Multiclienting/boxing: Want to have it raised to 3 each person?

Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear
Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,541 Arc User
edited May 2011 in General Discussion
Ppl have bin complaining about the new rather strict rules of the rulechange... One thing most did agree on that it's a good thing ppl can also multi with just one pc now and experience the same thing so no need to talk about that here... But mostly due to abusing the old system the rules for the multiboxers have become rather strict now... Everyone is allowed to 2 clients each no matter how you do it...

So after hearing some ppl out on the sticky I decided to go and try to get it raised to 3... As far as I'm concerned I don't think there would be much more to bennefit from (since with 2 you can already have a healer and tank) and 3 isn't enough to open some instances by yourself like TT's and Nirvy's... So I realy think it won't make such a great impact... Also it might lighten the burden a bit for those who where struck by the limitations...

As for the topic... The best way to have a chance to acomplish this is just voting and putting some good and valid reasons for why it should or shouldn't be raised to 3... Other then that follow these rules so the higher-ups won't have a though time reading through it: No trolling, no spamming, no fighting, no complaining, and no wining about how even 3 isn't enough... You can do all that in the official sticky located here...

As a side note to GM's: Ask first ban later...

Also: I am a person who myself it totaly fine with just 2 clients each... But I was willing to do this for those who are struck by the new rules... b:cute
Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
BigHearts member... f:grin
Post edited by Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear on


  • Alsiadorra - Sanctuary
    Alsiadorra - Sanctuary Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    Let's allow 6 while we're at it. Be able to run a whole squad from one computer!

    >_> 2 is enough.
  • Prophete - Dreamweaver
    Prophete - Dreamweaver Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    2 is enough.
  • Maralynne - Lost City
    Maralynne - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Agreed, 2 is plenty. As for these 'ppl that have bin complaining' I suggest you get them to post here.
  • LovesTragedy - Lost City
    LovesTragedy - Lost City Posts: 474 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    People are going to do more than 2 regardless of the rule. I know people who did 6 accounts at once on one computer before they allowed multiclienting, and I would bet anything they still do it. To be honest, there being a limitation at all seems to me like a half-assed attempt to make it look like they arent totally doing a 180 on the rule.

    There's no sense in changing it, cause again, people that want to do it are going to do it anyways.
    CptMaggots 101 sage R8/NV Seeker
    LovesTragedy 100 demon R8 Cleric

    ~Finally quit this god forsaken game~
    Enjoy the rest of the downward spiral. See you in SWtOR b:bye
  • Ezehc - Lost City
    Ezehc - Lost City Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    2 is just fine. just have your sister, brother, cousin, 2 year old baby, mom, dad, uncle, aunt, grandma, grandpa each use 2 as well.
    Lost City Cheze Refining Service. Save up to 40% of orb cost for refines up to +9.
  • Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear
    Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    People are going to do more than 2 regardless of the rule. I know people who did 6 accounts at once on one computer before they allowed multiclienting, and I would bet anything they still do it. To be honest, there being a limitation at all seems to me like a half-assed attempt to make it look like they arent totally doing a 180 on the rule.

    There's no sense in changing it, cause again, people that want to do it are going to do it anyways.

    Yeah I figured that much... Also I don't think the GM's will act to strickly on that either... Still waiting for the ones that where complaining about this to come and post but I think they're online later... Well not that I realy care... This was just a charity for them from my part...

    @Ezehc: I laughed at the 2-year-old-baby part... Now that would be the right way to raise it... b:chuckle Nah I also think 2 is enough but let's just wait and see what the end results will be...
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • Mor_Toran - Sanctuary
    Mor_Toran - Sanctuary Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The only reason there was any change in the rule was because they screwed up the launcher. It is much easier to change the rule than it is to find the code they broke.

    In either case, I prefer the new rule. Here's hoping it will cut down on the number of catshops. I mean really, could you find somewhere OTHER than west arch to put up shop?
    "No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style." - Steven Brust, Yendi

    Yeah, I'm that good. b:chuckle
  • Maralynne - Lost City
    Maralynne - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    @Mor_Toran: If you wanna sell your ****, you gotta put your shop where everyone goes. Hence why West arch, the BH guy and 1k streams are cat-shop ridden.

    And I bet you knew that already. If so, sorry for pointing out the obvious.
  • Danstin - Sanctuary
    Danstin - Sanctuary Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    yea 2 is more then enough the main reason people lagg is because ever one who is greedy on those shops in arch puts up around 3-6 accounts making everyone on the hole server lagg including them unless they got a computer from the gods lol
  • Alsiadorra - Sanctuary
    Alsiadorra - Sanctuary Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The only reason there was any change in the rule was because they screwed up the launcher. It is much easier to change the rule than it is to find the code they broke.

    In either case, I prefer the new rule. Here's hoping it will cut down on the number of catshops. I mean really, could you find somewhere OTHER than west arch to put up shop?

    Actually it is the launcher that prevents multiclienting.

    It was explained why it was "bannable" but all things considering, the majority, Im sure uses multiclienting for bh/squad/quest purposes. No one should bother trying to "****" the game through this.
  • MeatPopcicle - Sanctuary
    MeatPopcicle - Sanctuary Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I have a tank, I have a cleric, and I have an alt that needs the quest done. And no one will help when I ask. That's why I need 3.
  • Daedallus - Sanctuary
    Daedallus - Sanctuary Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I have a tank, I have a cleric, and I have an alt that needs the quest done. And no one will help when I ask. That's why I need 3.

    I wonder how ppl with only one account ever did those quests? We were truly amazing, we could even find squads to help us, either in our factions or a group of friends.

    Now, why do you need to multiclient again?

    Sorry for the sarcasm, but I really don't think that argument is valid b:surrender
  • KennyPowers - Raging Tide
    KennyPowers - Raging Tide Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I have a tank, I have a cleric, and I have an alt that needs the quest done. And no one will help when I ask. That's why I need 3.

    Games like this are designed to make you seek help from other players at certain points. Socialization and team work are a huge part of the genre.

    If that's not something you want to get into, you're better off playing a game that doesn't involve hundred of other people b:chuckle
  • Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear
    Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I forgot to mention no sarcasm... b:surrender Let ppl have their opinions even if it's not for the same awnser you chose... Just let ppl vote for at least a few days and then we'll see what the outcome is and if we should do something with it... b:sleep
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • Jellytoast - Sanctuary
    Jellytoast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Games like this are designed to make you seek help from other players at certain points. Socialization and team work are a huge part of the genre.

    If that's not something you want to get into, you're better off playing a game that doesn't involve hundred of other people b:chuckle

    Yeah, I gotta agree with this, lol. If no one's is available in faction, I log off and do something else for a bit and come back.
    jellytoast - Demon Cleric
    Wizzypop - Demon Wizard

    "We cannot solve our problems with the same
    thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein
  • Daedallus - Sanctuary
    Daedallus - Sanctuary Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I forgot to mention no sarcasm... b:surrender Let ppl have their opinions even if it's not for the same awnser you chose... Just let ppl vote for at least a few days and then we'll see what the outcome is and if we should do something with it... b:sleep

    I'm sorry, but since I have a Barb, a Cleric, a psy, a Veno, a Sin and a Mystic should I be allowed to log all 6 chars? And since they are all in the same account should I be allowed to multi log?

    I'm sorry, but I don't feel I should be allowed to multiclient just cause I "need" to do a quest. Ask your faction to help or some friends.
  • Arganoth - Lost City
    Arganoth - Lost City Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    If you want to develop Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and/or other physical issues as a result of playing 3 characters at once - by all means go for it!
  • ZAPATON - Sanctuary
    ZAPATON - Sanctuary Posts: 875 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Raise it up to 4 so I can solo TT on squad mode without asking for help to open it b:pleased

    No thank you. Keep it at 2

  • MeatPopcicle - Sanctuary
    MeatPopcicle - Sanctuary Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Games like this are designed to make you seek help from other players at certain points. Socialization and team work are a huge part of the genre.

    If that's not something you want to get into, you're better off playing a game that doesn't involve hundred of other people b:chuckle

    "And no one will help when I ask." I do socialize and I do seek help from others, but sometimes I can't find anyone to help out.
  • Shandaar - Dreamweaver
    Shandaar - Dreamweaver Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    While I'm heavy on socialization, I generally dualbox. I'm fine with two.

    However, 3 would mean that I could run a catshop at the same time as I grind, which is effective (and I like being effective). I'm all in for that. Until then, 2 clients is enough for me, as I usually put my catshop while I'm AFK/asleep/at work/doing something else, or running on a single character.
  • KAZMOENEEK - Heavens Tear
    KAZMOENEEK - Heavens Tear Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    i dont do 2 on one computer but since my kid plays on another computer couldnt she have her character playing and a store going or something,and if i decide to make a store and play that would be 4 toons in one house hold but..hmmm out ip are different :/
  • Rubblemancer - Sanctuary
    Rubblemancer - Sanctuary Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    It's not about playing a squad by myself. I need 16 accounts so I can keep archosour crowded with catshops.
    Thanks to Silvy for the awesome sig!
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited May 2011
    It's not about playing a squad by myself. I need 16 accounts so I can keep archosour crowded with catshops.

    So that's you?!? b:angryb:angry

    Seriously, though...West Archosaur is really over-populated...
  • Kinjeto - Raging Tide
    Kinjeto - Raging Tide Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    2 is enough.

    They make duel core computers for a reason. Two connections per IP and that's it. As much as it is 'running a business' ToS changes at their will and its not negotiable, cause when you signed on 'as it was intended' then 'that's how its intended'
    Time won't wake/make you wiser, but it will definitely wound you.
    b i t . l y /
    I was a man of ideas and action, but at the same time a gentleman. -- S a Z T u R
    Subtly is never my strong point, but I like to find the gaps in walls and the cracks in bricks.
    Are you kind of seeing what I'm saying. b:bye
  • Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear
    Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    It's not about playing a squad by myself. I need 16 accounts so I can keep archosour crowded with catshops.

    16 accounts at the same time? Damn you... You make my pc lag badly at times... b:surrender
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • cewoo1
    cewoo1 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I multiboxed 3 when a non tank/cleric alt needed a tank and a cleric to finish off a failed BH chain. I don't do cat shops and have no intention to, because I play for entertainment, not for game money.
  • _Nuriko_ - Lost City
    _Nuriko_ - Lost City Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Who cares what the limit is zzz. I know people who did before the change and still after the change use 3 or more at once.
    Ahira is a spyb:cryb:cryb:cry
  • Arjunro - Heavens Tear
    Arjunro - Heavens Tear Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    See this is where you go overboard and they begin to regret changing the rule..

    Besides if i ran 3, my computer would slap the **** out of me
  • Escorian - Dreamweaver
    Escorian - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    >.> this is the major problem with this game people are greedy as hell. they say you can have 2 accounts and now you feel you deserve more. i know alot of games that say you can only have 1 account period. your lucky pwi lets you have 2 logged in at the same time and yet even then your still not happy its sad how greedy the players of this game are lately. b:bye
    ty Nowitsawn

    Everything has its beginnings, but it doesn't start at one. It starts long before that... The world is born From zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes 2. 2 becomes 10. 10 becomes 100. taking it all back to one solves nothing. so long as zero remains... One.. Will eventually grow to 100 again.
  • Nunterz - Archosaur
    Nunterz - Archosaur Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The cap simply should go away, altogether. Raising ingame money harms no one. Leveling up with multiple characters harms no one. People who like to play with themselves harm no one.

    And if you are that crazy about lag, you can hit Best Performance button anytime. You can't possibly need to see every character customizations at best graphic quality in West Archo. At least you can't possibly need it more than someone needs to play with multiple characters.