What would you call.....

/polIo - Sanctuary6
/polIo - Sanctuary6 Posts: 3 Arc User
edited May 2012 in General Discussion
a Perfect World player who does not FCC, does their quests, grinds, not a pack-****, not a rank nab?

You know, someone who actually plays the game? What would you call them? Is there a certain name for those 'old timers' who play the game it was meant to be played before laziness became the biggest plague since energy drinks in the gaming industry?
Post edited by /polIo - Sanctuary6 on


  • OontzOontz - Dreamweaver
    OontzOontz - Dreamweaver Posts: 782 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    A loser.
  • Sesshomaru - Lothranis
    Sesshomaru - Lothranis Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    That would be almost non - existent. You are not allowed to use Hypers too if you wanna categorize yourself in here. AND you have to be not wanting to do these activities as opposed to being not able to do it. (Like if I offer you JFC and u reject, which i guarantee is not going to happen, or give u hypers that u wont use)

    Unfortunately i can say these ppl wont exist, and furthermore even if they were they will be levelling too slow in this current game...so will thus be named newbie.... >< Credit Card -> Gear up -> pro is trend these days.

    One thing i know is spending time working will get u more in game coins than farming. Thats for sure. lol
  • XDracona - Heavens Tear
    XDracona - Heavens Tear Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Traditionalist I guess..b:cute
  • Teiw - Sanctuary
    Teiw - Sanctuary Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    A person who hasn't heard of MSN, Yahoo, or AOL instant messenger?

    I know a lot of people who stay at the same level for months, yet play everyday b:cute.

    I also know people that do all the quests they can possibly find, do white name divine contracts, and actually love rebirth gamma/delta. I admire those friends for their dedication, but I also give them hyperstones and drag them on as many fccs as I possibly can.
  • Adromada - Raging Tide
    Adromada - Raging Tide Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    im one of these players, and i remember back 2+ years ago once you hit lvl 40 it was grind time you had to grind for your lvls then again at lvl 60 and again at 80, these people dont realize that the actual lvl 100's in the game had to do it the hard way because there were no BH,FC,HYPES,Events,nada and yet all these new players at lvl 100 think they have the right to complain pftt they are all weak, on this char ive not done a single fc nor bh i have no quests current or available in my quest log i did the 5 oracles you get in the supply stash and thats it. im still here thats why i lvl so god damn slowly but i don't mind im working for my lvl's.
    The universe is made of Twelve particles of matter, Four forces of nature, The world is a dynamic mess Of Jiggling things.
  • Ikarium - Dreamweaver
    Ikarium - Dreamweaver Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    a Perfect World player who does not FCC, does their quests, grinds, not a pack-****, not a rank nab?
    You can power level quite effectively as an AoE DD using hypers at level 90+ without stepping foot in FC. So you'd need to take hypers out too.
    I've done 92 thru 99 during this 2x on hypers, by myself and only doing FC once.
  • Barber - Heavens Tear
    Barber - Heavens Tear Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    umm guess we just call ourselves Purists...

    I have 4 toons, 103 barb, 102 sin (10% from 103), 100 cleric and 100 seeker (both 12% from 101)

    nvr used powerleveling and dont use hypers, all i do is the daily quests and bh's just like your supposed to do, and i level almost as fast as the powernoobs out there

    heck ive still got my freebie hyper stones from the supply boxes sitting in my banks, no use for them and i have about 20 or so regular ones they gave ya free when ya bought charms a while back

    have no use for stupid glitching and powerleveling like others think ya need to do

    EDIT/ sorry forgot to add, I have not even grindied in FF for xp, the only time ive gone into FF is to get quests done and to help other people with quests /end EDIT
  • /polIo - Sanctuary6
    /polIo - Sanctuary6 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    A loser.

    To each their own. A person might be seen as a loser if they charge their physical, hard earned money on boosting their ego/epeen size on the internet by getting fancy, shiny and absolutely worthless pixels.

    Or a person might be seen as a loser who works hard for those same fancy, shiny, absolutely worthless pixels the way that the original game Devs intended. Different gamers have different styles of playing.
    You can power level quite effectively as an AoE DD using hypers at level 90+ without stepping foot in FC. So you'd need to take hypers out too.
    I've done 92 thru 99 during this 2x on hypers, by myself and only doing FC once.

    Very true, I cannot believe I left out hypers. b:surrender
    umm guess we just call ourselves Purists...

    I have 4 toons, 103 barb, 102 sin (10% from 103), 100 cleric and 100 seeker (both 12% from 101)

    nvr used powerleveling and dont use hypers, all i do is the daily quests and bh's just like your supposed to do, and i level almost as fast as the powernoobs out there

    heck ive still got my freebie hyper stones from the supply boxes sitting in my banks, no use for them and i have about 20 or so regular ones they gave ya free when ya bought charms a while back

    have no use for stupid glitching and powerleveling like others think ya need to do

    I think that is awesome that you do that. I just re-rolled on Sanctuary, which was my first server ever (where I had 2 lvl 100+ toons before bh, hypers, the change in fc) and I am absolutely dumbfounded by the amount of fcc, 5aps +10 wep required for nirvana, lack of quest leveling and exploring the game, lack of skill and complete ignorance and lack of contempt for this game.

    Do not get me wrong, I *did* that hyper fc, rank and pack thing on Archosaur, the most fail of fail servers (beating Raging Tide by a smidgen). I figured I would find Sanctuary as a more 'purist' server...but boy was I wrong.

    I would like to know if there were more 'purists' out there. I am going traditional with this cleric (which I am not even the most pure of 'purist' considering I am going twice the speed due to 2x event). I must say, I am enjoying it. I play in between work and school (not much of a loser now, now am I?) and haven't spend a dime of my own money (free zen offers ftw).

    In the middle of the chaos of nirvana, fcc, glitching, and pack opening that goes on in world chat and faction chat...its nice to know there are a still select few who are doing things old school.

    Thanks for the responses, everyone :-)
  • sangodoc
    sangodoc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'd call them "people who want to enjoy and explore the whole game"?

    At least, that's why I'm doing it. I spend an average of $10 a month, do my quests, I've only FCC'd for the quests there, etc.... I've been playing for over two years, and at this point I have a level 82 veno, a level 76 cleric, a level 67 psychic, and a level 59 mystic that I actively play. I collect good gear for my veno, and then it gets passed down every 10 levels to the next highest character, and so on. My veno has done just about all of the non-Earthguard quests up to her level, and my mystic is working on all of the Earthguard quests.

    Personally, I think the ride can be just as enjoyable, if not more, than the destination. b:victory
    Visit the PWI wiki for the useful information. Stay at the PWI wiki for the pie. ;-)
  • /polIo - Sanctuary6
    /polIo - Sanctuary6 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Sangodoc wrote: »
    I'd call them "people who want to enjoy and explore the whole game"?

    At least, that's why I'm doing it. I spend an average of $10 a month, do my quests, I've only FCC'd for the quests there, etc.... I've been playing for over two years, and at this point I have a level 82 veno, a level 76 cleric, a level 67 psychic, and a level 59 mystic that I actively play. I collect good gear for my veno, and then it gets passed down every 10 levels to the next highest character, and so on. My veno has done just about all of the non-Earthguard quests up to her level, and my mystic is working on all of the Earthguard quests.

    Personally, I think the ride can be just as enjoyable, if not more, than the destination. b:victory

    I agree, the journey is a lot more entertaining than the destination. I've tried it both ways, and I def. prefer it the 'purist' way. (totally jacking that, btw....might make a faction in the future called 'Purists')

    But as I said, to each their own! b:victory
  • XDracona - Heavens Tear
    XDracona - Heavens Tear Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    umm guess we just call ourselves Purists...

    I have 4 toons, 103 barb, 102 sin (10% from 103), 100 cleric and 100 seeker (both 12% from 101)

    nvr used powerleveling and dont use hypers, all i do is the daily quests and bh's just like your supposed to do, and i level almost as fast as the powernoobs out there

    heck ive still got my freebie hyper stones from the supply boxes sitting in my banks, no use for them and i have about 20 or so regular ones they gave ya free when ya bought charms a while back

    have no use for stupid glitching and powerleveling like others think ya need to do

    EDIT/ sorry forgot to add, I have not even grindied in FF for xp, the only time ive gone into FF is to get quests done and to help other people with quests /end EDIT

    I've got 6 hypers on my account that are sitting in my safe(have been since the Grim Gamble event). b:victory Would be on my chars questing right now but since I can't do my quests in SP...it's going to be a while before I lvl lol
  • Kadran - Dreamweaver
    Kadran - Dreamweaver Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    We "call" ourselves ones who play a game for fun and don't care what these other tards think about it.
  • rainbowyoshii
    rainbowyoshii Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    a Perfect World player who does not FCC, does their quests, grinds, not a pack-****, not a rank nab?

    You know, someone who actually plays the game? What would you call them?

    an idiot that has no life except to spend 1 full year grinding to 100+ using that method.
  • /polIo - Sanctuary7
    /polIo - Sanctuary7 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    an idiot that has no life except to spend 1 full year grinding to 100+ using that method.

    grow up. Many people who play games have lives, very busy ones. They just hop on a game for fun and relaxation in their free time. Don't go assuming, makes you look like the village idiot.
  • Barber - Heavens Tear
    Barber - Heavens Tear Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    an idiot that has no life except to spend 1 full year grinding to 100+ using that method.

    a year to get to 100? how long have seekers been out? not very freakin long..proves ya dont know the game, I've played my cleric and seeker both at the same time and they are both about 10 to 12% from 101 as i stated before

    with all the new quests and bh's and junk you can get lvl 100 in less than a month, month and a half, if ya play the same toon everyday and do the dailys and quests, bout the only things ya have to buy are charms and GA's when needed
  • blannen
    blannen Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    i started back in dec 2008. Lol not much of a talker but have been an avid forum lurkerb:shutup Anyway the only cash i have ever put into this game was 2 $10 gift cards my girlfriend gave me. I have never powerleveled and dont intend to do so. I find this game pretty enjoyable for being free. i leveled a barb to 99 on lost city and decided to change servers when all my friends left there. This was back in the day when you did crazy stone some aoe grinding and wq every day also as many fbs as i could get. Btw wq always ended up fun at the last stop on the boat
    now i have 7 chars on 2 accts level 49-94 on arch server and i actually enjoy some of the changes in this game. Gold is sky high but things like mold gears and tt gears are much easier to get now. To be honest I like tw but open pvp is not near as fun as before the overgeared and rank players now.
    Anyways to sum it up some of us really enjoy the journey of the game and btw I like the cashoppers cuz they keep the game free for me and its nice getting their leftover gears cheap. If your really not concerned about getting there first or being better geared than everyone else ,have fun and enjoy the game and the friends you make here.

    Oh and when i did crazy stone i used to walk to the jewelcraftsman uphill both ways in 3 foot of snow.b:chuckle
  • rustyhummer
    rustyhummer Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I agree, the journey is a lot more entertaining than the destination. I've tried it both ways, and I def. prefer it the 'purist' way. (totally jacking that, btw....might make a faction in the future called 'Purists')

    But as I said, to each their own! b:victory

    I think if you made such a faction, you would get a very good response to it (its exactly what I have been looking for) are still a lot around who grind old style, is just they hide away in dark corners b:chuckle
  • Dedz - Raging Tide
    Dedz - Raging Tide Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    A loser.

    That answer wasn't funny. I play the game the way it was intended and you sir really hurt me with that answer. I refuse to FC my way to high levels. I refuse to spend my money on packs. (Fashion, maybe but that is it!) I also refuse to play more than an hour each day.

    I just play this game for fun after a long day of stress. I pity you for thinking that players like me are losers. I'm sorry I have a restaurant and resort I own and manage. I'm sorry I am starting my own company soon to help me get chain stores off my restaurant. If only I wasn't preoccupied with these things I can be a winner like you.

    You will never catch me. But if you do, someone else will take my place. b:chuckle
  • OontzOontz - Dreamweaver
    OontzOontz - Dreamweaver Posts: 782 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I can make up stories on the internetz too, but I won't.
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    b:laugh This thread makes me so happy. Where have you all been hiding!? I thought I was one of the only people that didn't powerlevel anymore and just played for fun =) Glad to see I'm not!

    b:surrender I do get periodically dragged to FCC, however, due to my current status as being my fac's most active cleric. XD
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • ResMePls - Heavens Tear
    ResMePls - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,349 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I w0uld call them "M0re a failure than Patrick from Sp0nge B0b" because n0 way am I spending eternity playing this b0ring game. Seri0usly if you Plevel all the way t0 100 y0ur n0t missing anything exciting anywayb:surrender.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I know what your thinking.
  • GaurdianMira - Archosaur
    GaurdianMira - Archosaur Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    That would be almost non - existent. You are not allowed to use Hypers too if you wanna categorize yourself in here. AND you have to be not wanting to do these activities as opposed to being not able to do it. (Like if I offer you JFC and u reject, which i guarantee is not going to happen, or give u hypers that u wont use)

    Unfortunately i can say these ppl wont exist, and furthermore even if they were they will be levelling too slow in this current game...so will thus be named newbie.... >< Credit Card -> Gear up -> pro is trend these days.

    One thing i know is spending time working will get u more in game coins than farming. Thats for sure. lol

    False, these people do exist I happen to know because I'm one of them.
  • rainbowyoshii
    rainbowyoshii Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    a year to get to 100? how long have seekers been out? not very freakin long..proves ya dont know the game, I've played my cleric and seeker both at the same time and they are both about 10 to 12% from 101 as i stated before

    with all the new quests and bh's and junk you can get lvl 100 in less than a month, month and a half, if ya play the same toon everyday and do the dailys and quests, bout the only things ya have to buy are charms and GA's when needed

    your an idiot. read the OP. those seekers got to 100+ by hyper FCCing and not from the "old method" before hypers existed and it was just pure questing to get lvls.
  • Ikarium - Dreamweaver
    Ikarium - Dreamweaver Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I w0uld call them "M0re a failure than Patrick from Sp0nge B0b" because n0 way am I spending eternity playing this b0ring game.
    Yet taking the time to press '0' instead of 'o' in every word >.>
  • rainbowyoshii
    rainbowyoshii Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    False, these people do exist I happen to know because I'm one of them.

    yes you mostly certainly are one of them. thats why ur still lvl 57 even tho u joined in mayb:chuckle
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    yes you mostly certainly are one of them. thats why ur still lvl 57 even tho u joined in mayb:chuckle

    Troll much... Talk about shoving your feet in your mouth comparing someones level on an alt on the forums to the time they joined the forums... hmmm is it possible also this person doesnt get to play the game but a few hours a week? How does your feet taste? Amazing how many people make STUPID idiotic statements. First character I started in this game is who I have registered here and I havent used that character since before I registered for the forums... OMG what does that make me? *chuckle... tee hee hee*
  • ResMePls - Heavens Tear
    ResMePls - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,349 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Yet taking the time to press '0' instead of 'o' in every word >.>

    actually it is quite easy since typing f0r me is easy :S.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I know what your thinking.
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I've never been above level 76 and I've been playing since 12-12-2008.

    (Forum join date - Apr 2009: I started posting on forums in April, but actually created my first character on 12-12-2008)

    Never used a hyper or training eso. I have 5 free hypers from the anniversary gift thing. I've never been in frost either (i've seen videos of it though, it looks kinda fun)
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
    |Call of Duty: Black Ops|League of Legends|Forsaken World|Perfect World International|The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|
  • Dedz - Raging Tide
    Dedz - Raging Tide Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I can make up stories on the internetz too, but I won't.

    You don't have to. I am already certain that you can make up wonderful stories on the internet. In fact, I believe you may be talented at it. Unfortunately, I am not gifted with that talent. But don't get me wrong, I can understand the fact why sometimes you feel you have to make up stories rather than tell the truth. The truth may hurt at times after all.

    You will never catch me. But if you do, someone else will take my place. b:chuckle
  • Nenor - Dreamweaver
    Nenor - Dreamweaver Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I've yet to use a hyperstone on my main or any of my alts.(ive tons in the bank from events) I done the fc quests way back when. The other times ive been was to help friends/fact mates do theirs. Ive yet to do the fc quests on any of my alts yet (4 over 90 2 of which are 101+).

    I like to play the game. I'm not interested in getting everything in 3 weeks and then joining the 'elites' that complain... "there's nothing to do, QQ i'm bored, this game is fail".

    There is plenty to do provided one actually takes the time to bother doing it. After all, if you have no goals to strive for in game.. then why are you playing?