East Coast Servers



  • Shdknght - Dreamweaver
    Shdknght - Dreamweaver Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    DW is back but i have 0 ping plus others having spiking ping. and its wierd seeing people like jump spot to spot lol.
  • ZeaKuro - Raging Tide
    ZeaKuro - Raging Tide Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I was ninjaed. o.o
    1. One who murders by surprise attack, especially one who carries out a plot to kill a prominent person.
    synonyms: murderer, killer, gunman, executioner, informalhitman, hired gun.
    Latin assassnus; Greek δολοφόνος
  • Maw - Raging Tide
    Maw - Raging Tide Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Mass dc again b:sad

    are all the servers down now....... -sadface-
  • Lunchables - Raging Tide
    Lunchables - Raging Tide Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    b:puzzledThat was fun
  • Queenofpower - Dreamweaver
    Queenofpower - Dreamweaver Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    lets have a nice mantainence b:thanks
  • ORINo - Raging Tide
    ORINo - Raging Tide Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    maybe aftter saying no maintainance we jinxed ourselves >w<
  • OdessaWolf - Dreamweaver
    OdessaWolf - Dreamweaver Posts: 244 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Damn, get a new hobby to blow off steam, there's already a thread about the mass DCs... sheesh...
  • Man - Raging Tide
    Man - Raging Tide Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Yo how am i supposed to derp if the server is down?
  • eaglespear
    eaglespear Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    the up and down...i hate it b:angry there is to much logging off all the time b:beatenup
  • AriesBreath - Raging Tide
    AriesBreath - Raging Tide Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    All I wanted to do was marry your mom, so you can call me daddy.

    Lmao I'll call you daddy when you get me full r9 regardless! b:pleased
  • Dylena - Raging Tide
    Dylena - Raging Tide Posts: 1,416 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Yo how am i supposed to derp if the server is down?

    I got bored of trying to logg on, forums were more fun then semi afking in archo. b:surrender

    Lmao I'll call you daddy when you get me full r9 regardless! b:pleased

    Never, now tell me what your mom's ingame name is.
  • Lunchables - Raging Tide
    Lunchables - Raging Tide Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Yo how am i supposed to derp if the server is down?

    Just herp while you derp.
  • Bollocks - Raging Tide
    Bollocks - Raging Tide Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Lmao I'll call you daddy when you get me full r9 regardless! b:pleased
    Noooaaa! I aint saying he a gold digger....
    "Bollocks - a guy that will always point out to some1s nonsense and generally indicate contempt for a certain task, subject or opinion. A balancing force and more often then not, a voice of reason around thees parts. There is also paradox in that being his cleric name, as he likes to put it "useless char", while he is one of the best clerics on the server in PvP and PvE imo."
  • Winter_Star - Dreamweaver
    Winter_Star - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    DC DC DC DC and MORE DC'S!!! 3rd time its happened in 1 week ... wtfux b:angry fix this GMs!! i think we the ppl of PWI! deserve 1 week of 2x drops b:laugh what do u ppl think :O vote b:victory b:surrender

    b:dirty i think it's the least we deserve!
  • Lana - Raging Tide
    Lana - Raging Tide Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I totally blame boogie b:cry
  • Sirsmokealot - Raging Tide
    Sirsmokealot - Raging Tide Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    How do I play this irl thing again I have forgot b:cry
    02/07/2011 - Lost paitence with PWI sold all my gear bought packs and wasted my coin till it was gone... goodbye PWI b:bye
  • Tigriss_o - Raging Tide
    Tigriss_o - Raging Tide Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    OMG I just remembered I had hypers running when I D/Cedb:cryb:cry
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I got bored of trying to logg on, forums were more fun then semi afking in archo. b:surrender

    That's what you get for having an OP bow b:bye
  • Mystik_Kiss - Dreamweaver
    Mystik_Kiss - Dreamweaver Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    How do I play this irl thing again I have forgot b:cry

    Very Carefully and beware of the Boogie DC Man
  • Oo_Rinoa_oO - Harshlands
    Oo_Rinoa_oO - Harshlands Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    True for Harshlands, but not the other East Coast servers.

    you are right, that says PVP is better b:chuckle

    i feel like its always East that goes down, am i right?
    police should check east -side HQ for some illegal videos.
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I totally blame boogie b:cry

    Booooooooooooooooooogieeeeeeeeeeee, I blame you!

    Blame culture ftl
  • Dominatrixx - Raging Tide
    Dominatrixx - Raging Tide Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    GET IT TOGETHER GMs!!! You could have fixed this **** last night!!!! My BF any I spend enough money on your cards so what's your excuse??? You ppl have the money to fix it!

    As for all you opinionated ppl? SAVE IT!! I don't care what you have to say about my outburst!! I am really sick of it!!! FIX THE DAMN GAME!!!! b:angry b:angry b:angry

    b:shocked I see dead people. b:cry
  • Dylena - Raging Tide
    Dylena - Raging Tide Posts: 1,416 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Noooaaa! I aint saying he a gold digger....

    He took my money, well I'm in need, Oh he's a gold digger way over time
  • Renza - Raging Tide
    Renza - Raging Tide Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Lol @ no maintenance, this is what happens.
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • Ossetia - Harshlands
    Ossetia - Harshlands Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    GET IT TOGETHER GMs!!! You could have fixed this **** last night!!!! My BF any I spend enough money on your cards so what's your excuse??? You ppl have the money to fix it!

    As for all you opinionated ppl? SAVE IT!! I don't care what you have to say about my outburst!! I am really sick of it!!! FIX THE DAMN GAME!!!! b:angry b:angry b:angry

    Lol NerdRage.
  • ajdoggs
    ajdoggs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Sometimes I really hate people, hence my reasons for interacting with pixels, which aren't supposed to have the same ability to annoy and infuriate, but do seem to be showing signs of gaining a human like intelligence, which is very scary indeed. I say burn all the pixels too!!

    Lighten up folks. Use this as an excuse to go outside and hide from opossums.
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Lol @ no packsale, this is what happens.

  • Samaela - Dreamweaver
    Samaela - Dreamweaver Posts: 426 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    b:shocked I see dead people. b:cry

    Me too... O_O
    Samaela[demon cleric]||Nanimee[mystic]||aquaelle[psychic]
  • TheForsaken - Dreamweaver
    TheForsaken - Dreamweaver Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    i also ask for 2x drops... the one time i decide to spend money on the game and buy a charm its gonna be eaten because of a 25k ping and dc!
  • Cavorex - Raging Tide
    Cavorex - Raging Tide Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    The GM's are mad cuz we're not spending our hard earned cash on their sales. we must appease them. Bust out the credit cards. LMFAO.
This discussion has been closed.