saturday night tw

Posts: 3,765 Arc User
edited May 2011 in Etherblade (West)
how bout that?
Post edited by SashaGray - Heavens Tear on


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  • Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    was epic,lots of fun. Few good laughs,got called a cheater by a rad member(i wasnt even in the rad war) and was told it was a pain that not all our barbs ran together and made extra work for gd to kill all of the cat pullers
    mmmmmm tacos mmmmm

    Retired for good.
  • Posts: 721 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Good from Enrage's side, a bit sad from the servers side.

    Well I didnt get into TW untill 20 minutes before it ended so I dont know much about it all, but what I got informed was

    Dominus = steamrolled in 5 min, so I guess they werent able to be in the "gank" cause they were done before others started.

    Eviltree = its Enrages alt faction so I dont really expect them to do a lot since most are in Enrage fights.

    so in all fairness it was Radiance / GD that was ganking Enrage, if only Dominus didnt fall that fast it would have been a different outcome.

    GD had like 60+ people as usual and it seems Enrage had like 60 people so maybe GD had a few more people, but it seemed like a really even fight. GD got Enrages crystal down pretty good, and I saw GDs crystal down to like 40% or something when I came into the fight, but regenerated back to 70-80% untill it finished in a 3 hour defend for Enrage.

    It seemed to be a fun fight for both ends, pretty even fight as long as it was 60 vs 60+ so win or lose, it was still a fun fight.

    The sad thing is that the 2nd 3rd and 4th top TW faction on server either cant get close to 80 people or they just isnt strong enough to even with Enrage. TW seems to die out a bit, I thought with reset more people would get involved. Back in the days it was at least 5-6 factions that could put up a roster of 80 people and all with subs to fill in missing people.. so what happened? now I guess its only Enrage and Rad that can fill 80, perhaps Dominus too on a good day, GD cant yet, but will come to that one day as well..

    But good fight Enrage, and I hope for more fun ganks like this one... b:victory
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] OH really? What a surprise.
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Good from Enrage's side, a bit sad from the servers side.

    Well I didnt get into TW untill 20 minutes before it ended so I dont know much about it all, but what I got informed was

    Dominus = steamrolled in 5 min, so I guess they werent able to be in the "gank" cause they were done before others started.

    Eviltree = its Enrages alt faction so I dont really expect them to do a lot since most are in Enrage fights.

    so in all fairness it was Radiance / GD that was ganking Enrage, if only Dominus didnt fall that fast it would have been a different outcome.

    GD had like 60+ people as usual and it seems Enrage had like 60 people so maybe GD had a few more people, but it seemed like a really even fight. GD got Enrages crystal down pretty good, and I saw GDs crystal down to like 40% or something when I came into the fight, but regenerated back to 70-80% untill it finished in a 3 hour defend for Enrage.

    It seemed to be a fun fight for both ends, pretty even fight as long as it was 60 vs 60+ so win or lose, it was still a fun fight.

    The sad thing is that the 2nd 3rd and 4th top TW faction on server either cant get close to 80 people or they just isnt strong enough to even with Enrage. TW seems to die out a bit, I thought with reset more people would get involved. Back in the days it was at least 5-6 factions that could put up a roster of 80 people and all with subs to fill in missing people.. so what happened? now I guess its only Enrage and Rad that can fill 80, perhaps Dominus too on a good day, GD cant yet, but will come to that one day as well..

    But good fight Enrage, and I hope for more fun ganks like this one... b:victory

    Lol at your trying to scale down Enrage efforts. GD prob had 70+, they prob left towards the end because TW is non-mandatory so thats where you pulled 60 out of. And we had to split our best geared people between all the battles so 70 geared to the teeth Gold Diggerz. We had about 110-115 between the 2 battles so 5x-6x between both battles. Fail exe is fail.
  • Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Good from Enrage's side, a bit sad from the servers side.

    Well I didnt get into TW untill 20 minutes before it ended so I dont know much about it all, but what I got informed was

    Dominus = steamrolled in 5 min, so I guess they werent able to be in the "gank" cause they were done before others started.

    Eviltree = its Enrages alt faction so I dont really expect them to do a lot since most are in Enrage in all fairness it was Radiance / GD that was ganking Enrage, if only Dominus didnt fall that fast it would have been a different outcome.

    GD had like 60+ people as usual and it seems Enrage had like 60 people so maybe GD had a few more people, but it seemed like a really even fight. GD got Enrages crystal down pretty good, and I saw GDs crystal down to like 40% or something when I came into the fight, but regenerated back to 70-80% untill it finished in a 3 hour defend for Enrage.

    It seemed to be a fun fight for both ends, pretty even fight as long as it was 60 vs 60+ so win or lose, it was still a fun fight.

    The sad thing is that the 2nd 3rd and 4th top TW faction on server either cant get close to 80 people or they just isnt strong enough to even with Enrage. TW seems to die out a bit, I thought with reset more people would get involved. Back in the days it was at least 5-6 factions that could put up a roster of 80 people and all with subs to fill in missing people.. so what happened? now I guess its only Enrage and Rad that can fill 80, perhaps Dominus too on a good day, GD cant yet, but will come to that one day as well..

    But good fight Enrage, and I hope for more fun ganks like this one... b:victory

    Actually EvilTree defended 1 land too , thank you to those who were there <3

    The Dom/Gd wars were fun, well more about GD coz dom died before they even realized what hit them b:chuckle

    Fun 3 hours war, been a while since we had such!

    Love you all Enrages who made it possible. We beat 2nd 3rd and 4th faction in HT!

    To all Enrage haters: Go beat that ^!
    When people walk away from you, let them go... your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you.. and it doesn't mean they are bad people.. It just means that their part in your story is over...
  • Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    We were out geared and out numbered by gd. Thats what it boils down to,and we still won.
    mmmmmm tacos mmmmm

    Retired for good.
  • Posts: 721 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    We were out geared and out numbered by gd. Thats what it boils down to,and we still won.

    Not scaling it down Ducking, but if Dominus isnt fighting when the rest is they are kinda out of the gank? Its like when you are juggling with 3 balls, and the first ball you get u throw away before you get the other 2, then you are juggling 2 balls, making it also easier.. lol

    well GD had 74 people online, its a fact that 74 people was not in TW.. closer to 70 yeah, but not 74. But it doesnt matter as long as it was fun.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] OH really? What a surprise.
  • Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Not scaling it down Ducking, but if Dominus isnt fighting when the rest is they are kinda out of the gank? Its like when you are juggling with 3 balls, and the first ball you get u throw away before you get the other 2, then you are juggling 2 balls, making it also easier.. lol

    well GD had 74 people online, its a fact that 74 people was not in TW.. closer to 70 yeah, but not 74. But it doesnt matter as long as it was fun.

    No one knew Dominus would allow themselves to be walked all over like that. It was a risk to show up to all three TWs and we took it. Whether or not Dominus decided to bend over for us was decided much later than the planning that said we will attempt three defends, and for that reason it should still be considered a 3-way gank, because we still had to calculate how and where to split our players.

    However I do agree that EvilTree's TWs should not be counted, so 4-way down to 3-way.

    As for Enrage fielding 60 in both TWs, that's impossible. There were only 120-ish people online in Enrage, and that is including people who were shops, were afk, were logged on multiple computers for buffs, etc...
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited May 2011
  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The skill that it took to defend all 3 wars was remarkable. No excuses was fun war in Rad for sure. Yes Enrage was outnumbered, but gear and experience spoke for them tonight. All I have to say is I hope for more fun ganks like this in the future. Hats off and GF to all that were in Rad VS. Enrage war.

    Hitchdidlydo...AKA Daravus....AKA Mencheres b:pleased
  • Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Nomnom Enrage. Good times. Was in the GoldDigrz fight, hate to Solara and Eden for all their one shots on me. Kinda wish I was in the Radiance so I could slap my ex-guildies around a little.

    Anyhow. Good fight all. <3
  • Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Lol at your trying to scale down Enrage efforts. GD prob had 70+, they prob left towards the end because TW is non-mandatory so thats where you pulled 60 out of. And we had to split our best geared people between all the battles so 70 geared to the teeth Gold Diggerz. We had about 110-115 between the 2 battles so 5x-6x between both battles. Fail exe is fail.

    was about to congratulate enrage on putting up an awesome fight, til i saw this dumb-*** post. what's wrong with you? get your facts straight before you run your mouth off.

    anyway, great fight, was a very even fight - even at the end when you pulled in some stragglers like sano and alpha. and damn you andor! qq. gonna guess we had a similar amount of people in the fight, as we had 72 online when we jumped into the TW (and believe it or not, not all were actually there.).
    WWs like stub hurt as usual, as do the rest of your wizzies really... :p
    we got beat fair and square, i'm glad to see a lot of improvement on our side, hope we'll be able to offer enrage better fights in the weeks to come. all in all, hats off to enrage for defending against all 3 and see you tmrw. b:bye

    wtb no QQ after a TW. just once children like mothball should keep their egos in check and fap to something else than "omg im so much moar awesum than you all lolz".
    there are no stupid questions, just a lot of inquisitive idiots.
  • Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Hate to the dam squad that i kept running into on right path. killed my cleric qq
    mmmmmm tacos mmmmm

    Retired for good.
  • Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    was about to congratulate enrage on putting up an awesome fight, til i saw this dumb-*** post. what's wrong with you? get your facts straight before you run your mouth off.

    anyway, great fight, was a very even fight - even at the end when you pulled in some stragglers like sano and alpha. and damn you andor! qq. gonna guess we had a similar amount of people in the fight, as we had 72 online when we jumped into the TW (and believe it or not, not all were actually there.).
    WWs like stub hurt as usual, as do the rest of your wizzies really... :p
    we got beat fair and square, i'm glad to see a lot of improvement on our side, hope we'll be able to offer enrage better fights in the weeks to come. all in all, hats off to enrage for defending against all 3 and see you tmrw. b:bye

    wtb no QQ after a TW. just once children like mothball should keep their egos in check and fap to something else than "omg im so much moar awesum than you all lolz".

    Theres been a few different numbers thrown out there for you guys,How can we get them straight when you guys can't?
    mmmmmm tacos mmmmm

    Retired for good.
  • Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Radiance so I could slap my ex-guildies around a little.

    Bet the feeling was mutual for a few in Rad b:cute
  • Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    It wasn't hate from me! I was sending you love notes tied to each arrow!
    Disarmonia_X - 101 Cleric
    Shadows_Muse - 100 Wiz; Ω
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    it was a great night, we all had lots of fun and i hope the attackers did as well. i am very, very pleased that we successfully defended all 3 lands =) go enrage b:pleasedb:kiss
    *insert awesome siggy here*
  • Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    phewww that was the most fun i have had for a looong time ty to all who tw'd for the immense 3h tw's b:cute
    Enrage archer
    Wife of Anneliesse b:dirty
  • Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    We were out geared and out numbered by gd. Thats what it boils down to,and we still won.

    lol outgeared?

    Please, don't you have xHonestyx, Stubbie, Alphanei, SanosukeLee, MothBall, TinyBee, KoRa, thehate and a myriad of other R9 and R8 +10-+12?

    I would say you are pretty even.

    Then again, this is just coming from a nirvana key-pickup-a-day-person.
    Alt character.
    Originally posted by Hojuken
    b. dislike /= hate. but glad to see you step into the fuss to make random comments about people you don't know/never met. i do believe you're from enrage? figures.
    I'm Enrage now? Since when?
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    Im not normally a trash talker. But exe "good fight" posts are always meanspirited with lies and half truth much like monof did but thats another story. So annoying...He always likes to give excuses and mope about TW instead of just shaking hands with others.

    And Lucivar, yes but we had to spread them out into both wars. Also with new squads and leaders. So it wasn't a top roster like a 1v1 would.
  • Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    lol outgeared?

    Please, don't you have xHonestyx, MothBall, TinyBee, KoRa, thehate and a myriad of other R9 and R8 +10-+12?

    I would say you are pretty even.

    Then again, this is just coming from a nirvana key-pickup-a-day-person.

    sure we do but!!!! we had 2 wars remember =P so our big hitters where split 50/50 or around that much in the wars. While GD/Rad had the best they got/had/were on for tw. So i say yes we were a little outgeared (in rad battle atleast, and numbers wise also.)

    But in the end it all comes down to working with what ya got. You can QQ all about awww we didnt have full 80 blah blah or didnt push hard enough with cata's. Its a heat of the battle, battlefield and working with what you got and making the decisions to win. It was a fair fight on both sides could of went either way for any war, we just had a more focused strat today. And the 3h defense proves that ;)

    anyway it was a fun night and ty to all that battled hard xD cya later today GD ;)
    Enrage archer
    Wife of Anneliesse b:dirty
  • Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Im not normally a trash talker. But exe "good fight" posts are always meanspirited with lies and half truth much like monof did but thats another story. So annoying...He always likes to give excuses and mope about TW instead of just shaking hands with others.

    And Lucivar, yes but we had to spread them out into both wars. Also with new squads and leaders. So it wasn't a top roster like a 1v1 would.

    Mmmmm true.
    sure we do but!!!! we had 2 wars remember =P so our big hitters where split 50/50 or around that much in the wars. While GD/Rad had the best they got/had/were on for tw. So i say yes we were a little outgeared (in rad battle atleast, and numbers wise also.)

    True true.

    Forgot Gorgonnia, and _Evil_Angel.

    Alt character.
    Originally posted by Hojuken
    b. dislike /= hate. but glad to see you step into the fuss to make random comments about people you don't know/never met. i do believe you're from enrage? figures.
    I'm Enrage now? Since when?
  • Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Then again, this is just coming from a nirvana key-pickup-a-day-person.

    Sounds like me. b:chuckle

    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Yes we have them,what i was gettign at was gd and rad had a higher concentration of it then we
    mmmmmm tacos mmmmm

    Retired for good.
  • Posts: 322 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I know that Dominus only lasting 5 minutes meant they didn't help much with the gank, but it would have at least given both Rad and digrz a slight foot up from the start with Enrage switching out of the Dom war.

    Got to give credit where its due, Enrage took a risk, played it well and it paid off, I don't think the rest of us have even taken a risk like that yet.
    I love drinking tea
  • Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I know when we got in the gd fight you guys were at our gates. It was like o ****
    mmmmmm tacos mmmmm

    Retired for good.
  • Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Sounds like me. b:chuckle


    Yes we have them,what i was gettign at was gd and rad had a higher concentration of it then we

    Just out of curiosity, I have only seen 2 rad people with rank 9. Only one with a full set. Do they have more?

    Edt: Ooops forgot Bale.

    Sorreh Bale.
    Alt character.
    Originally posted by Hojuken
    b. dislike /= hate. but glad to see you step into the fuss to make random comments about people you don't know/never met. i do believe you're from enrage? figures.
    I'm Enrage now? Since when?
  • Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Isa, where you??? I didn't see you at all from my scout perch, QQ.
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • Posts: 721 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Im not normally a trash talker. But exe "good fight" posts are always meanspirited with lies and half truth much like monof did but thats another story. So annoying...He always likes to give excuses and mope about TW instead of just shaking hands with others.

    And Lucivar, yes but we had to spread them out into both wars. Also with new squads and leaders. So it wasn't a top roster like a 1v1 would.

    Well... im just saying it the way I saw it.. but it was a good fight. I had fun, thats all that matters. isnt that what this is all about? having fun?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] OH really? What a surprise.
  • Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Well... im just saying it the way I saw it.. but it was a good fight. I had fun, thats all that matters. isnt that what this is all about? having fun?

    To be fair to MothBall, your "it was fun" posts do always sound like you had your fingers crossed behind your back. I never cared enough about it to bring it up, but it shouldn't surprise you that if you exaggerate some numbers to make excuses or belittle someone else's accomplishments, you're going to step on a few toes. In fact I could have even taken offense to the way you belittled the difficulty of our situation, if I weren't already used to that sort of thing from you.

    Of course, I do believe you when you say that's just how you see things. By nature humans think the grass is greener on the other side of the hill. I'm just sayin' shouldn't be too surprised if that annoys people, especially when the accomplishment in question is defending three lands from the next three most powerful factions, no matter the circumstances *cough Dominus*.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    people still do tw? last time i was here the reward for tw got changed to mirage stones...

    I'm a little dysfunctional, Don't you know?
    If you push me, It might be bad
    Get a little emotional, Don't you know?
    You could fool around and make me mad

    Cannibuss can achieve invisibility and dismember opponents with no warning. By the time you see him, your eyes may no longer be connected to your face.


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