Gold Is To High

XXTurmoilXx - Heavens Tear
XXTurmoilXx - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
edited June 2011 in General Discussion
Here is my thoughts on this gold selling gold I am tired of high prices, put a cap of 500k max on 1 gold a lot of us cant afford to play the game, cause if you want nice stuff you have to put gold on account, personally I put 30 dollars a week on here sometime more, I still cant afford to get alot of nice items I guarantee if yall do a vote on this alot more people will agree with me on this, there are to many greedy people that play now, 1.2 mill for 1 gold is outrageous, People say it is pwi's fault for prices being so high i know this is not true, Gold has gotten out of hand there needs to be a system on this, Cause leaving it to the people causes chaos and alot of people I talk to are ready to quit playing for this factor in the game do something pwi I beg you thanks ronald.
Post edited by XXTurmoilXx - Heavens Tear on


  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited May 2011
  • Daedallus - Sanctuary
    Daedallus - Sanctuary Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Punctuation is your friend, ijs
  • Foxieee_trek - Harshlands
    Foxieee_trek - Harshlands Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    you can farm dq items or herbs and make money out of that or do TT
    but yeah gold prices are way to high
    venomacer lvl 80b:pleased
    assasin lvl62b:victory
    Ah, crazy rich bored people, I will never be able to understand them. b:surrender
  • Purge - Raging Tide
    Purge - Raging Tide Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The OP puts $30 a week on here, sometimes more and can't afford nice stuff? o_O

    I put $10 per month on here and have "nice stuff". Clearly you're doing it wrong :P

    Plus, if you're putting real money into the game, why does it bother you that it's 1.2M per gold? Surely you should be happy about that?
  • Daedallus - Sanctuary
    Daedallus - Sanctuary Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Wait... Purge is right... 30x1.2 = 36 Million coins and you still can't get nice gear and stuff?

    Young man, what have you been doing wit all your cash???b:angry
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Gold will only go higher. A year and a half ago some people said that soon gold will be 1mil+, and everyone laughed and said that was crazy. By next PWI anniversary I expect gold to be around 2mil each.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Manostra - Harshlands
    Manostra - Harshlands Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    If you put a 500k Lock on gold price you wont get any gold anymore because the AH is EMPTY !

    There is only a limited ammount of Gold on every PWI Server
    There are Billions of Coins available that people would exchange anytime to gold.

    Token of Luck :
    10 Token = 1 Weddng Wine = 1 Triumph Monney = 99999 Gold pumped into the System.
    2 Token of Best Luck = 10 Mil Dollar Note = 10 Mil Coin pumped into the System.

    At a Good Day i cycle 50k Token and more trough my Catshop.

    There are more and more and even more coins available. All of Sudden on harshlands EVERYONE wanted to buy himself a scroll of tome for 350 Mil because all of sudden a lot of people could afford this cause the raised ammount of coins. guess what? They dont got it because i payed 400 mil for it and in a few months you will pay 600 mil for it.

    What pwi really need is the removal of Triumph Monney and 10 Mil Dollar notes and some Monney Sinks. But the most existing monney sinks are so unpopular because the rewards SUCK hard.

    We need Rewards worth spending coins on it and we must stop the flow in of coins in the game dramatical. I still laugh hard when pwi said they will fight the inflation and remove the TW Coin Rewards.

    WITH ALL THAT PACKS, the total ammount of a Week of TW income of all Territorys is probably pumped into the system by a half day, everyday, infinite.
    I hate Room 38
  • LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
    LenieClarke - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Token of Luck :
    10 Token = 1 Weddng Wine = 1 Triumph Monney = 99999 Gold pumped into the System.

    you mean 99,999 COIN, not gold. and it's not "pumped into the system", because the 10 tokens cost about 100k coin to purchase. this is at best a very small coin source, not really worth doing even; you can do far more profitable things with tokens than this.

    best lucks for 10mil big notes, though... yeah, that needs to be taken out. if it wasn't for that, does anyone seriously think a best luck would be worth five mil? (trivia question for merchanters, what WOULD they be worth? i know you can exchange them for high grade gems; would that set their price floor?)

    suggestion for lowering gold prices: remove the auction house fee for selling gold. no more losing two silver per gold you sell, yaay; more gold gets sold per transaction, so gold prices drop. then increase the coin fee for BUYING gold to three percent; that's half the rebate from removing the selling fee, so we still get an overall rebate potentially stimulating the economy (very) slightly, but more importantly we get a larger coin sink. coin removed from the game, gold prices drop.

    or, even simpler and much more straightforward: just create gold ex nihilo and robo-sell it on the market for cheap. instant coin sink, gold source. that is, unless PWE actively wants gold to be at these levels... in which case, the simplest way for them to get it there would be to restrict gold availability on the market / robo-buy it, then just use sales as their excuse for cranking up the robo-buyer's settings to this threshold level...
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • Manostra - Harshlands
    Manostra - Harshlands Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    you mean 99,999 COIN, not gold. and it's not "pumped into the system", because the 10 tokens cost about 100k coin to purchase. this is at best a very small coin source, not really worth doing even; you can do far more profitable things with tokens than this.

    best lucks for 10mil big notes, though... yeah, that needs to be taken out. if it wasn't for that, does anyone seriously think a best luck would be worth five mil? (trivia question for merchanters, what WOULD they be worth? i know you can exchange them for high grade gems; would that set their price floor?)

    suggestion for lowering gold prices: remove the auction house fee for selling gold. no more losing two silver per gold you sell, yaay; more gold gets sold per transaction, so gold prices drop. then increase the coin fee for BUYING gold to three percent; that's half the rebate from removing the selling fee, so we still get an overall rebate potentially stimulating the economy (very) slightly, but more importantly we get a larger coin sink. coin removed from the game, gold prices drop.

    or, even simpler and much more straightforward: just create gold ex nihilo and robo-sell it on the market for cheap. instant coin sink, gold source. that is, unless PWE actively wants gold to be at these levels... in which case, the simplest way for them to get it there would be to restrict gold availability on the market / robo-buy it, then just use sales as their excuse for cranking up the robo-buyer's settings to this threshold level...

    Oops b:laugh Ofc i meant 99999 COINS , thx for pointing that out hehe

    Token of Luck are not a small influx on the Coin Inflation , let me explain.

    First you said, "they cost about 10k to buy each token".
    YES , BUT .. the coins arn't taken out of the economy. The Person who sold me 10 token still have 100k from me and i get ~100k from the Wedding NPC for it. I just doubled the Coin. The first day the Multiple Packs came out was crazy. I bought nearly 30k Token of Luck @9800. After this i was out of Cash, every token was as granted 200 coin profit but nobody BOUGHT Token this day. I tryed to sell for 9999 Coin each token, yet nobody wanted them but people still wanted to SELL Token at 9800. So what did it do ? Yes i made wedding wine for 30k token and Triumph monney and i inflated the Economy this day by 300 mil coins. I repeated this a few times until the pack maniacs was out of gold to buy new packs and you was able to sell token for 10k and more again. My Cat shop is in a "Cat shop fac" and i knew from other traders that they did simillar things like i did.
    The coin influx from token of luck is crazy, every time they put a sale and the sales spike.

    Without Triumph monney you could get Token of Luck at this times for 1000 Coins each or less. and they would used for something usefull like socket stones , gems, hyper, dolls ect.
    And not to inflate the gold prices even more.

    From a Cash shopper vievpoint high gold prices are good. They get more coins for their gold. But the prices for items in demand skyrocket too. The losers are the free players.
    I hate Room 38
  • Olivassin - Heavens Tear
    Olivassin - Heavens Tear Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    you mean 99,999 COIN, not gold. and it's not "pumped into the system", because the 10 tokens cost about 100k coin to purchase. this is at best a very small coin source, not really worth doing even; you can do far more profitable things with tokens than this.


    you can't buy 10 tokens with 100k coins to the system, you buy 10 tokens with 100k coins to catshops, so the coin in system is still the same.

    But... where did those catshops get those tokens?
    Teh answer be.... Packs! >: D

    Then, each pack is 15 tokens [meh, 14.55 tokens on average]. So each pack anyone opens, gives 14.55/10 * 99.999 = 145.498,545 coins from tokens, if those tokens are used to get coins from them instead of items through PW Agent.
    Then you have, each pack gives 0.02 tokens of best luck, this is 0.02 / 2 * 10.000.000 = 100.000 coins from tokens of best luck.

    So, by opening packs, if you spend all the tokens [including best tokens] to get money, through 10 mil big note or wedding wine, each pack you open pumps an average of 245.498,545 coins into the system. And you get those coins plus the other items you may get and other players buy you with money that it was in the system in the past, so that's why people buys/sells packs for higher.

    i hope you - all - could understand [it's hard to explain T.T]

    edit: another conclusion we can get from this is that gold won't drop lower than a fixed price because of the packs. let's calc it, it's easy =D
    So.. each pack gives 245.498,545 =~ 245.500 coins
    while sale:
    each individual pack is 40 silver... this means that with 245.500 coins you should get 40 silver... then...
    245.500/40 * 100 = 613.750. While pack sale, prices shouldn't go lower than 614k.
    But if we take stacks of 50 packs, each pack is 1800/50 = 36 silver... then... 245.500 / 36 * 100 = 681.944. Then gold shouldn't be lower than 682k

    When packs not in sale, each pack is 1 gold. Then gold price shouldn't be lower than 245.500 coins [i don't remember what's the price of stack of 50 packs]

    Interesting stuff, isn't it? :O
  • SinfuINature - Harshlands
    SinfuINature - Harshlands Posts: 533 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    personally I put 30 dollars a week on here sometime more, I still cant afford to get alot of nice items

    how cant you get nice stuff? i may put $10 every 2 weeks or so? i have ashura bracers about to get ashura boots... thats about 45mill right there... i have a warsoul of earth +4 thats what 25mill? i have a momouth mount... pure black dress suit (jacket, pants and shoes) thats a pertty penny... wildfire wings and more fashion i dont wear... and the rest of my gear isnt too bad either...

    WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU BUYING WITH 30mill A WEEK? if i had 30 mill a week i would have 200k rep, ashura bracers and boots, lion heart belt and neck, energetic robe and warsoul of earth... and be working on my niva leggs... pifff... here is a hint... turn that gold into coin and spend it on stuff you need... if the had a cap on gold you would only make 15mill of $30 RL dollars and you would have LESS stuff now... b:chuckle
  • ReMakaBo - Archosaur
    ReMakaBo - Archosaur Posts: 845 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Someone that spends 30 bucks a week complain the gold prices are to high?

    As it is 30 bucks is around 35ish mil ingame coin....30 mil dont buy squat really these days.
  • LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
    LenieClarke - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    So, by opening packs, if you spend all the tokens [including best tokens] to get money, through 10 mil big note or wedding wine, each pack you open pumps an average of 245.498,545 coins into the system.

    so if these were the ONLY sources of coin from packs (they're not, but i believe you've covered the largest part of a pack's value with these two) then packs would break-even if gold were at... multiply, divide... 668,570 coins per.

    hm, that means i can actually remember a time when opening packs must have been profitable. what a truly odd thought.

    And you get those coins plus the other items you may get and other players buy you with money that it was in the system in the past, so that's why people buys/sells packs for higher.

    no. people sell packs for higher because they mark up their purchase price after considering the price of gold. as for why gold's gone higher than 670k coin, though --- that's a somewhat more complex story.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • Olivassin - Heavens Tear
    Olivassin - Heavens Tear Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    so if these were the ONLY sources of coin from packs (they're not, but i believe you've covered the largest part of a pack's value with these two) then packs would break-even if gold were at... multiply, divide... 668,570 coins per.

    hm, that means i can actually remember a time when opening packs must have been profitable. what a truly odd thought.

    that wasn't allways like that... the problem is that you didn't think about that packs were more expensive - in gold - in the past.

    When gold was at ~400k the pack sales were for 1 gold each pack... wich if you look at my updated reply, then the price of the gold that time shouldn't get lower than ~250k

    in the past, packs weren't permanent in CS. When pack sale came, they were in CS for 1 gold each individual.
    now, packs are permanent in CS for 1 gold each individual, and when there's a pack sale, they're 40-50 silver each individual pack.
  • TekkOneStylz - Harshlands
    TekkOneStylz - Harshlands Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I represent the Gold is Too Damn High party. People are working 8 hours a day 40 hours a week and still cant afford to get nice items.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Motorcycle.... U MAD?
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Yeah. Lets force Gold to 500k with a cap.

    Then the OP will be complaining that 'nobody will sell me gold waaaaaahhh'.

    Let the market do what it wants to do, or people will stop putting money into it. Simple as that. Tokens don't matter. Your 'ideas' don't matter. Your pointless QQ and solutions don't matter.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Your "qq'ing" to the wrong people.

    You need to talk to the player base. As long as there is a demand and people ARE BUYING then the prices will remain as high as they are now.

    Granted packs obviously raise the price of gold but like I said, as long as people are willing to pay the price and ARE paying the price, Gold will not go down :)
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
    LenieClarke - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    You need to talk to the player base. As long as there is a demand and people ARE BUYING then the prices will remain as high as they are now.

    you're making the assumption that the in-game economy (and price levels) floats on players' economical actions alone. it might, or it might not, but there's positively no reason it should need to.

    real world economies float on the actions of real-world people in that way, but then there's nothing else for them to be supported by. game economies, however, aren't objectively real in quite that sense. if PWE felt like changing the gold price, they easily could. i'm not sure we have any easy way of telling whether or not they are, at that.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    you're making the assumption that the in-game economy (and price levels) floats on players' economical actions alone. it might, or it might not, but there's positively no reason it should need to.

    real world economies float on the actions of real-world people in that way, but then there's nothing else for them to be supported by. game economies, however, aren't objectively real in quite that sense. if PWE felt like changing the gold price, they easily could. i'm not sure we have any easy way of telling whether or not they are, at that.

    Pw could cap the gold prices, but think about it, it is a supply and demand issue here. People are buying at the prices that are being set in the Auction House. I hardly see anyone 100% stopping buying gold with coins. This is evident over the past few weeks with gold being 1mill+ for so long.

    PW does not control the prices that the players set, they just set the cap for what the prices can be set at. As of yet there has never really been a reason to set a cap and more so because they are merely "watchers" of the economy.

    Simple solution for all would be to stop buying gold at the high prices and see if they will drop out of the desperation of people trying to sell the gold. This we know however will not happen.

    It is a change in the economy simply put. A few years ago 10mill was considered amazingly rich, now if you have 50mill you still might be considered "average" to "poor." It is not like thay have not made it easy to make money in this game.

    This has been an on-going debate since gold was $150k each (oh the days :p). If Gold was at $500k now...I know AT LEAST 100+ people that I can name (including myself) that would have all +12 gears and a fantastic array of items. Sadly, I am confortable with gold around $900k, when it goes below that I get excited :p
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
    LenieClarke - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Pw could cap the gold prices, but think about it, it is a supply and demand issue here. People are buying at the prices that are being set in the Auction House. I hardly see anyone 100% stopping buying gold with coins. This is evident over the past few weeks with gold being 1mill+ for so long.

    PW does not control the prices that the players set, they just set the cap for what the prices can be set at. As of yet there has never really been a reason to set a cap and more so because they are merely "watchers" of the economy.

    price caps in the AH would not work, and would be the least effective way of controlling the economy anyway. as i keep hinting at, PWE could (if they chose) simply create gold out of nothing, and sell it for coin as a coin sink --- or the reverse.

    we might assume the "sell" pane in the gold market is full of nothing but offers from players who've got gold, either by buying it in-game or by cashshopping for real money, and who then choose to resell it on the market. but it's not as if the offers come with nametags of people we can contact. there's no reason they could not be at least partly auto-generated. same for the buy offers, of course.

    this, of course, would not involve merely passively watching the market. but why should they limit themselves to passively watching the market? besides, they DON'T do that anyway; they hold cash shop sales, zen sales, run a bidding hall... PWE can't be just a passive watcher of the in-game market if they hope to profit from the game.

    if the gold prices stay above 1mil (or any other level) for any serious length of time, it's because the company that runs the software which both creates the gold and runs the market for that gold, do not care to change that fact. they have total power to do so, if they so choose. i can only conclude that they do not care or worry about gold prices --- or, and i truly don't know if this is a worse case or a better one, they actively WANT gold this expensive and are taking steps to make it so.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • __Kikyo__ - Lost City
    __Kikyo__ - Lost City Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    dude they took away medals from us.u think the chineez dev's care about gold prices?i didnt read all that but did i read u spend 30bucks on the game?dude sell your gold and make 30mill !!!!everyone has like 1 bill coins now cmon meow.
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Here is my thoughts on this on gold selling gold I am tired of high prices, put a cap of 500k max on 1 gold a lot of us cant afford to play the game, cause if you want nice stuff you have to put gold on account, personally I put 30 dollars a week on here sometime more, I still cant afford to get alot of nice items I guarantee if yall do a vote on this alot more people will agree with me on this, there are to many greedy people that play now that play and 1.2 mill for 1 gold is outrageous, People say it is pwi's fault for prices being so high i know this is not true, Gold has gotten out of hand there needs to be a system on this, Cause leaving it to the people causes chaos and alot of people I talk to are ready to quit playing for this factor in the game do something pwi I beg you thanks ronald.

    i say bs, you can get anything in pwi with in game coins that you didnt spend a dime on, its easy to make coin, farm TT, i heard 3-x is profitable ijs... Oh you know what else i merchanted 170mil in 2months uncounting the cannies and TT's I've farmed. I dont spend a dime on this game, making money is possible learn ways or dont play. (too lazy to put ' in dont.)b:bye
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    and it's not "pumped into the system", because the 10 tokens cost about 100k coin to purchase.

    Why even bother posting more? This alone says you know nothing about how an economy works.
  • XKillerNoSX - Heavens Tear
    XKillerNoSX - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    ok yall want to know i help people in my faction that cant afford to buy gold isnt that what the games about, help others and yes dont get me wrong i do have nice stuff but let me rephase i cant afford 55 mill for a wing trophy or nirvina gear do to high prices, and what else do i spend my money on yall skill i make them with tokens usually but i would love gold prices to be 100k again, i dont just think of myself in the game, but my main thing is there are to many greedy *** people in the game now, people coming over from world of ******** and game like that are what is rising prices, but yes i have some nice stuff but i am looking out for the people who dont get mommy and daddy's credit card, i work and i can afford 30 dollars a week and my bills to be paid, and save some so get off my *** i work for a living, unlike most of these people on 24/7 and get anything they want from mommy and daddy those are the one rasing gold price. when i get on 30 dollars gose quick buy mats for my faction that actually go do tt's but everyone wants the gold mat split, yes is the right thing to do but if it wasn't for people like me buying your gold mats they wouldn't sell, and 8.5 mill for 1 mat yes the money goes fast. so i will conplain about gold prices all day long cuz they are to high, look at it from the poor mans eye yes they have internet but cant afford gold i help those people ok im do9ne for the night.
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    ok yall want to know i help people in my faction that cant afford to buy gold isnt that what the games about, help others and yes dont get me wrong i do have nice stuff but let me rephase i cant afford 55 mill for a wing trophy or nirvina gear do to high prices, and what else do i spend my money on yall skill i make them with tokens usually but i would love gold prices to be 100k again, i dont just think of myself in the game, but my main thing is there are to many greedy *** people in the game now, people coming over from world of ******** and game like that are what is rising prices, but yes i have some nice stuff but i am looking out for the people who dont get mommy and daddy's credit card, i work and i can afford 30 dollars a week and my bills to be paid, and save some so get off my *** i work for a living, unlike most of these people on 24/7 and get anything they want from mommy and daddy those are the one rasing gold price. when i get on 30 dollars gose quick buy mats for my faction that actually go do tt's but everyone wants the gold mat split, yes is the right thing to do but if it wasn't for people like me buying your gold mats they wouldn't sell, and 8.5 mill for 1 mat yes the money goes fast. so i will conplain about gold prices all day long cuz they are to high, look at it from the poor mans eye yes they have internet but cant afford gold i help those people ok im do9ne for the night.


    There's something called an "Enter Key". It makes your wall of text easier to read.

    As it is, sure, lets make gold 100k again. Then, you will be right back here, QQing about 'Why isn't there ANY GOLD in AH?!?!?!?!?! ZOMG I want to buy gold, but there isn't any! b:cry"

    So, really...

    I. Don't. Care.

    Expensive gold, or no gold. Which would you like?
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    if it wasn't for people like me buying your gold mats they wouldn't sell, and 8.5 mill for 1 mat yes the money goes fast.
    Yup, the price is that high because people like you are willing to pay that much.
    so i will conplain about gold prices all day long cuz they are to high, look at it from the poor mans eye yes they have internet but cant afford gold i help those people ok im do9ne for the night.
    Don't kid yourself. You're no selfless hero, championing the rights of the poor man.

    You want prices to magically be lower, and the only way they'll do that is by banning anybody but you and your friends from buying the things that you guys want.

    The reason you're upset is simply because you hate competition, because competition buys the things that you want, and thus raises the price.
    PWI Merchanting Guides:
  • _Nuriko_ - Lost City
    _Nuriko_ - Lost City Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    The reason as said for gold being so high, is because there are people willing to pay for that price. If everybody stopped buying gold for 1m, people would drop it to 900k, and if you keep doing that eventually price's might drop a little bit. But this will never happen.
    Ahira is a spyb:cryb:cryb:cry
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Problem with the gold price is something fundamentally wrong with this game.

    You can get literally every single item you could possibly want with just gold.

    The reason gold is so high is because coins are WORTHLESS. With Gold you could buy everything in the game.

    The fact that all endgame gear is cash shop exclusive and NOT available without gold, is fundamentally wrong.

    So yea, gold is high. Why? Because, what purpose do coins serve? If you have gold you can get anything you could possibly want. You can sit in archosaur and have all of your endgame gear without using any coins.

    The fact that the only way to get endgame gears is with gold, is what makes gold high. I have gold, why should I sell it for coins? What am I going to buy with coins when I can get everything I want with gold?
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    You can get literally every single item you could possibly want without with just gold.

    Hi, can you fix this typo? (I hope it's a typo)
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited June 2011

    The fact that all endgame gear is cash shop exclusive and NOT available without gold, is fundamentally wrong.

    yes, and not only that, but by having endgame gear cash shop exclusive, you take out incentive to actually play, you take out ingame achievement, you take out incentive to do anything. Medals from DQ had people running around like crazy playing their brains out stacking up DQ. if the problem with DQ was the game was loosing out on too much money, a simple price correction on chip packs could have fixed that. if it costs 75 gold in medals and 150 gold in chips to get a r9 ring, just make the r9 ring cost 225 gold in chips, easy, and would still have people active in game.