Npc geared PvP *tournament*

Evanera - Heavens Tear
Evanera - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,423 Arc User
edited May 2011 in Etherblade (West)
Just ran across a neat thread on the HL forums, and wanted to try it with HT:

Let's try a server wide PvP (for fun) battle in PK mode with everyone wearing NPC gear. This will hopefully be something that everyone enjoys, and sorta give everyone a run down as to how you/others can play on an equal level of gear. Everyone will be at an equal advantage.

ANYONE is welcome to this. Please don't hold yourself back from showing up because you have personal issues with me. I strongly emphasize on the word anyone in the previous sentence.

Few rules --

1. Everyone must be using the highest leveled NPC gear (I believe it's level 80 in heaven?). You must be using gear bought from an npc with no adds whatsoever.
2. You must be 100+
3. No tomes, no sin stealth, no herc/nix. Any veno who wants to use a pet can use a high leveled pet by taming it, and not adding any skills to it at the Zoologist.
4. Apothecary, running, flying are allowed.
5. You must be showing your armor (no fashion) so judges have an easier time to see if people are cheating (If you need to cheat -_-)
6. Genies are allowed, but you are not permitted to use Bramble Rage, or True Emptiness.
7. All buffs are allowed unless specified by someone before hand.
8. When fighting is taking place, everyone in PK mode needs to get out of the way so no damage is dealt to them, so crit chances aren't interfered with. (Don't want someone with 1% crit to crit on a bystander which would have won them the fight if it hit the other person).
9. Any breaking of rules during fighting shall result in an automatic disqualification, and leave your team short handed (think of it as a red card in soccer). Nobody will replace you for that round of fighting.

What I want to try first is to have a *battle royale* sort of deal, where a large number of people fight a large number of people. With both sides being even in people of course.

There may be a different amount of events set up so there is constant action, and a different feel for the event such as 1v1's, 2v2's etc.

As of late we are having A LOT of PK'ers popping up and participating in PvP on HT, so there should be no shortage of signup's here.

The time for this event will be let's say..April 21st at 4pm server time. Hopefully this maximizes the amount of European/Asian people that can show up to add to the fun.

Any questions/concerns post them here or pm me in game on my many characters.

Post here with something simple such as *sign me up* to sign up for this and I will edit this post as people want to participate so we can know how many people would show up.

Rules are subject to change as people point out flaws in my plan. b:surrender

Location - Giant rock platform outside of Village of the Brutes (on the way towards guild base quests), the top portion of the rock for maximum space.

Judges - We will need people to be judges to ensure people aren't switching in high end gear to kill someone at a random time. I will ask some friends from another server to see if they want to come hang out and possibly be judges on nooby chars.

We'll be using items from heaven/hell. You can get these items from an NPC in those places:

Cape, 2 rings, necklace/belt, top, pants, boots, wrists, helm/helmet, weapon. This will cost roughly 200k coins which can be NPCed for 100k coins, so not that much loss for some fun.

No tomes allowed, unless you need one to wear the gear, then maybe we will work something out.

Apothecary, and genies can/cannot be used certain rounds unless specified before hand, to give us some variety.

Have fun everyone.

Also edit: If possible, please post this in your faction forums so more people will see this. Let's get as many people as possible for this.

People participating in event --

1. BLcKLiGhT
2. Elvindor
3. Gorgonnia
4. Sweet_Aura
5. scrubby
6. SashaGray
7. Shifong
9. Neki_Killa
10. Bloyse
11. iBaMBii
12. Meimeixo
13. Wysteria
14. tightend
15. Evenixus
16. xNeB
17. Shaddixkar
18. Battleshred
19. CagIiostro

If anyone already posted and I didn't include you, it's because I don't know if you want to be in yet (post clearer answers)

I will be frequently editing this post, as I only wrote this with a few minutes of thought, so there are a lot of things to change. Check this post every so often to make sure you aren't missing any minor details.
Post edited by Evanera - Heavens Tear on
