Out of curisoty? How many of you guys are high strength?(D :)

Posts: 516 Arc User
edited May 2011 in Seeker
Hello i know there has been tons of build disscuisons.

But i am curious to see how many seeker are actually high strength. I have seen balanced seeker builds and some vit builds but i really curious about the high strength. I want to see if its a big deal and why people pick it over the balance.

Plus i am curious to go high strength toob:dirtyb:dirty

:D b:surrender
Post edited by Yuniryu - Raging Tide on


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  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    5str, 3dex, 2vit untill I cap my vit. then str build.

    Sig credits to Myra :D
  • Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    lizrau wrote: »
    5str, 3dex, 2vit untill I cap my vit. then str build.

    Kewl.b:laugh. I just wonder if anyone is pure high str. b:pleased
  • Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Pure str, and loving it.
    How come, if someone asks a question in a forum, at least 13/20 posts answers the question in the same exact way, 5/20 word the exact same answer differently and 2/20 say something completely unrelated to both life and death?
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I got tank build, so I got more HP to have much more fun b:laughb:victory
  • Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Kewl. :D b:pleased. Well i about to be a high strength, i finally made up my mind. I want power. !b:victory
  • Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    225 str, 161 dex right now. Going for 191dex at lvl90. I've been putting points into dex since level 80 as I wont need any str til lvl90 for TT90. Str is kinda useless and only needed for armor requirements it seems. Though that's not to say those who put more points into it are "doing it wrong".

    If my calculations are correct, by lvl99 I'll have 260str and 206dex. This is fine for me.

    I used to be pro-pure str, but it caused me some survival issues in the beginning.

    Also I only have 39vit(50 with tome). I've tanked all my BHs and I tank in FCC. A seeker IMO doesn't need 100+ vit. Just to throw that out there if you're trying to cram for more points to put into str.
  • Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    225 str, 161 dex right now. Going for 191dex at lvl90. I've been putting points into dex since level 80 as I wont need any str til lvl90 for TT90. Str is kinda useless and only needed for armor requirements it seems. Though that's not to say those who put more points into it are "doing it wrong".

    If my calculations are correct, by lvl99 I'll have 260str and 206dex. This is fine for me.

    I used to be pro-pure str, but it caused me some survival issues in the beginning.

    Also I only have 39vit(50 with tome). I've tanked all my BHs and I tank in FCC. A seeker IMO doesn't need 100+ vit. Just to throw that out there if you're trying to cram for more points to put into str.

    Kewl well i found vit useless after 60. XD But thats me, i am going to back to the strength build although 1 str doesn t seem like a big difference to between my trust blademaster build.

    Xd thanks you made me think twice, one thing for sure i am definately not adding vit :D or very very lit vit like 30.
  • Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    wurrs the dex build lol
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    377 str, 150 dex with gears atm.. Hit like a truck, and still can tank,
  • Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Oh I forgot to mention what I posted was without gear. With it, is 258 / 185
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I happen to be level 49 at the moment, Kind of all over the place. These are my Stat point distributions. If you have any idea how I SHOULD spend my points to become a high hitter please tell me. So far,
    Vit: 30
    Mag: 5

    reply and tell me what I should do if I enjoy hitting high :D
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I was using the tank build, but I restatted yesterday for STR build. I capped my DEX at 160 and from now on will be putting points into STR. You don't really need any more than 160, because with Bladed Fervor, you have 10% crit, so get the rest from gear
  • Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    been building my seeker since the beginning as a pure str build.. im currently at 454 str and 150 dex.. and loving it.. so far 215k is my highest damage with gemini (on dracoboa in abaddon/ non-zerk damage) with veno, bm, seeker debuffs.. i have yet to test it in tw as im guildless.. xD
  • edited May 2011
    Currently I'm using the HA tank build 5, 3, 2. My main question is that, once i cap the VIT, what increases the damage more?

    Is the damage output based on STR or DEX? Or is it a balance between the two? With Mages, it's easy, a Pure build is all to MAG, STR for gear, leave the rest alone. For Archers, Pure is focusing fully on DEX. (I think the same also applies for Sin's) with BM's the build kind of depends on the weapons you plan to use and gear req for them.

    Has anyone tested the stats fully and figured out what a PURE build would be for a seeker?
  • Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Currently I'm using the HA tank build 5, 3, 2. My main question is that, once i cap the VIT, what increases the damage more?

    Is the damage output based on STR or DEX? Or is it a balance between the two? With Mages, it's easy, a Pure build is all to MAG, STR for gear, leave the rest alone. For Archers, Pure is focusing fully on DEX. (I think the same also applies for Sin's) with BM's the build kind of depends on the weapons you plan to use and gear req for them.

    Has anyone tested the stats fully and figured out what a PURE build would be for a seeker?

    Lol mate I am the wrong to ask I have rest 5 times lol. I give up I am going for the 5str and 5 dex every 2 levels and 30 vit cap. I don't care about builds anymore time to Make my own build my rulesb:surrender
  • Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I capped my VIT at 60 then went 3 STR 2 DEX and its going pretty well atm. Going to restat down to ~30 VIT or so once I get R8 and shard for enough HP
  • Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Currently I'm using the HA tank build 5, 3, 2. My main question is that, once i cap the VIT, what increases the damage more?

    Is the damage output based on STR or DEX? Or is it a balance between the two? With Mages, it's easy, a Pure build is all to MAG, STR for gear, leave the rest alone. For Archers, Pure is focusing fully on DEX. (I think the same also applies for Sin's) with BM's the build kind of depends on the weapons you plan to use and gear req for them.

    Has anyone tested the stats fully and figured out what a PURE build would be for a seeker?

    Technically, for the most part, damage comes from skill use (especially skills like vortex and gemini slash). STR would benefit only regular attacks or the base damage + add-on attacks like stalagstrike. Following the pattern of "pure" builds, I would define pure as following minimal equipment requirements and enhancing the stat that gives the class its main source of damage. I would say 7 str/3 dex per lvl would be the "pure" build for Seeker. Adding dex is just for minimal requirements or if you aim to get their crit to maybe 10%. Seeker crits are quite nice, though.

    I plan to add a better explanation of the builds on my guide to discuss the importance of stat points better.
  • Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    . Adding dex is just for minimal requirements or if you aim to get their crit to maybe 10%. Seeker crits are quite nice, though.

    I have 14% and yes they are quite nice ^_^. Too bad I can't get the amount I really want.
  • Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    there is no way 2 knew what stats are seekers best stats i am being oure str butmight go all vit end game if i see my seeker cant take the hist necesery 2 survive gank of sin wish in my point is seekers true strength.
    we are very simular 2 barb only that our tanking come from deff lv and not hp so if u look seeker liek that minimum str and dex and pump on vit would we a true tank seeker.
    hopefully enogh for the rank9 sins 100 attack lv idk cos my seeker isnt there yet lv77
    all i knew str does help kill faster so its a + as for pvp who knews.
  • Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Well i have gone to capping vit at 30 and then 5str and 5dex and i love it!.

    14% criticals i love it :D. I will enjoy doing this till 90, then i am going do high strength. At last a build i feel comfortable in.b:thanks It feels right. I guess there is no real build its down to the person and comfort and i have found mine. :)
  • Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Yep, this class has a lot of freedom for that purpose. The str/dex goes up to minimal requirements for what you want to equip in the upcoming levels and the rest of the points is where creativity happens. b:pleased

    After reading many posts related to build design discussions, I feel that I should help explain the process in my guide's build section. I'll cover extra stat point distributions a bit more and add some tips on evaluating your personal needs as someone playing the seeker class.
  • Posts: 315 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    http://pwcalc.com/808f08f3d8a510a1 soon as I hit 101, *fc's more*
    Currently: pwcalc.com/b4c92dacf1da8c21
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    there is no way 2 knew what stats are seekers best stats i am being oure str butmight go all vit end game if i see my seeker cant take the hist necesery 2 survive gank of sin wish in my point is seekers true strength.
    we are very simular 2 barb only that our tanking come from deff lv and not hp so if u look seeker liek that minimum str and dex and pump on vit would we a true tank seeker.
    hopefully enogh for the rank9 sins 100 attack lv idk cos my seeker isnt there yet lv77
    all i knew str does help kill faster so its a + as for pvp who knews.

    2 points:

    1) At endgame, a seeker can't hold agg.

    2) Before endgame, to hold agg, a seeker can't take hits like a barb or BM with marrows.
    2a) Before endgame gears, to tank boss's damage, a seeker can't hold agg. [that, or you have to have coin for refines and shards] A vit. seeker can't hold agg off of my lvl 69 fist BM. I only have one piece of -interval, but if they've skimped on their str., one spark and it's all over. AND I'M A VIT BUILD FISTY!

    Sum up: Seekers can tank [sorta], but they shouldn't. I view the defense as more of a bonus, "you won't die when your crit pulls agg." [like a wizard would]

    Just my 2 dq poitns. b:bye
  • Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    There are ways to deal damage as a seeker, while going around the whole vit bind that you and quite a few clueless players are banking on.

    And I will say it again. Seekers are NOT made out of paper. We aren't "squishy" and for all who has said so, is not equipping it right and is not leveling up adrenal numbness. So people need to stop(the person above me) with the implicating remarks that we're so weaksauce class because we can't go 5.0, and tank on the calibur of barbs. The logic there does not compute because obviously no one can match the tanking capabilities of a barb.
  • Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Seeker: What is our meaning in life? D:
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Posts: 1,349 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Kewl. :D b:pleased. Well i about to be a high strength, i finally made up my mind. I want power. !b:victory

    Then demon seeker is for you my friendb:victory.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I know what your thinking.
  • Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Then demon seeker is for you my friendb:victory.
    that was a joke right? >.>
    sometimes i cant tell if pple are joking or serious here
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I have 4 Seekers:

    1) 2.5str, 1.5dex, 1vit Vitality build
    2) 3.5str, 1.5dex Heavy attack build
    3) 2.5str, 2.5dex Heavy Dexterity build
    4) 2str, 1.5dex, 1.5vit Light armor build

    So yeah, I guess I do have a high-strength one in there somewhere. :/
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    There are ways to deal damage as a seeker, while going around the whole vit bind that you and quite a few clueless players are banking on.

    And I will say it again. Seekers are NOT made out of paper. We aren't "squishy" and for all who has said so, is not equipping it right and is not leveling up adrenal numbness. So people need to stop(the person above me) with the implicating remarks that we're so weaksauce class because we can't go 5.0, and tank on the calibur of barbs. The logic there does not compute because obviously no one can match the tanking capabilities of a barb.

    So, yeah. The person I was responding to had said, "like a barb" [not to be confused with "like a boss" b:chuckle]. From your own post, I do not think you would disagree with me that that was a completely wrong assumption. But, in instances, for me to hold agg off of BM's and sins, I need to use Vortex. To keep it up, I need a charm. [until lvl 75, at which point it is even harder to keep agg off of BM's and Sins] If I am in a situation where I actually can hold agg from a BM without vortex, he probably has more HP than me and should tank anyway. [or he's an idiot]

    I know we can take a hunk of damage [I look at numbers and compare them to my BM when it was this lvl] but my point is, in every case where it is practical for us to tank, we shouldn't because there is someone more qualified. In a squad of casters, we should definitely be taking the hits, but in any "normal" squad, the seeker tanking is either expensive, impractical, or just weird. I've seen us do it, and, no denying it, as far as damage tanking it goes pretty well. [except on Wyvern with a mystic. I miss clerics b:surrender] The problem comes with damage dealt without Vortex, and crowd-control getting to the boss. If a squishy catches agg, we have no good way to be sure and get it back. With a BM, just stun it and you have 6 seconds to figure out what to do. With a Seeker, if void-step is on cooldown [from the last time a squishy pulled agg], there is very little you can do, other than hopping that HS freezes.

    To my mind, a seeker tanking is almost like a 5.0 wizzie: it is not what the class was designed for and it can cause problems/is impractical.
  • Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I have done 5str 3dex and 2vit every 2 lvls, capped vit at 50, and switched to 3str and 2dex every lvl. Once my dex meets r8 requirement (either soon or it already has, I'll have to look again), it's all going on str. I can get more hp from shards if needed.
    Sverdet ~ Lvl 100 Seeker; Rank 8


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