
_Svenla_ - Archosaur
_Svenla_ - Archosaur Posts: 5 Arc User
edited November 2011 in Mystic
What is the diference if i upgrade the Cragglord or not?b:question
Post edited by _Svenla_ - Archosaur on


  • Equin - Dreamweaver
    Equin - Dreamweaver Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    skills will do more damage :o and the spirit itself
    ゙(゚、 。 7
     l、゙ ~ヽ
     じしf_, )
  • _Svenla_ - Archosaur
    _Svenla_ - Archosaur Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    skills will do more damage :o and the spirit itself

    but in the skill description show no changeb:sweat
  • Caterpie - Dreamweaver
    Caterpie - Dreamweaver Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    When you upgrade a summon, it's stats improve, and in some cases, it's skills.

    The whole point of Cragg is to do massive damage, so why not increase that damage?
    Also, the fire DoT on the first skill adds more damage as you level him, so that's more extra damage.
    Heavy Cash Shopping is the difference between understanding simple game mechanics at level 30, or level 101.
  • Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear
    Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    the stats on summons isn't presented in the skill deception, after you level it up and then summon it, you'll see a diffrent in the summon's stats and skills. cragglord is awesome, however, you may want to consider other more important skills are leveled first before you commit to leveling the lord of fire. but that's just my personaly opion. others would no doubt say otherwise.
  • Yui_ - Harshlands
    Yui_ - Harshlands Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    the stats on summons isn't presented in the skill deception, after you level it up and then summon it, you'll see a diffrent in the summon's stats and skills. cragglord is awesome, however, you may want to consider other more important skills are leveled first before you commit to leveling the lord of fire. but that's just my personaly opion. others would no doubt say otherwise.

    Yeap yeap.

    Cragglord is definitely worth leveling up for the increased damage, but his stats don't increase very much for each rank. (It's because he comes super powerful right out of the box at rank 1) So level it at will but save it to max out for a little later.
    Work on your Vital herb, Thicket, heals and other pets 1st.

    I can remember when I 1st learned him at 59 and his fire punch hit my level 100 wiz friend for almost half his health, at rank one!

    He's rank 10 for me now and can only imagine how dangerous he'll be. (Been spamming FC a lot to try and get to 100 so not a lot of pvping latley.)

  • Schellan - Dreamweaver
    Schellan - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Do you think Cragglord is worth getting? I've heard it's a expensive summon.
  • Caterpie - Dreamweaver
    Caterpie - Dreamweaver Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Do you think Cragglord is worth getting? I've heard it's a expensive summon.

    Heavy Cash Shopping is the difference between understanding simple game mechanics at level 30, or level 101.
  • Asthariel - Dreamweaver
    Asthariel - Dreamweaver Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Indeed, like for Thicket, it cost me around 4 mil coins in total to get Cragglord to lvl 10, but it was a fantastic investment that I don't regret, and same goes for Thicket :)
    (actually, I really feel like saying that NONE of my mystic skills weren't worth getting to 10, maybe with the exception of healing herb, but really, for once, they finally made a class with no stupid/worthless skills to avoid buying ! :p)
  • Xyrika - Archosaur
    Xyrika - Archosaur Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    they finally made a class with no stupid/worthless skills to avoid buying

    Hmm I'm not that opinion.. Let me ask you than how often you use listless blossom? It's cute and sounds nice to have a sleep plant but actually its more or less useless.. Cann't think of a situation where to use it.. Maybe if you fight with some mobs at a time, but even than its not reliable enaugh...

    But for the most skills I agree, they are usefull and I also will lvl all up
  • Asthariel - Dreamweaver
    Asthariel - Dreamweaver Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    In my own opinion, Listless is totally made for PvP. None needs a sleep debuff in PvE. But if you do PvP, well, it's your only sleep, and sleep is of much help when it actually works.
  • Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear
    Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Hmm I'm not that opinion.. Let me ask you than how often you use listless blossom? It's cute and sounds nice to have a sleep plant but actually its more or less useless.. Cann't think of a situation where to use it.. Maybe if you fight with some mobs at a time, but even than its not reliable enaugh...

    But for the most skills I agree, they are usefull and I also will lvl all up

    i can't speak for pvp, but in PVE, assuming the mobs ain't immune to it, listless can be used to buy time so squad wipe can be averted. i'm not sure if there are bosses that are not immune to sleep if they are then this tactic could be vaiable.

    i like to think that listless was made to be used to help regain control over a chaotic situation. lets say the tank dies and all the mobs start running randomly at diffrent sqad memebrs. everyone only needs to bunch up together and have the mysic lysing listless. mobs go to sleep while celic is free to res tank without having to worry about it's res spell constantly being canceled due to mobs attacking.

    but i haven't tryed this myself. i find it to be useless since the minute you hit the mob it wakes up lol. just stating a possible use
  • Schellan - Dreamweaver
    Schellan - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I'm at lvl 65 and haven't got Cragglord yet due to hearing it's a worthless Summon. That's the only Mystic skill I don't have. I would like to hear more about it's abilities and etc. I have really enjoyed playing the Mystic as it seems to be helpful to all area's.
  • Daltia - Sanctuary
    Daltia - Sanctuary Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    cragglord is FAR from a useless summon, the people who say it is useless do not know how to use it...it can be one of the MOST useful summons you have.

    it is true he only lasts for 20 seconds, but for those 20 seconds, he is the hardest hitting skill you can use. he isn't a tank, and he isn't a use for every moment grinding type pet. get at least level 1 and play around with it.
  • Shifong - Heavens Tear
    Shifong - Heavens Tear Posts: 409 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    In RB my cragglord was doing 50k (no hf) on the wave bosses with a single skill hit. And he uses the skill multiple times in those 20 seconds. That's with a +3 gold FF wand only, so crappy weapon and at level 93.
    Retsuko - Shifong
  • Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear
    Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I'm at lvl 65 and haven't got Cragglord yet due to hearing it's a worthless Summon. That's the only Mystic skill I don't have. I would like to hear more about it's abilities and etc. I have really enjoyed playing the Mystic as it seems to be helpful to all area's.

    of all the people in this game, only a handful think cragglord is worthless due to him being a 20 sec summon and the fact that they lack the common sense to play the class. they set their expectations of cragglord unreasonably high and as a result, they get burned.

    cragg is a summon besst used on bosses, plain and simple. you can use it on normal mobs and kill them fast but unless you are keeping a close eye on the 20 secs, cragglord could despel in the middle of a fight putting arrgo on you, and really, normal mobs can easily be tanked by a mystic. some people try to use him on mobs in doungons, as powerful as he is, he just can't kill them thus you would end up dying. at bosses however you can seen how good he is. most notably the [?] bosses.

    this summon, like oh so many skills in this game, is best used under certain conditions. a few people can't get that through their heads, run off try it once or twice, and rather than try to understand it, they brush it off as worthless, overlooking the fact that the vast majority of the players veiw as anything BUT worthless. you can at least get it at level 1. it's very powerful right out the box so there is no need to level it more than that until you have the sp to spare
  • Demonicin - Lost City
    Demonicin - Lost City Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Hmm I'm not that opinion.. Let me ask you than how often you use listless blossom? It's cute and sounds nice to have a sleep plant but actually its more or less useless.. Cann't think of a situation where to use it.. Maybe if you fight with some mobs at a time, but even than its not reliable enaugh...

    But for the most skills I agree, they are usefull and I also will lvl all up

    listless blossom is mainly for pvp, at least thats what i use it for and i use it a hell of a lot xD.
    i beat 2 different 9x bm's with listless blossom and craglord once and my mystic's only lvl 65. b:victory also even though the player u cast it on wakes up when u hit them it still helps but this is mostly for magic classes. if u have listless blossom on them and ur pet is attacking them they wont sleep for more than half a second everytime the sleep takes effect, but the sleep effect interrupts their channeling and makes it very difficult for them to use any skills. thats the strategy i use most times and it helps me to beat players way higher than me. try it out b:pleased

    1 more thing. does anyone know if the chance to induce sleep increases with the level of listless blossom?
    i live my life just the way i feel
    i'm a gangster and i gotta keep it real
  • Demonicin - Lost City
    Demonicin - Lost City Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    testing siggy b:pleased
    i live my life just the way i feel
    i'm a gangster and i gotta keep it real
  • FeitMACHO - Raging Tide
    FeitMACHO - Raging Tide Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    My Cragglord is level 6 and it's a useful AOE DD it can deal like 16k aoe damage, it also can deal full damage on bosses, so while people deal 5k crit on [?] bosses, my cragg can deal 16k with skill b:victory
  • Asthariel - Dreamweaver
    Asthariel - Dreamweaver Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1 more thing. does anyone know if the chance to induce sleep increases with the level of listless blossom?

    No, but lvling it increase the sleep duration from 8.5 sec at lvl 1 to 13 sec at lvl 10 if you use Lysing on it.
  • Demonicin - Lost City
    Demonicin - Lost City Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    thanx for clearing that up, but that sucks. maybe its just my bad luck but it doesn't put the target to sleep as often as i would like.b:cry
    i live my life just the way i feel
    i'm a gangster and i gotta keep it real
  • Asthariel - Dreamweaver
    Asthariel - Dreamweaver Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Same here. Actually I'd only really use it when the target isn't suspecting you/hasn't noticed you yet. So not in duels. Casting Listless+ channeling Lysing to maybe not get the sleep is a big waste of time (happened to me last time I tried it, it didn't sleep my opponent even with lysing). So yeah, maybe use that in pk/TW in a group of ppl already busy hitting someone else and pray it works xD
  • _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver
    _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Downfall to crag I think is not having full mana when summoned. Part of those 20 secs is wasted feeding him mana. For a 2 spark skill that really sucks.
  • Asthariel - Dreamweaver
    Asthariel - Dreamweaver Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Downfall to crag I think is not having full mana when summoned. Part of those 20 secs is wasted feeding him mana. For a 2 spark skill that really sucks.

    Hmmm <.< Sorry for facepalming but... Cragglord skills don't need any mana.
  • _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver
    _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Hmmm <.< Sorry for facepalming but... Cragglord skills don't need any mana.

    Well thats different then :o
  • ElenaV - Sanctuary
    ElenaV - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Indeed, like for Thicket, it cost me around 4 mil coins in total to get Cragglord to lvl 10, but it was a fantastic investment that I don't regret, and same goes for Thicket :)
    (actually, I really feel like saying that NONE of my mystic skills weren't worth getting to 10, maybe with the exception of healing herb, but really, for once, they finally made a class with no stupid/worthless skills to avoid buying ! :p)

    :C I'm totally offended by that mockery! my healing herb is lovely! and her with her boyfriend Vital, I can do MAJOR AOE heals... kinda like BB just no dmg protection
  • Mysticarella - Lost City
    Mysticarella - Lost City Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    So far I like all the mystic's skills, Craiglord is really helpfull to finish bosses and big hit AoE. The only think is missing is a plant summon that regenarates mana. I will give up sting for this one. Another thing I miss is one more ofensive attack skill, especially againt bosses. Sometimes I just found me just casting nature's vengance over and over, because I have mist debuff already on boss, I dont wanna waste chi with tornado and AS it takes a few seconds..b:thanks
    Anyway I have all my skills to 10 besides mana transfer, and I like them all...
  • Mugler - Lost City
    Mugler - Lost City Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    20 sec is not very much. I realy didn't found where use that pet lol.
  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Cragg is good for FF and RB. He deals full damage to ? mobs, as well as a hefty amount to normal mobs. I've seen screenshots of Cragg hitting mobs in RB for upwards of 100k (although I have no idea what gear the mystic was wearing) so it's safe to assume you'd use him pretty often there. lol
    He's also good for regular bosses. I don't use him on normal bosses often because I usually have Storm Mistress full of mana, and don't like wasting it. But if you don't do that then he's good to use often.
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • siulluis2
    siulluis2 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Hello guys, enjoying the topic I would like to leave an idea on cragglord maybe useful.
    I'm at level 64 and I think the 20 seconds of cragglord much useless, seeking other games that feature characters with the same class (summon).

    My idea would be to change the 20 seconds of cragglord by:
    - An amount of HP, since the pet stay raised until the end his life (though it is impossible to recover the HP of pet).

    - Create a direct link with the MP, and its time to summon lasted until the end mp. System already seen in other classes (mage, cleric and now the seeker).

    Well, I do not know if exixte an official topic on the subject ... I decided to use this same ...
  • Retsuko - Heavens Tear
    Retsuko - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,016 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Those who say cragglord suck should learn2play or level up some more to a level where using 2 sparks for a cragglord is worth it.

    Highest hit in that RB was 177k. Usually i have to keep my cragg healed to prevent it from dying, but it won't die easy and it's destroying waves in those 23 seconds (sage version) when it's out.

    Of course the reason it hits so hard in RB is thanks to the attack aura. Outside RB is hits around 15-20k with skills on mobs/bosses without debuffs.

    And even then if you consider your cragglord as a damage over time skill, it does way more damage then any other DD/nuke skill you have. Although it's not practical to use if you got storm mistress out.

    playing Faction Wars Again.