Why do many mystics refuse to buff the team?

firedolphin Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2011 in Mystic
i have a mystic alt and the first thing i do when somebody joins my squad is to give them my buff.
i came across mystics who refused to give their buffs with the sole excuse "it takes a lot of mp" or "it makes my charm tick". i was like "seriously?" i mean, no matter what your class is, you owe your squad your class's buff. A mystic's buff is even more important than the rest, since it saves up a lot of time and experience (time needed to return to the spot) AND it is the only thing that can ressurect the cleric (if any), not to mention that sometimes it is a life-saver! (i was playing on my cleric and we were attacked by ~6 monsters on a dungeon. i did my best to keep myself, the barbarian and the mystic alive (i couldn't heal everyone because i myself was under attack) and eventually, they all died (after i died, it was only a matter of time...) If the mystic had buffed us and aided me healing, our squad's dead members would have ressurected with some hp and mp and would keep fighting, and maybe even distract the mobs that were hitting me (so that i could dedicate myself entirely to heal the other squad members...)).
I am not accusing our mystic. In fact, it was a mix of flaws of every member (i did some mistakes too). I am just highlighting the vital role of a mystic's "ressurect" skill (even on level 1).

PLEASE remember that when you give someone of your own squad your buff, you are not just helping them, you are helping yourself by making your squad more efficient.
Post edited by firedolphin on


  • firedolphin
    firedolphin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Oh, i forgot saying:
    Mystic's ressurect skill may cost a lot of mp, but so do other buffs (compared with other classes' total mp and mp regen) AND spamming ironheart DOES cost a lot of mp as well.
  • OontzOontz - Dreamweaver
    OontzOontz - Dreamweaver Posts: 782 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Oh, i forgot saying:
    Mystic's ressurect skill may cost a lot of mp, but so do other buffs (compared with other classes' total mp and mp regen) AND spamming ironheart DOES cost a lot of mp as well.

    If you know how to play a cleric well, you barely use up any mp.
  • firedolphin
    firedolphin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    eehh? how do i "play a cleric well"?
  • rgog
    rgog Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I have never seen a mystic refuse to buff the cleric. As far as the rest of the group I guess it is up to the mystic or the group to ask. Perhaps the mystic only has lvl 1 rezz so the cleric ressurection would save much more exp.
  • firedolphin
    firedolphin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    rgog wrote: »
    I have never seen a mystic refuse to buff the cleric. As far as the rest of the group I guess it is up to the mystic or the group to ask. Perhaps the mystic only has lvl 1 rezz so the cleric ressurection would save much more exp.
    you've got a point there, rgog. HOWEVER, there is no garantee that the cleric's ressurection level is any higher and at least he cleric and the tank should be buffed, just in case (specially the cleric).
  • rgog
    rgog Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Ya cleric is a no-brainer, tank is good and I also tend to buff someone if I see them take aggro often (SIN's) - I had my rezz at level 1 for a long-time because of mana cost but have now upgraded it. When there is no cleric I rezz buff everyone even if we have to wait a few minutes to kill a boss or something.
  • IAetius - Dreamweaver
    IAetius - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Upon joining a squad I buff both myself and the cleric and no one else. I'll then PM the cleric and ask her what lvl rez she has since my rez is sage and can restore more exp then a lvl 10 cleric rez. Also for certain things like the big pull I will ask one more time if anyone wants it in squad chat.

    Whats funny is I will ask the squad 3 times if they want it and they all will say no and how cleric rez is better but then they die on the pull and miss all the exp xD
    TY for my shiney new R9 PWE b:chuckle

    iAetius - Sage- Mystic-
  • Equin - Dreamweaver
    Equin - Dreamweaver Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I only buff me and a cleric

    the rest? they just gotta ask for it like a veno being asked for his/her bramble
    ゙(゚、 。 7
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     じしf_, )
  • __Astarte__ - Dreamweaver
    __Astarte__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Oh, i forgot saying:
    Mystic's ressurect skill may cost a lot of mp, but so do other buffs (compared with other classes' total mp and mp regen) AND spamming ironheart DOES cost a lot of mp as well.

    LMFAO. Other classes don't have anywhere NEAR the MP burn on their buffs. And any squad that would call it 'the most important buff of all' would seriously make me reconsider working with them if I'm not the only healer, where buffing the whole squad is common courtesy. >.>

    ~ Barb buffs cost 745 MP for both buffs at level 10, and 990 MP for 11.

    ~ Venos spend 330ish per target for level 10 Bramble (about 1980 for a whole squad), and 480 MP level 11 (2880 for the squad). However, between Nature's Grace and Soul Transfusion, that's nothing bank breaking.

    ~ BM's only need 406 for level 10, and 625 for Sage/Demon.

    ~ Wizards need 450 per level 10 buff (2250 MAX for the squad, unless they like shiny blue hands), and 600 (3000) per level 11.

    ~ Archers burn 103 MP for level 10 Wings, and 155 for 11.

    ~ Clerics use 3300 MP for full squad buffs.

    ~ Sins use anything from 91 (level 1) to 406 (level 10) for Bloodpaint. Maybe 570 if they got level 11.

    ~ Psychics...well...those I've met generally don't buff squad, because they tend to get yelled at when they do. X_X

    ~Seekers are probably the only other ones that can complain about buff costs, since while the 250MP OR 475MP cost is a non-issue...burning a Mirage each time is pricey.

    Now...compare that to Rez buff, which at max level costs 2660MP PER PERSON. That's 15960 MP to buff the whole squad. And for Sage/Demon? 2900 each, bringing the drain up to 17400.

    That's 3 and a half Herb Yuanxiao (or a good...what...half dozen or so charm ticks if you still wear charms?) worth of MP JUST to prep the squad with a buff that shouldn't even be necessary if they know what they're doing. And that's assuming you're 75+ and have access to large quantities of cheap MP. Hell...half the time if the squad wipes most people will wait for a Cleric's rez anyways, so it's even MORE of a waste. b:surrender

    Look...I got no problem buffing peeps like the Cleric or Tank, since they tend to need them most of all. And if the situation calls for it, then I'll buff a squishy DD to keep them up and running as long as they demonstrate some semblance of intelligence and aren't just Leeroying like an idiot just because they can do so on someone else's coin...

    But I'll be damned if I'm gonna burn such absurd amounts of MP on a skill that's probably going to go to waste if I don't have to.
    Censorship is the bane of creativity. Censorship is the bane of personality. Most of all...censorship is the bane of identity.
  • XMiyala - Dreamweaver
    XMiyala - Dreamweaver Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Well here's my set up.

    If there's a tank and cleric, I buff them and myself only.

    If I'm the main healer, I buff everyone.

    Thing is, I really hate it, when there actually is a cleric in squad, and everyone QQs for my buff.
    >.< They lose less exp when ressed by cleric anyways.
  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I buff the cleric and then ask other people in squad if they want it. I've stopped buffing people with it without asking because most of the time they just wait for the cleric to rez them anyway... exception being when I know we're about to do something that the cleric may be too busy to rez during.
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • firedolphin
    firedolphin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    LMFAO. Other classes don't have anywhere NEAR the MP burn on their buffs. And any squad that would call it 'the most important buff of all' would seriously make me reconsider working with them if I'm not the only healer, where buffing the whole squad is common courtesy. >.>

    ~ Barb buffs cost 745 MP for both buffs at level 10, and 990 MP for 11.

    ~ Venos spend 330ish per target for level 10 Bramble (about 1980 for a whole squad), and 480 MP level 11 (2880 for the squad). However, between Nature's Grace and Soul Transfusion, that's nothing bank breaking.

    ~ BM's only need 406 for level 10, and 625 for Sage/Demon.

    ~ Wizards need 450 per level 10 buff (2250 MAX for the squad, unless they like shiny blue hands), and 600 (3000) per level 11.

    ~ Archers burn 103 MP for level 10 Wings, and 155 for 11.

    ~ Clerics use 3300 MP for full squad buffs.

    ~ Sins use anything from 91 (level 1) to 406 (level 10) for Bloodpaint. Maybe 570 if they got level 11.

    ~ Psychics...well...those I've met generally don't buff squad, because they tend to get yelled at when they do. X_X

    ~Seekers are probably the only other ones that can complain about buff costs, since while the 250MP OR 475MP cost is a non-issue...burning a Mirage each time is pricey.

    Now...compare that to Rez buff, which at max level costs 2660MP PER PERSON. That's 15960 MP to buff the whole squad. And for Sage/Demon? 2900 each, bringing the drain up to 17400.

    That's 3 and a half Herb Yuanxiao (or a good...what...half dozen or so charm ticks if you still wear charms?) worth of MP JUST to prep the squad with a buff that shouldn't even be necessary if they know what they're doing. And that's assuming you're 75+ and have access to large quantities of cheap MP. Hell...half the time if the squad wipes most people will wait for a Cleric's rez anyways, so it's even MORE of a waste. b:surrender

    Look...I got no problem buffing peeps like the Cleric or Tank, since they tend to need them most of all. And if the situation calls for it, then I'll buff a squishy DD to keep them up and running as long as they demonstrate some semblance of intelligence and aren't just Leeroying like an idiot just because they can do so on someone else's coin...

    But I'll be damned if I'm gonna burn such absurd amounts of MP on a skill that's probably going to go to waste if I don't have to.
    Barbarians need to meditate a lot more than you do to recover THE SAME MP, so for you 200 mp is nothing, but for a barbarian it is a hit... Besides, why do you think you are so special that you are too good to meditate? that's what meditation is for! Do you think that EVERYONE just uses mp potions and remedies (or charms) to keep their hp/mp full all the time? you could save some money by simply meditating...I know it is a pain, but it is a lot cheaper, too!
    PS: what do you mean by "if they know what they're doing"? EVERYBODY makes mistakes! (don't even try to say you don't, because we all know you do, like the rest of us) it is frustrating but unavoidable. no matter how good you think you are, how good your gear is, how good your squad is. you will always, at some point, do a mistake.
    And if you think you have so much experience (wether you do or you don't, I can't know for sure, obviously), you certainly did not become as good as you are instantly! someone had to teach you and/or others had to be patiente and bear your inexperience! Sure, i'm not a saint, but instead of making an unecessary fuss, i try to guide them on our BH (it usually works). Instead of insulting them pointlessly, i try to tell them what they did wrong and suggest another way to approach the situation (SUGGEST, not bossing around). AND when they improve, i congratulate them!
    People usually forget to do these things...
    PS: I don't ever, EVER run away just because someone died...that is SO immature! honestly, every great empire was built with perseverance and hard work! Do you think that the agent egypt's pharoes saw a group of slaves drop a stone of their unfinished pyramid (an accident) and said "oh! some slaves delayed my great pyramid's construction! i'll quit!" or did the roman empire's emperor say "oh! some people are having difficulties learning the new language! i'll just break my empire and let someone else handle this job...".
    I can assure you that quiting is not the way to sucess.
  • mecatl33
    mecatl33 Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I rez buff the cleric and sometimes the tank. I'll rez buff the tabber too if I'm helping with their FB. If someone asks for it I'll buff them but I'll let them know they're better off with the cleric's rez cuz of xp loss. They usually refuse the buff then. Mystic are not clerics. We're support DDs and support healers. I've noticed quite a few people on my server play mystics as a cleric cuz they don't wanna bother with a real cleric toon. I hate getting PMed by someone asking me to play solo cleric against a boss who has debuffs like Wyvern. Btw I'm a light armor mystic and sometimes I'm a better a healer/cleric than some mystics/clerics I squad with. Kind of cool and sad at the same time. b:laughb:bye
  • __Astarte__ - Dreamweaver
    __Astarte__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Barbarians need to meditate a lot more than you do to recover THE SAME MP, so for you 200 mp is nothing, but for a barbarian it is a hit... Besides, why do you think you are so special that you are too good to meditate? that's what meditation is for! Do you think that EVERYONE just uses mp potions and remedies (or charms) to keep their hp/mp full all the time? you could save some money by simply meditating...I know it is a pain, but it is a lot cheaper, too!

    No. 200 MP ISN'T a hit. Especially if there's a Cleric in the squad. Which you can probably assume if everyone isn't rez buffed. Especially since I stated in the first part of my post that I DO buff the whole squad if I'm the only healer. >.>

    And even unbuffed...those pretty little blue pots from your local vendor are usually enough to keep you full for a bit if you bother to buy them. Still not enough for you? Hey guess what! For a single Divine Honor of Light, you can get yourself 300 pots each good for 1k MP from your local Emissary of Shadow!

    Oh wait. Never mind! You're right! I can just meditate in the middle of an instance while the rest of the squad rushes off to die! What's that? They need heals because a boss or a cluster of elite mobs is wailing on them? **** that! I'm outta MP and need to meditate!

    I'm sure that'll go over well. >_____________>;;;
    [PS: what do you mean by "if they know what they're doing"? EVERYBODY makes mistakes! (don't even try to say you don't, because we all know you do, like the rest of us) it is frustrating but unavoidable. no matter how good you think you are, how good your gear is, how good your squad is. you will always, at some point, do a mistake.

    Of course I make mistakes. I'm human of course.

    But there's a difference between genuine mistakes and flat out stupidity. And it doesn't take a genius to be able to identify the difference. Especially when an idiot [SUBJECT'S CLASS HERE] repeatedly makes an *** out of themselves while adamantly declaring 'I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING! I HAVE A LEVEL 100 [SUBJECT'S ALT CLASS HERE]!!!'

    I'll happily help someone fix a mistake if they're having an off day. However, I WON'T pay for their idiocy. Especially when they repeat themselves. -_-
    Censorship is the bane of creativity. Censorship is the bane of personality. Most of all...censorship is the bane of identity.
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    DD's don't need the buf, so why should I waste a charm tick or mana food just to buf them?

    Cleric and tank get's it, and me, and sometimes a good friend
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • __Jhuv - Sanctuary
    __Jhuv - Sanctuary Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I really agree with Astarte. I only buff me and cleric, if others die well that means: 1 they are dumb and im not wasting 38947324723647 pots/food to make them beig alive. 2 Happens.. well yeah happens and there's cleric who has revive ( do you remember the old times? :O)
    __Jhuv - Mystic
    __Hysper - Cleric
    __Hysen - Venomancer
  • Yamchayama - Sanctuary
    Yamchayama - Sanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Like the others, I'll buff cleric, tank and me always. If I'm the only healer, the rest get a buff too. But, since i hate waiting for the cd, anyone else that wants it can usually get it as we start killing. If I see someone has a tendency to pull aggro, I'll ususally buff them too (even if they don't want it) so the cleric won't be tempted to stop healing the tank to rez them.
  • FortySeven - Raging Tide
    FortySeven - Raging Tide Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    as far as im concerned my whole squad gets it.(period) i do all the high lvl instances as the sole healer, you guys made a mystic, and seen how much of a mp drainer they are, and your still playing because-imo(they are one of the best, most versatile classes) but 50 mp crab cost 30k, you seriously gonna complain about that? you get squads buffs, give yours you cheap fellow sexy mystics b:bye

    fyi i have lvl 100 mystic i been playing since day 1
  • brazenbusboy
    brazenbusboy Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Mystics don't have to buff the whole team all at once. The good mystics I have squad-ed with, buff everyone, but not all at once. They do it gradually, and spread it out over 5-10 minutes, doing each member as MP and the action permits.

    If a Mystic is low on MP, they can beg a spark from a veno. Most venos I know will gladly trade a spark for the rez buff.

    What the other posters have said about saving time is major. Rez buffing the whole squad saves everyone a great deal of time and frees the cleric to concentrate on keeping people alive rather than reviving them. Waiting for team-mates to run back to the instance and squad, burns up everyone's current buffs, and often requires everyone to rebuff, a further MP drain.

    So Mystics burn MP, tough, that comes with the territory. Mystics burn MP, that's life. So do Venos, but you don't hear them whining about handing out sparks. It is part of the role. A Mystic shouldn't be overly concerned about MP burn rate unless their gear is not up to snuff (no MP or MP regen buffs).

    When there's one squad slot left and there are two Mystics competing for it, guess which one gets the invite? (Hint: NOT the one who has been stingy with Rez buffs in the past)

    I not sure this there is a trend of stingy Mystics. Most Mystics I have teamed with seem to be pretty generous and I have never had one refuse to give the buff when asked.
    Just some guy
  • AKB - Archosaur
    AKB - Archosaur Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited June 2011
  • XMiyala - Dreamweaver
    XMiyala - Dreamweaver Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I was in an fc today, and there was a cleric, but the bm(who wasnt tanking since there was a barb) Kept QQing for a res buff. I'm like ">.> Do you not know that the cleric can res you, and that you'll lose less exp?" >.< really i hate it when ppl QQ for one knowing that the cleric can res them.
  • DeadRaven - Sanctuary
    DeadRaven - Sanctuary Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    If you know how to play a cleric well, you barely use up any mp.

    Sorry but you have that backwards, it should read: "If you know how to play a cleric well, you use up mp like CRAZY."

    Lazy clerics often think that their job is just to IH the tank once and a while. However, an active cleric uses everything in their arsenal to support the squad. That is to say, an active cleric is constantly healing, buffing, purifying, and rez'ing any and all squad members that need it, as well as, de-buffing, stunning, and damage dealing mobs and bosses. A clerics job is never done. Unfortunately, the consequence of being a really good and active cleric is that you go through mp and mp food like CRAZY.
    I was in an fc today, and there was a cleric, but the bm(who wasnt tanking since there was a barb) Kept QQing for a res buff. I'm like ">.> Do you not know that the cleric can res you, and that you'll lose less exp?" >.< really i hate it when ppl QQ for one knowing that the cleric can res them.

    I hear what you are saying, if there is a cleric in the squad, why waste mp on buffing the damage dealers. The thing is, if people are starting to die, odds are that the cleric is already super busy just trying to keep the rest alive. Having to stop healing/purifying to rez someone at a boss or crisis moment is a completely unnecessary risk to the entire squad if there is a mystic that could have simply buffed them. If its not a crisis situation then fine, wait for the cleric to rez you, but I don't understand why people would not want to use the skills given to their characters when it is in the best interest of the squad to do so.

    I understand that it takes up a lot of mp to cast the rez buff, but as others have said, you don't have to buff everyone at once, just prioritize and do it along the way. Speaking with my cleric hat on, I don't sympathize with the argument that...."it costs too much mp". Welcome to the ranks of the healers b:surrender
  • XMiyala - Dreamweaver
    XMiyala - Dreamweaver Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I hear what you are saying, if there is a cleric in the squad, why waste mp on buffing the damage dealers. The thing is, if people are starting to die, odds are that the cleric is already super busy just trying to keep the rest alive. Having to stop healing/purifying to rez someone at a boss or crisis moment is a completely unnecessary risk to the entire squad if there is a mystic that could have simply buffed them. If its not a crisis situation then fine, wait for the cleric to rez you, but I don't understand why people would not want to use the skills given to their characters when it is in the best interest of the squad to do so.

    I understand that it takes up a lot of mp to cast the rez buff, but as others have said, you don't have to buff everyone at once, just prioritize and do it along the way. Speaking with my cleric hat on, I don't sympathize with the argument that...."it costs too much mp". Welcome to the ranks of the healers b:surrender

    I'm pretty sure if the cleric has to stop healing to res someone in a critical situation, then the mystic will pick up on healing, while cleric resses. At least that's what I do. And I don't really care that it costs alot of mp, because if there's not a cleric in squad I end up res buffing everyone anyways. And if someone ends up dying then that means I have to stop healing to res buff again. At least with a mystic and cleric in squad there's more support.
  • OontzOontz - Dreamweaver
    OontzOontz - Dreamweaver Posts: 782 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Sorry but you have that backwards, it should read: "If you know how to play a cleric well, you use up mp like CRAZY."

    Lazy clerics often think that their job is just to IH the tank once and a while. However, an active cleric uses everything in their arsenal to support the squad. That is to say, an active cleric is constantly healing, buffing, purifying, and rez'ing any and all squad members that need it, as well as, de-buffing, stunning, and damage dealing mobs and bosses. A clerics job is never done. Unfortunately, the consequence of being a really good and active cleric is that you go through mp and mp food like CRAZY.

    That's because you expect too much from the cleric. It's not their job to attack. You might as well ask them to solo the instance for you.
  • Scuzeme - Dreamweaver
    Scuzeme - Dreamweaver Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    First of all, this is just my opinion, and I respect your opinions on this topic aswell.

    Most of the time, I rez buff the cleric first, then the tank, then myself , then the highest DD'er , then the rest along the way during the run.
    The fact most runs are quite short, means I only have to rezbuff them once, and the cleric twice if it wears off.
    Yes it costs a lot of mana, BUT, having the tank and or DD back on their feet immediatley saves the squad a lot of time and prevents disaster from happening.
  • firedolphin
    firedolphin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    That's because you expect too much from the cleric. It's not their job to attack. You might as well ask them to solo the instance for you.

    it is not a cleric's priority to attack, but if you are a great cleric, you'll do everything you can to support your squad. I don't say this to overload clerics, as i am one myself.
    The thing is, if nobody steals aggro, in a non-AoE boss, a cleric (i speak for my experience) may have time to do an extra (such as the physical or magical seals to decrease the boss's defence).
    Just like a tanker's priority is taking aggro, but he/she can still debuff the boss and hit as hard as they can...(if possible, cancelling the boss's channeling)
    A DD's priority is dealing damage. However, that DD can still debuff the boss and some can even cancell the boss's channeling.
    Even a venonmancer's job can go a step further: if the tanker loses aggro, a venonmancer can still command his/her pet to cast an aggro-stealing skill...(some pets have it).
    And don't even make me start on the mystics...
    A mystic's job is the most versatile of them all...
    Depending on the situation, a mystic can heal a squad member, attack, heal his/her own pet, cast ressurection, heal another mystic's or a venonmancer's pet, debuff...
    On a team with a lot of mystics/venonmancers, a mystic can even TANK through a pet...
    That is why mystics are so handy in a squad...
  • firedolphin
    firedolphin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    First of all, this is just my opinion, and I respect your opinions on this topic aswell.

    Most of the time, I rez buff the cleric first, then the tank, then myself , then the highest DD'er , then the rest along the way during the run.
    The fact most runs are quite short, means I only have to rezbuff them once, and the cleric twice if it wears off.
    Yes it costs a lot of mana, BUT, having the tank and or DD back on their feet immediatley saves the squad a lot of time and prevents disaster from happening.

    Exactly! that is exactly my point! a mystic's well-done job can save a hole squad!
  • firedolphin
    firedolphin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Sorry but you have that backwards, it should read: "If you know how to play a cleric well, you use up mp like CRAZY."

    Lazy clerics often think that their job is just to IH the tank once and a while. However, an active cleric uses everything in their arsenal to support the squad. That is to say, an active cleric is constantly healing, buffing, purifying, and rez'ing any and all squad members that need it, as well as, de-buffing, stunning, and damage dealing mobs and bosses. A clerics job is never done. Unfortunately, the consequence of being a really good and active cleric is that you go through mp and mp food like CRAZY.

    I hear what you are saying, if there is a cleric in the squad, why waste mp on buffing the damage dealers. The thing is, if people are starting to die, odds are that the cleric is already super busy just trying to keep the rest alive. Having to stop healing/purifying to rez someone at a boss or crisis moment is a completely unnecessary risk to the entire squad if there is a mystic that could have simply buffed them. If its not a crisis situation then fine, wait for the cleric to rez you, but I don't understand why people would not want to use the skills given to their characters when it is in the best interest of the squad to do so.

    I understand that it takes up a lot of mp to cast the rez buff, but as others have said, you don't have to buff everyone at once, just prioritize and do it along the way. Speaking with my cleric hat on, I don't sympathize with the argument that...."it costs too much mp". Welcome to the ranks of the healers b:surrender

    EXACTLY! sometimes the situation is too critical for a mystic to handle alone, if a cleric is busy ressurecting the dead.
    i mean, on those REALLY critical situations, even a cleric AND a mystic healing have a hard time controlling the situation...let alone a single mystic handling the job...
  • firedolphin
    firedolphin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Mystics don't have to buff the whole team all at once. The good mystics I have squad-ed with, buff everyone, but not all at once. They do it gradually, and spread it out over 5-10 minutes, doing each member as MP and the action permits.

    If a Mystic is low on MP, they can beg a spark from a veno. Most venos I know will gladly trade a spark for the rez buff.

    What the other posters have said about saving time is major. Rez buffing the whole squad saves everyone a great deal of time and frees the cleric to concentrate on keeping people alive rather than reviving them. Waiting for team-mates to run back to the instance and squad, burns up everyone's current buffs, and often requires everyone to rebuff, a further MP drain.

    So Mystics burn MP, tough, that comes with the territory. Mystics burn MP, that's life. So do Venos, but you don't hear them whining about handing out sparks. It is part of the role. A Mystic shouldn't be overly concerned about MP burn rate unless their gear is not up to snuff (no MP or MP regen buffs).

    When there's one squad slot left and there are two Mystics competing for it, guess which one gets the invite? (Hint: NOT the one who has been stingy with Rez buffs in the past)

    I not sure this there is a trend of stingy Mystics. Most Mystics I have teamed with seem to be pretty generous and I have never had one refuse to give the buff when asked.

    YOU'RE so right! i couldn't have said better myself~ and i love the title of your post, too! :)
  • Clearweather - Sanctuary
    Clearweather - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    i buff cleric and tank firstly, and potentional aggro thief.
    never had problems with any of squads asking/demanding/qqing about not having rez buff.
    if there is no cleric,rezbuff everyone,simple as that.
    and people that QQ about having rez buff,hey,they just want extra pair or ballz ;) xD