Helping decision on a class?



  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Lemme see if I can cover all your questions...

    First of all, wizards are a very good endgame class. I personally have played a psy and multiple wizards to endgame. Obviously I prefer my wizard, but that's not to say psys aren't an extremely good class as well.
    A very broad comparison would be that wizards are better for TWs and instances like Delta where an AoE is needed, whereas psys are better for 1v1 pvp and DPS. To be fair though, psys also have a number of aoe skills and wizards are very good for 1v1 PvP.

    By now you've probably realized you'll have to spend quite a bit of money on this game, or be willing to put in some time for merching.
    That is a very good in depth guide on merching. If you don't have a large disposable income then I recommend you read that guide.

    As a wizard (or psychic even) you'll eventually learn that having a farming alt like a bm or sin is very useful. I'd recommend BM for you since you don't want to be a sin, plus it's easier to find FC squads as a BM which will speed up your lvling.

    Btw what server are you on? If you're on RT I can help you out.
  • Yami_ - Dreamweaver
    Yami_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Good guide, I remember the first time that I read It ^^

    In dreamweaver the equips are kinda sad, we only encounter gears for the fish on the auctioneer =( any other kind of regular gear is kinda expensive.
  • Arythalia - Dreamweaver
    Arythalia - Dreamweaver Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Lemme see if I can cover all your questions...

    First of all, wizards are a very good endgame class. I personally have played a psy and multiple wizards to endgame. Obviously I prefer my wizard, but that's not to say psys aren't an extremely good class as well.
    A very broad comparison would be that wizards are better for TWs and instances like Delta where an AoE is needed, whereas psys are better for 1v1 pvp and DPS. To be fair though, psys also have a number of aoe skills and wizards are very good for 1v1 PvP.

    By now you've probably realized you'll have to spend quite a bit of money on this game, or be willing to put in some time for merching.
    That is a very good in depth guide on merching. If you don't have a large disposable income then I recommend you read that guide.

    As a wizard (or psychic even) you'll eventually learn that having a farming alt like a bm or sin is very useful. I'd recommend BM for you since you don't want to be a sin, plus it's easier to find FC squads as a BM which will speed up your lvling.

    Btw what server are you on? If you're on RT I can help you out.
    ^basically this in brief, and that merching guide is very, very good and useful

    P.S. they already said they are on DW
    Thanks tons to Bellefleurs for the sig<3
    Arythalia - 100 sage wizzie - main - active
    Eadrienia - 9x demon archer - active
    Myantria - 7x psychic - active
    Multiple other 6x, 7x, and 8x chars too, but too many to list in one sig b:shutup
  • Synergise - Raging Tide
    Synergise - Raging Tide Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Whether you stick with the wizzy or not, be warned that you will most likely roll other chars as well. My Psychic is level 78 and i find it a fun class to do PVE. Having said that I also like to play my Blademaster and this Assasin. There are places for all classes at the higher levels, with different classes being more popular at different levels. What most squads like is just someone who is good at what they do.

    Now, off the original topic. My Psy will never have Vit +10 stones in her gear. If I had the money to spend on them and I wanted more HP (from shards), then I would buy Citrine Gems at about the same price. A Citrine Gem adds 115 HP while for a Psy a Vit stone adds 100 HP - an easy choice. If money was not a consideration then the level 12 citrine "Stone of Gaea" would add 150 HP at only 6 times the price of level 11 Citrine Gems. All of this, of course, ignores the question of HP vs Defence Levels - I'll leave that for others to discuss. But I will say that I'd do high refining first if i have limited money.
  • Toliman - Raging Tide
    Toliman - Raging Tide Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Welcome to the game!
    Wizard also was my first class, let me state the pros and cons based on my opinion alone:


    *safe class to play in PVE once you get the Will of the Phoenix

    Which not work for some mobs and almost all bosses (as push away skill).
    *Wizards have tonnes of builds!

    Not more than any other class.


    *only start to get strong after the levels 80+

    After 80 leveling is very, very slow, mobs have proper to their level life and skills, so no difference with low levels.

    Also, level 80+ mean that you start to pay bh fee for bh69, bh79, these bhs are very hard for Wizards in comparison with bh29,bh39,bh51, bh59.
    Recently I created a Sin and loved! You shoudn't think because everyone plays with a character that you can't play too, actually there are very few players around here that can play well with Sin and the community can back me up with this here! But you will have a hard time for get your gears with your Wizard, I highly recomend of you to make another char for farm.
    All "cons" are more than "pros" when you compare your Wizard with melee class.

    There are very few players around here that can play well with Wizard in PvE.

    Also, almost every player 100+ play his melee character "to farm" gear and play Wizard at TW (few hours during one week) only.