Tideborn Hair on a Cleric or other class

JinseiMegami - Heavens Tear
JinseiMegami - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
edited January 2012 in General Discussion
Tideborn Hair (Or E.G.) on a Cleric or other class,

I know, it is not allowed, but here I was, browsing the net and looking at pwi Classes and omg... WHAT DO I SEE... The cleric used for advertising has TB hair b:shocked

So me wondring if I can now finally make my cleric look awesome like the advertisement submitted a ticket.

This is what I asked;

Hey Staff !

I was told that we are not allowed to have Tideborn hair (Or Earthguard) on the older classes such as the cleric.

Why is your website showing a Cleric, veno and wizzard with hair that we can't even add on them when we create them. That is rather unfair don't you think? Showing us a nice picture of a cleric standing with her wings, wich is not possible either... and we can't even get to make them look like that.

Will we still get banned for creating a character with hair from other classes?

best regards


This is the answer I got...

That's correct, you are not allowed to use hairstyles of other races as this requires modifying your game files, which is a violation of our Terms of Service.

I cannot comment on anything on our own site as these images are for marketing purposes.

ARE U KIDDING ME b:angry Marketing Purpose? Misleading you mean !

This is by far the most lame thing PWI has EVER done (at least I think)

PWI Should do something about Chara creation and customisation (However u spell it)
Having Characters for advertising on the web is okay... but if they don't look they way we can actually greate them, I find that misleading.

What do you guys think of this.
Characters on Heaven's Tear:
Lvl 100 Cleric: JinseiMegami
Lvl 093 Mystic: MimiMegami
Lvl 091 Archer: JinseiChan
Lvl 087 Assassin: NanashiChan
Lvl 071 Barbarian: SenshuSan
~Last updated on June 13th 2012~
Post edited by JinseiMegami - Heavens Tear on


  • ZoracGallant - Raging Tide
    ZoracGallant - Raging Tide Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited January 2012

    What else did you expect

    Want to solve alot of my problems? On your computer Click - Start - now click - Run - now type - cmd - now type - format c: - If you are using Windows Vista or 7 please be sure you run as administrator.
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    They even show an earthguard with a dagger on the loading screen.. As for different race hair, it`s not game breaking and so far I haven`t seen people getting punished by it, even if it`s against the TOS, if you can get away with a far serious offense (goons), hell, you can get away with editing your character.
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Firstly, you got a reply.

    Secondly, I was watching a movie preview and about a year later took my daughter to the movie. She did not notice there was a difference but I saw that the movie had changed drastically. Should I get my money back?

    It may be misleading but not life ending. b:sad At least I hope not.
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • Pyrostormz - Raging Tide
    Pyrostormz - Raging Tide Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    of all the issues in the game, THIS bothers you ?

    really 0.o
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    its normal for game companies to swap some graphics here and there to maximize appeal of game =o
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • ElizabethF - Dreamweaver
    ElizabethF - Dreamweaver Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    You have far more things to be complaining about than "misleading".

    Really, do you even play the game? lol
  • Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear
    Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    of all the issues in the game, THIS bothers you ?

    really 0.o

    It's called false advertising... I can imagen it's kinda enoying when you see it and hoping to create such a beatifull character... Only to find out that the old races are graphicly lacking... b:surrender
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    It's called false advertising... I can imagen it's kinda enoying when you see it and hoping to create such a beatifull character... Only to find out that the old races are graphicly lacking... b:surrender

    Not really. It's just called Marketing Hype.

    Watch a commercial for any food or restaurant. What you see is not what you get. Ever.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Not really. It's just called Marketing Hype.

    Watch a commercial for any food or restaurant. What you see is not what you get. Ever.

    chow down b:cute

    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear
    Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited January 2012

    Exactly the reason I never eat outdoors... With the example of an icecream or something... And that's exactly what I mean... You go somewhere hoping to get what you saw only to be dissapointed... False advertising... Meh... My food tastes better annyway and is much healthier... b:chuckle
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • Kinjareta - Archosaur
    Kinjareta - Archosaur Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    False Advertisement?! This sucks.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited January 2012

    Hahaha... ewww.

    That's why I don't eat fast food ever.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear
    Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Yeah it does, right? b:surrender

    *makes some fresh homemade burgers and hands them over to all the ppl on this topic* Bet you all got hungry from those pics even after seeing what **** you get... b:chuckle
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Yeah it does, right? b:surrender

    *makes some fresh homemade burgers and hands them over to all the ppl on this topic* Bet you all got hungry from those pics even after seeing what **** you get... b:chuckle

    mmm... Burgers...b:dirty

    But, no I didn't get hungry looking at those photos.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    that Arby was awesome
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    that Arby was awesome

    OMG. Arby's is gross.

    There's this aweomse french dip place down the street, I go there once or twice a week. So delicious:

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • JinseiMegami - Heavens Tear
    JinseiMegami - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    b:pleased Hehe I was just a little annoyed by it all and wanted to share my mind. Funny how we are now talking about food LOL b:laugh

    But yes, there is much more to complain about. There always will be xD I was just wondring how ppl here where thinking.

    Hopefully someone who can make a differance will read this (Whisfull thinking) b:thanks
    Characters on Heaven's Tear:
    Lvl 100 Cleric: JinseiMegami
    Lvl 093 Mystic: MimiMegami
    Lvl 091 Archer: JinseiChan
    Lvl 087 Assassin: NanashiChan
    Lvl 071 Barbarian: SenshuSan
    ~Last updated on June 13th 2012~
  • Xinaeco - Harshlands
    Xinaeco - Harshlands Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Back in the day, Gm's were REALLY hellbent on enforcing the "no ini file editing" rule... Today, you see about 10 barbs with mohawks and skinny/fat chars and LOTS of EG eyes/hair/TB hair. There's really no enforcement on it these days, and even then, how can they justify not banning goon glitching when they ban ini editing?
    NiightmareXz; lv 92 demon archer (retired)
    xinaeco; lv 9x sage veno (retired currently)
    lil nab secret cleric (main)
  • brazenbusboy
    brazenbusboy Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    b:thanks b:laugh b:chuckle

    PW also pretends the game is fair, and that cheaters are not tolerated.

    If you go by how PW treats Goon cheaters, if you buy enough zen, they will look the other way regarding your hair choices.

    b:victory b:cute

    Just some guy
  • Xinaeco - Harshlands
    Xinaeco - Harshlands Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    b:thanks b:laugh b:chuckle

    PW also pretends the game is fair, and that cheaters are not tolerated.

    If you go by how PW treats Goon cheaters, if you buy enough zen, they will look the other way regarding your hair choices.

    b:victory b:cute


    The charge zen = no bans thing is a redic statement.
    I've been banned 3 times so far and I charged over 1k$.
    NiightmareXz; lv 92 demon archer (retired)
    xinaeco; lv 9x sage veno (retired currently)
    lil nab secret cleric (main)
  • oralungo
    oralungo Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    did they cant make the hair stuff for all class.. i mean it will be good with no limit hair race.. just put all hair in same dir so we can choose wat ever our race..
  • Silberfluss - Dreamweaver
    Silberfluss - Dreamweaver Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    there are already enough threads about - is it legal to have such hair etc..-
    the answer was: its illegal and bannable to edit your files to get a game-advantage, but since its not an advantage to change your chars appearance only, its no reason to ban somebody
    (correct me if im wrong?)
  • Psytrac - Dreamweaver
    Psytrac - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,488 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    tb hair on elf/untamed/human IS banable, that was confirmed by GMs in the first week of the tb release
    I'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
    "When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
    Are you on Team Bring it?
  • Midi - Momaganon
    Midi - Momaganon Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    tb hair on elf/untamed/human IS banable, that was confirmed by GMs in the first week of the tb release

    you are not uptodate b:chuckle
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    It's been confrimed since then as bannable, though yeah, it's like goonz - "In theory" you can be banned. "In theory" you can win the lottery. Guess which is more likely?
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    i've known a veno who **** the colour of her fox tail years ago, to match her hair, and no one has ever noticed it, except those of us who knew her when she did it.
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Anfisa - Lost City
    Anfisa - Lost City Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Technically, you can write your own .int file from scratch with other race's hair and that's not editing any pre-existing files.

    Unless they consider placing a file in a directory of your own computer to be game file editing.
  • Xinaeco - Harshlands
    Xinaeco - Harshlands Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Technically, you can write your own .int file from scratch with other race's hair and that's not editing any pre-existing files.

    Unless they consider placing a file in a directory of your own computer to be game file editing.

    I think going in and tampering with the ini files at all is bannable so that could probably be a bannable offense.
    NiightmareXz; lv 92 demon archer (retired)
    xinaeco; lv 9x sage veno (retired currently)
    lil nab secret cleric (main)
  • Celestyna - Heavens Tear
    Celestyna - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I think going in and tampering with the ini files at all is bannable so that could probably be a bannable offense.

    the problem with that is sharing presets is ok.. and the only way to do that is to copy and paste it into one.
    I know its not allowed but i just dont really get it b:surrender
  • Xinaeco - Harshlands
    Xinaeco - Harshlands Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    the problem with that is sharing presets is ok.. and the only way to do that is to copy and paste it into one.
    I know its not allowed but i just dont really get it b:surrender

    well tampering is like altering/changing/etc, and anyway it's not against the rules to share ini files, i actually think frankie ok'd it. :P
    NiightmareXz; lv 92 demon archer (retired)
    xinaeco; lv 9x sage veno (retired currently)
    lil nab secret cleric (main)