Helping decision on a class?
Lolgasmic - Raging Tide wrote: »Challenge Accepted.
Most people do not -VIT- stone their gear, first off each stone will cost 25-30m. And more realistically if you had meant the Citrines then I would only agree with you somewhat. I'm a barb, just because I have a lot of HP doesn't mean magic attacks are only going to tickle me. The same principle applies to a psychic, and a major player in how fast they'll die is that they have even less HP.
When I'm thinking of an AOE grind, what the hell else do people do besides FC? Sure, there are people who do Zhen leveling... for like 3m for an hour? Dafuq. So what purpose does a psychic who can hold their own on fast-spawning mobs need to kill those mobs? Levels? Money? SP? Tell me.
1. point of order,im on archosaur...the center of CS power apparently from what ive seen o nthe ingame coin doesnt mean the same thing to you that it does to me
2. oracles are still funespecially doing well over 1,000 of them in one day got a good point about starting advantage,but now yer talking about barbs too >.>,and seeing as how money isnt a problem in this case (well over 1.5 billion of ingame coins saved up already),
you make slow kill on enemy,enemy can still have enough left in him to kill you o.o greater general vitality ability such as comes with tanker classes,usually comes at the price of some disfunction to dmg or speed
4.what the poster above me said,a psy not only has psychic will,which grants immunity to physical damage for a short time...but also veil of shadow (lvl 100 version preferred) which makes you untargetable..and a psy can instantly flex from enhanced attack to super enhanced defense
5. compliment: i dont got a barb,all i know is that i enjoy there hp and physical attack buffs when im on me seeker
6.if money is no problem,(because it isnt in my case)...then imagine the hp added to a psy,by adding 24 vit stones to the armor >.> (and by armor i mean robe,pants,helm,bracers,boots,and oh yeah cape,) that point i can rightfully say that starting advantages dissappear
a quote from a guy on an old movie: "the innocent only exist until they inevitably become perpetrators....guilt,and innocence,is all a matter of timing"0 -
Semis_Inferi - Archosaur wrote: »>.> i can say with almost 100% accuracy that a well built psy is far better at AoE grinding than the bm...reasoning,the psychic has some of the fastest natural channeling in the game,quite afew good range AoE,(tons of them actually,i think the psy actually has more AoE spells than single hit spells)
and if you happen to have alot of vit adding stones on hand...fully modding all of your armor peices with vit stones(and by vit stones i mean primeval stone,and stone of the savant) with a psy,will make you indeed far better at AoE grinding than any bm ever could be :<,there is literally no arguing on this point,no way around this....the psy is better at AoE grinding
A BM can start AOE grinding from level 70. Which is hard to say for a psychic, unless you're heavily sharded. Which doesn't come easily at early-game.Whether you think you can or you can't, either way you're right. -Henry Ford0 -
MsDominatrix - Heavens Tear wrote: »A BM can start AOE grinding from level 70. Which is hard to say for a psychic, unless you're heavily sharded. Which doesn't come easily at early-game.
a psychic gets AoE stuff fairly early on,aqua cannon at lvl 29,sandburst blast at lvl 39,glacial shards at 39,red tide at 59,earth vector at 59,crystal light at 79,stone smasher at 100
and your ignoring the fact that archosaur has alot of cash shop your knowledge about ingame coin money is irrelevent in this discussion o.o
and if you really want to get literal with this...a BM has less aoe grinding power than a seeker (with cash shop stuff of course)
vortex,with a neevr ending supply of plat spirit charms...
just stand literally ontop of a mob`s spawn point,preferably an oracle...start with vortex,and hit the assigned oracle button every so often o.o you can do that even at 59 when the seeker gets vortex i nthe first place
also not to mention fully sharded lvl 59 armor with a never ending supply of plat hp charms
though i can say from personal experience,every few hours you do need to go back to town to repair armor when doing vortex this way0 -
So you're saying a new player is going to have enough financial power to be able to gear the psy well from level 29?Whether you think you can or you can't, either way you're right. -Henry Ford0
i did,still do...have more than oen char that i deliberately over gear like that,from the start
people who have free money like this will often spend it in rediculous wayscause free money is just that,bills are payed so you can do whatever you want,even if it is odd
my proof of this point?the fact that pair of shoes costing 2000 usd or more(irl that is of course) still sell good enough to be profitable0 -
OP: Just ignore Semis_Inferi as she is either troll or plain stupid with no ability to even understand basics on simple maths. Nobody but intellectually challenged would shard with vit stones if it wasnt for being cheaper than best option.
Now I`m on better position to say something on subject as I did play WoW for few months. Compared to WoW, this game is quite simple with PvE as the instances arent meant to be run in R8 which is the easily achieved and norm for 100+. It`s like running normal dungeons on DFinder when you already gotten your valor gear. WoW normal dungeons are pretty good comparison in difficulty though PWI has simpler mechanics with less special attacks, a lot more of tank & spank type of PvE. Leveling is considerably slower than on WoW, unless you spend money on PWI and leveling becomes a joke.
If I wanted somewhat cheap PvE character, I would roll cleric. I find it amusing how much we pay for aps and the ability to become those farming machines when the people, who are still working on the soloing ability, really need cleric. As the best money making instances dont really have AoEs, clerics have really low gear requirements to be efficient in endgame dungeons. I have never actually played a cleric and I cant say much on leveling speed but I wouldnt call it terribly slow. To level 40ish when dungeon dailies start, I expect it to be slow but after that point clerics are likely easiest to level simply due how easy its to find a party. It`s like hitting tank & healer on DFinder. But DDs, they are like hitting DFinder rolling ~2am with only DD tagged - It`s gonna take patience.
About the psy vs wizzie convo. Psys have gotten the most broken PvP class award among players at really high endgame gear. On lower gear I think it`s DPH vs faster casting & utility. While Wizards hit big numbers, they channel bit slowly and while they have decent utility, psy`s got more of it. In overall casters are the cheaper option for decent capability to PvP/Farm(Few specific instances), while aps classes are the ones who can really make coin with will to see the effort. But aps are expensive and just getting back the effort put into gear will take time.Trolling Sid since So Hot0 -
WnbTank - Archosaur wrote: »OP: Just ignore Semis_Inferi as she is either troll or plain stupid with no ability to even understand basics on simple maths. Nobody but intellectually challenged would shard with vit stones if it wasnt for being cheaper than best option.
Now I`m on better position to say something on subject as I did play WoW for few months. Compared to WoW, this game is quite simple with PvE as the instances arent meant to be run in R8 which is the easily achieved and norm for 100+. It`s like running normal dungeons on DFinder when you already gotten your valor gear. WoW normal dungeons are pretty good comparison in difficulty though PWI has simpler mechanics with less special attacks, a lot more of tank & spank type of PvE. Leveling is considerably slower than on WoW, unless you spend money on PWI and leveling becomes a joke.
If I wanted somewhat cheap PvE character, I would roll cleric. I find it amusing how much we pay for aps and the ability to become those farming machines when the people, who are still working on the soloing ability, really need cleric. As the best money making instances dont really have AoEs, clerics have really low gear requirements to be efficient in endgame dungeons. I have never actually played a cleric and I cant say much on leveling speed but I wouldnt call it terribly slow. To level 40ish when dungeon dailies start, I expect it to be slow but after that point clerics are likely easiest to level simply due how easy it
actuall,your in a far worse position than me..and also..i was proving a point....
cant you get it through your thick skull that ingame coinage,and my uses for it being cheap or not doesnt matter when i use cash shop this much?
vit stones fully sharded is well worth it,the benefit is nice too,i cant help it if a majority of people cant have the good sense to save them up for modding something very important like r8 or r9
oh yeah...since you think WoW is a tougher,try this,the grinder i played for three years
you would not last very long in there wnb,your not strong willed enough
also please dont mention you have a forget having a life in a no lifing "pay to win" mmo game makes you more of a loser o.o0 -
Yami_ - Dreamweaver wrote: »Welcome to the game!
Wizard also was my first class, let me state the pros and cons based on my opinion alone:
*safe class to play in PVE once you get the Will of the Phoenix
*high MP pool due Wellspring Quaff
*have too much def in endgame for a magic class because of Stone Barrier
*Wizards have tonnes of builds!
*It's a very good character to play TW
*only start to get strong after the levels 80+
*lowest casting time of the game
*cannot farm unless you have good gears, but for buy good gears you have to farm first...
*players are dumb and doesn't know what Wizards can do, so they will think that youre not welcome in squads
*the progress of the other classes compared to you, can make you lose the will of play like Wizard
Recently I created a Sin and loved! You shoudn't think because everyone plays with a character that you can't play too, actually there are very few players around here that can play well with Sin and the community can back me up with this here! But you will have a hard time for get your gears with your Wizard, I highly recomend of you to make another char for farm.
This. There are some terrible Assassin players out there, at least the ones I've encountered in Lost City. Wizards are a great class to play and as has been said before have lots of advantages over psychics, for one they can hold a constant AoE skill like Seekers/Archers & possibility of different builds. They have some of the best, in my opinion, Looking skills in the game, Barr one of the Seeker's AoEs, that just looks awesome, just another thing I wanted to add, Barbs are in great need too, there are hardly any barbs at least as far as I can tell in Lost City, I've no clue if that is the same case in Dream Weaver. But yeah Welcome to the game and don't let the Trolls biteb:bye
(Need better/up-to-date sig)
Remember my name. For it's the one you will fear in your waking nightmares...0 -
Descendus - Lost City wrote: »This. There are some terrible Assassin players out there, at least the ones I've encountered in Lost City. Wizards are a great class to play and as has been said before have lots of advantages over psychics, for one they can hold a constant AoE skill like Seekers/Archers & possibility of different builds. They have some of the best, in my opinion, Looking skills in the game, Barr one of the Seeker's AoEs, that just looks awesome, just another thing I wanted to add, Barbs are in great need too, there are hardly any barbs at least as far as I can tell in Lost City, I've no clue if that is the same case in Dream Weaver. But yeah Welcome to the game and don't let the Trolls bite
ye....but i prefer psy...i got tired of being slower with channeling than a car with no gas o.o and that was on my cleric....wizard has even slower channeling speed...not fun
so i enjoy the fast firing of the psy0 -
Semis_Inferi - Archosaur wrote: »actuall,your in a far worse position than me..and also..i was proving a point....
cant you get it through your thick skull that ingame coinage,and my uses for it being cheap or not doesnt matter when i use cash shop this much?
vit stones fully sharded is well worth it,the benefit is nice too,i cant help it if a majority of people cant have the good sense to save them up for modding something very important like r8 or r9
oh yeah...since you think WoW is a tougher,try this,the grinder i played for three years
you would not last very long in there wnb,your not strong willed enough
Is this thread about you? I thought so. It`s not relevant if you can overgear like that if the one needing advice cant, which is why the cost is actually relevant in this discussion.
Oh, you really didnt get it why I said you cant comprehend basics on simple maths. Anybody who has not dropped out of highschool should be able to do the math where vit stones are determined clearly inferior to JoSD. Only reason to shard vit stones instead of JoSD is the cost compared to vit stones. Now if we consider the cost, we can take vit stones out of the table too.Trolling Sid since So Hot0 -
actually.your an idiot wnb,josd only effects defense itself.....and i was talking about psychic,at the time which you failed to read...
and since a psy`s magic def is already high and physical def fairly low...vit stones are far better in that situation than josd....
try again.this is no place for ignorant dinosaurs like you wnb
and i was making a point about maximum capability with all factors considered,seeing as we were talking about class abilitys at that point
wnb here reminds me of enviromentalists...they spout there veiws about "reducing the industry and what not to save the planet,to make human lives better"...when they dont realize that without industry,75% of the people o nthe planet would starve to death,and the quality of life for the remaining humans would be much much lowerand incase your wondering why im typoing so much,its cause im very tired right now...but i ingested a few more caffeine pills just to talk with you wnb
unfortunately your right about one thing wnb,this is a pay to win game in some respects
your not going to be respected for sticking to a horse drawn carriage because you think its more "hardcore" to use a method so outdated (hence free playing at your lvl)..when everyone around you is driving cars (hence cash shopping at any lvl)0 -
Semis_Inferi - Archosaur wrote: »actually.your an idiot wnb,josd only effects defense itself.....and i was talking about psychic,at the time which you failed to read...
and since a psy`s magic def is already high and physical def fairly low...vit stones are far better in that situation than josd....
try again.this is no place for ignorant dinosaurs like you wnb
You really should go check PWI wiki and read how defense levels actually work or least read Astraelle`s posts as kitty approves her maths - Ever questioned why she, by my understanding, is JoSD sharded?
Let`s put in way even you understand. Mean boy shoots an arrow at you, which deals 1000 base dmg. Your poor psy got 40% p.dmg reduction with her vit stones and takes 600 dmg. Now if she had JoSD, let`s say 50 defense levels over the mean boy`s attack levels, she`d take only 375 dmg. Go, multiply the number on example by 15 and and remember, full vit stone sharding = 240 vit.
Oh let me help you, 240x vit x hp mutiplier for vi,t which is 10 for psys, and let`s add demon/sage barb buff into it and we get 3240 hp. Now in vit stones you`ll take 15 times 600dmg = 9000dmg. In JoSD you`ll take 15 times 375dmg = 5625dmg. Do I need to further elaborate my point?Trolling Sid since So Hot0 -
whats better with a full mag(minus a little bit for vitality) build on a psy...taking very little damage on almost zilch hp and most likely a stun or nasty effect
or having just enough hp to soak up the damage just long enough so you can activate psychic will and use yer crippling magic damage to kill the archer while psychic will makes there archers arrows useless
come back when you know what your talking about,and we are talking about psychic here
not to mention psychic will also gets rid of nasty debuffsthis is why i referred to you as an ignorant dinosaur wnb,
also another thing,your math is highly flawed,your ignoring the effects of skills,gear,and tomesyou truly are stupid wnb
0 -
Semis_Inferi - Archosaur wrote: »whats better with a full mag(minus a little bit for vitality) build on a psy...taking very little damage on almost zilch hp and most likely a stun or nasty effect
or having just enough hp to soak up the damage just long enough so you can activate psychic will and use yer crippling magic damage to kill the archer while psychic will makes there archers arrows useless
come back when you know what your talking about,and we are talking about psychic here
You have no idea how much more respect teachers just got in my eyes as I really couldnt think of anything else but giving you a yo-yo to play with while other kids study maths. Do you even understand what HP is in it`s essence? I really dont think you do. It`s actually pretty stupid to talk bout HP on endgame builds, we should talk bout effective health but as you have trouble comprehending the concept of HP, I really dont want to confuse you.
So in it`s essence you rather take 15.5k hp than 12.1k with 48 defense lvls over what you`d have with vit stones? That`s the numbers with full R9+10 barb buffed. I have to ask, did you ever finish high school or were you even accepted there in the first place?Semis_Inferi - Archosaur wrote: »
also another thing,your math is highly flawed,your ignoring the effects of skills,gear,and tomesyou truly are stupid wnb
Oh that was intentional as the more hp you get from refines, tomes, etc. The better JoSD become in comparison.Trolling Sid since So Hot0 -
now il lhave to ask you that,i said several times that we were talking about psy here,your too stupid to even read or troll halfway decent
also your ignoring the fact that maxed out white voodoo can easily overwhelm the pitifull effects of josd....and with the + 20 attack lvl buff from full r9,plus a jones blessing...the attack lvl minus on white voodoo isnt such a problem
you are a wee bit too rusty to keep playing pwi for much longer...especially considering your lvl0 -
Semis_Inferi - Archosaur wrote: »now il lhave to ask you that,i said several times that we were talking about psy here,your too stupid to even read or troll halfway decent
Aww, you deleted your pro maths! 400x24? Oh my dear girl, you got 24 pieces of armor? b:chuckleTrolling Sid since So Hot0 -
WnbTank - Archosaur wrote: »Aww, you deleted your pro maths! 400x24? Oh my dear girl, you got 24 pieces of armor? b:chuckle
what can i say,minor glitch from the gallon or so of energy drinks,rectified with a better insult at you wnbSemis_Inferi - Archosaur wrote: »
also your ignoring the fact that maxed out white voodoo can easily overwhelm the pitifull effects of josd....and with the + 20 attack lvl buff from full r9,plus a jones blessing...the attack lvl minus on white voodoo isnt such a problem
you are a wee bit too rusty to keep playing pwi for much longer...especially considering your lvl0 -
meh, let the idiot shard vit stones. easier to kill a noob only purge once #yopo0
PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver wrote: »meh, let the idiot shard vit stones. easier to kill a noob cashopper.
well it might happen,not saying it cant...just making the point that its unwise for an old and useless player like wnb to make conjecture about a psy,which he knows absolutely nothing about
0 -
And welcome to the PWI General Discussion forums... Where some ppl randomly snatch a thread and start arguing with eachother on it... And once things get out of hand a mod will likely close it... b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
BigHearts member... f:grin0 -
please someone close it
im ver ytired from lac of sleep due to consuming a gallon or so of energy drink X.X and im getting tired of proving how fail a wanna be like wnb is,over and over again
0 -
Semis_Inferi - Archosaur wrote: »
well it might happen,not saying it cant...just making the point that its unwise for an old and useless player like wnb to make conjecture about a psy,which he knows absolutely nothing about
i'm sure you know a lot more about psys; doing oracles is so challengingb:cute
the equations are the same for every class and if you stopped and did some math isntead of killing a mob over and over again perhaps you would finally realize why wnb is right and you are not even worthy to talk to himb:cuteyou only purge once #yopo0 -
PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver wrote: »i'm sure you know a lot more about psys; doing oracles is so challengingb:cute
the equations are the same for every class and if you stopped and did some math isntead of killing a mob over and over again perhaps you would finally realize why wnb is right and you are not even worthy to talk to himb:cute
there arent exactly the same once skill effects are added..they are the same with no skills considered,but with skills its alot different0 -
Semis_Inferi - Archosaur wrote: »actuall,your in a far worse position than me..and also..i was proving a point....
cant you get it through your thick skull that ingame coinage,and my uses for it being cheap or not doesnt matter when i use cash shop this much?
vit stones fully sharded is well worth it,the benefit is nice too,i cant help it if a majority of people cant have the good sense to save them up for modding something very important like r8 or r9
oh yeah...since you think WoW is a tougher,try this,the grinder i played for three years
you would not last very long in there wnb,your not strong willed enough
also please dont mention you have a forget having a life in a no lifing "pay to win" mmo game makes you more of a loser o.o
We get it, you cash shop, enough.
That doesn't mean the OP is willing to spend a grand on the game.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
Started playing on March 20100 -
Lolgasmic - Raging Tide wrote: »We get it, you cash shop, enough.
That doesn't mean the OP is willing to spend a grand on the game.
^This, infact I think they said they didn't want to cash shop at all, let alone the large amounts Semis appears to have charged.
I don't claim to know much about psy's but even I don't think that what Semis is saying is true, otherwise JoSD would be the best shards in game except for psy's and I have never seen that stipulated.
Anyway, let's let him/her continue going on in the wrong manner, hopefully we all know by now not to listen to their posts and we can continue to help the OP as opposed to fighting the... uneducated person.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks tons to Bellefleurs for the sig<3
Arythalia - 100 sage wizzie - main - active
Eadrienia - 9x demon archer - active
Myantria - 7x psychic - active
Multiple other 6x, 7x, and 8x chars too, but too many to list in one sig b:shutup0 -
Arythalia - Dreamweaver wrote: »^This, infact I think they said they didn't want to cash shop at all, let alone the large amounts Semis appears to have charged.
I don't claim to know much about psy's but even I don't think that what Semis is saying is true, otherwise JoSD would be the best shards in game except for psy's and I have never seen that stipulated.
Anyway, let's let him/her continue going on in the wrong manner, hopefully we all know by now not to listen to their posts and we can continue to help the OP as opposed to fighting the... uneducated person.
Agreed with the entire paragraph.
And back to the OP, I'd just say roll a cleric. It won't be easy 9-40. And pretty much your character from start to end will be squishy to mobs / bosses / players. But you seem more interested in the PvE aspects of this game, so a cleric would be best.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
Started playing on March 20100 -
PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver wrote: »meh, let the idiot shard vit stones. easier to kill a noob cashopper.
No, I`ll try to see to which extents I have to go make her understand something a preschooler would with this amount of explaining.
"also your ignoring the fact that maxed out white voodoo can easily overwhelm the pitifull effects of josd....and with the + 20 attack lvl buff from full r9,plus a jones blessing...the attack lvl minus on white voodoo isnt such a problem"
@The intellectually challenged I quoted.
Why shouldnt I ignore it? We can either talk bout PvE where it doesnt matter worth Jack`s sht what you are doing with R9+10. Or we can talk bout PvP where it`s relevant.
Attack levels are more efficient than defense levels as there is no curve with attack levels that exist on defense levels. Now Putting it simply, attack levels will always have the same effect while defense levels have diminishing returns with the number of them increasing.
Now if your opponents had no attack levels, then you would be quite correct, JoSD would decrease in efficiency due the curve. But as we should only compare endgame build with other endgame builds, even with no DoTs, full R9s gains 93 attack levels completely neglecting white voodoo. And thus we get to area of defense levels where there is no question if JoSD are better than vit stones.
Ps. I think you have quite successfully proved how you cant even comprehend simple maths, let alone play this game well.Trolling Sid since So Hot0 -
To OP.
I'm sorry you had to meet an insistent troll on your first time in the forums. But I'll say this, Wizards are awesome, since you love it, stick with it.
As for your BM friend, no problem, everyone loves a good BM.
Now, at endgame, the only problem might be Nirvana, your friend will do normal nirvana, while you will do Caster Nirvana, but I still think that's not a good enough reason to switch characters. So stick with it and have fun!
Good luck!Whether you think you can or you can't, either way you're right. -Henry Ford0 -
@OP: You sound like an intelligent person, I hope you stick around as it sounds like you'll make a good addition to the Dreamweaver community. Feel free to pm me in game or here if you need any advice or help.MsDominatrix - Heavens Tear wrote: »To OP.
I'm sorry you had to meet an insistent troll on your first time in the forums. But I'll say this, Wizards are awesome, since you love it, stick with it.
As for your BM friend, no problem, everyone loves a good BM.
Now, at endgame, the only problem might be Nirvana, your friend will do normal nirvana, while you will do Caster Nirvana, but I still think that's not a good enough reason to switch characters. So stick with it and have fun!
Good luck!
All true except that the Nirvana problem is solved by having friends. I take wizards to regular nirvana when I run on my bm, and I take bms to caster nirvana when I run on my psychic.
If your main goal endgame is PvE, consider rolling a cleric. Finding random squads is easier than almost any other class, solo leveling is not particularly hard, and you can be a more effective duo with your friend's blademaster. Wizards only have one healing skill, which is actually quite effective, but long channeling prevents you from doing much else. Clerics have useful buffs and debuffs and a variety of healing options. Unless you don't like playing support roles, in which case, stay with wiz or roll a bm/archer/assassin/barb.
If your main endgame plans include PvP (especially territory wars, the 80 vs. 80 faction battles) stick with your wizard. Wizards aoe nuking skills are absolutely devastating in mass PvP. Self buffed you can have the physical defense of a blademaster (or more) and a ton of magical defense as well.WnbTank - Archosaur wrote: »
Ps. I think you have quite successfully proved how you cant even comprehend simple maths, let alone play this game well.
Core connect ftw. This person has a level 8x psy, and looks to be their highest character.
How many pages has this thread been derailed now?
To solve your original argument: Psys can aoe grind, differently in style than BMs, but quite efficiently (I can pull all the Avalanche Crushers in 3rd map as fast on my psy as my bm, and can also grind most of the ranged magic mobs in there as well, when the one melee area is busy).See, I can hyper a nub up like the rest of yas!0 -
PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver wrote: »huum huum,,,,b:chuckle
What can I say? I got so bored healing all day and I refused to play a fish! >:(
To be fair, I played a cleric long before the nubarcherProving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
Current math challenge:
"Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray0
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