New Suggestion Thread



  • crazicuki
    crazicuki Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    truekossy wrote: »
    You didn't even read that post, did you? Go play something else, learn to ignore the word, or come to accept that censoring it... would change nothing. People who want to use it will do so regardless while those with legitimate use will have issues... such as a certain character named G****fruit and yes, that's what it would be like for them. The last thing we need is more censorship. Active monitors for WC would have the effect you want without **** over everything else.

    But by playing an online game you should expect to deal with things you find offensive and if you can't handle that, you shouldn't be on them.
    I already deal with plenty that is offensive in game, and yes I did read what you said...I at one time had the word beat filtered on me. It has not happened lately and I think they found a way to fix it, just like they would if that happened with Grape and the rest that you said. Just as you expect me to tolerate this word, which again, has no value in game, I would expect others to be sensitive to those who have experienced this traumatic event in their real life. Since it does not seem to be the case, I am asking for a filter on this one word, yes. Normally I am not a fan of censorship, I am a fan of people being responsible, and knowing when to use certain words, but here, people choose to be irresponsible about it. If we are going to act like children, we should be treated as such. Maybe they can put a filter on it just in world not in whisper...something to keep you happy too, although I still do not understand why you would fight so hard for that word, even with what you said before.b:cry
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The post prior was not my own nor am I fighting for the word. However the fact remains that we have a dumb filter. They can't fix it or change it to only apply to certain chat channels without reworking the entire chat system. To the point where they've changed item/monster/etc names and speech rather than remove a censored word or try to get the devs to make such an overhaul.

    And as I've stated, filters are easy to bypass. Nothing is stopping a person from using r@pe, raep, r.ape, rap3, or any of the other multitudes of ways around censoring the word... which is already visible ingame. I can't mention c.ockatrice, c.ocktail, c.ock (as in the chicken) soup, etc... yet anyone wanting to mention it in the manner it was censored for can and will do so with impunity and without consequence. Same would happen if the word was censored. As I said, what we need are staff monitoring chat. That way you could ask those around you to avoid the word... and the ones on WC you can't control would have to mind their language and avoid it to not get banned. Plus this would let those legitimately using it in a word such as grape to do so unhindered.

    In short, I'm not saying you should have to have it thrown at you. Just that censoring it is a horribly ineffective way of dealing with it that wouldn't even stop the problem while making things worse.
  • mrcharlyplustwo
    mrcharlyplustwo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Two suggestions really:

    As barbarians level, change the appearance of the tiger. Maybe have stripes turn dark, or shift colour. Currently a lvl100 true form looks the same as lvl20.

    Add the ability to customize appearance of your tiger, just like you can for 'human' forms.
  • illusionyst
    illusionyst Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Primarily, I'm more concerned with class-base issues regarding the game more than anything else. It's clear that they are being revamped and will progressively be revamped in the obscure future, but some things must be stressed.

    Ever since the tideborn expansion seemingly, there has been an disruption in the balance of the classes in game. Barbs have, more or less, lost their tanking purposes in squads and exist for pulling and buffing. Even clerics are somewhat replaced with bp, a charm, crabs and genie. Skills for the old classes need to be edited and changed to match the needs of the current gear trends etc. It is impossible for a barb to keep aggro at all past 90+. These days an entire squad itself would be replaced by someone soloing or even a high level soloing low level instances within minutes.

    Three years ago, if memory serves me correctly, I vaguely remember people would complain about casters having stacked channel equipment. A year and some months later someone figured out how to stack interval equipment, and soon enough "5 aps". Prior to aps, there was complaint of venos soloing TT, before the update to where hercs could not solo beyond 3-1. There had been somewhat of an uproar over it and there were some people who "rage-quit" as a result. It would be no surprise at all, if something similar were to happen if anything would be done about the current soloing (aps epidemic). In fact the rage-quitting would be on a much larger scale due to ridiculous amount of people who own an aps bm/sin/archer.

    If there were a way to limit the amount of aps to two, which is fair enough, and restrict weapons to certain classes as they have with newer races the game would be revitalized. There would be more people playing their classes as they were designed to be played: i.e eliminating fist barbs, fist archers, etc. It would open more opportunities to find squads for instances, because soloing would be discouraged at this point. The life-span of the game itself would also be extended because there would be a reduction of people selling FCs - therefore massive hyper leveling would be reduced. From my experience of some servers, people would buy exp rooms even past level 90 just to get to 100. Then once at 100, they enjoy the new instances, new gear, TW, etc and suddenly become bored because there is nothing left to do end-game. Then they create alts, rinse and repeat, and complain of being bored. Of course, hyper leveling affects other things such as the ability to get BHs going under 90+ (Unless its soloed by a high level) and breeding hyper-babies who know nothing about their class. Once the hyper babies become high level enough to do FC with a squad their level they either try it out, fail in a squad and decide to never do it again, or continue to buy FCs till 90. Once at 90 they attempt a squad again, perhaps even fail at that level, and buy rooms till 100. Its incredulous, and I'm not saying everyone does it but there are a fair amount of people that do. Then after buying all these FCs some hyper babies wouldn't even have the funds to afford skills or gear - which effects the pve centre of the game overall.

    Even pvp as a whole is rather bland regardless of what many say. Pvp for the melee kind: aps sins, barbs, bms, archers, etc is predictably aps. Some people would argue: "Oh, just use anti-stun apoc, genie, etc" but how much fun is it honestly to fight an aps player / be an aps player in pvp? The only vaguely entertaining part of aps in pvp would be the stacks of damage across your screen. Compare pvp these days to pvp 2 years ago.... In fact, why just limit it to pvp? Go ahead and compare pvp AND pve to how it is now and how it was 2 years ago.

    Another issue I would like to bring up is the lack of instances for end-game and low level players especially. 1-80, there is practically nothing to do other than quest and bh (And buy FC). Instead of expanding the game geographically, there should be new instances implemented for lower levels - say starting around 40+ which is when BHs start. Make the instance level required and unable to be solo'd by a high level like PV, in a sense. It'll give more incentive for players to take their time with leveling instead of rushing to 100+ for more instances and challenges. With how boring quests are and how easy it is for BH to be solo'd by a high level there is practically nothing for low level players to do - which pushes people to buying FC in the first place. Understandably, there is probably the problem of memory which would hinder these additions - people can tell from the way bosses and mobs are all shrinking or have shrunk to a sad, miniature size - but pushing to install new instances for low levels (Level locked) would help the game overall.

    Conclusively, I'll more than likely get tons of hate for the suggestion, but there will be people who would agree as well. I'm almost positive the issue has been mentioned in some prior posts but it does need attention, which is why I'm writing this one. People would be upset, and even quit, if such a thing as reducing aps were to be implemented. However, people have also quit over numerous things such as the tideborn expansion in the past. The crowd would adapt to the change over time and may even grow to like its benefits in the future. Aps is killing the game slowly but surely, and it would be a major change. It's clear that this game, however, is dying and needs a major change like this to be revived.
  • KissAndKill - Dreamweaver
    KissAndKill - Dreamweaver Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Allow us to exchange base mats for construction points.
    There once a time when I cared about getting to the top quickly as possible to help others. Now, I take it slow, and don't worry about having nothing to do. There's always something to do in an MMORPG, especially if you are high level. PK'ing is for those who desire to inflate their egos. True friendship comes from helping one-another, rather than to start rivalries.

    It takes 315300 Mysterious Chips to make one warsoul weapon, if you have a 100% success rate.
  • Mimiroppu - Heavens Tear
    Mimiroppu - Heavens Tear Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Rly long post.

    The only problem I would have with your post is that it's reeeaaaaaaaaaally long. I'm guilty of a wall o' text, here and there, myself.

    Honestly, that is why most MMOs go down the shoot. One player figures out the game and everyone copies. I've seen an admin team get stuck in the cycle of "player figures out game, players complain, GMs try to fix, players complain, player figures out the game." Most of the time, it's unfixable. There has to be a middle ground, where the players don't lose their hard earned advantage, but can't use it everywhere. Getting rid of aps isn't the answer. It's way too late to throw that wrench into the works. If you remove aps now, you're likely to kill this game, from lack of income alone. (Not to mention that PWCN is coming out with new -int tomes and new armor/weapons with ungodly attack levels, iirc)

    Don't forget that not everyone who may play aps is on these forums.

    I think coming up with a new game mechanic(a mob defbuff or a complete instance with said debuff... an environment debuff)where aps is useless or nerfed, is more... Realistic. Like what they did for some of the new BH bosses. Have to revert to a more traditional way of pulling instead of using genies.

    And before anyone says "u probly aps urself lolololol u wan keep aps cuz u use": I main a psychic. I do not have any aps characters over level 40.

    TL;DR- I don't think aps should be removed, just subjected to an extreme debuff from the monsters, not the aps itself.
  • slamstone
    slamstone Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    In any case there are other classes with damage amplifications:
    Veno - amp
    Cleric - Mark of weakness
    Seeker - Def lev debuff
    Sin - Subsea Strike

    They don't have conflict with applying their debuff except for Sin who shares their icon with a genie skill. The sin skill though is just a 30s cooldown. It's huge pain having to fight another classes 30s cooldown skill with your 5minute cooldown skill.

    how about teaching the clerics not to dimensional seal on devour, how about teaching the mystics to not use debuffing creep unless its the exploding one thingy (unless there is no barb/cleric in squad/rib strike) its not only bv its all the old debuff being overwritten with lesser ones by the new classes

    sure bv sucks when it overwritten by dg...but think in pvp/tw how would a cata barb survive with all the usual debuffs+tower debuffs + newly upgraded bv that does stack with dg.

    being unable to stack some debuffs adds more survivability in the game...because if the atk/debuff part is fun and somehow well organized.....u cant say that defense is doing too good?

    lets say for example: how many respond with debuffs to a "call target/assist atk" and how many players actually know/are willing to learn/are willing help defense with new morai protection skills on psi/mystics

    what im saying the "unable to stack" are there for a reason (maybe balancing stuff)
  • crazicuki
    crazicuki Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    truekossy wrote: »
    The post prior was not my own nor am I fighting for the word. However the fact remains that we have a dumb filter. They can't fix it or change it to only apply to certain chat channels without reworking the entire chat system. To the point where they've changed item/monster/etc names and speech rather than remove a censored word or try to get the devs to make such an overhaul.

    And as I've stated, filters are easy to bypass. Nothing is stopping a person from using r@pe, raep, r.ape, rap3, or any of the other multitudes of ways around censoring the word... which is already visible ingame. I can't mention c.ockatrice, c.ocktail, c.ock (as in the chicken) soup, etc... yet anyone wanting to mention it in the manner it was censored for can and will do so with impunity and without consequence. Same would happen if the word was censored. As I said, what we need are staff monitoring chat. That way you could ask those around you to avoid the word... and the ones on WC you can't control would have to mind their language and avoid it to not get banned. Plus this would let those legitimately using it in a word such as grape to do so unhindered.

    In short, I'm not saying you should have to have it thrown at you. Just that censoring it is a horribly ineffective way of dealing with it that wouldn't even stop the problem while making things worse.
    O.K. That I understand and can respect, if they cannot fix it, then as suggested, they should get someone in game to mod the world I said before, if we act like children, we should be treated as such and this would sort that out immediately, and get the crude language to be again made private and respectful, or not in game...all I want is a place to enjoy myself, isn't that why we all started playing to begin with?...To relaxb:chuckleb:pleased
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    crazicuki wrote: »

    This is just silly. You might want to see a doctor or someone if that upsets you that much. Don't expect the world to wrap everything into covers just because it upsets you...

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Savini - Lost City
    Savini - Lost City Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    crazicuki wrote: »
    O.K. That I understand and can respect, if they cannot fix it, then as suggested, they should get someone in game to mod the world I said before, if we act like children, we should be treated as such and this would sort that out immediately, and get the crude language to be again made private and respectful, or not in game...all I want is a place to enjoy myself, isn't that why we all started playing to begin with?...To relaxb:chuckleb:pleased

    I agree that it's a terrible word, and must be traumatic for anyone to read if it happened to them in real life. However, like it or not, it has become everyday slang in the modern gaming culture, just as "pwned" or "ganked". And I'm sorry, but crude language is a part of the game, especially on pvp servers where one is apt to taunt an enemy. One of the main reasons my friends and I left another game for this one, was that it's chat was overly censored to where people could barely say anything, and this game was much less restricted. (I actually typed "grapejuice" my first 5 seconds in PW, because that word was censored in the other Though I try to conduct myself politely and not use offensive language ingame, as an American, I believe in total freedom of speech, offensive or not. Today it's that word, tomorrow it's something that offends another person, and before you know it, PWI has become less mature than a Disney cartoon. b:surrender
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I was thinking that the current trials could be made easier so that smaller factions, especially ones who don't TW and don't have many (or any) R9/full G16 players, can complete them or at least most of them and give a better chance to more powerful factions to go past the first set of trials and try out the second one.

    Another suggestion I'd have is to make the trials be more rewarding. R8r is no longer worth the time/cost to farm it with G16 available. Either increase the boss drop-rate or the rewards from quests.

    I'd love to see a revision of the faction base items and costs. Some things are still much too expensive and not suitable for our version's economy. Also, it would be great if the faction base could have a faction bank so that leaders will no longer need to make an account or character just to serve as bank.

    And last but not least, I think lower level toons deserve to be able to do faction quests (like lvl60+). It would be nice if the exp of the faction quest would increase as well. It's not bad but I think giving better exp will give people more motivation to do them. I'd like to see a change in the quests too much like how BH works so that people won't have to do the exact same monsters everyday.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'd like to see the starter racial armor (the one you wear when you aren't wearing any armor what so ever) get turned into fashion. That way you can wear without being naked.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • KissAndKill - Dreamweaver
    KissAndKill - Dreamweaver Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'd like to see the starter racial armor (the one you wear when you aren't wearing any armor what so ever) get turned into fashion. That way you can wear without being naked.

    Without stats of course :P Since they'd have to re-work the fashion engine to have stats if they did. No one wants this to turn into Eden Eternal or the like with statted fashions.
    There once a time when I cared about getting to the top quickly as possible to help others. Now, I take it slow, and don't worry about having nothing to do. There's always something to do in an MMORPG, especially if you are high level. PK'ing is for those who desire to inflate their egos. True friendship comes from helping one-another, rather than to start rivalries.

    It takes 315300 Mysterious Chips to make one warsoul weapon, if you have a 100% success rate.
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Without stats of course :P Since they'd have to re-work the fashion engine to have stats if they did. No one wants this to turn into Eden Eternal or the like with statted fashions.

    Considering it's the no armor on look and even if it DID have stats somehow, fashion doesn't... :P
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Without stats of course :P Since they'd have to re-work the fashion engine to have stats if they did. No one wants this to turn into Eden Eternal or the like with statted fashions.

    The starter armor has no stats. It's what you are wearing when you are completely naked. Of course the game isn't going to animate your person completely naked. So it will put the starter armor and starter fashion on depending which tab you choose. Neither have stats as far as i'm aware.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • KissAndKill - Dreamweaver
    KissAndKill - Dreamweaver Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I thought you guys meant the elders' blessing armor that new characters (New name+race combination actually) get. My second iteration of KissAndKill never got them for some reason.
    There once a time when I cared about getting to the top quickly as possible to help others. Now, I take it slow, and don't worry about having nothing to do. There's always something to do in an MMORPG, especially if you are high level. PK'ing is for those who desire to inflate their egos. True friendship comes from helping one-another, rather than to start rivalries.

    It takes 315300 Mysterious Chips to make one warsoul weapon, if you have a 100% success rate.
  • crazicuki
    crazicuki Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    This is just silly. You might want to see a doctor or someone if that upsets you that much. Don't expect the world to wrap everything into covers just because it upsets you...
    I don't need everything wrapped up in a neat little box, I just think people are regressing if they are not even able to try to utilize a different word, if something is that offensive...yes we deserve freedom, it also means we have a is about respect, and I find I can be all kinds of naughty or whatever you want to call it in game, without being majorly offensive to anyone. What is so hard about a different word? Or are you not that creative?...Again, I still think it can be said in private, without bothering as's common sense reallyb:laugh
  • Annalyse - Heavens Tear
    Annalyse - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The need for Heroes' Blood to get into Unicorn Forest should be removed. It is not only useless, but frustrating when the chrono quest chain tells you to go back out and talk to the Sage in OHT, and he tells you to go back in... but guess what, you have to wait three hours to continue questing because it is 3:01. Either take the need for blood away, or put the blood there permanently with no special times.
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT?
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Change the barb skill roar so that it will resets all aggro but the casters, and reduce the cooldown. At the moment it resets all aggro.

    Give clerics an AOE rez and an AOE purify.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Gotta disagree on the roar. A full aggro reset is as handy for helping save casters as others.
  • KissAndKill - Dreamweaver
    KissAndKill - Dreamweaver Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Change the barb skill roar so that it will resets all aggro but the casters, and reduce the cooldown. At the moment it resets all aggro.

    Give clerics an AOE rez and an AOE purify.

    if you change the roar on Barb, you have to change it on pets for venos too. I doubt that'll happen.
    There once a time when I cared about getting to the top quickly as possible to help others. Now, I take it slow, and don't worry about having nothing to do. There's always something to do in an MMORPG, especially if you are high level. PK'ing is for those who desire to inflate their egos. True friendship comes from helping one-another, rather than to start rivalries.

    It takes 315300 Mysterious Chips to make one warsoul weapon, if you have a 100% success rate.
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Let us sort skill books in AH by class.

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    if you change the roar on Barb, you have to change it on pets for venos too. I doubt that'll happen.

    Pet roar is already different, though.
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    truekossy wrote: »
    Gotta disagree on the roar. A full aggro reset is as handy for helping save casters as others.

    Can't they just use Alpha Male if they want their own aggro reset? Just thinking it would help barbs tank again.


    Pet roar isn't the same thing as barb roar.

    Let us sort skill books in AH by class.


    Also let us sort fashion by item type. Like let me see all of the female wigs in the AH. Currently there are tabs for the appropriate breakdown, you just can't select them and have to pick each individual one.

    Also let all tradeable items be sold in the AH.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Can't they just use Alpha Male if they want their own aggro reset? Just thinking it would help barbs tank again.
    Exactly why I prefer it as is where it resets all aggro. After all, I don't think the tank should have to expect others to be able to reset their own aggro.

    Now if you'd asked for roar to reset aggro for everyone BUT the barb as well as boosting the barb's aggro... well that'd make roar a lot more useful for both helping others and building aggro.
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    truekossy wrote: »
    Exactly why I prefer it as is where it resets all aggro. After all, I don't think the tank should have to expect others to be able to reset their own aggro.

    Now if you'd asked for roar to reset aggro for everyone BUT the barb as well as boosting the barb's aggro... well that'd make roar a lot more useful for both helping others and building aggro.

    That is what I was asking for. When I said "caster' i mean the caster of the skill (the barb) not the caster classes. Sorry that wasn't more clear. b:surrender So I figured they could change it so that roar resets all aggro except the barb's aggro.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    That is what I was asking for. When I said "caster' i mean the caster of the skill (the barb) not the caster classes. Sorry that wasn't more clear. b:surrender So I figured they could change it so that roar resets all aggro except the barb's aggro.

    Oh... well that makes way more sense than thinking you meant to exclude caster classes from getting their aggro reset. Sorry about that.... In that case nevermind what I said since we agree anyway. b:surrender
  • Era_Saga - Archosaur
    Era_Saga - Archosaur Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    First, The Giant Bunny as Veno pet. I know just about everyone has a giant bunny now, but I think because of it's size it would make a great veno pet. Something to replace the Herc. Personally I would love to see this big bunny beating the heck out of a boss. I can just picture the bunny whacking the boss with it's big ears or thumping it with it's hind legs. It would give veno's something cute to watch.

    And second a timed trans-server account stash stone. You can barely go a week without seeing someone on the forum begging to switch server. So I think a great way to help with this is to have a account stash stone that allows you to switch your items to a different server, but it only lasts for say 72 hours (to avoid people abusing it) and like regular account stash it's a one time thing, once you use it you can not use it again. I don't think most people really care about losing their toons, now days you can level pretty fast; it's mostly losing their equipment. I think this would make everyone happy, players could keep their stuff and GM's would not longer have to listen to all the QQ (about this any way).
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    Take it down to one full GV, 2 is too much. We already have a run with wave 4, than a run with wave 5, than a full GV, than a other full GV, just for one it's a pain to ''do'' (find a squad that need it cause no one want to spend 2h30 just to help).

    They put low culti short cause they was ''too long'', but that was really easy to do, they removed room 38 that was easy to do, but we have in total 4 GV we need to do (2 full on that).

    The full GV is the reason i can't do my full culti on any chars, i can't find squad for full GV or when i do that fail at wave 5 cause people go AFK or dc. A full GV is so long (2h30) that people don't want to go there just to help.

    Plus now people all want to do spawn which cost a lot of pots, cost me over than 300 mp pots on spawn and that still failed cause the last boss disappeared in our face at 100k hp, cause a flying mob pass our AoE and killed the harpy, but at spawn point we can't see the harpy, but now no one want to do normal way anyway, i prefer normal way even if a bit longer, cause it's more easy and safe, but everyone want always spawn since they found they could do that.

    They should put a ''door'' so people can't do spawn anymore and do it the normal way like it suppose to be.

    For me it's the only reason i can't get my lvl00 skills, i'm stuck on the GV part on all chars.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • KissAndKill - Dreamweaver
    KissAndKill - Dreamweaver Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    b:thanks b:victory

    Although I don't think they would use all of those b:chuckle

    Well, here's another PVP One:

    Sometimes, all at once! - Be dealt every type of elemental damage by another player.

    (Refers to this:
    There once a time when I cared about getting to the top quickly as possible to help others. Now, I take it slow, and don't worry about having nothing to do. There's always something to do in an MMORPG, especially if you are high level. PK'ing is for those who desire to inflate their egos. True friendship comes from helping one-another, rather than to start rivalries.

    It takes 315300 Mysterious Chips to make one warsoul weapon, if you have a 100% success rate.