Why Giving land away is Bad aka Small Faction TW

Whitestreak - Raging Tide
Whitestreak - Raging Tide Posts: 29 Arc User
edited November 2011 in Tideswell (East)
Crow since you brought this up I will use it as my exp---

DF has one player that has a R9 Psy his alt and a R9 Barb his main ( last I checked ) He cannot play both toons during a TW. What does this tell us. It tells us that there are only a Finite number of PLAYERS in PWI. We have 10,000 toons on the Server and very high number of 100+ R8 or R9 toons yes, but only so many players. I would not want to wager the true number of 100+ R8, R9 Players, but I think that it is less than 750 total ( may be wrong, we'll never know ).

SO where does that leave us. The map currently has 4 factions holding land. Let’s take an real look at the players. If we are being really generous about how many show up for TW...the factions together only have about 500 of the total player base ( yes I know we truly do not know what the player base is ). I cannot speak for the other factions but if any of them tell you that they can every week hold a 125+ man TW force, someone is LIEING. (side note-We TW factions do keep count of who is in what guild and we all do have a rough figure in our heads of how many players there are. That is what allows us to forecast our strats)

We already know that we have 10 small factions evident the gank on Levi. If each of those factions as DF has 30 members that can TW, hell call it 40. That is 400 more players to the total available.

400 small factions 500 TW factions = 900 total players available for TW. But wait my personal belief is that there is less than 750 TW players on this server. How can this be? Am I wrong somewhere? Well the simple true is there is a better chance of having 400 small faction TW players then there is of the 4 current TW factions having 500 players available.

What does that tell us. Well even if all ten of the small factions band together to make 4 new factions, then there could be enough other factions to hold land. 8 total.

Point is us LETTING you have land is nothing more that charity. Why do we TW. To measure what faction is the strongest on the server and to have fun killing each other over them win or lose. That is why it is so looked down on to gloat, talk bad things about other factions in WC. Yes it happens and that is horrible, but we try to curb it ( Well some factions do, not trying to bash QQ just trying to make a general statement and more than QQ is guilty of bashing in WC ).

Why does the player want to TW. Some want to be a General in charge and leading a fight. Some want be able to KILL players without the risk of PVP. Some just want to be in a FACTION holding land. But one thing is true among all of them, they all WANT to WIN, or at least have FUN trying. We strive for the challenge of becoming better. Would you play PWI if you started at level 100 could only level to 105 and your gear from day one was R8. Where is the effort or the fun in that. Again charity is not the answer.

SO time for the 4 current TW factions to be selfish a bit here. We know that we do not want to weaken our factions in any way. Start to lose members or land every week. So where are the replacement players for OUR factions going to come from. We all know that players come and go. SWITCH factions for fun sake. People have Real Life and go AFK for week months at a time. Where do we find replacement to fill back in OUR ranks? Our members want to be able to continue to play the game and have fun. We don’t want to lose our land either, we are proud of what we have done.

Answer= Smaller factions have big fish in their ponds and those big fish become smaller fish in a bigger pond. And Bigger fish eat smaller fish that is the way of life.

That was a nature example, now a real life economics example.

Socialism wants us all to play nice and fair. We share with everyone and we do not take more than what we need. We the strong take care of the weak. We the strong are Taxed by letting our lands which we worked for, to be given away to those that cannot do it themselves.

Capitalism tells us much like in nature the strong survives and the week parish. Vicious has 80 players we can TW with every week. 65 of them are R8 or R9. 15 are lesser gear tt99. When a new product come to market and has better reviews than an old product, that product sales faster than the old product. Then the store owner has to decide which product he wants to devote more storage too so he can make money. Soon the old product is discounted and sold off to make room for the new product. In time the better product of smaller guilds will want to be sold to the customer, and the store keeper will then decide if he wants to keep lesser product aka the 15 in tt99 and discount them out of playing TW in favor of newer better geared product. IF we never brought in new product our store WILL FAIL.

So by GIVING land away for free to lesser factions, not only are we encouraging competition for our supply of players, we are in fact making way for a WALMART to come into our town and shut down the local business and solely dominate the map.


Sorry about the Wall of text. Hops off his soap box and hides.
Post edited by Whitestreak - Raging Tide on


  • Greymark - Raging Tide
    Greymark - Raging Tide Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Holy sht, you know your over thinking it when you start breaking it down and estimating the statistical significance of everything. Its a freaking game! The only reason we are considering giving the small factions land is because we want them to play around and have some fun without getting destroyed by the top 4. I stopped reading like 6 paragraphs in but my general opinion at this point is that people need to stop over thinking it and just either let them have fun or scrap the idea.

    Edit** I took the liberty of reading the rest of what i skipped before posting but holy ****... Statistics, Darwin's theory of natural selection, and a little touch on sociology with the points on Capitalism. I feel like I'm back at the university atm not on a video game's forums... You are seriously over thinking this dude lol
  • Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide
    Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Holy sht, you know your over thinking it when you start breaking it down and estimating the statistical significance of everything. Its a freaking game! The only reason we are considering giving the small factions land is because we want them to play around and have some fun without getting destroyed by the top 4. I stopped reading like 6 paragraphs in but my general opinion at this point is that people need to stop over thinking it and just either let them have fun or scrap the idea.

    Edit** I took the liberty of reading the rest of what i skipped before posting but holy ****... Statistics, Darwin's theory of natural selection, and a little touch on sociology with the points on Capitalism. I feel like I'm back at the university atm not on a video game's forums... You are seriously over thinking this dude lol

    games are for fun..
    Attacking at the speed of Suck since 2009
  • laloner
    laloner Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    When I was in a smaller TW fac every time I needed TT gear crafted someone would switch to their main from one of the bigger TW facs. It did seem weird. Small TW facs do seem to be mostly alts imo.
    AKA PermaSpark, Heartshatter
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited November 2011
  • Boartracker - Raging Tide
    Boartracker - Raging Tide Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    b:laugh I enjoy a good discussion. As to obtaining new players for TWs, there needs to be a system that will encourage or guide new players on our PvE server to see if they would like to TW. The number of actual players that get to level 100+ is small compaired to the starting numbers due to attrition from various things. I will use myself as an example. We did our first TW when the map reset. We were lucky enough to get to fight against a faction that was about our level in members, gear and levels (60s~90s.) It was one of the best experiences I've had in this game and my faction mates agreed. We eventually lost our lands and went into a build mode. We've lost about 10% of our members to larger factions since then.

    This brings up the question of how to increase the number of players who will play longer and learn successful TWing. Faction/ friend loyalty keeps many players from moving to other larger factions. Given the parameters, one answer is a TW for the 'smaller' factions. Any other answers that don't require PWCN origination ?

  • brazenbusboy
    brazenbusboy Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    If your small faction cannot field enough players to challenge the landholders, your faction has failed. Your members need to join larger factions or you need to get more members. Another alternative is to merge with other factions. Do the math.

    If you cannot let your egos go, and admit that a) your leadership is not capable of building/growing a viable TW force and b) there just might be leaders who are more experienced and skilled than you, then stay in your little fiefdom.

    TW is cool because it is a large scale battle that takes leadership, strategy, logistics, skill, and discipline. Strip it down to a smaller scale, and it is not as exciting.

    Stop trying to use TW as a substitute for what Arena play was supposed to be.

    Small faction members need to build up their factions, merge/join larger factions or lobby PW to finish Arenas so they can have a PVP playground. If you can not field 60+ fighters at a time, maybe you should stick to SP etc.

    We had just started to participate in TW and think it is by far the greatest thing about PW mainly due to the huge number of players involved. I am not a R9 end gamer, but I can do my part and it is exciting. I would hate to see anything that would reduce the frequency of these huge battles.
    Just some guy
  • Boartracker - Raging Tide
    Boartracker - Raging Tide Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    b:chuckle Congratz on being a Vicious member, brazenbusboy. They are the current big dogs on the map and are slowly taking it over. At this time, they are beating anyone else they fight.

    I'm sory that you weren't able to do a TW event after the map reset last March. There were some epic 2+ hour TWs amoung the smaller factions. I would have to disagree with your opinion that only 60+ member teamed TWs are exciting. Lets's agree to disagree on that.

    I'm well aware of the development of memebrships in a faction. The faction I'm in has been working for over a year to recruit and develop a vaible group of players for TW. While we're not quite at the level you suggest, we can do as well as other have done lately in TWs.

    Have fun playing the game.

  • Whitestreak - Raging Tide
    Whitestreak - Raging Tide Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Never thought I'd be saying this: Thank You Spell. You have made my point for me.

    Originally Posted by Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Thank you DirtySouth. We need reinforcements, Vicious is rolling us for the past weeks...kinda lame for a faction who dominated the server for almost 2 years. It's not like we can lure members from Levi or Vertu, right? We had 2 options...stick with what we have and ending up not showing up for Vicious TW cause of Rolls, or try to bring new people to the Epic battle which is QQme vs Vicious each week. So basically, this benefits both factions, we both can enjoy some quality TW at the end of a week. It's not like PK is smth common on RT. We are a server of catshops. Now...it's a sale thing and I dont have money to cash-up...who's in the same situation as I am?

    Again I am sorry for the Wall of Text
  • Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide
    Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    so ur point is.. all OP ppl in lower guilds should leave them and join QQme/Vicious?
    thats totally not fair to the other members in their guild..
    Especially in DarkFlare's case, where the other side of members they have are out in the dust because the officers decided to join QQme
    Attacking at the speed of Suck since 2009
  • Whitestreak - Raging Tide
    Whitestreak - Raging Tide Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    No Tony the point is the player retention is very important to having a strong faction. But as we all know that players come and go, but the factions stays. In order for a strong faction to survive it needs new members. AKA QQ has felt that they are dieing because that are LOOSING in 2 hrs of play, they call it a Roll. The Faction beleive that the only way to stay strong is to bring in new players. Where do those players come from, Read above.

    How is it FAIR that any one faction strong or week has to be deprived of players so You Tony can TW with your Friends on your terms. This game is not your game Tony, we do not play on the terms of Tony. Its OUR game we all play. And if you or anyone else wants to TW then it is up to you to find a away to do it, and stop your Whining about oh I cant do this or that. It is not up to ME or Man, or Nuff to make sure you can TW. You have to have the will and courage to TW and if that means you have to be in a TW guild to TW, so be it. Get off your butt and find a group of friends that can TW the way the game is designed or make your own game and invite other mush heads to play your game.
  • Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide
    Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    No Tony the point is the player retention is very important to having a strong faction. But as we all know that players come and go, but the factions stays. In order for a strong faction to survive it needs new members. AKA QQ has felt that they are dieing because that are LOOSING in 2 hrs of play, they call it a Roll. The Faction beleive that the only way to stay strong is to bring in new players. Where do those players come from, Read above.

    So a weaker guilds have to lose members in order for the stronger factions to tw better?
    How is it FAIR that any one faction strong or week has to be deprived of players so You Tony can TW with your Friends on your terms. This game is not your game Tony, we do not play on the terms of Tony. Its OUR game we all play. And if you or anyone else wants to TW then it is up to you to find a away to do it, and stop your Whining about oh I cant do this or that. It is not up to ME or Man, or Nuff to make sure you can TW. You have to have the will and courage to TW and if that means you have to be in a TW guild to TW, so be it. Get off your butt and find a group of friends that can TW the way the game is designed or make your own game and invite other mush heads to play your game.

    The way the game is designed is u must charge $100's or farm every free hour u got, leave ur guild which u probably made friends there, and join a new guild in which u probably know no one
    not fair to the casual players who dont got the time or money

    This server is just lucky we have 2 Not so OP guilds on the map that the lower guilds can attack and have a chance to beat.. otherwise everyone gets rolled in 5minut e by vicious or QQme
    Attacking at the speed of Suck since 2009
  • Revenge - Raging Tide
    Revenge - Raging Tide Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    So a weaker guilds have to lose members in order for the stronger factions to tw better?

    The way the game is designed is u must charge $100's or farm every free hour u got, leave ur guild which u probably made friends there, and join a new guild in which u probably know no one
    not fair to the casual players who dont got the time or money

    This server is just lucky we have 2 Not so OP guilds on the map that the lower guilds can attack and have a chance to beat.. otherwise everyone gets rolled in 5minut e by vicious or QQme

    ijs im well enough geared before i cs'd anything aswell as im one of the laziest farmers ever. its not as cut and dry as farm nonstop or cs your entire life savings you can easily be a casual player and get geared up. just takes half a brain to make money.

    as for tw, in my oppinion its not about player base or anything. its about giving away land kills the drive to better yourself and your faction. what would u be more willing to join a faction that gets 1land every 2~3months cuz they have the highest bid on free land when it resets or a faction that works hard and works together and takes the land by force and defends it with all their might for longer. why should you gear up when you can just QQ to vicious or QQme for them to give up land for you as opposed to putting in the work to better yourself to take it by force? you might want to gear up for the 1 week u own the land to defend it but thats too little too late because by that time you'll already lose the land in the next tw.

    not to mention how is it fair to QQme and Vicious and Leviathan and Vertu who worked hard for almost an entire year to get where they are only to have smaller factions come in and get land handed to them? since we're talking about fairness here the only FAIR way is if those smaller factions gear up, skill up, get more people, and take the lands by force. just like everyother land owning faction on every other server since pwi was released back in 2008.

    Spell_Caster: "+1 Revenge or should I say...Nuff_Said?

    I troll worse than a blonde... and for your information, blondes are pro trolls."
  • Whitestreak - Raging Tide
    Whitestreak - Raging Tide Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    So a weaker guilds have to lose members in order for the stronger factions to tw better?

    The way the game is designed is u must charge $100's or farm every free hour u got, leave ur guild which u probably made friends there, and join a new guild in which u probably know no one
    not fair to the casual players who dont got the time or money

    This server is just lucky we have 2 Not so OP guilds on the map that the lower guilds can attack and have a chance to beat.. otherwise everyone gets rolled in 5minut e by vicious or QQme

    As a matter of fact they do. A Weak fact will always be weak. Strong/Weak is a measure of Leadership and skill, not by how many players you have. Weak guilds can not keep members because they can not lead the members they do have or show others why they should join their faction and help them to TW. Think small stay small AKA Small Faction TW. Not

    Exp.. sorry Strum...you F'd yourself here bud. DF is a weak faction cause they could not get player to join their guild, and the leadership decided to cop out and take the easy way to TW.

    As much as I do not like how QQme plays the game. They have very strong leadership and that is what drawls players to want to be in QQme or other STRONG Guilds. As I said before we all want to win. Even you want to win Tony, but you are unable to do what it takes to partake in TW. NO one is stopping you from TW. Work for it and you will be able to TW, or Play with your Friends up to you. What is more important to you? Your Friends or Playing TW. Sorry this game does not promise both, or either.

    Now who in the hell said that the casual play should even be able to TW. TW is END GAME Content. Only the best play it. Casual players are not the best in a game. Never will be. If you want to play a free game for free then you can only do what is free to play. NO ONE requires to CS. Plain and simple. TW is a PVP envoriment, we know you CAN FARM PVP gear for free, but it takes years to do so. Evident PVP/TW is a CASH Game that you pay to play.

    Either pay to Play or be happy that you have a free game to play.
  • Greymark - Raging Tide
    Greymark - Raging Tide Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    As a matter of fact they do. A Weak fact will always be weak. Strong/Weak is a measure of Leadership and skill, not by how many players you have. Weak guilds can not keep members because they can not lead the members they do have or show others why they should join their faction and help them to TW. Think small stay small AKA Small Faction TW. Not

    Exp.. sorry Strum...you F'd yourself here bud. DF is a weak faction cause they could not get player to join their guild, and the leadership decided to cop out and take the easy way to TW.

    As much as I do not like how QQme plays the game. They have very strong leadership and that is what drawls players to want to be in QQme or other STRONG Guilds. As I said before we all want to win. Even you want to win Tony, but you are unable to do what it takes to partake in TW. NO one is stopping you from TW. Work for it and you will be able to TW, or Play with your Friends up to you. What is more important to you? Your Friends or Playing TW. Sorry this game does not promise both, or either.

    Now who in the hell said that the casual play should even be able to TW. TW is END GAME Content. Only the best play it. Casual players are not the best in a game. Never will be. If you want to play a free game for free then you can only do what is free to play. NO ONE requires to CS. Plain and simple. TW is a PVP envoriment, we know you CAN FARM PVP gear for free, but it takes years to do so. Evident PVP/TW is a CASH Game that you pay to play.

    Either pay to Play or be happy that you have a free game to play.

    They say there is a thin line between intelligence and insanity and you sir are trying so hard to be smart that you seem to have crossed it.
  • Dethprowl - Raging Tide
    Dethprowl - Raging Tide Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    As a matter of fact they do. A Weak fact will always be weak. Strong/Weak is a measure of Leadership and skill, not by how many players you have. Weak guilds can not keep members because they can not lead the members they do have or show others why they should join their faction and help them to TW. Think small stay small AKA Small Faction TW. Not

    Exp.. sorry Strum...you F'd yourself here bud. DF is a weak faction cause they could not get player to join their guild, and the leadership decided to cop out and take the easy way to TW.

    As much as I do not like how QQme plays the game. They have very strong leadership and that is what drawls players to want to be in QQme or other STRONG Guilds. As I said before we all want to win. Even you want to win Tony, but you are unable to do what it takes to partake in TW. NO one is stopping you from TW. Work for it and you will be able to TW, or Play with your Friends up to you. What is more important to you? Your Friends or Playing TW. Sorry this game does not promise both, or either.

    Now who in the hell said that the casual play should even be able to TW. TW is END GAME Content. Only the best play it. Casual players are not the best in a game. Never will be. If you want to play a free game for free then you can only do what is free to play. NO ONE requires to CS. Plain and simple. TW is a PVP envoriment, we know you CAN FARM PVP gear for free, but it takes years to do so. Evident PVP/TW is a CASH Game that you pay to play.

    Either pay to Play or be happy that you have a free game to play.

    Well at least its clear now that you arent on PWI's advertising staff, if you were youll be unemployed shortly.
  • Atuhm - Raging Tide
    Atuhm - Raging Tide Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Now who in the hell said that the casual play should even be able to TW. TW is END GAME Content. Only the best play it.

    hehe, this has nothing to do with wanting to be smart or insanity.. this is a simple case of "my wallet is my personality, the bigger it is, the greater i am".
    ofc, if youve spent tens of thousands of dollars to be "pro" in a game, you need to defend spending that money here instead of on... hm... rl maybe ? you can only defend it by equalizing money with skill and then spit on everybody who doesnt have it b:chuckle

    ...and btw, i do spend money on the game and im in no small faction, but somehow i dont see my ingame gear as an extension of my genital and i understand that not everybody wants to spend their next vacation money on +12 b:chuckle
  • Atuhm - Raging Tide
    Atuhm - Raging Tide Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Lol I'll be the first person to tell you that I've spent a fair amount of money on the game. I won't get into exact figures but lets just say sharding r9 +10 isn't cheap as many others already know. That being said, just because I've spent quite a bit of money on my the game doesn't mean I need to be a complete *** about it like this guy. It's not that I'm not agreeing with you, you're probably right but my point is that many other people spend lots of money on this game and don't go on like d1ck heads like this guy xD

    yes, thats why i added the "i do spend money on the game too", because ofc theres nothing wrong with it, but it turns pathetic if you think that the money youve spent here makes you a better person ^^
  • Greymark - Raging Tide
    Greymark - Raging Tide Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    yes, thats why i added the "i do spend money on the game too", because ofc theres nothing wrong with it, but it turns pathetic if you think that the money youve spent here makes you a better person ^^

  • Whitestreak - Raging Tide
    Whitestreak - Raging Tide Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Simple answer is neither of you are replying to MY Post of WHY Giving land away is BAD.

    All you are doing is calling me names because you are such a mush head that you cannot defend your position on this because you cannot justify why this is a GOOD IDEA for the server other then to "BE NICE" "Let Others Have Fun TOO" Or the Fact that Strong Large Factions also have the RIGHT to play this game just like you do, but we are doing it better then you and you are sad for yourself.

    Go Away Trolls
  • Atuhm - Raging Tide
    Atuhm - Raging Tide Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    lol.. i >am< in a big faction, i >do< spend money on the game, what i fail at is at making that money make me genital larger XD

    ppl keep telling you reason why this is a good idea >for the server<, but all you have to say is that you kinda regret that youve spent all your cash on a game and now ppl want to take away the previliges that you thought you bought with it b:chuckle

    you should find some problems in rl and not make this game your biggest problem...
  • Whitestreak - Raging Tide
    Whitestreak - Raging Tide Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    hehe, this has nothing to do with wanting to be smart or insanity.. this is a simple case of "my wallet is my personality, the bigger it is, the greater i am".
    ofc, if youve spent tens of thousands of dollars to be "pro" in a game, you need to defend spending that money here instead of on... hm... rl maybe ? you can only defend it by equalizing money with skill and then spit on everybody who doesnt have it b:chuckle

    ...and btw, i do spend money on the game and im in no small faction, but somehow i dont see my ingame gear as an extension of my genital and i understand that not everybody wants to spend their next vacation money on +12 b:chuckle

    Please take the time to look me up, ill even come to you so you can see my gear. BY NO way would anyone call MY Gear Pro. IF_U_CKAY is my alt sin im on her when I am not playing Whitestreak. PM Any Time for a look yourself. Notice on Spells thread abour who has more R9 that I am not listed as a Rank 9 Cleric. Yes it is very true that I PLAY the game very well, but never have I spent 1000s on my toons or my Wife's. Anyone in QQ will tell you that as far as my gear goes I am one of the weaker Vicious Clerics gear Wise.
  • Atuhm - Raging Tide
    Atuhm - Raging Tide Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    oooh so you dont even have any say in this whole thing ? only because you got into vicious now you think youre better than 90% of the server ? XD
    yes, its nice to strut yourself with the "achievements" of others, but if youre rly such a poor guy, lets talk again when you get kicked out of your faction for bad gear and still want to tw :)
  • Whitestreak - Raging Tide
    Whitestreak - Raging Tide Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    lol.. i >am< in a big faction, i >do< spend money on the game, what i fail at is at making that money make me genital larger XD

    ppl keep telling you reason why this is a good idea >for the server<, but all you have to say is that you kinda regret that youve spent all your cash on a game and now ppl want to take away the previliges that you thought you bought with it b:chuckle

    you should find some problems in rl and not make this game your biggest problem...

    Again for the umteenth time. The only good you speak of is Good Will. Cant measure it at all. But I can measure weather or not there are enough players to go around.

    Since good will is so important to you, lets take a passage

    Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. They weill lose their land over and over.

    Teach a man to Fish and Feed him for life. There are no short cuts in life other than the loto. Teaching small factions to work together, learn and grow strong on their own is what will make them succesfull not Charity. No Charity in the World has produced a strong person from charity itself. It take intestual fortidude to be strong.
  • Whitestreak - Raging Tide
    Whitestreak - Raging Tide Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    oooh so you dont even have any say in this whole thing ? only because you got into vicious now you think youre better than 90% of the server ? XD
    yes, its nice to strut yourself with the "achievements" of others, but if youre rly such a poor guy, lets talk again when you get kicked out of your faction for bad gear and still want to tw :)

    So be it. As long as the faction needs me I get to stay. I am not an officer in Vicious, yet I do play the Roll as one of the TW Leaders as of late. I server that Roll at the will of the Leadership of Vicious. Once I am no longer a use to them, I could/should be kicked. It is my choice on how hard I work to stay in the faction. Again, I serve Vicious at the Will of the Vicious Leadership. If any of you think differently I feel sorry for you. The Truth may hurt, if you give NO Value to others, they WILL leave you behind. It is that way in life, the game ect.,. I fully accept that I only get what I work for. My Faction does not make me who I am, I do. And in NO way do I make you who you are
  • Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide
    Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    So be it. As long as the faction needs me I get to stay. I am not an officer in Vicious, yet I do play the Roll as one of the TW Leaders as of late. I server that Roll at the will of the Leadership of Vicious. Once I am no longer a use to them, I could/should be kicked. It is my choice on how hard I work to stay in the faction. Again, I serve Vicious at the Will of the Vicious Leadership. If any of you think differently I feel sorry for you. The Truth may hurt, if you give NO Value to others, they WILL leave you behind. It is that way in life, the game ect.,. I fully accept that I only get what I work for. My Faction does not make me who I am, I do. And in NO way do I make you who you are

    oh wow are u seriously comparing this game to real life?
    Attacking at the speed of Suck since 2009
  • Whitestreak - Raging Tide
    Whitestreak - Raging Tide Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    oh wow are u seriously comparing this game to real life?

    Because we are alive and living LIFE we do see things that way.

    Ill make you a deal, one that is all my good will towards you. You will support me, give me coin and stuff as I see fit, you will never leave behind, I will always drag on you. You will pay for my gear (rank 9.5 +12 please, ooh ya I want it by today at noon that should be enough time for you to get it for me) and take me through all my instances to get xp. I will provide no benifet to you at all but my GOOD WILL towards you. And you do not honestly think because I provide no benifet to you that you will take care of me in the game. What are you basing that thought on REAL LIFE perhaps. The game only provides us with the mechanics of play we real people have real thoughts and feeling towards each other and the game itself. So ya I am seriously comparing this game to real life. I will be looking forward to your pm advising me of when you will become my sugar daddy.

    Tony you are a good player, but you are delillussional if you dont have real life feelings at apply to the game/life.
  • soulhunter1987
    soulhunter1987 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    from my point of view. a leader of a smaller faction can be skilled as much as he wants. if u dont have an established group of ppl around u that stay no matter what. there is a very small chance u actually can build up a faction that can take lands. + ppl are not patient enough 2 wait for a build up. they rather join an established OP faction and join the so called 'bandwagon'. Nothing wrong with that if you decide that as player yourself. It becomes, and thats in my opinion, not that nice if the bigger factions pull all the r9's from smaller ones. and that happens most of the time which makes it impossible for smaller factions to actually be competative in tw. In vicious case. it got build up out of a group of friends and c where it got us. That group was fairly strong already which made it actually possible 2 get where we are right now.
  • Dylena - Raging Tide
    Dylena - Raging Tide Posts: 1,416 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    from my point of view. a leader of a smaller faction can be skilled as much as he wants. if u dont have an established group of ppl around u that stay no matter what. there is a very small chance u actually can build up a faction that can take lands. + ppl are not patient enough 2 wait for a build up. they rather join an established OP faction and join the so called 'bandwagon'. Nothing wrong with that if you decide that as player yourself. It becomes, and thats in my opinion, not that nice if the bigger factions pull all the r9's from smaller ones. and that happens most of the time which makes it impossible for smaller factions to actually be competative in tw. In vicious case. it got build up out of a group of friends and c where it got us. That group was fairly strong already which made it actually possible 2 get where we are right now.

    Don't lie, Vicious was made by fans of Dylena. They formed a group named Vicious due to Dylena's evil 2 headed snake pet that he loved so much. The group of fan boys'n'girls grew stronger until one day they could face the other evil that controlled the lands of Raging Tide...QQme, QQme were lead by a villain "Man" who only had the intentions to rule all of Raging Tide so the heroes of Vicious had to stop the evil that was growing to free the people of Raging Tide.
  • Amrd - Raging Tide
    Amrd - Raging Tide Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Don't lie, Vicious was made by fans of Dylena. They formed a group named Vicious due to Dylena's evil 2 headed snake pet that he loved so much. The group of fan boys'n'girls grew stronger until one day they could face the other evil that controlled the lands of Raging Tide...QQme, QQme were lead by a villain "Man" who only had the intentions to rule all of Raging Tide so the heroes of Vicious had to stop the evil that was growing to free the people of Raging Tide.

    You lied to me! I thought we were doing it for the diamondsb:cry
  • Dylena - Raging Tide
    Dylena - Raging Tide Posts: 1,416 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    You lied to me! I thought we were doing it for the diamondsb:cry

    Wrong movie son.