Save PWI: 2012

Mystic_Man - Harshlands
Mystic_Man - Harshlands Posts: 44 Arc User
edited May 2012 in General Discussion
This is a petition. Sign, and move on. Bump it if needed. I'm vaguely aware trolls are going to swarm this, but it's consequence of being on the internet in general.

PWE, your playerbase is getting very, very irritated with the constant shafting you give them every time you decide to update your game, via sales or otherwise. I've seen deaths on Animal Planet less slow and painful than this. I'm surprised anybody can sit down to play this game, we've all been shafted so hard since Raging Tides came out.

If you make more money from a game by having it last longer (Like, a certain snow-themed company has been doing for several years, and is rolling in more money than they know what to do with--) wouldn't it make sense for you to quit hammering nails into the coffin of your flagship game?

I mean, this IS Perfect World International, and your company IS Perfect World Entertainment.

What's going to happen to you guys, when your biggest game gets flushed down the toilet by your own sheer stupidity? Do you really think the people investing in your company are going to be thrilled? And what about the people who play other games from your company? You don't think they're not going to find out that you singlehandedly killed one of your biggest games?

Look at us. We're your customers. We're NOT lab-rats. Stop testing your broken **** on us. You are KILLING this branch of the game. It's like you don't even want our money or something.

If you WANTED our money, you'd wake up, fix the game, and people would feel you're worth spending on again.

This is not hard. We've constantly pointed out what you're doing wrong---from NOT restricting Frostcovered City, to blaming China's different gaming culture for the introduction of your most recent game-murdering "experiment"---Rank 9.

We play this game. We know the inner workings. We know what we're talking about when we say that powerleveling is out of control, or that a certain instance is too difficult for normal players to complete anymore, or even that a certain twitchy class needs a better nurf than taking away accuracy.

When we point things out to you, it's because we're concerned about the game and its wellbeing. We ENJOY this game, which is why we want it to continue, and why everybody is so annoyed about blunder after blunder your marketing and developing staff churn up. It's almost like they're being paid to come up with the worst ideas humanly possible.

All we ask is that you do a few things.

Your classes need to be balanced. You know which ones we're talking about. BARBARIANS need to be tanking again. You know the other classes that need a reduction on a certain gamebreaking build that causes people to look like they're watching the banned episode of Pokemon.

You need to fix Frostcovered City. Period.
A good chunk of World Chat consists of either looking for BH 100, selling [Item], or the biggest one:
"Hai guiz im sellin FC 4 pplz so u dont have to play teh game. Pai me 200k a slot or 1m a room k?"

Seriously. This game feels like it became a private server. You can hit level 80 within a period of THREE DAYS. What about the rest of your game? You know, those levels from 1-79? Twilight Temple? Bounty Hunter? Fubens? Quests? Grinding on mobs because you just need that last .1% to hit another level?
Those things are dead due to your serious error on NOT fixing this issue. It needs to be repaired. There is a reason why the original staff decided to give us this quest to enter at 75, and why the instance won't open to a group with a person lower than 75 in it.

There's that incident about the 'Goon Glitchers as well, but we don't talk about that.

Gear---You know which set we're talking about.
The gap between Rank 8 and Rank 9 is so stupidly ridiculous, that when it first came out, I thought it was a joke. Then I realized in absolute horror that you were actually serious.
This gear has not only managed to make PvP its ****, but now it dominates PvE as well. I see people taking Rank 8 and 9 people out for Nirvana squads, instead of TT99 people who actually need those cannies for gear.

All for the sake of time.

Whatever happened to doing instances just so you could say you did them? Where did the joy of finishing the Twilight Emperor in 3-3 go off to? Why is it that people base the success on a run on how FAST it goes? It used to be that success depended on if you survived or not---and that was all dependent on whether someone knew their class, NOT their gear.
In my time on this game, I've been through some squads whose members had gear way below their level, yet played their class like a dream. I've also seen people in Rank 9 who are absolutely stupid, which is the majority of them as I've come to experience.

Now, I'm a Rank 9 Wizard myself, (posting on my shop/alt account for the sake of protecting my identity, and that of my main's faction.) But after playing this Mystic on a PvP server, without spending a dime on it, I've come to realize that this game's balance is more fvcked up than the United States Secret Service scandal.

Bottom line is, y'all need to wake up and smell the coffee--this game isn't going anywhere fast, and with other MMO's coming out, how well do you think this poorly managed heap is going to do against new things like that?
This game has SO MUCH potential to be amazing! I loved it when I first started playing! But the staff has let it go so much, that I hardly recognize it these days.

If you feel the same way, please feel free to drop a comment or two.

Support giving life back to this game, and to the community. Support Save PWI: 2012.

If you would like to donate signatures of your own, please message me with a link to anything you would like to see added into the picture storage.

Save PWI: 2012

We play this game---We know how to fix it.
Post edited by Mystic_Man - Harshlands on


  • shaelaa
    shaelaa Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    dont save this game, save ur money for ***
  • shaelaa
    shaelaa Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    mmm it seems G ui ld Wars 2 is censored , rofl , skrd much?
  • BerserkBeast - Sanctuary
    BerserkBeast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    You seem to mixing game flaws with community greed and company greed.

    Its not company fault if everyone want to power level faster
    (Even if you remove FCC,they're still oracles for fast levelling)

    Its not the company's fault either if China's devs doesn't fix the damn glitches.

    Its not even the company's fault for introducing R9,that's all Made-in-China stuff.

    Also to all *that game*2 lovers:I'll laugh like a drunk man when you'll be crying around 'cause *that game* isn't as good as you're expecting.
    The only way to beat a troll troll him back b:angry
  • _Petal_ - Harshlands
    _Petal_ - Harshlands Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    shaelaa wrote: »
    mmm it seems G ui ld Wars 2 is censored , rofl , skrd much?

    A wild troll appeared. F*cking christ, it's been how many minutes since this topic was posted?

    Pretty long speech, but I feel you. I've been toting around one of your banners since I first saw it, but I think what you're doing might actually be....healthy for the community. I actually agree with a lot of things you had to say, ESPECIALLY powerleveling.

    I swear it feels like half of world chat involves Nirvana(aps), BH 100, Selling items, and of course, FC selling spam. I see level 16 Psychics, members of my own class, buying these things.
    As a Psychic, that deeply insults me. I took two years to learn my class. I'm not the best geared thing on the server, but I know my class, and considering the gear I have, I play it very well. What people who make these characters and then go buy FC/R9 are basically telling me is that I can shove all that work up my ****---that it doesn't take talent to play my class anymore.

    The truth is, it takes hardly ANY talent to play ANY class anymore.

    When I level a character, I do it with the intent of LEARNING how to play it. I have in-depth discussions with level 100 Seekers, Venomancers, Mystics, and Barbarians in my endgame faction (Mayhem) about those respective classes. I've had lengthy discussions with some people who are considered the best of the classes I play. I seek their advice when I go and do things. I talk with them about strategies against different mobs, or classes in PvP.
    I can do these things BECAUSE I learned how to play my classes.

    Can I faceroll the keyboard and chalk up 50 PvP kills? Only if it were a cold day in hell. But one day, when I DO get up to their level of gear? It'll be a cold day in hell when they beat me---and in my book, he who is still alive to laugh last, wins.

    People who are too lazy to play this game as it was intended should be punished, not rewarded. The original developing staff didn't want to design a private server--they wanted a GAME.

    This is not how you play a game.
    They made fun of me because I wasn't a R8 Psychic...and then came third cast. It's not funny anymore.

    Reason 88 to buy a makeover scroll:
    gomba: "Your butt looks like an eggplant."
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    This is a petition. Sign, and move on. Bump it if needed. I'm vaguely aware trolls are going to swarm this, but it's consequence of being on the internet in general.

    PWE, your playerbase is getting very, very irritated with the constant shafting you give them every time you decide to update your game, via sales or otherwise. I've seen deaths on Animal Planet less slow and painful than this. I'm surprised anybody can sit down to play this game, we've all been shafted so hard since Raging Tides came out.

    If you make more money from a game by having it last longer (Like, a certain snow-themed company has been doing for several years, and is rolling in more money than they know what to do with--) wouldn't it make sense for you to quit hammering nails into the coffin of your flagship game?

    I mean, this IS Perfect World International, and your company IS Perfect World Entertainment.

    What's going to happen to you guys, when your biggest game gets flushed down the toilet by your own sheer stupidity? Do you really think the people investing in your company are going to be thrilled? And what about the people who play other games from your company? You don't think they're not going to find out that you singlehandedly killed one of your biggest games?

    Look at us. We're your customers. We're NOT lab-rats. Stop testing your broken **** on us. You are KILLING this branch of the game. It's like you don't even want our money or something.

    If you WANTED our money, you'd wake up, fix the game, and people would feel you're worth spending on again.

    This is not hard. We've constantly pointed out what you're doing wrong---from NOT restricting Frostcovered City, to blaming China's different gaming culture for the introduction of your most recent game-murdering "experiment"---Rank 9.

    We play this game. We know the inner workings. We know what we're talking about when we say that powerleveling is out of control, or that a certain instance is too difficult for normal players to complete anymore, or even that a certain twitchy class needs a better nurf than taking away accuracy.

    When we point things out to you, it's because we're concerned about the game and its wellbeing. We ENJOY this game, which is why we want it to continue, and why everybody is so annoyed about blunder after blunder your marketing and developing staff churn up. It's almost like they're being paid to come up with the worst ideas humanly possible.

    All we ask is that you do a few things.

    Your classes need to be balanced. You know which ones we're talking about. BARBARIANS need to be tanking again. You know the other classes that need a reduction on a certain gamebreaking build that causes people to look like they're watching the banned episode of Pokemon.

    You need to fix Frostcovered City. Period.
    A good chunk of World Chat consists of either looking for BH 100, selling [Item], or the biggest one:
    "Hai guiz im sellin FC 4 pplz so u dont have to play teh game. Pai me 200k a slot or 1m a room k?"

    Seriously. This game feels like it became a private server. You can hit level 80 within a period of THREE DAYS. What about the rest of your game? You know, those levels from 1-79? Twilight Temple? Bounty Hunter? Fubens? Quests? Grinding on mobs because you just need that last .1% to hit another level?
    Those things are dead due to your serious error on NOT fixing this issue. It needs to be repaired. There is a reason why the original staff decided to give us this quest to enter at 75, and why the instance won't open to a group with a person lower than 75 in it.

    There's that incident about the 'Goon Glitchers as well, but we don't talk about that.

    Gear---You know which set we're talking about.
    The gap between Rank 8 and Rank 9 is so stupidly ridiculous, that when it first came out, I thought it was a joke. Then I realized in absolute horror that you were actually serious.
    This gear has not only managed to make PvP its ****, but now it dominates PvE as well. I see people taking Rank 8 and 9 people out for Nirvana squads, instead of TT99 people who actually need those cannies for gear.

    All for the sake of time.

    Whatever happened to doing instances just so you could say you did them? Where did the joy of finishing the Twilight Emperor in 3-3 go off to? Why is it that people base the success on a run on how FAST it goes? It used to be that success depended on if you survived or not---and that was all dependent on whether someone knew their class, NOT their gear.
    In my time on this game, I've been through some squads whose members had gear way below their level, yet played their class like a dream. I've also seen people in Rank 9 who are absolutely stupid, which is the majority of them as I've come to experience.

    Now, I'm a Rank 9 Wizard myself, (posting on my shop/alt account for the sake of protecting my identity, and that of my main's faction.) But after playing this Mystic on a PvP server, without spending a dime on it, I've come to realize that this game's balance is more fvcked up than the United States Secret Service scandal.

    Bottom line is, y'all need to wake up and smell the coffee--this game isn't going anywhere fast, and with other MMO's coming out, how well do you think this poorly managed heap is going to do against new things like that?
    This game has SO MUCH potential to be amazing! I loved it when I first started playing! But the staff has let it go so much, that I hardly recognize it these days.

    If you feel the same way, please feel free to drop a comment or two.

    Support giving life back to this game, and to the community. Support Save PWI: 2012.

    If you would like to donate signatures of your own, please message me with a link to anything you would like to see added into the picture storage.

    why is ppl only qqing bout r9 as op when we have twitchy 5 aps who dominate pve to farm wish at same time make even more fishes and reslut in a sin world.

    hell out of 10 ppl we have 7 of them being a freaking sin in the open and most ppl take out there alt on TW only.

    r9 is only part of the issue

    at the very least r9 is few in comparasion to the infestation of what we see wish is 5ps

    putting my two cent

    ooh just to say new bosses have bramble wish make me usefull again tho a few fishes die np they just hade to spark and twitch and agro die b:bye the game is not really fixed but at least i hear my class being called a bit more often in worldchat.
  • Kremia - Lost City
    Kremia - Lost City Posts: 507 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    No way im going to read that, so i just say: yeah you're right :)
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    The OP is correct, but this won't change anything. This player base has yelled and yelled at PWE/Wanmei to fix the game, but they refuse. Back in the day, there was 150 page pack thread, 150+ page thread on why gold rose to 300k, etc.

    PWE wants this game to die. They are just milking the cash out of this cow, until the player base drops enough that they can merge servers. I highly doubt they will close this game anytime soon, as PWI is PWE's flagship game, and PW-CN is still updated frequently and quite popular.

    I've given my ideas in other threads on how they could fix this game, as well. I've even compiled a list of over 100+ bugs, glitches, hacks, etc and sent it to PWI 2 1/2 years ago. Most haven't been fixed, needless to say.
  • Ziskery - Heavens Tear
    Ziskery - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I support the stuff you said yeah... but I doubt anything will happen. First of all because alot of the people who were shafted just left and won't be here to agree, and that leaves who? Second of all I doubt they even have the effort to implement any of this. Third of all any major changes would upset someone, somewhere. Sins get nerfed and everyone who's a sin starts to QQ. Fourth of all they have yet to do anything and there has been a ton of complaints since packs.
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I sick of how the playerbase just whines so much that we now can't afford to refine our gears like we could in the past. They do fine if people just stop griping about every little change which typically turned out good or was necessary.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    tweakz wrote: »
    I sick of how the playerbase just whines so much that we now can't afford to refine our gears like we could in the past. They do fine if people just stop griping about every little change which typically turned out good or was necessary.

    There's a reason why people whine. They don't like how the game is being run. Think about it.
  • _Petal_ - Harshlands
    _Petal_ - Harshlands Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    There's a reason why people whine. They don't like how the game is being run. Think about it.

    You're talking to tweakz. His strongest attribute is that he doesn't think. I don't think he realizes we can't all be Assassins.
    They made fun of me because I wasn't a R8 Psychic...and then came third cast. It's not funny anymore.

    Reason 88 to buy a makeover scroll:
    gomba: "Your butt looks like an eggplant."
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    You're talking to tweakz. His strongest attribute is that he doesn't think. I don't think he realizes we can't all be Assassins.

    Lol, I suppose so. :P
  • Divine_Death - Dreamweaver
    Divine_Death - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,491 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    They are so cute when they still think their opinion matters as far as how the game will go.

    "Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk
  • Saethos - Raging Tide
    Saethos - Raging Tide Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I've been around. Seen some things. I'll support it but people have been begging to balance sins since they started hitting 100

    I even remember someone suggesting Shadow Escape be limited in time, something giving enough time to Windpush escape, not hide off someones sparks. That was a while ago though.

    Then I remember someone saying to nerf their chi skills. This was once they started hitting 5 aps, they felt 5 aps was enough to get chi with Tackling Slash.

    All of them died and there were many more. Lots of casters suggesting to lower APS to 2.5 max once.

    That's just how it is
    It is said that apple pie is best served Al La Mode, so if you are the pie, consider me your ice cream.
  • Reaperarm - Harshlands
    Reaperarm - Harshlands Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    This petition is pointless. Period. This game is dead as far as being played the way it was meant to be played. Sure you can say it's not dead because the servers are still on and some people are still spending money on it. Most of the players left though are highly addicted to the game. Like the pay2win setup or they stick around for friends.

    As for balancing.Pft gimme a break. The only way to balance the game would remove r9 and that's not happening so forget balance. This company has a set way they run games and someone in another thread even posted it. They only expect their games to last 3-5 years before their economic usefulness is gone. My advice is enjoy the game for what it's worth for while it lasts and then never touch another pwe title again. But if your expecting any changes in the way pwe is running it and expecting them to turn things around you are dead wrong and just pissing in the wind.

    Summary. Your petition isn't gonna change squat.b:bye
    If you find yourself hopelessly pulled towards running into massive amounts of mobs in a vain attempt to aoe them all to death.......You just might be a bm.
  • chino123
    chino123 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Show up in person to their offices ijs >.>.
  • Cotillion - Dreamweaver
    Cotillion - Dreamweaver Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    This petition is pointless. Period. This game is dead as far as being played the way it was meant to be played. Sure you can say it's not dead because the servers are still on and some people are still spending money on it. Most of the players left though are highly addicted to the game. Like the pay2win setup or they stick around for friends.

    As for balancing.Pft gimme a break. The only way to balance the game would remove r9 and that's not happening so forget balance. This company has a set way they run games and someone in another thread even posted it. They only expect their games to last 3-5 years before their economic usefulness is gone. My advice is enjoy the game for what it's worth for while it lasts and then never touch another pwe title again. But if your expecting any changes in the way pwe is running it and expecting them to turn things around you are dead wrong and just pissing in the wind.

    Summary. Your petition isn't gonna change squat.b:bye
    Sums it up. This game will never be played like it was intended, ever again.

    Taking any of the stuff away that's been 'demanded' from the forum playerbase for the last couple years is still here for a reason. Taking it away now would guarantee a quicker death for the game.
    You take away peoples ability to buy their endgame levels, rank9 and max APS.....there go all your addicted cashshoppers and people who come to buy this stuff. So what're you left with? The people addicted who don't cashshop and people here for friends.
    While many may tote that as a good wouldn't be. PWI would still attract few new players with all the other options out there that are newer, prettier, more features, etc. Let's face it, PWI is dated and showing its age....and it certainly doesnt have the staying power of *insert MMO we all know*.
    Yes, this is a cashcow for them and they know it. I don't get why you all get so mad about that. People throw money at this game to get whatever they want. PWE reaps profits from that. Why would they change that? They are a company making profit, not a charitable organization catering to people who dont pay them anything.
    None of what you say here has made a difference in the last 3 years......why would it now?

    I'm not even anti-PWE, APS/TB or cashshop. Its the reality of what this game is. A PWE cashcow. And I'm still playing it, yes. I've been since before the genies, so I've had time to farm and build up coin enough to stay current with gears. This isn't a reality for anyone new. Either enjoy it the way it is or find another more to your liking., or hell....go find a PWI PS that pre-dates the TB.
    This game will never be what it once was, or intended to be, ever again. It's long since time people accepted that.
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    chino123 wrote: »
    Show up in person to their offices ijs >.>.

    Wouldn't do much. I've heard stories of people who actually called them, and showed up at their office. The result was quite entertaining. They didn't care, lol.
  • My__Camry - Heavens Tear
    My__Camry - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I'm just here to act like a fool
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    They are so cute when they still think their opinion matters as far as how the game will go.

    Sadly it does. People whined about the orb sales: haven't had decent priced orbs over +5 in a year. People whined about aps: now everyone that invested in aps got screwed. People whined about pack sales: now token prices went up.

    Seriously.. just quit qq'ing over every little change.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Cody_tylor - Sanctuary
    Cody_tylor - Sanctuary Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    This was the fault of both the company and the player. The only way that couldbe solved is change from the base, the customers. How much people cash shop on packs alone?

    Also Ghoul, QQ more please, a 5APS user without a highre refined weapon and decent armor cannot tank. They die like noobs unlike R9, they may not permaspark but an R9 seeker AOE wurlord WITH clones without BP. Lets see a 5APSer do that. Before you QQ about APS toons, learn play A BARB.
    WTB PWI 2008 where people were thinking more about doing good rather than pretending to be.
  • FragiIe - Dreamweaver
    FragiIe - Dreamweaver Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    tweakz wrote: »
    Sadly it does. People whined about the orb sales: haven't had decent priced orbs over +5 in a year. People whined about aps: now everyone that invested in aps got screwed. People whined about pack sales: now token prices went up.

    Seriously.. just quit qq'ing over every little change.

    pot calling the kettle black you're sitting there whining about what someone else whines about b:chuckle
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    pot calling the kettle black you're sitting there whining about what someone else whines about b:chuckle

    How many times you gonna make another account just to get banned? No information, no counters; just personal attacks. Does PWI have something against banning your IP?
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • ultimawpn
    ultimawpn Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Also to all *that game*2 lovers:I'll laugh like a drunk man when you'll be crying around 'cause *that game* isn't as good as you're expecting.

    i've already played G-W 2 and it's alot better than this piece of $%&#
  • Cody_tylor - Sanctuary
    Cody_tylor - Sanctuary Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    ultimawpn wrote: »
    i've already played G-W 2 and it's alot better than this piece of $%&#

    Lol back to NC soft where people end up quitting afterwards. Why are you still here then? Quit this piece of $%&# and not log onto the forums either. Already had enough of nerdrage since 2010.

    I was in a game and it was a piece of garbage that I regret playing, do I go on their forum to nerdrage? No, I just quit the game and move on to a better one. You're still stuck on PWE.
    WTB PWI 2008 where people were thinking more about doing good rather than pretending to be.
  • charles
    charles Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
  • Mascoun - Lost City
    Mascoun - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    PWI is getting boring now

    PWI 2009 - 2010
    Auction House

    [html]<img src="; />[/html]
    PWI 2011 - 2012
    Auction House

    [html]<img src="; />[/html]
  • bearyflair
    bearyflair Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    It's funny how ppl complain about the game or say it's boring or dead, yet they still troll and whine around on the forums. If you hate this game so much, why the hell you still hanging around? Can't get enough of the game you "hate"?
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    bearyflair wrote: »
    It's funny how ppl complain about the game or say it's boring or dead, yet they still troll and whine around on the forums. If you hate this game so much, why the hell you still hanging around? Can't get enough of the game you "hate"?

    Or they enjoy reading/posting on an open message board of the game they once played.b:bye
  • OIdpop - Heavens Tear
    OIdpop - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    there is no right to petition for a game lol
    This game is like washing hair with shampoo... Rinse and repeat if desired.
    Proud owner of many mains.101 bm,101 seeker,101 demon sin,100 sage sin,101 archer,101 barb,100 cleric,100 wiz( first toon since sept 08 finally made it in 2013)newly added mystic 100 HA,72 psy.