[Maintenance + Patch Discussion] 1-23-2013 [COMPLETE]



  • Lase_dancer - Harshlands
    Lase_dancer - Harshlands Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2013

    Server still down. and i have a lot of friends that are getting pretty mad. One was doing his demon culti for the first time. He was so excited. and he turned around and said that they shouldn't shut the servers down for maintence if they don't know it will be back up when they say it will be. What actually happened for the servers to still be down? Or who hit a key on the keyboard that caused a massive problem to where it can't be back up? who do we need to point fingers at for all this happening?
  • PixelRomance - Dreamweaver
    PixelRomance - Dreamweaver Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Gogo 50 pages of forum topic!
  • BrainWave - Heavens Tear
    BrainWave - Heavens Tear Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    you get a phoenix valley token once a day (and another with 5000 prestige in shroud).
    and within those 15 minutes you can enter the valley as often as you want and can.
    but you can only start the quest once.
    that means..be fast and have friends starting it for you :)

    dannnnng!! never knew that all this time. now i wanna try it out lol
  • Oliiander - Lost City
    Oliiander - Lost City Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    oiliiiiiiiiiiii~lets go complain~b:dirtyb:pleased
    Call me tonight at 2am, and I will hit you.
    SHOULDN'T you be doing maths? >.>
    Yes. Yes I should._.
    I wasn't complaining! I was...

    Ok. b:thanks
    inb4 Olii falls asleep on youb:cute
    My squishiness is (Usually) unrivaled.
    Finally decided to give Olii her own banner.b:chuckle
  • RIPROY - Momaganon
    RIPROY - Momaganon Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    jannie got a gun!
  • Nochaelf - Lost City
    Nochaelf - Lost City Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    SHOULDN'T you be doing maths? >.>

    yupyup oili~~gogo~do maths ~!!b:thanks

  • Grimlynz - Heavens Tear
    Grimlynz - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Yes. Controlled spanking is not abusive. (My mother would give us three smacks on the behind and then let us go).

    People stick their nose too much into what isn't any of their business these days. And all of this coddling/pacifying children is just going to turn them into tyrannical brats when they get older.
    I know one kid that is that way. I baby sit him all the time. His mother gave me permission to spank him as long as I didn't leave marks. This kid is mean, though. I saw him stab his older brother in the head with a pencil and broke off the lead in the kids head. It wasn't too deep, but still. You better believe a "time out" just wasn't gonna cut it. He got himself a butt-whoopen and THEN was put in the corner. Not a "my mothers kind of butt-whoopen" (read bellow), but a civil kind. I'm a loud, lively person. The kids around here know that when I get super quiet that they are in BIG trouble. All I did was stand there and point at the ground and say the kids name. I told him if he didn't get up on his own and come over it would be a lot worse.

    Just PLEASE don't make your kid "pick their own switch". That is psychological cruelty. I had to do that a time or three. I'll tell you. THERE IS NO GOOD SWITCH b:angry
    I've never spanked my son and time out seems to work just fine with him. He absolutely hates time out, so usually all I have to do is threaten one.

    Congrats. I remember when I was a kid that a time out didn't mean anything. It was a place I could just sit and day dream after beating the **** out of my older brother for picking on me. I'll tell you what, though. Nothing made me so afraid as knowing that my mother was gonna whoop my butt. She didn't stop doing that until I was 20 years old and moved 2,000 miles away from her. Granted, my mother is clinically insane, manic depression, and has some serious anger issues. A butt whoopen from my mother wasn't so much a spanking as getting beat up (especially when I got older. My brother had raised a fist to her once and she was determined that i would never do the same, which I didn't.)
  • //\//iko - Dreamweaver21
    //\//iko - Dreamweaver21 Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    blame the Canadians their everyone fall guys
  • SpiritAngelo - Heavens Tear
    SpiritAngelo - Heavens Tear Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hobo Whats Taking Forever. Start Sueing
  • Kreggor - Sanctuary
    Kreggor - Sanctuary Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    just 1 Question "IS IT DAYLIGHT YET?"
  • Aikidou - Lost City
    Aikidou - Lost City Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited January 2013

    Server still down. and i have a lot of friends that are getting pretty mad. One was doing his demon culti for the first time. He was so excited. and he turned around and said that they shouldn't shut the servers down for maintence if they don't know it will be back up when they say it will be. What actually happened for the servers to still be down? Or who hit a key on the keyboard that caused a massive problem to where it can't be back up? who do we need to point fingers at for all this happening?

    er.. no one? it sucks but it happens sometimes. hitting an 0 where a 1 needs to be can do lots of damage. >.>
  • IllumiZoldyk - Sanctuary
    IllumiZoldyk - Sanctuary Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Gogo 50 pages of forum topic!

    Getting there xD

    They call me Mr. Flintstone, I can make your bed rock.
  • CreamDrinker - Dreamweaver
    CreamDrinker - Dreamweaver Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    My 4 year old and "time out" doesn't work. Not if I'm supposed to stay calm. She sits there and SCREAMS "mommy i want you" The WHOLE time. The 7 year old is completely blind.. so a time out means NOTHING to her. Telling her to stand in the corner is like a joke. Making her sit in a time out chair is a reward in her opinion. she likes the way the chair feels (idk why its just a wooden kitchen chair) And my 1 year old.. well hes not quite 1 yet, he gets told no and moved somewhere else.. sometimes his bed till he stops throwing his fits. So I spank my kids... not obsessively, just when its REALLY needed. most times i can discuss why what they did was wrong and what could happen if they do it again.

    ok number one if you do spank no doctor/psychologist or any professional has ever recommended doing it before they are 1 year old, the next oldest no matter how much she screams you have to ignore it, you are the adult you cannot respond to that type of behavior bc if you do they will learn that is gets a reaction from you, which is what they want. The blind one first off I'm sorry to hear that and idk as far as disciplining her, never had a blind kid but I'm sure if you ask for advice from someone with experience with a blind kid they will have suggestions or ideas on how to discipline them without spanking them
    "With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion"-Steven Weinberg
  • Nochaelf - Lost City
    Nochaelf - Lost City Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Call me tonight at 2am, and I will hit you.

    Yes. Yes I should._.

    inb4 Olii falls asleep on youb:cute

    anddd....dw, i'll make sure i do that (notes it down)

  • Labells - Dreamweaver
    Labells - Dreamweaver Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    xcurior wrote: »
    Oh seriously? It's taken me about 3-4 days now, and I'm level 31. Doing quests mainly of course :) The lag really owns me in big cities, it takes me 10 minutes just to get from one part of Archosaur to the other(need a better laptop lol)... and I just started so I don't know my way around. But in 2 hours is pretty amazing, what's the secret? Some super-ultra-mega quest? lol

    Just hustle (and do every quest not in Arch before you go in there) PWI are evil and will make you bounce between your starter city and Arch if you let them which causes you travel time, go to a city or town do all quests there move to next town - keep running back and forth to essentials only, and you get way more done in same amount of time
  • Teseanna - Heavens Tear
    Teseanna - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,021 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Gogo 50 pages of forum topic!

    there has been a lot more in the past
  • Quinnie - Heavens Tear
    Quinnie - Heavens Tear Posts: 314 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    almost 500 posts b:chuckle
  • Underoath - Dreamweaver
    Underoath - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    xcurior wrote: »
    Oh seriously? It's taken me about 3-4 days now, and I'm level 31. Doing quests mainly of course :) The lag really owns me in big cities, it takes me 10 minutes just to get from one part of Archosaur to the other(need a better laptop lol)... and I just started so I don't know my way around. But in 2 hours is pretty amazing, what's the secret? Some super-ultra-mega quest? lol

    No youre just playing the game how it should be played a lot of the olders players leveled from 1-100+ with out using hypers by just grinding out becuase hypers didnt exist so keep going \o/
  • PixelRomance - Dreamweaver
    PixelRomance - Dreamweaver Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I know one kid that is that way. I baby sit him all the time. His mother gave me permission to spank him as long as I didn't leave marks. This kid is mean, though. I saw him stab his older brother in the head with a pencil and broke off the lead in the kids head. It wasn't too deep, but still. You better believe a "time out" just wasn't gonna cut it. He got himself a butt-whoopen and THEN was put in the corner. Not a "my mothers kind of butt-whoopen" (read bellow), but a civil kind. I'm a loud, lively person. The kids around here know that when I get super quiet that they are in BIG trouble. All I did was stand there and point at the ground and say the kids name. I told him if he didn't get up on his own and come over it would be a lot worse.

    Just PLEASE don't make your kid "pick their own switch". That is psychological cruelty. I had to do that a time or three. I'll tell you. THERE IS NO GOOD SWITCH b:angry

    Congrats. I remember when I was a kid that a time out didn't mean anything. It was a place I could just sit and day dream after beating the **** out of my older brother for picking on me. I'll tell you what, though. Nothing made me so afraid as knowing that my mother was gonna whoop my butt. She didn't stop doing that until I was 20 years old and moved 2,000 miles away from her. Granted, my mother is clinically insane, manic depression, and has some serious anger issues. A butt whoopen from my mother wasn't so much a spanking as getting beat up (especially when I got older. My brother had raised a fist to her once and she was determined that i would never do the same, which I didn't.)

    Sorry to hear your mother beat you like that. I understand manic depression cos I have it myself. It sucks but it's not an excuse to beat your kid.
  • Aikidou - Lost City
    Aikidou - Lost City Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Call me tonight at 2am, and I will hit you.

    Yes. Yes I should._.

    inb4 Olii falls asleep on youb:cute

    gogo~ can you do my taxes while your at it? D:
  • blesswave
    blesswave Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    ok since everyone troll happily about lvl and so on....can someone link or re-post info on why server still down until now(any descend update).

    posting new topic about maintenance will result a block by mode.but to find info is hard here, coz so much troll around...so pls re-post any info about server for me. any related to it. TYVM.b:thanks
  • Shaiij - Archosaur
    Shaiij - Archosaur Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Just adding to the length ...
  • Wampirewoman - Harshlands
    Wampirewoman - Harshlands Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    b:surrender so what about servers coming up?
  • Ari__ - Heavens Tear
    Ari__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Yeah if you give them the treat after they've been bad you're just reinforcing bad behavior. That doesn't accomplish anything. Just doing simple things like removing the treat if the child doesn't do what they're supposed to is so much more effective than a spank. Just my opinion. My little guy is 3 and we have trouble with the word "No" alot. He'll tell me "No mommy" if I say for him to do something. But a time out does the trick.

    time out did not work on my kids, but 3 or 4 swats on the butt and sent to the bathroom did. ok i didnt send my kids to thier room cuz thier room has toys, and goodies to entertain themselves.. the bathroom, well usually by the time (30 mins or so) i let them out, the bathroom was cleaned cuz they got bored... when my kids got older, an they did something wrong, i'd make thier fav dish, lasagna, and cheese cake... make a HUGE mess, make them clean it and then not give them any... >:D
    Im Naughty & Sweet wanna come play?
    LexieAnnya (101 BM)~~~~90% retired
    Ari__ (Awakened Sin)
    oOElectaOo (101 Veno)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
    Sweets_Candy (101 Cleric)
    Aris_Kitty (Awakened Barb)
    Kidaagakashh (73 and growing Archer)
    Andrammada (73 and growing Wizzy)
  • Oliiander - Lost City
    Oliiander - Lost City Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    gogo~ can you do my taxes while your at it? D:

    Not the taxes D;
    My squishiness is (Usually) unrivaled.
    Finally decided to give Olii her own banner.b:chuckle
  • //\//iko - Dreamweaver21
    //\//iko - Dreamweaver21 Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Sorry to hear your mother beat you like that. I understand manic depression cos I have it myself. It sucks but it's not an excuse to beat your kid.

    lol last time i got a beating my mother kicked me in the *** and broke her foot and she never did it again
  • Hobogin - Heavens Tear
    Hobogin - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hobo Whats Taking Forever. Start Sueing

    Nooooo Angelooooo, I must sleeeeeep.
  • WickedTruths - Archosaur
    WickedTruths - Archosaur Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    b:surrender so what about servers coming up?

    this is the $64,000 question right here
  • Aikidou - Lost City
    Aikidou - Lost City Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    So to change the subject from child rearing, who here remembers the days when Zhenning on piggies near dreamweaver was the pro lvling method D:
  • Teseanna - Heavens Tear
    Teseanna - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,021 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    spark spark-burn-breathe b:laugh