[ Official ] Post picture(s) of yourself!



  • Posts: 9,807 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    and thank you grippie :)

    you're welcome :D and I would be kinda scared too... baha !
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thankiez to Dorset for the sig!

    MagicHamsta will remain in our hearts forever

    P.S. I am a female venomancer ^^ I know it's rare, isn't it?
  • Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited December 2011
    very angry troll b:angry me.


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    Can I recommend a high dose of sleep?b:shutup

    Unrelated to above picture:

    And hot darn... we have some gorgeous ladies on this game...

    Gone are the days when only nerds played games online, apparently.b:chuckle
  • Posts: 2,569 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I think it might be my top that makes my **** look big. Because in this picture I can't see my **** b:shocked

    But in this picture I took last night to show off my new clip in feather I can see them.......and yes I use that shirt a lot, it's bright so it doesn't take the rest of the light away.
    Thanks for the siggy Dorset
    Once upon a time I had a dirty little secret but then I took it to the dry cleanersb:laugh

    -Currently residing in the real world-
  • Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I think it might be my top that makes my **** look big. Because in this picture I can't see my **** b:shocked

    you are right, but now I can see your leg b:dirty

    dayum girl, why are you doing this to me?
    my knowledge of the english language is not good enough to describe my feelings rigt now so I'm gonna give you this instead:


    and with english lyrics here:


    hope you like it b:shy
  • Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    Can I recommend a high dose of sleep?b:shutup

    Unrelated to above picture:

    And hot darn... we have some gorgeous ladies on this game...

    Gone are the days when only nerds played games online, apparently.b:chuckle

    I'm not sure "Gorgeous" is the word for that sentence. Why do these girls post pictures with their **** or (non-intentionally/intentionally intended) butt hanging out? I'm not saying names or pointing fingers, But some should take after others standards and know when to draw the line. I mean really, do you honestly want everyone to view you like that? There's some really sick people in this world, you never know what could happen. The internet is much larger than this forum thread, and pictures could travel to other sites without you knowing. Just stating something that's been on my mind when browsing this thread... And now time to get flamed and yelled at or something of the sort. >.> b:beatup b:surrender
  • Posts: 9,807 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I'm not sure "Gorgeous" is the word for that sentence. Why do these girls post pictures with their **** or (non-intentionally/intentionally intended) butt hanging out? I'm not saying names or pointing fingers, But some should take after others standards and know when to draw the line. I mean really, do you honestly want everyone to view you like that? There's some really sick people in this world, you never know what could happen. The internet is much larger than this forum thread, and pictures could travel to other sites without you knowing. Just stating something that's been on my mind when browsing this thread... And now time to get flamed and yelled at or something of the sort. >.> b:beatup b:surrender

    I do agree with you, but .. maybe some people want to be viewed that way ? there are way too many peole who do this to address every single one of them . ya know ? places like this.. I let em do waht they do. If it was one of my friends.. I'd probably give them a stern talk and make them take the pics down. You just gotta know which battle to fight. (: and either way they are gorgeous .. just saying /:
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thankiez to Dorset for the sig!

    MagicHamsta will remain in our hearts forever

    P.S. I am a female venomancer ^^ I know it's rare, isn't it?
  • Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I'm not sure "Gorgeous" is the word for that sentence. Why do these girls post pictures with their **** or (non-intentionally/intentionally intended) butt hanging out? I'm not saying names or pointing fingers, But some should take after others standards and know when to draw the line. I mean really, do you honestly want everyone to view you like that? There's some really sick people in this world, you never know what could happen. The internet is much larger than this forum thread, and pictures could travel to other sites without you knowing. Just stating something that's been on my mind when browsing this thread... And now time to get flamed and yelled at or something of the sort. >.> b:beatup b:surrender

  • Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I doubt Narriru is upset. ^.~
    But yes, I agree. Do those girls walk around like that in rl too? The thought alone of a guy wanking off to a picture of me on the net sickens me so bad.
    Those kind of pictures aren't attractive to me, just ****. Sad way to get attention.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I'm not sure "Gorgeous" is the word for that sentence. Why do these girls post pictures with their **** or (non-intentionally/intentionally intended) butt hanging out? I'm not saying names or pointing fingers, But some should take after others standards and know when to draw the line. I mean really, do you honestly want everyone to view you like that? There's some really sick people in this world, you never know what could happen. The internet is much larger than this forum thread, and pictures could travel to other sites without you knowing. Just stating something that's been on my mind when browsing this thread... And now time to get flamed and yelled at or something of the sort. >.> b:beatup b:surrender

    Expecting people to take after certain stards is a fine line for an arguement of who's standards are right and such. See not everyone would agree and say having your breast sticking out is wrong or ****. I personally think that if you dress like that on the internet your willing to take the risk. Im pretty sure a lot of these pictures came from facebook. And not everyone does it for attention, I have a friend who loves low cut shirts and mini skirts because it makes her feel confident about her self. Hell I knew a lady who'd walk around outside topless and braless because to her it was just skin, flesh and sacks of fat. What I'm getting at is to each his own. There's much worse in the world then **** clothing. If you don't like it why not scroll down and let them worry about their internet safty on their own time.
  • Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I've dealed with a conservative family, so basically all my clothes had to be conservative or else i'd get yelled at. o_o I wasn't even allowed to wear skirts above the knee to church because it's "God's territory" or something. (Although if God loves us all either way, why does it matter what we wear when we praise him? just a thought lol.) Anyway, I've been straying away from the convservative-clothing since I'm now 20 and I can pretty much be my own boss since I'm not asking my mum to buy my clothes for me (if she still did buy them for me that'd be a different story). I think there is a fine line between dressing **** and dressing normally, but my line could be different from another girl's.
    One time I wore a lowcut-neckline dress to work and had a cobler's apron over it (if anyone's familiar, it covers the whole neck and shoulder area) so you couldn't see cleavage anyway, but I got in the car after work and took the apron off and my mum told me to go get (sexually assaulted) cus I wore a low-cut dress. It is very possible to become a victim if you truely dress like some of these girls on here, but it's not like we should be ashamed of our bodies and hide everything. You have to find your own comfort zone clothing-wise... and always remember to stay alert in public if you're alone, especially at night. b:mischievous
    ˙buoɹʇs ǝq ןן,ı ʇɐɥʇ ɟןǝsʎɯ ןןǝʇ ı os
  • Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited December 2011
    I've dealed with a conservative family, so basically all my clothes had to be conservative or else i'd get yelled at. o_o I wasn't even allowed to wear skirts above the knee to church because it's "God's territory" or something. (Although if God loves us all either way, why does it matter what we wear when we praise him? just a thought lol.) Anyway, I've been straying away from the convservative-clothing since I'm now 20 and I can pretty much be my own boss since I'm not asking my mum to buy my clothes for me (if she still did buy them for me that'd be a different story). I think there is a fine line between dressing **** and dressing normally, but my line could be different from another girl's.
    One time I wore a lowcut-neckline dress to work and had a cobler's apron over it (if anyone's familiar, it covers the whole neck and shoulder area) so you couldn't see cleavage anyway, but I got in the car after work and took the apron off and my mum told me to go get (sexually assaulted) cus I wore a low-cut dress. It is very possible to become a victim if you truely dress like some of these girls on here, but it's not like we should be ashamed of our bodies and hide everything. You have to find your own comfort zone clothing-wise... and always remember to stay alert in public if you're alone, especially at night. b:mischievous

    Totally agree with this.

    Clothing is a matter of personal preference; however, if you choose to wear skimpy (for lack of a better word) clothing, be prepared for the responses that you will get. If you don't mind the catcalls and wolf-howls, then I don't think it's an issue. When that stuff bothers you, maybe it's time to make a change.

    EDIT: @ Narriru: In response to your post, I'm not like most guys when I look at a picture. My first point of interest is the eyes (blue eyes are my favorite), then the face in general.b:mischievous

    Thus, my comment on the gorgeous ladies isn't contingent on how much skin they're showing, it's a true reflection of my personal assessment of them...

    And that came out a lot more like "I'm a beauty contest judge" than I intended...b:surrender
  • Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »

    EDIT: @ Narriru: In response to your post, I'm not like most guys when I look at a picture. My first point of interest is the eyes (blue eyes are my favorite), then the face in general.b:mischievous

    Thus, my comment on the gorgeous ladies isn't contingent on how much skin they're showing, it's a true reflection of my personal assessment of them.

    I can vouche for this... Kritty even though he totally stood me up QQ is such a gentleman. So I think Narriru took that the wrong way. :P
    ˙buoɹʇs ǝq ןן,ı ʇɐɥʇ ɟןǝsʎɯ ןןǝʇ ı os
  • Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    ok, it's hard to believe that I'm the one saying this but:

    calm down a bit horny guys...

    you make all of us look bad b:chuckle

    and btw for some of the previous posters: the "you asked for it" is a flawed argument in those cases ijs...

  • Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Krit is a real gentleman <3 One of my favorite people ever and I basically consider him PWI-family even though we don't talk much.

    But, really. If someone is desperately trying to show off their **** and *** on the internet, then they are - quite frankly - desperate. I personally enjoy wearing tanktops during my free time at home and so when pictures are taken, my big **** make them come off as ****. So I tend not to post those though I used to because I was desperate.

    Now, here's a pi where the focus is NOT boobies or asscheeks b:cute

  • Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited December 2011

    I can vouche for this... Kritty even though he totally stood me up QQ is such a gentleman. So I think Narriru took that the wrong way. :P

    Yes, this I understand. Kritty has never seemed the dirty pervert type. The types of guys I was referring to are the lurkers mostly whom just stare and fap, a.k.a. majority of people who don't post. And about your previous post; Agreed no one should be ashamed of their body. I'd probably never dress the way some do here, I prefer to be super comfy, which means jeans and t shirts (usually band ones, most comfy b:chuckle). So to me showing alot of skin just seems distasteful I suppose. Btw, your mom really didn't need to make that 'go get sexually assaulted' comment. ~__~


    Interesting, I suppose 'skin, flesh, and sacks of fat' is one way to look at it. I guess I was just raised with a certain mindset. And yes I see what you're saying. Thank you for your response. :3


    lol at picture. And no i'm not upset. :P

    The thought alone of a guy wanking off to a picture of me on the net sickens me so bad.
    Those kind of pictures aren't attractive to me, just ****. Sad way to get attention.

    Yup, agreed entirely.


    Yup yup. 'Desperate' is right (and also much nicer to say than '****'). And lovely pic btw. Thats a shot i find appropriate. Although im not the forum police, so its understood people will continue to post their desperate pics. Ty also for your feedback, saw your post before I hit reply so went back and responded. b:victory


    I forgot you! -feels terrible- Was going to reply to you earlier, but had to get to work. x.x I for one wouldn't want to be viewed in that manner. If it was a personal friend I'd def tell them something. I still can't find some of these pics gorgeous but if it makes the poster feel better posting their 'desperate' pics then so be it I guess.

    I think that was everyone... Thank you all for your responses. b:pleased
  • Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited December 2011
    *cleans up thread again*

    Okay guys, enough of the dirty comments and suggestive speak. Any further comments in that vein will be removed and warnings will be given.b:bye
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Don't flatter these ugly chicks, they're not even close to fapworthy.

    Mmkay, troll mode off, we have some really nice looking girls :D

    I'm a dirty pervert but I don't lurk, I make myself... known b:sin

    Though.. to be honest a girl showing off her body doesn't have to be ****, you can appreciate a woman's body without it being sexual. If a girl wants to show her body off then it's her decision to do so and you shouldn't let it bug you. Plenty of guys will go around shirtless and they aren't judged for it, a female showing some cleavage may as well be the same thing. *sigh* I need sleep
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Don't flatter these ugly chicks, they're not even close to fapworthy.

    Mmkay, troll mode off, we have some really nice looking girls :D

    I'm a dirty pervert but I don't lurk, I make myself... known b:sin

    Though.. to be honest a girl showing off her body doesn't have to be ****, you can appreciate a woman's body without it being sexual. If a girl wants to show her body off then it's her decision to do so and you shouldn't let it bug you. Plenty of guys will go around shirtless and they aren't judged for it, a female showing some cleavage may as well be the same thing. *sigh* I need a life



  • Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I want to agree wiht most people that some of the pictures on here are rather desparate. You can admire a girl for more then her **** and **** o_o
    You want to see completely natural? heres me now (just taken with my webcam), no makeup, hair unstyled, and a mild breakout of spots, like any 16 year old girl who doesnt think shes fat as a size 14( then again thats me lol).

    A word of advice to anybody who is posting as much skin as possible. Please, think before you post. Some of your pictues could be put on some extremely dirty pages (and even possibly in pervert rings, -cough- the really bad ones Zanners, we all know your not one of them :) -cough- ), and 4chan.Do you really want, as a teenager, for 56 year old dudes fapping to your images? :( If your not desperate and think they are innocent when your flashin' waay to much flesh, well.. youve made a rather bad mistake.
    Just my two pence.
    Vixter - harshlands:
    hey, i got a good idea, lets complain about gas prices, since thats also something we have no control over!

    <3 proud to be autistic! /watch?v=Q7lJ8ioD2-g Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
  • Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    All the girls look nice. Please keep those smiles coming.
  • Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I don't know if this counts as lewd or whatever, but if it is, please, feel free to remove it. With that being said...

    Nightmare, not to sound mean, but if I ever, ever, met your mom in real life, my "I don't hit women" rule would fly out the window...No one should ever, ever, say **** like that...Ever. I've had friends that have been beaten and ***** to the point that they were almost dead, I'd never wish that kind of pain on anyone...As for the girls showing skin, it's their body, their choice. I, too, share concerns that these pictures are being used for less than savory purposes, but that's a gamble some girls and guys are willing to take. Sorry, that sent my Rage!Meter into over-drive; that is one thing that pisses me the *** off.

    Anyway. Ahem.

    I wanna see more awesome pictures! b:heart

    Also, compared to you all, I'm rather ugly so... Do carry on. <3

    :D So carry on with your badass selves! <3

    And, for the record, I am female and I think that's what set me off so bad. :(
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    *posts a shirtless pic*
  • Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    *posts a shirtless pic*


    (At this point, there are Zanryu fanfics being written and the whole world is anxious.)

  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited December 2011

    (At this point, there are Zanryu fanfics being written and the whole world is anxious.)


    I'd totally read those! b:chuckle

    Be sure to include some hot action if you're writing one b:sin
  • Posts: 530 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I don't know if this counts as lewd or whatever, but if it is, please, feel free to remove it. With that being said...

    Nightmare, not to sound mean, but if I ever, ever, met your mom in real life, my "I don't hit women" rule would fly out the window...No one should ever, ever, say **** like that...Ever. I've had friends that have been beaten and ***** to the point that they were almost dead, I'd never wish that kind of pain on anyone...As for the girls showing skin, it's their body, their choice. I, too, share concerns that these pictures are being used for less than savory purposes, but that's a gamble some girls and guys are willing to take. Sorry, that sent my Rage!Meter into over-drive; that is one thing that pisses me the *** off.

    Anyway. Ahem.

    I wanna see more awesome pictures! b:heart

    Also, compared to you all, I'm rather ugly so... Do carry on. <3

    :D So carry on with your badass selves! <3

    And, for the record, I am female and I think that's what set me off so bad. :(

    whoa, did I missed something? what actually she said so bad? (cant find it)

    and about those girls who shows their "skin"... I believe those girls just like to show what they got or... or they just cant get atention from males in real, so they trying to get 'nice words' in internet. b:shutup I m not talking about this site, everything is almost in limits here... maybe except that "**** part" of this tread.
  • Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Dizzy and Zanryu's Odd Adventures!

    Dizzy and Zanryu were making out the banana phone rings.

    "Yelloooow!" groans Zanryu, rather pissed off that a phone that was made from a banana kept him from scoring.
    On the other end, a guttural growl is heard and Zanryu pulls the phone a bit from his ear, sensing, somehow, that things were about to get loud.

    "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY GIRLFRIEND?!" screams the voice from the other side of the line.
    Zanryu, stunned, pushed the hang up button and looked at Dizzy.

    "Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?"

    Dizzy looked confused.

    ***********SPOILER ALERT!*********

    Boyfriend is dead!"

    ******End spoiler******



    Spoiler Alert****

    It was Goshiki.

    **End Spoiler****

    And then Zanryu and Dizzy kept making out. The End!

    *Is just waiting to get killed. But, alas, my death must wait until tomorrow...I gotta be at work by two in the morning. :()

    To Hideori:

    I've dealed with a conservative family, so basically all my clothes had to be conservative or else i'd get yelled at. o_o I wasn't even allowed to wear skirts above the knee to church because it's "God's territory" or something. (Although if God loves us all either way, why does it matter what we wear when we praise him? just a thought lol.) Anyway, I've been straying away from the convservative-clothing since I'm now 20 and I can pretty much be my own boss since I'm not asking my mum to buy my clothes for me (if she still did buy them for me that'd be a different story). I think there is a fine line between dressing **** and dressing normally, but my line could be different from another girl's.
    One time I wore a lowcut-neckline dress to work and had a cobler's apron over it (if anyone's familiar, it covers the whole neck and shoulder area) so you couldn't see cleavage anyway, but I got in the car after work and took the apron off and my mum told me to go get (sexually assaulted) cus I wore a low-cut dress. It is very possible to become a victim if you truely dress like some of these girls on here, but it's not like we should be ashamed of our bodies and hide everything. You have to find your own comfort zone clothing-wise... and always remember to stay alert in public if you're alone, especially at night. b:mischievous
    what I was raging about, emphasis in bold.
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Dizzy and Zanryu's Odd Adventures!

    Dizzy and Zanryu were making out the banana phone rings.

    "Yelloooow!" groans Zanryu, rather pissed off that a phone that was made from a banana kept him from scoring.
    On the other end, a guttural growl is heard and Zanryu pulls the phone a bit from his ear, sensing, somehow, that things were about to get loud.

    "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY GIRLFRIEND?!" screams the voice from the other side of the line.
    Zanryu, stunned, pushed the hang up button and looked at Dizzy.

    "Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?"

    Dizzy looked confused.

    ***********SPOILER ALERT!*********

    Boyfriend is dead!"

    ******End spoiler******



    Spoiler Alert****

    It was Goshiki.

    **End Spoiler****

    And then Zanryu and Dizzy kept making out. The End!

    *Is just waiting to get killed. But, alas, my death must wait until tomorrow...I gotta be at work by two in the morning. :()

    To Hideori:

    what I was raging about, emphasis in bold.

    Awww yeah, gettin' lucky! b:dirty

    Wanna hook me up with the teleport master next? She's pretty good lookin' b:sin
  • Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited December 2011
    Okay guys, let's try to keep to the original purpose of the thread.b:chuckle
  • Posts: 651 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Yes, let's get back in track here... aside from the ones I posted a few pages back I don't have any new photos of me... so here's an old one of me

    DSCN0499.jpg I think that was taken back in 08....
    Thanks for the sig Silvychar
  • Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Zanryu woke up and stretched as he looked around, once again at an unfamiliar bedroom. He grinned, he must have scored at that party last night then. He peeled back the covers on his sleeping beauty to get a look at her undoubtedly beautiful face once again. He glanced down at the one lying next to him, then immediately jumped out of bed, screaming out of the house.

    "Well that was rude," The teleport master said, blinking tiredly. The teleport master quickly got dressed and teleported to work, his usual station in LOST CITY. b:sin


    Nice Picture!

    @Kritty, sorry couldn't resist. b:laugh
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit


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