Account name/password wrong message? Read this!



  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    claudiii90 wrote: »
    same. im annoyd too but more becus i want stuff back -.- + anni stuff. they chosed a wrong timing and its just dumb i sended already 2 tickets, sitll no answer and in LiveCaht noone answer either for ages.

    this is wat i call "awesome support" seriously. they even dun care about this aslong they get their facking money ppl spend in this game. b:angry

    just annoys me. kinda thinking bout quitting even playing orsaken world of being bored now-.-

    damn this all customer support is a joke!!how they think we can contact to suuport or live chat if we cant log on the site.i was thinking too about quit playing,if i cant get even my sin back,tons of coins waisted on her gear and stuff and now it was all waisted for nothing.that was worst thing what ever happened to pwi players.b:cry
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    After waiting all day for a response, I finally got an email with a link to reset my password, but this is what I get after i click on the link from my email...

    "The code provided is not valid. Please check your email again and ensure that the code in the URL is fully included. If the link continues to fail, please contact us for help at"
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    why is there seemingly only 1 support guy for THOUSANDS of players? b:shocked
  • Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    It has now been 12 hours and still nothing. No original email sent and no answer to my query email. I thought that since they messed up they would work hard to fix it but i guess they just dont care to fix it.

    I want my account back please
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    It has now been 12 hours and still nothing. No original email sent and no answer to my query email. I thought that since they messed up they would work hard to fix it but i guess they just dont care to fix it.

    I want my account back please

    they dond care **** about pwi members
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    XDDDDDD see they r just fail. this whole support this whole "password reset"

    gosh idiots and this i called a gm or support.

    well when i dun get my mains back i quit too. 2 rank8 chars <.< and this acc is worth alot alone the fashion is too much worth <.<

    alot of money goes in there, but who would ever except that the GMs changes ur pw without letting u know xD
    tehy shouldnt even be alowed to do this xD

    its not like "we ****" or did some "dragon glitched FFs" or "glitched rb runs" that we r not alowed to log in.

    no we play years and cnat log in for no reason! and this on "anni-day" awesome anni day.

    grrrr im just pissed off b:surrender

    but i got a faction to lead and a husband who needs me there and now this. Faction will die this way. isnt worht it b:sad

  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Please yesterday i was log in my psy today cant wrong user name or pas please help me to get my pass again i cant remebr my email password please help me to get my Psychic pas i remeber only odl pas sercurity answer and my email please if there a admin send my passowrd back send in my email pls...
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    claudiii90 wrote: »

    no we play years and cnat log in for no reason! and this on "anni-day" awesome anni day.

    grrrr im just pissed off b:surrender


    i have been playing this game over a 3 years now,i have 102sin r8 gear and 101 bm,and some other chars overlvl90.ty pwi.and no way im gonna start new sin,i will never get this gear i have ,i will never have afford to do it anymore cuz of lil boy 5 months old i got.not gonna spend that much coins for gear or on lvl's anymore.
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    nah is the same for me annaela^^

    i also dun start a new mystic, or archer or anything. okay i give a damn of my archer, since this game bring tidebrosn out archers r useless except they r aps, but that wouldnt be an archer anymore. so i kinda quitted my archer xD

    but yea pwi loses alot of( i call us now) "costumer" becus we pay em for that just beause of a stupid thing like this. i got no idea what they r doing but i still wait in livechat i get no answer. im getting tired of it and realtic thinking says theres no point anymore.

    when i would have atleast my email password. but this changed too o.O cant log in since ages. but theres no way atm to get our accounts back. x.x wrote 2 tickets already with ym new email addres i still wait for an answer on em and my password. :L its just sad. and dissapointing. shouldnt happen in a mmorpg, dosnt matter which one.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    claudiii90 wrote: »

    but yea pwi loses alot of( i call us now) "costumer" becus we pay em for that just beause of a stupid thing like this. i got no idea what they r doing but i still wait in livechat i get no answer. im getting tired of it and realtic thinking says theres no point anymore.


    im really going to give up soon b:sad think about that pwi,how many members u will lose because of this.many ppl wont even touch ur sites if they wont be able to get their passwords back.or damn give our money back,all these coins from all these years we have played and bringing coins to this company.c'mon,was this that "ty our members by playing and spending your real life money to pwi compan,and happy anniversary" lol.thats sick
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Poeple getting now angry on facebook posts from pwi. lol.

    its annoying ingame isnt a gm on either
  • Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    That sucked. Good to be back in. They really should do something to compensate the affected people.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    That sucked. Good to be back in. They really should do something to compensate the affected people.

    how did u got back in? u got new password or they just gave old one back?
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Great feature... b:angry

    I cannot log my main account. I cannot remember the email nor password used for it. How am I suposed to get my main account back now? b:sad
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    so my girlfriends pw was reseted,she cant remember the old one,tried to change it using the link u send to her email,her pw was "changed successfully" as it said and she still cant loggin.
    so now she has to wait how long before u fix that after writing a ticket?
    and what with the sweet memorys,PoF
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    C'MON PWI:WTF.Please start doing about htis mess u made,im done with 12 hower from that when i started to try to log on my account,4 @mails and hundreds of tries to recover password.wth is that???????? my @mail is still
    please give my password back b:cryb:cryb:cry
  • Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I am having the same problem now, i have managed to log onto my account through the website. But i can not log into game. Is this because i am temp banned??? can someone help me...ever since this issue started last night it has given me hell!
    I don't think you've gotta worry about being temp banned, Fate. If it was a ban, you wouldn't be able to log onto the site either.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hope someone gonna contact me here.

    Sitting in live chat for over 4hours is just plain bull**** and ****ed up.
    Give me my main account back b:infuriated
  • Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I finally got an answer

    It was full of lies. Saying my account might have been accessed by someone else and such and blaming me for the password being changed. Just a lot of lies and false excuses. I was already upset and now they lie to me thinking it will make it all better?

    Also they didnt give me a new password so i still cant login to the game
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    LiveChat: Our apologies, currently no agents were available to answer your chat request. Please contact us again during our hours of operation or feel free to send us a ticket.

    now they even dun look anymore x.x
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    LiveChat: Our apologies, currently no agents were available to answer your chat request. Please contact us again during our hours of operation or feel free to send us a ticket.

    now they even dun look anymore x.x

    in live chat now but they about as useful as a chocolate fire gaurd..... they cant or weont help goto send a ticket
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    yea but i mena how many tickets i shall more send? and i cant send a ticket from my locked account when i cant log in. u know?

    when u cnat log in, u cant go in support, wen i go with this account here(my2.) they say they cant help becus im not on ym main account.

    cant do anything this way
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I need to change my Perfect World registered e-mail address.

    Unfortunately at this time we are not accepting any email changes unless it's due to email service termination, which must be verifiable. We apologize for the inconvenience and if you have any other issues please feel free to contact us anytime.

    If the issue is a matter of the password, you will need to do a password recovery on the domain's website so that you can regain access to that account.

    If the wanted change is for not receiving our emails, you will need to add to your contact list for the email being used and that should resolve the issue.

    If your email domain is shutting down or your ISP has changed, you may send in a ticket to our support team to request an email change for the account.

    took that straight from the Tech Support page. how are we supposed to keep everything up-to-date when you won't even allow us to update?b:angry get more people to fix this problem!

    Only in CA can people work this slow and still have a ****ing job!b:angryb:angryb:angry
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    yea but i mena how many tickets i shall more send? and i cant send a ticket from my locked account when i cant log in. u know?

    when u cnat log in, u cant go in support, wen i go with this account here(my2.) they say they cant help becus im not on ym main account.

    cant do anything this way

    i sent a ticket in well over 10hrs ago still no reply from them.. live chat tells you to send email... stilll waiting to be able to play....... lets see if i can get on for the anniversary events or will i miss out on them due to a cluster ***....
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    in live chat now but they about as useful as a chocolate fire gaurd..... they cant or weont help goto send a ticket

    Chocolate fire guards are of more use, least ya can drink the melty bits.

    Spent over an hour last night trying to fix this, yes that's how long it took for the username and password recovery email to come through. It wasn't for another hour after that I actually received the 'suspicious activity' email. Seriously?

    I understand the intentions behind it, and in some ways I'm thankful. But the delays and general ineptitude a lot of us have come to expect have reached a point that's completely unacceptable. Plus, I reset my password but a few days ago and THEN this happens?

    Fishier than a box o rollmops.

  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    in the words of puss in boots and donkey (shrek)....

  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    i send emails. 2 of em. last night almost 24 hors over still nothing.

    and yea anni i dun really wanna miss anni-.- and double drop. waiting ages for it and 1 day before anni they think about it "ah lets change passwords and have fun" -.-
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    im so annoyed x.x wnat my ninetail and my account back<.< i dun start again from zero.-.-
  • Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I hope my account feels very safe right now

    So safe that not even i can play.

    Wait a minute. That is not safe at all.

    I guess pwi has stolen my account
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I hope my account feels very safe right now

    So safe that not even i can play.

    Wait a minute. That is not safe at all.

    I guess pwi has stolen my account

    lol yes,it reaslly have stolen our accounts and now hiding from us after mistake they made,very brave,can even face that issue and fix that.
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