Gold Is To High



  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Make the reward for high level tiger quests worth the price of the tiger badges you have to buy, and one of the existing coin sinks will be used more.
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  • Zenorx - Harshlands
    Zenorx - Harshlands Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    The fact that all endgame gear is cash shop exclusive and NOT available without gold, is fundamentally wrong.


    and @OP, $30 a week and you "can't afford stuff" b:shocked

    How many weeks you been playing for? 2?
    Oh wait thats still ~76mil nvm

  • NatureLover - Harshlands
    NatureLover - Harshlands Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    A few of us commented that putting gold price cap at 500k will not prevent players from buying gold above it. True, but not entirely true.

    PWE can easily put a cap at 500k if they set an NPC that sells gold at 500k each.
    (e.g. Quest Related > Converts 500,000 coins to 1 Gold)

    But of course... not gonna happen, because that would drive cashshoppers and serious merchants out of the game.
  • Zenorx - Harshlands
    Zenorx - Harshlands Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    A few of us commented that putting gold price cap at 500k will not prevent players from buying gold above it. True, but not entirely true.

    I fail to see your logic

    Then again, perhaps I should read the whole thread to find "A few of us"

    Yup, the price is that high because people like you are willing to pay that much.

    Don't kid yourself. You're no selfless hero, championing the rights of the poor man.

    You want prices to magically be lower, and the only way they'll do that is by banning anybody but you and your friends from buying the things that you guys want.

    The reason you're upset is simply because you hate competition, because competition buys the things that you want, and thus raises the price.

  • Fishlips - Harshlands
    Fishlips - Harshlands Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    maybe a cap........ but medals and all things in cash shop are in catshops now so we just farm mats and herbs more and also dq points for chips ...... i for one have give some medals away to some ppls so they can get just the ring...... a little framing gose along way for chips ..... medals are the hard part here today and poof gone.....yes i ffarm and yes i do cash shop some too but i help other when in need.....b:shutup
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    PWE can easily put a cap at 500k if they set an NPC that sells gold at 500k each.
    (e.g. Quest Related > Converts 500,000 coins to 1 Gold)
    At the moment, that would kill the game, because the NPC price of Regular+Best Luck Tokens from Easy Rider Packs works out to about 640k per Gold.

    So effectively, you'd have an NPC quest that only costs 500k, but then pays 640k plus a 1.5% chance of an elite item. The game economy would hyper-inflate and die within less than 1 day, since everybody would just keep taking the quest again and again and generate infinite money.
    But of course... not gonna happen, because that would drive cashshoppers and serious merchants out of the game.
    True, I certainly wouldn't be playing the game if somebody who doesn't understand simple economics ended up completely destroying it.
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  • Teiw - Sanctuary
    Teiw - Sanctuary Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    "The fact that all endgame gear is cash shop exclusive and NOT available without gold, is fundamentally wrong."

    Excuse me? All endgame gear can only be obtained with cash shop gold? So only rank 8 and rank 9 gear count? What about all that TT99 or nirvana I've seen people with before b:laugh.

    I've seen venos, clerics, and barbs with TT90 green at lvl 100 who are well loved by their faction and get invited to BH100s and Nirvana runs. Omg, people who aren't 5 aps getting invited to nirvana, who would have guessed XD.

    I made most of my TT90 armor by running TTs with my friends and getting a share of the mats. I'll admit that I put in some real money for my TT90 AA top. It cost 7 mil in the AH and I was like "OMG gotta have it right now!". Were I not lazy as I am, I could have matfarmed or farmed TT, and used the money to buy it myself X3.

    At lvl 100, there dosen't sound like there is much more to do than BH100s, Nirvana runs, making new alts/trying to finally make more money. And dueling people when bored XD.