Petition to move Open PK area to Cave of Sadistic Glee



  • Asgardeus - Sanctuary
    Asgardeus - Sanctuary Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Meh, it doesn't really bug me tbh ._. Gotten used to the thought of free pk already. And you're not even able to drop stuff...

    And Kritty << How come this gets a sticky but not the .ini edit discussion that got like 25k views..?
  • populationcontrol
    populationcontrol Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    So, basically, then I would get pked everytime i need to kill panthracite braves and rogueknight fellons for divine quest or need to get the fire/water orb? This doesn't fix anything, it just moves the problem elsewhere. That's stupid.

    I WANT to quest. I CHOSE a PVE server because I DIDN'T WANT TO PK OR GET PKED -- I used to play another game, on a pvp server where pepople got corpse camped (had to go back and get your stuff before it decayed) and zone camped (character was in world before screen was finished loading), no more BS like that, thnx.
  • gehnro2010
    gehnro2010 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    pking should be put in an area where th kills are ten fold the pker strength. so in other words take pking out of our instances. and build them "the pkers" one of their own. one where the monster r lvl 400, but since they're in pk and others are not, the kills give no exp, but dying takes it. may be those 100 levels who kill silverfrost and say they need a challange... will get one.
  • Evict - Heavens Tear
    Evict - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'd rather the Arena was reopened so there would be no complaints anywhere.
    Dysk is my tasty chimichanga. <3
  • gehnro2010
    gehnro2010 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    i hope somebody checks my account to see what i spent here, and know that i will not spend another dime here . you delevopers should put pking on a PVP server not PVE. which no one on the pve server wants anyways. hello... you awake "PVE" !!!!!!!
  • iaintyourmomma
    iaintyourmomma Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    b:angry I am very upset about this change. Been there all day having to protect newbies from being slaughtered by pkers with no concience. Watching most of them die over and over before they can get thier quests done. This is NOT a good change. I am able to defend myself but who is looking out 4 them?

    We were all newbies once, how would u feel if u just came on the game to get killed over and over by overly aggresive Pkers that out lv u by 80-90%. This is the Stupidest thing Pwi has ever done. U will loose more players then u will ever gain by having it in SP, move it to the harshlands where Newbies can at least stay out of the Pkers sights. Or in an arena where it should be.

    I will not stand idely by and watch new players looking 4 fun get killed over and over again. My whole faction has been trying to help them through, the innocent being slaughtered by ppl with way higher lvs then them. It's not right, not fair, dishonarable and they should be ashamed. Does it really make the higher lvs feel that good to kill such low lvs?

    How can they look in the Mirror, I've seen great high lv factions that I have always Looked up to have their images shattered in my eyes. Great factions that I am Ashamed to know now. Their reputations as the "best" r forever tarnished. No good player would stand idely by and watch this atrocity happen. What were u thinking PWI?
  • XDracona - Heavens Tear
    XDracona - Heavens Tear Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'd rather the Arena was reopened so there would be no complaints anywhere.

    I agree...heaven forbid the people who pvp on a pve server don't have anything to do b:shutup b:laugh
  • Eilexa - Heavens Tear
    Eilexa - Heavens Tear Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I've been actively discussing in the other thread, but would like to mention here, that I cannot vote on this threat because I don't agree with moving it to Cave of Sadistic Glee as there is also a quest(s) in there. I vote that they make a NEW instance, completely separate form quests/noobs/PVE'ers etc.
    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR
  • memworld
    memworld Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    gehnro2010 wrote: »
    i hope somebody checks my account to see what i spent here, and know that i will not spend another dime here . you delevopers should put pking on a PVP server not PVE. which no one on the pve server wants anyways. hello... you awake "PVE" !!!!!!!

  • OontzOontz - Dreamweaver
    OontzOontz - Dreamweaver Posts: 782 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Nice idea but why don't they just enable the old Arenas?

    They obviously want people to be able to unstealth sins.
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Low levels don't really have good access to that area like they do to secret passage.
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
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  • RealVonDutch - Sanctuary
    RealVonDutch - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    gehnro2010 wrote: »
    i hope somebody checks my account to see what i spent here, and know that i will not spend another dime here . you delevopers should put pking on a PVP server not PVE. which no one on the pve server wants anyways. hello... you awake "PVE" !!!!!!!

    Who are you to decide for others?

    I do want to PK, the reason I play on a PVE server is when I started playing I wasn;t interested and my friends where here.
    Now I am, and I dun wanna farm/spend time etc in a new server where people are allready 100x better equipped even if u get your gear together.
    Sins are Scissors, Psychics are Rocks, and Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.

    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock ...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE.
  • XDracona - Heavens Tear
    XDracona - Heavens Tear Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I am going to spread this petition to PWI's facebook page. Hopefully that'll get you some more votes.b:cute
    Who are you to decide for others?

    I do want to PK, the reason I play on a PVE server is when I started playing I wasn;t interested and my friends where here.
    Now I am, and I dun wanna farm/spend time etc in a new server where people are allready 100x better equipped even if u get your gear together.

    But don't you agree that it's a bit unfair to the lvl 30s getting harassed? Just sayin'...b:surrender

    *sorry for double post*
  • _RiverWings_ - Dreamweaver
    _RiverWings_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    in my opinion pk should b moved to a lvl 100 instance where u dont need quests til your 100, or create a new instance 4 pk only, but hte cave of sadistic glee is ok i guess. my assassin when she was in her 80s got divines in there though....b:surrender
  • MistressKat - Heavens Tear
    MistressKat - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    they need to make arena for pk... this is non pk server
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I've been actively discussing in the other thread, but would like to mention here, that I cannot vote on this threat because I don't agree with moving it to Cave of Sadistic Glee as there is also a quest(s) in there. I vote that they make a NEW instance, completely separate form quests/noobs/PVE'ers etc.

    For the record, there is also a "no" and "prefer not to answer" option. I know they closed the arenas supposedly permanently from players for some reason back in closed beta, but I never really understood why other than that it seems like they will not be coming back. If they are so insistent on using an existing instance, this would seem like a better choice. Are the divine contracts the ones that drop honors? I've never had an honor quest to go in there. b:surrender
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I voted NO

    Move open PK to the city arenas where it belongs to and was always planned to take place.

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear
    Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    i could have sworn this topic was stickied a few hours agoO_o

    i aprove of this idea. honestly sometimes i wonder what the devs are on. there are several places in the game that are basically abandoned, yet they put this in a place where lowbies will be harassed. i've seen low level players in pk mode in SPget pk'd, res by cerlic, pk'd again res'd then pk'd then res'd then pk'd. non stop. now with this, it won't be so limited it can happen to ANYBODY.
  • brazenbusboy
    brazenbusboy Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I voted yes, but...

    This solution just takes away a nice place for mid levels to do Divine Contracts which are an excellent way for mid levels to acquire some decent (not OP) gear.

    This makes no sense to take something away from them just to satisfy a vocal minority.

    Face it. PVP is not popular and not something most players want. To try and stuff it down our throats is totally counter productive to the life expectancy of this game.

    Move it somewhere else, or better yet don't bother and go back to the way things were, who cares about a bunch of potty mouthed pre-teens trash talking while they gank lowbies, we don't owe them anything.
    Just some guy
  • denispectre
    denispectre Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I am open to either the Cave of Sadistic Glee or the arena. However, SP discourages new players. Without new players, the server will eventually fade away. Money will not continue to be refreshed. The economy will cease in development. I've seen this on many game servers of various game. It seems ridiculous to take this to the point where the server must be cannibalized when all we have to do is make the PK location one more friendly for newer players by putting it "out of reach" while at the same time providing a place for the PKers. As it is, the PKers are exploiting the new players, bullying them, and mocking them. How is this positive for the gaming environment? This will quickly cause them to quit and move to something else. A game is supposed to be enjoyable. Just remember, fun is defined differently for different players, hence the diversity. However, this is a diversity that can be served.
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Take the real poll the MODs and GM didnt bother to support:
  • Mameha_Hal - Heavens Tear
    Mameha_Hal - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I agree they should move it to Cave of Sadistic Glee where higher lvls are. b:scorn
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    mcfreakie wrote: »
    Take the real poll the MODs and GM didnt bother to support:

    This poll came first so it's a real poll LOL. The two polls are asking very different things, but I would encourage everyone to also use that poll. The more support we can gather for moving the PK area from the lowbie area to either the arena or cave of sadistic glee, the better. The idea was great, it was just pretty much the worse possible location for it.
    i could have sworn this topic was stickied a few hours agoO_o

    i aprove of this idea. honestly sometimes i wonder what the devs are on. there are several places in the game that are basically abandoned, yet they put this in a place where lowbies will be harassed. i've seen low level players in pk mode in SPget pk'd, res by cerlic, pk'd again res'd then pk'd then res'd then pk'd. non stop. now with this, it won't be so limited it can happen to ANYBODY.

    Yeah it was, I guess because the ini thread isn't stickied, they unstickied this one even though Frankie did reply to that one and it affects gameplay so it's different....oh well. No big. It's linked in a few sigs and I know I personally will try to keep bumping it.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I support this idea. Land of Burning Heart has always been a personal favorite part of the map of mine, along with Harshlands. b:victory

    True Enough, hardley anyone goes into Sadistic Glee loOlolOol and the quests in there R boring would be a good spot for it, and then the newer players could finally get too do there lil mobby quests again in SP ^,^
  • Drakaniel - Heavens Tear
    Drakaniel - Heavens Tear Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'm sure it has been suggested already, but in case :
    why don't we use the "Arena" ? It would give it some use....

    Registered on 2008-11-30 10:07:44
  • Moonsyn - Raging Tide
    Moonsyn - Raging Tide Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Why is this any different than SP?

    People still need to do quests in Sadistic Glee..divine contracts etc.

    If a player is blue-named they should be matter what.

    As I said in the other thread..this isn't a pvp server. If we choose to pk then we have the option of enabling it. If people wanted to quest while being at risk of being pk'd they would go to a pvp server.

    Make blue-named players safe no matter what...then I'll support this idea.
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Why is this any different than SP?

    People still need to do quests in Sadistic Glee..divine contracts etc.

    If a player is blue-named they should be matter what.

    As I said in the other thread..this isn't a pvp server. If we choose to pk then we have the option of enabling it. If people wanted to quest while being at risk of being pk'd they would go to a pvp server.

    Make blue-named players safe no matter what...then I'll support this idea.

    The issue is that many people want to get into PK, but cannot afford to do so. The new gears have created two-tiers of PKers, especially on the PvE servers where some people get good in land holding factions and rock and other people get brutalized the second they flip it on because they can't afford good gear. By having a free no-risk PK area, they can get good at PK and decide if they like it or not. Sure at least they'll still be brutalized, but at least they won't be losing anything but time. Besides that, this is an MMO. A decision to never PK you made three years ago may not be something you still want to keep, but at that point it would be pretty tough to start over on a new server. Not to mention that things like gear shattering, dropping, and guardian scrolls are expensive and the safety lock isn't as great an alternative because then you can't trade to others which limits your ability to help others and get squads on the fly. Furthermore, binding is also very expensive and thus something you would only do when you have your endgame gear. More than just endgame players would like to take part in it. This would allow PKers to have the fun of PKing without as much risk.

    I can see the benefits and the desire to have a free pk area. It's something that I really feel should be around. It's not that the idea is terrible, it's that they picked the worst possible location.

    I'm sure it has been suggested already, but in case :
    why don't we use the "Arena" ? It would give it some use....

    As for the arena, I admit this would be a better location. From what i can tell though, they decided to take away the arena permanently for whatever reason. From it's bugged, to they wanted to reserve it solely for PW PK related tournaments and events, I've heard a variety of reasons tossed around but I wasn't around when it happened so I don't know what the official answer as to why the arena is so impossible. Since it does indeed appear to be impossible to use it, I merely suggested this as an alternative because that instance is mostly dead. It's not needed for cultivation and the only quest you get in there is a pretty rare one because you have to coordinate with a squad of people to switch around orbs. I wasn't aware of the divine contract in there, but if they are going to take away a PVE instance it's a relatively small thing to give up compared to say Silver Frost and the ability of low levels and new players to get acquainted with the game in peace.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Storm_Tide - Harshlands
    Storm_Tide - Harshlands Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I voted no, because there is already an area designed for it - The Arena. Re-open the PVP Arena, that way NO ONE gets harassed.
    What's the point of having a rapier wit if I can't use it to stab people? b:sin
  • Fulcanelli - Raging Tide
    Fulcanelli - Raging Tide Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    This thread will not be forgotten.b:cool
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    I didn't move this here, but I'm darn sure the one that made it a sticky, and I intend to leave my signature the way it is until this problem is fixed, one way or another.b:thanks
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    No need to really bump it, Jeremied.b:chuckle

    It's kind of... "stuck," if you know what I mean.b:mischievous

    you moved to the dark side b:sad
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I know they closed the arenas supposedly permanently from players for some reason back in closed beta

    Later than that. They were opened at least until early september, after they officially opened the first servers.

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh