Why do people pvp on sins?

Arenaceous - Lost City
Arenaceous - Lost City Posts: 632 Arc User
edited June 2011 in General Discussion
Hey people,

First a disclaimer: This is not a QQ thread since I am in no way butthurt when I get killed by a sin and I have means to defend against the baddie ones. Also I got a lvl 101 5 aps sin myself which I had before this mage (Even tho I had a mage on DW before the sin, lol).

My question is: Why on earth do people PK on a sin? I am not talking about people that try out the sin for some time because it is their first char or something. I am talking about all the +10 wep or r9 +12 people hanging around at common PK spots all day and doing nothing but killing people in a matter of seconds.

PvP on this game can be a lot of fun. There is nothing better than fights that last a few minutes, involve all sorts of tricks and methods to make your opponent waste their ressources while you try to conserve yours and then finish them off at the right moment. Even ganking, like 1 vs 2 or 1 vs 3 can be fun because there are still tricks to break free or at least kill one of the attackers. Of course gear always matters a lot, but so does skill.

Now with sins it's a different case: There are skilled sins and there are unskilled sins but all of them, especially the skilled ones, have a horribly easy time in pk. They finish fights in a matter of seconds, as do the unskilled ones: Either they kill fast or they die fast because they are too dumb to predict the victims counterstrategy. Most of them just try the same trick over and over till it works - Which it does at some point, because sins are just way too deadly.

I got bored of my sin in PvP in about a week. Sure it was fun to kill people that annoyed me fast, but I lost the sense of accomplishment in a matter of days. It just became old and way too easy. I know of several other players that had the same experiences. I guess the baddie sins just are way too stupid to play another class, but this post is directed at the skilled sins mainly, and yes, they do exist.

So what's the fun in dominating a pk zone and ending all fights in seconds? Why don't you use your skill, money and knowledge of the game on another class, a balanced one that makes drawn out fights possible?

I mean it is kinda funny to leave sz and have three sins pop on you at the same time lol, but I kinda miss the times where you really could have PK fun. The only time I feel I get skilled pvp is when I duel Adroit at South Arch.. Which is kinda sad, since we are talking about a PvP server.
"Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire."

"Some have said there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're dead."

- Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
Post edited by Arenaceous - Lost City on


  • Evict - Heavens Tear
    Evict - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I'm pretty sure the answer is winning, duh.
    Dysk is my tasty chimichanga. <3
  • Waterfal - Sanctuary
    Waterfal - Sanctuary Posts: 2,723 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I have no idea why people like to pk on sins. Most likely it's the QQ after one get's pk-ed.. xD
    I personally really enjoyed just fooling around in pk mode on my lvl 55 seeker. Dueled a lvl 80+ sin (who definitely underestimated me, she has been oneshotting lowerlvls all the time in duels prolly for an increase in ego) and almost managed to kill her ^^

    Either way, no idea why some people enjoy it so much. I do enjoy randomly aoe-ing and knocking one out of stealth however b:laugh helped me a lot with the lvl 39 culti b:avoid
    Thanks Silvychar for the awesome sig :3

    waterfal - lvl 90 demon ferrari veno
    Hazumi_chan - lvl 9x sage seeker
  • Abstractive - Archosaur
    Abstractive - Archosaur Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    So, how do you preffer getting one-shot ?

    1) -Stealth, CoTD, Wolf Emblem, Double Spark, Inner Harmony, Frenzy, Headhunt/ by a full DoT-sharded assassin;


    2) -By any other assassin using Headhunt + auto attack.

    It's all the same, really.

    What I'm saying is, you can make PvP fun on a 'sin given a proper, equally-geared opponent. But we all know that's rainbows and unicorns (or BULLSHlT, pardon my french).
    Bodyguard for Secret Passage at your service, now accepting daily installments of just 2.5m for your leisure.
  • Salasyn - Heavens Tear
    Salasyn - Heavens Tear Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I'm pretty sure the answer is winning, duh.

    Typical, always trolling NEVER helping.

  • Arenaceous - Lost City
    Arenaceous - Lost City Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    What I'm saying is, you can make PvP fun on a 'sin given a proper, equally-geared opponent. But we all know that's rainbows and unicorns (or BULLSHlT, pardon my french).

    Sure you can... This looks like a completely balanced match, since both chars are equally geared.
    "Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire."

    "Some have said there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're dead."

    - Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
  • CharIieSheen - Lost City
    CharIieSheen - Lost City Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I'm pretty sure the answer is winning, duh.

    I approve of this.
    I'm tired of pretending like I'm not btchin', a total friggin' rockstar from Mars.
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Video aside: 90% of PVPers are firmly rooted in the killer mentality, and yes, they want to win. Doens't matter how - they don't want challenge, they want to WIN. And sins do that best.

    (Poor acheivers and explorers. Socialisers don't need to leave the safezone, so they're ok.)
  • Abstractive - Archosaur
    Abstractive - Archosaur Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Bodyguard for Secret Passage at your service, now accepting daily installments of just 2.5m for your leisure.
  • Arenaceous - Lost City
    Arenaceous - Lost City Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    @Abstractive: I think I misinterpretred your reply. I was thinking you said that you could have good fights at equal gear, which is not true. Sorry.

    @Vitenka: Ya, that is what I am thinking as well. But skilled players usually don't only wanna win. If it was like that, no one would play a game on hard mode if they win on easy mode anyway.
    "Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire."

    "Some have said there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're dead."

    - Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Sins is the ultimate facerolling class in both PvP and PvE, refuse to play one.
  • Abstractive - Archosaur
    Abstractive - Archosaur Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Sins is the ultimate facerolling class in both PvP and PvE, refuse to play one.

    The keyboard marks on my face approve of this post !
    Bodyguard for Secret Passage at your service, now accepting daily installments of just 2.5m for your leisure.
  • Noskrad - Heavens Tear
    Noskrad - Heavens Tear Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Hey people,

    First a disclaimer: This is not a QQ thread since I am in no way butthurt when I get killed by a sin and I have means to defend against the baddie ones. Also I got a lvl 101 5 aps sin myself which I had before this mage (Even tho I had a mage on DW before the sin, lol).

    My question is: Why on earth do people PK on a sin? I am not talking about people that try out the sin for some time because it is their first char or something. I am talking about all the +10 wep or r9 +12 people hanging around at common PK spots all day and doing nothing but killing people in a matter of seconds.

    PvP on this game can be a lot of fun. There is nothing better than fights that last a few minutes, involve all sorts of tricks and methods to make your opponent waste their ressources while you try to conserve yours and then finish them off at the right moment. Even ganking, like 1 vs 2 or 1 vs 3 can be fun because there are still tricks to break free or at least kill one of the attackers. Of course gear always matters a lot, but so does skill.

    Now with sins it's a different case: There are skilled sins and there are unskilled sins but all of them, especially the skilled ones, have a horribly easy time in pk. They finish fights in a matter of seconds, as do the unskilled ones: Either they kill fast or they die fast because they are too dumb to predict the victims counterstrategy. Most of them just try the same trick over and over till it works - Which it does at some point, because sins are just way too deadly.

    I got bored of my sin in PvP in about a week. Sure it was fun to kill people that annoyed me fast, but I lost the sense of accomplishment in a matter of days. It just became old and way too easy. I know of several other players that had the same experiences. I guess the baddie sins just are way too stupid to play another class, but this post is directed at the skilled sins mainly, and yes, they do exist.

    So what's the fun in dominating a pk zone and ending all fights in seconds? Why don't you use your skill, money and knowledge of the game on another class, a balanced one that makes drawn out fights possible?

    I mean it is kinda funny to leave sz and have three sins pop on you at the same time lol, but I kinda miss the times where you really could have PK fun. The only time I feel I get skilled pvp is when I duel Adroit at South Arch.. Which is kinda sad, since we are talking about a PvP server.

    ...what's the point huh?, well, I guess it's the same that lvl 80+ ppl has to 1 hit lvl 60- ppl when they see them trying to do fun PKing with ppl around their lvl. Probably those R9 +10 sins are ppl who got PKed so many times by high lvls when they was lvl 60- and now thei're taking revenge. Who knows!.
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. X3
  • ILubby - Raging Tide
    ILubby - Raging Tide Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    They like to pvp pn sins because it takes less skill and not OP gear ._. not all people like challenge like you do.
  • Infernia - Harshlands
    Infernia - Harshlands Posts: 662 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Because I like to win agaisnt the odds.

    At 100 with low APS and 4.8k HP, PvP isnt easy for me.

    Later on il get my revenge b:sin

    Then itl be all about **** the **** out of the sins who caped my Cleric, friends Wizard and the ones notrious for beign an *******.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    The same reason that people bought r9 the moment it became available.

    Remember when you were a little kid and you wanted to win everything you did SOOOOOOOOOO bad, so bad that losing at something could potentially make you cry?

    And then when you had your sad face on, your parents would come up to you and be like "Winning isn't everything. Besides, it's not about winning, it's about having fun" and you would roll your eyes and think "yeah yeah...."

    Then at some point in your life you did something that you were WAAAAY better than everyone else at, and after obsessively taking part in that activity and enjoying the constant wins, you got bored? You got bored and realized....wow wtf it's kinda fun to potentially win something that's challenging rather than win something that's easy as balls?

    Yeah, a lot of people never listened to their parents or have yet to realize that winning can be really boring. These are the people that toss $3,000 at the game so they can be r9 +12 and one shot everything and these are the people that play the assassin class.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Arenaceous - Lost City
    Arenaceous - Lost City Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    @Infernia: I can/could kill most non-sin people with only my weapon or with lvl 15 daggers (Maybe not charmed HA classes...). So having bad gear as a sin is not really an excuse.

    @Longknife: Darf ich deine Antwort ausdrucken und uebers Bett haengen? :p (In the event you are not German, as I assumed. Nvm my reply xD)
    "Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire."

    "Some have said there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're dead."

    - Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    @Infernia: I can/could kill most non-sin people with only my weapon or with lvl 15 daggers (Maybe not charmed HA classes...). So having bad gear as a sin is not really an excuse.

    @Longknife: Darf ich deine Antwort ausdrucken und uebers Bett haengen? :p (In the event you are not German, as I assumed. Nvm my reply xD)

    Alle Psys sind Deutsch. Keine Ahnung warum.

    Und ja, mach mal. Mir Egal. :P
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Salasyn - Heavens Tear
    Salasyn - Heavens Tear Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    @Infernia: I can/could kill most non-sin people with only my weapon or with lvl 15 daggers (Maybe not charmed HA classes...). So having bad gear as a sin is not really an excuse.

    @Longknife: Darf ich deine Antwort ausdrucken und uebers Bett haengen? :p (In the event you are not German, as I assumed. Nvm my reply xD)
    Alle Psys sind Deutsch. Keine Ahnung warum.

    Und ja, mach mal. Mir Egal. :P

    Warum sind alle Psys deutsch?

    Du must eine kleine ahnung haben? Ja?

    (Fail German?)
  • Pytharia - Lost City
    Pytharia - Lost City Posts: 757 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Because I like to win agaisnt the odds.

    At 100 with low APS and 4.8k HP, PvP isnt easy for me.

    Later on il get my revenge b:sin

    Then itl be all about **** the **** out of the sins who caped my Cleric, friends Wizard and the ones notrious for beign an *******.

    Prime example of what this post is discussing.
  • Infernia - Harshlands
    Infernia - Harshlands Posts: 662 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Prime example of what this post is discussing.

    Yup. If you cant beat em (Reliably) join em.
    @Infernia: I can/could kill most non-sin people with only my weapon or with lvl 15 daggers (Maybe not charmed HA classes...). So having bad gear as a sin is not really an excuse.

    @Longknife: Darf ich deine Antwort ausdrucken und uebers Bett haengen? :p (In the event you are not German, as I assumed. Nvm my reply xD)

    I can kill plenty of people with my gear and with worse. Im not some pathetic geared sin in just molded ****, im going up against 3.33+ 101+ 7+kHP sins who can kill me before I even know whats happening. Those are the ones I find the challenge in, the ones I want to beat. Killing Sins I can see is no issue whatsoever, killing AA is a walk in the park for the most part, Archers can suck sometimes, HA requires a lot of thought and everthing to go my way.

    Its no excuse, its just what keeps me motivated. Once I can trounce any sin who pisses me off, Il likely go back to levelling my beloved Wizard.
  • Arenaceous - Lost City
    Arenaceous - Lost City Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    @Longknife: Fizban is Azn :<

    @Inferia: If you find your challenge in killing sins on your sin, I say go for it. I myself would love to have the challenge in going up against 10 different classes on my favourite class...
    "Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire."

    "Some have said there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're dead."

    - Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Because most fail at other class and this is the only way they can win. It's simple as that.
  • Arenaceous - Lost City
    Arenaceous - Lost City Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    While this is true for the fail sins, there are still a lot of pretty skilled sins. Or people that rerolled sin even tho they were good at playing another class. All people that could be successful pkers on other classes as well. I mean I do understand it partially, since it can be annoying to lose to people that always use the same tactics and put a lot less thought in their genie/tactics etc. than you do...
    "Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire."

    "Some have said there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're dead."

    - Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    @Longknife: Fizban is Azn :<

    Then tell him to gtfo! We Germans have claimed Psys as our own.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • O_o - Lost City
    O_o - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Because sins are D BEST
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    The people who play sins, are the types who get excited easily. They could be playing tetris and their heart would be pumping. I mean seriously, all you're doing is double clicking on something, then waiting 1-2 secs. Although I guess I wish I could get my rush that easily...

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Ivy_ - Dreamweaver
    Ivy_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Then tell him to gtfo! We Germans have claimed Psys as our own.

    Hey, I'm not German either! I'm a New Yorker; can we share?! b:cute


    with that being said, I dunno. I personally like nuking from afar. I have a sin and I have 1 pk kill (yeah, yeah, go ahead and laugh, remember, I'm a carebear), but I probably wouldn't really pvp on her. Not because it's almost an easy win every time, but because...I prefer nuking at a distance.

    Better known as Destini, also known as _Yvi.

    ty Nowitsawn. :D

    I dunno if I'm coming or going some days...b:shocked
  • Kreuz - Raging Tide
    Kreuz - Raging Tide Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    The people who play sins, are the types who get excited easily. They could be playing tetris and their heart would be pumping. I mean seriously, all you're doing is double clicking on something, then waiting 1-2 secs. Although I guess I wish I could get my rush that easily...

    When i was a child, a dreamed about Tetris. Can you imagine how thrilling it is when you see all these blocks raining down from the heaven in your direction?

    Tetris never was the same b:cry
  • Troller - Sanctuary
    Troller - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Here is a step by step guide how it happens.

    1. Person pk's and gets killed by a sin.

    2. Person QQs on the forums saying they are op.

    3. Someone says "Go roll a sin if they are so op".

    4. Person rolls a sin and starts pk'ing.

    5. Two more people die and QQ on forums.

    6. People tell them to roll a sin.

    7. They roll a sin and pk.

    8. Four people die from those two sins.

    9. Those four people QQ on the forum.

    10. People tell them to roll a sin...

    11. ...

    Despite the name, only a part time troll. b:victory
  • Honourless - Heavens Tear
    Honourless - Heavens Tear Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    In reply to thread title,same reason why the multitudes of mindless fps zombies out there flock to Call of Duty games over any of the "harder" ones
    How to be pro at all recent COD games,lay claymore behind you at exit to room,lie down and shoot anyone coming in front door,rinse and repeat.
    Host advantage get you killed?Never fear,with a 50% chance of spawning in behind your killer revenge will surely be yours.
    Can't aim for ****?Never fear.aim assist and cursor magnetism!
    Best of all,after a few kills the game will play itself and bump your k/d to new highs with its killstreaks system!