How dead is PK in your server?



  • Saeidon - Heavens Tear
    Saeidon - Heavens Tear Posts: 322 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Ooh, i'm gonna "announce" that i'm coming in to kill someone...right. And i HAVE to give others a chance to fight back....right.

    quote from wiki :

    "It seems likely that the first assassinations would have been direct and simple: stabbing, strangling or bludgeoning. The key technique was likely infiltration, with the actual assassination by stabbing, smothering or strangulation"

    Keyword being "infiltration". Guess announcing that i'm coming is not an option then b:chuckle

    And THAT sir, is one of the reasons sins are so damn op'd in pk. They do not have to do anything to infiltrate anything, they are handed it on a plate. In fact... as long as they are of EQUAL level to everyone else in pk (which should be easy as they are the easiest class to level), it doesnt even matter if everyone knows they are there, and roughly where they are... they can still "infiltrate" with ease.

    In fact.... they can be fighting someone... the person can know exactly where they are... they can be looking at them.... hell they can actually sleep them in place for 30 seconds.... and yet the sin is still successfully "infiltrating" without being seen.

    As far as I'm concerned, if you roll a sin for the purpose of pk, you suck. A lot of people believe that, if you dont like it, reroll a class that takes an ounce of skill to play and stop crying that people call you a **** player. You can just keep coming out and killing all those people that call you an idiot anyway, right... it's not like its hard?

    However, occasionally we get some good group pk on HT, though it is rare and generally only golddigrz and Enrage get the big fun fights. For every day pk, there is very little... sins killed it.
    I love drinking tea
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    NOT SO FAST, Mr. iHaveAtonOfDefenseLevels. You're just as OP as the rest of the classes (if played right). Get over the damn 'sins already.
    Don't burst an artery. Oh, and bring some damn arguments before calling a mass of people idiots. Oh look, I can spew random one-liners myself: "Every cleric just plain sucks."

    You may have had bad experiences fighting 'sins because of their repetitive patterns in
    1vs1 PK. I'm with you on that. You know what ? Actually try to make PK interesting for yourself and your PK foes. LAUGH about it. You being very hard to kill can only be good for "idiot 'sins", because they gather valuable experience. In the long run, Mr. Longknife, it's a win-win scenario.

    You are an idiot b:bye.
  • Dralighte - Harshlands
    Dralighte - Harshlands Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I just walked out to west and got gank by 20 people.
    It is quite alive

    Quoted for the truth.... b:chuckle
    Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    You may have had bad experiences fighting 'sins because of their repetitive patterns in
    1vs1 PK. I'm with you on that. You know what ? Actually try to make PK interesting for yourself and your PK foes. LAUGH about it. You being very hard to kill can only be good for "idiot 'sins", because they gather valuable experience. In the long run, Mr. Longknife, it's a win-win scenario.

    No but that's just it. They don't learn.

    There are very few sins who know wtf they're doing, and then there are a crapton who say "5APS + OCCULT ICE OUT OF STEALTH HURRRRDURRRRRRR" and don't know how to do anything but that.
    And who says I don't make it interesting? I have a level 25 soulsphere (no joke here) I occassionally equip to fight sins with. It's sad how many can still **** up when they have the most OP class in the game, all they need to do is point-and-click AND they get to decide when and how the fight starts, and they STILL die to someone with a level 25 weapon.
    I have no idea why, but 99% of all Tideborn are ***-backwards ret@rded. Sins and Psys. Every other race, you tend to see improvement or thought involved if you fight the same player over and over. Tideborns though, for some reason, attracts a bunch of players that just wanna be able to press a button and have the game compliment their amazingness.

    There's a r9 assassin on my server who can one shot me, but he ALWAYS manages to stun himself in the process because he has no idea what the hell he's doing. That, for me, sums up the assassin class and the people who play it quite nicely.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    So you basically want a class that is also OP, but in a different setting (like TW), or mass open PK. I do agree that unfortunately, the assassin gets mind-numbing to PK with after a while.
    I'm sure PK-ing a total of 7 people is mind-numbing.
  • _Henritette_ - Raging Tide
    _Henritette_ - Raging Tide Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Mainly Goonsquad vs QQme but sometimes Vertu people are there too...random Vicious and Vindicate.

    Usually PK goes like this...

    ...LuciferV(r9+12 psych) is at west gate...killing everyone

    QQme gather some of their forces, we go there gank him.

    LuciferV comes back with some sins, clerics...from other factions to kill the QQme who have taken west gate, is like Delta Force type - Capture the flag(the fictive flag at west gate).

    So ... LuciferV and Co come back, they kill QQme team. QQme calls for more ppl, we go and kill them back...usually takes 30min to 1h or so...

    In the end...the group with more ppl pking online usually wins.

    I cant say pk is dead on Raging Tides...I have fun PKing every day.

    When there's nothing to PK, QQme PK among themselves.