IS farming dead?



  • rustyspade
    rustyspade Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Why would you go farm mats and herbs ,,when some dum azz r9 playere comes along and pk's ya .
    Ask them why ,and reply ..i am bored !!!!
    Ask them how long they be playing game ,,,most reply: less than 6 months

    6 months = lv 102 or higher these days .
    well i feel pw has did all of us BAD ,by making it so easy to lv,and to go higher than 100 with out a good credit card ,almost imposable today ...

    pw ,,why not make it like tt , to get r9 tokens ??????????,,i know it hurts your pocket book ,,but lets get real ...
    2 yrs ago ,i really liked this game ,,had lots of freinds ,,,and i am thinking of following them, to another game ,,that is not so MONEY HUNGRY !!!
    and the GM's REALLY DO CARE , what is happening in game AND if you what ,GOOD GEAR ,earn it !!
  • Odovacer - Dreamweaver
    Odovacer - Dreamweaver Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Kinda sad that some interesting aspects of the game (TT and Lunar for ex.) are so under utilised in the game. I suppose there is an evolution as a server matures, but there is some blame to be handed out for having items available in Boutique instead of forcing players to make their own. Buying reputation is just wrong on so many levels, but getting high Rank gear without doing so is virtually impossible. I like farming and enjoyed the farming for early TT gear, but as mentioned previously, it's very hard to get a party to help you. And for what? No one wants TT gear anymore anyway, Rank or Nirvvy, that seems about it.
  • endlesspsy
    endlesspsy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    They need to release a new instance after nirvana. Its time
  • /aron - Dreamweaver43
    /aron - Dreamweaver43 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Not exactly sure what ya mean. I am on the Dreamweaver PvE server and all they do is sell FC runs.. so much so that finding a squad for BHs and TT runs is frustrating and takes forever.

    As far as actual farming, many people still do it.. personally, I have a hard time selling TT mats (gold, green, or otherwise) so I tend to stay away from it but people make a ton on herbs, powders, and some mats.
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    hanfknolle wrote: »
    3-2 3-3 for sure but green mats are nearly dead at us :) Tsu's Ghost Mask was 800k at us near to 1mil dropped to 100-200k each.

    Forshuras hook was 400-500k now 150-200k.

    Gold Mats are still well priced but hard to get without 2x Drop
    and Red Mats well 50-100mil

    Gold and Red mats are still worth a run or two per day for the chance to obtain 'em w/ a quick squad, even if it's not 2x drops. If I solo TTs, I normally aim for 2-3's Arms and 3-3's Minister Stones. I can make a pretty penny very quickly, even if it's not 2x drops.
  • Marlenee - Sanctuary
    Marlenee - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Honestly power leveling to 105 servers no purpose except to rush to total boredom.

    I do farm on my mains and alts:

    1 - Plants for potions for alts / Mines for wine (resale) / Mines for molders (resale)

    2 - Molders (for crafting > selling)

    3 - Farm for Shards in FC > to put in items I craft > to boost price a tiny bit

    4 - Farm for Mirages in TT > to put in items I craft > to boost price a tiny bit

    5 - Farm for mats that help my smaller alts craft and sell w/o my mains name on them

    6 - Farm Solo lunar for items to combine into the higher level mat (for resale)

    7 - Farm for DQ using lower alts > vend

    8 - Farm mines > to make Subs > to run Solo TT > to sell generic mats/dq

    9 - Farm 1st/2nd Map using quests to help me get items to convert to genie fuel crystals (for resale)

    10 - Farm FC for Green/Gold drops from bosses (green drops can be converted to exp scrolls for resale).

    11 - Farm FBs for Purple 3 Stars / Molders > for resale

    12 - Farm FB89 for books (using Sin).

    etc ... etc...

    I love the farming on the map because of the environment and people I run into. If people would stop rushing to level, and took the time to play the game w/o hypering nonstop, they would find it rather nice.

    Farming isn't dead , Mats are selling soo low now cause of ranks entered the game .and people farming alot easier than before.

    But can u tell me how to farm End game gear Miss Smart ? or how to farm their refines and end game shards with the current Cashshop prices .

    Game was : Gold = 300K coins , TT mats high price , Cashshop items low prices .

    Game now : Gold= 1.2mil coins , TT mats 1/4 to 1/7 old prices , Cashshop items x3 times old prices .

    Have fun with the new century .
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Farming isn't dead , Mats are selling soo low now cause of ranks entered the game .and people farming alot easier than before.

    But can u tell me how to farm End game gear Miss Smart ? or how to farm their refines and end game shards with the current Cashshop prices .

    Game was : Gold = 300K coins , TT mats high price , Cashshop items low prices .

    Game now : Gold= 1.2mil coins , TT mats 1/4 to 1/7 old prices , Cashshop items x3 times old prices .

    Have fun with the new century .
    Be creative, and aggressive. People don't need to hold your hand and tell you how to make coins. Today things are so much easier to get, regardless of gold price. If you're just selling the same mats everyone else is, yeah, obviously your margin for profit is small.
  • Aizza - Harshlands
    Aizza - Harshlands Posts: 719 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Farming isn't dead , Mats are selling soo low now cause of ranks entered the game .and people farming alot easier than before.

    But can u tell me how to farm End game gear Miss Smart ? or how to farm their refines and end game shards with the current Cashshop prices .

    Game was : Gold = 300K coins , TT mats high price , Cashshop items low prices .

    Game now : Gold= 1.2mil coins , TT mats 1/4 to 1/7 old prices , Cashshop items x3 times old prices .

    Have fun with the new century .

    My alts are self-sufficent.... and farm for themselves .. 2 are in NPC gear still because the repair bills eat up their profit as well as buying skills.

    My cleric is 1.5 years old and finally got to lvl 89, but is in lvl 80 gear... Same with my 70 barb and 84 psy (both in NPC gear but over 1.5 years old)

    I try to not imbalance things by FCing them, farming for them using my main, or etc... I find more fun in forcing myself to let them be independent of my main. I do however, give them 1 fashion, aviation and some starting out coin.

    None are ranked except for my old main (R8) and this one (R9). But what this one farms - belongs to this one and etc... I did FC my cleric once she hit 84 ... but at exp room > I opened up the other 4 slots in my squad to guildies, friends and strangers calling out in wc for FC (no cost to them).
  • Aizza - Harshlands
    Aizza - Harshlands Posts: 719 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Sorry I cut most of that off. But you can turn fcc green drops into experience scrolls? Really? How many can you make, how do you exchange/decompose them, and how well do they sell? :x

    It is called an Order of Blessing and you take the Green FC to the Martial Arts NPC:
    Each green, once decomposed, can be exchanged at the Martial Master for 100 orders of blessing. Each blessing is 4k exp, so one green = 400k exp.

    Its just like those square brown/gold chests that drop from GV give you 500 DQ points if you NPC it, or how the Tears of Heaven reward quests in Chronos can be (with a few more mat) traded for Genie food stones (red ones).
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Be creative, and aggressive. People don't need to hold your hand and tell you how to make coins. Today things are so much easier to get, regardless of gold price. If you're just selling the same mats everyone else is, yeah, obviously your margin for profit is small.

    I haven't moved a Single TT mat through my shop in ~3 weeks. It's stocked to the gills with mats. I'm undercutting the shops around me by ~10%, and AH by ~30%.

    If these TT mats were worth anything to vendor, I ****ing well would have done so by now. I can't make gear with them, I can't sell them, they're totally worth less. TT60-90. >_> I WANT to sell my TT60-80 mats so I can buy TT90 mats and make my TT90 ornaments, but... Not gonna happen at this rate. And drop rates suck so bad, the mats I need haven't dropped on the last 8 runs I've done for them, so I'm getting close to giving up and ragequitting again.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • rgog
    rgog Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I haven't moved a Single TT mat through my shop in ~3 weeks.

    People aren't investing in mid level gear anymore because of powerleveling. Most are using AH/3 Star till they make their 99/100 gear
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I haven't moved a Single TT mat through my shop in ~3 weeks. It's stocked to the gills with mats. I'm undercutting the shops around me by ~10%, and AH by ~30%.

    If these TT mats were worth anything to vendor, I ****ing well would have done so by now. I can't make gear with them, I can't sell them, they're totally worth less. TT60-90. >_> I WANT to sell my TT60-80 mats so I can buy TT90 mats and make my TT90 ornaments, but... Not gonna happen at this rate. And drop rates suck so bad, the mats I need haven't dropped on the last 8 runs I've done for them, so I'm getting close to giving up and ragequitting again.

    Ever considering since you personally don't need the mats that you are selling... no one else needs them either?
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Razorburn - Dreamweaver
    Razorburn - Dreamweaver Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Farming isn't entirely dead, but soon will be. Most tt mats are near worthless since most tt equipt is nolonger viable endgame. Rank sale coupled with getting to lv 100 in a few days easily is the main culprit. TT99 is the only gear/ matts still worth anything, but as the vast majority alredy have thiers. an as the vast majority of aps over farm it...well its obious the result. stuff like gba,minister stones, illusion springs, etc have already fallen by 30% or more of the price even 6 months back.