Put a minimum lvl on Frost City

Fearlesss - Dreamweaver
Fearlesss - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
edited March 2011 in Suggestion Box
Dear Devs,
Since the new expansion has come out i have seen way to many lvl 1-10 toons being brought into FC. Thought the purpose of the FC REvamp was to give highlvls a new place to level. I have seen way too many of the new classes reach 80+ in the first day of the expansion coming out. IT took me over 6 months to reach lvl 80 and that was playing 5 to 6hrs a day. Now i'm playing 12 to 14hrs a day and lucky if i get maybe 30% a day in xp. Please do something to slow the lvling of the new classes. can we get a minimum lvl to enter FC similar to dragon temple?
Post edited by Fearlesss - Dreamweaver on


  • Helbear - Heavens Tear
    Helbear - Heavens Tear Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I agree, A level restriction should be put on Frost. All day I've seen people paying 1m for a power level in Frost, Just 10 minutes ago I saw a mystic that was already 90+ with TT90 gear on. It shouldn't be allowed but it most likely won't happen because it makes more people buy hypers and scrolls from the CS so the only people losing out are the players who don't understand their class. Total fail.
  • NinJew - Raging Tide
    NinJew - Raging Tide Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Dear Devs,
    Since the new expansion has come out i have seen way to many lvl 1-10 toons being brought into FC. Thought the purpose of the FC REvamp was to give highlvls a new place to level. I have seen way too many of the new classes reach 80+ in the first day of the expansion coming out. IT took me over 6 months to reach lvl 80 and that was playing 5 to 6hrs a day. Now i'm playing 12 to 14hrs a day and lucky if i get maybe 30% a day in xp. Please do something to slow the lvling of the new classes. can we get a minimum lvl to enter FC similar to dragon temple?

    CSers would just go back to whoracing if they put a minimum lvl cap on FC. Plus charging ppl to bring in alts for heads exp is a good business for poor sinsb:thanks

    ....6hours a day for 6 months...lvl80...>.>....
  • Svarius - Heavens Tear
    Svarius - Heavens Tear Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    ....6hours a day for 6 months...lvl80...>.>....

    A throw-back to the Old World, when being 80 was "high level" and those odd weapons with the green glow were still mysterious and impressive.

    Anyway, much as I'd like to agree with the OP, Helbear is right - if not for hypers & Frost runs, we'd just be seeing stupidly long queues at the Oracle bosses instead. At least in Frost, they can powerlevel without disrupting someone else's play. (DQ-quest for Spider cutting in on Oracle time? God forbid!)
    Games come and go - cinema lasts a lifetime. (Except VHS - that only lasts 15 years)
  • ArchSaber - Sanctuary
    ArchSaber - Sanctuary Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    WIthout or without FCC. PQ AoE gets you to 56 in 1 hour. 80 in 8.
    AP classes are a real butt pounding...
  • Jenovadeath - Lost City
    Jenovadeath - Lost City Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    b:question I'm just curious have any of the Official GM's ever posted on the whole supposed lvling service. Doesn't paying another player even with in game coin still fall under the category of paying a 3rd party for it seeing as how gold can be bought with coin on this game. Just curious of someone like Franky or Kanto would respond on this and tell us if this is a legal way to lvl or not.b:scorn
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    b:question I'm just curious have any of the Official GM's ever posted on the whole supposed lvling service. Doesn't paying another player even with in game coin still fall under the category of paying a 3rd party for it seeing as how gold can be bought with coin on this game. Just curious of someone like Franky or Kanto would respond on this and tell us if this is a legal way to lvl or not.b:scorn

    Legal or not, unless you're breaking game files, the GMs won't bother banning over it. Since they ignore most of the other "illegal" activities that are listed as being a no-no.
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    b:question I'm just curious have any of the Official GM's ever posted on the whole supposed lvling service. Doesn't paying another player even with in game coin still fall under the category of paying a 3rd party for it seeing as how gold can be bought with coin on this game. Just curious of someone like Franky or Kanto would respond on this and tell us if this is a legal way to lvl or not.b:scorn

    how is that illegal? its not a 3rd party first of all... 2ndly paying another player for a powerlvl is no diffrent from paying another player for fruits/oracles/hypers. you pay them and they help you out. its not illegal in any way shape or form.

    most high lvls do the same thing with there own alts anywayb:surrender all MMOs have some form of Plvling. why should PW be any diffrent? ppl cry over the stupidest **** i swear.

    basides, if you dont have a high lvl alt then you are pretty much screwed if you try and buy a plvl. you will be severly behind in quests/gear/spirit/coin/etc etc. most ppl only get plvles if they have a high enough alt to support the gear/coin/spirit/rep that they will be lacking.
  • Jenovadeath - Lost City
    Jenovadeath - Lost City Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    how is that illegal? its not a 3rd party first of all... 2ndly paying another player for a powerlvl is no diffrent from paying another player for fruits/oracles/hypers. you pay them and they help you out. its not illegal in any way shape or form.

    most high lvls do the same thing with there own alts anywayb:surrender all MMOs have some form of Plvling. why should PW be any diffrent? ppl cry over the stupidest **** i swear.

    errr yea it is the player you'r paying for a lvling service is the 3rd party and buying tradeable goods for in game coin is different from paying a person to power lvl you as well.You'r argument is just as bad as all those that were saying multiclienting shouldn't be against th ToS. Oracles you have a lvl requirment to do you can't be in a party for them to be done as well.

    Even though most MMO's have power lvling services it doesn't make it not against the rules If this were the case why couldn't I sell accounts to other players for in game coin just saying.
  • Eden - Raging Tide
    Eden - Raging Tide Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    errr yea it is the player you'r paying for a lvling service is the 3rd party and buying tradeable goods for in game coin is different from paying a person to power lvl you as well.You'r argument is just as bad as all those that were saying multiclienting shouldn't be against th ToS. Oracles you have a lvl requirment to do you can't be in a party for them to be done as well.

    Even though most MMO's have power lvling services it doesn't make it not against the rules If this were the case why couldn't I sell accounts to other players for in game coin just saying.
    it explicitly states that accounts are pwi property and not to be sold or transfered whatsoever

    where does it say u cannot use in game coin to perform an in game service

    3rd party refers to things outside the game like real life money or other programs that modify the game client or how u play it

    power level its the same as someone paying u to buff them, or paying u not to kill them on pvp server, or paying u to take them on a fcc with ur squad, or pay u for taking them on a twilight temple run

    u guys really need to figure out what ur talking about

    technically it isnt as "difficult" or "lengthy" as before to power level via fcc but the issue is fairness which is subjective

    pwi doesnt care about the quality and continuity of their game, that much smacks u in the face

    those who power level via fcc get to experience endgame without anything to do

    yay boredom

    looks like power level fcc is really just a punishment after waving epeen around and spending ridiculous money
  • Jenovadeath - Lost City
    Jenovadeath - Lost City Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    b:laugh not trying to troll but I love how its all the lvl 1 alts that are arguing for it get on your main and post just saying.

    Paying someone to not kill you? pretty sure thats extortion and if you'r having problems being killed repitively to the point where its interupting your game play can be a form of harrasment as well.

    And so what if the account belongs to pwi so does frost and the drops and the exp in it someones paying for it its the same thing just a different commodity I'm not profiting off it outside of the game I recieve no real life cash for it.

    The fact remains though that there has never been an official statement on this though from anyone that knows about it.Quit worrying you'r pretty little head the GMs never do anything about ppl breaking the rules anyways as someone has already stated above so its not like you'r gonna be losing anything anyways.
  • Eden - Raging Tide
    Eden - Raging Tide Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    b:laugh not trying to troll but I love how its all the lvl 1 alts that are arguing for it get on your main and post just saying.

    Paying someone to not kill you? pretty sure thats extortion and if you'r having problems being killed repitively to the point where its interupting your game play can be a form of harrasment as well.

    And so what if the account belongs to pwi so does frost and the drops and the exp in it someones paying for it its the same thing just a different commodity I'm not profiting off it outside of the game I recieve no real life cash for it.

    The fact remains though that there has never been an official statement on this though from anyone that knows about it.Quit worrying you'r pretty little head the GMs never do anything about ppl breaking the rules anyways as someone has already stated above so its not like you'r gonna be losing anything anyways.
    bla bla lvl 1 alt boo hoo qqmcburgers like that make a difference in an argument

    u have a really bad time comprehending

    u just posting here to troll or pat urself on the back for a rant?

    in game coin transaction for in game things is not 3rd party by any means.. please stop repeating this as if its true

    3rd party = outside the game, 3rd party client, 3rd party involved in transactions for ex paying on ebay for an account or for in game digital items.. explicitly forbidden by the tos/eula or whatever it called, 3rd party to directly modify the game.. obviously NOT something made by perfect world and not sanctioned. derp, in game coins not allowed as a transaction? brilliant

    selling services for in game coins..... where is this illegal? give me something other than a stupid rant or troll pls
  • Jenovadeath - Lost City
    Jenovadeath - Lost City Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    bla bla lvl 1 alt boo hoo qqmcburgers like that make a difference in an argument

    u have a really bad time comprehending

    u just posting here to troll or pat urself on the back for a rant?

    in game coin transaction for in game things is not 3rd party by any means.. please stop repeating this as if its true

    3rd party = outside the game, 3rd party client, 3rd party involved in transactions for ex paying on ebay for an account or for in game digital items.. explicitly forbidden by the tos/eula or whatever it called, 3rd party to directly modify the game

    selling services for in game coins..... where is this illegal? give me something other than a stupid rant or troll pls

    lol you'r the trying to flamebait here in all honesty and like I said about selling accounts for in game coins its the same thing just a different commodity and you don't quite seem to understand the definition of 3rd party I think it doesn't mean its outside the game I'm being payed a service fee for creating lvling and gearing out a character to make a profit for my main character how is this any different from another character being payed to power lvl another character.

    As well to the fact that via the AH gold can be bought with that in game coin so it can be used to purchase the goods that can be bought with real life cash as well its no different than botting in my opionion you have an automated service you pay for and have to do nothing but be online only the person you'r paying to lvl you is the bot.
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    lol you'r the trying to flamebait here in all honesty and like I said about selling accounts for in game coins its the same thing just a different commodity and you don't quite seem to understand the definition of 3rd party I think it doesn't mean its outside the game I'm being payed a service fee for creating lvling and gearing out a character to make a profit for my main character how is this any different from another character being payed to power lvl another character.

    As well to the fact that via the AH gold can be bought with that in game coin so it can be used to purchase the goods that can be bought with real life cash as well its no different than botting in my opionion you have an automated service you pay for and have to do nothing but be online only the person you'r paying to lvl you is the bot.

    she is not trying to flaimbait. you really do not have any clue on what "3rd party" actually means.

    your not buying gold from a completly diffrent site. THAT is 3rd party. what you are doing with plvling is using INGAME COIN NOT GOLD to get a player that also plays THE SAME GAME to power lvl u. no rules are being broken and everything is happening legitly inside the game.

    he is basically HELPING you out. and you give him INGAME COIN as a reward. you act like the plvler is getting paid real life money to do this. 1mil is not even that hard to grind for on a high lvl alt/merchanting.

    and you killed me when you tried to compare this to botting. you are seriously trolling right now or just plain ignorant.
  • Svarius - Heavens Tear
    Svarius - Heavens Tear Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    she is not trying to flaimbait. you really do not have any clue on what "3rd party" actually means.

    It's the one you have after the hangover wears off, to finish up all the spare booze you had lying around from the first two.
    Games come and go - cinema lasts a lifetime. (Except VHS - that only lasts 15 years)
  • Eden - Raging Tide
    Eden - Raging Tide Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    lol you'r the trying to flamebait here in all honesty and like I said about selling accounts for in game coins its the same thing just a different commodity and you don't quite seem to understand the definition of 3rd party I think it doesn't mean its outside the game I'm being payed a service fee for creating lvling and gearing out a character to make a profit for my main character how is this any different from another character being payed to power lvl another character.

    As well to the fact that via the AH gold can be bought with that in game coin so it can be used to purchase the goods that can be bought with real life cash as well its no different than botting in my opionion you have an automated service you pay for and have to do nothing but be online only the person you'r paying to lvl you is the bot.
    its expressed to be forbidden straight from pwi that they own all in game content and do not allow selling or trading account s in any fashion, where is the statement in their tos eula or even on the forums that bringing a lvl 1 to fcc is illegal? if ur gonna compare something at least bring something to the table to make the comparison and not make urself look like a total buffoon instead

    third party definition in this game means "other than the original vendor" of software.. which means NOT pwi. coins in this game are made by pwi, not dollars. digital items in this game are made by pwi, not dollars. this is inherently not 3rd party to use coins for a service. this is why they specify that u cannot trade accounts, that u cannot sell accounts whether it be with real cash or with in game coin. since power leveling has existed for years and years now, im sure they r aware of the possibility and thats why u cannot provide me with any quote saying its illegal..

    ur problem obviously is with the ethics of them allowing ppl to power level, which is the argument u should stick to because u have no idea what ur talking about otherwise when u try and talk about technical stuff

    so i think ill move on now since ur obviously too slow to follow along on that part

    a truly useful system would include caps to prevent levels from going so fast

    u can get 50 levels instantly or more by a single fcc

    let me ask u guys a question.... what is the point of playing a game when u can skip 99%+ of the content from it? the only enjoyment i can find is maybe if u spend a lot of rl cash for endgame gear and out of boredom want to wave ur epeen around

    but doesnt even that get boring?

    i think the possibility of pwi introducing some sort of cap for fcc or cap of experience for level is somewhat high but im not sure because mobs with a question mark for lvl are lvl 150, and some ppl actually grind those type of mobs w/hyper to lvl.. since ppl are at minimum 45 levels below that mob a general level cap wont work which means they must specify the level..

    if u have followed along this far, u can see that this requires way more work than pwi is willing to put in the game

    if u look at their expansion they spent from the end of developing rising tide expansion to genesis expansion, and somebody tells me that most of the content was already existed, which means they had a lot of free time to make more content like lands, quests, and to rebalance some things.. but they didnt

    the only conclusion i can come to is that pwi dont give a **** about their game and are milking money until every silly person move to forsaken world thinking it not gonna be like pwi b:chuckle
  • Kaste - Sanctuary
    Kaste - Sanctuary Posts: 1,353 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    To be honest. I don't see the problem. 2 year+ players that played multiple chars up to 80, 90+ should be able to skip all that ****. I mean it is the same stuff over and over again. So power leveling is useful somehow, so we have more high level players farming instances, lowering the mat cost.
    Feel free to PM me for help.
    Mistress Myra forced me to use her sigpic ↑
    With PWI since Dec 21st '08
  • Eden - Raging Tide
    Eden - Raging Tide Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    To be honest. I don't see the problem. 2 year+ players that played multiple chars up to 80, 90+ should be able to skip all that ****. I mean it is the same stuff over and over again. So power leveling is useful somehow, so we have more high level players farming instances, lowering the mat cost.
    so once u've reached 100 yet again... then what? farm the same instances u already farmed on a half dozen other toons? charge zen on yet another toon for soon to be obsolete gear? at very least last expansion gave nirvana and they say they r "working on" new content but realistically nothing else is coming any time soon, and both earthguard classes are still incomplete even on the cn servers

    im still scratching my head
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    some ppl do not have the time to spend hours a day for months on end to get a char to 8x-9x+. thats why some ppl get plvls/hyper/etc. especially if you already have a high lvl alt like kaste said. your doing pretty much everything all over again if u try to get an alt to the same lvl. no reason to not make that ordeal a bit faster especially if you lack time.

    either way but idc how big your e-**** is in this game, id much rather spend a few hours getting to 8x rather then spending 5 hours a day grind sessions for 6 months +. thats just ****ing stupid especially if you already did it on ur main account.
  • Escorian - Dreamweaver
    Escorian - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    so once u've reached 100 yet again... then what? farm the same instances u already farmed on a half dozen other toons? charge zen on yet another toon for soon to be obsolete gear? at very least last expansion gave nirvana and they say they r "working on" new content but realistically nothing else is coming any time soon, and both earthguard classes are still incomplete even on the cn servers

    im still scratching my head

    well maybe because doing the same quest like 5 times over is boring all to hell.
    ty Nowitsawn

    Everything has its beginnings, but it doesn't start at one. It starts long before that... The world is born From zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes 2. 2 becomes 10. 10 becomes 100. taking it all back to one solves nothing. so long as zero remains... One.. Will eventually grow to 100 again.
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    so once u've reached 100 yet again... then what? farm the same instances u already farmed on a half dozen other toons? charge zen on yet another toon for soon to be obsolete gear? at very least last expansion gave nirvana and they say they r "working on" new content but realistically nothing else is coming any time soon, and both earthguard classes are still incomplete even on the cn servers

    im still scratching my head

    each class have there own strengths and weaknesses. most ppl get a char to lvl 100 because of the classes themselves and there own abilities in pvp, not to farm the same instance over and over again. atleast thas how i see it for myself. like obviously a psychics end game is alot different compared to a wizzards endgame. and its fun finding that out.

    same thing can be said about earthguard. ppl are getting them to lvl 100+ just to find out what there strengths and weaknesses are. its not to farm instances/etc all over again because you can do that on one account and on one character...
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Why should high levels have to redo lowbie quests on their alts?

    If it wasn't for FCC people could still power-level via Scarlet Fruit / hypered stone combining / Oracles. FCC just makes it cheap enough for average players to do it and not just the big CSers.
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  • Kaste - Sanctuary
    Kaste - Sanctuary Posts: 1,353 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    so once u've reached 100 yet again... then what? farm the same instances u already farmed on a half dozen other toons? charge zen on yet another toon for soon to be obsolete gear? at very least last expansion gave nirvana and they say they r "working on" new content but realistically nothing else is coming any time soon, and both earthguard classes are still incomplete even on the cn servers

    im still scratching my head

    No one forces you to powerlevel. And don't shout at me, as I never power leveled a character. In fact, I make videos to show the people how to level up quickly the normal way. But I'd rather have the option to choose, then being forced to kill monsters for hours and hours, and do BHs for hours and hours. There are 10 classes to play, and after 2 or 3 played normally, you just don't want to do that again. But still you want to experience the endgame PvP feeling of the class.
    Feel free to PM me for help.
    Mistress Myra forced me to use her sigpic ↑
    With PWI since Dec 21st '08
  • Eden - Raging Tide
    Eden - Raging Tide Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    No one forces you to powerlevel. And don't shout at me, as I never power leveled a character. In fact, I make videos to show the people how to level up quickly the normal way. But I'd rather have the option to choose, then being forced to kill monsters for hours and hours, and do BHs for hours and hours. There are 10 classes to play, and after 2 or 3 played normally, you just don't want to do that again. But still you want to experience the endgame PvP feeling of the class.
    shout? what? i didnt use capslock... are u just really sensitive to ppl who respond to u? that was actually a pretty harmless general rant not at the fact that ppl can level that quickly, but the fact that theres little to do once u get there which is why i wonder the point of why make a game where u skip 99% of the content that obviously spent the longest amt of time to develop.. thats the sign of a pretty bad game with a bizarrely horrendous replay value that i suppose i overlooked until now
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    .... which is why i wonder the point of why make a game where u skip 99% of the content that obviously spent the longest amt of time to develop.. thats the sign of a pretty bad game with a bizarrely horrendous replay value that i suppose i overlooked until now

    That content you skip is content that you've already done. The people I hear that are power leveling from a low level are almost exclusively people who already have a high level character.
    Refining Simulator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/refiningsimulator.html (don't use IE)
    Genie Calculator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/geniecalculator.html - (don't use IE)
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  • Kaste - Sanctuary
    Kaste - Sanctuary Posts: 1,353 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    That content you skip is content that you've already done. The people I hear that are power leveling from a low level are almost exclusively people who already have a high level character.

    ↑ This.
    Feel free to PM me for help.
    Mistress Myra forced me to use her sigpic ↑
    With PWI since Dec 21st '08
  • Myralis - Sanctuary
    Myralis - Sanctuary Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Well its your personal choice how you level.
    If you want to do frost to get up quick, well do it.
    Its not like putting a required level to enter FCC is needed. Would it make the people know their class better? Lol, good joke.

    I got no problem with people speeding up their leveling cause after you have gone through quest chains twice or more, its boring as hell.
    Besides that, theres so many other ways to hyper level, capping FCC wouldnt do anything.

    Only reason I can see for someone to not want others level as quick is jealousy b:surrender
    [ -- Wolves - Alpha | Hurt me, I'll bite back. Hurt my pack, I'll snap your neck. -- ]
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    That content you skip is content that you've already done. The people I hear that are power leveling from a low level are almost exclusively people who already have a high level character.

    That only applies to older players.

    Here's a scenario for you:
    A person, who has played the game to level 100 on multiple characters, invites over a friend of his. However, he realizes that his friend might quit the game if he has to play alone all the way to 100. He also realizes that making a new character and educating his friend from level 1 to level 100 would be a long, tedious quest. So what does he do? He proceeds to powerlevel his friend to 100, gives him some decent gear and introduces him to his in-game friends so that this undergeared, unexperienced newbie can actually get himself into Nirvanas and BHs.

    And believe me, that's going to happen with some people. Heck, it's already bad enough to see people wearing +3 Rank 8 stuff with Flawlesses in them, not to mention wearing TT90s or worse.

    Also, power leveling isn't exactly accessible to everyone. For example, you'll need some pretty damn good friends or a lot of in-game coin to get yourself some. And those pretty damn good friends also have to be able to survive FCC without killing the lowbie or themselves and do it fast, too. Now, maybe I'm just weird but I think that kinda sounds like... high aps to me. And yeah, you might argue that 4-5 aps is all over the place on 100+, but it's still a fact that there aren't many of those in any of the factions that weren't on the map pre-reset. Even if you do, doesn't mean you'll be able to arrange it. It all only works perfectly when you're already a part of the top branch of the community.

    Personally I cannot really complain much about powerleveling or skipping quests, considering that I don't think I
    ve done any quests past level 80 or so, ever. Mainly because they started being tedious on my archer and my Sin was leveled in FCC. Heck, this sin hasn't done that many quests since level 40.

    But yes, the whole argument about powerlevelers not knowing their characters is pretty much moot, since the people doing the FCCs most likely either have played other classes for a long time or have friends like that, which means they'll get the hang of things pretty soon unless they're dumber than average. As for oraclers, everyone knows that oracles are an extremely inefficient way of leveling in terms of time and money, so most people wouldn't do that anymore.

    I can see that a lot of people would complain about people getting level 100 Earthguards in a week, but not for the usual reasons. I'd say that the complaints would stem from the fact that getting that done takes a dedicated squad of people. And really, most people don't have the luxury of getting speedy FCCs whenever they need them, so leveling takes time. And watching others start from 1 and pass you in a week just because they have better friends with more time and willingness to help can be an irritating experience.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    That only applies to older players.

    Here's a scenario for you:
    A person, who has played the game to level 100 on multiple characters, invites over a friend of his. However, he realizes that his friend might quit the game if he has to play alone all the way to 100. He also realizes that making a new character and educating his friend from level 1 to level 100 would be a long, tedious quest. So what does he do? He proceeds to powerlevel his friend to 100, gives him some decent gear and introduces him to his in-game friends so that this undergeared, unexperienced newbie can actually get himself into Nirvanas and BHs.

    And believe me, that's going to happen with some people. Heck, it's already bad enough to see people wearing +3 Rank 8 stuff with Flawlesses in them, not to mention wearing TT90s or worse.

    Also, power leveling isn't exactly accessible to everyone. For example, you'll need some pretty damn good friends or a lot of in-game coin to get yourself some. And those pretty damn good friends also have to be able to survive FCC without killing the lowbie or themselves and do it fast, too. Now, maybe I'm just weird but I think that kinda sounds like... high aps to me. And yeah, you might argue that 4-5 aps is all over the place on 100+, but it's still a fact that there aren't many of those in any of the factions that weren't on the map pre-reset. Even if you do, doesn't mean you'll be able to arrange it. It all only works perfectly when you're already a part of the top branch of the community.

    Personally I cannot really complain much about powerleveling or skipping quests, considering that I don't think I
    ve done any quests past level 80 or so, ever. Mainly because they started being tedious on my archer and my Sin was leveled in FCC. Heck, this sin hasn't done that many quests since level 40.

    But yes, the whole argument about powerlevelers not knowing their characters is pretty much moot, since the people doing the FCCs most likely either have played other classes for a long time or have friends like that, which means they'll get the hang of things pretty soon unless they're dumber than average. As for oraclers, everyone knows that oracles are an extremely inefficient way of leveling in terms of time and money, so most people wouldn't do that anymore.

    Your first example of a high level helping his friend get into the game sounds like something PWI wants to encourage because it brings in more people.

    Also hypering a low level alt in FCC is cheap and accessible for anyone with friends. You don't need epic gear to complete FCC. Level 8x and even 7x squads complete a full FCC all the time. Have your friends leave a spot in their squad for your low level character and you'll hit 7x in just a few runs with very little cost.
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  • Kinjeto - Raging Tide
    Kinjeto - Raging Tide Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    When we used to play on the Malaysian version of Perfect World back in 2008 it used to take 4 weeks of straight AOE partying (this is when we only had 6 races) to get to 100 doing (it might of even taken longer maybe 2 months). I think my angle in writing this is why should I have to spend another 5000 USD just getting up to level 100, when I can get up to 102 for half that price, which on rough estimate is only about 800 USD or less.

    Why should I have to spend more time back how we used to ages ago just hoping to get level 102. I got 102 in 6 months here. August 2010~February 2010 (before the update). BANG! 102.

    On here I redid every quest and got to 102 in 6 months. I didn't pay ANYONE to do my stuff I did by myself. Yeah so what I'm a cash shopper. But my point is why SHOULD I redo all the same bull **** I did in the other stupider version of Perfect World that was crumbling at the seams, that was run by a shoddy company. I should be able to level anyway I want. Oracles, FC, Daily quests or whatever.

    There is already a level restriction on FCC it is 75. So what if you can get in there and offer in-game coin to level other people. If you have a HIGHER LEVEL Character that CAN DO IT then more power to ya. The point is that some people who have higher level characters HAVE invested 1,000; 2,000 or 3,000 USD into the game and it is paying for YOUR expansion.

    "OMG I just saw Seekers and Mystics level 90." - Take that time go to TT farm some mats sell them and get coin then USE that coin to level your alt. If you have a higher level whatever (old gum boot) I say more power to THEM and while you're at it. One could also invest more time actually playing and less time on the forum writing.
    Time won't wake/make you wiser, but it will definitely wound you.
    b i t . l y /
    I was a man of ideas and action, but at the same time a gentleman. -- S a Z T u R
    Subtly is never my strong point, but I like to find the gaps in walls and the cracks in bricks.
    Are you kind of seeing what I'm saying. b:bye
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    let me ask u guys a question.... what is the point of playing a game when u can skip 99%+ of the content from it? the only enjoyment i can find is maybe if u spend a lot of rl cash for endgame gear and out of boredom want to wave ur epeen around

    but doesnt even that get boring?
    Honestly, how does this even affect you, or anyone other than the person being power leveled? If they get bored at endgame after rushing to high level so quickly, that's their problem, not yours or anyone else. Especially if these people already have high leveled characters, it doesn't change in any way the fact that they're able to do high level instances. All it does is give them a new class to do it on.

    And really, let's not pretend like video games are rocket science. People who want to play their class well will learn to play it well. People who don't can take over a year to hit 100 and still be completely horrible.