RKH vs BloodFeast duel



  • RKH - Harshlands
    RKH - Harshlands Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Have you played a sin Eoria? How about timing and coordination when that "face-roll keyboard auto-attack" doesn't work? Eeeexactly.
  • _Althea_ - Harshlands
    _Althea_ - Harshlands Posts: 352 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Sins are good for FC, Nirvana and sometimes higher up TTs (such as 3-3) if they can take the hits given from bosses. Other than that, they're really useless - they can run quest in GV and I suppose their sage amp AOE is okay..but I prefer a venomancer over an assassin in my GV squad any day. As for PvP, they suck (I'll use this term lightly) - I'm sure you could argue that a sage assassin is okay in PvP because they can stun lock and most rely on "skill"(s) versus pure demon APS and occult ice. But again..that's the extent. They're also useless in TW, a bit of a pain for clerics sometimes, but often times not. (My cleric can one shot most sins using wield of thunder, lol.)

    b:chuckle Sins should not be allowed out of Nivvy.

    Anyway, congrats I guess on your duel - even though duels are like the **** version of actually stepping out of safezone and killing someone.
  • JoshXT - Harshlands
    JoshXT - Harshlands Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    By the same token that you can one shot "any sin" (Which I would like to see) - most sins r8 weapon +1 or higher can also one shot you. All it takes is hitting chill of the deep, frenzy, headhunt - good bye squishy r8 cleric.
  • RKH - Harshlands
    RKH - Harshlands Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Lets simplify :)

    Everyone is OP with r9 +12 gear
    Sins are OP without, thus, sins are the superomgwtfmassiveOPOPOP class. Yes, I'm a sin, guess what I think they should do? Remove stealth from the game. Why? I don't need it to kill ya :P
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Aren't you in Valhalla? Are you claiming to know something about TW? rofl..

    You're about three months too late. b:bye

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • JoshXT - Harshlands
    JoshXT - Harshlands Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    You're about three months too late. b:bye

    Ah, guess I should pay more attention.
  • JoshXT - Harshlands
    JoshXT - Harshlands Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Remove stealth from the game.

    Agreed +12
  • Garaver - Harshlands
    Garaver - Harshlands Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Non verbal communication. I got that, what you're saying is "I dunno wtf I'm talking about so I take 10 minutes to post an empty flame, I really don't know anything, sorry. I'm a bit slow."
    I love how u change subjects after u get massive pwnd on the comments, first u were talking about my IQ, I pwnd u and u went back to the barb subject, then I pwnd u on that too, so u had to say " uh, sins are real class, me pro, me so cool", u get pwnd in 2 sentences and so u go to insults lol, I'm just waiting on u to say something child-rage-ish like " but u smell like broccoli!!!"

    Tell u what, I'm gonna play along with u because I'm loving how u make a fool out of yourself:

    Why are barbs better than sin....

    -U already admitted they're better in TW, good for you.

    -They can actually run ppl through FCand gather mobs, sins can only run themselves.

    -On Warsong, they're more useful for the gathers, on GV, they keep aggro out of DDrs, on TT they're more capable to keep their squad alive on bosses like GBA than sins who usually die on it, on world bosses they can keep aggro on them and live( don't tell me u saw a sin solo Harpy Wraith, we all did, we are talking overall sins and barbs), at lower lvls, barbs tank the bhs, phoenix valley gathers, lol, so long for your comment of sins being better in most pve instances, and I can keep going but don't wanna make this a wall of text.

    -Before 4aps+ sins are useless, they not awesome DDrs before that and they have a low survival rate. As classes lvl up, barbs are good overall at all lvls, sins get "good" after 95+

    -On all around pvp sins are always a 1 shot to all classes with compared status, and before 4aps+ as I can speak of personal experience, they pop out of stealth, spark+occult+ auto attack, my charm ticks I stun and they dead. Barbs can survive multiple foes at a time, stun lock, do large aoe damage, besides, 90% of the sins in pvp have no clue on what to do if their precious occult ice fails and if their foe doesn't drop after spark.

    I can keep on going but I don't wanna leave u with no reply possibilities, I wanna have more fun out of u so gogogo answer this xD

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • JoshXT - Harshlands
    JoshXT - Harshlands Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I love how u change subjects after u get massive pwnd on the comments, first u were talking about my IQ, I pwnd u and u went back to the barb subject, then I pwnd u on that too, so u had to say " uh, sins are real class, me pro, me so cool", u get pwnd in 2 sentences and so u go to insults lol, I'm just waiting on u to say something child-rage-ish like " but u smell like broccoli!!!"

    Tell u what, I'm gonna play along with u because I'm loving how u make a fool out of yourself:

    Why are barbs better than sin....

    -U already admitted they're better in TW, good for you.

    -They can actually run ppl through FCand gather mobs, sins can only run themselves.

    -On Warsong, they're more useful for the gathers, on GV, they keep aggro out of DDrs, on TT they're more capable to keep their squad alive on bosses like GBA than sins who usually die on it, on world bosses they can keep aggro on them and live( don't tell me u saw a sin solo Harpy Wraith, we all did, we are talking overall sins and barbs), at lower lvls, barbs tank the bhs, phoenix valley gathers, lol, so long for your comment of sins being better in most pve instances, and I can keep going but don't wanna make this a wall of text.

    -Before 4aps+ sins are useless, they not awesome DDrs before that and they have a low survival rate. As classes lvl up, barbs are good overall at all lvls, sins get "good" after 95+

    -On all around pvp sins are always a 1 shot to all classes with compared status, and before 4aps+ as I can speak of personal experience, they pop out of stealth, spark+occult+ auto attack, my charm ticks I stun and they dead. Barbs can survive multiple foes at a time, stun lock, do large aoe damage, besides, 90% of the sins in pvp have no clue on what to do if their precious occult ice fails and if their foe doesn't drop after spark.

    I can keep on going but I don't wanna leave u with no reply possibilities, I wanna have more fun out of u so gogogo answer this xD

    1) Barbs better in TW, thats established.

    2) Idiotic statement. Sins don't need to kill the mobs in FC, they do FC hella faster than a barb could dream to do it. They can also very very easily clear the EXP room by rounding up 4 groups at a time if they are strong enough, they can EASILY clear the mobs leading up the the exp room.

    3) Why are you talking about lower levels? End game, sin trumps barb, everything you listed there besides gathering mobs in Warsong was stupid, and BM's can do that, I've done squads of warsong that had no barb.

    4) What do you mean "before 4+ aps" ?? My BM on PW-MY was 4.0 since before PWI came out, only reason it wasn't 5.0 is because we didn't have nirvana there. Sins can easily make that kind of interval, and why are you even talking about "before sins." Every class was better than a non-existent class when they weren't here yet. On top of that, back to the "in the lower levels" thing, who the hell is a lower level and actually levels like we had to on PW-MY? No hypers, no FC? **** that, 1 to 100 is a 2 week deal, have a 5.0 friend run you through or buy heads and use hypers, its very simple to get ANY class to 100 these days.

    5) Go one shot BloodFeast, ijs. Seen it happen to him, but I've seen him kill a hell of a lot more than I've seen him die. No respect for him because he's a failure at life, but he sure knows how to kill stuff on an all +10 to +12 r9 sin. I hardly EVER see RKH use demon spark unless he's having to take out someone with some really good refines.

    Basically, all I heard from your whole post was "QQ @ SINS!" Trust me man, I hate fighting sins, they're a pain in my *** in PVP, but I have to say that they are a strong PVP class even if it isn't fair. Life isn't fair, sin's aren't fair. Get over it, quit trying to say how everything is better than a sin when you are using nothing but baseless opinions.

    Barbs aren't NEEDED in anything but TW anymore, they're hardly ever invited to nirvana, a strong sin can tank any TT, only one I haven't seen a sin tank is the last boss in 3-3, but I didn't watch a barb tank it either, I tanked it on my BM.

    So please, come up with a new argument and stop making yourself look like an idiot while trying to make someone else look like an idiot. You failed, sorry.

    PS: I'm a BM, not a sin, I've played 5.0 all +10 sins and I have to tell you that it is incredibly more impressive than any other class in the game other than a BM.
  • RKH - Harshlands
    RKH - Harshlands Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    btw Gar, I will happily meet you out at silver pool, without stealth. And still wreck you. Oh, and FTR, not even 3 APS sparked. So it'll be even more funny to see all your nab facts wrecked too.
  • Garaver - Harshlands
    Garaver - Harshlands Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    1) Barbs better in TW, thats established.

    2) Idiotic statement. Sins don't need to kill the mobs in FC, they do FC hella faster than a barb could dream to do it. They can also very very easily clear the EXP room by rounding up 4 groups at a time if they are strong enough, they can EASILY clear the mobs leading up the the exp room.

    3) Why are you talking about lower levels? End game, sin trumps barb, everything you listed there besides gathering mobs in Warsong was stupid, and BM's can do that, I've done squads of warsong that had no barb.

    4) What do you mean "before 4+ aps" ?? My BM on PW-MY was 4.0 since before PWI came out, only reason it wasn't 5.0 is because we didn't have nirvana there. Sins can easily make that kind of interval, and why are you even talking about "before sins." Every class was better than a non-existent class when they weren't here yet. On top of that, back to the "in the lower levels" thing, who the hell is a lower level and actually levels like we had to on PW-MY? No hypers, no FC? **** that, 1 to 100 is a 2 week deal, have a 5.0 friend run you through or buy heads and use hypers, its very simple to get ANY class to 100 these days.

    5) Go one shot BloodFeast, ijs. Seen it happen to him, but I've seen him kill a hell of a lot more than I've seen him die. No respect for him because he's a failure at life, but he sure knows how to kill stuff on an all +10 to +12 r9 sin. I hardly EVER see RKH use demon spark unless he's having to take out someone with some really good refines.

    Basically, all I heard from your whole post was "QQ @ SINS!" Trust me man, I hate fighting sins, they're a pain in my *** in PVP, but I have to say that they are a strong PVP class even if it isn't fair. Life isn't fair, sin's aren't fair. Get over it, quit trying to say how everything is better than a sin when you are using nothing but baseless opinions.

    Barbs aren't NEEDED in anything but TW anymore, they're hardly ever invited to nirvana, a strong sin can tank any TT, only one I haven't seen a sin tank is the last boss in 3-3, but I didn't watch a barb tank it either, I tanked it on my BM.

    So please, come up with a new argument and stop making yourself look like an idiot while trying to make someone else look like an idiot. You failed, sorry.

    PS: I'm a BM, not a sin, I've played 5.0 all +10 sins and I have to tell you that it is incredibly more impressive than any other class in the game other than a BM.

    I kinda read your post... not most of it 'cause it's a lot, I never heard of u before and just by taking under consideration the little bit I read, u are one of those ppl who also think fist bms are pro shet and stuff... so nah... not gonna waste my time answering u xD RKH is way funnier, just need to clarify 1 thing, I'm not qqing at sins, they're useful, my point has always been: sins are needed BUT don't feel pro about playing it.
    btw Gar, I will happily meet you out at silver pool, without stealth. And still wreck you. Oh, and FTR, not even 3 APS sparked. So it'll be even more funny to see all your nab facts wrecked too.

    LOL, this is the geek version of " wanna take it outside" when words can't cut it, after getting verbal pwnage. And sure, I go look for pvp every once in a while, I would enjoy pvping u xD

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • NOTREAL - Archosaur
    NOTREAL - Archosaur Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    1) Barbs better in TW, thats established.

    2) Idiotic statement. Sins don't need to kill the mobs in FC, they do FC hella faster than a barb could dream to do it. They can also very very easily clear the EXP room by rounding up 4 groups at a time if they are strong enough, they can EASILY clear the mobs leading up the the exp room.

    3) Why are you talking about lower levels? End game, sin trumps barb, everything you listed there besides gathering mobs in Warsong was stupid, and BM's can do that, I've done squads of warsong that had no barb.

    4) What do you mean "before 4+ aps" ?? My BM on PW-MY was 4.0 since before PWI came out, only reason it wasn't 5.0 is because we didn't have nirvana there. Sins can easily make that kind of interval, and why are you even talking about "before sins." Every class was better than a non-existent class when they weren't here yet. On top of that, back to the "in the lower levels" thing, who the hell is a lower level and actually levels like we had to on PW-MY? No hypers, no FC? **** that, 1 to 100 is a 2 week deal, have a 5.0 friend run you through or buy heads and use hypers, its very simple to get ANY class to 100 these days.

    5) Go one shot BloodFeast, ijs. Seen it happen to him, but I've seen him kill a hell of a lot more than I've seen him die. No respect for him because he's a failure at life, but he sure knows how to kill stuff on an all +10 to +12 r9 sin. I hardly EVER see RKH use demon spark unless he's having to take out someone with some really good refines.

    Basically, all I heard from your whole post was "QQ @ SINS!" Trust me man, I hate fighting sins, they're a pain in my *** in PVP, but I have to say that they are a strong PVP class even if it isn't fair. Life isn't fair, sin's aren't fair. Get over it, quit trying to say how everything is better than a sin when you are using nothing but baseless opinions.

    Barbs aren't NEEDED in anything but TW anymore, they're hardly ever invited to nirvana, a strong sin can tank any TT, only one I haven't seen a sin tank is the last boss in 3-3, but I didn't watch a barb tank it either, I tanked it on my BM.

    So please, come up with a new argument and stop making yourself look like an idiot while trying to make someone else look like an idiot. You failed, sorry.

    PS: I'm a BM, not a sin, I've played 5.0 all +10 sins and I have to tell you that it is incredibly more impressive than any other class in the game other than a BM.

    fyi, just did 3-3 Illusion Lord and Emp with a Sage Sin Tank, Demon Sin and 2 clerics.

    Sins are hella scary b:shocked
  • RKH - Harshlands
    RKH - Harshlands Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Did I get verbally pwned? Anyone? I don't quite think I did.
  • Garaver - Harshlands
    Garaver - Harshlands Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    btw Gar, I will happily meet you out at silver pool, without stealth. And still wreck you. Oh, and FTR, not even 3 APS sparked. So it'll be even more funny to see all your nab facts wrecked too.

    I'm posting this not to make u feel bad man, I have more respect 4 u now after u indeed tried to beat me no stealth and unsparked at silver, I'm posting this to make my point:


    3 fights all 3 with the same result,after the 3 fights RKH did beat me once, how? I was chatting with my friend, he surprised me sparked and locked me.

    Final point is, overall sins are not the better class, and JoshXT, NOTREAL, don't get confused, ppl can say all they want, all.... but a good barb>a "good" sin any day of the week, and so does every other class.

    Sins do their job?, yeah, sins are needed? of course, but there's nothing pro on playing them, ppl have to stop having that "proud" feeling on their sins, come on! even I have a sin!!! every1 should have 1 for farming but u don't see me going around "Uh, u need to learn now to pvp, I owned u, yeah!!!"

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Player_two - Harshlands
    Player_two - Harshlands Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    p2 <\3

    Your not a sin woneo. i <3 you. your a wiz

    least i think thats what that char is i cant remeber now
    b:shocked oh noes was walking and forgot to breath
  • undeaduni442
    undeaduni442 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    All I have to say is, its duel not dual. kthxb:chuckle
  • Garaver - Harshlands
    Garaver - Harshlands Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I dunno 'bout that. We be excessivly squishy... yet we take down bosses that the powerful BM and Barb do - who have pdef and hp to spare....

    I think it is a good thing to be proud of your class, but realize each have their part to play, as you said. I see many Sins push past the lines of what people think Assassians can do, they pave the way...

    And think of this, maybe this be posted because the person bested in a duel, has a pretty cool reputation so it IS kinda neat to see that spash of VICTORY up there. One of those YES I DID IT memories. Let him have his moment.... is a good thing to do.

    Nia, I kinda considered this topic closed, but u keep it alive lol.

    BP regeneration that's all I have to say.

    Also, main point of the "proud thingy" is on pvp, as I specified, but in the end, if u feel proud of your sin, be my guest,I'm giving an opinion, but of course u can have yours.

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • RKH - Harshlands
    RKH - Harshlands Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Hey I'm not arguing about sins being OP. I know we are. Personally, it annoys me too. I think stealth SHOULD be removed from the game completely, or at the very least capped at 100. Stun lock is okay, a BM can do the same. Simply put, it's the combination of stealth and ability to stun-lock that makes most of us OP. Yeah we do deal insanewtf damage, but we are extremely squishy, get us stunned and it's over XD

    P.S. You did get lucky one of those battles Gar. You were 1 step away from me and your charm ticked when you had like 20 HP :P
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Hey I'm not arguing about sins being OP. I know we are. Personally, it annoys me too. I think stealth SHOULD be removed from the game completely, or at the very least capped at 100. Stun lock is okay, a BM can do the same. Simply put, it's the combination of stealth and ability to stun-lock that makes most of us OP. Yeah we do deal insanewtf damage, but we are extremely squishy, get us stunned and it's over XD

    P.S. You did get lucky one of those battles Gar. You were 1 step away from me and your charm ticked when you had like 20 HP :P

    Its not even stealth + cc...you also have an insanely cheap and easy way to become cc immune, and a 25-33% chance to take no damage. Even then, you also get a spell that basically grants you immunity to one-shots, or a 2nd life. You're harder to kill than the average archer or wizard. The only reason sins are "squishy" is because you guys insist on being APS, which means you're stuck with mediocre gears with -int on them.

    Wait until some sage sin finally gets smart and makes a full R9 +12 w/ JoSD. 16k HP, 70+ defense lvl, 100+ attk lvl, advanced zerk, 33% chance to evade all damage, and a ~3-4k hp heal upon reaching 0 hp. add to that, one of the best anti-cc skills in game, the ability to triple spark almost at will (-25% damage + 3 sec invul), and the option to dissapear and become untargetable at any time.

    Squishy my a$$.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    a full R9

    the ability to be perma-triple sparked (-25% damage)

  • zbzkda
    zbzkda Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2011

    You didn't know that Assassins can get 200+ chi every 30 seconds from Rising Dragon Strike and some other skill? And that's not considering how much chi they get from Master Li's (assuming sage) and their 5-aps autoattacks.
    I seriously wonder: people who don't RPK, if you play the board game "Sorry!" and you roll the dice so that you land on an opponents piece and send it back to the beginning, do you sincerely apologize and ask everyone if you can have a do-over roll so you can give your victim another chance? It's a god damn game..

  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    zbzkda wrote: »
    You didn't know that Assassins can get 200+ chi every 30 seconds from Rising Dragon Strike and some other skill? And that's not considering how much chi they get from Master Li's (assuming sage) and their 5-aps autoattacks.

    well a sage R9 sin wouldn't be 5 aps. More like 1.86? I don't know but it's pretty low. But they have the flexibility to double spark from stealth, use a 2-spark headhunt, and still have the option to either triple spark or force stealth if things get out of hand. But then there's like a bajillion other things you can choose to do with 7.79 sparks at your disposal :p.

    But I was talking about how hard a full R9 JOSD-sharded sage sin would be to kill, while also bringing very nice DPH-style damage to a fight.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Garaver - Harshlands
    Garaver - Harshlands Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited June 2011

    Why is this thread still alive??!!

    *Walks out of thread....*

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited June 2011

    Why is this thread still alive??!!

    *Walks out of thread....*

    Your post is not valid, due to making 2 critical mistakes.

    Mistake #1: Not realizing this is harshlands forums.

    Mistake #2: see above.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Woneo - Harshlands
    Woneo - Harshlands Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Hi burnout
  • Woneo - Harshlands
    Woneo - Harshlands Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    How are you today.
  • JayLung - Harshlands
    JayLung - Harshlands Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Barbs are more useful in TW, okay. Who's more useful in FC? Who's more useful in Nirvana? Who's more useful in almost ANY PvE instance? And who is better in PvP? Exactly, shut up.

    let me get my new barb to level (name isnt being revealed yet) and ill come see u anyday in a 1v1...saying sins are better than barbs in pvp? clearly never saw my old barb as well as a few others, endless_life for example. He alone can stand up for barbs just as well as i can. TW we obviously trump sins thats a no brainer and you already admitted that.

    Nirvana - Me and endless both were 5.0 he remained 5.0 and i later changed. point is a barb geared to be 4-5.0 aps with the right refines and build can still be just as deadly in nirvana and also have the hp to survive longer in the case of a squad wipe.

    FC - i was able to solo fc pre R9. Gather mobs>chi skill>TOP>perdition is 90% of the time enough to take out every single mob on the pull. Bosses ok it might take a LITTLE bit longer than a sin but again was able to take them out in almost the same amount of time

    TT -i myself and many other barbs i know were able to tank the TT bosses quite easily. As a matter of fact there are screen shots of me somewhere tanking 3-3 uncharmed for the bosses while my squad afked.

    my point is dont doubt a barb just because their not DESIGNED to be a class like sins or bms doesnt mean we cant be just as deadly.

    i have a level 102 sin atm as well and i know both the weaknesses and strenghts of both classes and id still pick a barb over a sin any day of the week.
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Duelling on a hardcore PvP is legit
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    zbzkda wrote: »
    You didn't know that Assassins can get 200+ chi every 30 seconds from Rising Dragon Strike and some other skill? And that's not considering how much chi they get from Master Li's (assuming sage) and their 5-aps autoattacks.

    Lol? You need 2.86 APS during sparking (which means 2.0 base APS for demon and 2.86 base for sage) to perma spark as a Sin using chi skills. 2.86 is what you get as base if you go full interval with R9 dags. R9 armor has no interval so you are *only* 0.35 intervals short. And when you are sage with R9 you'll put CoD on and use skills, therefore gaining chi even slower. So no, you can't perma spark as sage R9.
  • Woneo - Harshlands
    Woneo - Harshlands Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited June 2011