Frustrated with Power Levelers!!!!



  • Massad - Harshlands
    Massad - Harshlands Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Somebody said it best... wait till you get the quests for fc before going in there.

    On my server I have seen others comment in world chat something like lvl 80's paying for fc is like ( I really don't remember the rest lol sry)

    It does suck I am lvl 83 on this and before 81, I had never stepped foot in the fc. Trying to find a normal team to run it is extremely difficult. Talking to other players at the same lvl I hear this remark alot "I would love to see a full team of 80 something doing fc rather than some high lvl person soloing the whole thing or come in just for the heads"

    Many are also curious if it can be done by 80's range.... I'll say that again Many are wondering if a group of lvl 80's can even do the fc instance!!!! Come on!!!!???? People have been power lvled so much that they are not sure what they can accomplish at there lvl.... Thats just sad.

    I personally refuse to pay anyone for an fc. I did it once made it all the way to heads and then the sins decided to kill and kick everyone from the group and pocket the money. So that was a night of nerdrage and wtf's b:chuckle

    All in all stop the low lvl power lvling and I apologize for my recent comment over world chat to a lvl 10 about learning to play his class and not turn into an exp room head crack *****...b:surrender

    PS lvl 83 sin looking for fc squad on harshlands with +5 hook and thorn daggers (Gotta have my fix)b:bye
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Other names include but not limited to LOKl_ _ClRCE_, _AnGeal_
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited August 2011
  • howardo
    howardo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    this is a stupid forum,b:laugh i remember the days when i was so poor i couldn't even afford to teleport, but now i plvl people.. i must have made close to 50mil with my seeker and now i have everything i want xD, seriously quests r boring with ****ty rewards. if u ever lvl on bh/quests from say lvl 75+ alone in this game you have no social life, and how hard is it to learn how to play yur toon? you must have to be a 5 years old not to figure that outb:thanks it's not rocket science! p.s pwi dosen't care about anything except your moneyb:surrender
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited August 2011
    howardo wrote: »
    p.s pwi dosen't care about anything except your moneyb:surrender

    Nice of you to throw in a completely unrelated piece of flamebait.b:bye
  • Tiduswarrior - Heavens Tear
    Tiduswarrior - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Well, take my case into account then:

    My first ever character was a Blademaster on the Archosaur server. I got him to lvl 60, doing the quests and stuff, as this was last summer, before rep was in the boutique and people sold FC heads. Then, last November, I switched to Raging Tide. I made this veno as an alt for money making and tt farming purposes, but I ended up getting into the class, and here I am with a lvl 91 veno alt, and my BM main was long forgotten at lvl 11. This veno I also lvled legit, doing the quests. Once I hit 79, I started to get FC squads(rarely) and then once I hit 85 I had a little more luck.

    I have now begun working on my Blademaster. Now, I really doing want to do some of those quests again that I did on my old BM. So, I got him to lvl 21, finishing ALL of the beginner area quests and 19 culti. Afterward, I WALKED from Etherblade to 1K Streams, then North to Snowy Village, and bought 2 runs of Heads. Zoom to lvl 39. Since those two FC spots, I have busied myself doing the quests I actually liked/didn't mind, as well as my missed culti. My BM is now lvl 41. As soon as I finish catching up on culti, and complete all of the quests I actually will do a second time, I will buy heads again, and repeat, until my BM is back to lvl 60, the same lvl as my first one from Archosaur. This means that I will likely stop buying heads a few lvls under 60, but oh well. Once he hits that point, I will be lvling completely without buying heads, as I should.

    Now, those against powerleveling in FC, answer me this: am I wrong, and fail, for plvling a BM to 60 or a few lvls under, after having done so the hard way on a previous BM on a different server? Will I not know how to play a lvl 60 BM because I plvled him, even though I lvled one legit to lvl 60 on a previous server?

    To me that might be a different story all together, if someone wants to reroll the same class on a different server and do plvling for some odd lvls just to get to their culti, id almost like to say thats fine but what bout the points per lvl that ya get to make the build that you want your rerolled class to have. less ya know entirely of what build you want to do when rerolling the same class on a different server. But no that wouldnt make ya a fail cause you have had quite a bit experience with your blademaster minus the ultimate skills (lvl 59 skills). So my advice is if you knw the build you want to do for that same class on a different server it should be fine to plvl between cultis.
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    Sorry, not going to make this a habit, but that wall of text was painful for me to read. I figured this way more people would read this.


    No no sir, please do make it a habit. It makes the brain rage less. b:victory
  • Sir_Puma - Raging Tide
    Sir_Puma - Raging Tide Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I would add...

    Well..Nothing really..I think most of it has been said already under so many ways..I would actually like to see someone come up with a brand new for or against pleveling arguement...

    I will debate one thing though :

    Originally Posted by howardo

    p.s pwi dosen't care about anything except your money

    I don't think this is true. Somewhere, some are actualyl listening to the player base. Before the last sale, how may posts there was about QQ charm sale, QQ Rep sale QQ Medals of Glory not coming back.. Heck in one sale, 1 week, they put all at once. Yeah it's still money driven, but they did listen.

    And well, since I have to put something up to fit with thread ..hmm..I know quests can be repetitive, but find me a MMO where you level slow in witch every single quest is different then the other. One in witch you will not encouter the "kill "x" mobs and come back" deal.

    Seriously...what kind of different quests you want ?

    "Due to massive people in arch, our janitor has left his job, lagging too much. Please take up this broom and sweep the streets ?"

    or even

    "The Npc for Volume 4 of world quest has fallen ill. Please replace him a whole day standing while distributing volumes to whoever passes by ?

    Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle
  • Purple_fury - Sanctuary
    Purple_fury - Sanctuary Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I would add...

    Well..Nothing really..I think most of it has been said already under so many ways..I would actually like to see someone come up with a brand new for or against pleveling arguement...

    I will debate one thing though :

    Originally Posted by howardo

    p.s pwi dosen't care about anything except your money

    I don't think this is true. Somewhere, some are actualyl listening to the player base. Before the last sale, how may posts there was about QQ charm sale, QQ Rep sale QQ Medals of Glory not coming back.. Heck in one sale, 1 week, they put all at once. Yeah it's still money driven, but they did listen.

    And well, since I have to put something up to fit with thread ..hmm..I know quests can be repetitive, but find me a MMO where you level slow in witch every single quest is different then the other. One in witch you will not encouter the "kill "x" mobs and come back" deal.

    Seriously...what kind of different quests you want ?

    "Due to massive people in arch, our janitor has left his job, lagging too much. Please take up this broom and sweep the streets ?"

    or even

    "The Npc for Volume 4 of world quest has fallen ill. Please replace him a whole day standing while distributing volumes to whoever passes by ?


    you do realize that they were of course going to do a rep/metal sale why do you think they let the fcc glitch go un fixed for so long?lol was to sell more rep and metals oh and charms since i hear its murder on charm..
    so what im saying is yes they will listen to the people QQing if it makes them money

    EDIT: my prediction is that once the rep and medal sale is over the fix for FCC will come not to long after
  • Sir_Puma - Raging Tide
    Sir_Puma - Raging Tide Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    you do realize that they were of course going to do a rep/metal sale why do you think they let the fcc glitch go un fixed for so long?lol was to sell more rep and metals oh and charms since i hear its murder on charm..
    so what im saying is yes they will listen to the people QQing if it makes them money

    EDIT: my prediction is that once the rep and medal sale is over the fix for FCC will come not to long after

    Wow, i'm actually fighting sleep here, and some parts of my brain still functionning told me you could be right..."We give you all you need to go get R9 as fast as you can now to calm you down while we think of a fix"

    Or it's a conspiracy... "Let's give them all they need to want to exploit that glitch more and we will do more surveillance and once they gave us their money, we will ban them temporarly"

    Then again...Another part tells me to go sleep, another tells me to read forums and another tells me to stay awake and go back into game...

    Yeah, despite all the QQing, bugs, exploits, favoritism towards haevy cs'ers..

    I still love playing this game. b:quiet
    Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle
  • Bellarie - Raging Tide
    Bellarie - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    To me that might be a different story all together, if someone wants to reroll the same class on a different server and do plvling for some odd lvls just to get to their culti, id almost like to say thats fine but what bout the points per lvl that ya get to make the build that you want your rerolled class to have. less ya know entirely of what build you want to do when rerolling the same class on a different server. But no that wouldnt make ya a fail cause you have had quite a bit experience with your blademaster minus the ultimate skills (lvl 59 skills). So my advice is if you know the build you want to do for that same class on a different server it should be fine to plvl between cultis.

    Yeah, I already had my build planned out, the same one as my old BM. And yes, I had yet to get teh lvl 59 culti done on him, but I figure, I will need to stop plvling bursts a few lvls before 60 so I don't go over that lvl, so I have time to catch up on the culti and do it. This time I know how to do it after having done it on my veno, so it shouldn't be a problem.

    I personally don't see an issue with plvling as long as you have played the class before, or if you are simply plvling between culti's. Though the lower lvl ones would get passed to quickly. As I said, two FC head runs back to back got me from lvl 21 to lvl 39, and the first one was nerfed by the lvl 101 that was selling. So I think if one has never played the class in the past, then one should at least wait till lvl 20+ with all beginner quests and 19 culti done, and perhaps stop between each run to continue culti first, and do a few backlogged quests to test out and learn how your new skills and abilities work.
  • Gryphyyn - Heavens Tear
    Gryphyyn - Heavens Tear Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I know this thread will probably dub me as a QQer, but I really don't care!! I'm one of very few players now-a-days that actually enjoys doing the quests and helping others with theirs, but all these power levelers that charge for, and do, FCC runs are making it hard for those of us that actually do the quests and wanna legitimately level. I refuse to charge, or pay for, any sort of run (unless it's for wine) so getting MY runs done is difficult. I honestly don't care if I have the best gear/weapon on the server, or have R9 gear, as long as I can get my job done (healing the tank & other squad members) and everyone lives. I play this game for the enjoyment of it, not popularity like most power levelers. So to my fellow players that feel the same way, please don't fall into the power level trap, you really do miss out on a lot of good stuff by not doing ALL the quests. To those who don't....WHO CARES if you just leveled to 100 in 2 days cuz all you did was buy your way into FCC!!! You probably don't really know the game because of it.

    I agree 100%. This game was a joke already compared to the old game I left 2 years ago to come to PWI where they had de-lvling on death and no means of powerleveling; alas, the economy of the game became corrupted there by influx of heavy-cashshoppers and I migrated to PWI.

    Anyway, instead of getting angry at the situation, you should be amused by it when you see powerlevel'ed noobs/cashnoobs die in higher level daily instances (this includes those that may have high level toons and plvl their alts to use as their new mains) due to their incompetency/inadequacy since they did not learn survival skills in the lower level instances with their new toon. A word of advice, try to run instances with friends or trustworthy guildies, as that will lower your level of frustration. I say this, because I doubt PWE will be fixing any of these shortcomings of the game any time soon.

    Remember, practice makes perfect and that haste makes waste.


    Karma | ex-GoldDigrz | ex-xWaRx | ex-Reunited | ex-Tao
    Status: Semi-Active | Mood: Apathetic
    Gryphyyn (10x Archer) | Tyyphoon (10x Assassin) | Ryyft (8x Seeker)

    Fearless. |
  • Sir_Puma - Raging Tide
    Sir_Puma - Raging Tide Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    , practice makes perfect and that haste makes waste.

    Request permission to use in future signature of famous quotes...Of course , with ur name for copyright...

    Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle
  • Gryphyyn - Heavens Tear
    Gryphyyn - Heavens Tear Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Request permission to use in future signature of famous quotes...Of course , with ur name for copyright...


    Permission granted.b:thanks

    Although, these quotes have been famous for ages, I did nothing but simply articulate them in my post.
    Karma | ex-GoldDigrz | ex-xWaRx | ex-Reunited | ex-Tao
    Status: Semi-Active | Mood: Apathetic
    Gryphyyn (10x Archer) | Tyyphoon (10x Assassin) | Ryyft (8x Seeker)

    Fearless. |
  • macabeul100
    macabeul100 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    A good reason for not lvl with Fc is that if you do qwests and kill mobs you get DQ,and you can use your points to buy reputation.Why spending money on rep bagde when you can earn it for free with a little more worck?
  • Sir_Puma - Raging Tide
    Sir_Puma - Raging Tide Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    A good reason for not lvl with Fc is that if you do qwests and kill mobs you get DQ,and you can use your points to buy reputation.Why spending money on rep bagde when you can earn it for free with a little more worck?


    You sir, make me go to sleep happy. Finally a different point of view on things..For non and lesser cs'ers, doing quests indeed gives DQ items plenty. And what can you get exactly with those ? Some items cs'ers take as "granted". Mostly :

    - Rep badges (yeah they are 1k DQ points each , but it IS a way to get them "free")

    - Random dyes (I personnaly got things black with that, saving A LOT of cash)

    - Chips . This is far stretched but still, a "free" way to get some..

    And if u save enough for a event card ?

    - Hp/Mp Charms (Sure they aren't plat ones, but u can get more then 1)

    - Refining stones to help you not have to pay for a +4 or +5 orb.

    Although it is a bit limited in some categories, it is a GREAT way to reward players that actualyl farm/grind with again..."FREE" stuff.

    If you start to say "well it costs repairs/pots to farm" you are just beeing negative. Drops/quest rewards/Selling the actual DQ items will cover that.

    Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Although it is a bit limited in some categories, it is a GREAT way to reward players that actualyl farm/grind with again..."FREE" stuff.

    If you start to say "well it costs repairs/pots to farm" you are just beeing negative. Drops/quest rewards/Selling the actual DQ items will cover that.


    Then again you can just buy Rank 9 or get a +12 5 aps character going, faceroll the Celestial Tiger Event and have a decent supply of Event Cards for a few minutes of "work". At least on my server, the Celestial Tiger event is utterly dominated by Rank 9s and +12 5 aps.

    And actually, in terms of cost effectiveness, you'd be using Tishas and Tienkangs for up to +7.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • divinenyte
    divinenyte Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I can tell you now... iv been on dreamweaver sense the server started and iv played a cleric and nothing but sense then... iv even been with the faction that took over the entire map, been in all instances ETC. I got most of my gear to +10 and higher and got uber strong with my lv100 skills... but after a while it got boring being so powerful. then rank9 came out.. it was hella expensive yes; so I quit for about 5 months...i kept up with the sales every week tho... and when i saw rank9 was cheaper than it use to be... i decided to redownloar the game again and started on a new cleric... i got it up to lv101 in 2 months, saved for rank9 for a month more and vwalla... not only am i full rank9 I ALSO have 3 years exp in TW, PK and DUELING under my belt.. true i did power lv. but all it means is.... NOT ALL POWER LV'ERS ARE NOOBS. Before long everyone will be able to get to lv100+ very fast...then....itll be getting to lv105+ and higher when the lv cap finally reaches lv150. Lv.100 will be the new lv1 then, and FCing EVEN WITH HYPERS will be just like grinding, zhening or delta'ing and still taking as long as it took the first time around when hypers didnt exist. lv150 is coming...sooner or later. So QQing about it now is pointless lol. Pretty soon all the lv100+'s will be back in the same boat struggling to get to lv150 EVEN WITH HYPERS just as we all did back in the old days. And altough they said rank9 is the absolute apex of detructive capability.. it wont be for too long.. we all know that even more powerful gear is on its way that will put rank9 to shame. Its a never ending cycle that WILL continue till they stop updating this game entirely and it acually gets discontinued...which wont be for a very very long time. so i say... to hell with it all... just play and have fun to the best of your abilities.
  • Sir_Puma - Raging Tide
    Sir_Puma - Raging Tide Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Then again you can just buy Rank 9 or get a +12 5 aps character going, faceroll the Celestial Tiger Event and have a decent supply of Event Cards for a few minutes of "work". At least on my server, the Celestial Tiger event is utterly dominated by Rank 9s and +12 5 aps.

    And actually, in terms of cost effectiveness, you'd be using Tishas and Tienkangs for up to +7.

    I do see your point.

    I was speaking mostly for those who can't/won't invest real money into the game. For "them" it is a way to get those stuff.. Of course PW made it much easier for payers to get stuff then for non-payers but it's a simple rule of life..Someone with a pretty decent job woudn't have trouble getting a credit card with say ..a 5-10k limit..Someone that doesn,t will have trouble getting one even with a 100$ limit...I know...I don't wokr and not by choice, I live in a too little town so when I can invest..I grab pre-paid master cards from local grocer, lol
    Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle
  • TCHP - Lost City
    TCHP - Lost City Posts: 577 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    lol I read 2 page of this BS.

    Now when you ask your self a question about other player and why they do it. Keep this in mind.


    All the rest comes naturally, just do your stuff the way you like it, and take initiative.

    Oh and it'S pvp so when you see a noob lv 80 whit lv 70 gear leaving frost village,

    just fly over, stun debuff 1 shot and tell him to GTFO.

    That should help whit your frustration.
  • MysticalMoJo - Raging Tide
    MysticalMoJo - Raging Tide Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    About power lvling. Yes I understand some out there do power lvl and have exp. My issue with power levelers are when you are in a 95+ FC squad and it's the cleric or barbs first or second real fc... When they power lvl and don't know a damn thing about their class that is when I get frustrated by it. And now with this FC glitch it is becoming a lot more common and it's upsetting.Especially for those people who do have exp under their belt and worked hard to get where they are. And then some new kid who has been playing for a week and is 101 and can't play worth $@*#. Like a barb that can't hold aggro, or a sin that doesn't know aggro control, or a cleric that can't heal worth ****. It's even worse when your in an FC squad with one of these people and they are too ashamed to say it's their first time. Was in an FC with 97 cleric like that who fced his cleric. Just some thoughts on power lvling.
  • Zaz - Harshlands
    Zaz - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    not going to bother reading all of the replies as i do not have mush time but they all seem to be based around stopping FCC power leveling runs, instead of doing that why not increase the EXP, Spirt and gold rewards for ALL quests, including BH, CS and WQ. I would say doubling the amounts will make them competitive with FCC runs.

    as for zhen squads and normal grinding, there is nothing that can be done Hypered FCC killed zhening and there is no way to make zhening worth while without breaking the game more then it already is.
  • xiluchang
    xiluchang Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011

    It's not like you have to team with them.

    everyone teams with them at one point or another. they run out of coin for buying into FCC and have to actually do their quests, but choose to do bh's. there have been several examples posted here of power leveled noobs that go into the caves with absolutely no experience in them at all. I for one have had a brand new player to PWI spend every minute in the game trying to power level in the caves still wearing lvl2 armor and using crappy weapons. they don't want to listen to those of us that do the quests, they just want to be a high level so they can pk. it really is a very sad situation.

    ha ha ha, it's not like i haven't heard em all before. Fisten is Elvish for spinner of light. I thought it fitting since my cleric is an elf with glowing heals. thanks for the new joke :)

    other than a barb or "the tank" I dont really see how it matters how bad anyone sucks in a squad but them, and you, "the cleric" least pre-89+ anyways
  • StabbyCakes - Heavens Tear
    StabbyCakes - Heavens Tear Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I like how one guy on first page says "some of them take the time to do their cultis and learn their skills"



    yea. That's *kinda* the point. That's -all- people do now. The cultis. The skills. The fairies. The FF.

    BH100s are pretty popular though, I gotta say. And it's quite amusing running around with people who just hit 100 and still don't know wtf they're doing- running into SoT or Warsong.

    When I'm bored I just sit around and help people with their BHs since yea- most plvlers suck and squads fail because of it and people who can't afford plvls need love too. So I help out the noobies I find and try to make it a better game for people wherever possible.

    It's better than QQing about it. There's probably not gonna be a fix so eventually everyone's gonna be sitting at 105 with r9 going "ok now what."

    >:3 Then they'll raise level cap and bring out these:
    Mua hahhahhah hah hah
  • Cytte - Harshlands
    Cytte - Harshlands Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    It's better than QQing about it. There's probably not gonna be a fix so eventually everyone's gonna be sitting at 105 with r9 going "ok now what."

    >:3 Then they'll raise level cap and bring out these:
    Mua hahhahhah hah hah

    -bursts your bubble- Those are out, They're called Warsoul wepeons, they cost more than (full I think) r9.
    dmg wise its better than the R9 wep (at least the cleric glaive - Warsoul Glaive)

    Went on pwcalc, and for sheer damage it comes out to:
    BM R9 Axes +12 > Warsoul Axes +12
    Wizzie R9 Sword +12 > Warsoul Sword +12
    Archer R9 Bow +12 > Warsoul Bow +12
    Cleric R9 Glaive +12 < Warsoul Glaive +12
    (Couldn't accurately do Barbs b/c there's no Warsoul poleaxe)
    Veno R9 Pataka +12 > Warsoul Pataka +12
    Assasins R9 Dags +12 > Warsoul Dags +12
    Psy R9 Soulsphere +12 < Warsoul Soulspere +12

    Though the difference was only 1-2k
    I <3 A lot of people
  • StabbyCakes - Heavens Tear
    StabbyCakes - Heavens Tear Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    -bursts your bubble- Those are out, They're called Warsoul wepeons, they cost more than (full I think) r9.
    dmg wise its better than the R9 wep (at least the cleric glaive - Warsoul Glaive)

    :o your call- it is good.

    But meh still the point is that they'll eventually bring out better gear, higher rank, raise lvl cap to 120 or more and Nirvana will be exposed as the shameful rehash of one of the fb119s that it is. D:

    I just mean to say no point complaining- the game has gone to hell in a handbasket and no one's directing. If you're still gonna play make some friends, keep em close and level with them every day. If you help randoms expect them to be new, speak in slow, very clear, simple statements, and laugh with they still don't get it. No reason to be sad. Plus there's tons of higher levels willing to help out because they're so bored.

    When I was a wee little Stabby I'd world chat "Looking for/Starting BH29(/39/51/59) squad or a soloer" and more often than not I'd get some nice higher level to come and solo it for me, and usually have a few lower levels pm me and tag along. I never had any problems with bosses because a simple world chat would get me 2-3 people offering to do it for me, and I grind on my own or with my few buds, so I always had money for teles.

    Why wouldn't they raise level cap and rank? Once *everyone* has spent billions- make it cheaper and bring out the *new* cool and charge twice as much.

    If you're not interested in being the best just keep a wary eye on those who are... cos they'll scam ya any chance they can get. It's turning into a dog eat dog world.

    But Empty world isn't really empty..... just yet.