Whatever happened to the compensation for PWI resetting passwords



  • konuk
    konuk Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    You say it caused problems for some people like it was a small amount. If it was indeed a small amount, why would take weeks to ge it resolved and why was the ticket system snowed under?
    It was a lot of people.

    If they thought there may have been a security problem, ok... put a message on the lgo on screen, send an email asking IF I want my password reset just in case. It wouldnt have taken long at all.. after all they screwed up a whole host of accounts all very quickly indeed.

    A little thought BEFORE acting, prevents a lot of cleaning up afterwards.

    Smart thinking too, to implement this, then walk away and close the door for a long weekend with no support staff to contact.

    It's not rocket science... really!!!

    It isnt just a catalogue of errors with this company, it is an entire 30 volume encyclopedia of errors. Ill timed, unplanned, without consultation, and with inadequate support.
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    That password reset was something they did because of possibly compromised security. Would you rather have logged on to find out your account had been stripped completely of anything and everything you worked hard to get? PWE did what they thought was right based on the information that they had, and it just so happened that it caused problems for some people.

    EDIT: If you recall, SOE had the same issue earlier this year, and they did the exact same thing. They reset passwords, and when you logged in (using alternate identification), you had to change it. This isn't an uncommon practice in the gaming industry, or in online business.

    cept most MMO's just LOCK down the account till w/e the issue is is resolved, they dont' go **** with passwords some people might not even have the email to anymore to CHANGE (or something) You don't go changing people's passwiords without their consent unles you're a complete idiot... sry but i'm blunt b:avoid
  • Marid - Dreamweaver
    Marid - Dreamweaver Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    cept most MMO's just LOCK down the account till w/e the issue is is resolved, they dont' go **** with passwords some people might not even have the email to anymore to CHANGE (or something) You don't go changing people's passwiords without their consent unles you're a complete idiot... sry but i'm blunt b:avoid

    Really? you think that's better? I'd personally take a bit of a scare and having to change my pass (which happened) over essentially getting a random ban for no reason. b:bye
  • kondors
    kondors Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    So...errr yeah....
    after days and days of asking, getting sidetracked on whther or not it was a good idea to do it, different ways to implement it etc...

    What happened to the compensation??

    Simple question really.. weeks ago since Frankie said it would be attended to, days since Kritty said they would nudge Frankie to remind him...

    Still waiting..

    Ahah I know...!!!!!

    I should submit a ticket right? seems to be the stock answer to everything these days.

    No wait.. silly me... what you actually need is a ticket submission from everyone who had their password reset, not just me.
    Good idea... given how long it took to gain a respnse to the problem in the first place after submitting a ticket.

    Still... apparently it didnt affect many people I keep seeing in response.
    So at least if every person affected submits a unique ticket right now, at least you cant say you are swamped right?
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Really? you think that's better? I'd personally take a bit of a scare and having to change my pass (which happened) over essentially getting a random ban for no reason. b:bye

    I said lock the account down (which would then follow up by notifying the player and resolving what happened) NOT BAN them....... d'oh
  • Aizza - Harshlands
    Aizza - Harshlands Posts: 719 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    kondors wrote: »
    When the last double drops event started, lots of people had their passwords reset by PWI and the issue took well over a week to resolve and for many people , a good deal longer that.

    During this time PWI was making changes on how the passwords were reset, but I never thought it was a difficult thing to reset your password, IF you were the original creator of the account and knew all of the related information to the account.
  • kondors
    kondors Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    During this time PWI was making changes on how the passwords were reset, but I never thought it was a difficult thing to reset your password, IF you were the original creator of the account and knew all of the related information to the account.

    The problems is primarily with second / subsequent accounts where you are forced to create an email account specifically to register your new PW account with.
    Most people only use one email account regularly and web based email providers delete accounts after a period of inactivity.
    Even if you re create the email account, PW is then incapable of communicating with it, even if it is the exact same address.
  • kondors
    kondors Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Again though, regardless of how hard it was or how long it took to resolve, the roiginal question remains, and is as yet not receiving any proper response after weeks of waiting.

    Back to the fantastic ticket system I guess. I wholeheartedly suggest everyone else who was affected raise a ticket too. :)
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited October 2011
    kondors wrote: »
    Again though, regardless of how hard it was or how long it took to resolve, the roiginal question remains, and is as yet not receiving any proper response after weeks of waiting.

    Back to the fantastic ticket system I guess. I wholeheartedly suggest everyone else who was affected raise a ticket too. :)

    Sarcasm isn't necessary.b:bye

    Let me poke frankie again, and see if we can get an answer this time. He's just been really busy with meetings recently.
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    oh look another thread where players demand compensation.
  • kondors
    kondors Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    oh look another thread where players demand compensation.

    Get the whole picture before making an assumption please.

    First there is no demand. Second, if it hadnt been for the fact.. (FACT), that Frankie had already agreed weeks ago to look into this and take a decision on what the appropriate compensation would be, I wouldnt have asked the question in the first place.

    I assumed that he was going to keep his word, maybe he is doing. I actually just asked what was happening with it since it has been a long time with no reply.
  • _Bloody_Fox_ - Sanctuary
    _Bloody_Fox_ - Sanctuary Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Frankie isn't that busy of a person. People always think GM's are Soooo busy. Man must be hard being a community manager, ya know occasionally responding on the forums, Occasionally posting a stickied thread. Frankie is nothing more than a messenger. Have you ever even seen his avatar in-game???

    Anyways stop expecting so much from PWE. Their customer service is up there for worst in any game ever
  • Titsania - Lost City
    Titsania - Lost City Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    not to disappoint anyone who was affected by the password changes but when our names were censored during 2x and no-one could get a squad for nv etc the compensation was a crimson fox un-tradeable mount most of us had already from charging zen and 50 event gold that most of us get during the Monday event. In other words very little considering most of us lost out on about 50 mill plus profit. At most I can assume those affected would qualify for the same compensation which in my mind is worthless. The only recourse you have is to protest by not charging any more zen. I haven't since the censorship and must say it has saved me a lot of money. While my 100-200 dollars a month that I spent on the game probably doesn't affect pwi adversely but if everyone who was unhappy with the game did the same instead of complain complain charge charge complain, a lot more would get fixed.
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Frankie isn't that busy of a person. People always think GM's are Soooo busy. Man must be hard being a community manager, ya know occasionally responding on the forums, Occasionally posting a stickied thread. Frankie is nothing more than a messenger. Have you ever even seen his avatar in-game???

    I have.... once. But it was just a event, and it was back when they still watched WC and ****... lol

    Anyways stop expecting so much from PWE. Their customer service is up there for worst in any game ever

  • kondors
    kondors Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Another week rolls by and still no response on this. Absolute disgrace.
    Frankie you need to resign if you are incapable of providing customer service.

    You said you would address this, you have not done. Being busy is one thing.

    Lying and providing false and inaccurate information to customers is another thing entirely.

    That is inexcusable.. time to go.. sorry but patience, understanding and empathy are all exhausted.

    No room for incompetence.. please make way for someone who can at least keep their word.
  • Sdrassa - Sanctuary
    Sdrassa - Sanctuary Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    kondors wrote: »
    Another week rolls by and still no response on this. Absolute disgrace.
    Frankie you need to resign if you are incapable of providing customer service.

    You said you would address this, you have not done. Being busy is one thing.

    Lying and providing false and inaccurate information to customers is another thing entirely.

    That is inexcusable.. time to go.. sorry but patience, understanding and empathy are all exhausted.

    No room for incompetence.. please make way for someone who can at least keep their word.

    Welcome to PWE friend. We are all waiting for replies from frankie on several subjects and are all disappointed. Suggestion: start looking for another game, they're slowly killing this one off.
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    kondors wrote: »

    I know exactly what happened. But wasn't the extended 2x our compensation?
    Really, you don't need 2x to farmb:chuckle
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited October 2011
    Welcome to PWE friend. We are all waiting for replies from frankie on several subjects and are all disappointed. Suggestion: start looking for another game, they're slowly killing this one off.

    yes, it's pretty sad when a company kills it's flagship in this fashion. It's kinda like shooting yourself in the foot.
  • Sdrassa - Sanctuary
    Sdrassa - Sanctuary Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    yes, it's pretty sad when a company kills it's flagship in this fashion. It's kinda like shooting yourself in the foot.

    If only it would shoot itself in the face. Then it would be fast, clean and easy for everyone. Now it's all just a guessing game if this game will ever be restored to it's former glory and people keep hanging on and hoping for a good ending for all involved.
  • Blade_Basher - Archosaur
    Blade_Basher - Archosaur Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    It must be hard for u ignorant aholes to be polite.

    ALL IM EFFIN ASKING IS HELP. Like seriously u people dont have to be so god damn stuck up jerks.

    Seriously verbal threatening me yea thats smart. Even if it is a joke, ITS A THREAT and u can be charged.

    But seriously u guys need to grow the hell up. ALL I WAS ASKING FOR WAS HELP and a reason why the mobs are so far split apart.

    I wasnt asking for ur rudeness and ignorance seriously GROW UP.
  • Sdrassa - Sanctuary
    Sdrassa - Sanctuary Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    It must be hard for u ignorant aholes to be polite.

    ALL IM EFFIN ASKING IS HELP. Like seriously u people dont have to be so god damn stuck up jerks.

    Seriously verbal threatening me yea thats smart. Even if it is a joke, ITS A THREAT and u can be charged.

    But seriously u guys need to grow the hell up. ALL I WAS ASKING FOR WAS HELP and a reason why the mobs are so far split apart.

    I wasnt asking for ur rudeness and ignorance seriously GROW UP.

    Umm... I hope I won't make you more angry but I think you want the mob thread for this. This is the PWI compensating for the password reset thread. b:cute

    Found it for you over here:
  • kondors
    kondors Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Still no reply.. disgusting..
    Burying your empty heads in the sand and hoping that disgruntled customers will go away or shut up is a pretty fail strategy.

    Frankie, you have had weeks and weeks to respond, and you have failed to do so.
    Your word means absolutely nothing. You said you would address it and clearly you have not.

    A person is only as good as their word. Your word means nothing.

    Tired of the lies. Not going away, so maybe you should make way for someone who does keep their word, and does care about customers.
  • RoidAbuse - Sanctuary
    RoidAbuse - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    But why you mad tho?
    Making "non-trash-talkers" show their true color. RAGE ON! b:laugh
  • Thoragor - Sanctuary
    Thoragor - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    You'll freaking get it whenever the hell we decide to get it for you.
    *Closes thread*

  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    im assuming that you have sent in tickets on this issue, correct? if not, give it a try....its what they tell us to do for problems anyway, and who knows, you might even get some actual, workable answer back!

    beyond that, i would suggest PMing here one of the mods like

    KrittyCat or ChaoticShelly

    or for someone who really know the answers:

    Kantorek (one of the oldest real GMs in the game) orgenotypist.

    tell them what you have tried to do to solve the problem, and what help you hope to get.

    hope this helps some...

    kondors wrote: »
    When the last double drops event started, lots of people had their passwords reset by PWI and the issue took well over a week to resolve and for many people , a good deal longer that.

    There WAS a massive thread concerning this matter for a long time and during the thread I asked a question of Frankie regarding compensating people for their loss at PWI's hands.

    The response from Frankie at the times was along the lines of.. lets see the extent of the problem and try to resolve it first, but yes we will work out some compensation for those affected. Well... here were some time after the double drops event has finished.

    No compensation, no news of any compensation, the thread has been removed, and not a single word from Frankie.

    I would like to think that I wasnt lied to about this matter, but the evidence at the moment is all to the contrary.

    You have had plenty of time to sort this out Frankie.. what are you offering the people that got screwed over? When will they get it? Why have you not communicated anything to let people know what, if anything is going to be done?

    Courtesy if nothing else to make some sort of announcement. Please do and stick to what you said.
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Bashmaster - Raging Tide
    Bashmaster - Raging Tide Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Everything that is not currently in the game is in the "soon" category. Where "soon" means "sometime in the future that is not right now".

    soon normally means in the next 3-6 months b:chuckle
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Sadly, All NECRO's Must Die.....


    b:embarrass Let us pray, for its poor old soul......though honestly, its still suprising to see so many new comments on this one. No joking on it, I honestly thought this 1 had went away awhile ago....
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited November 2011
    seitori wrote: »
    Sadly, All NECRO's Must Die.....

    Let us pray, for its poor old soul......though honestly, its still suprising to see so many new comments on this one. No joking on it, I honestly thought this 1 had went away awhile ago....

    Um... it's not a necro...

    The whole thread is barely older than a month.b:chuckle

    Anyway, I asked frankie about this, and he is checking on it.b:bye
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    Um... it's not a necro...

    The whole thread is barely older than a month.b:chuckle

    Anyway, I asked frankie about this, and he is checking on it.b:bye

    b:chuckle LoL I know but its just wierd to see them show up still, being that most of the threads, when they do dissapear initially, seldom come back up again , thats why I said what I did, its just still wierd too watch when these rare 1s do reappear...b:chuckle

    (atleast this 1 is a good thread subject, unlike the other 1 with the few clerics whining about not being worshipped; and then giving everyone grief, about how that they still don't get worshipped, the way they want...) lolol

    Anyways: honest question for ya, as a mod?

    About how long does the average thread really last b4 it dissapears into the depths of the forums history pages, Like past (page 4) or so on the most recent list??

    As mod's, you guys would be the only 1s who really would be able too have noticed the norms for the thread lives..

    "I read and post, but don't spend all the time that you guys have too be on to (run/regulate) the forums, so any post to me thats over like 16 days is considered ancient by me (except: the SP complaint threads) those I knew would only die when SP got fixed, lolol."......

    But what do you guys find is the normal lifespan of an average thread????

    honest question??
  • kondors
    kondors Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    Um... it's not a necro...

    The whole thread is barely older than a month.b:chuckle

    Anyway, I asked frankie about this, and he is checking on it.b:bye

    You said that weeks ago.. and still nothing.. seriously, what does he need to "check"?

    As for the thread being barely a month old, the original promise from frankie is much older and dates back to when the problems occurred.

    Yes I put a ticket in, no I didnt get a response, Yes i waited weeks after the 2x event to give time for a response..

    The guy doesnt even have the manners to say he is "checking it" himself. More than sufficient time has elapsed, being busy is one thing, not keeping your word and not having the manners to even respond is another.

    This is the second time Kritty that you have said in this thread that you are reminding him.

    Either you are just covering his ignorance, or he is truly rude, unreliable, ignorant and absent minded as well as totally incapable of providing the service required.

    No more excuses.. get it done
This discussion has been closed.