Why do many mystics refuse to buff the team?



  • DeadRaven - Sanctuary
    DeadRaven - Sanctuary Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    That's because you expect too much from the cleric. It's not their job to attack. You might as well ask them to solo the instance for you.

    You are right in one sense.....I do expect a lot from myself. I say that because my main character is a cleric. And I did not describe anything that I do not do myself. After making sure that the tank has heals and everyone is safe, I have a choice: 1) to stand around and do nothing or, 2) I can help with the killing. I will give you one guess what popular clerics do.

    As firedolfine said, attacking is not usually a clerics priority, but I am not a heal-slave that is there to cast IH once and a while, and to look pretty the rest of the time. By contributing to the killing, clerics help the run to go much faster....which everyone appreciates.

    Clerics are much, much more than a one-trick-pony....and I do not ask anything more of them than I do of all other classes....which is simply to contribute to the success of the squad as best as they can :)
  • _Nettuno_ - Harshlands
    _Nettuno_ - Harshlands Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    If the mystic in my squad is the only healer M U S T buff everyone, otherwise will get a kick and probably a pk.
    If is 2nd healer is his choice. Really don't understand why ppl complain about the cost, 600x3 (1,8k per run) coins look pretty cheap to me, it's like i could say "no, i don't want to attack because i don't want to repair", and i pay 45k fee of repair cost every 3 FFC runs. I can't complain, it's the class i like to play, whit pro and cos. If you don't like mystic just reroll.
    Mystic who don't want to buff squad only show his dumbness and how greedy he is. b:bye
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I quit my Mystic for personal reasons but the times I'd play it I would buff the whole squad regardless of it being necessary (due to being solo healing) or not (due to having a cleric).

    You never know when things may go wrong and the fact that I had buffed the whole squad (in a bh) pretty much saved us from a total wipe, boss reset and lots of time. Obviously, good squads will mean that res buff is not a necessity but, like I said, you never know when something may happen.

    That's my opinion however. I play healer classes because I love helping, healing and protecting and thus, I do my best in squads and not be stingy just to save a little mp. I know very well how much mp Mystics consume but mp charms and apothecary pots (if you're under lvl75) solve your problem and the latter can be done by anyone, poor or not. Also, the right gear with mag+ mp+ stacking will give you a lot of mp as well. At lvl 89 I already had 10k mp on my Mystic (but lost some due to switching to TT90 gear from tt80/molds) and I was sharding with HP shards only.
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • zyean
    zyean Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Cleric, Tank, and maybe yourself are the only people that need the rez buff
  • QueenOfNukes - Heavens Tear
    QueenOfNukes - Heavens Tear Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Call me old fashion or random but I believe in giving everyone the buff.

    In instances, anything can happen - lag, fail pulls and stuff. You never know when it could come in handy. Sometimes, it takes the pressure off the cleric in case someone dies while the cleric is healing the tank.

    Plus, a mystic - and this goes for most skills - shouldn't really play if they're worrid about mana burn. Herb Yuanxiao is cheap and really, your role is a support DD, so I think they should be healing, res buffing and summoning plants as often as possible.

    My two cents.

    P/S. I have a mystic despite my avatar.
    "Beware of the Queen, she'll nuke our heads off if we don't listen to her. b:surrender" - Devereaux

    QueenOfNukes was created on 16th June 2011.
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I usually always buff everyone depending on my mood and if I feel like being bothered with the mana, but almost always buff everyone. I always ALWAYS buff everyone when there is no cleric however. And I also always buff everyone in FC because, if they die during a pull cleric isn't going to drop BB to res them and as a result they end up losing more exp than cleric res instead of mystic res would've given them back.

    But its kinda obvious that cleric should ALWAYS get the buff... Idk why any mystic would refuse to buff at least that.
  • RosangeIa - Heavens Tear
    RosangeIa - Heavens Tear Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    ...compare that to Rez buff, which at max level costs 2660MP PER PERSON. That's 15960 MP to buff the whole squad. And for Sage/Demon? 2900 each, bringing the drain up to 17400.

    Wanted to say I agree with what Astarte's said on all of her posts. The MP drain is incredible for us. The 30 second cooldown on the skill isn't really that great when you're trying to buff everyone at once (more or less). I have no problem potting as pots are pretty inexpensive... but more or less it just comes down to what the situation calls for.

    Only time I ever buff everyone with a res buff is if I'm the only healer. Then of course you'll have to buff everyone. I hate doing it not because of the mp drain alone which isn't a huge deal to me but moreso the cooldown time. For instance if I'm running an FF as the only healer and I have to res buff everyone... I start with the first person and go down the list. Problem is people are impatient and usually start running the instance right away. Usually I can get everyone buffed before we get to the first boss, but it's still a hassle at any rate. I haven't been playing enough lately to get 99 yet for my level 11 res buff... I'm not sure if the cooldown is less for it. Would be nice but... eh.

    When I went sage I did it out of the sole reason that I wanted what I feel are better healing spells and for the 95% exp loss reduction for 11 res. So I'm not going to ***** if people want it.

    I only buff the barb/tank and the cleric, as well as myself usually. If anyone else wants it they can request it, and I'll give it. But normally, I figure if something goes horribly wrong, the tank and cleric are the primary people who will need it. If the tank and cleric die they can res and I can continue healing during such and vice versa. There's no reason the other DDs would need the res buff as they usually wait for the cleric to res them anyway. There's no point in wasting the time.

    Here since October 2008 ;)

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  • Elfangorr - Archosaur
    Elfangorr - Archosaur Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Here is my two cents on giving squad members the res buff: Cleric get buffed, period. Then I buff the tank, whatever class they happen to be. Then as we go I try to remember to buff the rest as my MP rechrges. I'm happy to buff any who ask for it too. I've even buffed random people as I pass them around the world while working on my own quests.

    I respect everyone's opinion regardless of whether I agree with them or not.
  • ptana
    ptana Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    i have a mystic alt and the first thing i do when somebody joins my squad is to give them my buff.
    i came across mystics who refused to give their buffs with the sole excuse "it takes a lot of mp" or "it makes my charm tick". i was like "seriously?" i mean, no matter what your class is, you owe your squad your class's buff. A mystic's buff is even more important than the rest, since it saves up a lot of time and experience (time needed to return to the spot) AND it is the only thing that can ressurect the cleric (if any), not to mention that sometimes it is a life-saver! (i was playing on my cleric and we were attacked by ~6 monsters on a dungeon. i did my best to keep myself, the barbarian and the mystic alive (i couldn't heal everyone because i myself was under attack) and eventually, they all died (after i died, it was only a matter of time...) If the mystic had buffed us and aided me healing, our squad's dead members would have ressurected with some hp and mp and would keep fighting, and maybe even distract the mobs that were hitting me (so that i could dedicate myself entirely to heal the other squad members...)).
    I am not accusing our mystic. In fact, it was a mix of flaws of every member (i did some mistakes too). I am just highlighting the vital role of a mystic's "ressurect" skill (even on level 1).

    PLEASE remember that when you give someone of your own squad your buff, you are not just helping them, you are helping yourself by making your squad more efficient.

    I will send a ticket to the support team
    I apologize for the inconvenience
  • Mekkhala - Lost City
    Mekkhala - Lost City Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    At endgame where any loss of exp is a big deal most mystics will only buff the cleric, because 11 ep rezz is 0% exp loss where 11 myst rezz still looses quite a bit. (When 2mill exp is .1%, the difference matters). Plus, my rezz is only 1.5k mana while theirs is quite a bit more. It would be lazy for me to expect them to use their entire mana bar to buff a squad when I can just rezz who needs it. If I'm doing my job in squad the mystic should be able to go full DD.

    A good mystic can also recognize when it's appropriate to give another squadmate the buff. For example, in SoT. The sins often run off to solo the guards. Some mystics will put the buff on the sin so if he/she dies, the squad doesn't spend 10 min trying to clear the way for the cleric to rezz. Or they might give it to the archer who is soloing the tower in abaddon while the rest of the squad clears.

    Its not mandatory for everybody to have the buff if cleric is in squad.

    And yes, I really don't understand mystics who refuse to help heal at all. I see MANY of these in GV. I'll be ticking, potting, yelling for squad to get aggro and the mystic just sits there with her storm mistress ignoring my rapidly falling hp. When the veno/sin fails to move bosses away from BB they pull out cragglord or some **** instead of healing herb to cover the squad's *** till I can get BB back up.
    It's why there are only 2 mystics I will squad with for GV atm.
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    You all are so stupid.

    Let me school all of you.

    The only people who need res buff is the cleric, yourself and the tank.

    In the event a DD dies, yourself takes over healing while the cleric res (I think you guys are forgetting mystics are well equipped to heal).

    That is all.

    I can't stand people, who sit there b****ing and whining when they die, WHY DIDN'T YOU RES BUFF ME. This annoys me even more, when I asked AT LEAST 10 times: Does anyone else wants res buff? Then when they have it and they die, THEY GET THE CLERIC TO RES THEM?

    ^That is why you buff cleric, tank and yourself. Chances are, the tank will wait for a cleric res anyways, but w/e. If the cleric needs to res a DD, you take over healing. Ask during the run if anyone else wants it, if they don't. Ignore. Even at big room, I ask: Does anyone want res buff? The squad runs off pulling dies while cragglord kills to pull...and then they b**** at me.

    Moral of the rant: If you want res buff only to refuse it in the event you die, f*** off. If you want res buff cause you like green balls, I will give it to you. If you want res buff and will use it, I will give it to you.

    People are saying 30k is nothing btw, 30k gets you 50 MP food. I've done frost runs where I used 80-120 food....and those were good runs.

    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Aurores - Heavens Tear
    Aurores - Heavens Tear Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    You all are so stupid.

    Let me school all of you.

    The only people who need res buff is the cleric, yourself and the tank.

    In the event a DD dies, yourself takes over healing while the cleric res (I think you guys are forgetting mystics are well equipped to heal).

    That is all.

    I can't stand people, who sit there b****ing and whining when they die, WHY DIDN'T YOU RES BUFF ME. This annoys me even more, when I asked AT LEAST 10 times: Does anyone else wants res buff? Then when they have it and they die, THEY GET THE CLERIC TO RES THEM?

    ^That is why you buff cleric, tank and yourself. Chances are, the tank will wait for a cleric res anyways, but w/e. If the cleric needs to res a DD, you take over healing. Ask during the run if anyone else wants it, if they don't. Ignore. Even at big room, I ask: Does anyone want res buff? The squad runs off pulling dies while cragglord kills to pull...and then they b**** at me.

    Moral of the rant: If you want res buff only to refuse it in the event you die, f*** off. If you want res buff cause you like green balls, I will give it to you. If you want res buff and will use it, I will give it to you.

    People are saying 30k is nothing btw, 30k gets you 50 MP food. I've done frost runs where I used 80-120 food....and those were good runs.


    Retired b:bye
  • Siera_carise - Heavens Tear
    Siera_carise - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I agree with you on this one :)
  • ptana
    ptana Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I agree with you on this one :)

    Its not a class issue ,you just met weirdos in squads
    seriously 5 pages for this?
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    You all are so stupid.

    Let me school all of you.

    The only people who need res buff is the cleric, yourself and the tank.

    In the event a DD dies, yourself takes over healing while the cleric res (I think you guys are forgetting mystics are well equipped to heal).

    That is all.

    I can't stand people, who sit there b****ing and whining when they die, WHY DIDN'T YOU RES BUFF ME. This annoys me even more, when I asked AT LEAST 10 times: Does anyone else wants res buff? Then when they have it and they die, THEY GET THE CLERIC TO RES THEM?

    ^That is why you buff cleric, tank and yourself. Chances are, the tank will wait for a cleric res anyways, but w/e. If the cleric needs to res a DD, you take over healing. Ask during the run if anyone else wants it, if they don't. Ignore. Even at big room, I ask: Does anyone want res buff? The squad runs off pulling dies while cragglord kills to pull...and then they b**** at me.

    Moral of the rant: If you want res buff only to refuse it in the event you die, f*** off. If you want res buff cause you like green balls, I will give it to you. If you want res buff and will use it, I will give it to you.

    People are saying 30k is nothing btw, 30k gets you 50 MP food. I've done frost runs where I used 80-120 food....and those were good runs.

    I mostly agree with what you're saying, as much as I want to argue with you given your demeanor and excessive generalizations at the start. When I run with a cleric on my mystic I tend only to buff myself, the cleric, the tank/puller, and my wife, and no one else unless they ask. OTOH, I tend to solo heal quite a bit of late on mystic since 84 (now 89) so sometimes it's just a habit to keep everyone in the squad rez buffed.
  • OliOli - Momaganon
    OliOli - Momaganon Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I didn't even read the whole thread and already get bored.

    I'll tell you why. Full MAG mystic on lvl 100 has ~10k MP.
    MP charm is useless since 75, so don't tell me about it.

    1) gather all member of party near you
    2) ask how want a res buf
    3) use Clear Thoughts
    4) buff ressurect on them one by one

    Even if you buff whole party you won't use any pot or food but your mana will be low after buff (~3k will be left after full squad buff with 11 lvl res).
  • Xyrika - Archosaur
    Xyrika - Archosaur Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I didn't even read the whole thread and already get bored.

    I'll tell you why. Full MAG mystic on lvl 100 has ~10k MP.
    MP charm is useless since 75, so don't tell me about it.

    1) gather all member of party near you
    2) ask how want a res buf
    3) use Clear Thoughts
    4) buff ressurect on them one by one

    Even if you buff whole party you won't use any pot or food but your mana will be low after buff (~3k will be left after full squad buff with 11 lvl res).

    Nice idea, BUT wont work. Yes a lvl 100 Mystic will have around 10K MP BUT clear thaughts has a cooldown from several minuts and is dependend on how much MP you have left over. After you rebuffed someone you have a cooldown as well. So even if you used clear thaughts before buffing you still need to wait 30 sec after you buffed one person. So it doesn't work because of the cooldowns. Get to lvl 79+ and you will lern that clear thaughts is not the solution to all MP problems...

    I totally agree with the thaughts shared before.. Cleric needs it. In some situations Tank or even sins. If there is a situation a BB is a must have its the ONLY situation I can consider buffing the whole team, when there is a cleric with us. Don't make the clerics feal bad, because you take over all their tasks in a squat b:laugh
  • anwynd
    anwynd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    you no i just thought of something to stop all this bull **** why not just make the dam skill an aoe so you can just get the whole dang party in one fell swoop its totally fairtomake it an aoe imo becus of how much mp it costsb:victory
    Collector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I mostly agree with what you're saying, as much as I want to argue with you given your demeanor and excessive generalizations at the start. When I run with a cleric on my mystic I tend only to buff myself, the cleric, the tank/puller, and my wife, and no one else unless they ask. OTOH, I tend to solo heal quite a bit of late on mystic since 84 (now 89) so sometimes it's just a habit to keep everyone in the squad rez buffed.

    I know exactly what you mean. I just buff everyone because it's a habit.
    anwynd wrote: »
    you no i just thought of something to stop all this bull **** why not just make the dam skill an aoe so you can just get the whole dang party in one fell swoop its totally fairtomake it an aoe imo becus of how much mp it costsb:victory

    ^This x1000 I really wish they would just make it a squad buff for all the mp it costs and the annoyance of it wearing off of everyone in squad one by one at some point in the instance and how some people don't always wait for it. Also, it would give me an excuse not to have to buff randoms who are always asking for it. b:cute
  • Paxiphon - Lost City
    Paxiphon - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    So I started a cleric(hes the avatar) and I realized something. NEVER LET HIM DIE. Mystics should keep the cleric alive while the cleric keeps the group alive, while the group keeps the mystic alive(well, its not the primary reason for the group, but you get my point) That way the mystic is saving his/her life.
  • ptana
    ptana Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    So I started a cleric(hes the avatar) and I realized something. NEVER LET HIM DIE. Mystics should keep the cleric alive while the cleric keeps the group alive, while the group keeps the mystic alive(well, its not the primary reason for the group, but you get my point) That way the mystic is saving his/her life.

    we really need a chat box in the forums b:surrender
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    So I started a cleric(hes the avatar) and I realized something. NEVER LET HIM DIE. Mystics should keep the cleric alive while the cleric keeps the group alive, while the group keeps the mystic alive(well, its not the primary reason for the group, but you get my point) That way the mystic is saving his/her life.
    This is wrong. The only way the mystic helps the cleric is with a rez buff. Otherwise, the mystic is a DD and a secondary group healer, but rarely should be healing. If a mystic is going to be that focused on healing, it might as well be the only healer in the squad making room for more DD. The cleric is responsible for keeping their self and the squad alive. With a cleric in squad, the mystic focuses more on DD, lysing (debuffing), transfering, debuffing (plants), leeching (self buffs), and resummoning.
  • DaRkYuYo - Dreamweaver
    DaRkYuYo - Dreamweaver Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    i get it at low lvls but after lvl 75 (herb yunxiao cheap mp) everyone should get buff
    that's like clerics complaining of MP pots or barbs about repair fee
    if I saw that on my alt cleric i would buff everyone except mystic b:angry

    edit ON FC or anyware where BB is used it's a must! i got killed but still got all exp from big pull thanx to mystic having us all buffed, same with BH a must for sins on warsong (which die a lot XD).

    Exp loss Blah Blah Blah, 1 FC eun with no hypers at lvl 100 gives you more exp than i dont know 3, 4 deaths to lazy to do the math
    beer and cigs makes me play pwi even more :D
  • Namari - Dreamweaver
    Namari - Dreamweaver Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    i get it at low lvls but after lvl 75 (herb yunxiao cheap mp) everyone should get buff
    that's like clerics complaining of MP pots or barbs about repair fee
    if I saw that on my alt cleric i would buff everyone except mystic b:angry

    ...same with BH a must for sins on warsong (which die a lot XD).

    1) cheap pots or not, unless requested or required (when I'm sole healer in squad, which is very rare or in fc), three people get my buff.

    2) You auto res in bh warsong anyways. The buff would be wasted there.
    Censorship is the bane of creativity. Censorship is the bane of personality. Most of all...censorship is the bane of identity.

    My main is Ivy_. I'm better known as Destini. Also known as _Yvi. Yes, I have an identity crisis. b:chuckle

    Looking for a signature for this character. Wanna make me one?
  • CrazyMig - Lost City
    CrazyMig - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    lol how cute, all you mystics QQing about mp cost. omg raz cost me 2.6k and 5kmp pots cost me 500 b:shocked yeah i can see where buffing the squad can be so hard b:chuckle

    i might be a bm but i burn through mp like nothing b:surrender 3 buff and guess what i have to use same pots as you, the 5k mp pots. 4 aoe attacks guess what i have to pot again. look i have agro i have to use hp and mp pot now b:surrender so yes QQ over a little mp cost when you let you squad members die and the cleric is not able to save those that was so unlucky to die. if they are so stupid and keep dieing then fine dont buff them, they are just holding squad back anyways. but if you want a nice smooth run and noon QQing just buff your squad they will love you. a mystic that dont buff is like a cleric that wont buff. and noon will take a cleric that dont buff

    and yes mystic might have a higher mp cost for your buff but be a cleric for a day, each IH cost around 300-400 mp and full squad buffs around 4m (most clerics always re-use squad aoe buff even if only 1 person dies) and each aoe heal 1k. and BB/RB 500 every 3 sec. and when they set up BB or RB they have to keep it up for 5-10m even if its needed or not. like 2nd boss in fc and heads in big room are some good moments when its not needed but still used. ive been in squad with mystics many time all they have to do is aoe plant heal 1s every 60 sec and DD some and bosses or mobs. you take the same thing put a cleric in the mystic place and they never stop healing unless squad is moving to next set of mob/boss.

    if you realy want to QQ over a little mp dont be a 5.0 bm sin or even a barb. we deal with over 100k+ repairs 90% of the time and another 100k+ in pots. and if your like me you just solo fc add in some pk pots for 20k+ each pot. total cost for 1 run = 300k-400 for full solo fc run, half run about 200k between pots and repairs.

    my rant as a DD. b:victory
  • Anthemyra_ - Momaganon
    Anthemyra_ - Momaganon Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Barbarians need to meditate a lot more than you do to recover THE SAME MP, so for you 200 mp is nothing, but for a barbarian it is a hit... Besides, why do you think you are so special that you are too good to meditate? that's what meditation is for! Do you think that EVERYONE just uses mp potions and remedies (or charms) to keep their hp/mp full all the time? you could save some money by simply meditating...I know it is a pain, but it is a lot cheaper, too![/I]

    i had to quote this ... at lower lv on a new server that might be posible to be accepted by your squad, but try to do that before or during a fc @.@ and see your squad reaction especial if it is a "fast run"

    ps . the fc is only an ex ... insert any instance there
  • __Astarte__ - Dreamweaver
    __Astarte__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    lol how cute, all you mystics QQing about mp cost. omg raz cost me 2.6k and 5kmp pots cost me 500 b:shocked yeah i can see where buffing the squad can be so hard b:chuckle

    i might be a bm but i burn through mp like nothing b:surrender 3 buff and guess what i have to use same pots as you, the 5k mp pots. 4 aoe attacks guess what i have to pot again. look i have agro i have to use hp and mp pot now b:surrender so yes QQ over a little mp cost when you let you squad members die and the cleric is not able to save those that was so unlucky to die. if they are so stupid and keep dieing then fine dont buff them, they are just holding squad back anyways. but if you want a nice smooth run and noon QQing just buff your squad they will love you. a mystic that dont buff is like a cleric that wont buff. and noon will take a cleric that dont buff

    and yes mystic might have a higher mp cost for your buff but be a cleric for a day, each IH cost around 300-400 mp and full squad buffs around 4m (most clerics always re-use squad aoe buff even if only 1 person dies) and each aoe heal 1k. and BB/RB 500 every 3 sec. and when they set up BB or RB they have to keep it up for 5-10m even if its needed or not. like 2nd boss in fc and heads in big room are some good moments when its not needed but still used. ive been in squad with mystics many time all they have to do is aoe plant heal 1s every 60 sec and DD some and bosses or mobs. you take the same thing put a cleric in the mystic place and they never stop healing unless squad is moving to next set of mob/boss.

    if you realy want to QQ over a little mp dont be a 5.0 bm sin or even a barb. we deal with over 100k+ repairs 90% of the time and another 100k+ in pots. and if your like me you just solo fc add in some pk pots for 20k+ each pot. total cost for 1 run = 300k-400 for full solo fc run, half run about 200k between pots and repairs.

    my rant as a DD. b:victory

    Okay...here's the funny part.

    All of that **** you just mentioned is necessary cost and that money is ACTUALLY going to use. The Cleric's MP is ALWAYS being used on something that WILL be useful to either themselves or the squad. Mystic's rez buff is a luxury more than a necessity on anyone other than the cleric. And 9/10ths of the time is going to go to waste, either because there was a successful no-death run...or because buffed people wait for Cleric rez. >.>;;;

    Either way, in many situations, there are simply better things I could be burning the MP on. Like, oh I dunno, keeping people alive in the first place. I mean seriously...with two healers in squad, if people are dying at such a frequent pace that Cleric can't keep up with it something is SERIOUSLY wrong. -_-

    And don't try the argument 'OMG BUT WHAT IF THE CLERIC IS IN BB!?!?!???!??!?'. It's been done before, and most any Mystic would agree that they'll buff the squad in select situations like that.

    Personally, I don't mind the pot cost as a Mystic. And I'll happily burn as many pots as it takes to get a squad through...whatever it is that we happen to be doing at the time. But I hate pot WASTE. And at the end of the day that's all excess rez buffing accomplishes in most any decent squad.

    Lemme ask you a question dood; would you be happy if you had to pot excessively for absolutely no reason, or suffer a handful of completely unnecessary charm ticks with a healer in squad that could have EASILY prevented them? I didn't think so. =X
    Censorship is the bane of creativity. Censorship is the bane of personality. Most of all...censorship is the bane of identity.
  • Siumiki - Dreamweaver
    Siumiki - Dreamweaver Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    thanks god i have only run into 2 greedy mystics on dreamweaver server who cry about res buff, even my cleric couldnt get buff from them, they only buffed themselves :s
  • Ephemera - Raging Tide
    Ephemera - Raging Tide Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    So I started a cleric(hes the avatar) and I realized something. NEVER LET HIM DIE. Mystics should keep the cleric alive while the cleric keeps the group alive, while the group keeps the mystic alive(well, its not the primary reason for the group, but you get my point) That way the mystic is saving his/her life.

    If I'm having to focus on healing the cleric that much, they're not a very good cleric >.>. I res buff clerics, and if I'm having to heal the majority of the time instead of doing damage, except for a few situations, more likely than not the cleric doesn't know how to heal.

    As for the res buff--I'm not at 75 yet, so I don't have access to MP pots. Therefore, it takes way too much time and money to res buff every single person in the squad. I buff tank, cleric, and myself--unless there is no cleric; then I'll buff everyone. Post 75, I can see it being much easier, but there's still the cooldown to take into consideration. It's not a skill we can just spam on every squad member, and I have yet to meet a squad that wants to wait several minutes for me to finish buffing before they decide to start clearing. If I'm the main healer, that's nervewracking as hell, when I don't have the mana to heal people while trying to get buffs up on everyone--mana pots below 75 really don't cut it, and they're expensive.
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    lol how cute, all you mystics QQing about mp cost. omg raz cost me 2.6k and 5kmp pots cost me 500 b:shocked yeah i can see where buffing the squad can be so hard b:chuckle

    i might be a bm but i burn through mp like nothing b:surrender 3 buff and guess what i have to use same pots as you, the 5k mp pots. 4 aoe attacks guess what i have to pot again. look i have agro i have to use hp and mp pot now b:surrender so yes QQ over a little mp cost when you let you squad members die and the cleric is not able to save those that was so unlucky to die. if they are so stupid and keep dieing then fine dont buff them, they are just holding squad back anyways. but if you want a nice smooth run and noon QQing just buff your squad they will love you. a mystic that dont buff is like a cleric that wont buff. and noon will take a cleric that dont buff

    and yes mystic might have a higher mp cost for your buff but be a cleric for a day, each IH cost around 300-400 mp and full squad buffs around 4m (most clerics always re-use squad aoe buff even if only 1 person dies) and each aoe heal 1k. and BB/RB 500 every 3 sec. and when they set up BB or RB they have to keep it up for 5-10m even if its needed or not. like 2nd boss in fc and heads in big room are some good moments when its not needed but still used. ive been in squad with mystics many time all they have to do is aoe plant heal 1s every 60 sec and DD some and bosses or mobs. you take the same thing put a cleric in the mystic place and they never stop healing unless squad is moving to next set of mob/boss.

    if you realy want to QQ over a little mp dont be a 5.0 bm sin or even a barb. we deal with over 100k+ repairs 90% of the time and another 100k+ in pots. and if your like me you just solo fc add in some pk pots for 20k+ each pot. total cost for 1 run = 300k-400 for full solo fc run, half run about 200k between pots and repairs.

    my rant as a DD. b:victory

    BM skills don't cost a **** ton of mana, you just have a **** mp pool, and you don't 'need' 5k mp pots to keep up with your mana usage, they're just cheap.

    And play a cleric AND a mystic, you'll see mystics use up much more mp. RB/BB is 500 mana every 5 seconds. Vital herb has to be re-applied every 35 seconds, not a minute(unless you meant healing herb, but I always use debuff plants in FC, more useful.)

    And on my cleric, I never had to use pots while IH spamming, the ones who do are just over healing. And the only time I had to pot on my cleric was if I debuffed bosses or used BB/RB.(I know there is a lot more mana drain in FC however, this applies to all casters except maybe veno but I never had the patience to get one past 50 so idk there)

    I agree with that last bit. People who QQ about mana cost should see a tank's repair bill after one run. lol

    On my wizzy I use ~ 20 mp pots per FC run and about twice as much on my mystic so that's not even 100k. Tank repair costs more.