

    So, I agree as well. Getting frustrating not being able to get what I'm trying to farm because of some greedy people regardless if they actually need it or not, over..and over.
  • MesmerizeYou - Heavens Tear
    MesmerizeYou - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I've lost my dagger mold twice to other sins in the squad, even tho I had a claim on it. Both times, both of those sins were from the same faction. Sadly they pretend to not understand English and get away with it.
    I've passed on the mold too many times now coz someone had a claim, but when it came to my turn...someone else took it. I gaveup on doing warsongs after it happened the second time.
  • Fonyan - Heavens Tear
    Fonyan - Heavens Tear Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I need a full set of HA gear and a weapon for my seeker and later on bm to share. I'm fairly new to doing full warsongs, so I usually only claim either weapon or armor molds if no one needs them. A couple of days ago I asked for Astral Ballad/Infinity's Longing and any HA molds that drop (all the HA people except the bm in squad were already full s3 nirvana). The bm was afk half the time at bosses and sat out while everyone defended (his friend was taking him on his first run for fun and he said he didn't want any molds at first). 3 HA parts and Traceless Dimension dropped. Guess who got them all. ._.

    Screenshot thread:

    Currently playing: real life ver. 2.0
  • Liam_ - Sanctuary
    Liam_ - Sanctuary Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I make a point now of checking what molds are called on before the run even starts. Often I call on a single mold, find someone else has claim, and then find this person has claim on 3 other molds too. If I know this much in advance I'd never do the run. Why bother working hard in an instance just to gear random people when they can't even share?

    What really confuses me though, is no one cares if one person nabs everything for manufacturing service. Similar to how people just don't care if someone takes both EoD during 2x for 3m fee. They join the squad knowing they'll get nothing and just watch as one person takes the molds, content to roll over and scrape a few badges. It's very rare for someone to have the balls to actually argue or demand what they're entitled to, and if they do the rest of the squad just hold an awkward silence and often agree with the greedy one. Greedy people only get away with so much because the majority often let them.
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Why aren't people just bidding on molds ahead of time? b:question
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    People are just selfish, I always ask them to call molds before we start and sometime someone will say ''Only need G16 glaive'' then at every boss nvm what drop they ask ''can I pick it I need i?'', that's freaking annoying, I do understand that some people sell craft service, but sell the one you get random don't call every molds.

    Some people ask for take LA and HA when they have only one char that is a wizz and they say ''oh in case one day I want to make a barb/archer'' ... zzzzz.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Labells - Dreamweaver
    Labells - Dreamweaver Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    so I usually get nominated banker in the squads I'm in .. sure most of the people in the squads I have run with too many times that I know what they are hunting for - however that being said if there's 1 or more not so frequent runners or complete randoms I ask all before we start who wants what, that way as banker when I pick up to drop npc coin I don't get people yelling at me that they needed it. Now if there lists are long we perhaps suggest they focus it or if someone else only needs 1 item that someone has on a laundry list the person only needing the 1 mold would usually get ... usually it all works out well sometimes if someone spent the entire run dying at every boss making us hold and also going AFK to while we clear all the mobs they may be disappointed that they are not in the running for that mold they wanted and the secondary claim to it that actually was in there helping gets it.

    All in all it can be done to everyones satisfaction generally, we've been known to call friends in to come get their R9 molds if no one needs in squad just so it doesn't go to waste (but I do hear random squads can turn into mold grabs). suggestion work those friends lists - get to know good peeps and stick with them.
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Sadly I agree with your post because it's true. It's even worse when people pick up molds and then say "oops sorry didn't see" or something along the lines and lie about it.
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I've lost my dagger mold twice to other sins in the squad, even tho I had a claim on it. Both times, both of those sins were from the same faction. Sadly they pretend to not understand English and get away with it.
    I've passed on the mold too many times now coz someone had a claim, but when it came to my turn...someone else took it. I gaveup on doing warsongs after it happened the second time.

    Either your server sucks or youve been really unlucky. I myself actually got my N3 dagger mold from faction, they were doing run, it dropped, none needed and I happened to be on vent with em. But Ive also seen several of them drop, got 2nd mold at some point to sell after none else needed it.

    As for most annoying players to run WS? The ones who QQ bout sellers but are simply too lazy to do it themselves. They *****, complain and treat you like they deserve part of your profits. Eww, just no. Nobody is preventing those whiners from selling N3 gear but they feel cause they are too lazy/whatever nobody else should either. And I by no means am defending ***** who abuse squads, need before greed, you just wouldnt believe they entitlement some people feel.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    As for most annoying players to run WS? The ones who QQ bout sellers but are simply too lazy to do it themselves. They *****, complain and treat you like they deserve part of your profits. Eww, just no. Nobody is preventing those whiners from selling N3 gear but they feel cause they are too lazy/whatever nobody else should either. And I by no means am defending ***** who abuse squads, need before greed, you just wouldnt believe they entitlement some people feel.

    Can you elaborate? I'm not sure what you mean. People are complaining sellers make too much?
  • imrite
    imrite Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Warsong Mold if they was tradable & can be sold to another player is the max pwi would do about the molds.
  • Annalyse - Heavens Tear
    Annalyse - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    This is why I love (and generally stick to) faction and friends runs. We already follow that set of rules, with people calling what they need ahead of time. Plus it helps me since I run with my wizard most of the time but all I need is the dagger mold for my sin. Random groups always have a sin that has called the daggers and gets priority, being a sin.

    One other thing we often do ahead of time is clarify what we might want to sell. For example, if nobody actually needs the claws or dual axes, we specifically say at the beginning that we can sell those.... thus when they drop we don't get people taking them to sell on their own (unless we fail to sell in wc). If something cheaper/less sellable drops I have no problem with anyone grabbing it. I myself have a random poleaxe mold that I took because it wouldn't sell, and I figured one day when I had spare badges I could help out someone.

    I think ground rules like this are a good thing to establish with random squads. The problem is that you will always get those people who just take stuff claiming they didn't see what was called, or that they don't understand English. That part will always be a risk.
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT? pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=760842
  • ShaiFatali - Lost City
    ShaiFatali - Lost City Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I like those rules, although I'd amend it and say that, for calling molds, you should only be able to call one at a time. Saying, "I need all HA NV molds" is kind of lame, and not really fair if somebody else also needs HA NV molds but joined squad afterwards. And I think if somebody wants molds in order to sell crafting service, or to craft gear for profit, they shouldn't be able to call it and should only get it if nobody else needs it, or split it fairly if others want to use it for profit, too.
    A prima luce usque ad lucem


    vive, pugnare aut mori.
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Can you elaborate? I'm not sure what you mean. People are complaining sellers make too much?

    Its mostly the ones who are farming for their gear that complain how ones farming for money are abusing the system or whatever. Its funny attitude as farmers for coin = already farmed gear = more experienced and geared in general = faster runs. Also, gear farmers tend to have first pick on molds. Still there are some who feel like they are entitled to profits people make.

    I wasnt demanded personally, I only heard somebody was whining bout how I made profit when I ran with people who farmed for their own gear. Argument was along the lines "WS shoulnt be run for personal profit cause its unfair for the ones who need the gear themselves", which remembering my earlier points is ludicrous argument. I swear its the same people who were too lazy to do casters daily and then whine when its 2x and aps toons spammed 2x "Why nobody take me QQ"/"limited talismans QQ"/"Aps so unfair QQ". I admit, those people push my buttons even if it isnt their intention <.<.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    royalchief wrote: »
    So I came up with the next "Rules" or maybe not rules just ideas, and they can be assigned by anybody who wants a fair run for everybody else:

    Rule One (the only one that matters): Two fail defends and I am out.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Reliea - Sanctuary
    Reliea - Sanctuary Posts: 685 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I agree 100%
    Though really this is just uncommon courtesy.

    Even if I call a mold, and it drops, I still ask before I go and pick it up.

    Mostly when I go I only care about getting badges, so what people pick up outside of that doesn't matter to me much, especially considering 90% of the time it's a dumb r9 mold no one wants anyway XD

    I think if you want to farm molds to sell crafting service, make your own squad, keep the setting on random, make sure everyone in the squad understands the purpose of the run, and farm away. If you join someone else's squad, always assume the purpose people are there for is to farm molds for their own gear.

    People are wicked greedy and needy, but on the bright side, the people you have bad experiences with you never have to go with again.
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    royalchief wrote: »

    3. Class Priority must be respected, that means, for example, if a barb comes and he needs axes for his own usage, and we even see the weapon he has is ready to be upgraded to G16, that's more important than our own business.b:mischievous

    I didn't think Royal spoke English, lol.

    I agree with all except this one. I spent a long time LF my daggers. I let 5 or 6 friends pickup other daggers first because I was focussing on badges for other gear and didn't have badges saved up for my daggers yet. When I was finally ready, with 100 badges saved up to craft and reroll twice, I couldn't find them or when I did someone grabbed them.

    So I was LF Warsongs wherever I could get them. Sometimes we'd have trouble finding a barb but have plenty of sins so I'd switch to my barb. Sometimes we couldn't find a cleric and the option was spend 20 minutes LF a cleric or me switching. Sometimes the BM that would join would have 6k hp and almost no dd, but they'd have an r9 sin alt so I'd BM and they'd sin even though I needed daggers and they needed BM gear.

    Regardless I'd start each run, and say everytime I was asked "I just need vana daggers. Daggers daggers daggers."

    Sometimes this would create the argument "But I'm the sin, I get first dibs" with another sin. Since I either created the squad or was friends with lead I'd offer to switch to sin and that sin could be kicked and find another squad, but then they'd need to find a cleric.

    Class shouldn't dictate priority if people are only LF a single mold. And by now, months after its been released, almost everyone should have all the molds but 1 or 2 that they need.


    One other thing to consider are the people who sell crafting services that want the weapon for themselves. Alot of those weapons can be sold in WC for a pickup service for 5-10m. That's more fair to the whole squad but obviously less fair to them. I think calling 1 weapon is fair, but if no one calls it (like claws) they should first suggest WCing it before someone goes "I'll take."
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Zanryu - Lothranis
    Zanryu - Lothranis Posts: 1,998 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I like those rules, although I'd amend it and say that, for calling molds, you should only be able to call one at a time. Saying, "I need all HA NV molds" is kind of lame, and not really fair if somebody else also needs HA NV molds but joined squad afterwards. And I think if somebody wants molds in order to sell crafting service, or to craft gear for profit, they shouldn't be able to call it and should only get it if nobody else needs it, or split it fairly if others want to use it for profit, too.

    Can't split badges. You'd have to figure out some ratio of cash for each person to get, with the crafter getting majority because of using their badges, essence, and such. Easier to just decide on one person to take it.

    Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty


    I read the forums naked.
  • ShaiFatali - Lost City
    ShaiFatali - Lost City Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Can't split badges. You'd have to figure out some ratio of cash for each person to get, with the crafter getting majority because of using their badges, essence, and such. Easier to just decide on one person to take it.

    I meant more like, if there are multiple people who have extra badges and want to sell service, it should be divided fairly instead of one person taking all of them. I wouldn't expect the profit from selling service to be shared among the squad, but at least give everybody a chance to provide said service instead of picking it up automatically if nobody else needs it.
    A prima luce usque ad lucem


    vive, pugnare aut mori.
  • Zanryu - Lothranis
    Zanryu - Lothranis Posts: 1,998 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I meant more like, if there are multiple people who have extra badges and want to sell service, it should be divided fairly instead of one person taking all of them. I wouldn't expect the profit from selling service to be shared among the squad, but at least give everybody a chance to provide said service instead of picking it up automatically if nobody else needs it.

    You could have worded it better. If you mean if nobody in squad needs the mold that drops and multiple people want the mold then they should each only take one mold from a different boss, then that's acceptable. Though, the problem with that is bosses don't always drop Nirvana molds. People could get stuck with R9 molds and get upset. There's really no way to put a general set of rules that everyone will obey simply because not everyone is going to want to obey them. All it does is benefit the underhanded people because while everyone thinks you'll all comply that one person isn't going to, and will be able to snatch the mold if that's what they're after.

    The best thing to do is run with friends or faction so as to avoid it, or take your chances with randoms.

    Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty


    I read the forums naked.
  • ShaiFatali - Lost City
    ShaiFatali - Lost City Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You could have worded it better. If you mean if nobody in squad needs the mold that drops and multiple people want the mold then they should each only take one mold from a different boss, then that's acceptable. Though, the problem with that is bosses don't always drop Nirvana molds. People could get stuck with R9 molds and get upset. There's really no way to put a general set of rules that everyone will obey simply because not everyone is going to want to obey them. All it does is benefit the underhanded people because while everyone thinks you'll all comply that one person isn't going to, and will be able to snatch the mold if that's what they're after.

    The best thing to do is run with friends or faction so as to avoid it, or take your chances with randoms.

    That's true. I've only done a few WS runs and I've only gotten one mold so far - mind you, it was R9RR weapon mold so I was pretty happy, but overall didn't get much. You're right, though, definitely running with friends or guild is safer for fairness.

    I think if you took a mold for profit, you should let somebody else take the next one for profit if somebody else wants it. It should be common respect.
    A prima luce usque ad lucem


    vive, pugnare aut mori.
  • Zanryu - Lothranis
    Zanryu - Lothranis Posts: 1,998 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    That's true. I've only done a few WS runs and I've only gotten one mold so far - mind you, it was R9RR weapon mold so I was pretty happy, but overall didn't get much. You're right, though, definitely running with friends or guild is safer for fairness.

    I think if you took a mold for profit, you should let somebody else take the next one for profit if somebody else wants it. It should be common respect.

    I've gotten molds for my full R9R3 set and T3 Helm and Cape. Dervish axes was actually the very first mold I got on my very first full WS. I've acquired over 20 T3 Nirvana molds and quite a few R9 molds which I sold for repair fees when people didn't want to pick them up, I'd wait for people to say they needed it or walk away then take it and bank or sell it. If I didn't need badges for R9R3 I'd sell a crafting service. Though lately people on Lothranis are becoming mold hungry, so perhaps I won't be able to just pick up scraps nobody needs anymore.

    Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty


    I read the forums naked.
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    As a general courtesy if I need a mold "just because" I drop its value. For instance I'm running on my BM and AA vana chest drops and I think I still need it for my casters:

    "Does anyone need or mind if I grab?"
    *drop 100k*

    I know many people who just grab molds for repair costs or profit.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Mr_Swiss - Heavens Tear
    Mr_Swiss - Heavens Tear Posts: 879 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I usually ask before a run to see which molds people need. I also am alittle iffy on the manufacturing services. Some people call out that they are manufacturing a specific wep. They can easily already have a crappy one made in there bag. They can have a one socket in there bag, use your stuff, it pops out a 2 socket, and they hand you the one socket. You may have paid for the mold and badges, but you just made them a better wep. I know there are honest players that will do the right thing and are in it to help, but some are not. I would hope most do the latter.

    Back to the runs. I paid for 2 lunar runs yesterday and kept it on free. Both times it dropped a robe mold. I didn't want it and neither did a few others. The first run, a sin picked it up. the second run, the seeker asked for it, and again the sin went and grabbed it. Same person, both times grabbed the molds. Greed runs throughout the game.
    R9s3 Beast w/Demon Facepalm
  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Have people tried reporting on world chat about stealers/scammers?

    If you call a mold and someone takes it, just start spamming world chat. If the rest of your squad agrees, they should jump in. It's 5 vs 1; you should be able to get a little effect.
  • Colum - Raging Tide
    Colum - Raging Tide Posts: 1,696 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    On our server people usually do a random squad between the players who need the same mold (let's say seeker, BM and barb all need only T3 plate) but overall I like these rules.
    Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
    Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101

    Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 47
  • Ny_Naeve - Dreamweaver
    Ny_Naeve - Dreamweaver Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I agree there need to be some "ground rules". I know someone who bought a weapon mold from world chat; one of his faction members was in the squad selling that was selling it. After he paid and left the faction member who was in the ws squad selling the mold pm'd upset with him because he needed the mold for an alt.... ummm ok? People are getting greedy about it, and want everything that drops, apparently even if it's world chatted for sale....
  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    We should go back to the old TT drop rules.

    Tanks first, then Healers, then Damage Dealers by level.

    Assassins are all three, so they get priority.
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    We should go back to the old TT drop rules.

    Tanks first, then Healers, then Damage Dealers by level.

    Assassins are all three, so they get priority.
    Pretty stupid ideas.