2 x should be permanent because....



  • Retsuko - Heavens Tear
    Retsuko - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,016 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    How do you mean - like with actual players doing stuff besides FC, BH and Nirvana?

    Go back to my earlier post - "I will increase the player base during non-2x times by...................." and come up with a constructive idea then.

    If they tell us that 2x drops/exp/spirit will be permanent, it will change back to how it normally is during 1x. Except with 2x permanent people need even less time and effort to get what they want. Is that your idea of increasing the player base and increasing the stuff for players to do?

    playing Faction Wars Again.
  • MageMERC - Harshlands
    MageMERC - Harshlands Posts: 1,600 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    If they tell us that 2x drops/exp/spirit will be permanent, it will change back to how it normally is during 1x. Except with 2x permanent people need even less time and effort to get what they want. Is that your idea of increasing the player base and increasing the stuff for players to do?

    Well thats the point. During 1 x, unless you add real cash, a lot of people quit because there is no reasonable way to get stuff. Look at the number of threads from people asking how to make money.

    During 2 x people at least have a chance of getting some okay gear. Like I've saved up 30mill right. To anyone under 70 that might seem a lot. Then they realize one end-game gem costs more than that so 30mill at level 100 is has the buying power of 1mill at level 60. I could buy demon revive for my cleric, prolly one or 2 skills and be back to zero, and I still have **** gear. I can't pk and cant tw because my gear is no good.

    Why do people do fc - to level - theres no other reasonable way to level. Why do people do 100+ BH - for the Excitement cards - for money. People are coming in, doing Morai dailies for the prestige, guild base quests just to help level the guild, BH and then nothing.

    Is that what this is all supposed to be - no, there should be players running around everywhere doing quests and zhenning as well, but the rewards v the efffort make it slow and boring.

    And the merchanting argument. Yes a good way to make money - is the game designed that to 'play' means to set up a shop? Hardly seems like proper gameplay to me.

    And Retsuko, those of us that persevere during 1x, aren't going to quit because of 2x, but Ill bet a lot of people that have quit, or dont play during 1x, will come back on if its 2x.
  • Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide
    Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide Posts: 934 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I would say that there is not much that can be done to increase the player base considering the small amount of resources PWE would use.
  • J_Voorhees - Heavens Tear
    J_Voorhees - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    perma 2x drops is no solution get it in your brain already. if you have perma 2x on DQ items nothing will change. Just all prices for TT or Nirvana or anything will shoot up to 2x price it is now including goldprices. Did that finally hit home? good

    A solution to get more players on during 1x would be to implement more events, at more times than US times ( and no dont come with the **** if you want the times in your timezone go to the EU servers. they are so deserted i will not go over there, farm all my gear again and leave my friends behind).
    More Daily / Weekly events that are rewarding. And they should stop seperating dungeons and events by lvl of the player. instead they should seperate players by their Soulforce or implement a system that can strictly divide ppl into their gears. chosen by their strongest gear part with their highest refine:

    -instance world 1. only players with R9 +11/12 can enter.
    -instance world 2. only players with R9 +9/10 and Nirvana stage 2 +11/12 can enter
    -instance world 798 only players with white npc gear +0 can enter
    (IDC if nirvana stage 2 at +12 is as good as rank 9 +10 it is just an example to show you what i mean)

    now you will say " oh well i put my white npc gear on and enter instance world 798 and switch back to my r9 +12"

    at this point you can make 2 decisions. either get teleported out as soon as you switch your gear ( u can always switch to weaker gear but can not gear up higher than the instance you joined) OR you can only enter those instances with empty Inventory.

    Instance world, will be adjusted to the strength players of the supposed gear requirements.

    The lower the number of Instance world is the higher the rewards.

    That way you will finally get to avoid being ksed and dominated by strong squads in lets say CoA.

    implement PvP Turneys that way, with rewards for the best players ( to make it fair make turneys with and without sins)

    you can make any event work that way. but we dont have such a system ( and it is not too hard to implement such a system it works just fine in other MMOs like WoW and more and that is a pretty old game)

    Ppl will have fun again without being dominated like it is right now.( most ppl quit because they are not competitive enough anymore and refuse to spend hundreds of $ to be competitive again).
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    guild base quests just to help level the guild

    Guild base quests also give a nice shiny chunk of exp.
  • Mickeylee - Harshlands
    Mickeylee - Harshlands Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    2 x should be permanent because:

    People who add real cash to the game will still keep doing that

    People who dont add real cash can get money and enjoy the game more

    My presumption is that more people will stay in the game overall

    The only potential losers are the merchants, but that debatable.

    I say this because every 2x, HL at least seems to contain a whole lot more people than normal.


    I really wish they'd do this at least until I finish catching up all of the crafting trades to normal level crafting for my level player.
    Seriously as to it being permanent I'm not really sure if this is a good idea or a bad idea, but hey I like the sound of it anyhow.
  • AliceAdams - Lost City
    AliceAdams - Lost City Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I agree that 2x should be permanent. The economy, to me, is already **** for people who don't have real cash to spend on this game. Items that should cost very little and be easily accessible, bank dq for instance, can cost a low level player 450k. This is assuming 5k per item. To keep up with higher level gear costs millions, on top of skills also costing millions.

    With double drops permanently in place, gear costs would be cut in half, which is more money that can go towards skills.

    Some of us can't afford to spend hundreds of dollars a month on this game. If you are able to, good for you, but show some courtesy to the rest of us.

    I think if the 2x was in place, it should honestly be everything BUT the frost heads. This way, as an "event" they could do 2x frost heads. I think this would encourage more "community" gaming.

    Right now, you rarely find squads for regular questing, because the quests are ****. You only find squads for BH and dungeons. If mobs are giving me 400 xp alone, but 200 in squad, what's the point of the quests that give 1/4 of the xp of BH, and maybe 50k coins in quest reward and drops? With double xp and drops, regular quests have a little more incentive.

    If they do this though, it would probably be a good idea to increase level cap. 115 or 120 or something.

    And no, I don't think people would start demanding 3x or 4x, because they still have hypers, martial arts scrolls, training esotericas...
  • Bladesofpie - Dreamweaver
    Bladesofpie - Dreamweaver Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    if 2x was perm it wouldnt be 2x it would be the new regualr but i do agree the rates of coins items exp and spirt do need to be raised up some
  • PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver
    PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,507 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    i think that the goverment should make 1$ worth 2$ /thread
    you only purge once #yopo
  • Zalislia - Lost City
    Zalislia - Lost City Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    i think that this x2 permanet wont be aplied
    simple if PWE dont gets $ from it is not good
    for us player that would be awsome and all ur reasons r very true
    and game may get balanced
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    it would probably be a good idea to increase level cap. 115 or 120 or something.

    The level cap needs to stay right where it is unless they seriously decrease the exp needed to level up after 102.
  • pieofdeath21
    pieofdeath21 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    The level cap needs to stay right where it is unless they seriously decrease the exp needed to level up after 102.

    they need deff need to decrease the exp needed and it would also help to raise exp since the only way to lvl is constant bhs and fcs
  • PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver
    PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,507 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    so what's the point of increasing the level cap if they decrease the amount of exp needed to get there? b:avoid
    you only purge once #yopo
  • pieofdeath21
    pieofdeath21 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    so it doesnt take 5 years to get from 105 to 106 and 20 from 105 to 115 if that was the new cap
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    so what's the point of increasing the level cap if they decrease the amount of exp needed to get there? b:avoid

    More levels = more stat points to allocate, I guess.

    But considering that only a teeny amount of the current 105s were able to get there without exploiting a glitch, I'd say the cap needs to stay right where it's at, and they should decrease the exp required to get there. (Or give us a better method of getting there).
  • MageMERC - Harshlands
    MageMERC - Harshlands Posts: 1,600 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    perma 2x drops is no solution get it in your brain already. if you have perma 2x on DQ items nothing will change. Just all prices for TT or Nirvana or anything will shoot up to 2x price it is now including goldprices. Did that finally hit home? good.

    So you say. On page 1 of this thread Mitachi (also level 101) says the prices will hit rock bottom. One of you is wrong.

    For people who want everything fast and will pay anything, yeah they might pay more for it. On the other hand, they will be able to get more money to pay for it in the first place. Others who dont wanna pay through the nose can run the instance and have a reasonable chance of getting some of the drops they are after.

    You then offer a solution that PWI needs to implement more dynamic events at different time zones - which is soooo different to this 2x idea how exactly? Those dynamic events are to give greater rewards for effort. 2x means exactly the same thing - greater reward for effort - giving players a reason to put in that effort. (I have actually suggested something similar in the 'suggestion box' about hourly random wraith attacks.)

    Even with 2x permanent, its not like within a couple weeks, everyone would suddenly be walking around in r9 +12 fully sharded is it? 2x just gives people a reason to log in a do stuff.
  • miausong
    miausong Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Horrible idea if u make that a reality. the damn game will be even way more like WoW a lot easier and ppl will get bored of it faster. Just saying They already nerfed freaking quest they should have not ><. Which was rlly stupid btw the low lvl quest were perfect eh way they were.

    Like the quest ( The Test) were u used ot have to kill like 20 or 30 mobs of each of those things near plume on the other side of the river. Now its like freaking 5 mobs a piece WTH!!!! >< I ENJOYED THAT QUEST. URRG
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I rather have them test a 3x rate event than this first, to further spoiler the players.
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
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  • miausong
    miausong Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    People would enjoy 3x but then when they realize how fast they lvl and how much fun it takes away from the game. Unless there **** which honestly alot of ppl are. just saying. Even I am xD. Still 3x would be fun for a day xD
  • MageMERC - Harshlands
    MageMERC - Harshlands Posts: 1,600 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    miausong wrote: »
    Horrible idea if u make that a reality. the damn game will be even way more like WoW a lot easier and ppl will get bored of it faster. Just saying They already nerfed freaking quest they should have not ><. Which was rlly stupid btw the low lvl quest were perfect eh way they were.

    Like the quest ( The Test) were u used ot have to kill like 20 or 30 mobs of each of those things near plume on the other side of the river. Now its like freaking 5 mobs a piece WTH!!!! >< I ENJOYED THAT QUEST. URRG

    People would enjoy 3x but then when they realize how fast they lvl and how much fun it takes away from the game. Unless there **** which honestly alot of ppl are. just saying. Even I am xD. Still 3x would be fun for a day xD

    Does anyone actually agree with me, that people are already NOT doing quests. Maybe people are and the fact I just never see people anywhere killing anything is just a coincidence. (not including Morai and fbq's)

    Miausong, do you do the quests for 100drops after level 95, or kill 100mobs - I bet 99% of the player base dont.

    As for levelling, this thread has nothing to do with levelling. People already level insanely fast compared to years ago - the levelling argument is irrelevant.

    "people will get bored of it faster' - ff.sake offer something useful. You think the non-existent player base is going to get bored faster? That ship has sailed. They DID get bored already and they left. I'm trying to argue about a way to bring them back.
  • miausong
    miausong Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Eh u have a valid point xD. Still though some people find this game fun adn there not bored of it ... yet. Im just saying and i have never reached 95 this has nothing to do with me not playing. more of simply I freaking help to much and mess around.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    "people will get bored of it faster' - ff.sake offer something useful. You think the non-existent player base is going to get bored faster? That ship has sailed. They DID get bored already and they left. I'm trying to argue about a way to bring them back.

    So you're really just saying "give me permanent 2x because it doesn't matter anymore". I'd agree with that much.

    Saying that it would make people come back? That's pure BS.

    And.... an earlier post described it perfectly. If you make 2x permanent, then it's not special anymore and people will just get tired of it after a month. All the people who don't play during normal drops would stop playing if 2x was permanent because that would become normal drops. And then people would beg for 3x and 4x. And the cycle would start again.

    Game is dying. Permanent 2x won't change this. So if you want it for yourself, it won't really matter because you won't be making 2x the coin because mat prices would also permanently drop.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • miausong
    miausong Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    In my opinion the game would be **** if it went to 2x forever. I like the random 2x weekends . 1x is fine I guess it gives me some challenge to level up. If 2 x was perm the whole server would not play as much cuz you would get ppl that like have 100 and wouldn't want to play the damn thing anymore cuz they got to it so fast so. it wouldn't be like a reward or an accomplishment. It would be yay I got there faster. Then they would be asking themselves. NOW WHAT? I guess ill help someone all my life cuz i got to lvl 95 or 100 faster. Then the game like the person above stated would get very dull. It still has its moments as of now not the greatest but there there. but then ppl would beg for 3x or 4x which would defiantly kill the game all at once instead of slowly. Which is technically what the game is doing as of right now is slowly dying
  • MageMERC - Harshlands
    MageMERC - Harshlands Posts: 1,600 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I dont agree that its 'BS' I think its worth trialing or something. It looks to me like people come on when 2x is on. So they are there, waiting for a time when its worthwhile and 2x seems to be that. Maybe they would play a lot more if 2x is permanent? Why do you think they wouldnt.

    And as for only doing it for myself - I think everyone would take advantage. Whether it would revitalise the game and keep it going longer I dunno. As I said, its not like 2x would suddenly make me some OP pker - that realm is for the cash injectors.
  • miausong
    miausong Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    if it was was 2x forever people would treat it like something new for a whole week then it would be the same dang thing. and instead they would be wondering what 3x would be like then if they never had 3x the game would be very dull cuz nothing extra like 2x would come at random weeks the game would plummet even further
  • MageMERC - Harshlands
    MageMERC - Harshlands Posts: 1,600 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    You may be right. I dunno.

    Anyway, I think its time to put this debate to bed. Thanks all for you thoughts. Good Luck out there.
  • miausong
    miausong Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    XD im tired to

    u have a good rest
  • J_Voorhees - Heavens Tear
    J_Voorhees - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    So you say. On page 1 of this thread Mitachi (also level 101) says the prices will hit rock bottom. One of you is wrong.

    For people who want everything fast and will pay anything, yeah they might pay more for it. On the other hand, they will be able to get more money to pay for it in the first place. Others who dont wanna pay through the nose can run the instance and have a reasonable chance of getting some of the drops they are after.

    You then offer a solution that PWI needs to implement more dynamic events at different time zones - which is soooo different to this 2x idea how exactly? Those dynamic events are to give greater rewards for effort. 2x means exactly the same thing - greater reward for effort - giving players a reason to put in that effort. (I have actually suggested something similar in the 'suggestion box' about hourly random wraith attacks.)

    Even with 2x permanent, its not like within a couple weeks, everyone would suddenly be walking around in r9 +12 fully sharded is it? 2x just gives people a reason to log in a do stuff.
    Did u even read what i wrote?
    No events is not the same as grinding or farming the same instance with 2x times.
    Events however is something different, they would be fun if you would not get dominated by the strongest squads. Did u ever run CoA? Do you know how much you get to do in their if you got lets say barely rank9 or tt90 gear? right u dont get anything in there rank 9 hits the mob you have been hitting for 3-5 mins 10 times and steal it from you. Great.
    Ever done Tiger event at a lower level or without 5.0 on lets say BM or Sin? or heck an archer? right the 1s with 5.0 and highest refines get all the prices and you get nothing, thanks for participating.
    Ever done Dragons Tempel and got out of save zone without Good gear and defense? Yes you get 1shot 2 meters out of safe zone. Great fun. Even more if you had to get up for those events at 3 am or 5 am or if it is while you would usually be at work or school and you have a day off and want to try it. yippieee just to see you wont get any of that done and you wont reach any of that. So yes make events more spread over the day.

    (And no I am not raging at that point i am fewing from a person who is not at best gear I am R9 on this toon.)

    And no if you really read what i wrote, i did not mention every1 will walk around in rank9 +12

    I said: permament 2x (in total) will drop prices on ingame stuff and skyrocket gold prices and Pack-Items. permament 2x (on dq only [which on a sidenote would be like it was in 2008/2009]) would shoot prices on cannies, raptures, Pack-Items, Gold-TT-mats, and Goldprices higher.

    Ergo -> 2x will not change a thing. I am not saying it would ruin economy economy is already ruined. I am just saying it will not change a thing. People wont come back. Newcomers would be even more scared if they have a look into AH and see Goldprice for 1 Gold is at 2.5 mil +.
    It wont help any1
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    My 2 cents:
    Make FC for lvl 75+
    This way the grindfest within pwi will return. And those grindfests were fun because thats where you picked up most of your friends, as well as learning your class, Also giving you a sense of completion when you grinded 1 whole level.

    Give hyperstones a level requirement
    This way Phoenix valley wont even lvl you fast if your low level.

    Increase drop rates for all mobs outside an instance
    enough DQ for everyone.

    Have 2x every 3 months for 1 week.
    Market can recover every now and then.
  • SteamyFish - Lost City
    SteamyFish - Lost City Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    2 x should be permanent because:

    People who add real cash to the game will still keep doing that

    People who dont add real cash can get money and enjoy the game more

    My presumption is that more people will stay in the game overall

    The only potential losers are the merchants, but that debatable.

    I say this because every 2x, HL at least seems to contain a whole lot more people than normal.


    stupid idea is stupid

    if 2x was made perma then price of EVERYTHING will drop dramatically...how will non cashshoppers make monies without merching....

    ( posting just for post count so slap urself)