TW - March 18 - 20



  • ShellShellz - Dreamweaver
    ShellShellz - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Ty for apologizing, and no matter wats said, it will take time to get over u not taking a stand for a friends faction when u said in first place that u had no interest in us.

    I find it hard to see that you in the first place didnt say Tapout was offlimits for bidding since u had said you werent going after us but regen. So sorry if ima be a lil sore around you and others from Intanderm specially from the wcs and qqing of us not showing up. As ppl ahve siad be4 we didnt knw how many ppl you were sending in. And even if it was 5, Im sure those 5 could prob own us pretty good. Were not all well geared and we have high lvls but doesnt mean we stand a good chance. So if any one got upset for us not showing but as my fellow members hard to trust EQ ppl cause previous tw we had was basically a farming fest.

    But knw if wanna be friends again sometime soon, it will take time. I value friends more than anyhting. And game or not friends are friends. I cried when found out you bidded. And ended making me a liar to my faction. I didnt appriciate tht.

    ****But aubree, idk bout anyone else but i appriciate ur apology.
  • Toxie - Dreamweaver
    Toxie - Dreamweaver Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    ****But aubree, idk bout anyone else but i appriciate ur apology.

    I appreciate it as well. Whoever was right or wrong it doesn't matter anymore cause TW is over. b:bye
  • juufrochrys1
    juufrochrys1 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    What's really funny here is all the crying over "motive" for TW. First off, me and jay had been talking for a week or so about building a new TW faction. I've not played in nearly three months and returned to Inversion being pretty run down. We had fun and showed the people still there a PVE tw. Sure anyone could of bid on us, but Tapout took the choice to take an "easy" TW and pick on the faction they knew was in poor shape. I was in InTandem before Aubree was made lead, but regardless me and Aubree have always gotten along outside of the one TW instance and that's in the past. I'm sure you people can get over it too.

    What it boils down to is that Tapout isn't a TW faction. They only show to something they know they can dramatically overpower and enjoyed their own kill farming until the point everyone was called out of the instance. They showed that in their attack on LegionRUS that ended in less than 10 minutes. They aren't interested in a good fight, only trying to overrun someone else lesser than them. Should anyone w/ a decent faction stand up tot hem they will tapout every time w/ some lame excuse to not show.

    Keep the trash talk about Inversion... at least our 1.5 squad had the balls to show up to the fight vs you guys.
    Ok Alaxan as i've explained to you YOU RUINED INVERSION it wasn't my fault you decided to TW when you came back and as FireFeng said i use to stand up for you but when you rage quit inversion and abandoned everyone you lost ALL of my respect...As for Aubree i'm sorry for my little explosion in WC but at the time i felt as if you guys were only doing it because Alax QQ'ed the reason we didn't show is simple last time we fought EQ we were farmed by Goonz and Crystalana who set up BoA on our spawn point thats why i was not intereseted in showing up this past weekend. Back to Alax we are NOT a TW faction we do it solely for FUN not to cause drama or hatred etc....But we do TW against factions that put up a fight ex. Hispanos DarkLegacy we fought them both multiple weeks and our next TW is going to a great fight so Aubree i'm sorry Alax i'm not sorry to you YOU ****ed up inversion and you payed for it get over yourself have a nice life
  • Alias - Dreamweaver
    Alias - Dreamweaver Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    b:sad Why are they all QQing. It is a game, TW is for fun.

    Tapout dident fight vs InTandum as they felt InTandum atacked for personal resions and not to have fun. If it is not for fun, why should any one be there ?
    (Or at least that was my impreshion, I dont play that mutch any more to mutch EGO and QQ in Pwi)

    Last TW I was in that was one sided was with and aganst fun people. We make jokes about in during BH runs, cuse you know it is a game.

    All I can say is Gratz InTandum for getting you name on the map.

    -100 point for QQing my spelling ect.

    *Licks Grim and Alias* So whe we going to get together for a nakid party
    I already had it but you were sleeping and...drugged o.o
    *Licks back* <3
    Paintball is the only sport that matters, baby!
    Fixed <3

    And I think its the first time ive seen someone apologize for doing something "wrongish"
    and the apology got accepted o.O"!
    The hell is going on here!
    Dreamweaverns arnt supposed to act mature D:<! *Mass produces the QQus ignoramus pills and distributes it to the masses*
    Its nice to see though.
    Good on ya :D

    *licks grimeh*
  • Q____Q - Dreamweaver
    Q____Q - Dreamweaver Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Well.. it makes the TW thread look kinda.. active even if I'm too lazy to update it o.O
  • Alias - Dreamweaver
    Alias - Dreamweaver Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Well.. it makes the TW thread look kinda.. active even if I'm too lazy to update it o.O
    Lazy Hippo.

    *Licks you*
  • DemonZ_Fury - Dreamweaver
    DemonZ_Fury - Dreamweaver Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    alk0h0lik wrote: »
    Not to mention, everyone hates you Alax... for good reason. We didn't stay in Inversion for over a year and then suddenly decide to leave because we felt like it. You are a terrible leader and a terrible person. So please **** and go cry to your butt buddies.

    Boohoo... if I was such a terrible leader why'd you stay around for over a year? Why did I stand up and defend your drunk *** against numerous people who constantly came to me complaining about how much of an a-hole you were? The only real thing that made me a terrible leader... was that I stepped down. Then that I remained speaking w/ those I left in charge on faction matters (of my faction). I guess though you are right as a faction leader I should of remained in place coddling you day in and out. i'm not allowed to have a rl or take a much needed break. Get over yourself Alk... everyone else already has.

    Tox, even you admitted as you walked out the faction that I was a badass leader. Thing of it is... it takes a huge toll on anyone to run and manage a faction like Inversion was. Again I will refer back to above here... I guess I wasn't allowed to have a rl or take a much needed break, but anyway. It's done it's in the past. As for InTandem, if you've not experienced it and the great people there, then why knock it? The only QQ here seems to be from Tapout, because they didn't even have the courage to step inside and try to fight for their land. It was a copout, plain and simple.

    As for me... i'm simply here to enjoy the game and myself. InTandem has been an amazingly helpful and fun group to hang with so far and I look forward to seeing this faction grow and build to be a great faction.
  • Q____Q - Dreamweaver
    Q____Q - Dreamweaver Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Lazy Hippo.

    *Licks you*

    b:cry WTS> Demon Heaven's Flame
    -updates and goes to do map-
    EDIT: I finished map.. new way.. trololol.. hate to all the factions with transparent logos! :3
  • DemonZ_Fury - Dreamweaver
    DemonZ_Fury - Dreamweaver Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Aubs... sry for my confusion :) I was w/ QQmoar and came over and you were passed lead I wasn't aware who had it before then :)....

    btw my vote WASN'T on Tapout, but that's neither here nor there. Faction took their vote, tapout made their choice.
  • alk0h0lik
    alk0h0lik Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    triple post
  • alk0h0lik
    alk0h0lik Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Boohoo... if I was such a terrible leader why'd you stay around for over a year? Why did I stand up and defend your drunk *** against numerous people who constantly came to me complaining about how much of an a-hole you were? The only real thing that made me a terrible leader... was that I stepped down. Then that I remained speaking w/ those I left in charge on faction matters (of my faction). I guess though you are right as a faction leader I should of remained in place coddling you day in and out. i'm not allowed to have a rl or take a much needed break. Get over yourself Alk... everyone else already has.

    Tox, even you admitted as you walked out the faction that I was a badass leader. Thing of it is... it takes a huge toll on anyone to run and manage a faction like Inversion was. Again I will refer back to above here... I guess I wasn't allowed to have a rl or take a much needed break, but anyway. It's done it's in the past. As for InTandem, if you've not experienced it and the great people there, then why knock it? The only QQ here seems to be from Tapout, because they didn't even have the courage to step inside and try to fight for their land. It was a copout, plain and simple.

    As for me... i'm simply here to enjoy the game and myself. InTandem has been an amazingly helpful and fun group to hang with so far and I look forward to seeing this faction grow and build to be a great faction.

    I didn't stay for you... Have a nice day.
  • ShellShellz - Dreamweaver
    ShellShellz - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Aubs... sry for my confusion :) I was w/ QQmoar and came over and you were passed lead I wasn't aware who had it before then :)....

    btw my vote WASN'T on Tapout, but that's neither here nor there. Faction took their vote, tapout made their choice.

    *COUGH suck up COUGH*

  • alk0h0lik
    alk0h0lik Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    double post
  • Firefeng - Dreamweaver
    Firefeng - Dreamweaver Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Jesus, are your hands palsying when you hit the reply button, Alk?
  • SynysterRev - Dreamweaver
    SynysterRev - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Boohoo... if I was such a terrible leader why'd you stay around for over a year? Why did I stand up and defend your drunk *** against numerous people who constantly came to me complaining about how much of an a-hole you were? The only real thing that made me a terrible leader... was that I stepped down. Then that I remained speaking w/ those I left in charge on faction matters (of my faction). I guess though you are right as a faction leader I should of remained in place coddling you day in and out. i'm not allowed to have a rl or take a much needed break. Get over yourself Alk... everyone else already has.

    Tox, even you admitted as you walked out the faction that I was a badass leader. Thing of it is... it takes a huge toll on anyone to run and manage a faction like Inversion was. Again I will refer back to above here... I guess I wasn't allowed to have a rl or take a much needed break, but anyway. It's done it's in the past. As for InTandem, if you've not experienced it and the great people there, then why knock it? The only QQ here seems to be from Tapout, because they didn't even have the courage to step inside and try to fight for their land. It was a copout, plain and simple.

    As for me... i'm simply here to enjoy the game and myself. InTandem has been an amazingly helpful and fun group to hang with so far and I look forward to seeing this faction grow and build to be a great faction.
    Alax you lie so much that it's not even funny. I'm sorry that your ego is too big for you to see past. Do not diss on my members to make yourself feel better because everyone on the server knows how arrogant you are sober or drunk. Alot of people make asses of themselves when they are drunk but for the most part Alk is good guy. So don't try to compensate for your arrogance by trying to make other people look like asses. So please Alax stop...Just stop making yourself worse than you already have. Have a nice day I hope you realize what you ruined, we loved Inversion but you brought it crashing down.
  • Woodrawl - Dreamweaver
    Woodrawl - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    What's really funny here is all the crying over "motive" for TW. First off, me and jay had been talking for a week or so about building a new TW faction. I've not played in nearly three months and returned to Inversion being pretty run down. We had fun and showed the people still there a PVE tw. Sure anyone could of bid on us, but Tapout took the choice to take an "easy" TW and pick on the faction they knew was in poor shape. I was in InTandem before Aubree was made lead, but regardless me and Aubree have always gotten along outside of the one TW instance and that's in the past. I'm sure you people can get over it too.

    What it boils down to is that Tapout isn't a TW faction. They only show to something they know they can dramatically overpower and enjoyed their own kill farming until the point everyone was called out of the instance. They showed that in their attack on LegionRUS that ended in less than 10 minutes. They aren't interested in a good fight, only trying to overrun someone else lesser than them. Should anyone w/ a decent faction stand up tot hem they will tapout every time w/ some lame excuse to not show.

    Keep the trash talk about Inversion... at least our 1.5 squad had the balls to show up to the fight vs you guys.

    i may not have been playin long and i dont know inversion or your sorry excuse for a player but i would like to take this time to say that since i started pw i have been treated with the outmost respect by the tapout crew and other ppl on the game wont take 2 seconds to help when they would which was why i wanted to be in the faction so before you talk trash about the good folks in the tapout try fixin your own in the game so that one day you can try to b e as kind and resourcefull as the tapout crew

    p.s. your a jerk and need to go crawl into whatever an us you came out of and leave tapout alone
  • Equin - Dreamweaver
    Equin - Dreamweaver Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    i feel so charged up for a TW!! come on 100 hours =~= just 4 more days and i will joinnnnn
    ゙(゚、 。 7
     l、゙ ~ヽ
     じしf_, )
  • Escorian - Dreamweaver
    Escorian - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Tapout won't make it with the defense, because the last time Tapout was attacked by the leader of a certain faction who swore they wouldn't attack Tapout, Tapout was kill-farmed while the opposing faction refused to take the crystal.

    Thus, Tapout won't be giving said idiot leader the benefit of going back on their word a second time.

    Sorry, Grim. I was looking forward to TWing this weekend, too.
    Gotta love it when a faction that is filled with heavy cash shoppers try to talk big.

    I mean really, one of the crappiest leaders on this server joined you guys last week because he couldn't take the fact that he lost to us last week. b:laughb:laughb:laugh

    You guys wanted a TW? Then go QQ to your leader about not choosing a land where they KNEW they would have an equal fight. Don't come QQing to us over WC about it. b:bye

    I apologize that Tapout has used this unknown feature to you called common sense.b:victory

    lol these 2 lines made me laugh so hard the first one because tap out farmed the kills of Inversion they had 4 catapults sitting outside our base with like 40 people in our base just killing us. and the 2nd line because well you guys should really talk you knew inversion couldnt put members in and yet attacked us lol.
    ty Nowitsawn

    Everything has its beginnings, but it doesn't start at one. It starts long before that... The world is born From zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes 2. 2 becomes 10. 10 becomes 100. taking it all back to one solves nothing. so long as zero remains... One.. Will eventually grow to 100 again.
  • Viscosity - Dreamweaver
    Viscosity - Dreamweaver Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Factions get attacked and lose land all the time. Nothing to complain about o_o
  • alk0h0lik
    alk0h0lik Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    lol these 2 lines made me laugh so hard the first one because tap out farmed the kills of Inversion they had 4 catapults sitting outside our base with like 40 people in our base just killing us. and the 2nd line because well you guys should really talk you knew inversion couldnt put members in and yet attacked us lol.

    Tapout did NOT farm kills on Inversion, don't try to lie... The catas never sat outside the base while we killed you so stop the lies or be placed in the same category as Alax.
  • Rillman - Dreamweaver
    Rillman - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Um how do u farm kills in a tw that was 10 mins long? b:surrender
  • SynysterRev - Dreamweaver
    SynysterRev - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    lol these 2 lines made me laugh so hard the first one because tap out farmed the kills of Inversion they had 4 catapults sitting outside our base with like 40 people in our base just killing us. and the 2nd line because well you guys should really talk you knew inversion couldnt put members in and yet attacked us lol.
    Lol Esco cute....i made it completely clear in faction chat and on vent that no one with a circle was to be killed all my members complied with these terms no one in Inversion was killed until they made an advance on us and as Tox noted in an earlier post as soon as the TW ended we were out of the base so QQmoar Esco dont stoop to Alax's lvl
  • Q____Q - Dreamweaver
    Q____Q - Dreamweaver Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Factions get attacked and lose land all the time. Nothing to complain about o_o

    Marry me.
  • Namari - Dreamweaver
    Namari - Dreamweaver Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I was in that Inversion TW on Destini. I didn't have any TW action on my main that weekend, so I was hoping to get some of my violent tendencies out (being pregnant and hormonal tends to do that apparently). I was disappointed, and rather furious that I didn't get more than a 10 minute fight out of it. Alax gave me some teles to say something, but I kept my mouth shut (other than on vent), and just went to grab some food instead. Was a little annoyed that I didn't have gs's either because I think I would have gone in pk mode right there and then.

    Whether there was kill-farming or not wasn't the issue. Some of us wanted to have some freaking fun in a TW, regardless of how dwindled down the numbers are in Inversion, not a watered down 10 minute...thing. I've had longer...never mind, my blue humor doesn't belong on the forums.

    Anyways, the past should stay there. I'm a little sad that I may never see any TW action on my lesser-geared wizzie for a while, if ever. But meh.
    Censorship is the bane of creativity. Censorship is the bane of personality. Most of all...censorship is the bane of identity.

    My main is Ivy_. I'm better known as Destini. Also known as _Yvi. Yes, I have an identity crisis. b:chuckle

    Looking for a signature for this character. Wanna make me one?
  • Toxie - Dreamweaver
    Toxie - Dreamweaver Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    This is getting ridiculous and I had hoped it was done and over with when Aubree made her post. Can we PLEASE drop this already? Pretty sure everyone knows how everyone feels about everyone else from that thing that happened that one time to that person's aunt's cousin's niece's BFF that one time on that computer game.
  • Firefeng - Dreamweaver
    Firefeng - Dreamweaver Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    ltap out farmed the kills of Inversion they had 4 catapults sitting outside our base with like 40 people in our base just killing us. and the 2nd line because well you guys should really talk you knew inversion couldnt put members in and yet attacked us lol.

    3 Catas outside of base destroying your towers while the frontal attack groups cleared the way to your crystal. We wouldn't have bothered taking out the outside towers had we known Inversion's strength; we were taking out the towers in case our Cata Barbs dropped and they had to run back.

    Again, it was a 10 minute TW, and would have been shorter had we not stopped to remove a couple towers along the way. We didn't kill-farm you in a 10-minute TW, we just took your land, the same as InTandem took Tapout's land a week later (only they did so with a bit more left on their HP charms than us b:laugh).

    Ultimately, you're confusing a bit of bad blood between Tapout's members and Alax as bad blood between Tapout and Inversion, which is unfortunate, and I'm sorry that you think that. It's the same with InTandem and Tapout. I deeply respect Jay and Er_Nai in InTandem; Jay invited me to EQ the first few weeks after DW opened, and me, Tox, Siege, and Mithra used to tease Er_Nai for leveling slow because he was too busy "cat-shopping". (And now people think he's a, he was the first damn merchanter on Dreamweaver, and damn if he wasn't good at it.) It's unfortunate that certain members in InTandem and certain members in Tapout are presently at odds, but in hindsight I apologize for cluttering up this thread with more needless dramarama.

    Hopefully, at least some of you spectators derived some entertainment from this in exchange. :P
  • grimreaperhc
    grimreaperhc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Happy end - everyone gets naked.
  • Toxie - Dreamweaver
    Toxie - Dreamweaver Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Happy end - everyone gets naked.

    It's nekkid time already? b:dirty I agree let's all just get naked!
  • alk0h0lik
    alk0h0lik Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    It's nekkid time already? b:dirty I agree let's all just get naked!

    *GETS NEKKID* b:laughb:chuckle
  • Firefeng - Dreamweaver
    Firefeng - Dreamweaver Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Happy end - everyone gets naked.

    Are you mad?

    I was naked during every post I've made on this forum. Ever.