Seekers in PvP



  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Oh really? You're not alone, OB player here, if you must know, so don't tell me I'don't understand, I know VERY well what I'm talking about b:bye

    If you have been on Sanc all your life then you DON'T know what you are talking about with PvP.
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    If you have been on Sanc all your life then you DON'T know what you are talking about with PvP.

    could say the same for you being on HL all your life and not LC b:thanks
    we all know HL is REALLY a pve server
  • SilverCleric - Lost City
    SilverCleric - Lost City Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    79/100 skills are already out and it won't make a difference. BM with HA, phy def buff, leaps (which 99% BMs don't know they have), phy marrow, 3 stuns and 15 second antistun still is very killable by any melee class. I was just pointing out how wrong "They have HA so they wont get killed by other HA classes" was.

    Ijs that they can survive with HA while doing heavy magic damage to other melee classes. Its not like they will get 1 shotted by every melee class...(Unless they have 5aps >.>). And I'm just making a point that Seekers are not as bad as you think. We don't even know much about their sage and demon skills so don't they suck in PvP until their Sage and Demon skills come out, because they might have good stuff for their sage/demon skills.

    Also, what are Seeker's 79 skills anyway?

    ✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰

    ★ A not so Retired Veteran of PWI ★

    ✰ ~SilverCleric~ ✰
  • Noc - Harshlands
    Noc - Harshlands Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    could say the same for you being on HL all your life and not LC b:thanks
    we all know HL is REALLY a pve server

    I have toons on both servers and the only thing better about LC over HL is it have a slightly larger player base.
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I have toons on both servers and the only thing better about LC over HL is it have a slightly larger player base.

    HL is the only server i no longer play on a regular basis. thats how dead it is.
  • Teqnikz - Lost City
    Teqnikz - Lost City Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    yawn... interesting to hear from ppl in this trend who dont have a seeker, maybe i can learn a few things from them.
    Do elaborate.

    Oh please, drop the learn2playw/skillznotaps ****. I've been playing long before interval gears were a problem. Don't comment on things you don't understand b:bye.

    To elaborate: While outside the silver pool safe zone, those on Lost City know that it is one of our mass PvP action zones, I had just finished of a Barb and out of nowhere 2 sins hit me from stealth. I always run with Soulserver up so after I survived the first stun set I hit my crab meat and then Fortify. Next I started my rotations as it was two I immediately hit them with Darkcloud>Stalag which proc'd Spirit Bore. That took me to BA>Ion>Gemini>Abosolute Domain>Parchblade>Darkcloud which proc'd so I Stalag they were stunned and I Heartseeker the first and he dropped the second I Batt and then Void Step>Staggering>Heartseeker and he died. Then the tele came "WTF how do you do so much damage? How did you survive my stun? What lvl are you? You're a hacker and I am reporting you! Man that was nice I hope my Seeker can get to that when I get him higher." Yes I am only 93 and I stay red as of 90 because you will never learn what situations you may face until you do it. No I have not been able to kill any of the elitist on Lost City they are rocking R9 and hit way to hard for me right now. But I do show lots of promise when I can actually 40% damage to them and they stunlock me and lay down the APS whipping! But I can tell you once we reach 100 and get decent endgame gear they will know we are dangerous if they already don't.

    Also my best friend in the game has a Seeker and he takes him to tournaments every Thursday and wins so there should be no complaints and he is only in his 70s! If you in the tournament tonight on Lost City you will see him in there and I wish you both good luck.
  • Eraldus - Sanctuary
    Eraldus - Sanctuary Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    If you have been on Sanc all your life then you DON'T know what you are talking about with PvP.

    As if meaningless mass pking with cheap tricks would really make you look smarter tham me...

    Reasons? Packs, rank gear, picky greedy players, the list goes on b:bye
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    To elaborate: While outside the silver pool safe zone, those on Lost City know that it is one of our mass PvP action zones, I had just finished of a Barb and out of nowhere 2 sins hit me from stealth. I always run with Soulserver up so after I survived the first stun set I hit my crab meat and then Fortify. Next I started my rotations as it was two I immediately hit them with Darkcloud>Stalag which proc'd Spirit Bore. That took me to BA>Ion>Gemini>Abosolute Domain>Parchblade>Darkcloud which proc'd so I Stalag they were stunned and I Heartseeker the first and he dropped the second I Batt and then Void Step>Staggering>Heartseeker and he died.

    Since your genie had enough energy to use Fortify and Domain within such short time spam, I'm assuming it's not a pure DEX genie. Your Fortify probably lasted 4 seconds, 5 at the most. Assuming no lags, and assume BA completely removed cast time, Darkcloud>Stalag>BA>Ion>Gemini would have taken 6 seconds at the least. In reality it probably took 7-8 seconds. Assume they weren't smart enough to wait out Fortify and then stun you, you are telling me neither of them Throatcut you in this duration? You stunned both of them with Stalag so they didn't have Tidal on, or even bothered to Maze? Non of them used Domain or apoc of any kind? Neither one had Deaden? Sounds like you were fighting 7X or complete morons.
    As if meaningless mass pking with cheap tricks would really make you look smarter tham me...
    Who said anything about being smarter? But people who actually PK knows about PK over people who don't? NAWWW no way. Cheap tricks? Oh right, forgot that on PvE server, people sit there and tank eachother's spark instead of kite it. Been there, done that, got bored.
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Oh right, forgot that on PvE server, people sit there and tank eachother's spark instead of kite it. Been there, done that, got bored.

    i lol'd. really. i was fighting a fist archer on my seeker on RT, he demon sparked so i used heartseeker then holy pathed away till the spark went away. for 5 whole minutes he accused me of being "chicken" and "running like a little girl" till i explained to him that no one in their right mind would sit there to get APSd to death. after i came back and killed the 95 archer (he was wearind deicides) i invite him to squad to show him an 80 seeker with no refines killed him.

    ANYWAYS, that quote made me remember that little story

  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Since your genie had enough energy to use Fortify and Domain within such short time spam, I'm assuming it's not a pure DEX genie. Your Fortify probably lasted 4 seconds, 5 at the most. Assuming no lags, and assume BA completely removed cast time, Darkcloud>Stalag>BA>Ion>Gemini would have taken 6 seconds at the least. In reality it probably took 7-8 seconds. Assume they weren't smart enough to wait out Fortify and then stun you, you are telling me neither of them Throatcut you in this duration? You stunned both of them with Stalag so they didn't have Tidal on, or even bothered to Maze? Non of them used Domain or apoc of any kind? Neither one had Deaden? Sounds like you were fighting 7X or complete morons.

    Who said anything about being smarter? But people who actually PK knows about PK over people who don't? NAWWW no way. Cheap tricks? Oh right, forgot that on PvE server, people sit there and tank eachother's spark instead of kite it. Been there, done that, got bored.

    i still laugh whenever i see that happen
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Antithesis - Raging Tide
    Antithesis - Raging Tide Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I have to say Im pretty beastly :D and ofc I dont have my 79/100 skills yet or the sage/demon but it takes a +11 5aps bm longer to kill me than for him to kill a full Lunar Nirv +10 4 sock full vit stone barb in a PvP 1v1,

    Btw im only r8+5 with my weap at r8 weap at +9 garnet gems and +5 cube orns. Atm Seekers r looking pretty badass in PvP. right combos are two shots for most classes :D ijs.
  • DrunkPhoenix - Dreamweaver
    DrunkPhoenix - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    i still laugh whenever i see that happen
    I laugh more when people triple spark without anti-stun up.

    But yes, it's funny when Cata barbs try to tank my triple sparks after their support is dead, and I'm only 3.33 APS.

    Edit: Oops, wrong character.
  • DaichiOni - Dreamweaver
    DaichiOni - Dreamweaver Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I laugh more when people triple spark without anti-stun up.

    But yes, it's funny when Cata barbs try to tank my triple sparks after their support is dead, and I'm only 3.33 APS.

    Edit: Oops, wrong character.

    me thinks this is fifi!

    EDIT: oops wrong character :(
  • Trawne - Lost City
    Trawne - Lost City Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Since your genie had enough energy to use Fortify and Domain within such short time spam, I'm assuming it's not a pure DEX genie. Your Fortify probably lasted 4 seconds, 5 at the most. Assuming no lags, and assume BA completely removed cast time, Darkcloud>Stalag>BA>Ion>Gemini would have taken 6 seconds at the least. In reality it probably took 7-8 seconds. Assume they weren't smart enough to wait out Fortify and then stun you, you are telling me neither of them Throatcut you in this duration? You stunned both of them with Stalag so they didn't have Tidal on, or even bothered to Maze? Non of them used Domain or apoc of any kind? Neither one had Deaden? Sounds like you were fighting 7X or complete morons.

    Who said anything about being smarter? But people who actually PK knows about PK over people who don't? NAWWW no way. Cheap tricks? Oh right, forgot that on PvE server, people sit there and tank eachother's spark instead of kite it. Been there, done that, got bored.

    i'm the other seeker he talked about in tourney. if ya remember i'm also Velox_Nex and i'm pretty much the only sin on LC that uses Throatcut b:surrender almost every sin on this server does 3 spark > swing to win. if it fails, they run and hide

    he really did waste 2 9x sins like that, they were dumb and wasted tele stuns and never bothered with headhunt/tc

    seekers will be beast once they are geared rank9 +10/12

    check this

    self-buffed stats only and +10 only. 101 attack and defense levels with a god frenzy sword, pretty damn beast when you look at vortex, gemini, heartseeker, and ion strike.

    once the 79/100 skills and sage/demon skills come out seekers will be a hard target to kill.
    I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of title, the character of an honest man. -George Washington
  • Firefeng - Dreamweaver
    Firefeng - Dreamweaver Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    me thinks this is fifi!

    EDIT: oops wrong character :(

    Was it the "phoenix" in the name or the proper punctuation that gave me away?

    Anyway, I'll stop commenting on PVP because I am the only Assassin in the game that sucks at it and can't faceroll people to death. (Example: Most used attack skill in TW = Tackling Slash. I'd kill for an AoE stun, though, given how much people like to cluster up like idiots, and how I'm normally dead before I can Headhunt > Throatcut > Deep Sting > Knife Throw > Tele Stun > etc. the three squad of archers/clerics all using BoA/Bubble. That's why I'm lazy and just cancel Cleric BBs then Mire > Subsea > Earthen Rift > Bramble Rage and hope they all die before I do. If I were really skilled, I'd learn how to cancel-cast Power Dash before Subsea, but way too much effort and I'm lazy.)

    Fun fact: I started leveling a Seeker because I'm too lazy to learn how to effectively mass PVP on my paltry, Nirvana-less +5/+6 gear Assassin.

    Holy ****, I am severely drunk.
  • Evict - Heavens Tear
    Evict - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    lol what? gemini slash means nothing to you?

    Have fun casting that when Blade Affinity is in it's one minute cooldown.
    Dysk is my tasty chimichanga. <3
  • Eraldus - Sanctuary
    Eraldus - Sanctuary Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Have fun casting that when Blade Affinity is in it's one minute cooldown.

    Saw a lvl 93 seeker from my fac almost one shot a sin lvl 97 with that combo, sin went down in 10 secs or so...

    I still laugh at that sin saying "damn, I'm lagging a lot" I guess it is to much for a sin to admit defeat.

    Haters gonna hate.


    Reasons? Packs, rank gear, picky greedy players, the list goes on b:bye
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Have fun casting that when Blade Affinity is in it's one minute cooldown.


    it really isnt that hard.
  • Firefeng - Dreamweaver
    Firefeng - Dreamweaver Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Saw a lvl 93 seeker from my fac almost one shot a sin lvl 97 with that combo, sin went down in 10 secs or so...

    I still laugh at that sin saying "damn, I'm lagging a lot" I guess it is to much for a sin to admit defeat.

    Haters gonna hate.


    To be fair, servers have all been lagging like mad the last few days. Even still, without Deaden Nerves/Focused Mind up, it's not all that difficult to one-shot your average Sin. We go down fast out of stealth unless we can kill the people trying to kill us first. (Which is why people say Sin isn't all that good in TW...or rather, not as useful as the other classes.)
  • Evict - Heavens Tear
    Evict - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    it really isnt that hard.

    And then the Sin uses Knife Throw and Shadow Teleport, lol.
    Dysk is my tasty chimichanga. <3
  • Trawne - Lost City
    Trawne - Lost City Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    And then the Sin uses Knife Throw and Shadow Teleport, lol.

    and then i would occult ice and vortex b:chuckle
    I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of title, the character of an honest man. -George Washington
  • Evict - Heavens Tear
    Evict - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    and then i would occult ice and vortex b:chuckle

    Sounds moar reasonable than trying to use Gemini Slash w/o Blade Affinity. b:chuckle
    Dysk is my tasty chimichanga. <3
  • Trawne - Lost City
    Trawne - Lost City Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Sounds moar reasonable than trying to use Gemini Slash w/o Blade Affinity. b:chuckle

    hehe, it's worked for my little guy so far.we'll so how he holds up once i can start taking on the 10x sins.
    I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of title, the character of an honest man. -George Washington
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    hehe, it's worked for my little guy so far.we'll so how he holds up once i can start taking on the 10x sins.

    my point was that a sin on a carebear server shouldnt act like he knows all about PK.
  • Evict - Heavens Tear
    Evict - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Dysk is my tasty chimichanga. <3
  • Trawne - Lost City
    Trawne - Lost City Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    i agree XD
    I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of title, the character of an honest man. -George Washington
  • DaichiOni - Dreamweaver
    DaichiOni - Dreamweaver Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Was it the "phoenix" in the name or the proper punctuation that gave me away?

    Anyway, I'll stop commenting on PVP because I am the only Assassin in the game that sucks at it and can't faceroll people to death. (Example: Most used attack skill in TW = Tackling Slash. I'd kill for an AoE stun, though, given how much people like to cluster up like idiots, and how I'm normally dead before I can Headhunt > Throatcut > Deep Sting > Knife Throw > Tele Stun > etc. the three squad of archers/clerics all using BoA/Bubble. That's why I'm lazy and just cancel Cleric BBs then Mire > Subsea > Earthen Rift > Bramble Rage and hope they all die before I do. If I were really skilled, I'd learn how to cancel-cast Power Dash before Subsea, but way too much effort and I'm lazy.)

    Fun fact: I started leveling a Seeker because I'm too lazy to learn how to effectively mass PVP on my paltry, Nirvana-less +5/+6 gear Assassin.

    Holy ****, I am severely drunk.

    Both! Maybe the heartless ginger vibe i was getting too.
  • Firefeng - Dreamweaver
    Firefeng - Dreamweaver Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Both! Maybe the heartless ginger vibe i was getting too.

    I'm dirty blonde, you heartless ***.
  • DaichiOni - Dreamweaver
    DaichiOni - Dreamweaver Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'm dirty blonde, you heartless ***.

    b:cryCould've fooled me
  • SmifnWesson - Lost City
    SmifnWesson - Lost City Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Since your genie had enough energy to use Fortify and Domain within such short time spam, I'm assuming it's not a pure DEX genie. Your Fortify probably lasted 4 seconds, 5 at the most. Assuming no lags, and assume BA completely removed cast time, Darkcloud>Stalag>BA>Ion>Gemini would have taken 6 seconds at the least. In reality it probably took 7-8 seconds. Assume they weren't smart enough to wait out Fortify and then stun you, you are telling me neither of them Throatcut you in this duration? You stunned both of them with Stalag so they didn't have Tidal on, or even bothered to Maze? Non of them used Domain or apoc of any kind? Neither one had Deaden? Sounds like you were fighting 7X or complete morons.

    wow dr phil good job!

    I read alot of posts from you and you seem pretty holier than thou i mean really who cares its not like he hijacked the thread(LIKE YOU) he was simply commenting on someones comment who were saying that seekers were weak...and you gotta come in here with your dickheadish the 4.4 molecular structure of manufactured products equals the blah blah blah babble