Help with my sin please

Loyal_One - Lost City
Loyal_One - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
edited May 2012 in Assassin
Hey guys, i realize this is not the even close to being an endgame build. But this is my going to be my build once i reach 100. What do you recommend i go after next? I am going sage for sure. I plan on getting Warsoul of Earth, a lunar cape, and also refining everything eventually. Now i guess the main question is what should i go for first? And also what do you recommend at a sage sin? Nirvana Barrier thorns for the -.1 int? or any other recommendations? dont use pw calc to show me please, i have to check from my phone, so all advice please type out for me. TY

my build is
Post edited by Loyal_One - Lost City on


  • Kuero - Harshlands
    Kuero - Harshlands Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited May 2012

    i dont have much experience with sage as i am demon but i can try and help, high int weapons would be best so going for a pangu and barrier thorns would be beneficial so you can windshield up to 5 aps
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    In order of priority:
    Warsoul of Earth
    Shadow Ashura Greaves
    Refines to +5-6
    Barrier Thorn: Nirvana
    Sign of Frost: Chaos
    Refines to +7-8
    Ancestral Divine Hat
    Pan Gu, Creator
    Refines to +9-10
    Energetic Robe: Lunar Glade

    Personally I'm looking like this right now. My refines aren't up to par just because there hasn't been any good refine sales recently.

    Ancestral Divine Hat and Energetic Robe: Lunar Glade have rather low priority in upgrading mostly because their greatest value is in higher refines, which is something you'll be something rather late. Pan Gu, Creator on the other hand costs a lot and 3.33 APS is plenty.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • BladedZero - Sanctuary
    BladedZero - Sanctuary Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Lunar cape should be one of your last goals as the TM cape should do just fine. I would suggest just socketing the thing with the socket stones you get from your BH 100 when you get to it and shard an extra 2 citrines.

    and while typing this I realize oblaze had my whole item progression idea written down already..... you know what just read what he wrote.
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Lunar cape should be one of your last goals as the TM cape should do just fine. I would suggest just socketing the thing with the socket stones you get from your BH 100 when you get to it and shard an extra 2 citrines.

    and while typing this I realize oblaze my whole item progression idea written down already..... you know what just read what he wrote.

    Of course I would. After all, it is me we're talking about here.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • Loyal_One - Lost City
    Loyal_One - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    ok thank you all for the help, and that list you made Olba is fantastic, thank you for that
  • Demon_troll - Harshlands
    Demon_troll - Harshlands Posts: 622 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    go demon because sage spark dont boost aps like demon spark.
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    go demon because sage spark dont boost aps like demon spark.

    Also add more Mag. so you can stay in stealth for longer.
  • Hellzbells - Harshlands
    Hellzbells - Harshlands Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    go demon because sage spark dont boost aps like demon spark.
    Go die in a hole because you dont know what you are talking about.
    i wish i had gone sage, i like the skills way more but i was a bit aps obsessed
  • Demon_troll - Harshlands
    Demon_troll - Harshlands Posts: 622 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Go die in a hole because you dont know what you are talking about.
    i wish i had gone sage, i like the skills way more but i was a bit aps obsessed

    roll a caster u ****... and no way sin go mag, useless
  • Hellzbells - Harshlands
    Hellzbells - Harshlands Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    roll a caster u ****... and no way sin go mag, useless

    I have a sin, I killed you on him b:cute
    and yeah I did roll a caster. Im playing a psy got def lvls and fun. I kill people like you in white voodoo
  • _Skai_ - Raging Tide
    _Skai_ - Raging Tide Posts: 3,407 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Yay for Olbaze \o/
    [SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony[/SIGPIC]
    Vicious's Brony. Brohoof! - Assassin PvE/PvP Videos!
  • Typhyse - Sanctuary
    Typhyse - Sanctuary Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Only reason to go Demon with a sin: more APS early on.
    I went Demon and I really regret it. I'd respec to Sage if I hadn't been stupid and invested in several Demon skills already.
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Hellzbells - Harshlands
    Hellzbells - Harshlands Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Only reason to go Demon with a sin: more APS early on.
    I went Demon and I really regret it. I'd respec to Sage if I hadn't been stupid and invested in several Demon skills already.

    You are in exactly the same mindset as me
    I almost bled out again
  • Typhyse - Sanctuary
    Typhyse - Sanctuary Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    You are in exactly the same mindset as me
    I almost bled out again
    Sucks don't it? -,..,-
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • BladedZero - Sanctuary
    BladedZero - Sanctuary Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    account stashes are amazing things, only need to buy another set of R8 for my other sin b:laugh
  • Hellzbells - Harshlands
    Hellzbells - Harshlands Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Sucks don't it? -,..,-

    Yeah bleeding isn't fun
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Only reason to go Demon with a sin: more APS early on.
    I went Demon and I really regret it. I'd respec to Sage if I hadn't been stupid and invested in several Demon skills already.

    Also gear versatility (because your gear gives you aps so you don't need to focus your gear around just that), better endgame weapons, more dps, more dph, longer stuns...
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Also gear versatility (because your gear gives you aps so you don't need to focus your gear around just that), better endgame weapons, more dps, more dph, longer stuns...

    You say that like Sages have to get to 4.0 base or they're ****. And that they somehow cannot use Rank 9.

    Funny thing is, I've seen a 2.86 R9 Sage do things I've never seen anyone else do. Similarly, the notoriously famous instance of Assassin herb farming was done with 3.33 sparked APS.

    Arguing DPS and DPH is kinda redundant since any Assassin still has more DPS than the any similar BM.

    The stuns/sleep/interrupt are only really applicable if you plan to PvP.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • Hellzbells - Harshlands
    Hellzbells - Harshlands Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    You say that like Sages have to get to 4.0 base or they're ****. And that they somehow cannot use Rank 9.

    Funny thing is, I've seen a 2.86 R9 Sage do things I've never seen anyone else do. Similarly, the notoriously famous instance of Assassin herb farming was done with 3.33 sparked APS.

    Arguing DPS and DPH is kinda redundant since any Assassin still has more DPS than the any similar BM.

    The stuns/sleep/interrupt are only really applicable if you plan to PvP.

    the herb farming was pretty impressive
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    You say that like Sages have to get to 4.0 base or they're ****. And that they somehow cannot use Rank 9.

    Funny thing is, I've seen a 2.86 R9 Sage do things I've never seen anyone else do. Similarly, the notoriously famous instance of Assassin herb farming was done with 3.33 sparked APS.

    Arguing DPS and DPH is kinda redundant since any Assassin still has more DPS than the any similar BM.

    The stuns/sleep/interrupt are only really applicable if you plan to PvP.

    Pretty sure the same things the 2.86 R9 +12s sages on our server the 4.0 R9 +12 demon's can do.

    Not to mention the herb farming video is of a demon sin. Because he's R9 3.33 demon he out DD's any sage, and as I said above, the reason he dropped to 3.33 is because he changed his ornies to a G16 cube neck to kill harpy because the demon spark allows gear versatility while maintaining high aps and perma spark.

    I agree, it becomes a bit of moot point when we are talking the difference between 150k sage dps and 3% paint vs 215k demon dps and 2% paint because both are still really high damage outputs and bloodpaint heal rates.

    As I said before, I went demon because I liked demon skills better and I believe survivability stops being a real issue in any instance around +8 - +10. I've gotten **** for saying this before but sage paint is only worth something when demon paint isn't already keeping your hp completely full. In otherwords if I'm taking 5k damage a second and I'm healing 9k damage on demon paint it doesn't really matter which I use, right? Same thing with sage spark. So for me, looking at super endgame, defensively I'm fine with either culti. Offensively, I'm also fine with either culti, just demon has more growth. And I like the demon skills better.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Hellzbells - Harshlands
    Hellzbells - Harshlands Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Pretty sure the same things the 2.86 R9 +12s sages on our server the 4.0 R9 +12 demon's can do.

    Not to mention the herb farming video is of a demon sin. Because he's R9 3.33 demon he out DD's any sage, and as I said above, the reason he dropped to 3.33 is because he changed his ornies to a G16 cube neck to kill harpy because the demon spark allows gear versatility while maintaining high aps and perma spark.

    I agree, it becomes a bit of moot point when we are talking the difference between 150k sage dps and 3% paint vs 215k demon dps and 2% paint because both are still really high damage outputs and bloodpaint heal rates.

    As I said before, I went demon because I liked demon skills better and I believe survivability stops being a real issue in any instance around +8 - +10. I've gotten **** for saying this before but sage paint is only worth something when demon paint isn't already keeping your hp completely full. In otherwords if I'm taking 5k damage a second and I'm healing 9k damage on demon paint it doesn't really matter which I use, right? Same thing with sage spark. So for me, looking at super endgame, defensively I'm fine with either culti. Offensively, I'm also fine with either culti, just demon has more growth. And I like the demon skills better.

    I thought you could only permaspark at 4.0+
  • PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver
    PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,507 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I thought you could only permaspark at 4.0+

    you can almost perma-spark at 4 if you use inner harmony
    with 1 use of RDS you can almost perma-spark at 3.33 and with 2xRDS you can almost permaspark at 2.89
    you only purge once #yopo
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Pretty sure the same things the 2.86 R9 +12s sages on our server the 4.0 R9 +12 demon's can do.

    Not to mention the herb farming video is of a demon sin. Because he's R9 3.33 demon he out DD's any sage, and as I said above, the reason he dropped to 3.33 is because he changed his ornies to a G16 cube neck to kill harpy because the demon spark allows gear versatility while maintaining high aps and perma spark.

    3.33 R9 +12 Demon: 232,204 dps
    4.0 G15 +12 Sage: 232,330 dps

    I deliberately lowered the quantity of DoTs until the DPS numbers were identical. Harpy Wraith is actually one of the cases where Sage Wolf Emblem shows its superiority. Also, the Sage gets the freedom to shard DoTs simply because they get higher effective life due to their spark. Of course, the Sage does have notably lower defenses. But then again I could've just given the sage three piece of recast R8 and skipped the ornaments.

    And besides, my point wasn't even that. Soloing Harpy Wraith can and should be considered the greatest soloing achievement in the game, considering the difficulty. The fact that cheze is deliberately lowering his APS in favor of defense levels is pretty the best proof as to the argument about APS leading to Demon being superior being moot. Also notably I've heard 2.86 R9 +12 Sages doing teh same thing.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • Hellzbells - Harshlands
    Hellzbells - Harshlands Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    you can almost perma-spark at 4 if you use inner harmony
    with 1 use of RDS you can almost perma-spark at 3.33 and with 2xRDS you can almost permaspark at 2.89

    oh guess i didnt remember correctly
  • Typhyse - Sanctuary
    Typhyse - Sanctuary Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Funny thing is, I've seen a 2.86 R9 Sage do things I've never seen anyone else do..
    Referring to Empu or NightWiing?
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Referring to Empu or NightWiing?

    The former.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • Typhyse - Sanctuary
    Typhyse - Sanctuary Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    The former.
    I've seen him in action three times; Blackhole, Aba, and Seat. He never ceases to amaze me.
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I've seen him in action three times; Blackhole, Aba, and Seat. He never ceases to amaze me.

    He also regularly dual logs with his barb for buffs and BH when he soloes Metal.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • _Skai_ - Raging Tide
    _Skai_ - Raging Tide Posts: 3,407 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I think Empu should start making videos :O I would love to see a solo metal bh.
    [SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony[/SIGPIC]
    Vicious's Brony. Brohoof! - Assassin PvE/PvP Videos!
  • Demon_troll - Harshlands
    Demon_troll - Harshlands Posts: 622 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    r u people stupid by regretting demon? dnt u realize u won't get better crit with sage!?