How to nerf Assassins
Nightsfangs - Archosaur wrote: »Easiest way to fix stealth, spark and skill usage make stealth go away.
it does already, except for the buff-like skills. I agree that wolf emblem or tidal also should though, but don't think that's the main problem. Sins can sneak on everyone, they can be stealthed for infinite time, and are guaranteed to do first hit with a control skil. That makes it very hard to react in any way, especially against a good-geared sin that kills you before you even notice.
There are many ways to grand an opponant some reaction time. Greatly reduce the time a sin can stealth so they can't just avoid any danger in pk, and/or make sure opponents have at least a way to counter.
"Sins need stealth cause they are squishy" is what some say. I don't see how they are more squishy then a bm against a wizzie. Ofc, a melee class needs a way to close in on a ranged class. But a 100% accurate skill to land 1st hit is freaking OP imo.0 -
mainly force stealth that is OP. Since sins can just get away after killing someone in 12 sec immune, and it gets kinda old... I mean I got tired of killing people on my sin from stealth, but there's some sins who's IQ is too low to be able to kill anyone whose gear isn't completely **** without sparking in stealth. If they can't force stealth right away, then at least they won't think they are all cool and sht for being able to kill people and get away lol. I mean serious 90% of the sins on LC DEPEND on spark+stealth to kill people, which is just /facepalm, since without stealth sins should already be able to kill every single class 1v1 (yes even +12 psys, as long as you actually try to use your brain)youtube channel:
When sins first became popular they were very over powered, However as other people gear increases to thier level -not so much.
Rank 9 +12 with good gems is in fact over powered.
Sins are a fine class, there is no need to nerf anything. Sure sin can an do solo many things, an it doesn't hurt you one bit.0 -
I don't think removing BP is fair or likely. It really is a class defining skill and besides that other melee classes benefit from it as well.
I support removing the spark gained when escaping and I would also support a higher mana cost for stealth.
I think capping SIN APS at 4.0 would solve most of the problems of SIN's being grossly over powered.0 -
RunningTiger - Dreamweaver wrote: »When sins first became popular they were very over powered, However as other people gear increases to thier level -not so much.
Rank 9 +12 with good gems is in fact over powered.
Sins are a fine class, there is no need to nerf anything. Sure sin can an do solo many things, an it doesn't hurt you one bit.
The problem I believe is when people only take sins and neglect other classes. Some people enjoy how some other class plays but still wants to do the higher dungeons, so they go looking for a party but because they don't have comparable dps to sins they get turned away. I think having sins kill things extremely quickly and finish off bosses much faster is nice and all, but the mentality of "it has to be a sin cuz their dps will save me 5 minutes on this boss" is the problem.Empu - Sanctuary wrote: »1) Stealth related to 1 vs 1 pk. Having a guaranteed 1st hit, on a class with so many controlskills, in a game where pk is a mere contest of who 1-shots the other first, does make sins OP.
Some other ideas I heard, and think are viable : Make stealth cost like 10~20 chi per second, so they can't stay in stealth to long, or cast control skills (that all cost chi) so easily. Or, make stealth give a physical attack reduction that lasts a little after they get out of stealth.
2) The OP dps compared to other classes, which is related to the general "aps and permaspark problem". This is a bit harder to fix, since sins have a lot of chi skills. So it will be hard to make a nerf that doesn't favor sins. They already have a weapon that is better then fists, especially in combination with the rank8 plate (same aps daggers + plate compared to fists, with higher attack and all damage+crits from dex points). This is what makes sins (or others) able to solo : perma-spark. Seekers can solo a lot, it will just take ages.
How to fix that? I'd love to see aps based a same system as -channeling, instead of steps of -0.05 seconds between hits. That is what makes -int have an exponential effect which favors weapons with high base aps, and makes that fists are used by anyone and everyone. Changing this would, I suppose, be difficult. Maybe a cd on spark for all classes?
I think I like these two ideas quite a lot.
First off, these don't affect bloodpaint. Let's face it, a lot of tanks would be upset if they nerfed bloodpaint, it just makes the healer's job a little harder and overall reduces the party survivability. Bloodpaint is nice, yes it lets sins with insane dps keep permanently healed, but that's a dps issue, not bloodpaint's fault.
Second, stealth is a signature skill for a sin, you can't take it away, but you can't have sins able to wait as long as they want either. Having it potentially either take chi, have a timer, or increase mana cost all are good ideas, but with mana you can always buy pots, chi is much harder to regain. Not sure how the proper chi/sec would have to be scaled to make stealth still useful while making it no longer seem like an infinite wait, but if you went with a timer I'd like to see maybe 20-30 seconds of stealth max? That way you can safely move around for a bit if you know mobs are ahead or are coming up on a known pk spot.
Finally, sin dps goes through the roof with demons spark, being able to perma spark is just crazy. Sure, they are nerfing the ability to gain chi while sparked (supposedly sometime soon) but sins can just regain most of their sparks with their skills that give them so much chi, this would hurt other classes more than it would sins. Putting a timer of let's say 45 seconds to a minute on it would make it so other classes can regain enough chi to use it by then, sins couldnt even come close to chaining it even with their chi-replenishing skills, and the dps of sins would come down to a point where maybe, just maybe, the tank could actually hold the aggro of a boss.
Those are my thoughts on it anyways0 -
Olbaze - Sanctuary wrote: »1. There is no mistakes in my math.
[(Max + Min)/2]*(1+crit%)*aps*(1+(atklvl/100))
How come you never account for Wolf Emblem or God of Frenzy? That adds like 60% more DPS. You just like to pretend they don't exist? Altierna's dps figure is more accurate than yours.Sakubatou wrote:And I think Olba's point is don't plan on nerfing a class because 1:1000 of the sin population is overpowered. $5000 of gear should be overpowered, lol.
Sanctuary has dozens and dozens of DoT Sharded sins with +12 zerk+int or R9 daggers. The myth that only a few have strong weapons is just wrong.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
Genie Calculator - - (don't use IE)
Socket Calculator - -
Asterelle - Sanctuary wrote: »How come you never account for Wolf Emblem or God of Frenzy? That adds like 60% more DPS. You just like to pretend they don't exist? Altierna's dps figure is more accurate than yours.
I account for Wolf Emblem where I think it's applicable. For example, my own sin, being a Sage with Sage Wolf Emblem, would be one of those cases.
And besides, I used Demon BKI on the example, which raised the crit from 39% to 44%. Wolf Emblem would've raised the crit% effectively to 46.8%. I doubt that anyone would really have a barb buffing them once a minute and I also doubt that the difference between 44% and 46.8% would be the remaining several hundreds of thousands of DPS.
As for GoF, who knows.
But that's pretty irrelevant considering that the person who bashed my numbers already admitted to talking about using something like Power Dash to amp their DPS.Sanctuary has dozens and dozens of DoT Sharded sins with +12 zerk+int or R9 daggers. The myth that only a few have strong weapons is just wrong.
We might have dozens and dozens of those sins, but I'm pretty sure we have hundreds and hundreds of sins who're far below the standard I presented in my pwcalc, which was pretty much +12 R9.
It's ridiculous that someone would use the very best as a general standard of a class, especially when only select few are even close to that standard. I mean, of course, if you're R9 yourself, you probably don't have to concern yourself too much with the less wealthy folk when it comes to PvP, but that sure as hell does not mean that they don't exist. And as long as they do, majority is what makes the standard, not your personal needs.I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.0 -
I don't disagree that sins are OP with stealth but that doesn't change the fact they can get oneshoted from AA classes or R9 barbs, stealth is essential for sins especially in PvE, nerfing it would add issues in that domain,
Also, yes there are a lot of sins R9 but they are not the majority of the sin population,
PvPwise, sins useing stealth-2spark combo mostly are not the good ones and would probably not be able to kill any1 in a normal engage.
A good change for stealth would might be smthing like that, attach stealth and detection lvls to % percentage in being detected, or Do it smthing like that 100% to be unoticed while standing still, 10% to get revealed while walking, 30% chance to be revealed while running, also usage of skills won't keep u stealthed.
Capping aps is not a matter of discusion, what would ppl do when they payed so much to be 4-5 aps? Probably rage quit. Also aps isn't the best option PKwise, R9s will rule PK and TW.The voices in my head might not be real..............................................................but they have some good ideas!0 -
Simple fix : remove the fish classes from the game...all fixed...b:victory0
Nightsfangs - Archosaur wrote: »I don't disagree that sins are OP with stealth but that doesn't change the fact they can get oneshoted from AA classes or R9 barbs, stealth is essential for sins especially in PvE, nerfing it would add issues in that domain,
How is it possible to one shot a sin when they have deaden nerves? Deaden Nerves like most sin buffs can't even be purged. Sin is the only class in the game that can't be one shot by anything.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
Genie Calculator - - (don't use IE)
Socket Calculator - -
Asterelle - Sanctuary wrote: »How is it possible to one shot a sin when they have deaden nerves? Deaden Nerves like most sin buffs can't even be purged. Sin is the only class in the game that can't be one shot by anything.
And you forgot to mention :
-25% chance to receive only 1 damage or 50% chance to avoid a negative status
-2 instant teleports that have a longer range then caster skills
-2 sprint buffs, 1 assorted with an anti-stun
-2 skills that can interrupt channeling, 1 being ranged longer then any caster skill
Listed like this, I think the bm-class needs stealth more then sin actually b:chuckle0 -
Nightsfangs - Archosaur wrote: »I don't disagree that sins , archers, wizards, BMs, barbs, venos, psychics, mystics, seekers, clerics are OP with stealth but that doesn't change the fact they all can get oneshoted from AA classes or R9 barbs, therefore stealth is essential for sins, archers, wizards, BMs, barbs, venos, psychics, mystics, seekers, clerics especially in PvE, nerfing it would add issues in that domain,
/10charyoutube channel: -
lol @ cheze :>Nothing worthwhile to mention here, enjoy the animated signature~
I don't think removing BP is fair or likely. It really is a class defining skill and besides that other melee classes benefit from it as well.
I support removing the spark gained when escaping and I would also support a higher mana cost for stealth.
I think capping SIN APS at 4.0 would solve most of the problems of SIN's being grossly over powered.Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
~Spazz~0 -
Typhyse - Sanctuary wrote: »A 4aps sin can still buttfck you like nothing else, especially an r9 one. Even more especially an UNSPARKED 4aps r9, which will be possible with the new r8 and r9 recasts coming soon...
Really b:shocked. Now i'm even more scared of sin and the future sin *hide in a corner*.
But really, pwe will not nerf sin only, because sin are a good part (not all) of pwi population and they will lose a lot of player if they do that. So no, only nerfing sin won't happen.
P.S I think this whole idea come from the reaction that sin won't be affected that much by the chi nerfing that pwe is planning.Ebrithalia -Sage Seeker0 -
Hey im rlly new here but i think i shoud ask for help of smthng... I just bought 53 gold NOW.. like just NOW. how long will it take to get to me? and how do i know if the transaction was made?XDb:laughXD0
OP or not it sounds more like most of the QQers here have no concept of what an assasin actualy is. Do people just not pay attention to the story line? or just find ways to complain about how their chosen class is not what they want it to be. myself I stopped at R8 as I can do more than enough for my faction and is the whole reason I made my sin in the first place, To Help My Faction.
If you want nerf, how about learn teamwork. I think a better option would be limited PK through the game to level ranges.Lets troll the forums together b:victory0 -
sachelfunlol wrote: »OP or not it sounds more like most of the QQers here have no concept of what an assasin actualy is. Do people just not pay attention to the story line? or just find ways to complain about how their chosen class is not what they want it to be. myself I stopped at R8 as I can do more than enough for my faction and is the whole reason I made my sin in the first place, To Help My Faction.
If you want nerf, how about learn teamwork. I think a better option would be limited PK through the game to level ranges.
nice, so you're basically a non factor, so it doesn't bother you if sin gets a nerf or not.
Sin is ridiculously overpowered. The fact that you only help your faction is nice, but doesn't go to the core of the problem: how overpowered a sin is in both pve/pvp. What you don't seem to understand is that ppl are trying to look for solutions that will not gimp the class but reduce the dominance the sin has. No one cares if u stopped at r8. You could have still stopped at Hook and Torn and help your faction.
Yes, having a small edge on other classes would be ok for a melee LA class with no def buffs, but from there to the point where the class is now is a long, long way.FiveAps - PvE char made from half as.s unbound gear sold by a wizard, doing 18x the damage and 10x the money the wizard was ever capable of. b:laugh . Only in PWI.0 -
FiveAps - Dreamweaver wrote: »nice, so you're basically a non factor, so it doesn't bother you if sin gets a nerf or not.
Sin is ridiculously overpowered. The fact that you only help your faction is nice, but doesn't go to the core of the problem: how overpowered a sin is in both pve/pvp. What you don't seem to understand is that ppl are trying to look for solutions that will not gimp the class but reduce the dominance the sin has. No one cares if u stopped at r8. You could have still stopped at Hook and Torn and help your faction.
Yes, having a small edge on other classes would be ok for a melee LA class with no def buffs, but from there to the point where the class is now is a long, long way.
and again you do not understand what an assassin is.
every class at and near endgame make them op in one aspect or another. sounds like people are more worried about 1 on 1 instead of team based play which for the most part assassins are not needed as much.
what is this dominace you speak of in pve much less PK? the fact they can tank bosses and do high dmg? so can other classes. I dont hear people qq all day because their so OP sin just got slapped around by Mrs_Mav on RT. Again all the skills and dmg are not so OP its abusive and follows old and current rpg & d&d type games. Actualy it is a bit nerf'd if you compair sins to the dark elf's and Drizzt from the books R A Salvatory which are a good general likeness to the fish class here in PWI.
So please i encourage someont to actualy show how sins are op overal vers all the other chars and not complain on how their chosen character is not what they thought it to be, regardless if they are a sin or not. There is not one post on this thread that does this.Lets troll the forums together b:victory0 -
sachelfunlol wrote: »So please i encourage someont to actualy show how sins are op overal vers all the other chars and not complain on how their chosen character is not what they thought it to be, regardless if they are a sin or not. There is not one post on this thread that does this.
-PvE wise sins can solo endgame instances (like 3-3) faster then a squad, and to be short, solo pretty much anything ingame. "Soloing" and "endgame" in 1 sentance is enough for me to conclude they are OP. There are some other classes that can be said to be OP on this criteria, but sin is still the most OP : they solo anything fastest.
-PvP wise, they have a guaranteed first hit, are the only ones that that can evade magic and can never be 1 shot. If they actually have an enemy, they can always just walk past them and show them "the finger" without being noticed.
All that has been said already btw.0 -
just makes pk boring when those people with no brain just play a sin and literally pop out every 2-3 minutes in 2-3 spark + immune and either kill the target in a few seconds because of due to lag/reaction delay or fail to kill the target and stealths right away and wait for another 2-3 minutes.
and the fact that even those with no brain using the above method DO manage to kill people without needing anything but spark stun auto attack makes it pretty OP. a sin even without stealth can kill every single other class in full R9 +12 josd in channel: -
sachelfunlol wrote: »and again you do not understand what an assassin is.
every class at and near endgame make them op in one aspect or another. sounds like people are more worried about 1 on 1 instead of team based play which for the most part assassins are not needed as much.
what is this dominace you speak of in pve much less PK? the fact they can tank bosses and do high dmg? so can other classes. I dont hear people qq all day because their so OP sin just got slapped around by Mrs_Mav on RT. Again all the skills and dmg are not so OP its abusive and follows old and current rpg & d&d type games. Actualy it is a bit nerf'd if you compair sins to the dark elf's and Drizzt from the books R A Salvatory which are a good general likeness to the fish class here in PWI.
So please i encourage someont to actualy show how sins are op overal vers all the other chars and not complain on how their chosen character is not what they thought it to be, regardless if they are a sin or not. There is not one post on this thread that does this.
and again, you have no efffin idea what you're talking about.
tanking bosses and do high dmg? roflmao. you have no clue. Every class is overpowered at endgame? ahahahhahahahahha. Tell that to every other class that dies before the charm can even tick because of the normal server lag, tell that to the barbs that die under invoke. Tell that to every other class that I outdamage by a minimum factor of 3, and that compared with 5 aps bms or 5 aps archers. Magic dds? pfff, what the eff is that? do they exist? well, when I do without even trying to much about 75k dps on a boss, how can i call a dd a caster that does 10k every 2 seconds?
you fail on understanding this game on so many levels it's not even funny.
go help your faction with your sin, at least you can be useful in some way.FiveAps - PvE char made from half as.s unbound gear sold by a wizard, doing 18x the damage and 10x the money the wizard was ever capable of. b:laugh . Only in PWI.0 -
Altierna - Heavens Tear wrote: »Without BP, sins can't solo. They'll at least need a healer ..
Have you played any other class? Many of the other classes if well played, geared-up, refined are OP. And other classes use BP for their benefit.
My Sin is almost 10k hp unbuffed, and over 13k fully buffed. There is such as thing as charms and hp pots you know.0 -
Altierna - Heavens Tear wrote: »Over reading forums for the past week on sins.. There have been many, many ideas on how to make the sins class more balanced for PvP / PvE. I myself have a r9 (only +5 XD) sin and find it ridiculously OP.. like way too OP. I enjoy playing her a lot, and i love doing **** loads of dmg; however, it doesn't deviate me from feeling that this class srsly needs a nerf and here's how (I honestly think this would work)
Disable BP (like how they disabled the Swim mastery for venos)
Disable Shadow Escape (cause stealthing in battle is just.. wtf..)
Make stealth detectable at close range. (2 meters?)
Without BP, sins can't solo. They'll at least need a healer and tanks (hey barbs) will be needed again.
No Shadow Escape, no escape from pk.
Detectable stealth at close range gives all classes a chance at seeing a stun or close spark from a sin. (All the ideas about buffing stealth potions, reduction stealth time, make stealth use chi etc. just doesn't seem viable)
Edit: Make the leveling for Shadow Walk reduce range where players/mobs can see you. That would be sooo fun having sins actually planning a route to bypass mobs in FC for example, or try to dodge players in PK that they know would 1 shot them otherwise =D
Tell me what you think!
I dont agree with stealth being the problem at all if seeing how u can equip potions and have 130 stealth detection at lvl 100 and and use other things I dont thing stealth is the issue at all, I do agree with the amount of damage the sin is able to put out tho that needs to be nerfed not the skills.... the dps...0 -
FiveAps - Dreamweaver wrote: »and again, you have no efffin idea what you're talking about.
tanking bosses and do high dmg? roflmao. you have no clue. Every class is overpowered at endgame? ahahahhahahahahha. Tell that to every other class that dies before the charm can even tick because of the normal server lag, tell that to the barbs that die under invoke. Tell that to every other class that I outdamage by a minimum factor of 3, and that compared with 5 aps bms or 5 aps archers. Magic dds? pfff, what the eff is that? do they exist? well, when I do without even trying to much about 75k dps on a boss, how can i call a dd a caster that does 10k every 2 seconds?
you fail on understanding this game on so many levels it's not even funny.
go help your faction with your sin, at least you can be useful in some way.
another forum troll
and yes I will help my faction, why not learn how to do it yourself sometime. Its quite fun. And 75k dps on a boss is loool so not op.
Another option on dmg nerf is just ajusting dex/str req's to match what other classes are required to put in their stats to use end game gear and even lowering dagger devotion increases.
And again you have not made a valid point yet, just useless qq'n and still do not know what an assasin is.Lets troll the forums together b:victory0 -
yup, took just an average number, 75k, like I've said, not even trying too much. Can you fail more on reading comprehension? I also have 3 other toons (r8 wiz, 5 aps bm, r8 cleric) so I have a pretty good grasp of what's going on at endgame. What this sin can do, and he's the worst equipped with the worst defenses out of the 4 just makes any other class useless...oh well , yeah, maybe good for buff wh*res and the occasional BB. And I'm currently raising another sin on a friend's account, to basically cut in half my farming time.
Yup, no, I don't understand the assassin class, what it can do and what it can't. Nope, not at all. Good thing someone like you who capped at 2.8 aps can get the most out of it. Kewl, keep it up.
I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
George Carlin
~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~
sachelfunlol wrote: »and again you do not understand what an assassin is.
every class at and near endgame make them op in one aspect or another. sounds like people are more worried about 1 on 1 instead of team based play which for the most part assassins are not needed as much.
what is this dominace you speak of in pve much less PK? the fact they can tank bosses and do high dmg? so can other classes. I dont hear people qq all day because their so OP sin just got slapped around by Mrs_Mav on RT. Again all the skills and dmg are not so OP its abusive and follows old and current rpg & d&d type games. Actualy it is a bit nerf'd if you compair sins to the dark elf's and Drizzt from the books R A Salvatory which are a good general likeness to the fish class here in PWI.
So please i encourage someont to actualy show how sins are op overal vers all the other chars and not complain on how their chosen character is not what they thought it to be, regardless if they are a sin or not. There is not one post on this thread that does this.
Is this a level 58 cleric telling a level 100+ sin what an assassin is based on RA Salvatory books she read?
Besides, you say all classes OP in one way or another (which I agree, every class has its perks) but then follow it by saying sins aren't actually OP and then ask for examples?
Should have posted 49 spots earlier if you wanted this to be anything more than a troll post because its explained multiple times and you missed the explanations, ignored them, or never bothered to read them.sachelfunlol wrote: »another forum troll
and yes I will help my faction, why not learn how to do it yourself sometime. Its quite fun. And 75k dps on a boss is loool so not op.
Another option on dmg nerf is just ajusting dex/str req's to match what other classes are required to put in their stats to use end game gear and even lowering dagger devotion increases.
And again you have not made a valid point yet, just useless qq'n and still do not know what an assasin is.
Least they can spell assassin.
And when you get into the higher levels and start facing [?] bosses that are level 150 the average magic attack is around 15-25k and the average melee attack is 8-15k. My barb has my highest [?] boss dmg with 86k on a crit arma and my sin is right behind him with 79k trip sparked regular attack. You were looking for an example of OP, how about sins doing almost as much dph 5 times a second as a barb's arma.Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
Tideborn Assassin
The assassin class was born from war. An ancient conflict between the Tideborn and Nightspikes spawned this new breed of solider, one that thrived on stealth and
Primarily focusing on close quarter, physical damage, this breed of Tideborn wears light armor, and is more agile than Blademasters and Barbarians. Masters of daggers, their attacks are quick and efficient. Being scholars of anatomy, these soldiers always aim for vital points, focusing on inflicting critical damage.
As stated in the explanation about em, also as the history of assassins explain.
They arent tanks, they are supposed to kill fast and get away. Reason why its called assassination.
Also, some classes are better earlier game and some are endgame classes.
And everything with R9 is OP their own way depending on the class who got it.
Everything is also counterable, just use ur brain and make some tactics against em.
And once R9 for EG comes out sins arent the ones being QQ'd abt, concidering seekers with R9 swords with GoF will **** more than a sin.
Im a squishy archer with not really great gear, but enuf to make me survive. Even i can counterattack a sin with +7 or higher dags, you got a genie and survival skills nomatter what class u play, you can even farm pots to aid you. Its not the classes that are OP its just you that doesnt use your brain as much as possible.0 -
Removing BP would make r9 a complete waste of money as an assassin in pve.
4.0 aps with r9 daggers without bp = 3-6 second suicide. I had BP wear off during a spark, and I died pretty damn quick XD[SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony[/SIGPIC]
Vicious's Brony. Brohoof! - Assassin PvE/PvP Videos!0 -
Sakubatou - Sanctuary wrote: »Is this a level 58 cleric telling a level 100+ sin what an assassin is based on RA Salvatory books she read?
Besides, you say all classes OP in one way or another (which I agree, every class has its perks) but then follow it by saying sins aren't actually OP and then ask for examples?
Should have posted 49 spots earlier if you wanted this to be anything more than a troll post because its explained multiple times and you missed the explanations, ignored them, or never bothered to read them.
Least they can spell assassin.
+1 to the spelling police b:laugh
And when you get into the higher levels and start facing [?] bosses that are level 150 the average magic attack is around 15-25k and the average melee attack is 8-15k. My barb has my highest [?] boss dmg with 86k on a crit arma and my sin is right behind him with 79k trip sparked regular attack. You were looking for an example of OP, how about sins doing almost as much dph 5 times a second as a barb's arma.
I have a 100 r8 sin, not that it matters, and my cleric is 95 not 58, maybe you need to re-read my post or posts on what I said about the RA Salvatory char, I did not say it was based I said it was similar. It also seems you dont understand the concept of each classes abilities as designed. Read a few posts up, Stop Crying, be a helpfull person, have a nice dayLets troll the forums together b:victory0
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