Sins when pvp is fair

bobsnude Posts: 0 Arc User
edited September 2011 in Arigora Colosseum

When will you do something for the sin problem ? You can add any other race, class, the problem is still there. So now work on it as soon as yesterday It should have been solved already. Like the 5 aps thing. But I know you need $ and time to work on it. Or maybe you just want kid servers with noob players around.
It's a pvp game, so do something or accept the number of players is running low. When no other class is needed I just understand why so much have already gone away. Now 10% are ultimate cashshoppers, 75% are sins, the rest are just rerolls to make them sins go 105 in three days. Damn good idea you had guys when forging this sin class.

PLiz bring back some fun in the pvp area.

PS : all you sins can laugh, cry or shout your anger, no interest.
Post edited by bobsnude on


  • mine0s
    mine0s Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    this is really interesting why in every game sin is overpowered? CUS IT STEALTHS!!!! OUTRAGEOUS(sarcastic) wtf cant u get some apothecary items and make the awareness buff(its an item idk its name) sin is 100% PvP class and sin in every game is called cus it can stealth. the only thing they should work on is making sin stealth wear off wen it has a DoT on it besides that sin doesnt need any other fixing. (FCC solo runs) WTH do i even need to talk about it? sin can stealth so it can avoid every mob except shades so dont QQ over something that doesnt need to be fixed.
  • Meoshikun - Harshlands
    Meoshikun - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2011
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    PvP is never fair on mmo with build up character development. b:laugh
    Because the PvP not just exist on battle but more like on the hunt for good equipment or gathering money for battle preparation.

    Why games with direct fight and not much RPG character development is better for PvP ? b:chuckle
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • HealingBliss - Lost City
    HealingBliss - Lost City Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    mine0s wrote: »
    this is really interesting why in every game sin is overpowered? CUS IT STEALTHS!!!! OUTRAGEOUS(sarcastic) wtf cant u get some apothecary items and make the awareness buff(its an item idk its name) sin is 100% PvP class and sin in every game is called cus it can stealth. the only thing they should work on is making sin stealth wear off wen it has a DoT on it besides that sin doesnt need any other fixing. (FCC solo runs) WTH do i even need to talk about it? sin can stealth so it can avoid every mob except shades so dont QQ over something that doesnt need to be fixed.
    I stoppped reading there. Remember when wizards got into nv? niether do i.
    Shhh don't troll, it's yulk bait.
  • hahahahahahah1
    hahahahahahah1 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    mine0s wrote: »
    this is really interesting why in every game sin is overpowered? CUS IT STEALTHS!!!! OUTRAGEOUS(sarcastic) wtf cant u get some apothecary items and make the awareness buff(its an item idk its name) sin is 100% PvP class and sin in every game is called cus it can stealth.

    I would not say sins are over powered in every game. For example sins are very easy to fight and kill in forsaken world even with stealth. I would say sins are pretty much very close to being balanced there.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I say....

    Detection gems.

    Yeah you heard me. Detection gems. This would severely punish the player by forcing him to sacrifice gear slots JUST to fight sins specifically, but in return, he can see the freaking sins. It's both a punishment that not EVERYONE is willing to deal with (barbs and BMs will definitely remain blind to sins), but one that others (like wizards) practically feel forced to use.

    Say what, 5 or 6 Detection per gem? This would mean a person would have to waste 6-7 sockets to see sins. An alternative would be to waste one slot, but only be able to see sins when using a pot.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • pflegefall69
    pflegefall69 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    no stealth in fighting mode.
    so the sind could do what they are made to do: come out of stealth and kill a player fast (kinda fits to their background) BUT they would risk beeing killed themselfes. 2nd idea: make stealth require chi per time.
  • Malicar - Raging Tide
    Malicar - Raging Tide Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Nothing needs to change with the sins or any else being able to detect their stealth. Here's a good idea, practice. Try dueling only sin for an hour or so...classes are balanced. Everything the sin does, is what they are meant to do.
  • Nikit - Harshlands
    Nikit - Harshlands Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Nothing needs to change with the sins or any else being able to detect their stealth. Here's a good idea, practice. Try dueling only sin for an hour or so...classes are balanced. Everything the sin does, is what they are meant to do.

    Lol wut?
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Nothing needs to change with the sins or any else being able to detect their stealth. Here's a good idea, practice. Try dueling only sin for an hour or so...classes are balanced. Everything the sin does, is what they are meant to do.

    Here's an idea: YOU go practice. You clearly need more experience.

    It's not uncommon for sins to kill a BM or barbarian in under three seconds without their charm even ticking. And fighting one shouldn't be a complete hassle: you can't AFK, you can't type, you can't fight anyone else and you can't stop running in circles or you're DEAD. The sin is also extremely expensive for a squishy's genie as they have to spam Expel. That's mathafacking ridiculous. I'd also love to hear you come up with a way for a Wizard to beat a sin.

    Every other class aside from sins? Yeah, they're fairly balanced. Not perfectly, but alot better balanced than a lot of other MMOs. Impressive work from PWI, really. But Sins? No, they need a nerf. A good option would be that, if a sin tries to simply pop out of stealth and melee the target, then they'll first have to do the unstealthing animation, THEN they can attack. That'd prevent people from dying before the sin even unstealths.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Swirlz - Lost City
    Swirlz - Lost City Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Here's an idea: YOU go practice. You clearly need more experience.

    It's not uncommon for sins to kill a BM or barbarian in under three seconds without their charm even ticking. And fighting one shouldn't be a complete hassle: you can't AFK, you can't type, you can't fight anyone else and you can't stop running in circles or you're DEAD. The sin is also extremely expensive for a squishy's genie as they have to spam Expel. That's mathafacking ridiculous. I'd also love to hear you come up with a way for a Wizard to beat a sin.

    Every other class aside from sins? Yeah, they're fairly balanced. Not perfectly, but alot better balanced than a lot of other MMOs. Impressive work from PWI, really. But Sins? No, they need a nerf. A good option would be that, if a sin tries to simply pop out of stealth and melee the target, then they'll first have to do the unstealthing animation, THEN they can attack. That'd prevent people from dying before the sin even unstealths.

    He's unstealthed, it's just server lag.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    He's unstealthed, it's just server lag.

    Of course.

    But the point is that when the server's NATURAL lag can ruin a player's chance to react at all, then we have a problem.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • VonSabrewulf - Harshlands
    VonSabrewulf - Harshlands Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    we all know how unbalanced sins are, ive played/fought against every single class in this game(execpt the earthguard there still fairly new) and by far sins are the most unbalanced. I could sit here and lists all the moves that make them **** in PvP(their chi gain is ridiculous) but it would take a huge essay and everybody is tired of hearing it. PWI wont fix anything as long as it makes them money really. I just took a stand i wont PvP unless i have a squad backing me up and even then its ridicoulus how a sin can pop out of stealth and kill 1 of us in 1 sec then run back to stealth and keep reapeating the process just to annoy us.

    PVP is dead unless your a sin, take a stand people send in tickets and refuse to go out there until its fixed. Or just reroll a sin like 90% of pk'ers b:chuckle
  • Vansloten - Lost City
    Vansloten - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    If you don't stand around in one place waiting for someone to come to you...your chances of living through a sin attack (except the +12 r9 skins) are greatly increased. Cause they dont' have to start beating on you first before they show up...they are forced to stun you. By the time they start attacking after the stun you have a chance to utilize domain on your genie (if you don't have it, get it).

    I'm not much of a genie user when it comes to PK (I prefer the old methods before they even came out...that is using my ep skills) but there are quite a few times when I'm stunned and I don't see how...I use Domain and that gives me time to move again and or put my shield up / use 79 skill...which ever I can get off first.

    Point is...don't stand still and let them have their way...make them work for it.
  • Demon_troll - Harshlands
    Demon_troll - Harshlands Posts: 622 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    we need to give bramble buff back and along with psy reflect, sins won't stand a chance! that bloody sin will die from killing himself, I would so ask veno and psy buff to make sins die!
  • Sharazen - Archosaur
    Sharazen - Archosaur Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    The ONLY good aspect of this game in terms of gameplay are TW, PvP, and pvp related events. Admittedly there a few pve things but they're mostly events. Everything players do in the game is to help them out with pvp. Because truly PvE sucks in this game. Here's what pve amounts to in this game: Kill this mob or collect this item. It might have been better if there were more to dimension to fighting the mobs. But it isn't, you can make the skill animations as pretty as you like but if the fighting isn't good to begin with then it'll only make the gameplay hollow. Now the only way this fighting is ever even fun is when you enter into pvp. Now if the pve were more satisfying then this game would be considered a little more than a pvp game. But that's not the case. So people look forward to pvp, so the classes have to be balanced to some degree. Now when you have a 5aps class that can kill ANY of the classes in the game without a second look back. When a player can absolutely do nothing to defend themselves, even the toughest class you have can do nothing to defend itself, then your game has serious problems. Then some players have some reasonable complaints about this then you won't even budge an inch. The only way past sins is to constantly remain in a team on pvp and never leave, role a seeker who can't do anything in one on one from what's been seen so far, or spend excruciating hours building a psy just in order to counter a sin, or just role a sin yourself. Now it might be a good idea to make it where other players can actually play other classes and once more enjoy it. All it would take is some slight tweeks to the game to balance out just ONE class.

    Now the one of the main reasons that there is complaints against this is there are sin players reverse-whining because they don't want to lose their quote on quote feeling of "invincibility." Eventually you're going to lose a crapload of players over this. Because this is extremely vexing to the rest of us.

    Ps: GMs you might find this helpful. No disrespect. This just to me sums up everything to me about sin problem.
  • Sharazen - Archosaur
    Sharazen - Archosaur Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    we need to give bramble buff back and along with psy reflect, sins won't stand a chance! that bloody sin will die from killing himself, I would so ask veno and psy buff to make sins die!

    Amen to you man amen.
  • karinizsharron
    karinizsharron Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    While you all make valid points, and i am not defending sins.... You need to realize that when you play a PvP server, you should be prepared to get shanked by sins. I'm sorry but that is the cold hard truth. As unfair as it is, it what you signed up for so either put up with it, or go back to PvE, you whiny *****. I mean no offence but if you don't like it....
    You don't have to play it. There is no law against PvE. Sure PK isn't the same as PvP, so if it really bugs you, Open your dam squad settings and limit it to sins. refresh it often, and when a sin pops on the screen just watch you back. Or if that is too hard, the just leave the area....

    Why am i the only person that brought these obvious facts to the table...?

    Ps. don't bother flaming me for this, i have listened to people whine about this for ages, i know all the facts, i've just learned to accept them. I spend most of my time with former pvp players who quit and went to pve, the whine A LOT, so don't waste your time trying to debate this with me.
  • Aviron - Harshlands
    Aviron - Harshlands Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Lol how is it balanced when the sin always attacks first? Stuns and gets first hit every time unless you have pot to see which just about no one has access to and even if you have them how the hell do you know when to use it if you don't know the sin is around? It doesn't last so long and prevents you from being able to use other important pots like vac powder.
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    While you all make valid points, and i am not defending sins.... You need to realize that when you play a PvP server, you should be prepared to get shanked by sins. I'm sorry but that is the cold hard truth. As unfair as it is, it what you signed up for so either put up with it, or go back to PvE, you whiny *****. I mean no offence but if you don't like it....
    You don't have to play it. There is no law against PvE. Sure PK isn't the same as PvP, so if it really bugs you, Open your dam squad settings and limit it to sins. refresh it often, and when a sin pops on the screen just watch you back. Or if that is too hard, the just leave the area....

    You haven't fought a Sin with G15 +12 zerk dags or R9 dags have you? At that point, stealth isn't even a factor anymore. One stun is all it takes to kill you. My BM with buff and marrow at 20k+ phy def still dies before a stun is up. There's only so often you can Domain. Once Domain is in c/d, one stun and there's nothing I can do about it. It's a pathetic class that takes no skills if you CS enough. With other highly CS class, they have to at least know the basics. I'm very good at fighting Sin with my BM, about as good as you can be. Sin with average gears will get their asses handed to them 9/10 times. But when you get into the area of +12 G15 or G16 dags, it take them no skill at all. Open with stun to get me to use Domain, force stealth, stun after Domain is gone, GG before anything else.
  • supertroyman1
    supertroyman1 Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    i say delete this thread and every other like it.
    sins arnt op no matter what ppl think. they only complain because the dont have the brains (or balls) to take one on and actually be prepared.

    if u have such a problem with sins train to fight them and quite QQing over it its very sad to watch.

    hell the 75% of sins that do exist. only 5% r actually pro. others cant put a good string together to dave there left nut XD. hell just the other day i almost beat a 90 sin on my 80 psy
  • supertroyman1
    supertroyman1 Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    btw if u try and complain ( OH WHAT IF THEY HAVE +12 THIS OR +12 THAT OR USE THIS MOVE OR UR IN THIS SITUATION) lets face it. if ur fighting someone with +12 r9 gear ur pretty screwed regardless. still dosnt mean there that great just that the person has one hell of a credit card XD
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I love this guys argument.

    Sins aren't OP because you guys suck.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • ArchSaber - Sanctuary
    ArchSaber - Sanctuary Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    we Need To Give Bramble Buff Back And Along With Psy Reflect, Sins Won't Stand A Chance! That Bloody Sin Will Die From Killing Himself, I Would So Ask Veno And Psy Buff To Make Sins Die!

    hater Get Out! Sins Damage + Psy Reflection Depletes Your Mp. You Can Use Any Skills. Even If The Reflection Is As Powerful As You Say, He Just Need To Attack Until Dreaden Nerves Ticks, And Use Force Stealth. They Also Have An Op Healing Skill You Know.

    ^highlight the above
    AP classes are a real butt pounding...
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    OOOOOOOOO WOW you ALMOST beat a 90 Sin on your 80 Psy. You must REALLY know what you are talking about end-game then.
  • ArchSaber - Sanctuary
    ArchSaber - Sanctuary Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    i say delete this thread and every other like it.
    sins arnt op no matter what ppl think. they only complain because the dont have the brains (or balls) to take one on and actually be prepared.

    if u have such a problem with sins train to fight them and quite QQing over it its very sad to watch.

    hell the 75% of sins that do exist. only 5% r actually pro. others cant put a good string together to dave there left nut XD. hell just the other day i almost beat a 90 sin on my 80 psy

    You clearly are talking about a simple duel. A psy 10 levels lower would never kill a sin, even when the sin is dumb. *ROFL sin missed headhunt and you get SB on them* He clearly did not have dreaden nerves, bloodpaint, tidal, focused and wolf.

    I almost wanna "duel" your psy with my 80 archer who has no armor, just jones blessing and +5 bow.
    AP classes are a real butt pounding...
  • AqueoLupas - Lost City
    AqueoLupas - Lost City Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    UM ya have you ever thougt why phycis were created if you want a sin to kill himself by attacking you be a phycic other wise shut up you fail sins are always created for pvp witch makes us suck at pve
    we sins have our own problems and we don't need to be weaker than we already are if your paraniod with sin fear don't pvp jeez how bout you join the seekers i heard rumors of them being anti-sin all in all this is how PWI staff made the game deal withit or go somewhere else that is all i have to say
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    sins are always created for pvp witch makes us suck at pve

    And right here, you removed any shadow of a doubt that you are a complete idiiot who has no clue what you're talking about. Please, ****, gtfo, and don't come back until you have a high level sin and you're actually able to play it well.
  • SinfuINature - Harshlands
    SinfuINature - Harshlands Posts: 533 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    ok everyone knows a lvl101 sin with 5aps is over powered... throw in steath+HH followed by normal attacks of what 4k on a player (8k crit with a +30%) = death... in 1 sec that sin (not including spark or the HH hit of maybe 6k) is putting out 20-25k a sec on a barb or BM lol... no one can stand that... i 1 shot magic classes my lvl with just HH+crit...

    a way to fix this is to make steath not 100% invisible... like when squaded you can still see them but not as much... just a little less visible (name/faction bar stuff goes away)... this will allow players who are LOOKING for sins to see them but also allowing sins who wanna stealth gank able to do so but they have to use some sort of tactic and not just walk up to them lol... also make is when you train your stealth skills as a sin you become less visible by the other players... this could fix a lot of the QQ from other classes... but sins really dont NEED steath to pwn ppl... they can still telp over and stun you lol... b:surrender
  • Sereneai - Dreamweaver
    Sereneai - Dreamweaver Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    UM ya have you ever thougt why phycis were created if you want a sin to kill himself by attacking you be a phycic other wise shut up you fail sins are always created for pvp witch makes us suck at pve
    we sins have our own problems and we don't need to be weaker than we already are if your paraniod with sin fear don't pvp jeez how bout you join the seekers i heard rumors of them being anti-sin all in all this is how PWI staff made the game deal withit or go somewhere else that is all i have to say

    While i agree that PewPew>QQ.....

    I hate to break it to ya: sins are quite good at PvE
    1) Bloodpaint: Definitely a PvE skill.
    2) After you get your second spark at lvl 59, BP starts healing enough to actually be worthwhile.
    3)sharding armor=more HP= PvE win....but not really an option at lower levels (unless your sin is a twink)
    4)3-spark is just plain freaky powerful..when you even need it. i still have 10 levels till sage/demon spark, but I barely use my double spark now, a single is usually enough against normal mobs.
    5)see 4

    It's an uphill battle till you hit 59, then it gets easier....and easier....and easier...

    When you hit about level 65-70, come back and tell me sins suck at PvE again, if you still believe it.
    Things said during a Twizted faction PK session:
    Slayer_of_Souls: you guys are such suck ups. none of you have attacked twid.
    Twiddzly(fac leader): no, sere killed me already.
    Slayer_of_Souls: he's out there waiting for us, isn't he. i'm gonna die.
    Sereneai: b:sin why don't you come find out.
    Kinglkaruga: you go first dule.