


  • Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I just meant that, you tell us to not complain, ss you aren't complaining yourself. However you can't compare Europe to Japan. You'd have a way better chance to login at the event times then we do.

    My time zone is just one example of 24 possibilities, and I wouldn't complain in any of them. I can guarantee it. Also, my main purpose for mentioning that I'm in Japan wasn't even to support my argument against multiple event times. I mentioned it to support my argument for how wrong the people who say the game shouldn't be called "international" because of North American event times are.
  • Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The whole point is, why couldn't pwi take non-american players into account before for some of the event times?
    It's a given the servers are full of ppl from all around the globe, not just americans.
    And seriously it's not -that hard- to add an extra event time to suit other time zones too.

    I just don't get it why it's that big of a deal to some of you guys. Because you don't have a sole right on the exclusive items from some of the events anymore (tiger event etc)? Is that it? :/
    As I see it, it's even better for americans: more chance to get special items since european evening times are round noon for you guys, meaning you can do events multiple times if the system allows it. win-win situation for everyone if I may say so.

    But finally franky did recognize our point in an earlier post :) b:pleased
    When I got the meaning of melee mixed up:
    'Maj.. Melee ffs.. means I'm punching you in the face 1 foot away!'
  • Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    There is no excuse to not add a secondary time slot, even for ppl that live in America, not everyone is free for only half hour at 6PM. In my case I could not participate in any of those events, 6PM on a weekend? Who is going to be home? I would have prefered a 4-5am time slot since I'm usually free at those times and yea I sleep very few hours lol.
  • Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    i think we should go back to the world being flat, so we don't have the annoying complications of the sun shining on one part of the world while its dark on others, its so inconvenient
  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    What has become of this topic? b:shocked Please keep it on track guys, Its already derailing with a zest of flame war.

    OMG for the love of anything holly, close this already... in fact, it should have been closed the first time you saw it.
    It gives me a warm feeling inside to see how ego-centered, hateful and ignorant people are. I already knew this,but once in a while I need a reminder b:faint
  • Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    hemoglobin: idk how the hell you can turn the word burrito into something sexual. perversion at its finest
    Nastassiya - Sanctuary
    A clone of MagicHamsta... wow. He's original but you're not.

    Me are hibernating. *poof*
  • Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    NA servers. NA game. NA time zones. NA event.

    How is this hard to understand?

    The servers are in north america.

    The company office is located in north america.

    The majority of the player base is in north america.

    So why should they worry about EU time zones for events?

    International does not mean every single country on this planet, it means more than one.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Posts: 875 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    If they were to give Europe its own event time slot so that people in Europe could do their events at a comfortable time, then they would have to do the same for all of the other players that log in from everywhere else in the world

    ^ This
    To those of you playing from Europe or other far-ahead/far-behind time zones, I understand your frustration. Unfortunately, it's very tough to be able to accommodate every time zone that our players come from since they literally are connecting from all over the globe. When you consider that the vast majority of our player base is logging in from North America, it becomes apparent why some of these specific events are scheduled for 5-6pm PDT-- we want the most players possible to be able to participate in the events, and this time allows them to do so after work but before they go to bed.

    Also, keep in mind that China itself only has one time zone, so the devs don't generally have to consider the consequences of having a 30 minute event once per day for players across 15+ time zones.

    The good news is that many of PWI's daily events can be done at any time throughout the day, which is great because it excludes no one. We'll also see if it would be possible to make specific-time events a bit more time-zone friendly. Something as simple has having those Quiz Event NPC's show up twice a day instead of once would do wonders for you guys.

    ^ And this


  • Posts: 432 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I`m reading the replies to this thread and half of them make me laugh hard while the other half makes me want to find you in real life and slap you as hard as I can because you`re being ****ing racist on a game. Are you even reading your replies before posting them ?

    It's an american game therefore the events are in american time herp derp herp derp

    What ?! Seriously ?! You`re telling to everyone else who's not living in North America to simply **** off ? Then, why don't you take your american game and don't stick it up your ***, just asking ? Half of the replies are plain stupid. Did you even for a second put yourself in the shoes of the European players and just thought

    Well yea, it's kind of ****ty if you`re working early shift and you have to get up early every day therefore you can't stay until 2 AM to take part in the event. Yea, it's kind of ****ty for going to bed early even on Saturday because you`re used to getting up early and you`re getting sleepy around the same time every day no matter if it's work day or not. Yea, it is ****ty that we forget that this is just a game and we all want to have fun in it together and meanwhile some *** on the other side of the world is telling me to **** off to my "european" server. Sad.

    Yes, because 6 PM server time on Dreamweaver is 2 AM for me and around that time for all the players in Europe. And most of us can't stay until 2 AM at night because 5 or 6 hours later we have to get up and get ready to go at work.

    This is a ****ing game and it will remain a game FOREVER. Games are made for FUN. Games are place where you CHILL OUT and you don't want ANYONE to be acting like games are real life.

    I don't care if the events are in 1 AM or 2 AM or 3 AM for me. My sleep is far more precious than an event. It's up to the GMs to decide if they will figure a way out, and there's many ways trust me, to let players from different time zones participate in the events.
    ColdAsLife, 90, Proud Sage Archer
    ArchRaziel, 5x, Cleric
    XBushidoX, xbushidox.guildportal.com
    Rectitude, Courage, Benelovence, Respect, Honesty, Honor, Loyalty.
  • Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    NA servers. NA game. NA time zones. NA event.

    How is this hard to understand?

    The servers are in north america.

    The company office is located in north america.

    The majority of the player base is in north america.

    So why should they worry about EU time zones for events?

    International does not mean every single country on this planet, it means more than one.

    Sorry for you, my simplistic and racist friend, GMs are already working on making events suitable for EU players too. b:victory
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. X3
  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Close this already,please
  • Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    My thread got closed (a positive one at that) because one person flamed it ant posted two negative things but these guys get to call anyone who doesn't agree with them racist? My hadn't even made it to a second page...b:angry

    For the record, racism is thinking your race is superior or that another is inferior to your own. It has nothing to do with saying that if a business has its operating hours in one timezone, than other people who want to do business with it that live outside of that timezone should expect to have to deal with the timezone differences. There are plenty of stores that are not open 24 hours in Europe, that accept American currency and will ship things to the united states. Its the same thing. Yes, it sucks. But thats one of those things you just have to deal with in life. Frankie is nice and willing to look into it, but there shouldn't be this sense of entitlement to that. Nor should you lobby around a word as hateful as racist so easy. It's ugly word, with an ugly history, that has lead to some of the most unimaginable travesties the world has ever seen. It has nothing to do with this topic and just because someone has a different opinion than you does not make them a racist. I don't see why Europeans deserve special treatment over South Americans, Japanese People, etc that play this game with all their own event times. Especially when they are getting their own server in the coming weeks. That doesn't make me a racist as this issue has NOTHING DO WITH RACIST.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Frankie has replied to this topic, and yet the topic has derailed once more into inappropriate discussion about racism.

    Time to close this one down.
This discussion has been closed.