Lv 100 Mystic, how many more theres?



  • Barunaa - Heavens Tear
    Barunaa - Heavens Tear Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    3 things:

    1) For the moron, sadly from my server, who asked why she +10'd a wep with an mp mod; It's the rank 8 wep, imbecile. You can easily identify it by the 200k rep requirement.

    for the ammount of money she invested into that character? she woulda have been better off skipping rank 8 and going for the rank 9 weapon b:bye

    btw, judging by the manner in which u post and the numerous random insults to just about 90% of the PWI community that play in PvE servers, you must not have been loved by your parents as a child and hated/bullied in elementary-high school.

    my heart goes out to u bro.
  • Kazuoh - Sanctuary
    Kazuoh - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I don't see a real reply to Amancay (the maker of the thread).

    Sad how people have to comment or criticize on this thread, when it's actually based on Amancay asking if there are other 100 mystics or seekers. Maybe all she wanted was to compare herself with them or check out skills etc.

    Each time someone makes a decent thread and asks for something nicely, or the thread is based on something completely different, people have to butt in and start talking about something different, or criticizing the maker of the thread or other people who post.

    How immature and childish can you be? What are you, some 12 year old kids?

    I spent 15 mins to go through all the pages searching for other people who might have gotten 100 with their EG, and nothing, all I did was wasting my time going through posts made by some kids.

    Not a real achievement getting 100 with fcc, but gratz anyway, and it would be fun to duel or pk a 100 earthguard now b:chuckle.

    For discussion regarding PvP, nub CSers, Hyper nubs, Oracle nubs, etc etc, go make your own threads and get the attention you want from there.

    Just a question to the maker of this thread, how are mystics compared to other classes u've played, lets say cleric etc? Are they better? and what Disadvantages are there?
    Just asking this because you're 100 and have a overall picture of the new class.

    100% PvE none CS'er, merchanting ftw b:cute
  • Hayateremix - Lost City
    Hayateremix - Lost City Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Meh, I'm a old school leveler. Hypers? Never will use those. I rather get to 8x or 9x by grinding and questing instead of wasting thousands of dollars on a game I don't plan to play forever.
  • Hayateremix - Lost City
    Hayateremix - Lost City Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I don't see a real reply to Amancay (the maker of the thread).

    Sad how people have to comment or criticize on this thread, when it's actually based on Amancay asking if there are other 100 mystics or seekers. Maybe all she wanted was to compare herself with them or check out skills etc.

    Each time someone makes a decent thread and asks for something nicely, or the thread is based on something completely different, people have to butt in and start talking about something different, or criticizing the maker of the thread or other people who post.

    How immature and childish can you be? What are you, some 12 year old kids?

    I spent 15 mins to go through all the pages searching for other people who might have gotten 100 with their EG, and nothing, all I did was wasting my time going through posts made by some kids.

    Not a real achievement getting 100 with fcc, but gratz anyway, and it would be fun to duel or pk a 100 earthguard now b:chuckle.

    For discussion regarding PvP, nub CSers, Hyper nubs, Oracle nubs, etc etc, go make your own threads and get the attention you want from there.

    Just a question to the maker of this thread, how are mystics compared to other classes u've played, lets say cleric etc? Are they better? and what Disadvantages are there?
    Just asking this because you're 100 and have a overall picture of the new class.

    100% PvE none CS'er, merchanting ftw b:cute

    Maybe it's because the fact that the expansion just came out and people are already 100. Miss the old days where things like hypers and whatever else that people use didnt exist and you have to level the hard way.
  • FinalFlora - Heavens Tear
    FinalFlora - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I really like the way rank8 looks for mystic. I soo can't wait for sage/demon skills.
  • Minimus_ - Sanctuary
    Minimus_ - Sanctuary Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Good point :) the idea was asking if there was anybody else ; making sure to people that i wasnt lying and to show the people how looks the gear...

    and really this is my 4th char im really bored of low speed lvling thats why i hypered :)

    101 cleric
    100 wizard
    almost 102 Assassin
    100 mystic


    Gratz. I understand players like you who simply like to powerlevel and see how fast they get to 100. While others like to enjoy certain levels/parts of culti etc. finding the best way to get to 100 is a nice personal challenge as well. Not as if grinding for hours or killing mobs is very interesting. ;) That time can be spent with farming or other stuff. Enjoy the game <3
    Middle lane, middle lane.. b:shutup
  • Lesthar - Heavens Tear
    Lesthar - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,045 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Let's see. I will try to be the most objective possible in my post. No ill will, surely no jealousy or wish to mock you.

    First of all, everybody has the right to level his/her characters the way they want. So I will say, if you are happy with what you achieved, that is nice.

    Secondly, I am neither impressed, nor envious of that sort of leveling (in fact I despise it, because it kills the original challenge, which is how developers originally intended for the game to be).

    I'd rather level slow, learn how to manage my character in all sorts of situations, with monsters of all levels, from the puny lv 1 mob to the 7x ones and over.
    Go the express way? Tired of the same old quests that are the exact same for each class? Sure, but level gaining is different... Some quests are harder for a class, easier for another... Even grinding is different. I will also add that I am trained for repetitive, mundane tasks but with a real intrinsic sense of reward, since I grew up in the Golden Age of videogames. The achievement and competitive thing is more about modern games.

    And then of course you will not have met our old friend the Reaper until you reached the top levels. Since you have other high level characters, I guess you already see that you lose a lot of exp upon death by then. But it's a brand new class. I hope you experienced all the subtleties the Mystic has to offer, yet, which I doubt a bit about (and even more because the expansion is quite incomplete right now).

    And finally I see that you did not enjoy what the devs worked on for so long... The new regions, the music, the quests... Yep, nothing beats whacking a psychic water chimei because you read in the quest that their priest mocked your face. Etc.

    But once again, my point here is not to diss you. I just hope that you will not regret the choice you made, as in 'investing' in your character, since you paid a pretty penny for her. Take care...!
    Maintenance time. Please choose a line:
    - When is it over? OMG I need my fix!! *super spazzing*
    - Fix the damn bugs, dammit! I'm so angry! I'll quit!!
    - New codes out there? I like free stuff~ *wink*
    - When will we get new content? QQ
    - Will we get sales? I got a ton of gold to spend.
    - I'm bored, I'll create a useless thread to annoy Opkorock.
    - *Incessant poking on Sweetiebot* Fun~
  • BlaZinBoy - Heavens Tear
    BlaZinBoy - Heavens Tear Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    post starter:

    im hittign 100 on my mystic and i still dont know wth im doing.


    anyways i retired my mystic/seeker early at the ripe age of 40..why??boring.Plus i can make more coin on my upcoming sin soloing ff for scrubs like you b:chuckle

    but i do understand the ffing..who wants to do all the stinkin quest again after a bunch of previous alts...i sure the hell dont.
  • BlaZinBoy - Heavens Tear
    BlaZinBoy - Heavens Tear Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    3 things:

    1) For the moron, sadly from my server, who asked why she +10'd a wep with an mp mod; It's the rank 8 wep, imbecile. You can easily identify it by the 200k rep requirement.

    2)Unimpressed. I know, half of you will agree and the other half will ***** and moan about it. On a related note, i hear people who cut their wrists get a ton of attention too. And facebook likes.

    3)People who pvp on a pve server missed their calling, are morons, and could probably serve as cannon fodder in pvp wars on real servers. Yes, cry at me for saying that.

    dude..i would freakin roll u.
  • Shakuga/V - Dreamweaver
    Shakuga/V - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    HYPER NOOB b:chuckle Nothing more to say
  • Alsiadorra - Sanctuary
    Alsiadorra - Sanctuary Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Eh people can do whatever they want with their money and their characters.
  • Praxalis - Archosaur
    Praxalis - Archosaur Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I applaud all your wallet's hard work.

    Next time you wanna brag about your level, try actually....I dunno...


    People are impressed by people like Kitamura. People are NOT impressed by you stuffing hypers down your poor Mystic's throat.

    Real work or GTFO. b:bye

    EDIT: Alright, people misinterpreted that.

    IMO, you shouldn't be allowed to hyper unless you have a main over 70. A REAL main....over 70. I define that as someone who went out, made a toon when they first played the game, and worked it up to 70, saw the new classes, and decided: "....the hell if I'm doing all THAT again!"

    That's an excuse.

    Jamming down oracles and hypers for no reason other than boredom and stroking your NOT the kind of thing you do to earn respect. Most of you doing that? Don't even understand the class.

    Yesterday I squaded with a 87 Mystic. Together with a 101 Assassin, and my 85 Psy, we went through an FC run. The Mystic knew what the hell she was doing, (and because of Salvation, saved me quite a bit of healing) I didn't complain.

    But there are those who are so gorged with hypers, that they don't even know what the hell they're doing. I predict this is going to happen mostly with Seekers, since this is a class that actually takes timing and paying attention, sort of like what happened to Psychics.

    Point is, not impressed with your hyper'd character. Not even a little.

    Or did you forget that Kita LIVED in FC as well to get 105? it wasn't "Traditional" leveling so if you assume that you are very poorly misinformed *facepalm* He worked for his levels just as she had though hypering and yet youre saying she didnt work for it and Kita did? They did the EXACT same thing in regards to using hypers.

    Now moving away form the above quoted post to make a general post-

    Btw is it just me or are all you ppl attacking her attacking personally or creating strawmans for this? Because nowhere do I see her asking for your respect-she's asking to see who else is already 100. FYI that has nothing to do w/ wanting your praise or asking for admiration, thereby creating some sort of point that wasn't even raised just to make a post makes you look a bit foolish.

    I'll admit I should have prepared better and there is someone on our server who has a lvl 100 Seeker because he prepared for MONTHS on his veno farming TT. I used to help open them for him-so you know THAT in and of itself is working for the levels. If you CS for it I have a bit less respect but for those who actually prepared the coin though dedication...

    You dont know what she did behind the scenes to get to where she's at, so I'd suggest you try another angle to attack otherwise this is a bore fest of failed flames.
  • Amancay - Dreamweaver
    Amancay - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Well for those who has any dobut about me:

    1) I have a life, dont play more than 6 or 7 hours a day, im in VACATION. (some people in vaca use to play +12 hrs )

    2)I never spent cash, while people farming for they mains i was already farming for my mystic 3 months before expansion.

    3) Those who say im a Noob Hyper,, ok ... GO DO 10-12 FCs, Culti , BH , Cube and cycles.
    (Each day)

    4) If you dont care about my post, then dont reply it, dont make BS about it, its not your problem, because replying its means you care of it.

    Thank you all who supported me.
  • Chickpea - Lost City
    Chickpea - Lost City Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Ive only seen a very few 100+ Earthguards, majority of power-levelers still seem to be some where around 90-95. Probably catching up on gear, coins and cultis before hitting 100.
  • ElwinCastor - Dreamweaver
    ElwinCastor - Dreamweaver Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    People here get so worked up over cash shopping. I have yet to see a logical point made against cash shopping or fast leveling. They all just resort to name calling.
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    It's pretty sad that people think you have to resort to heavy cash shopping to use hypers when hypers cost 80k or less each. You can get that much coin by selling like 6 DQs on my server.

    Hypering in FCC is totally accessible to everyone yet so many would like nothing more than to complain about how lazy they are.
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