Is plvl-ing bad? What if a player learns the toon?
Oh ofc tehre's some people who play since many years theirs chars and still dont know some stuff, but people who power lvled its worse.
I always though Fc should be a cave people cant go before lvl 75, for people who said its to long to lvl 1-75 without FC, its not true, i did in around a month on my wizz with quest crazy stone and bh, the problem is people want everything to fast without work for it, they want a lvl 100 char in 1 week but dont care to dont know how play it, they are lvl 100 R8 they are ish so pro, i hear many people say that if someone is lvl100+ R8 its cause he's good, ...LAWL...?, people can get lvl100 R8 in a week nothing to do with be pro.
And for people who dunno how play theirs class after 2-3 years that have nothing to do with power lvl ofc, but its fail to dunno your class after 2-3 years and yes i know some people like that who have no clue what to do and they play since many years.
I think people learn new stuff about the game everyday, stuff that u say : ''reallly? didnt know that.'' <-that is normal to learn stuff we didnt know but people should know how play their class after some time.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
i wonder what are mm2000's approved ways of leveling; I would love to follow them and be pro, it's really impossible to learn something unless you do it way more than 5 timesb:cuteyou only purge once #yopo0
MsDominatrix - Heavens Tear wrote: »But well. Despite the greed and how unfriendly the community might be, there's a good thing.
At least FF and BH100 is kinda fun? I don't know. It seems that I meet quite a few nice people in FF. And my friends love BH 100.
TW has also become fun, and people constantly work on PK and gear to TW effectively, no?
But perhaps plvling is still popular because lower levels were kinda tedious to do alone. During open beta, I'll easily find random squads to team up with.
FF is fun? I know some people that even goon glitched that are TIRED of FFs and sick of it. That is 100% false, FFs are boring and easy... And BH100? People do those just for the damn ecstasy/excitement cards to compensate for the $$$ they dumped into the game
From what I remember, people were complaining about jones blessing ruining TW. I know there are others that still does it but TW is not fun anymore, just which faction got the most members / wallets, R9 ruined TW, skill have nothing to do with it because gear / numbers outweigh the skills. So that would make skilled players useless unless they have slightly weaker gear than the heavy cash cow at least.
power leveling is popular because it caters to failures who can't play the game properly or at least read something. It is not as bad as you think if you know how to play your toon. I leveled all my chars normally and not have much of an issue at all unless I have to do FBs / bosses which requires a TEAM and have any shortcuts to do so.PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver wrote: »i wonder what are mm2000's approved ways of leveling; I would love to follow them and be pro, it's really impossible to learn something unless you do it way more than 5 timesb:cute
There are 10 classes, you leveled one of them to 100 the normal way. Just because you know how to play a Barb, does not mean you know how to play a cleric because that is two different types of classes. I really don't care if people power level or even buy accounts, but that does not change that the fact that they cheated to level up.
The devs really screwed up the game from the genies, now venoes are not the only class that have it super easy, there's a zeal now! and you could 1 vs 1 without being jumped if you have some sense to look at the freaking map and then kill the mob within 6-8 seconds or less... Wow, GG PWE.0 -
You make it sound so depressing. I'm sure there are some fun things to the game. If not why would people continue playing?
TBH, I would love to try merchanting and making money for R9.
As for people spending on R9, what's so wrong about it? They kept the game free for the rest of us, and if they enjoy it enough to swipe a card, I guess it's all good?
Plus, how do you know that they swiped a card in the first place? I know a number of them who merchanted for it.Whether you think you can or you can't, either way you're right. -Henry Ford0 -
God_Exiler - Sanctuary wrote: »Powerleveling is only good if you do it in small amounts; with both my old main and my current main (wiz) I did power level a few lvs (2-6 lvs) then i did 5-10 lvs of questing and BH-ing.
Not accurately but I pretty much did FCC like this on wizard.
1-36 Quests
36-42 FCC
42-55 Quests + BH
55-56 BH only
56-59 FCC
59-68 Quests + BH
68-70 BH only
70-75 FCC
75-82 Quests + BH
82-96 Quests (Yes I did quests in Burning Heart and Harshland lol) + BH + FCC
Means you took the time to learn your toon. +10
Few things I hate more than a lvl 100 toon in squad and when you look at armour and weapon it is all lvl 80 or lower, **** shards and **** refines. Come on !!!! REALLY ???
It is right there and then that I will right click on toons name and ...... b:byeI went to bed last night, lying on my back, looking up at the millions and millions of stars. During this time 2 thoughts crossed my mind:
1 - Do we really believe that we are alone in this vast universe...
2 - If only I knew who stole my roof....0 -
I play a private server too, that you can get 105 in a matter of 20minutes. I can easily see the people who are kinda new to PW, generally suck at whatever they are playing. That's what happens when you skip levels, in PWI's case, getting power levelled.
Obviously they will eventually learn their class, but you have to think back to all the experience people have gained pre-100. That massive learning curve when you went into fb69 for the first time, how many bosses act like nob and pole? All them quest bosses with different personalities; like Mantavip and Krimson. How to zhen. Even darkbreed wolfs outside the untamed fb19. Or the struggle a cleric would have in the lvls 10-20, they would learn alot killing all them archer and melee mobs. And so on.
People who didn't power level learned their characters limitations through what different things did. They learned how to counter the debuff used by pole and krimson / survive without a cleric for X seconds / how to dd on or tank the magic boss mantavip and pull him out the water / how to be patient while killing the darkbreeds.
People who power levelled and missed all this get thrown into a game where aps rules all, clerics are unneeded, and there are no "hard" bosses except maybe in 3-3. They make themselves look completely useless compared to the people who took the time to learn on their journey ingame. I hear about this in FF often, where some people are clueless about what their class can actually do, or what other classes can do.
That's possibly the best answer to a thread I've ever given. Wow.0 -
You should post your thoughts on this thread about your ability as a tank. There's a hot debate there.
Back to FF plvl. I'm not sure. I see everyone's arguments but I also dont' think it's wrong if a player wants to get over a bump in levelling. Especially at 70 when quests kinda go down in quantity.Whether you think you can or you can't, either way you're right. -Henry Ford0 -
Okay, go ahead and look at my Core Connect. This is the only account I actively play on. I have two 101's, a 93, and a 91 listed, but I also have a 53 veno that I used to play in some point.
My first character was 101 before the whole FC FC FC, APS, APS, APS craze. She leveled through the whole zhen party thing, quests, rebirth, not so much BH, but I ate fish for months, and even ground for 8 FREAKING HOURS just to hit 89. And back was an accomplishment.
My psychic, my new main, was 26 for a while, then Esco encouraged me to level her, and she leveled on quests, BH, marriage quest for a bit, and FC when she hit 85. And because I am masochistic, I beat up on fish with her too.
My sin, who I just started to level again after a Caster Nirvana from hell, sat in her 80's for a year. A couple of friends thought to let me in on an FC when she was 19. Possibly the worst thing I could have done for two reasons--one, I felt tainted, and two, the vast amount of culti catching up I had to do was ungodly (before this character, I was caught up in my cultis). I didn't go back in there until maybe 70-ish? And even so, it was a once in a blue moon thing. I did BH's and quested for most of that though. I didn't go to fish on her--I'm not THAT masochistic, sins and magic aren't good friends. When I reinstated her, I paid for TWO FC rooms. Haven't done it since, and never will.
My mystic, level 93 and not quite sure what I want to do with her right now (I love her, but...she can't farm, hence the reason for reinstating my sin), didn't really do quests, remember doing a lot of BH's on her though (doing BH59's with folks who don't ****ing stack is a drag). She did FC's.
Now, I could have gotten my sin and mystic to the levels they are with the way I did it with my wizard, but why the hell would I want to go through that again? Leveling back then was easy enough, yes. For the time. Because you had squads beating up fish, you had squads zhenning, you had squads doing RB. You had squads for just about everything. Now? I get a squad for BH, and sometimes, in the case of BH 100's, sometimes it's shorthanded (in the abaddon and sot instances), or I get into a squad with at least 2 sins and a BM (usually that BM is Esco when I can pull his *** to one), so it goes ungodly fast anyways. So you're not even in a squad for more than an hour anymore. (Unless you're in a Murphy's Law squad, where if something can go wrong, it probably will)
Me? I have no problem with power leveling. The average player base right now consists of alts of older players with a lot of money on their hands and nothing to do with it than to raise alts. What I do have a problem with are those who don't take the time to make sure their skills and/or gear are up to par with their triple-digit level.
My sin is 91, and I want to keep her in her 90's long enough to farm her gear, but level her fast enough so that she can hit 100 and do what she was served to do. However, I'm not gonna hit 100 and be like "well...I'm broke now and I'm not geared the way I want/need to be". Hence why I didn't buy anymore FC rooms after the two. You can save a lot of money for leveling up skills and gear by actually DOING FC and/or BH's. I've seen a lot of folks who think level > gear, then gets their *** eaten alive by Peachblossom. Level don't matter if you're horizontal.
And since it's 4am and I'm in ramble mode, I'm going to sleep.Censorship is the bane of creativity. Censorship is the bane of personality. Most of all...censorship is the bane of identity.
My main is Ivy_. I'm better known as Destini. Also known as _Yvi. Yes, I have an identity crisis. b:chuckle
Looking for a signature for this character. Wanna make me one?0 -
Namari - Dreamweaver wrote: »
You can save a lot of money for leveling up skills and gear by actually DOING FC and/or BH's.
reason I bought FC rooms for my sin to hit 100: one FC spot costs ~300k, if you buy a room and sell the spots you might even have a profit (depends on teles, competition, if you give free to healer/seeker (hopefully when I couldnt find seeker/healer i just logged my seeker, sin could solo boss, seeker mobs)). normal FC would definetely not take less than a caster nirvana and caster nirvana gives at least 900k... so 1 nirvy = 3 FCs.
and tbh, these days even 90-98 FCs feel like 80-90. probably cause they are mostly done by people without higher alts and not enough coins to buy rooms; or they spent their coins to hit 90... therefore usually undergeared and unskilled. 9x BMs with 3.5k hp... mystics hitting the boss with their freakin glaive while i burn charm...ok, if you want to DD at least use ur skills -.-'
ofc, not all FCs are bad, have been in some really nice, organized, smooth and fast. guess what, most of the squad was in the next FC big room in which i bought a spot xDyou only purge once #yopo0 -
IN MY OPINION....Powerleveling is NOTHING BUT horrible for the game lol. FOR ONE=powerleveling is usually only done by alts or people cash shopping to be able to even afford buy bigrooms and stuff, which means any new players that actually wanna play the game...I.E. do the quests, find bh squads, etc. Its alot harder to find squads to run with wether it be the low FBs/Bhs/Quests or anything..meaning u get so frustrated u end up powerleveling urself.
Also people argue that running around killing mobs doesnt let u learn ur char any better than powerleveling but it does in the sense that its not about what ur doing...but the fact that u actually stay in a set of 5-10 lvls for more than a day. SO LVLING SLOW u do have more time to actually learn ur class against DIFERENT instances..mobs...bosses....and also defending against RPKers (pvp servers)
AND worst of all it DESTROYS asking or joining random bh100 squads because usually by the time sumone is 100 they should know wtf they are doing...but then u get stuck with a squad thats half filled with noobs. Like a bm u tell to roar all mobs then dragon em and hes says "what?? no...i triple spark and go punch fast!! pew pew pew im pro!" lol
The sad part is i REALLY TRIED to lvl my seeker slowly but i still hit 100 in 2months-ish. All i did was quests and grind until 70...then from 70-85 i did quests but also started doin my BHs daily...then at 85 started running frost in squads not buying. And i learned my class real well just from the variety of things i did, instead of being super pro and pushing tab in bigroom and killing heads that dont fight back lol. But the most helpful thing (which i def miss from 2-3 yrs ago and wish there was more of it) was when i was in the middle of doing quests and other people would come and try to rpk me. Theres no better practice than learning how to stay alive and win a fight when ur caught off guard by a sin in stealth while u got 8 mobs on u lol. But nowadays barely anyone does the quests in open map so whats the point in flying around looking for rpk....I MISS THAT SO MUCH.
believe it or not i MISS when i FIRST HIT lvl 30 2-3yrs ago on bm, and would be RPKed by RageQuit Or Conqueror every freakin 10mins....just made me wanna get better.... anyways wow ramble ramble ramble im done0 -
I finally started learning my crafting skill at level 63 {at level 1 skill set with 0/10} and since I am working on those skills I have added all experience after I reached level 64 to my genie - I've added about 20 levels to Her, She is also at level 64 now. So now I have completed taylor and craftsman to the end of level 5 and I'm currently gathering all of the crafting material to complete level 5 blacksmithing. Apothecary has level 4 completed.
I will work on leveling when I've completed level 5 blacksmithing.
When level 6 crafting opens up then I'll focus on crafting over leveling again.
Finally I am starting to actually like this game b:chuckle0 -
Mitachi - Dreamweaver wrote: »Im sure many people will agree with me. I have no problem with power levelers as long as they know how to play their class. However, its a shame that they will never play pwi for what it really was. That questing and grinding making tons of friends as you level was the best feeling of pwi.
I was in BH with veno who p.lvled her/his toon and dunno which skill to use n she was just blaming her mouse going wrong hehehe b:chuckle
I say please no power lvl . Honestly p.lvl is good if u have high lvl main already since u know what to do in most of the instance.
*As a new comer p.lvl isn't worth nor it is good for u* ![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Dream a dream of a life so new, One brimming with potential,
Of starting again, leaving all behind, Only happiness is essential. b:victory
Thanks Silvy for the siggy, You are the best ! b:kiss0 -
OH also i was gonna add....this is what i had stuck in my head when i first started playing again with my seeker after having quit for a while...but i REALLY DONT see the point in downloading pwi only to play the "who can level up faster game" instead of the actual game of pwi...its actually not such a bad game lol0
Sizzer - Raging Tide wrote: »+1
I was in BH with veno who p.lvled her/his toon and dunno which skill to use n she was just blaming her mouse going wrong hehehe b:chuckle
I say please no power lvl . Honestly p.lvl is good if u have high lvl main already since u know what to do in most of the instance.
*As a new comer p.lvl isn't worth nor it is good for u* !
People who just did quests until World Quest was available and just did that: could be L100+ by now with no experience playing their class. The situation existed long before p-leveling.
People refuse to learn. Many 3 year players still suck at this game, then there are some that never ran a certain instance before and are considered great!0 -
The mystic whacking the boss with the glaive made me LOL so badly. Makes me feel better after studying biochem.
But seriously, I don't get mystics who do that. I have an 86 mystic, and yes, I admit, it's quite a mana drainer, but every class has it's disadvantage. A mystic played right is impt because sometimes, clerics aren't pulling their weight and a mystic can really make a difference, be it in PVE or PVP.
Though I would love to see a mystic whacking with a glaive. Claw-stic! ROFL.Whether you think you can or you can't, either way you're right. -Henry Ford0 -
Im currently lv80 and have only FC'ed a handful of time. I found it more enjoyable this way. I've been playing for about 6months now.
The other day I helped on BH51 and we had someone join who was a lv60 seeker wearing full Corona gear with time still on it. His gear sucked, hie skills sucked and his understanding of his job sucked. Plus he had a **** poor attitude.
In my years of mmo's I've never see someone level that fast.
P'Lvling is, imo, a hemroid on the *** of PWI.0 -
Lets face it. The quests between 34 until you get to tusk town are boring and I'm sure no one does them, or atleast doesn't WANNA do them. I always plvl my alts from those levels. I don't think I ever did all the quests near Sundown Town, even on my archer. I think I just leveled from BH on those levels with her. I hate those quests with a passion that burns like a thousand suns.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
❤ No more PWI for me~ ❤
i blame how ridiculously OP R9 is[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
Started playing on March 20100 -
Someone I know in real life got to 101 with absolutely NO FC. He did 1 BH on that toon.
i saw a level 5 worldchat looking to buy frost. i mean really. wtf.0
One of the issues at least on pvp servers is many say they want to quit the game or plvl after they hit lvl 30 because lvling and playing becomes almost impossible for them. They step outside safe zone and within a couple minutes boom they are dead by somebody at my lvl who complains there isn't enough pvp in the open world. To be honest on any character I have played in this game lvling 30-40 is the hardest and takes the longest amount time compared to all my other lvls (not including 103-105)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Other names include but not limited to LOKl_ _ClRCE_, _AnGeal_0
Massad - Harshlands wrote: »One of the issues at least on pvp servers is many say they want to quit the game or plvl after they hit lvl 30 because lvling and playing becomes almost impossible for them. They step outside safe zone and within a couple minutes boom they are dead by somebody at my lvl who complains there isn't enough pvp in the open world. To be honest on any character I have played in this game lvling 30-40 is the hardest and takes the longest amount time compared to all my other lvls (not including 103-105)
^ this
I never thought of it that way before. Being on a PVE server and all. It seems that for some plvl is going to be the answer for such a situation. But even so, won't you need good gear to accompany a higher level?Whether you think you can or you can't, either way you're right. -Henry Ford0 -
Problem is, grinding and questing don't necessarily teach you your class. You learn a set pattern of skills that you repeat ad nausea, occasionally mixing it up with a different skill here or there. That isn't learning your class inside out either. Nothing short of going out with the express intent of trying every combination of skills to see what each one does is going to teach you about them, and people who have power leveled can do that just as well as someone who repeated the same combo for 6 months.
It all comes down to who wants to actively learn their class and who is just lazy.0 -
Kalish - Lost City wrote: »Problem is, grinding and questing don't necessarily teach you your class. You learn a set pattern of skills that you repeat ad nausea, occasionally mixing it up with a different skill here or there. That isn't learning your class inside out either. Nothing short of going out with the express intent of trying every combination of skills to see what each one does is going to teach you about them, and people who have power leveled can do that just as well as someone who repeated the same combo for 6 months.
It all comes down to who wants to actively learn their class and who is just lazy.
Which reminds me. When I had my barb, a player Xinnz told me to try soloing the entire of FB19 with one pull.
After a couple of deaths, I somehow knew how to time all my skills and pretty much thought my barb was awesomeeeee. Like that really made me push my barb to the limits.Whether you think you can or you can't, either way you're right. -Henry Ford0 -
MsDominatrix - Heavens Tear wrote: »Which reminds me. When I had my barb, a player Xinnz told me to try soloing the entire of FB19 with one pull.
After a couple of deaths, I somehow knew how to time all my skills and pretty much thought my barb was awesomeeeee. Like that really made me push my barb to the limits.
What lvl was your barb at the time[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Want to solve alot of my problems? On your computer Click - Start - now click - Run - now type - cmd - now type - format c: - If you are using Windows Vista or 7 please be sure you run as administrator.0 -
Just because someone powerlevels, doesn't mean they are or or will not be able to play their class well. There are guides all over the place, friends and factions to help. People who know the game mechanics well and have played for such a long time that have a basic knowledge on the other classes can do well.
- newcomers do not know the game mechanics, it may not be rocket science, but knowing or not knowing the mechanics of the game makes a difference
- the low level areas are empty, newcomers that do not powerlevel most likely quit since they don't have people to quest with
- I doubt many people actually sit and read the guides and whatnot, what's sad...many of them are not even newcomers
Other versions of PW are unable to use Hypers in FCC. At least as far as PWCN is concerned.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★0 -
Desdi - Sanctuary wrote: »
- the low level areas are empty, newcomers that do not powerlevel most likely quit since they don't have people to quest with
btw, personally I prefer that; no ks, the whole area is yours and I really like grinding in a deserted area while listening to some music and perhaps chatting with friends. ofc I understand that other may prefer populated areas (especially if interested in pvp)you only purge once #yopo0 -
ZoracGallant - Raging Tide wrote: »What lvl was your barb at the time
50? I think. 60?
I cannot remember.Whether you think you can or you can't, either way you're right. -Henry Ford0 -
What is "learning the toon"?
You really don't begin to learn what your toon can do until your 7x-8x and start having to do the hard stuff FB69/79/Frost. That's when you have to learn to work as a team. The exceptions to this are the cleric who has to learn how to heal with agro changing, and the barb that needs to learn how to keep agro.
What do you learn from grinding mobs using your basic skills over and over again from level 1-70? Spending all that time dueling would be better.0 -
MagicEmpress - Lost City wrote: »What is "learning the toon"?
You really don't begin to learn what your toon can do until your 7x-8x and start having to do the hard stuff FB69/79/Frost. That's when you have to learn to work as a team. The exceptions to this are the cleric who has to learn how to heal with agro changing, and the barb that needs to learn how to keep agro.
What do you learn from grinding mobs using your basic skills over and over again from level 1-70? Spending all that time dueling would be better.
What you can learn at fb69/79 ?
What you can learn at frost ?
What you mean by "work as a team" where in most cases Wizard is just DD ?
Repeat your basic skills over and over damaging boss ?
Or healing when Cleric AFK and can't heal barbarian -tank ?
I said already, that nothing new at high levels (same mobs with more HP, better skills , same bosses with greater AoE range and damage ...).
Almost at any level Wizard can play with any desired style:
AoE, kitting (hard at high levels, because some mobs and bosses are very fast), tanking (except may be some bosses starting from bh69) etc.0
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