Account name/password wrong message? Read this!



  • idka
    idka Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Well, seeing this message had eased my mind somewhat.

    When I tried to log into the forum / game earlier it said my username / password was incorrect.

    I started to fear the worst.

    Did anti virus and anti spyware scans before resetting the password and submitted a ticket.

    Only after i'd done the above that I saw this message.

    If PWE are going to start resetting passwords automatically after a certain amount of time (i.e. password expiry date), would appreciate it if they would let us know beforehand that this will happen if you don't change it.

  • damo00
    damo00 Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Oh wonderful you can ONLY use these above 3x addresses IF you can log in, another ray of hope died.....

    As for contact so far 2x AUTOMATED replys to email sent from active email address about old original INACTIVE email address from 1st starting nr 3 yrs ago.
    Both these send you to the above addresses that ONLY work IF you can access your acc?????

    This will form a loop where every action will NOT solve problem.

  • roibushtee
    roibushtee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    WTF? Rly PWI? Changing Passwords w/o letting us know? THIS POST HAD TO BE THERE BEFORE U CHANGED THIS!!!
    I nearly freaked out, when I tried to log on my mainacc and it said: nope, not u!
    And god damn I got NO e-mail with my new password! I had to recover my old one, thank god I remembered my e-mail adress on this account v.v

    But The option to change ur e-mail is new, hu? SO NOBODY with e-mail problems (I also had one on a 2. account and a few weeks ago ticket said: Nope, u cannot change ur e-mail!) could change that fast if we don't know about it >.<

    Learn to test, to think about problems ur changes causes and to let us know, before u change something important like passwords grarr!!


    K..nao I feel betterb:pleased
  • Allisandre - Sanctuary
    Allisandre - Sanctuary Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Most responsible people don't have a problem with this, because of several reasons...

    1. They don't change e-mail addresses that often. Usually you have the same ISP for several years, and as such have the same e-mail. If you switch, you make sure that you contact everyone with the old add and re-direct the emails to the new address.

    2. They don't use um-teen fake/disposable e-mails to sign up for things. Especially things like games.

    3. They didn't have to use their parents e-mail address that they have no control over and now can't ask for access to, or for them to check it, for X reason. (X reason typically being something they got in trouble for, would get grounder for, or their parents have no knowledge of, ect.)

    4. Well, lets just face it. If you seriously have an issue with this where you aren't being able to get it fixed easily, then maybe you aren't responsible enough to be playing an MMO. Go back to your schoolwork and playing outside with your friends.

    Most responsible people would have seen the e-mail that was sent out and fixed it before they even had a chance to log in and discover that it had been changed.

    Now quit your whining and find something else to do.
    Take the time to look for your answer before you post like an idiot.

    There are two kinds of people in this world...
    There are those who panic,
    And then there is us.
    ~ Sarah Jane Smith
  • Chillum - Dreamweaver
    Chillum - Dreamweaver Posts: 887 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    idka wrote: »

    Yes I did.

    I managed to reset my password after spending a few minutes trying to remember which email address I used to sign up for PWI.

    @Allisandre - Agree with most of what you said though as I alluded to above, I have a few different email addresses. Generally speaking, I use one for personal emails (friends & family etc) and another for sign ups so my main account isn't spammed with junk.

  • polipoop
    polipoop Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Pwi things like this shouldnt be done like this ... at least not withouta previous warning !!

    My main acount was made almost 3 years ago !!! The mail ive registered my acount with is broken or w\e and i dont have acess to it for over a year!! and u dont even alow players to change theyre registered mail when logged on ..cause that would help loads ! since i would be able to receive mail on my current email..

    Ive survived packs, ive surived aps and rank 9 over powering

    But this is BS !!!

    I've dedicated quite a lot to my barb !!
  • stizo
    stizo Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    2 days ago both my email and my PW acc were working fine...
    NOW both of them say i have a diferent password...WTf i'm verry active with that email adress how the hell am i gonna get my PW pass if i don't even have my email pass now T.T
    how the heck am i gonna let these guys know to send my pass on a diferent email?( secondary account on secodary email >this one<)
    BTW the ticket sistem is not working>.< it's just making me go in a endless loop and none of the links on the site seem to be this ou'r present from PW this year?-_-'''
  • FateCrusher - Lost City
    FateCrusher - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I am having the same problem now, i have managed to log onto my account through the website. But i can not log into game. Is this because i am temp banned??? can someone help me...ever since this issue started last night it has given me hell!
  • claudiii90
    claudiii90 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    same problem here.
    i cant login in pwi, either not website. this here is my 2. account.
    even if i reset my password to ym e-mail, my email isnt working either. means i cnat log in in my email to see the new password. i always wnated change the email but they didnt alowed it-.- now im stuck here have no new password and no account.
    I sand an email to support pwi thing with my new email, with a lil hope they change it to my new email and i get my password on this one. wait for ages now an still no answer.
    Its bad support i have to say, bad enough that THIS happends.

    my Hubsand/RealBoyfriend was in livechat with a gm about that: this GM really told him that i have to log in on my own and send a ticket directly and they cnat help him with that, but dear GMs how r we alowed to send a ticket or enter the LiveChat if we cnat login on our accounts, dumb that u need to be logged in, to enter this.
    Only way to get direct contact wth em (without login in account) )was the email. but well we will see. i wait ages now i dun really believe they ever answer.

    This just shouldnt be happen-.-

    (soowy for my english, i am german)
  • Talayoki - Heavens Tear
    Talayoki - Heavens Tear Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Uhm..I'm tried to change my password on this account here for hours cuz I thought first I got **** on my other one...and tadam, I CANNOT. No e-mail received..neigher when I tried to change password nor when I tried to recover. Wth?
  • Hideori - Lost City
    Hideori - Lost City Posts: 530 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    this time I must say - GM's doing right thing here. security is important. I m glad they at least care about this and actually doing something about those hacks. good, very good.

    and if you forgot your email of this game... well you shouldint forget such a things. (yea Im too have several abandoned emails, but they were not used for games)
  • Ibi - Dreamweaver
    Ibi - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    OMG u guys scared the **** outta me. I couldn't sleep last night cuz i thought i was being **** b:angry. But after i changed my password i could log in again ty lol.
  • polipoop
    polipoop Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    this time I must say - GM's doing right thing here. security is important. I m glad they at least care about this and actually doing something about those hacks. good, very good.

    and if you forgot your email of this game... well you shouldint forget such a things. (yea Im too have several abandoned emails, but they were not used for games)

    Acting right? and giving ppl who been playing honestly a heart attack after playing for ages?!

    if an acount is **** its the owner's damn fault for not changing the pass ...
    We don't need pwi to be changing passes like we're little kids who need somethin do it for em !! and if we are ..its our own damn business
  • nopuls
    nopuls Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    i cannot remember which email i used for my main (=oldest) account, and i now i cannot log in anymore.

    allready sent a mail, but i guess it will take a terribly long time to answer all those mails (would have been nice to play a couple of hours on the weekend after a 50hours week).

    i really cannot support pwi's choice in just changing our passwords.
    announcing it ingame wouldn't have been very difficult and at least people who are online every now and then would have had a chance to change the passwords themselves.

    i would at least get some more spare time if i won't get a response with a working method to activate my account again, as i won't bother starting all over again.

    if this is pwe's way to try to get people starting one of their other games i am not sure it will work very well as it seems to **** many people off and i for one wouldn't ever want to have to do anything with this company again.
  • Talayoki - Heavens Tear
    Talayoki - Heavens Tear Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    nopuls wrote: »
    if this is pwe's way to try to get people starting one of their other games i am not sure it will work very well as it seems to **** many people off and i for one wouldn't ever want to have to do anything with this company again.

    I dont think so, cuz u can use ur PWI account also for other games, so if ur account is "broken", it's for all games broken...or am I wrong?
  • Ayunna - Sanctuary
    Ayunna - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    What bothers me the most is my password was reset 5-6 days ago and I have yet to receive a reply from PWI when I sent my first email. I am now on my THIRD EMAIL to them and the only reply I got was "try the reset page" well... OBVIOUSLY I did that. IJS. Ontop of that, the reset page just *won't* send my email anything. I checked the inbox, I checked the junk page, I added allllll of PWI's emails to my contants list, and still, the only email I ever receive from PWI is a 'DON'T RESPOND TO THIS" emails. I'm aware that there is limited staff for this sort of thing, but how long would it have taken for someone to manually send those reset emails to the corresponding accounts? Really, 30 seconds MAX per account, and I mean, that's if you're doing it on dial up. It's x2 now and I have no account to farm with or do the daily events which will end in a couple of days. Seems a little unfair. Especially when this game revolves around how much we spend, which I spend WAY too much to be locked out of my account for a week and counting.

    At *least* someone made a thread about it, thank you for that, at least. Somehow I am supposed to feel better that this is happening to everyone and not just me. :\
  • Hideori - Lost City
    Hideori - Lost City Posts: 530 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    polipoop wrote: »
    Acting right? and giving ppl who been playing honestly a heart attack after playing for ages?!

    if an acount is **** its the owner's damn fault for not changing the pass ...
    We don't need pwi to be changing passes like we're little kids who need somethin do it for em !! and if we are ..its our own damn business

    as I heard - not anymore. as one of GMs said its not even a keyloger. so I actually starting to believe that it becomes not a players fault anymore. its something about real hacks, but I dont understand anything about this. those hacks I heard about probably are the case of this password changing stuff.
    i cannot remember which email i used for my main (=oldest) account, and i now i cannot log in anymore.

    send a ticket and explain everything. there's security question which only you could know, so it shouldint be too difficult to prove that you are the real owner of your acc.
  • polipoop
    polipoop Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'm done with this company if i dont get password back ..and yes !! i know the word to reset my pass ...but i cant even **** log on my acc -.-'''''''
  • ThunderHulk - Dreamweaver
    ThunderHulk - Dreamweaver Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    6 hrs and counting waiting for email to help with this topic........b:angryb:angryb:angry

    would be nice if pw as a company actually put some of there profits into CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES.

    without your fan base your game will crash and with stupid mistakes like oh dear we reset hundreds of ppls account passwords so sorry.... like the apology covers the amount of annoyance it has caused...

    would be nice if anyone ( gm/mod/anyone with a clue) would actually give us a clue to why and how this happened and what you going to do about it....b:angry
  • damo00
    damo00 Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    ok enough is enough, PWI as far as can be seen alot of accounts have been hyjacked NOT by hackers but by PWI, with all the time, coin & CASH invested in our main char's & all attatched assets. Its starting to feel like THEFT. IF my bank hyjacked & changed pin/pass without pior warning they would have authorities breathing down their necks, quick smart.

    As for the holier than thou ppl who point out lack of Active Email addresses - Get REAL, IT is one of the most rapidly changing things around with takeovers, merges etc within the IT world....May smaller Email providers have changed over the last 3 yrs. Result untraceable email address.

    Would be better to let us log in with extended security lock until current Email address verified etc, to solve problem NOT mass lock outs

    FIX IT PLEASE times a ticking
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    All I had to do, after freaking out a little, was click "reset my password". Do those who sent a request the reset their passwords after not being able to log in with their known one, not get a reset email?
  • luxanimo
    luxanimo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    All I had to do, after freaking out a little, was click "reset my password". Do those who sent a request the reset their passwords after not being able to log in with their known one, not get a reset email?

    No, and I know the e-mail it's to be sent to, as well. I've clicked it numerous times, rechecked the e-mail address, and sent it some more. I've sent in tickets from that e-mail address so I know it's valid and working. I have my spam settings specifically set for PWI e-mails, so that if it IS considered spam, I'll get it either way.

    But nothing! I thought maybe it was the system, so I sent it to my other accounts' e-mail and those sent just fine, but it just will not send to my Main account. And it's very frustrating when you send in multiple tickets and it takes them 9837489234 years to respond when you're sitting here, freaking out over your account being locked from you because of a security issue and not knowing about it. I put too much money into my Main account to be locked out.

    I want to reset my password, and I want this stupid issue fixed, and I want it now. b:cryb:angry
  • _Redemption_ - Sanctuary
    _Redemption_ - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    All I had to do, after freaking out a little, was click "reset my password". Do those who sent a request the reset their passwords after not being able to log in with their known one, not get a reset email?

    What about the players who have forgotten their old email account where the password reset link was sent?
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    What about the players who have forgotten their old email account where the password reset link was sent?

    Best solution in that case would be to email and explain the situation as well as ask them to change the email address registered with the account and reset the password. Good luck!
  • claudiii90
    claudiii90 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    naah its just annoying.

    I really wanna be online atm. Anni just started double drops starts too. and we will miss it because the GMs chosed to change passwords 1 day before -.-
    and right some of us cnat remember the email or cnat log in. my email says password is wrong, i didnt changed it but yea i cnat get the new password beause of this email thing.

    i just think its a really stupid action to change passwords from us without letting us now. i mean THATS the first game ever which changed ur OWN passwords o.O and 1 night later they think: aaah **** forgot we need to elt em know, come lets wrte fast a forum post... i mean LOL

    i remember my email and i know my password. but this email wont let me log in. i tryd to change the email so many times on website but they wont let us do it. now, when its to late they say change ur email etc. i think its bit dumb and wrong timing or this "pw-reset-action"
    If u not lucky u dun get a answer till anni is over. we missed everything =.= and thats for palyer who are here over 3 years

    i sended mail with ym new email to the support but to be honest i dun really believe on the fast answer like they say and pricde with " 24 hours" i wait now almost over 1 day. i got nothing and in LiveChat they just tell u to go on ur main account. but how when ur (actually mine) mein account is locked?-.-

    fail. if they dun fix it im done with pwi.
  • vincentwhipkey
    vincentwhipkey Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Right after i moved i sent the GM's a ticket stating that i had changed my email addy. THEY CAME INTO GAME PORTED ME TO HER and had me verify the new email. Now i'm locked out of the game because my email is now reset to my original email addy. AND someone decided i was gonna change my password weither i like it or not. This major "incovience" isn't the players faults, the the GM's!! dont talk down to us because you guy got a wild hair up your ***'s!! All were asking for is that you open your damn mail box and start AT THE VERY LEAST replying to our emails so we know something is going on with out accounts, that many of us have sunk Tons of money into. a little Customer Support if you will.........Thanks
  • annela08081987
    annela08081987 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    why the hell u pwi do that to us????i lost my lvl 102 sin with rank gear i just got!!!and now i cant even receive password recovery in my "mail??????i have sending it for hundreds of times now,all day long.....and my lvl 100 cleric i just lvl'ed for double drops????i cant even remember my @mails or the hell u think i can get it bak????
    i needed to use my account without any chars to post this on forums???can u please reply me to this want acc back.this is a damn nice gift at pwi anniversary day.this i a damn good day to sue all this pwi companyb:angryb:cryb:angry
  • claudiii90
    claudiii90 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    i needed to use my account without any chars to post this on forums???can u please reply me to this want acc back.this is a damn nice gift at pwi anniversary day.this i a damn good day to sue all this pwi companyb:angryb:cryb:angry

    same. im annoyd too but more becus i want stuff back -.- + anni stuff. they chosed a wrong timing and its just dumb i sended already 2 tickets, sitll no answer and in LiveCaht noone answer either for ages.

    this is wat i call "awesome support" seriously. they even dun care about this aslong they get their facking money ppl spend in this game. b:angry

    just annoys me. kinda thinking bout quitting even playing orsaken world of being bored now-.-
  • claudiii90
    claudiii90 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Best solution in that case would be to email and explain the situation as well as ask them to change the email address registered with the account and reset the password. Good luck!

    and how long we gotta wait? days, weeks month or years? this costumer support just sucks dude. lol
  • _Redemption_ - Sanctuary
    _Redemption_ - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Best solution in that case would be to email and explain the situation as well as ask them to change the email address registered with the account and reset the password. Good luck!

    it just keeps asking me for more info, this is getting tiresome, I just want my 3 years! account back.

    completely unacceptable.
This discussion has been closed.