This is not a game but the competition in spending money

Marijana - Archosaur
Marijana - Archosaur Posts: 10 Arc User
edited March 2011 in General Discussion
What looks like PWI today? We have a bunch of kids who spend thousands of dollars to the 4-day seeker had 101 lvl.

You can slam me all if you want, but before it appeared tiger pack, oracle, hyper stone, and other, game has had more charm, you have studied your character, map, mobs, helping one another.

What we have today?

80% of players do not know where they are mobs lvl 45 and ask on WORLD channel. I bet that half of the players do not know where is location of the Guilded Princes.

It is quite clear that it's all about money, only sorry that PWI lose dignity because of them.
I think it would be a lot of players who would like the server where you can not create a character lvl 101 for 4 days and where you have to play to achieve something.

That`s competition and not what is happening on the servers today. Shame...
Post edited by Marijana - Archosaur on


  • Haza - Heavens Tear
    Haza - Heavens Tear Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    well i would object by saying 1) there is still some decent competition because not everyone CS, 2) a lvl 101 seeker is well a little useless, 3) i agree with the packs and oracle etc game kinda went a little down hill,

    especially for those who started when the game released like myself with all the endless grind and not so fun quests which did make it hard to lvl but at times worth it, now a lvl 1 noob get to lvl 50 noob in a few hours. which annoys me a lot because they have no actual experience travelling the game and knowings what's where.

    well without Money PWI wouldn't survive as much but they should implement some things to also those who don't CS have a little upperhand to those who do, plus not really much competition for one who's experienced with playing the game and not skipping 3/4 of it, than one who has...i mean have u seen them in FF...i rather take a lvl 1 alt than some of them.sheesh.
  • Sthenith - Dreamweaver
    Sthenith - Dreamweaver Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    ^^ this.

    and i don't mind the packs, but duke really pisses me off. Why the hell would i care who won a best luck or whatever they get from it ?

    Besides that, i love high lvl noobies, just as long they're not in my squad, lmao.
  • netoperusnovo
    netoperusnovo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I tested about 100 or more mmorpgs recently. Almost all of them fall under one of the two categories:
    a) The have an item mall where you can buy stuff for real money,
    b) They offer "free" gaming, but to unlock majority of the game's content like location, or quests that give meaningful rewards, you need to spend real money.

    With this in mind, if you take a look at the economy nowadays, and the globalization, it makes sense.
    However, I don't believe the claims of administrators of many servers shouting about how much more funds they need to keep the servers running.

    The word "free" became ambiguous, especially in games, and I'd rather use "free of charge" or "at no cost" when referring to money. These days:
    "free" = "partially free", but mostly "premium".

    But I agree with you, that money has become too important in about every part of our lives. I think, that others realize that too, and an increasing number of people is trying to go back to spiritual and traditional values, and stray away from consumption and wealth.
  • Haza - Heavens Tear
    Haza - Heavens Tear Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    A hundred MMOS..thats a lot of wasted hours, and it's common sense knowing that the CS are funding for some of the game..we dont need the Administrators to tell us that.

    Plus games can be free since they are no cost to actually play it, its also again common sense they have a ingame Cash Shop..its kinda expected.
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Besides that, i love high lvl noobies, just as long they're not in my squad, lmao.

    In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king b:chuckle

    But seriously now, being a high level has kind of lost the status that it used to give. Before all this madness took place you could pretty much assume that every high level (heck, that was only 80+ back then) knew exactly what the hell he was doing, their level usually said enough.

    Now it's the other way around; every high level is a powerleveling braindead moron unless proven otherwise...

    Kind of ruins the atmosphere in a game, don't you think?
  • netoperusnovo
    netoperusnovo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I didn't test all of these games by playing them, I just went over some of them, and then found a list of mmorpgs comparison, but I have to admit I am a very experienced gamer, and I'm not thinking about it as something I should be ashamed of.

    I think the problem lies in the operating system. Linux promotes open-source, which oftentimes, but not always, means "at no cost". However linux, and other open-source operating systems don't support as many games as the proprietary operating system, namely Microsoft Windows. In the open-source world, gaming is only beginning to gain popularity right now, while in Windows it has been there practically always as an important component.

    The biggest mistake gamers make in my opinion, is to try to be the best, wealthiest, and most powerful. This is not what games are about. I'm not really sure what it is that makes people play games. It could be simply adventure with other players, or the ability to do stuff impossible in real world, or something else.
    Games are part of the virtual world, which I have been fascinated with since I discovered it. For example, thanks to simulations we no longer need to perform real-life nuclear explosions to see their effects.
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    What looks like PWI today? We have a bunch of kids who spend thousands of dollars to the 4-day seeker had 101 lvl.

    You can slam me all if you want, but before it appeared tiger pack, oracle, hyper stone, and other, game has had more charm, you have studied your character, map, mobs, helping one another.

    What we have today?

    80% of players do not know where they are mobs lvl 45 and ask on WORLD channel. I bet that half of the players do not know where is location of the Guilded Princes.

    It is quite clear that it's all about money, only sorry that PWI lose dignity because of them.
    I think it would be a lot of players who would like the server where you can not create a character lvl 101 for 4 days and where you have to play to achieve something.

    That`s competition and not what is happening on the servers today. Shame...

    I dont think knowing where lvl 45 mobs are makes you a good player. Why would you even need to know location of all mobs/bosses lol. Can just auto path there if its a quest or look it up online. Having all map-teleports or completing all quests doesn't make you pro either. I dont even know where/what "Guilded Princes" is myself (guessing its some lower level mini boss or an npc b:chuckle) and my join date is 2008...

    But i do agree that some new players level way to fast, and its very annoying when 8x/9X asks me how to craft a molder/refine gear/get a fairy/get a Genie or asks for help with some lvl 60 culti mob they can solo themselves in 20 sec. Makes me think people playing this game are mentally handicapped lol, before they where forced to learn some basics about the game at least. Now they only need to know how to pick up the teleport to 1k Streams and Snowy Village.

    I do like both Frosts and Hypers, leveling before was a pain in the butt and hunting the same silly mobs over and over for 1-10% per hour was really boring. I dont think anyone wanna go back to that. But maybe they should extend the Cultivation Quest-line a bit after 59+, including more things than just a few bosses each 10 levels. A few educational tests about your class and the game in general, that you have to pass to keep leveling, would be really useful.
  • Tigriss_f - Raging Tide
    Tigriss_f - Raging Tide Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I tested about 100 or more mmorpgs recently. Almost all of them fall under one of the two categories:
    a) The have an item mall where you can buy stuff for real money,
    b) They offer "free" gaming, but to unlock majority of the game's content like location, or quests that give meaningful rewards, you need to spend real money.

    With this in mind, if you take a look at the economy nowadays, and the globalization, it makes sense.
    However, I don't believe the claims of administrators of many servers shouting about how much more funds they need to keep the servers running.

    The word "free" became ambiguous, especially in games, and I'd rather use "free of charge" or "at no cost" when referring to money. These days:
    "free" = "partially free", but mostly "premium".

    But I agree with you, that money has become too important in about every part of our lives. I think, that others realize that too, and an increasing number of people is trying to go back to spiritual and traditional values, and stray away from consumption and wealth.

    Game with no money is a game that dies young.
  • Haza - Heavens Tear
    Haza - Heavens Tear Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    You cant compare games over a some actually have to play them because many give different experiences (most of the time) , thats like comparing Mass Effect 2 against Dragon Age....there both RPGS but you cant compare them because the idea of each is different.

    Same with an RF Online and cant compare them because each has it own ingame structure and RF Online is much more advance than a long shot.
  • netoperusnovo
    netoperusnovo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Yes, but if you are looking for a game where everything is available at no cost, then any game with premium content doesn't meet this requirement, and there is no need to test it further.
  • Haza - Heavens Tear
    Haza - Heavens Tear Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    True..but i rather play the game for story/gameplay/fun ...not that if it gives premium content etc. thats just an added bonus thats optional...u cant say u tested...unless you actually test it..not read about it!
  • netoperusnovo
    netoperusnovo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    The game experience is different for everybody. You can't expect everyone to behave like yourself, or follow your ideology, traditions. Children are a good example of this. They can take an object, and use it in a way, that an adult person would have never think of.
    Actually I'll show you something more official:
  • Barunaa - Heavens Tear
    Barunaa - Heavens Tear Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    another QQ post.

    OP is poor and broke as **** to spend money on this game and he is jelly at the ppl that is able to affrod to spend money at this game.

    QQ moarb:bye
  • Marijana - Archosaur
    Marijana - Archosaur Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I think some people took me wrong. This is not about money but in the fact that the game loses its meaning. In fact, as someone who has made the 4-day character lvl 101 can say that playing the game? What does he play? Oracle? Hyper? I talk about it and not about the money. And I bought a mount, fashion and other things for money too
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Most people wouldn't need to spend a cent on the game to get a seeker to 10x in a week. Time commitment is the hard part, not the money. 4 hours of FCC a day can get there easily with another 5APS char who can solo FCC.

    How many people out there have billions of coin but aren't level 105? You can't really buy level, you have to grind it out.
    BM PvP Guide:

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  • Eyeofthtiger - Sanctuary
    Eyeofthtiger - Sanctuary Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    No CS = no game.
    A game needs RL money to upgrade a game. And players that helps the upgrading of a game should and deserve to be better.
  • Marijana - Archosaur
    Marijana - Archosaur Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    And hun, this is not QQ post. But your brain can`t understand what i say. If u havent to say something smart, do not talk anything
  • Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear
    Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    another QQ post.

    OP is poor and broke as **** to spend money on this game and he is jelly at the ppl that is able to affrod to spend money at this game.

    QQ moarb:bye

    lol you are stupid as hell

    why should ANYONE have to spend rl coin to do well in a game, if you had some actual experience of how this game was compared to how it is now then i might make more effort to post a decent response to you, but you don't.
  • Haza - Heavens Tear
    Haza - Heavens Tear Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Yeh i agree with Summer_Blush..spending rl coin is just optional and just gives you an extra perk in the game,

    back when the game started gold was pretty cheap compared to now 90k i recalll..anyway lvling back then was pretty atrocious was fun at first because it was new but became boring with Grind quests, no BHS, No Oracles, No Hypers, just gd old exp scrolls which sold like hot cakes, because it was the only thing that increased the exp a bit more,

    nowadays i hear people QQ about how hard it is to lvl now, i swear you bring the game back to the first time it started..not many people would be able to hit 80+
  • Asparagus - Harshlands
    Asparagus - Harshlands Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    I wanna give you some good frequencies. 1710, 2.6, 2245, 3032, 400.
  • netoperusnovo
    netoperusnovo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    At first impression, people playing mmorpgs are praising power (high level, best equipment, sometimes time of playing, or knowledge about the game).
    This is what I think of as the fake picture of the game.

    The real picture is how much do YOU enjoy the game.

    So for example to me, power is not important. I'm looking for adventure, challenge, unique experience, surprises, riddles, traps, a diversified community, different ideas, different approaches, and I want to experience it all.
    The material side of gaming is of little importance to me. I do value skilled crafters, or people who do well in duels of different kinds, provided that their characters aren't more powerful than their opponents. Fair play. This is challenge.

    Running around with a +100 sword, that you bought in item mall, and killing players 50 levels lower, who use normal equipment they found, or bought for money they earned in game isn't a challenge at all. It's hurting others (and yourself unknowingly).
  • Haza - Heavens Tear
    Haza - Heavens Tear Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Yes ..what you say is true...but many things cant be helped, because for each MMORPG the players are what shape the game, not the DEVS, or the GMS, because in the end the players are the ones in these virtual worlds making the choices and decisions,

    also thats why there are restrictions to certain things like PVP, and what gear can be used by who, but the main aspect we all hate is lvling methods because they become a constant bore with neverending grinds,
  • Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear
    Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Running around with a +100 sword, that you bought in item mall, and killing players 50 levels lower, who use normal equipment they found, or bought for money they earned in game isn't a challenge at all. It's hurting others (and yourself unknowingly).

    Unfortunaly most people who play this game dont have a conscience
  • netoperusnovo
    netoperusnovo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    but the main aspect we all hate is lvling methods because they become a constant bore with neverending grinds,
    That's because people are in a blind race for power, for being the best, for nothing... and they don't see the beauty of playing together.

    Racing for highest level faster than everyone else...I have to be better than you! That's what counts?

    Then good luck...
  • Haza - Heavens Tear
    Haza - Heavens Tear Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    That and some actual common sense at times when QQ over such insignifcant things, or going through a more complicated route when a more simple one is available,

    and also in most times of the game, Players should really think before they type!!...too many occasions were many things were said out of context or just plain stupidity.
  • Shiyuan - Heavens Tear
    Shiyuan - Heavens Tear Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Damn I miss the days of crashing Zhen parties at spiders.. or in hell..
    Damn I miss the endless grinding and CLEARING OUT MY QUEST LOG LOL... waiting to level so i have MORE quest for MORE experience..
    The many FAILED RBS... Damn I miss when gear was hard to get lol...
    Its no longer about the competition.. its about the people guys :D Why play a game with no friends?
    You want to be another LinYueRue or some ****?...
    Where is the love?
  • Haza - Heavens Tear
    Haza - Heavens Tear Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Love down the drain my friend....and most of the noob *** players self respect.

    playing before was for fun and just playing now..theres actually no join, you lvl, you do instances, you done!...might aswell leave afterthat...because theres no actual decent content to keep you going for days..seems more like a few hours..

    i hate to say it but i do Envy WoW when they get an expansion..because theres actual stuff that keeps you playing..or Guild Wars as an example.
  • netoperusnovo
    netoperusnovo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'm pretty sure there is a very large group, and growing too, of players that want the old values to come back to games, but the game designers are more concerned with meeting the needs and wants of gamers that pay them the most. I wonder how long this will go on, and if it will change... And will it change soon enough for us to experience it...
    So what do these players do? Do they wait? Well If you just wait, the solution might never appear, right?
    So they are looking for such games!
    And the games, that are being released are pretty much the same:
    Minimum and maximum level, X number of classes, equipment, locations, quests. Wars, duels, and... the focus on profit and power.

    But nothing really different from all the other mmorpgs... So... we keep on looking.

    So what were the best games ever? Quake 1, Doom? Diablo 2?, Baldur's Gate? Well maybe the mmorpg producers should compare their products to these, and maybe they would find what they're missing?
    Because obviously the current model, that all mmorpgs are based of isn't what we really want.

    I think the best thing to do for game designers, is to ask people what they want in games, and include later ideas. And for players I'd say the best thing to do is to participate in Beta tests and anything that can help make the future games what they want them to be.

    So! Def Leppard - "Action! Not Words!"
  • Kreigan - Lost City
    Kreigan - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'm sure all your debates and valid, VALUED feedback will be taken into consideration seriously, at the next PWE office party, thrown to celebrate yet another BILLION dollars target reached^__^

    Sorry to be the bad guy.....BUT....simple as this.

    Money = PWE,PWI,Every other billion dollar industry's INTEREST.

    Debate about FEELINGS or spirit, or WHATEVER immaterial thing = Ignored.

    Welcome to the REAL WORLD.
  • Ajani - Harshlands
    Ajani - Harshlands Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I agree with Tigerlilly this new way to lvl is way better than spend hours and hours to get 10%. But still the point is why they give us way to lvl if there is no god damn conttent to try? Another expansion and no new instances, no challange. It's like.. Ok boy ur lvl 100 now. Get +12 gear and pk for a while. After that roll another character or GTFO.

    PVP: 3800 kills in the name of KD lawl
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