Sins when pvp is fair



  • supertroyman1
    supertroyman1 Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    OOOOOOOOO WOW you ALMOST beat a 90 Sin on your 80 Psy. You must REALLY know what you are talking about end-game then.

    nice to know the trolls r out XD. i stated that fact because that adds up to a gear difference wich always counts. dude only beat me by like 200 hp to so it was about even.

    and just cuz im not some lvl 101 over csed showoof dosnt mean im not right .
  • supertroyman1
    supertroyman1 Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    UM ya have you ever thougt why phycis were created if you want a sin to kill himself by attacking you be a phycic other wise shut up you fail sins are always created for pvp witch makes us suck at pve
    we sins have our own problems and we don't need to be weaker than we already are if your paraniod with sin fear don't pvp jeez how bout you join the seekers i heard rumors of them being anti-sin all in all this is how PWI staff made the game deal withit or go somewhere else that is all i have to say

    um he kinda did have all those buffs.
  • supertroyman1
    supertroyman1 Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    hater Get Out! Sins Damage + Psy Reflection Depletes Your Mp. You Can Use Any Skills. Even If The Reflection Is As Powerful As You Say, He Just Need To Attack Until Dreaden Nerves Ticks, And Use Force Stealth. They Also Have An Op Healing Skill You Know.

    ^highlight the above

    lol this guy gets what i was trying to say b:victory
  • supertroyman1
    supertroyman1 Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    **** wronge quote my bad
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    nice to know the trolls r out XD. i stated that fact because that adds up to a gear difference wich always counts. dude only beat me by like 200 hp to so it was about even.

    and just cuz im not some lvl 101 over csed showoof dosnt mean im not right .

    Your story is a joke because Sin doesn't get stronger linearly with level as you might think with other classes. A 98 Sin can only have 1.82 attacks per second at the most, without using demon spark. And to get that they have to stick with level 80 daggers, else they can ony have 1.67 APS. Do you know how fast a 100+ Sin can attack at? 4 attacks a second, without demon spark, with level 100 daggers.

    Go back to your FC/BH or w/e you 8X do these days. When you are bored, go find a 100+ Sin and see if you can even react before dying.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    hell just the other day i almost beat a 90 sin on my 80 psy

    But Psys are the freaking counter to sins. That's made blatantly obvious by how all of a Psy's skills work.

    If we wanna talk r9 +12 for every class, then hooray, a sin probably stops killing Psys at this point. But that's just one class and that's that class with pimped out gear; +11 gear won't cut it. I'm sure sins lose a little bit of their edge at that point, but r9 +12 isn't exactly easy to obtain, and they'd still be god damn annoying.

    And look at how easy it is to farm for sins. They just have to get their APS up and then they can farm like mad. By the time someone with a wizzie as their main is r9 +12, a sin has already made a r9 +12 of every class.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    There should seriously be a rule about not being allowed to post in a thread about a class being/not being under/overpowered until you've been at endgame for 2 months or longer.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Thread made no sense and the OP wreaked absolute havoc on the English language b:surrender
  • Lalius - Lost City
    Lalius - Lost City Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    It's easy really. The only people not admiting sins are completely op are the ones that either aren't at endgame yet or people who play sins themselves. Because it sucks to admit you are only good at pk because your class is op, not because you are skilled.

    There are basically only 3 genie skills that can help you once they got their first stun in. Domain, which is nice but has a long cooldown and sucks your genie dry. Expel is ok, but a good sin will just stun you through the duration (Tele stun, Occult Ice, glitched Condensed Thorn with Headhunt etc.). Badge Of Courage can work, but does not always succeed, needs a high dex genie and needs other skills to back it up (Fortify works, anti stun pot, natural anti stun class skills etc).

    No matter how you see it, the sin can easily start the fight double sparked and still with 3 sparks left with 50% chance to evade ALL debuffs and a free charm tick instead of a one shot, even against a R9 wiz +12. And while the target has to use up his genie to even survive the initial attack, the sin still has a full genie. And if the sin **** up, there is always shadow escape.

    Everyone who says sins are good as they are, I invite you, come to Lost City and watch cheze fight. He is a player where godly gear meets op class meets strategy meets fast reflexes/overall skill. The only player I know who can take him on the server is Rinc, another sin... Everyone else just fails, even when cheze does not stealth at all. He can usually take out every squad you throw at him on his own, even rank9 players. And no that's not exaggerated...

    btw: Hai DD b:bye Also sick of playing sin in PvP? :p
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I think it's interesting that even the sins are admitting that they're op.

    On other games I've played, if a class is OP then the people who play that class will swear all day long that they are perfectly balanced and not OP.

    When even the sins are admitting that they're OP, you know it's true.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Lalius - Lost City
    Lalius - Lost City Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I think it's interesting that even the sins are admitting that they're op.

    On other games I've played, if a class is OP then the people who play that class will swear all day long that they are perfectly balanced and not OP.

    When even the sins are admitting that they're OP, you know it's true.

    I actually stopped pking on my sin entirely, because I had no fun at all and no feeling of accomplishment, even when I killed better geared players. I pvp on my wiz now and make an archer with my sins gear, because pvping on my sins feels like playing chess and moving two pieces each turn. My sin is my pve slave now and I really enjoy farming and helping other people with him. ;)
  • zamolxis
    zamolxis Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I dont know about assassins, but are they so overpowered in duel too ?
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Majority of 100+ sins claiming that they're OP are alts or second/third chars. In most cases its a butthurt 100+ archer/bm/veno whatever on same account b:chuckle.

    Dont think i ever heard someone that "only played" a sin mentioning how OP the class is. Because well they wouldn't really know since they always been top of the food chain.

    Also where are all the post with 6X-8X sins (joining date 2010-2011) saying the class is perfectly balanced and we need to find strategy's to beat them and duel more. Those guys are my favorite nubcakes.

    Its pretty much common knowledge that sins are way to strong 1v1, specially when u start comparing different classes with R9. People are even slightly embarrassed these days admitting they re-rolled sin for pvp since its considered an easy mode sell-out class. I still luv my OP sin tho b:heart
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    btw: Hai DD b:bye Also sick of playing sin in PvP? :p
    Yup haven't PK'ed on Sin for a couple of months now, and for the same reason you stated.
    I actually stopped pking on my sin entirely, because I had no fun at all and no feeling of accomplishment, even when I killed better geared players. I pvp on my wiz now and make an archer with my sins gear, because pvping on my sins feels like playing chess and moving two pieces each turn. My sin is my pve slave now and I really enjoy farming and helping other people with him. ;)

    Even tho my Sin has been fists for a while, weaker than daggers, 5.0 unsparked with fists still drop most people before they can react. I walk next to someone, press a button, they die. How fun. It's a lot more satisfying taking out a whole group once on my BM than on my Sin.
  • Lalius - Lost City
    Lalius - Lost City Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Seems like old Dreamweaver carebears have some backbone left. b:chuckle I actually still enjoy hitting groups with sage bids more than I could ever enjoy any PvP on my sin. Always been a wizard nerd.

    My archer gonna be 5.0 unsparked (He gets my sins equip via acc stash). I am curious if the claws are of any use in PvP actually, never played an archer before.
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Majority of 100+ sins claiming that they're OP are alts or second/third chars. In most cases its a butthurt 100+ archer/bm/veno whatever on same account b:chuckle.

    Dont think i ever heard someone that "only played" a sin mentioning how OP the class is. Because well they wouldn't really know since they always been top of the food chain.

    Also where are all the post with 6X-8X sins (joining date 2010-2011) saying the class is perfectly balanced and we need to find strategy's to beat them and duel more. Those guys are my favorite nubcakes.

    Its pretty much common knowledge that sins are way to strong 1v1, specially when u start comparing different classes with R9. People are even slightly embarrassed these days admitting they re-rolled sin for pvp since its considered an easy mode sell-out class. I still luv my OP sin tho b:heart

    if you cant beat em join em

    or roll a bard on FW :3
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Radita - Lost City
    Radita - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    i would really lyke to hear a GM opinion on this subject

    > and if they plan anything to do in the near future > because it really is a problem

    > we keep waiting for it to get fixed , hell meny got tired and made sin >

    the thing is > ppl are waiting > at least give an answer. ty.
  • JennaKate - Dreamweaver
    JennaKate - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    * starts QQ'ing * Dont QQ, you can see sins' in stealth, called stealth detection pots... but yea, PvP isn't suppose to be fair, its suppose to be dirty. & btw all classes play dirty.
    NOT JUST TEH SINS, Why does everyone hate on us sexahh sins (; & I do agree with you, those damn hypernoobs wanna just make there sins 105, and most of the servers are sins..... which is sad, honestly any class can kick a APS 105 +18k life sins *** any day. .-. * QQs again* dont hate me because i can stealth gank you.... b:cryb:cryb:cryb:cry
  • SilverCleric - Lost City
    SilverCleric - Lost City Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Plz stop bringing back necroed threads... b:sweat

    And its has to be YET ANOTHER sin QQ thread... don't we get enough of those per day.... -_-"...

    ✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰

    ★ A not so Retired Veteran of PWI ★

    ✰ ~SilverCleric~ ✰
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    you can see sins' in stealth, called stealth detection pot
    Stopped reading right there.

    You need to be at least 1 level above the sin for detect pots to work once they have sage or demon stealth... and if they also happen to be 105 then even other sins can't see them. And nobody's gonna waste their apoth time on detect pots for a chance of seeing a sin only to lose a huge defensive buff that would be able to keep them alive if the sin attacks. Especially considering that if there ISN'T a sin around, you'd have just weakened yourself for everyone else around you.
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    The need of special pots / items just to counter 1 specific class, is sort kind of...

    Anyway being a sin = automatic hate magnet b:shutup
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • JennaKate - Dreamweaver
    JennaKate - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    truekossy wrote: »
    Stopped reading right there.

    You need to be at least 1 level above the sin for detect pots to work once they have sage or demon stealth... and if they also happen to be 105 then even other sins can't see them. And nobody's gonna waste their apoth time on detect pots for a chance of seeing a sin only to lose a huge defensive buff that would be able to keep them alive if the sin attacks. Especially considering that if there ISN'T a sin around, you'd have just weakened yourself for everyone else around you.

    Well.. if nobodys going to waste their apoth time on detect pots for a chance of seeing a sin, then dont QQ when a sin pops out of stealth and kills you, and you dont make stealth detection pots, you get them from event that everyone sells them on my server.
  • _Hardin_ - Heavens Tear
    _Hardin_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Well.. if nobodys going to waste their apoth time on detect pots for a chance of seeing a sin, then dont QQ when a sin pops out of stealth and kills you, and you dont make stealth detection pots, you get them from event that everyone sells them on my server.

    Well, i guess u didnt read the "You need to be atleast 1 lvl above the sin for detection pots to work once they are sage/demon" part. Which most get fast.

    idk if its 1 lvl, or same lvl.

    Either ways, what if im 92 and the sin is what 97, can i still rely on Detection pots?
    I think thats a no. (captain obvious)

    But i dont rly care abt the stealth, what really annoys me is that they can spark in stealth, and the chi gaining skills.

    What was pwi thinking when they made that skill that gives 2 sparks when u use it? rofl
    or how shadow escape doesnt use a spark but GIVES a spark instead? Its like u get something for hiding like a coward after u failed to take out ur prey. WTG pwi for makin' such a killjoy class
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    lol the whole servers hate sin deal with it or gtfo easy mode.

    sin are not needed in a mmo where classes are balanced but whatever keep playing ur OP classb:shutup i am sure u have never played nothing but sin and dono any better.
  • JennaKate - Dreamweaver
    JennaKate - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    @ Hardin;

    What your not understanding is people just QQ because sins can stealth spark, and have skills to gain chi, who cares honestly, and that sins are WAY to OP. every class is OP, well geared, well refined, well socketed, and well played, can make any class OP. so stop QQing about a sins stealth spark, and chi. just make a sin, which I'm sure everyones made a sin to check it out. stop QQing about it or GTFO D:<
  • Niteshadows - Harshlands
    Niteshadows - Harshlands Posts: 583 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    @ Hardin;

    What your not understanding is people just QQ because sins can stealth spark, and have skills to gain chi, who cares honestly, and that sins are WAY to OP. every class is OP, well geared, well refined, well socketed, and well played, can make any class OP. so stop QQing about a sins stealth spark, and chi. just make a sin, which I'm sure everyones made a sin to check it out. stop QQing about it or GTFO D:<
    cry baby sin cry.b:cry sins will always be op crazy for as long as they have their little stealth. so **** when u say "any class" can be op with the right gear. a sin with weaker gear against an "op geared class" will almost always faceroll them. it's not a lie. it's the truth, hit endgame and see a sin kill a barb in the matter of seconds. both endgame, now take stealth off and balance will return and i may consider playing this **** game again.
    Do you hate me? Good, that makes for an adequate conversation starter.
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    @ Hardin;

    What your not understanding is people just QQ because sins can stealth spark, and have skills to gain chi, who cares honestly, and that sins are WAY to OP. every class is OP, well geared, well refined, well socketed, and well played, can make any class OP. so stop QQing about a sins stealth spark, and chi. just make a sin, which I'm sure everyones made a sin to check it out. stop QQing about it or GTFO D:<

    Yes the obvious solution to an OP class is for everyone to make one.
  • /ox - Lost City
    /ox - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Nothing needs to change with the sins or any else being able to detect their stealth. Here's a good idea, practice. Try dueling only sin for an hour or so...classes are balanced. Everything the sin does, is what they are meant to do.

    plz.. tell me more of this "balanced class" story... its interesting..b:pleased
  • /ox - Lost City
    /ox - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    eventually they might as well call the game like assassin world or sumthin...
    when averyone is a damn assassin.. then balance will return >_>
  • _Hardin_ - Heavens Tear
    _Hardin_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Yes the obvious solution to an OP class is for everyone to make one.

    Yea, everyone make a sin, Then what? Thats like the most boring thing ever x.x
    Thats like going to a all-you-can-eat buffet and u only have 1 choice to choose from, Wheres the fun in that? Your gonna lose all variety and be stuck with the same boring thing.

    btw Jenna, the Every class is OP is complete nonsense. You can be r9 +12 and w/e with savant or any high lvl gems in ur eqps, and for some insane reason a sin can still kill u? WTF, so you should stop trying to defend a sin not bein a OP class and just wake up from that sick dream. Also im not QQin abt sins bein able to stealth, and im just saying that spark in stealth is hax. that is all.

    And since ur defending that, maybe thats the only thing u can do in pvp, stealth>spark in stealth> stun target>melee>target dead. Which backs me up when i say that u dont rly need any skill to play a sin.