Gamescon Reportage: Gamers stink.

elapidae01 Posts: 0 Arc User
edited August 2011 in Off-Topic Discussion
Here a serious reportage about the Gamescon in Germany. It caused a big discussion today among the german gamecommunity.

The reportage calls all gamers basicly ****, unhygienic and without any social life. I thought first its a parody...however i was wrong. It was streamed as a normal reportage on the news. The reporter stated today (after the first videos appeared) that Gamers are all sick in their mind, they look like idiots and they smell that way as well..since everyone makes such a big fuss around it, then it has to be true.

Note: This reporter did belong to a rightist extremist party. He left them with a reason that he has to have a clean image for his current workplace as a reporter.

Now, dont think every german player thinks that way (i'm one of them). Actually its them who made the reporter and the girl close their facebook accounts. Same goes for the television transmitter, whose homepage crashed today like 6 times due to many complains.

With english subs. At the beginning it starts a bit of funny..but in the end i just wanted to hit this ***** face.
German Version with english subs

Here is the original german Version...its about to explode. You get like 150 comments every minute:
German Version without subs

RTL-Reporter says:
"I personally believe gamescom visitors and gamers are a humorless folk."

"The reactions of the gamers don't bother me. Because it was obviously not serious and was highlighted even with silly music, as one or the other commentator even remarked admirably. I rather suspect that too many computer games cause an effect on speech understanding. " So it was not serious? Why streaming it then on a serious programm/news?

"My grandma always said, affected dogs bark."

"I think the whole Daddel-freaks (degrading name for gamers) here. traveled directly from Wacken (its a location for Heavy-Metal concerts) to the gamescom . They look like them. And smell like them."
Now making fun of Metal-fans even?

"After what some freaks wrote me, I think we should have addressed their majority even harder. Many sick minds among them."
What happend to YOUR humor sense, sir?

"So in our report we made fun of handful people. People running with knives and mashine guns toys gathering together. I think if you decide to present yourself this way in public, then you have to live with the critic and comments about it. "

"I'm not complaining about that you are all upset but the way you speak, shows me only that i was right about it"

He disabled his facebook account this morning and removed all his comments about it. RTL wrote an appologize letter that honestly sounds like a piece of sh~..poo

RTL said they are not responsible for this guys replies and they dont reflect RTLs point of view.

The site reached 8k complains.
RTL-Homepage got **** on thursday.

However, Anonymous (hacker group) gave out a public warning (used this time unknown link, so it doesnt get deleted that fast), that they will go against this media propaganda. Now, i'm not sure if its true or not.
Maybe its just a bad joke tho, which served its purpose.
RTL-Admins are alarmed now (after thursdays attack), haha

Anonymous warning:
Post edited by elapidae01 on


  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Her tan looks really unnatural.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Valkyrie_Sw - Archosaur
    Valkyrie_Sw - Archosaur Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    can you tell me what is GAMESCON?
    Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Oh noes, those boys didn't manage to pick up a girl. b:sad

    I'm sure that was totally their whole purpose in going, too. b:surrender
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Did she say something? I was too busy undressing her with my eyes..
  • Liandri - Lothranis
    Liandri - Lothranis Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Fair enough if she had a clue what a game was, bet she's never spent over an hour on a game and 90% of Males who can see past her average beauty to what a stuck up **** she is wouldn't bother dating her, the attitude which comes along with the good looks doesn't out weigh the pro's. I've been there done that with a few girls.
    Liten Men Tuff
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    who cares b:chuckle
    most man and girl that play 12/5 on a net near my office all look handsome and beautiful
    plus lots perfume smell (with all those counter strike, moba, dance dance loud voice)

    on my school days, there a genius that only spent about 3 or 4 hour in house for bath
    and spent the rest of the day on school and net cafe (mostly net cafe)
    now he working in australia while doing college
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Fair enough if she had a clue what a game was, bet she's never spent over an hour on a game and 90% of Males who can see past her average beauty to what a stuck up **** she is wouldn't bother dating her, the attitude which comes along with the good looks doesn't out weigh the pro's. I've been there done that with a few girls.
    An attractive female with a bitchy attitude is totally worth it, if you know how to deal with it.

    The secret is to stop them early. Whenever they start with the attitude you have to stop them quickly before they build up momentum, cause once they do, there's no stopping them.

    Also people who try to stick to the stigma of the pale underweight/overweight gamer living in his mom's basement are stupid. Maybe like 20 years ago that might have held some truth, but in this day and age everyone plays video games. EVERYONE.

    They're only trying to build publicity by doing this and it'll probably work. I actually kind of feel bad for this girl. It's obvious that they're sacrificing her to build viewers. They'll release this video, and then there will be a huge outrage, and they'll fire the girl. All while gaining a ton of viewers, as soon as this was approved it was obvious this would happen, they knew there would be an outrage.

    can you tell me what is GAMESCON?

    Some gaming convention in germany, I think it's kinda big. They hosted the LoL IEM finals last weekend, as well as a bunch of other tournaments.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Evinerre - Lost City
    Evinerre - Lost City Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Why does German always sound so angry b:sad

    These people look normal to me, what the hell is wrong with these news people. Them and the woman with the big **** forehead. She ain't as pretty as she thinks she is.
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Just stupid reporters being stupid. What's new?
  • DarkPlaces - Harshlands
    DarkPlaces - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Lol. RTL (the channel) is famous for catering to the dumbest part of the population. The program mostly consists of reality shows and commercials. If the people who watch this were any dumber, you'd have to water them.

    As a german, I want to stress the fact that this program doesn't represent a german majority. It only represents what some fail TV "journalists" are prepared to do to make their idiot viewers feel superior.

    And as for the girls attractiveness, I've seen better. Many times.
  • HotSnow - Dreamweaver
    HotSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Rawrgh got the point. Actually they released it already 5 days ago.

    If you go to an interview and they ask you "what are you doing in your freetime"...will you answer you play games? Probably not, and that even tho almost everyone plays games nowadays.
    Playing games online is associated with lack of social life (friends, relationship) and a disturbed personality. At least thats what older generation, people with low education degree and the business branche thinks...and this reportage just tried to comfirm this thinking.

    Did you see the news about the recent homicidal maniac in Oslo? They wrote "he is an extremist and plays a wargame WoW" in ALL newspapers. Just because they went to his facebookaccount and saw that he "liked" this game. And yes, they used Extremist and this game in ONE sentence, which makes obvious what they intending to say.
    Now lets take a look at the beginning of this reportage (3 armored guys with toy-weapons) what would people think now after seeing those?

    The reporter of this poo wrote yesterday: They run around with their pistols and their knifes...those people are just not right in their heads and sick.

    Fact is the gameindustry is bigger than the movie- or TV-industry. Alot of young people actually dont watch TV anymore (like me), because their TV shows insult their intelligence. I dont think i'm the only one. Noone in my class watches TV anymore...means the TV-industry lacks probably some "sales" lately. Maybe thats why they trying to pull this card (and that on news to give it more accuracity). Honestly I think it was a targeted Propaganda to demonstrate a cliche.

    The interviewed people... I feel really sorry for them, they didnt know what they been asked about. They made a laughingstock out of front of thousands of people.

    PS: its elapidae01
  • DrDrakken - Lost City
    DrDrakken - Lost City Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    And whats with the hostess trying to make opinions for other people o.o
    (best i could do T_T)
    b:cryYou were the best CM everb:cry

    August 12 - I'm officially 15 b:pleased
  • HotSnow - Dreamweaver
    HotSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    And whats with the hostess trying to make opinions for other people o.o

    She is basicly stating that she sees only 3 kind of "nerds".

    1. Those who wear costumes
    2. Those who are introverted and shy
    3. Those who dont use the bath regulary

    She studies religon btw. So much for tolerance and love, right?
  • Lesthar - Heavens Tear
    Lesthar - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,045 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Thanks for the video elapidae01...

    Well, the first thing I want to say is that this so-called documentary is rather pathetic. Of course it's filmed in a game convention, so only the most passionate guys will be there, including cosplayers.

    That student girl is such a hypocrite. She must be well-paid to pose for pictures (and don't forget she was only chosen for her looks), but has quite an awful way of thinking. If she looks down on the business (that ultimately gives her her little paycheck for smiling and giving fake kisses) and its end-chain consumers (the gamers, indeed), she better go find money elsewhere.

    Now, as for gamers not be willing to dress properly, not having girlfriends and/or no proper hygiene (bad body odor...urgh... a shower is not an ordeal), it's not like they are looking for trouble anyway. But hey, is that so much a problem for the reporters? I think so, The TV guys point at them, ask the most irrelevant questions and strongly entice the viewers to get disgust, mockery and hatred towards one part of the gaming population. Thank that broadcasting company for adding more extremism to the world... I am sure if they were to make a documentary on heavy metal fans, this would be the exact same pattern and result.

    To add on this, I especially wonder if the interviewed people were scanned and focused on because they are 'different'? I am sure they went through lots of people and removed the more 'correct' ones.

    I sincerely hate that facet of TV... It's all about sensationalism, the fear of others, stereotyping and shunning others. b:surrender
    She is basicly stating that she sees only 3 kind of "nerds".

    1. Those who wear costumes
    2. Those who are introverted and shy
    3. Those who dont use the bath regulary

    She studies religon btw. So much for tolerance and love, right?

    Of all sort of studies? Religion? Now that is funny. I do think she is not fit for that even.
    Maintenance time. Please choose a line:
    - When is it over? OMG I need my fix!! *super spazzing*
    - Fix the damn bugs, dammit! I'm so angry! I'll quit!!
    - New codes out there? I like free stuff~ *wink*
    - When will we get new content? QQ
    - Will we get sales? I got a ton of gold to spend.
    - I'm bored, I'll create a useless thread to annoy Opkorock.
    - *Incessant poking on Sweetiebot* Fun~
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Ela, why are you not using your usual avatar b:question

    und ich liebe dich :3
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge:
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • Lesthar - Heavens Tear
    Lesthar - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,045 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Rawrgh got the point. Actually they released it already 5 days ago.

    If you go to an interview and they ask you "what are you doing in your freetime"...will you answer you play games? Probably not, and that even tho almost everyone plays games nowadays.
    Playing games online is associated with lack of social life (friends, relationship) and a disturbed personality. At least thats what older generation, people with low education degree and the business branche thinks...and this reportage just tried to comfirm this thinking.

    Did you see the news about the recent homicidal maniac in Oslo? They wrote "he is an extremist and plays a wargame WoW" in ALL newspapers. Just because they went to his facebookaccount and saw that he "liked" this game. And yes, they used Extremist and this game in ONE sentence, which makes obvious what they intending to say.
    Now lets take a look at the beginning of this reportage (3 armored guys with toy-weapons) what would people think now after seeing those?

    The reporter of this poo wrote yesterday: They run around with their pistols and their knifes...those people are just not right in their heads and sick.

    Fact is the gameindustry is bigger than the movie- or TV-industry. Alot of young people actually dont watch TV anymore (like me), because their TV shows insult their intelligence. I dont think i'm the only one. Noone in my class watches TV anymore...means the TV-industry lacks probably some "sales" lately. Maybe thats why they trying to pull this card (and that on news to give it more accuracity). Honestly I think it was a targeted Propaganda to demonstrate a cliche.

    The interviewed people... I feel really sorry for them, they didnt know what they been asked about. They made a laughingstock out of front of thousands of people.

    PS: its elapidae01

    I do think that some part of the population wants others to keep believing that gaming should remain a taboo, that it's cool to add a gratuitous diss over the videogame world when talking about a terrorist (the example you gave), that people having toy weapons and costumes are either a bunch or weirdoes or hooligans... At least they were not called terro wannabes... but that could have been the case.

    I am sorry, but those channels that produce 'reality shows' and such documentaries with a high shocking value are the worst around, since they go for cheapshots, utter stupidity, unhealthy ways of describing the world (especially when it comes to peeping and deforming the truth) and make money out of this. The world needs exactly the inverse.

    Since I really feel this is more brain downgrading than anything else, I really would not want to watch that kind of poopy (to remain polite) show. That said, it sure was successful, since it made quite a buzz and that we are discussing about it.
    Maintenance time. Please choose a line:
    - When is it over? OMG I need my fix!! *super spazzing*
    - Fix the damn bugs, dammit! I'm so angry! I'll quit!!
    - New codes out there? I like free stuff~ *wink*
    - When will we get new content? QQ
    - Will we get sales? I got a ton of gold to spend.
    - I'm bored, I'll create a useless thread to annoy Opkorock.
    - *Incessant poking on Sweetiebot* Fun~
  • HotSnow - Dreamweaver
    HotSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Ela, why are you not using your usual avatar b:question

    und ich liebe dich :3

    Tbh it was an accident. I just logged on this char to see if i still know the password and forgot to relog.

    :D i miss you!


    As i know the TV-channel reached 7000 complains so far and they sent a cheap appology, that sounds like a stupid standard response. As well we shouldnt forget, its them who allowed to stream it in the first place, not the reporter.

    I think noone expected such a public offense towards the game community in their own territory. They never did any harm to anyone.

    I dont think this girl recieved any money for this. I think she just likes to be in front of the camera, maybe they gave her their business card as well, so she did what they expected from her to do.

    Actually she went to another reportage after that (with another camera team, which shows how much she loves to be in the middle of attention) and claimed there is a train passage from Berlin to New York....very smart girl as it seems.

    Note: According to WALLSTREET the stock price of RTL (the channel) was kissing the floor since 3 weeks. Ofcourse everyones stock price dropped alot 3 weeks ago. However, since 2 days (the first Youtube video appeared 2 days ago) it went back up to the price where it was 3 weeks ago...while others are still on same position. Now, i'm not really sure if its a coincidence, since other TV-channels have still the same stock price. Maybe its a Paris Hilton-Effect...
  • Lesthar - Heavens Tear
    Lesthar - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,045 Arc User
    edited August 2011

    As i know the TV-channel reached 7000 complains so far and they sent a cheap appology, that sounds like a stupid standard response. As well we shouldnt forget, its them who allowed to stream it in the first place, not the reporter.

    I think noone expected such a public offense towards the game community in their own territory. They never did any harm to anyone.

    I dont think this girl recieved any money for this. I think she just likes to be in front of the camera, maybe they gave her their business card as well, so she did what they expected from her to do.

    Actually she went to another reportage after that (with another camera team, which shows how much she loves to be in the middle of attention) and claimed there is a train passage from Berlin to New York....very smart girl as it seems.

    Note: According to WALLSTREET the stock price of RTL (the channel) was kissing the floor since 3 weeks. Ofcourse everyones stock price dropped alot 3 weeks ago. However, since 2 days (the first Youtube video appeared 2 days ago) it went back up to the price where it was 3 weeks ago...while others are still on same position. Now, i'm not really sure if its a coincidence, since other TV-channels have still the same stock price. Maybe its a Paris Hilton-Effect...

    I do believe that gamers and that girl were so much impressed by the fact they were filmed that they forgot to put the brakes on. So they said too much and of course that surely made the TV higher ups rub their hands and grin like madmen in satisfaction. The latter got exactly what they wanted.

    As for the apology, of course, it's just words. Damage has been done already. They won't lose any viewers out of this... It will happen again. And then, if it's complaints from gamers, of course they don't care about the impact the whole show created.

    The reporter only cares about her paycheck, but her reputation must not be high nowadays (unless she indeed aims for a shady reputation, which sells). As for the TV channel, as others said above, it seems they like to rely on garbage and it must work (yep, popularity via idiocy can work... MTV and some of its mind-destroying shows are the exact same). Ah, the world's decadence...
    Maintenance time. Please choose a line:
    - When is it over? OMG I need my fix!! *super spazzing*
    - Fix the damn bugs, dammit! I'm so angry! I'll quit!!
    - New codes out there? I like free stuff~ *wink*
    - When will we get new content? QQ
    - Will we get sales? I got a ton of gold to spend.
    - I'm bored, I'll create a useless thread to annoy Opkorock.
    - *Incessant poking on Sweetiebot* Fun~
  • AnimaBlanc - Sanctuary
    AnimaBlanc - Sanctuary Posts: 555 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    One extreme vs. another extreme.
    Millionairs fair:

    Everyone walks around drooling over jacht's, boats, expensive jewelry, "fasion", real estate, stock markets, profit gaining new insentives and ... champagne.

    they do nothing but talk and make empty promisess.

    they look like they just rolled out of a barbie and ken box.

    Botox is their main financier.

    and millions of fish were killed to support their unhealthy habit of thinking caviar is actually worth eating.


    Idk about you but, they all do the same except in the complete opposite ways.
    TV "investigations" and reports aren't worth believing to begin with.
    as much as every TV station trys to be non biased, they all are, or else we wouldn't have as many TV shows.

    And if by that reporters/ interview standards: Gaming = no social life = no hygiene = no love life.
    and given the extreme Vs. extreme I'd rather pick the above mentioned scenario above:
    Money = no compassion (cause hey, money takes time) = smelling like a perfume store (gee you would actually show signs you were human for once?) = pretentious sex life. (cause my husband would rather look at a barbie botox version than the real me)

    (Sidenote and TL;DR : by all means i do not -mean- to paint all people with alot of money bad people, just to illustrate the "average" man/woman point of view. Where there's one extreme there's always another to counter it. neither one is wrong or right, It's all in personal preference. for example, my mom's with a rich dude yet she still shops at a second hand store for the simple joy of bargain hunting and he refuses to pay more than necesairy. *shrugs* and I couldn't care less XD)
    All you need is something to believe in. -Solar_one. <-- <3 mah snoockums, mah hubby, mah eberyfing. :3

    Lag; You think yours is bad ? It took Jesus 3 days to Respawn !
    "Current games aren't -games- anymore, just light shows operated by win buttons, lol."
    "ah sh*t, were gonna die!.... but it's still cool!" -INTMDATOR
  • Shinsetsu - Lothranis
    Shinsetsu - Lothranis Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    One extreme vs. another extreme.
    Millionairs fair:

    Everyone walks around drooling over jacht's, boats, expensive jewelry, "fasion", real estate, stock markets, profit gaining new insentives and ... champagne.

    they do nothing but talk and make empty promisess.

    they look like they just rolled out of a barbie and ken box.

    Botox is their main financier.

    and millions of fish were killed to support their unhealthy habit of thinking caviar is actually worth eating.


    Idk about you but, they all do the same except in the complete opposite ways.
    TV "investigations" and reports aren't worth believing to begin with.
    as much as every TV station trys to be non biased, they all are, or else we wouldn't have as many TV shows.

    And if by that reporters/ interview standards: Gaming = no social life = no hygiene = no love life.
    and given the extreme Vs. extreme I'd rather pick the above mentioned scenario above:
    Money = no compassion (cause hey, money takes time) = smelling like a perfume store (gee you would actually show signs you were human for once?) = pretentious sex life. (cause my husband would rather look at a barbie botox version than the real me)

    (Sidenote and TL;DR : by all means i do not -mean- to paint all people with alot of money bad people, just to illustrate the "average" man/woman point of view. Where there's one extreme there's always another to counter it. neither one is wrong or right, It's all in personal preference. for example, my mom's with a rich dude yet she still shops at a second hand store for the simple joy of bargain hunting and he refuses to pay more than necesairy. *shrugs* and I couldn't care less XD)

    *Starts clapping slowly and waits for a build up*
    "The road to hell is paved with good intentions"

    Shinsetsu - lothranis (FR Main)
    ShinSein - Harshland (Alt/Main)
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Why the hell people keep watching TV anyway? It's boring and stupid, makes your brain burn and not interact with others O_o

    It's proven than nowadays atleast 60% of the American population plays a game (whatever game).

    I consider my self a gamer, but I'm not an otaku/fan of em or whatever, I spend most of the day at work and at university than playing games. I go out and have fun with friends, yet I get my time to enjoy my self in an peacefull-relaxing-game (which is not the case of PWI on weekends due to TW which I yet love haha).

    What this reportage did was simply show off the nerd community that plays games O_o - yes I know you will go all pedantic "define nerd" and what not but its true.
    I see people obsessed with games and I mean 24/7 they speak of Wii, XBox, Nintendo, PSP, Playstation, blah blah blah all day long - which is the kind of people they're talking about.

    The ones that do not go eat to keep playing even if they're about to faint, the ones that wake up and turn on the computer to see if their farm grew or something or they got a new cow, the ones that even though they invite people to a party they play an online game at someone's home as their "party". - not all the gaming comunity is like this.


    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Lesthar - Heavens Tear
    Lesthar - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,045 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    To AnimaBlanc: You forgot to state that many, of not most celebrities like to have a new life partner after some months or years (loyalty for eternity when it comes to them? Don't make me laugh)... but also fake that they are really helping the world while keeping their own bank account intact, if they are not feeding weird cults, that is.

    To Yamiino: I just watched TV for the daily news. I may also watch broadcasted sport and documentaries on the world (about foreign countries and their places of interest, past great civilizations and the animal world). The rest is rather stale to me.
    Maintenance time. Please choose a line:
    - When is it over? OMG I need my fix!! *super spazzing*
    - Fix the damn bugs, dammit! I'm so angry! I'll quit!!
    - New codes out there? I like free stuff~ *wink*
    - When will we get new content? QQ
    - Will we get sales? I got a ton of gold to spend.
    - I'm bored, I'll create a useless thread to annoy Opkorock.
    - *Incessant poking on Sweetiebot* Fun~
  • Asgardeus - Sanctuary
    Asgardeus - Sanctuary Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I gotta agree with a poster from the previous page: RTL is a channel that is famous for reality shows. So many faked shows, and it's really catering the *idiotic* audiency. Those ones that enjoy seeing drama, fights or embarassment of others.

    As for this report... This should never have been allowed to be broadcasted. It's insulting, generalizing and just making fun of people. Seriously, that girl not only insults that gamer by criticizing his looks, no, she, even calls him 'it'. And all those commentaries by the moderator... way too biased. You just can not make fun of people like this. But then.. somewhen said he's a right extremist... so ya.... let's not go any deeper.
    RTL should have really kept their brains together and never ever broadcasted this.

    And you know what's funny? The anime cosplay scene runs around masked and in costumes too. And noone calls them no life nerds.
    I think it's up to everoyne personally what to tihnk of this. A big TV show shouldn't broadcast such biased, faked material. Way to **** up...
  • Empu - Sanctuary
    Empu - Sanctuary Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Maybe I should take a shower after each bh/vana/tt :O
    elapidae01 wrote: »
    since everyone makes such a big fuss around it, then it has to be true.

    This made me lol
  • HotSnow - Dreamweaver
    HotSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Well, i think i can translate you what the reporter said, before he HAD to applogize (sorry for a messed up translation, i used google translator and then edited it one by one, hope its still understandable)
    "I personally believe gamescom visitors and gamers are a humorless folk."

    "The reactions of the gamers don't bother me. Because it was obviously not serious and was highlighted even with silly music, as one or the other commentator even remarked admirably. I rather suspect that too many computer games cause an effect on speech understanding. " So it was not serious? Why streaming it then on a serious programm/news?

    "My grandma always said, affected dogs bark."

    "I think the whole Daddel-freaks (degrading name for gamers) here. traveled directly from Wacken (its a location for Heavy-Metal concerts) to the gamescom . They look like them. And smell like them."
    Now making fun of Metal-fans even?

    "After what some freaks wrote me, I think we should have addressed their majority even harder. Many sick minds among them."
    What happend to YOUR humor sense, sir?

    "So in our report we made fun of handful people. People running with knives and mashine guns toys gathering together. I think if you decide to present yourself this way in public, then you have to live with the critic and comments about it. "

    "I'm not complaining about that you are all upset but the way you speak, shows me only that i was right about it"

    He disabled his facebook account this morning and removed all his comments about it. RTL wrote an appologize letter that honestly sounds like a piece of sh~..poo

    RTL said they are not responsible for this guys replies and they dont reflect RTLs point of view.

    The site reached 8k complains.
    RTL-Homepage-Server got **** on thursday several times.

    However, Anonymous (hacker group) gave out a public warning (used this time unknown link, so it doesnt get deleted that fast), that they will go against this public offense. Now, i'm not sure if its true or not. We will look like the bad guys in the end..again. Maybe its just a bad joke tho, which served its purpose.
    RTL-Admins are alarmed now, haha