Is plvl-ing bad? What if a player learns the toon?

MsDominatrix - Heavens Tear
MsDominatrix - Heavens Tear Posts: 204 Arc User
edited May 2012 in General Discussion
A few players and I were having a heated discussion, while waiting for some lag spikes to settle down before doing an instance about plvl-ing being the reason for why the game is broken.

But is plvling a problem? To me, I think it's only a problem if players level their characters but don't learn how to play their toons well.

Plvling is actually good, right? I mean. High level players earn money selling big room. Merchants make profits through the selling of tokens for hypers and teles. Low level players can level their toons faster since quest availability is not proportional to exp needed, especially from 75-90. My 82 veno was levelled PURELY on quests. I couldn't get it to 83. Too exhausting doing the same old stuff.

So is it all bad? Or are players complaining about a broken game because of other issues? Morai skills not balanced for cleric or sins and psy broke the game for PVE/PVP etc?
Whether you think you can or you can't, either way you're right. -Henry Ford
Post edited by MsDominatrix - Heavens Tear on


  • John_Smith - Harshlands
    John_Smith - Harshlands Posts: 865 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    It's great in moderation, but as is it's made the game horrific for anyone who doesn't want to hit the soft cap (101) in a month.
    I've quit excluding TW for my faction. But I still hang around to help out those who still enjoy the game under PWEs horrific handling and to have fun in the forums. b:cute
    #Shame about PWEs absolutely craptastic handling of the goons glitching. Remember kids, there's no punishment for breaking the rules here!#
    If you make a valid complaint, your thread will disapear. Don't post it here, post it on other sites where PW can't hide it.
  • Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear
    Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Plvling isn't necessarily a bad thing depending if the player also takes time to do some quests and learn it's class at times (and I don't mean that you can stall the learning until you reached 80+ or something)... If you have the coin to spare then it's just a useful push in the back... But it does give the problem that you need to be a CSer to be able to do so... And if you spend all your coin on plvling you won't be able to farm enough for your armors and such...

    Also it's the game's fault that so many players chose to plvl... It's early/mid-game lacks greatly for today's standards and since all the ppl just rush to 95+ as fast as they can because there isn't much to do at the lower lvles there also aren't many lower-lvles left to do stuff with... So eventually the player chooses to lvl up to 95+ as soon as possible so they will have more stuff to do... Simply adding more fun content that lower/mid-lvles can enjoy as well would probably solve it all and I think there will be a lot more newcomers and a lot less ppl paying for plvl's then...
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver
    PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,507 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    well, first of all we should define what exactly is plvling

    a few days ago I saw a wc "gz <randomname> for lvl to 100 the hard way"
    somehow I doubt that the "hard way" was quests/grinding/fb/some bh (a friend of mine leveled that way a year ago" and it was doing instead of buying fcs.

    there was a time when doing (hypered) FC was considered powerleveling.
    and a time when BH was powerleveling.

    and ofc there were oracles and, while I didnt play back then, I could imagine people considering zhenning with exp scrolls or multiple RBs plvling.

    there will always be a certain instance/way to get the most exp per time or coins and people will spam it again and again to the point of not doing other stuff. and there is not a way to level that makes you pro.

    in any case the game isn't rocket science. my sin had trouble killing cyanide specters; i tried to spam skills to keep them stunned. turns out that just rib strike>double spark>auto attack was enough. did i think it? no, a friend suggested it. would I have thought about it if I had done more mob quests? probably. is there any point to learn it that way instead of reading guides/asking friends? i dont think so; do you try to bake a cake a million times or follow a recipe?
    you only purge once #yopo
  • jabq
    jabq Posts: 821 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Nothing wrong with power leveling, it is when power leveled, under geared people show up in BH 100+ and act arrogant that it becomes an issue for me.

    I am in the process of power lvling some alts for buffs only, no idea how to play those classes, once i feel like it, i will get them gear and learn those classes. I know how to play my main, and i only play my main.
  • God_Exiler - Sanctuary
    God_Exiler - Sanctuary Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Powerleveling is only good if you do it in small amounts; with both my old main and my current main (wiz) I did power level a few lvs (2-6 lvs) then i did 5-10 lvs of questing and BH-ing.

    Not accurately but I pretty much did FCC like this on wizard.

    1-36 Quests

    36-42 FCC

    42-55 Quests + BH

    55-56 BH only

    56-59 FCC

    59-68 Quests + BH

    68-70 BH only

    70-75 FCC

    75-82 Quests + BH

    82-96 Quests (Yes I did quests in Burning Heart and Harshland lol) + BH + FCC
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Im sure many people will agree with me. I have no problem with power levelers as long as they know how to play their class. However, its a shame that they will never play pwi for what it really was. That questing and grinding making tons of friends as you level was the best feeling of pwi.
  • MrMelvin - Heavens Tear
    MrMelvin - Heavens Tear Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Yep its bad, even though I plvl my alts I take the time to learn them and its so clear that others don't. I've had a wizard sitting on level 80 with about 75% exp for 2 months since FFs are just horrible to run because its obvious that no one knows what the hell they are doing.

    I've even met people on plvl runs who ask "this is my first character what should I stat?"I'm in the process of plvling a BM and really I'm thinking I shouldn't bother just because of these people. Why should I crowd control to help people survive who don't know what they are doing? I used to sacrifice myself for clerics back in the old days but now I just laugh then die a little inside.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    P leveling is why there are so few new players. A healthy lower level player base attracts new players, empty quest areas don't.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I plvl'd my cleric alt and got it rank 8. I did exactly what PWi wants you to do. b:victory
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
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    -Master of Coffee-
  • Yeaves - Archosaur
    Yeaves - Archosaur Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    The problem with the notion that plvl is bad for skills is that there are idiots that don't powerlevel. I can kill 80 mobs two lvs higher than me on my lv83 cleric, but so can player A,B,C,D,and E. I can heal in bh69 wined but so can cleric A,B,C,D but maybe not E cus E is a nub.
    I can aoe grind mobs two lvs higher than me and heal in unwined bh 69 without anyone dying even once.
    Do I need to?
    No, I could stop being cheap and offer to buy wine. I could let my cat spam the button for my micro while grinding mobs one at a time.
    'Skills' from questing/bh are overrated. I went on a fcc run for the second time yesterday. (The first time I went our squad leader/fac leader treated me badly so I avoided this for a while) Questing and bh didn't show me where to put bb. Other players that did the runs before showed me. Ty guys.
    *I never thought Perfect world was beautiful... till I discovered that my graphics' quality settings were on low*
  • _Petal_ - Harshlands
    _Petal_ - Harshlands Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Powerleveling is fine when you already have a 100+ toon and don't want to go through leveling another one in the same mannerism. We can tell you it's tedious because we ALREADY did it. We DESERVE that break. (Funny, people who rolled Assassins and Psychics before this abuse of FC occurred didn't seem to mind.)
    Powerleveling is fine if you know the class.

    Powerleveling is NOT fine when you can't get a BH squad because there's nobody to SQUAD WITH.
    Powerleveling is NOT fine when a monkey with brain damage plays better than you.
    Powerleveling is NOT fine when someone is too lazy to level.
    Powerleveling is NOT fine when a company encourages it so they can force you to charge stupid amounts of money for endgame gear that's worth more than the price of a cheap used car.

    Cons > Pros.
    They made fun of me because I wasn't a R8 Psychic...and then came third cast. It's not funny anymore.

    Reason 88 to buy a makeover scroll:
    gomba: "Your butt looks like an eggplant."
  • Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear
    Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Powerleveling is fine when you already have a 100+ toon and don't want to go through leveling another one in the same mannerism. We can tell you it's tedious because we ALREADY did it. We DESERVE that break. (Funny, people who rolled Assassins and Psychics before this abuse of FC occurred didn't seem to mind.)
    Powerleveling is fine if you know the class.

    Powerleveling is NOT fine when you can't get a BH squad because there's nobody to SQUAD WITH.
    Powerleveling is NOT fine when a monkey with brain damage plays better than you.
    Powerleveling is NOT fine when someone is too lazy to level.
    Powerleveling is NOT fine when a company encourages it so they can force you to charge stupid amounts of money for endgame gear that's worth more than the price of a cheap used car.

    Cons > Pros.

    We lvl 100's also get the privilege to move our BH100 exp orbs through Account Stash... b:victory
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • MsDominatrix - Heavens Tear
    MsDominatrix - Heavens Tear Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    *blinks* *shrugs*

    _Petal_ made very good points.

    Well, as for R9, my thoughts are kinda mixed. If one is impatient and wants to swipe a card, yes, it seems obscene seeing as how that money can get you a car. (still shocked, seeing as how cars are 150k in Singapore, and we're not even looking at Mercedes or BMW)

    However, if you're willing to keep at it and give it some time. Well as a BM, I'm thinking of BH100 and selling big room as income. Soooo, let's say I sell 3 big rooms.

    5 players times market rate of 500k per slot = 2.5mil
    BH 100 monetary reward is random, so let's ignore that.

    2.5mil per day, everyday = 365 x 2.5 = 912.5 mil

    So about 1 year plus? To get full R9?

    300,000 Reputation (108 Gold)
    19 Medals of Glory (380 Gold)
    205 General Summer's Tokens (1025 Gold)

    1025 gold x 1.4mil/gold = 1435 mil

    So yes, 2 years. Kinda possible if you don't mind working slowly to get it.
    Whether you think you can or you can't, either way you're right. -Henry Ford
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    P leveling is why there are so few new players. A healthy lower level player base attracts new players, empty quest areas don't.

    ^ this.

    Almost nobody complained about the speed it took you to get to level 100 before hypers and frost. In fact, most players thought the leveling speed was fine as it was, though there were a few people that disagreed. I even took nearly 4 hours individually reading all of the threads through 6 months of pre-anniversary forum posts before I realized this.

    It was PWE who wanted people to get to end-game more quickly so they could start buying really expensive gears, not people complaining that led to private server status here.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • mm2000
    mm2000 Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Power leveling is bad in all forms, does not even matter if you have a level 100 character already the old way back then at 2008/09. That does not change the fact that you did not level the other characters the normal way, you still are power leveled that took shortcuts and it is too obvious that you do not know how to play your class. You may have leveled a Venomancer the normal way, but what about assassin or seeker? You blow coins on leveling, or even worse, real $$$.

    Look at today, and look at now. Right now it is all about power leveling, swipe a credit card then face roll on your keyboard, you're no better than a goon glitch abusers who glitched to 105. I see some jealous losers whining about goon glitch abusers leveling to 105 and not them that they want the glitch back. How pathetic the player base have became because level 100, genies and overpowered gear have became a necessity in this game. This game has turned into a pleasing graphic Jade Dynasty game, like it is failure friendly / single player console. If I was a developer I'd revert FC back into a farming instance and whoever went into there to power level in FC banned permanently .
  • Yeaves - Archosaur
    Yeaves - Archosaur Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Powerleveling is fine when you already have a 100+ toon and don't want to go through leveling another one in the same mannerism. We can tell you it's tedious because we ALREADY did it. We DESERVE that break. [/QUOT]

    Deserve what break? I know a great lv 100 seeker who decided she wanted an alt. She rolled a cleric and fc'd 98% of her lv on the cleric. She thought she was good with it so she used her money to buy rank gear and connections to join a tw fac. She had also bullied many people because they did not lv the hard way on their first toon.

    That was the worst cleric I've ever seen. She does not even dd. (Really, a metal mage for more dd would've been better) Besides rez I doubt she even has any lv10 spells. (If she has-she isn't using them)

    And after all this... she still thinks of herself as a good cleric.
    If you think it's tedious, don't do it again.
    If you bring your alt fast with fc, expect no one to take you as any different than anyone else that fc'd.
    *I never thought Perfect world was beautiful... till I discovered that my graphics' quality settings were on low*
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Power lvl is just good for money for people who sell it, the players buying it are totally unskilled have no idea what to do, on some class its more apparant than other, ill say its worse for AA since they need use skills, aps ppl just hit triple spark hit etc, but how many power lvl venos, clerics etc i see who dont know their class, the other day i saw a veno lvl 100 who didnt had bramble skill and HAD no idea what the skill do...for cleric its just awfull and dont try help them and give them advice cause u'll get a slap in the face with a ''i know how play my class'', yea right dude u plume shot on physical immune boss since the start u so much know ur class, many veno i need to keep telling to amp and purge and what they say? ''haha i forget to do it'' man ur veno its ur class you should know it without someone telling u to do it, do ppl ask me to heal on cleric? no its my class i know my job, i play my veno once every 6 months, so i dont play often at all but when i do i remember to bramble people, to purge and amp cause i taked time to lvl it and know my class.

    Some ''funny'' exemple:

    When you ask a cleric :''do you have demon spirit gift?''
    answer:''huh what is that skill?''
    me:''its the magic attack buff....''
    answer:''what its look like?''
    (in caster squad whit 3 clerics or more, to see which one will DD)

    Other funny one:
    To a veno while pvp fight:
    me:''why u bramble people?''
    answer:'' i dunno ''
    me:'' you know what bramble do right?''
    answer:''duh ofc that reflect damage''
    me:'' you know that dont work in pvp right?''

    Last one:
    We world chat to get a bm with demon DG for caster, we got a bm saying he have it, we invite him.
    After the first DG:
    Squad:''Dude you dont have demon dg''
    BM:''Yes im demon''
    Squad:''What ur skill lvl?''
    Squad:''You dont have demon DG than''
    BM:''yes i have it im demon and its max lvl 10''
    Squad:'' /Facepalm....''

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • MsDominatrix - Heavens Tear
    MsDominatrix - Heavens Tear Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    But plvl is not to be blamed for stupid people not knowing their class.

    I've seen people who took years playing their toon and still don't know how to balance between skills, amps and heals (if we look at clerics, venos and stuff).

    Some BMs don't know when to stun, when to marrow... I don't think it's plvl, but player ignorance, is it not?
    Whether you think you can or you can't, either way you're right. -Henry Ford
  • Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear
    Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    But plvl is not to be blamed for stupid people not knowing their class.

    I've seen people who took years playing their toon and still don't know how to balance between skills, amps and heals (if we look at clerics, venos and stuff).

    Some BMs don't know when to stun, when to marrow... I don't think it's plvl, but player ignorance, is it not?

    So true... When my veno was around 70-75 (lvled the legit way) someone said I should use amp and purge which are foxform skills... So my 1st reaction to that was "but I'm an arcane veno"...

    Back then i always believed you'd go either arcane or foxform... Stupid, I know... But before BH's and FF's and such came out (at that time my veno reached that lvl we only got 1 BH each day) I mostly used to farming by myself and never actually thought about stuff like that... But meh... Luckily ppl are able to learn from their mistakes and I now do my job with pride... b:victory

    Against all advise my main pet is still a Tabby Kitty however... But it works for me and I never get complaints about it so it should be just fine...

    And what? Bramble doesn't work in PK? My bramble Hood works just fine when a certain barb from a certain TW fact on my server tries to kill me in Metal when we're done (and commits suicide while doing so)... But I'm not a PKer so other then that I wouldn't know... b:surrender
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • knightsdarksoul
    knightsdarksoul Posts: 265
    edited April 2012
    plvl is fine when used in moderation, a lot of mmo's offer exp boost items to help the player power level but those players are still out in the game world having to quest and interact with others to gain the benefit.
    where plvl becomes bad is in the case of xp instances like FF is that it pulls people away from the community that is one of the bread and butter life sources of an mmo
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Bramble guard/bramble hood work in PK-enabled instances (including TW) but not in open world PVP.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • StarianNight - Dreamweaver
    StarianNight - Dreamweaver Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited April 2012

    Deserve what break? I know a great lv 100 seeker who decided she wanted an alt. She rolled a cleric and fc'd 98% of her lv on the cleric. She thought she was good with it so she used her money to buy rank gear and connections to join a tw fac. She had also bullied many people because they did not lv the hard way on their first toon.

    That was the worst cleric I've ever seen. She does not even dd. (Really, a metal mage for more dd would've been better) Besides rez I doubt she even has any lv10 spells. (If she has-she isn't using them)

    And after all this... she still thinks of herself as a good cleric.
    If you think it's tedious, don't do it again.
    If you bring your alt fast with fc, expect no one to take you as any different than anyone else that fc'd.

    Clerics are supposed to DD when in a team?b:puzzled I thought we never DD unless the team's not squishy or there's another cleric in the squad and the 2 clerics have determined before hand who is healing and who is DDing. Personally i think most clerics have a healing mindset, where we just think we need to heal. I have never DD before reaching 100.

    And I think plvling is perfectly fine if someone knows how to play their class. I mean I lvled the hard way, questing and BH, to lvl75, then I use FCC and BH to lvl to 100. I actually learned how to play my class in FCC. The fast moving speed of the squads and the advice of other team mates made my playing style much better than it used to be.
  • Sukinee - Heavens Tear
    Sukinee - Heavens Tear Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Personally I don't mind powerleveling after 80...although I do think paying someone to powerlevel you or multi-clienting powerleveling is pretty lame. There are different quests that are out, especially the tideborn chain, in which you can level up fairly quickly to 70. At 70, I usually attempt cube or just do a lot of bounty hunters/crazy stones.

    There are some people that I know who have powerlevel their toons and they aren't that bad skill-wise, but it does, in my opinion, take away from the fun of questing and meeting other people.

    There are plenty of people who now 90+ and I am sadden to find that there is little traffic in the 20s/30s areas. The last time I was in those places, it's people who are 80+ that are doing their cultivations, which is a vital part of the game.

    At the end of the day people can do what they want, however I do refuse service towards people who don't play their toons correctly in bh100....

    Member of Nocturne and Hikari...spread the light be nice to others!

    "I conform to non-conformity." Join date: November 2008 :D
  • BlindFate - Sanctuary
    BlindFate - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I agree that as long as people do learn the character that they are either plvi-ing them selves or getting plvied by another then no biggie but many do not bother with learning how to play their character or class so they end up being less then helpful when running a dungeon and tend to get others killed. My main is a veno and I know how to play her quite well and I find it funny these days when the other players forget just what veno's can do. So they use their genies to pull and when they are in cool down forgot to ask me to pull some. Mostly I offer to pull so as to make things easier and I bramble the BM's and Barbs but ask the sins if they want bramble as well. As for my other toons I did each of them the old fashion way I quest leveled each of them and when BH's could be ran I asked my friends for help. I think plving is a mixed bag and can be either good or bad but it dose depend on the player if it turns out to be a good thing or not.
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I leveled my Veno to 80 before Hypers existed, BH existed, or PLeveling really was a big thing.

    Personally I would have been more than happy to quest to 100, but back then, quests just... Ran out at level 70, and it was a grindfest to get to 80.

    Ironically, I "quit" for a while at level 80, and when I came back, Hypers and BH were here. I leveled my Veno a few more times, then I started playing all of the other characters I had, and rolled a Psy/Sin.

    As for powerleveling, it has broken the game. People were friendly, helpful, and nice in 2008 and 2009. Once it became a mad rush to 100, that all ended.

    You still find nice people in game, but it's far more common to find *******s and the like instead.

    But then, I think that R8 and R9 broke it as much as pleveling. The most fun I had was getting that next piece of gear, or armor. I worked to get molds, but now they're all useless as everyone wears rank gear. Hell, Mold drops in BH are often times QQed at because it's not an expensive book.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • mm2000
    mm2000 Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    But plvl is not to be blamed for stupid people not knowing their class.

    I've seen people who took years playing their toon and still don't know how to balance between skills, amps and heals (if we look at clerics, venos and stuff).

    Some BMs don't know when to stun, when to marrow... I don't think it's plvl, but player ignorance, is it not?

    So NOT true. Power leveling is not just from FC alone, you have no idea how those people who took years of "playing" their toons and still know not how to play. Before the quickest way to power level...

    Higher levels doing quests for the lower levels (either alt from a different perspective, friend, etc) while the lower level either flies around or just sits there, that was the years they took to "play" this game and not know the skills. They end up not being able to level to 60 on their own before these huge insane amount of new quests and dailies because they were depending on others, without them, they either quit the game or re-roll another toon back then because they cannot take the pressure of different kinds of mobs on a certain class in that situation (gank usually). Like a wizard skipping archer mobs because they kill him / her so easy because they have range too and not realizing they have inferior range and also half damage at close range, all that idiot had to do was kite the mob with gush and bam, the mob can't reach you.

    Also back then, you have no idea if that person playing on that account are sharing accounts to someone else and that idiot buys the account and not know the skills. Heals, amps and attacks such as flesh ream. There was no reliance on this stupid blood paint back then either. If they did "not" power level and still don't know how to play, don't you think they would be screwed back then because they don't know how to use skills? Unless they fail at reading comprehension or just don't know English, then yes they don't know.

    That's when some BMs for those that did not don't know when to stun or marrow, especially these so-called fist / claw bms don't even freaking use shadowless kick with the right timing because it will make them kill slower rather than cancelling an insane magic attack from bosses and ends up getting killed because they stupidly just APS till something dies, which usually on semi-magic bosses that hit insane magic attack on them and ends up getting 2 shot if they don't cash shop. They might as well cash shop because they fail at playing BM seriously.
  • mm2000
    mm2000 Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Ways of power leveling

    1) Goon glitch FC: The exploited glitch that a lot of people have done and made the most effective and easiest way to gain exp even for endgame levels, at level 100 is soloable for all classes, while it is soloable to venoes at 85. It is a good thing the devs fixed that, but now we have a bunch of QQing pieces of **** people that are jelly of those fail people.

    2) Buying FC: Buying "exp room", just to buy heads. Those stupid things killed quests / grinding and left even levels under 85 areas nearly deserted. Most people don't quest anymore. It is still happening, to fix this problem is to either... a) remove FC or at least heads. b) change FC back to the way it was back then c)level brackets of 75-95 instance only

    3) Power public quest: Those elite mobs in tideborn area and higher levels just power level people from 1-80 within some hours. This can still be done I think, no one does this anymore because level 100s will **** with the exp rate and it is not as easy as the lvl100s selling fcs.

    4) FC: FC is a wimp version of RB, what noob can't solo FC at 100 even with +0s?

    5) 3x BH: This gives ridiculously huge exp at the beginning of mid levels that are considered low now (as in 29-51) which killed questing / grinding. They rather wait forever looking for squads than to actually PLAY the game. Whoever says this is not power leveling is a liar, you have LEVEL advantage over most of the BHs, that would mean it would be a cakewalk and huge exp gain. They keep beefing up the BH quests for some stupid reason.

    6) 1x BH: This is also power level way to do it, before people kept doing 1x BH every day, now every time you complete this BH, you get not only overkill amounts of exp but also divine orders to get extra quests which will give even more exp, luckily not all the divine quests are easy as ****.

    7) "Grinding" in a high leveled place: If this is what you mean, that is where hypers did not exist where people took years of "playing" their toons. This is the old way of power leveling where higher levels kills for lower levels, that takes a lot longer without hypers though but that is STILL power leveling. This was actually a rare occurrence because it took too long and end up ditching the noob.

    8) Items that give exp with NO effort: I am not even talking about oracles, scarlet fruits, fantasy fruits, nien packs or whatever. You'll need to be 100 and have account stash to make the really huge exp giving items to lower level alts.
  • _Petal_ - Harshlands
    _Petal_ - Harshlands Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Powerleveling is fine when you already have a 100+ toon and don't want to go through leveling another one in the same mannerism. We can tell you it's tedious because we ALREADY did it. We DESERVE that break.

    Deserve what break? I know a great lv 100 seeker who decided she wanted an alt. She rolled a cleric and fc'd 98% of her lv on the cleric. She thought she was good with it so she used her money to buy rank gear and connections to join a tw fac. She had also bullied many people because they did not lv the hard way on their first toon.

    That was the worst cleric I've ever seen. She does not even dd. (Really, a metal mage for more dd would've been better) Besides rez I doubt she even has any lv10 spells. (If she has-she isn't using them)

    And after all this... she still thinks of herself as a good cleric.
    If you think it's tedious, don't do it again.
    If you bring your alt fast with fc, expect no one to take you as any different than anyone else that fc'd.

    I'm not talking about Earthguards. I don't believe in legitimate 100+ Earthguards, because the time it takes to level a toon to 100 WITHOUT cheating is much longer than it used to be, because everybody ELSE is cheating!

    Look at my profile. You will see a 74 Venomancer, a 65 Seeker, a 34 Assassin, and a 100 Sage Psychic. On another account I have, I retired a 101 Sage Barbarian from Lost City after APS became popular, and I could no longer get instances. On that account I also own a 65 Mystic on Harshlands.
    I leveled these characters WITHOUT using Frost. I soloed my own BH's, because there WAS nobody else to squad with. From time to time, I got squads, but a majority of the time, either a 100 character takes pity on me and helps out, or I do it myself. (Protip: Without well-coordinated macros, playing both a tank and healer at the same time is quite annoying.)

    I think I deserve a little break, having legitimately leveled several toons to a decent level without resorting to cheating. I've seen other people who have around 5 or so 100+ characters, due to their sheer willpower and lack of social life. Don't they deserve a break?

    Despite that, I'm still well in favor of capping FC at 75+ where it was ORIGINALLY INTENDED TO BE IN THE FIRST PLACE. That's why you get the quest at that level. That's why you can't start a squad if someone below that level is in it!
    Why do I support it? Because it's stupidly easy to get to 75 if you actually PLAY THE GAME AS IT WAS MEANT TO BE.

    I don't encourage laziness, which is why I loathe PWE's new approach to (almost literally) spoonfeeding us this MMO.

    MMORPG's are supposed to be FUN.
    MMORPG's are supposed to be CHALLENGING.
    MMORPG's are supposed to be played with OTHER HUMAN BEINGS, not soloed in one instance and won with a credit card.

    And I'm sick of this game not getting the love and popularity it deserves because our management is too busy sucking every last penny out of its flagship franchise before it falls down on top of them.
    Do they not realize that their stocks are going to plummet face first when this happens? Do they not understand that people will leave other games like Forsaken World, or Star Trek Online, or Rusty Hearts? Don't they get that people tell other people NOT to play games from their company BECAUSE of these things that they're doing? They've been shafting our playerbase so hard it's a wonder we can sit down to play the game anymore!

    If you can't keep one of your best games afloat, why the hell should we play these other games? You clearly can't manage either.

    It's sad, because this game IS beautiful, and it USED to be fun. Now I tell everybody I know to stay the hell away from Perfect World Entertainment. We're moving to Bioware's new toy.

    So, I'm done. I only come back here these days to TW. If you need me, I'll be here in a galaxy far, far away. When I give these guys 15 dollars a month, they don't blow it up my a$$.
    They made fun of me because I wasn't a R8 Psychic...and then came third cast. It's not funny anymore.

    Reason 88 to buy a makeover scroll:
    gomba: "Your butt looks like an eggplant."
  • Zalm - Dreamweaver
    Zalm - Dreamweaver Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I went on a fcc run for the second time yesterday. (The first time I went our squad leader/fac leader treated me badly so I avoided this for a while) Questing and bh didn't show me where to put bb. Other players that did the runs before showed me. Ty guys.

    If your popping BB in an fc run, then you are a nub cleric. I never BB in fc, and we still survive. Almost every boss has some for of aoe that interrupts BB in an FC run.
    mm2000 wrote: »
    If I was a developer I'd revert FC back into a farming instance and whoever went into there to power level in FC banned permanently.

    And this is why your 1) not a dev of games, 2) never going to sell a game in your life, if you were, albeit to a small indie player base of maybe worldwide, 100k, 3) a QQ baby who needs to get over it. Almost every game out there has power lvling, and people abuse it.

    But is it really considered abuse, when its the normal tactic? I dont think so, because if banning power lvl players becomes the norm, then player stop playing.

    I used to play a game from Gravity, and they had power lvling. It was the FIRST mmo that wasrated M and F2P at the same time. When it came out, it took a HUGE chunk of players away from games like WoW, Diablo 2, and the like. But then they deleted the capabilities of power lvling, and right now? the game is dead. The most populated server has an average of about 20k players on the weekend. So go ahead and ban the Plvlers...and see the game die entirely.
    Bramble guard/bramble hood work in PK-enabled instances (including TW) but not in open world PVP.

    I learned something new! Something I dont really care about, because I dont Pk, but something new.
    I don't see people begging for Assassins to come save them.
    I don't see people spamming for BM or Archer buffs in Archosaur.
    I don't see people asking to be revived by Barbs, Seekers, or Psychics.
    You know what I do see?
    'Any clerics nearby that can buff me?'
    'Can you rez me? I need a rez.'
  • MsDominatrix - Heavens Tear
    MsDominatrix - Heavens Tear Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    But well. Despite the greed and how unfriendly the community might be, there's a good thing.

    At least FF and BH100 is kinda fun? I don't know. It seems that I meet quite a few nice people in FF. And my friends love BH 100.

    TW has also become fun, and people constantly work on PK and gear to TW effectively, no?

    But perhaps plvling is still popular because lower levels were kinda tedious to do alone. During open beta, I'll easily find random squads to team up with.
    Whether you think you can or you can't, either way you're right. -Henry Ford