
ninuninu Posts: 1 Arc User
edited May 2011 in General Discussion
Dear PW.
Next time you hold an event, would you please think about people living in Europe? Why can't it be at time acceptable for both US and European people, who I believe play most? This event was at 3am my time, and it was quite cool, so I kinda feel scammed, cause I couldn't participate, but once.
Also, why, ffs why, was there 1 NPC for all the damn server? The epic lag I was experiencing was really sad and only allowed me to answer like 5 questions, cuz after every sinle one I lagged for 5 minutes.
So this event was just really lame planned, even though it was awesome idea. It totally wasnt worth staying up and waiting for it, due to terrible lag...
Love, Ninu
Post edited by ninuninu on


  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    ninuninu wrote: »
    Dear PW.
    Next time you hold an event, would you please think about people living in Europe? Why can't it be at time acceptable for both US and European people, who I believe play most? This event was at 3am my time, and it was quite cool, so I kinda feel scammed, cause I couldn't participate, but once.
    Also, why, ffs why, was there 1 NPC for all the damn server? The epic lag I was experiencing was really sad and only allowed me to answer like 5 questions, cuz after every sinle one I lagged for 5 minutes.
    So this event was just really lame planned, even though it was awesome idea. It totally wasnt worth staying up and waiting for it, due to terrible lag...
    Love, Ninu

    There's apparently going to be EU servers, in Germany, for German, French, and English users.

    So you can have events during supper time too. b:victory b:bye
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    There's apparently going to be EU servers, in Germany, for German, French, and English users.

    So you can have events during supper time too. b:victory b:bye

    Just curious, where'd you hear that?

    Also, there are several NPCs in 1k and West Arch as well... not sure of any others.
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • LovesTragedy - Lost City
    LovesTragedy - Lost City Posts: 474 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    North American game, North American servers, North American event times. Why do people find this so hard to understand?
    CptMaggots 101 sage R8/NV Seeker
    LovesTragedy 100 demon R8 Cleric

    ~Finally quit this god forsaken game~
    Enjoy the rest of the downward spiral. See you in SWtOR b:bye
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    North American game, North American servers, North American event times. Why do people find this so hard to understand?


    Lots of love,
    Somebody who lives in Europe and deals with it instead of QQing about how a North American game isn't catering to my every need as a European person.
  • CroPsy - Heavens Tear
    CroPsy - Heavens Tear Posts: 476 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Why is this game named PWI, I being for International? b:surrender
    It should be named PWUSA... but wait... then a lot of people will not play that b:thanks
  • LovesTragedy - Lost City
    LovesTragedy - Lost City Posts: 474 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Why is this game named PWI, I being for International? b:surrender
    It should be named PWUSA... but wait... then a lot of people will not play that b:thanks

    Ok, even though I am feeding the trolls, and it has been said 100000000 times before. International = 2 or more countries. North America = 3 countries. If it was a GLOBAL game, it would be called Perfect World GLOBAL.

    I have nothing against European players, but this would be like me playing a game on a European server then complaining that I cant do the events at a decent time in America. DUH, im on another side of the world.
    CptMaggots 101 sage R8/NV Seeker
    LovesTragedy 100 demon R8 Cleric

    ~Finally quit this god forsaken game~
    Enjoy the rest of the downward spiral. See you in SWtOR b:bye
  • Astraea - Raging Tide
    Astraea - Raging Tide Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Why is this game named PWI, I being for International? b:surrender
    It should be named PWUSA... but wait... then a lot of people will not play that b:thanks


    (in~ter~nash~uh~nl ~adjective
    1.between or among nations; involving two or more nations: international trade.

    2.of or pertaining to two or more nations or their citizens: a matter of international concern.

    3.pertaining to the relations between nations: international law."

    the term International applies to when 2 NATIONS are involved, PWI is a north american based game and o look, north america has not 2 but 3 nations

    btw- event was at 3pm my time in US, if it was any earlier then any1 from west coast playing east coast server (cause u know, not every1 has played MMOs for 5 years or such and are new to the way they work) would not have been able to attend due to work/those who still have school
    "Common sense isn't so common anymore." ~ Yusiong - Lost City
  • CroPsy - Heavens Tear
    CroPsy - Heavens Tear Posts: 476 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Yeah, International FTW :)
  • B_K - Sanctuary
    B_K - Sanctuary Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Yes yes, if PWI did events for Eur Time Zones then most of North America would be at work or school, so more than prolly 2/3rds of the player base would NOT be there.

    I understand its late but have u guys tried to look at it from our point of view yet?
  • Renza - Raging Tide
    Renza - Raging Tide Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    No we haven't tried to look at it from your fail US point of view and here's why.

    "Host" the event on 2 separate times during the day, just like the horse race "event" and just like the horse race event, you can only do it once per day, of course that will mean the GM's having to put that tiny bit more effort into running there game which we clearly know they don't do anyway.

    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide
    Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    No we haven't tried to look at it from your fail US point of view and here's why.

    "Host" the event on 2 separate times during the day, just like the horse race "event" and just like the horse race event, you can only do it once per day, of course that will mean the GM's having to put that tiny bit more effort into running their game which we clearly know they don't do anyway.


    there u go
    Attacking at the speed of Suck since 2009
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    No we haven't tried to look at it from your fail US point of view and here's why.

    "Host" the event on 2 separate times during the day, just like the horse race "event" and just like the horse race event, you can only do it once per day, of course that will mean the GM's having to put that tiny bit more effort into running there game which we clearly know they don't do anyway.


    Here's the thing. It's not a "fail" point of view.

    If this were a European server and all the Americans on it whined about the time of the events, would you be sitting there patting them on their poor USofA backs and saying "Don't worry booboo, we'll change all our event times to suit your needs and we'll just get online at 3AM instead, or have our GMs get online at some ridiculous time for them and not pay them for the extra work."

    I really don't think you would. You only say it's a "fail" point of view because you don't like the fact you have to deal with ****-poor timing. Guess what, cupcake, there is a European server that you can go to, play for free just as much and the events will be dedicated to your timezone.

    You choose to play a North American game catering to North Americans because you prefer it's translation, player base and whatever else have you. Do not complain to the GMs and the devs that the times for their events and their player base don't suit you because you are here of your own free will and there is a European server you can go play if you don't like it.

    I'm still so amazed at how many EU people think they have this right to complain and ***** about such a non-issue when their argument doesn't even stand in their favour. (Even to fellow Europeans, I might add.)
    There you go.

    If you're going to backhand somebody, son, do it properly.
  • Rubblemancer - Sanctuary
    Rubblemancer - Sanctuary Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    No we haven't tried to look at it from your fail US point of view and here's why.

    "Host" the event on 2 separate times during the day, just like the horse race "event" and just like the horse race event, you can only do it once per day, of course that will mean the GM's having to put that tiny bit more effort into running there game which we clearly know they don't do anyway.


    I like the coolbearwave thing you do. It's neat. It's too bad people don't look at things from others point of view, that's exactly why the European players have problems with this event; no one thought to look at it from their point of view.
    Of course, you're last comment is the reason it didn't happen. Extra effort seems to be in short supply these days.
    I'm sorry some people didn't enjoy the event, but I liked the "free" xp and the few cool items they gave out. I thought it was an awesome event.
    Good luck!
    Thanks to Silvy for the awesome sig!
  • Irdis - Sanctuary
    Irdis - Sanctuary Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    it was 2 am time for me, but since it was a weekend and there is tw to wake up for i didnt have problems with that b:chuckle

    but yeah they could have made this event in 2 time slots - 1 suitable for EU, 1 for US. Or just make it a day long event, cause i dont see why did they make it only 30 mins long.
  • _Petal_ - Harshlands
    _Petal_ - Harshlands Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    North American game, North American servers, North American event times. Why do people find this so hard to understand?

    It says 'International' which is what it means--INTERNATIONAL. Don't try the "Canada is another country which make it international" defense. You shouldn't have called it "Perfect World INTERNATIONAL" if it was just for North America, you SHOULD have called it "Perfect World North America."
    But you didn't. IF you did, nobody would play it. b:chuckle

    So would that fall under false advertisement, I wonder? I've never seen a single Mexican player on this game since I've started playing. Do inform me when one shows up. I *HAVE* seen Canadians....but we'll get to that.

    I'm not complaining about the event, since it was on a weekend and I, being an AMERICAN CITIZEN in Belgium, only had to stay up until one in the morning. I *AM* complaining about my half-witted "true american" counterparts, who seem to think the whole world revolves around THEM.

    Hi, I'm an American citizen, defending your country from bad guys on a daily basis via stationing overseas in YOUR military, and *I* support the European's side of the argument.

    European's money is worth more than BOTH Canada's AND the United States (I know, my paycheck is converted every month, and I can tell you that the dollar/euro rate is around the .60's.) So I would like to know, WHY are they (we) not being thought of? There are thousands of Americans living overseas; I've met a lot of them, and I know many of them personally. Why is it they (we) get left out of these events?

    There are guilds of other nations ALL OVER THE PLACE on EVERY SERVER! You know the best part? EVERY SINGLE GUILD of another nation in Harshlands has held the map for two weeks or more, except for FrenchKis, who has never bid.
    Spanish speaking: Supremos, Villanos, GEO <-Still holds 1 map section
    French speaking: FLEAU (they STILL hold the map, and have held it since the map reset.)
    Greek Speaking: *insert complicated weird name here*

    You can't tell me that European players don't pay as much or work as hard as you Americans! Some of us are even better than some of the American players! Longknife, for example, is GERMAN, and is considered one of Harshland's best Psychics! Hatche, one of the best Mystics on the server (period) is French! RedBetty is German! _antonyo_ is Brazillian! (I think.) Neqlock is from another country but I can't think of it now.... XTazZi is from another country which escapes me right now... I too was born in Germany.

    I have to stay up weekly for TW til about 4 in the morning. That means, I can't make Sunday TW's because I have to get up at 6 in the morning! That's stupid. I've paid my fair share of money to this game, in dollars AND euros. Why shouldn't WE get the same treatment?

    Until you give us a REAL excuse, people will continue to complain. If YOU had to stay up as long as we did, YOU would complain too. But UNLIKE you, we would be understanding about it. Stupid, selfish 'real' Americans...You act like you're the only people who matter.
    They made fun of me because I wasn't a R8 Psychic...and then came third cast. It's not funny anymore.

    Reason 88 to buy a makeover scroll:
    gomba: "Your butt looks like an eggplant."
  • Tricannon - Dreamweaver
    Tricannon - Dreamweaver Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Last I checked there are european servers with the EXACT same content as pwi that you can go play. If you do not like PWI's timing then either put up and shut up or go to the European servers. The PWE North America branch is told to focus only on the time zones they are told to in which this case is Canada/USA/Mexico/and (not 100% sure) South America. As of such they will only focus on satisfying those specific area like they were told to do. Every area of the world has their own version of Perfect World to play and their own servers. If you chose not to play your area's servers and instead come to the servers of a different version then you better be prepared to put up with their time tables and their setups. Sorry to inform you of this but PWI doesnt care much of satisfying European players atm due to you have your own version so its pointless for them to do so. So as I said you dont like it? well then put up and shut up or go to the european servers.
    If I sound like I hate you, please don't take it personally...chances are I actually do.
  • Daedallus - Sanctuary
    Daedallus - Sanctuary Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Seems that to be International you only need 2 countries, wich I didn't know when I made my account.
    Actually it seems pretty convenient considering US is hosting PWI (PWUS doesn't sound right does it? )
    What I truly find amazing is some US players saying "if you don't like it go play European Server"...don't think it would be fun... losing all the cash some of the european players invested, right?
    One of the best things about a MMO is exactly meeting and talking to ppl all over the world, so I wouldn't change even if I could
  • LovesTragedy - Lost City
    LovesTragedy - Lost City Posts: 474 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    Thats a whole lot of words for "I dont know what the hell I'm talking about"

    It's a North American game. Nothing you say or try to rationalize will change that.
    CptMaggots 101 sage R8/NV Seeker
    LovesTragedy 100 demon R8 Cleric

    ~Finally quit this god forsaken game~
    Enjoy the rest of the downward spiral. See you in SWtOR b:bye
  • Noskrad - Heavens Tear
    Noskrad - Heavens Tear Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    ...but yeah they could have made this event in 2 time slots - 1 suitable for EU, 1 for US. Or just make it a day long event, cause i dont see why did they make it only 30 mins long.

    I Agree. and...
    I'm still so amazed at how many EU people think they have this right to complain and ***** about such a non-issue when their argument doesn't even stand in their favour

    I'll tell you why we do have the right to complain about this:

    1. We don't have an EU server anymore, it was so freaking bad that it got ruined and closed permanently long ago, if u didn't know.

    2. Even if we had an EU server, we're not playing, nor giving support, nor giving our money to that EU server, but to PWI, so as they like to get euros, they should do some effort to make things suitable for us too.

    3. If all EU players would go play in a different server, you US players would lose about the 40% (or maybe more) of players to do BH, FB, TT, FC, PV, Nirvana with.

    4. We're not asking for a change of event times so it become suitable for EU players only, and letting you US players out, no, what we're asking for is a solution to make it suitable for both, like the idea Irdis posted up there.

    So if you gonna say that someone "has the right" to do somethign or not, at least think a bit more about it.
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. X3
  • Ninuska - Lost City
    Ninuska - Lost City Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    So I guess, thanks everyone for smartass not helping comments, which I haven't asked for :)
    I'm not new to this game, I know it's servers are in US and all your smart remarks...
    LovesTragedy, your point of view limited by borders of your own country really amazes me, and I totally didn't get why you even bothered typing and posting it...
    Airyll, ty for another worthless comment too, cause I think PWI would lose 50% of csers and players generally, if it was pure American game. Also this thread wasn't a QQ, it was a suggestion, thanks for understanding that.
    My bad for posting this from alt, which might make you think I'm new to PW and know **** about it.
    Once again, this wasn't meant to start flame war between US and European players. It was just stating the fact events COULD be held on times reasonable for both sides.
  • buttercupcruella
    buttercupcruella Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    There's apparently going to be EU servers, in Germany, for German, French, and English users.

    So you can have events during supper time too. b:victory b:bye

    Ummm... I actually believe that there WILL be a European server (recent addition in FW), but I could care less. Not like I'm going to re-roll on it and forget about every1 on the one I play on as well as the time and effort I put into my current state.
    Yes yes, if PWI did events for Eur Time Zones then most of North America would be at work or school, so more than prolly 2/3rds of the player base would NOT be there.

    I understand its late but have u guys tried to look at it from our point of view yet?

    Yea, we have. I travel between the States and Europe frequently, so I know the pain. Hence, 2 time slots. One for the US people, one for the Europeans... like the horse race....
  • CroPsy - Heavens Tear
    CroPsy - Heavens Tear Posts: 476 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    There is no Euro server!
    PW Europe games are available only in German and French versions. PWI is NOT available at the moment (http://pwi.de.perfectworld.eu/). We will get French and German servers soon (i guess), only problem is, will game client be available in english language.
    So yeah, all other English speaking player MUST play North American version of the game. Including UK.
    IF developers wanted, they could make events in 6AM and 6PM server time, but limit players that they can only participate once a day.

    And just one more thing

    EDIT: Forum won't show this part of the post, don't know why. But it's about prices that Euro players pay for ZEN.
  • Lirora - Dreamweaver
    Lirora - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    well Im not asking for an other server for special Europeans since most of my friends I play with are from like over the whole world left and right that all can be online at the time I play at school / work yes or no they are there. I think chaging the times for events to a earlier would be nice for everyone. American's shouldn't be QQing but then I can't play school or such because atm most events I see in event list start at 8pm while if you put them like 1-2 hours earlier would still be able that more ppl can be in the event from more places on the world
    Job: TW coordinations, I never lost 1 war it's my goal to lead to victory!

    also known in my faction as L

    *started over again after a break from 1 year and 2 months*
  • Hellies - Harshlands
    Hellies - Harshlands Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    East coast servers are actually much better for Europeans than west coast. Trivia event is at 12AM (CET)/ 10PM (GMT) not 3AM. TWs at 2AM CET (12AM GMT).

    Also If you lag too much you can always switch to minimum details/distance. It does help.
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    It says 'International' which is what it means--INTERNATIONAL. Don't try the "Canada is another country which make it international" defense. You shouldn't have called it "Perfect World INTERNATIONAL" if it was just for North America, you SHOULD have called it "Perfect World North America."
    But you didn't. IF you did, nobody would play it. b:chuckle

    I have played during times appropriate for both players and I guarantee you the vast majority of players ARE from North America. And it's international because its more than one country. Furthermore, it's on an entirely different continent all the way on the other side of the world as the game owners country!!!! international doesn't automatically mean European.

    So would that fall under false advertisement, I wonder? I've never seen a single Mexican player on this game since I've started playing. Do inform me when one shows up. I *HAVE* seen Canadians....but we'll get to that.

    Really, because I've seen plenty of Mexicans and South Americans on this game. The Brasilian players used to hold territory on Dreamweaver, in fact. Most of South America is actually only one to two hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time, in fact and play on the East Coast servers. Maybe you haven't seen them because they have a similar time zone as the North Americans?

    I'm not complaining about the event, since it was on a weekend and I, being an AMERICAN CITIZEN in Belgium, only had to stay up until one in the morning. I *AM* complaining about my half-witted "true american" counterparts, who seem to think the whole world revolves around THEM.

    Hi, I'm an American citizen, defending your country from bad guys on a daily basis via stationing overseas in YOUR military, and *I* support the European's side of the argument.

    Do they cater to your sleep schedule in Belgium? Did they hold meetings at awkward times in the mornings because it would be easier for you? Or did you have to readjust your sleep pattern to get on the Belgium time zone? I'm guessing it's the latter. It's the same exact thing. You play on a North American server, you deal with North American time zones. If I were go to Europe, i wouldn't expect special treatment just because I'm American and used to a different time zone.

    Also who says that PWI supports anything the current administration is doing? Don't confuse what the president is doing with what the average American even wants. US military tactics have nothing to do with a private game company that is owned by China.

    European's money is worth more than BOTH Canada's AND the United States (I know, my paycheck is converted every month, and I can tell you that the dollar/euro rate is around the .60's.) So I would like to know, WHY are they (we) not being thought of? There are thousands of Americans living overseas; I've met a lot of them, and I know many of them personally. Why is it they (we) get left out of these events?

    You do not. You can play on Perfect World: Europe, or you can choose to stay up later, either way is up to you. Also the current market price of the Euro vs the dollar has nothing to do with when a massive multiplayer game holds an event.

    There are guilds of other nations ALL OVER THE PLACE on EVERY SERVER! You know the best part? EVERY SINGLE GUILD of another nation in Harshlands has held the map for two weeks or more, except for FrenchKis, who has never bid.
    Spanish speaking: Supremos, Villanos, GEO <-Still holds 1 map section
    French speaking: FLEAU (they STILL hold the map, and have held it since the map reset.) Greek Speaking: *insert complicated weird name here*

    You can't tell me that European players don't pay as much or work as hard as you Americans! Some of us are even better than some of the American players! Longknife, for example, is GERMAN, and is considered one of Harshland's best Psychics! Hatche, one of the best Mystics on the server (period) is French! RedBetty is German! _antonyo_ is Brazillian! (I think.) Neqlock is from another country but I can't think of it now.... XTazZi is from another country which escapes me right now... I too was born in Germany.

    The Brazilian players are only 1-2 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time. Good for those European players but that they are that good because they choose to play the game on the North American Time zones and deal with it.

    I have to stay up weekly for TW til about 4 in the morning. That means, I can't make Sunday TW's because I have to get up at 6 in the morning! That's stupid. I've paid my fair share of money to this game, in dollars AND euros. Why shouldn't WE get the same treatment?

    You are playing on someone else's servers. I wouldn't come to your house and demand you cater to me at 3am in the morning because I don't want to wake up at 3 am in the morning. That's selfish. They have business hours just like every business in the entire world, if you don't want to come during those business hours you have no right to complain because they are closed.

    Until you give us a REAL excuse, people will continue to complain. If YOU had to stay up as long as we did, YOU would complain too. But UNLIKE you, we would be understanding about it. Stupid, selfish 'real' Americans...You act like you're the only people who matter.
    We act like the only people who matter? You say you would be understanding, but clearly you are not or you would say "don't worry about staying up that late just to serve me. I'll come back when you are open for business," rather you just want things your way and demand that people in the two americas stay awake until the very late hours of the night so that you do not have to. You think that a game that serves primarily North and South American customers (which by the way, is two different continents) should change thier times to match yours. When they opened a server for you and even are allowing you to keep your same user name information and logins. They opened an entire server for you, and your mad because they also don't cater their version to you as well? And claim that PWI is the ones being selfish?

    My responses in red

    Added Later:

    Also the European server is reopening according to the German CMS, in the form of another server instead of a stand alone company:
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • CroPsy - Heavens Tear
    CroPsy - Heavens Tear Posts: 476 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    For those who can't read or google, I'll write again:

    In fact, there is no Europe PWI server for a long time now.

    And we from Europe don't ask that time of events are changed, rather to make events available two times a day.
    Let's say: at 6PM, server time, for you Americans and at 6AM, server time, for us Europeans. And to limit that players can only access them once a day per player, just like we can take a new quest for Bounty Hunt once a day!

    Is that hard to understand or what? b:bye
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    For those who can't read or google, I'll write again:

    In fact, there is no Europe PWI server for a long time now.

    And we from Europe don't ask that time of events are changed, rather to make events available two times a day.
    Let's say: at 6PM, server time, for you Americans and at 6AM, server time, for us Europeans. And to limit that players can only access them once a day per player, just like we can take a new quest for Bounty Hunt once a day!

    Is that hard to understand or what? b:bye

    They are making a new server for Europeans only. It will be rolled out in the next couple of weeks. There is a PWI EU and it's server is upcoming. Read the link yourself and practice what you preach.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • CroPsy - Heavens Tear
    CroPsy - Heavens Tear Posts: 476 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    And there I was thinking someone will read my post with common sense.

    AT THE MOMENT there is no Euro server!
    And there was none, zero, Euro servers for a looooong time.

    The fact, that they will give the players euro server soon, does not make up for the past (and may I say, present), when there was/is no euro server.
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    And there I was thinking someone will read my post with common sense.

    AT THE MOMENT there is no Euro server!
    And there was none, zero, Euro servers for a looooong time.

    The fact, that they will give the players euro server soon, does not make up for the past (and may I say, present), when there was/is no euro server.

    You cannot change the past. But by the way, like you said with the race, bhs, etc there are plenty of events that did make accommodations for European players. Oh and they did try a whole different company for you guys before, but you choose not to give them your money. If you didn't create a demand in Europe for a PWI Europe by purchasing your good locally, you've no right to be angry when the local market dries out and your forced to put up with a much less convenient version that is far away.

    It does makeup for the present, you can't get everything instantly. They heard your demands and built (an expensive) server to help better serve you. This requires expensive maintenance fees and employees as well. This is a far more tailored and expensive solution to the problem than adding another NPC. What you are doing is the equivalent of flying to another country and going to a store for some good you can only get there and demanding that they change their hours just for you. When they build an entirely new store in your area, you're still angry because that store in the country STILL didn't change its hours and darn it now you have a preference!
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Majesta - Dreamweaver
    Majesta - Dreamweaver Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Well, if you guys want us European peeps to play on European servers (there are none atm anyways), prepare for half empty PWI servers.

    just sayin...


    But seriously tho, there is no european version of the game atm.

    And why is it so hard to add one extra event time round 8pm european time? I know for a fact there's lotsa european players who would appreciate it, I know I would! :)
    When I got the meaning of melee mixed up:
    'Maj.. Melee ffs.. means I'm punching you in the face 1 foot away!'
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