Hey look, PW stock rose...oh wait...

Ariella_ - Lost City
Posts: 245 Arc User
PW Stock report for the last 2 years shows that they...aren't doing well.

Post edited by Ariella_ - Lost City on
Yep, looks about right. Their stock has risen a small amount today (not noticeable), but over the last two years it has decreased by about 40% or so. LOL@PWE.0
Tremblewith - Heavens Tear wrote: »Yep, looks about right. Their stock has risen a small amount today (not noticeable), but over the last two years it has decreased by about 40% or so. LOL@PWE.
The stocks indicated is for the entire company as a whole not just Perfect World Entertainment, infact PWE is like a pre-bought game that pays a small % amount of there takings back in royalties and actually only makes up like 5% if that of the companies total value.
The money you spend on PWI, Forsaken World and any PWE Title goes into the pockets of greedy American landlords who butchered the Chinese version to fit western gaming styles and they don't look after there property, just waiting for the time to evict you and the money doesn't go into investment such as the game itself.
Edit: This is a working more accurate link to PWRD's stock watch http://www.google.co.uk/finance?q=NASDAQ:PWRD as you can see down -49.7% over 4 years.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
:: Youtube.com/YCEvenix :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos0 -
Sympathi - Archosaur wrote: »The stocks indicated is for the entire company as a whole not just Perfect World Entertainment, infact PWE is like a pre-bought game that pays a small % amount of there takings back in royalties and actually only makes up like 5% if that of the companies total value.
The money you spend on PWI, Forsaken World and any PWE Title goes into the pockets of greedy American landlords who butchered the Chinese version to fit western gaming styles and they don't look after there property, just waiting for the time to evict you and doesn't go into investment such as the game itself.
Yeah, pretty much. The stock is for PWRD, which covers their entire company. All of their games, really. It really reflects how their company is plummeting. Another two years and their stock won't be worth more than a dollar or two, lol. I'm sure by then, they will shut down the company.0 -
Sympathi - Archosaur wrote: »The stocks indicated is for the entire company as a whole not just Perfect World Entertainment, infact PWE is like a pre-bought game that pays a small % amount of there takings back in royalties and actually only makes up like 5% if that of the companies total value.
The money you spend on PWI, Forsaken World and any PWE Title goes into the pockets of greedy American landlords who butchered the Chinese version to fit western gaming styles and they don't look after there property, just waiting for the time to evict you and the money doesn't go into investment such as the game itself.
Edit: This is a working more accurate link to PWRD's stock watch http://www.google.co.uk/finance?q=NASDAQ:PWRD as you can see down -49.7% over 4 years.
It's kind of irrelevant if this is for the whole company or just a niche section of a company. The point is still valid. That's like saying Blockbuster isn't doing bad because there's this one location that does really good. As a whole the company is crashing, hard. Including PWE.b:cute
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Tremblewith - Heavens Tear wrote: »Yeah, pretty much. The stock is for PWRD, which covers their entire company. All of their games, really. It really reflects how their company is plummeting. Another two years and their stock won't be worth more than a dollar or two, lol. I'm sure by then, they will shut down the company.
The Chinese Wanmai and the American perfect world entertainment are two separate companies as a whole, one is just a sub directory of another.
Perfect World Entertainment bought the rights and intellect to Perfect World from the Chinese company renaming it to Perfect World International and continue to buy major releases like expansions, as-well as getting the ownership to license the game in America and recently in Europe too after the restriction stopping them came to an end.
the stocks of PWRD reflect mainly the Chinese titles, not the American. If the American chain PWI died 2mmrow, it would hardly affect the stocks of the Chinese head company as they only receive peanuts of the money PWE makes from there CSers.
However if the Chinese company died, this version of PW, PWI would have two choices, continue hosting the game as it is with no updates, expansions or fixes until there contract allowing them to host ends, or just completely shut it down.
The PWRD stock is in no way reflecting how the US company, this version of PW is doing only mainly the Chinese brance and games influenced a tiny bit by PWE, besides if you read all the stock reports the head company have been hitting like double there predicted profits per quarter and all the analysis are expecting the stock to surge in the next few months.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
:: Youtube.com/YCEvenix :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos0 -
Sympathi - Archosaur wrote: »and all the analysis are expecting the stock to surge in the next few months.
Then why has it been dropping consistently for the last 2 years?b:cute
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Sympathi - Archosaur wrote: »Perfect World Entertainment bought the rights and intellect to Perfect World from the Chinese company renaming it to Perfect World International.
Wouldn't that mean they than have the ability to alter/fix/add content? From my understanding they purchased a license to host the content and thats it. I may be wrong though.0 -
Sagek - Sanctuary wrote: »Wouldn't that mean they than have the ability to alter/fix/add content? From my understanding they purchased a license to host the content and thats it. I may be wrong though.
You're right.b:cute
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Ariella_ - Lost City wrote: »Then why has it been dropping consistently for the last 2 years?
Because it hasn't been putting out the profits its been making in the past few months, check back from the last quarter of February to April and you'll see the stock rose 61.99% or $6.54 per share ($6.4m in value) climbing from its lowest point of $10.55 to $17.09 a share after the company reported just under double its predicted profit margins for that Q.
The company as a whole has no debts at all, is in pure positive from in-takings with multiple highly prized titles (by china's standard) and is currently the biggest Chinese gaming firm.Sagek - Sanctuary wrote: »Wouldn't that mean they than have the ability to alter/fix/add content? From my understanding they purchased a license to host the content and thats it. I may be wrong though.
There not allowed to mass alter the game, think of it like renting a game from a shop, your not allowed to make copies or alter disk content, PWE is allowed to make minor changes to suit western culture such as the CS, and request over things such as removing goon exp from this version, allowing hypers in fc in this version ect.
In terms of actual programming skill for PWE staff they have none, if the game malfunctioned and it wasn't a server error PWE could do nothing. They police the game, program the websites and take peoples money and thats it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
:: Youtube.com/YCEvenix :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos0 -
Sympathi - Archosaur wrote: »The Chinese Wanmai and the American perfect world entertainment are two separate companies as a whole, one is just a sub directory of another.
Perfect World Entertainment bought the rights and intellect to Perfect World from the Chinese company renaming it to Perfect World International and continue to buy major releases like expansions, as-well as getting the ownership to license the game in America and recently in Europe too after the restriction stopping them came to an end.
the stocks of PWRD reflect mainly the Chinese titles, not the American. If the American chain PWI died 2mmrow, it would hardly affect the stocks of the Chinese head company as they only receive peanuts of the money PWE makes from there CSers.
However if the Chinese company died, this version of PW, PWI would have two choices, continue hosting the game as it is with no updates, expansions or fixes until there contract allowing them to host ends, or just completely shut it down.
The PWRD stock is in no way reflecting how the US company, this version of PW is doing only mainly the Chinese brance and games influenced a tiny bit by PWE, besides if you read all the stock reports the head company have been hitting like double there predicted profits per quarter and all the analysis are expecting the stock to surge in the next few months.
Either way, I'm under the impression PWE as a whole (Perfect World Entertainment), has been going downhill for the last couple of years. You don't need to check the stock market to release this, really. They have shut two of their games down in the last six months. They have acquired a lot of new ones, yes. However they have a solid 2-3 games that are on the verge of being shut down soon. Jade Dynasty/Ether Saga are both completely dead. There aren't many updates, the forums are worse than PWI, and there is no one in-game.
PWE as a whole is missing a ton of staff for customer support, most of their games are dying, flag-ship game dying, etc.0 -
Sympathi - Archosaur wrote: »Because it hasn't been putting out the profits its been making in the past few months, check back from the last quarter of February to April and you'll see the stock rose 61.99% or $6.54 per share ($6.4m in value) climbing from its lowest point of $10.55 to $17.09 a share after the company reported just under double its predicted profit margins for that Q.
The company as a whole has no debts at all, is in pure positive from in-takings with multiple highly prized titles (by china's standard) and is currently the biggest Chinese gaming firm.
Everything you're saying is relative. "Well compared to what they were projected to make they're doing GREAT"...because they weren't projected to make very much lol. There's a reason their stocks were $30 a share 2 years ago, and it's $13 now.b:cute
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Sagek - Sanctuary wrote: »Wouldn't that mean they than have the ability to alter/fix/add content? From my understanding they purchased a license to host the content and thats it. I may be wrong though.
There not allowed to mass alter the game, think of it like renting a game from a shop, your not allowed to make copies or alter disk content, PWE is allowed to make minor changes to suit western culture such as the CS, and request over things such as removing goon exp from this version, allowing hypers in fc in this version ect.
In terms of actual programming skill for PWE staff they have none, if the game malfunctioned and it wasn't a server error PWE could do nothing. They police the game, program the websites and take peoples money and thats it.Ariella_ - Lost City wrote: »Everything you're saying is relative. "Well compared to what they were projected to make they're doing GREAT"...because they weren't projected to make very much lol. There's a reason their stocks were $30 a share 2 years ago, and it's $12 now.
name me one game that's risen in stock price since launch and the "buzz" of the game. the company's been trading between 10$-20$ for years now after the initial hype in 2008. It seems pretty constant and safe to me, if you follow the downhill pattern the company would be bankrupt and stocks worthless by now.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
:: Youtube.com/YCEvenix :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos0 -
Not to defend PWI much but in all honesty, I believe that this being their flagship game.. One day, shortly, or far from now they're going to be in a meeting for once and then it will hit them that if they lose Perfect World, they're gone. By then though.. I believe it will be too late.0
btw im not trying to defend either companies here, PWE deserves to lose its rights and customers it just annoys me being an accountant in training to see people Google PW stocks, clicking the first link and then checking its stocks and being like HERP DERP PWE DYING PWE LOSING VALUE HERP DERP[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
:: Youtube.com/YCEvenix :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos0 -
Sympathi - Archosaur wrote: »name me one game that's risen in stock price since launch and the "buzz" of the game. the company's been trading between 10$-20$ for years now after the initial hype in 2008. It seems pretty constant and safe to me, if you follow the downhill pattern the company would be bankrupt and stocks worthless by now.
"Initial buzz" lasts 3 years? And umm it's only in the last 8 months that their stock has started to considerable decline into the $10-20 range. And you just contradicted yourself. You said PWE doesn't greatly affect the overall stock, yet you just used PWE launch date as evidence in your argument. If PWRD receives chump change from PWE then the opening of PWE shouldn't affect PWRD stock as much as you're suggesting. The company as a whole was established in 2004...
Edit: And stocks are a pretty good benchmark to see how well a company is fairing in the market.b:cute
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Ariella_ - Lost City wrote: »Everything you're saying is relative. "Well compared to what they were projected to make they're doing GREAT"...because they weren't projected to make very much lol. There's a reason their stocks were $30 a share 2 years ago, and it's $13 now.
ebs and flows of the stock market. It was expected to happen, the thing I think they were not expecting was PWI getting as much interest as it did.. I think by the time they noticed and took a look that interest had already died down.
I really feel PWRD's stock dropped due to their pull back on Advertisment. It kinda seems like they geared up with the big expanison and then did the whole shot gun approach and blasted their Adverts everywhere. Now they are not doing that, so once they are out of sight, they are out of mind.
As far as them sitting at $13 a share, thats actually good because 6 months ago they were sitting at $9. it shows growth.0 -
Sagek - Sanctuary wrote: »ebs and flows of the stock market. It was expected to happen, the thing I think they were not expecting was PWI getting as much interest as it did.. I think by the time they noticed and took a look that interest had already died down.
I really feel PWRD's stock dropped due to their pull back on Advertisment. It kinda seems like they geared up with the big expanison and then did the whole shot gun approach and blasted their Adverts everywhere. Now they are not doing that, so once they are out of sight, they are out of mind.
As far as them sitting at $13 a share, thats actually good because 6 months ago they were sitting at $9. it shows growth.
You're using the lowest point they've ever been at since they opened as evidence that they're improving? What is this, I don't even... O.Ob:cute
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Sympathi - Archosaur wrote: »
In terms of actual programming skill for PWE staff they have none, if the game malfunctioned and it wasn't a server error PWE could do nothing. They take peoples money and thats it.0 -
In simple terms for you to understand, the last time PWRD Stocks was at this price was the 24th September 2011, alot of **** has happened since then to both company's and it continues to stay the same price for just under 9 months now.
Doesn't sound like its failing to me. One to two years is a typical hype serge for any game with half decent content before it starts to drop off, its price fell yes but every single game that has an income does, and its hits its "resistance" level as its referred to in stock marketing at around a $13.02 average for the 9 months.
Its fallen abit under that resistance level from time to time to $9 and its gone above it too to 18$, hovering on the market at a steady stable level.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
:: Youtube.com/YCEvenix :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos0 -
ViciousMinx - Dreamweaver wrote: »Fixed
Eeeeh pretty much, i mean i do hear the occasional story of a GM helping them or walking round or joking ect, but yea majority is they take your money b:surrender[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
:: Youtube.com/YCEvenix :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos0 -
Ariella_ - Lost City wrote: »You're using the lowest point they've ever been at since they opened as evidence that they're improving? What is this, I don't even... O.O
well I mean to be fair it IS growth, and a 6 month period is not a bad amount of time to gauge.
What happened in the past is the past, in 2012 they have shown growth , you can not deny that. If the growth does not impress you, than thats another story.0 -
Tremblewith - Heavens Tear wrote: »However they have a solid 2-3 games that are on the verge of being shut down soon. Jade Dynasty/Ether Saga are both completely dead. There aren't many updates, the forums are worse than PWI, and there is no one in-game.
I have an ocean orb that says the next title PWE shuts down will be Battle of the Immortals.b:cute[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Sympathi - Archosaur wrote: »The Chinese Wanmai and the American perfect world entertainment are two separate companies as a whole, one is just a sub directory of another.
Perfect World Entertainment bought the rights and intellect to Perfect World from the Chinese company renaming it to Perfect World International and continue to buy major releases like expansions, as-well as getting the ownership to license the game in America and recently in Europe too after the restriction stopping them came to an end.
we can all pretty much stop reading anything you say there, since you are making this up, or misunderstanding the information you are reading. either way you dont know what you are talking about, and are wrong, and have no evidence substantiating what you are saying.
its all owned by the same entity, all sub-entities are wholely owned subsidiaries, PWI is no licensed from pwe because pwe owns pwi. licensing would be useless and ridiculous, kind of like renting a room in your own house.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
they would make more money having cheaper prices..more people would buy in larger stock..i'm not sure who is in charge of their selling/pricing but they need to take a class in business..0
Hellsarcher - Harshlands wrote: »they would make more money having cheaper prices..more people would buy in larger stock..i'm not sure who is in charge of their selling/pricing but they need to take a class in business..
I think you're thinking of a differen't type of stock.0 -
If PWE just licenses the game from Wanmei...
Then what is PWE's stock under?101 Sage Sin*/Archer
100 Demon BM*/Barb
96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
95 Demon Wiz/
94 Sage Veno
85 Psy/80 Mystic
And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
*Pre RB level0 -
Oh u mean that a capable wallstreet trader will play this game and will QQ in this forum?! yeah right...0
Aren't most stocks going to be affected by the global economic crisis anyway? I don't recall a lot of stocks doing very well the past few years.0
why is another games name censored on the forums? xD b:avoid
T.era online b:avoid[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I Miss the old days of PWIb:surrender0 -
_Nerox_ - Dreamweaver wrote: »why is another games name censored on the forums? xD b:avoid
T.era online b:avoid
Because PWE thinks censoring the competition will make it go away. They are idiots. b:chuckle0
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