Brutal Honesty

_Kazamir_ - Archosaur
_Kazamir_ - Archosaur Posts: 131 Arc User
edited February 2011 in Etherblade (West)
as i sit here, naked in my chair at 5:30 in the morning because i cant sleep and proski put the idea in my head, i find im prolly not gunna sleep till i get this down in a nice lengthy post about how ***** disgusted i am with this server.

This server...started with a that allowed many from the other burned out servers to start anew, for them to shine once more. This server showed much promise in its early PK battles, constant trolling, Roloson, and the biggest of all, the PROMISE of a good TW, a long TW where the factions on both sides would rather kill each other than hold hands and sing of honor, respect, and integrity.

While this lasted, id like to say i had a hella fun time here. Met some great people. Had a few laughs. I got all of Narla to show up to Proski's PK Phestival (the p purely for alliteration purposes) at sandsong, i was there when it took 3 people working in VERY organized teamwork to take down ULMOS, i was there to see Narla become all it could be in the defeat of Impulse. Back in the day where it was clear whose side who was on.

But alas...all good things must come to an end. Impulse disbanded. Narla became complacent with no competition. 3 MONTHS of pure boredom resulted.

Thanks to the efforts of Proski and his thrown together Elusive...this server saw a glimpse of fun again. I see that now, and had circumstances been different, i would have followed him all the way. Narla fell, Elusive disbanded...seemed to be a server reset yes?

Sadly while the beast of Narla had been banished...the Carebear attitude that followed it around like a lost puppy remained. Apperently...somewhere along the line...War became a social gathering. War became something not worth going to. War became...well what you see today.

Maybe its just the way i was brought Texans are known for being blunt...but i was taught it was wrong to shake a mans hand with one hand but hold a knife behind your back in the other. If your going to attack someone, you punch them in the mouth, tell them to get their *** back up then punch them harder. You dont make deals with the enemy. You dont make these so called 'alliances' as _BroMango likes to put it. If you want a fight then go get a fight. If you want land then go take land...dont leave the little factions around because you "have an agreement with them". Real factions dont make deals so they dont get ganked. Real factions take that 6 war weekend with a smile not a OMG NOOOOOO. Real factions dont do that. Real factions say "WE are the best, come prove us wrong".

Rion, im sorry to say, but Immunity should have been off the map quite a few times. You were spared by _Apple and Rob. you should be thankful that you got those mirages from ur 3 lands for as many months as you never did anything to get out of that have no one to blame but urself. as for now...dont try to tell me that your "refined community" is a real factor. If you wanted to be a factor you would have put up a fight against Rescind. And dont tell me you couldnt...from what ive heard, you have 150-170 in that faction. unless Math changed since i last looked, have more than enough to mount a defense, even if you lose. Next, dont sit here and try to tell me that you thought you ACTUALLY had a chance against a tier 1 offense...i mean...come on, you couldnt put up a 2 hour in a 4v4 cata, and dont tell me you could...i know who you have, i know who Nem has. If you were out for fun you would have fought a straight fight with Rescind, dont try to bs the server.

I shall now take a moment to laugh at PHOENIX...

..kay done...waste of breath...

Mexy...ur a factor...ur faction isnt...if you want to TW and REALLY have fun go somewhere with a future, k?

Basically what im saying to everyone is: Please, for the good of the server and your own god damn entertainment, aspire to be the BEST. dont settle for average, mediocrity, oh-that-good-enough bull****. if you want a server thats not boring we have to have war. and we only get good war when there are 2 sides and they want the other gone. Mango get some balls and BE that dominating faction, dont sit behind ur Respect, Honor one buys it at this point, and just go take what you think is yours. Rion get some ambition to be the BEST and not just a quote on quote "family faction". Families are nice but they dont win a map.

thats all i got for now. all i can hope is some of the people get some understanding of what needs to happen.

peace out. b:bye
Post edited by _Kazamir_ - Archosaur on


  • BloodIetter - Archosaur
    BloodIetter - Archosaur Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    all cool and all but I can never see fun TWs for a long while. Its not the equality, its not the major faction taking over all, its because there is serious flaming hate on this server.

    TWs dont end up being like immunity vs Nemy where you laugh it up and have a blast. It ends up being pure burning hate and pure rage wanting nothing but the murder the other side and crush them to the ground just to make them disband, THAT is why you will never get your wish. Oh and lastly its because theres no loyal ****ing factors 95% of the factors change factions once a week I could name about 15 of them now.

    Fix that, then you will have your fun. Dont beleive me look at the 2 threads about rescind raging about Immunity no showed them.

    And yes before you say it I know I am to blame for some of the hate .. its who I am you either like me or hate me I rarly see anything in between.
  • AgentPotato - Archosaur
    AgentPotato - Archosaur Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited February 2011

    This has to stop. The complaining, the moaning. It all has to stop. What I had to say will only make more of it. It just has to stop. This is a game, please stop turning it into something else.

    I dont think anyone wants a server with no competition. I for one welcome rivalry, but when it turns into raging, trolling, personal insults, etc, is when its just too much. This is what has been happening while you have been gone, and is still happening, and this is what has to stop.
  • BloodIetter - Archosaur
    BloodIetter - Archosaur Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    mmm +1 Agent <3
  • MrSho - Archosaur
    MrSho - Archosaur Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Mexy...ur a factor...ur faction isnt...if you want to TW and REALLY have fun go somewhere with a future, k?

    Don't get me wrong, but shouldn't he know whats fun for him? Just cause some things can be fun for you, doesn't mean it can be fun for others too ijs :P maybe he wanted TW's that didn't end up with insults in WC or forums or whatever, I don't know, and I don't care.. you shouldn't to, it's his business what he does, not yours.
  • MisaxXxMisa - Archosaur
    MisaxXxMisa - Archosaur Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    WTB a tw like activity that's actually be done everyday...3 days of tw is just not enough...1 day per week of pk tourney is just not enough....i want both of those to be everyday...

    if the problem for everyday tw is the reward:
    1. Make rewards only for friday saturday sunday
    2. No rewards on the rest of those days

    if the problem for pvp tourney is the exp and warsoul reward:
    1. Like the tw, make the warsoul reward for thursday only
    2. Limit the exp reward on the rest of the days w/ no warsoul reward
    3. More warsoul tags ftw for skills :)

    I know its not ON topic but this server IS clearly boring...make more activities plox.....
  • Anthemyra - Archosaur
    Anthemyra - Archosaur Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    well .. i agree that the server is a bit "quiet" lately, prob every1 waits for the new expansion to come out and in the meantime play something else XD ... we do need more fun in here ... and only tw is not enough ... but if we wait for GM's to do something about it ... it might take some time ... they need to analize the sugestion ... make tests ... get aprovel etc ... is complicated and it takes long time to be implemented ... so ... if we "really" want more pvp on this pve server it all depends on us ...

    i believe the first step it will be to promote it, ofc there are many exp. players out there that you are bored to one shot or be on shoted by them :P and they allways jump when a new pvp event is comming out ... but if you want "fresh blood" ... in our case you need to "grow" it XD ... there are players in this server (yes they still are) that they have no idea what pvp means (ofc they will not admit it) and for wich beeing killed by other player means "the end" ... so bring out your diplomacy and try to make those come out of the hideing place. ... bdw ... enfortunaly this is a team work b:sad

    p.s. i'm in for w/e with both veno and baby cleric (both can be one shoted so pls bring a cleric to rezz me .. go to town is not fun b:surrender) XD
  • Kehrendorh - Archosaur
    Kehrendorh - Archosaur Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited February 2011

    ok. b:embarrass
  • Kattanyia - Archosaur
    Kattanyia - Archosaur Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    as i sit here, naked in my chair at 5:30 in the morning because i cant sleep and proski put the idea in my head, i find im prolly not gunna sleep till i get this down in a nice lengthy post about how ***** disgusted i am with this server.

    This server...started with a that allowed many from the other burned out servers to start anew, for them to shine once more. This server showed much promise in its early PK battles, constant trolling, Roloson, and the biggest of all, the PROMISE of a good TW, a long TW where the factions on both sides would rather kill each other than hold hands and sing of honor, respect, and integrity.

    While this lasted, id like to say i had a hella fun time here. Met some great people. Had a few laughs. I got all of Narla to show up to Proski's PK Phestival (the p purely for alliteration purposes) at sandsong, i was there when it took 3 people working in VERY organized teamwork to take down ULMOS, i was there to see Narla become all it could be in the defeat of Impulse. Back in the day where it was clear whose side who was on.

    But alas...all good things must come to an end. Impulse disbanded. Narla became complacent with no competition. 3 MONTHS of pure boredom resulted.

    Thanks to the efforts of Proski and his thrown together Elusive...this server saw a glimpse of fun again. I see that now, and had circumstances been different, i would have followed him all the way. Narla fell, Elusive disbanded...seemed to be a server reset yes?

    Sadly while the beast of Narla had been banished...the Carebear attitude that followed it around like a lost puppy remained. Apperently...somewhere along the line...War became a social gathering. War became something not worth going to. War became...well what you see today.

    Maybe its just the way i was brought Texans are known for being blunt...but i was taught it was wrong to shake a mans hand with one hand but hold a knife behind your back in the other. If your going to attack someone, you punch them in the mouth, tell them to get their *** back up then punch them harder. You dont make deals with the enemy. You dont make these so called 'alliances' as _BroMango likes to put it. If you want a fight then go get a fight. If you want land then go take land...dont leave the little factions around because you "have an agreement with them". Real factions dont make deals so they dont get ganked. Real factions take that 6 war weekend with a smile not a OMG NOOOOOO. Real factions dont do that. Real factions say "WE are the best, come prove us wrong".

    Rion, im sorry to say, but Immunity should have been off the map quite a few times. You were spared by _Apple and Rob. you should be thankful that you got those mirages from ur 3 lands for as many months as you never did anything to get out of that have no one to blame but urself. as for now...dont try to tell me that your "refined community" is a real factor. If you wanted to be a factor you would have put up a fight against Rescind. And dont tell me you couldnt...from what ive heard, you have 150-170 in that faction. unless Math changed since i last looked, have more than enough to mount a defense, even if you lose. Next, dont sit here and try to tell me that you thought you ACTUALLY had a chance against a tier 1 offense...i mean...come on, you couldnt put up a 2 hour in a 4v4 cata, and dont tell me you could...i know who you have, i know who Nem has. If you were out for fun you would have fought a straight fight with Rescind, dont try to bs the server.

    I shall now take a moment to laugh at PHOENIX...

    ..kay done...waste of breath...

    Mexy...ur a factor...ur faction isnt...if you want to TW and REALLY have fun go somewhere with a future, k?

    Basically what im saying to everyone is: Please, for the good of the server and your own god damn entertainment, aspire to be the BEST. dont settle for average, mediocrity, oh-that-good-enough bull****. if you want a server thats not boring we have to have war. and we only get good war when there are 2 sides and they want the other gone. Mango get some balls and BE that dominating faction, dont sit behind ur Respect, Honor one buys it at this point, and just go take what you think is yours. Rion get some ambition to be the BEST and not just a quote on quote "family faction". Families are nice but they dont win a map.

    thats all i got for now. all i can hope is some of the people get some understanding of what needs to happen.

    peace out. b:bye

    Originally Posted by KaiserNeko - Archosaur
    think about every faction besides narla vs impulse on this server that were the top factions.

    all of them had hateful TW's thats why this server always fails. there wont be any good TW's except hateful ones and hateful ones will always end the factions involved.

    its true and its honest :/ that is what u have to do to get a good TW the way this server is.

    Quoted from Kazamir:
    a truer statement has never been one really has fun when ur just out there messin around with friends or what not.

    the real fun comes from a true enemy...a hated adversary that you will do anything to makes you try that much harder and makes it that much better when you win and that much worse when you lose. THAT is what makes TW fun and THAT is what this server lacks.

    So basically, the way you both see it...whatever factions have top rivalries on the server should HATE each other and in so doing you are going to need to give up all your friends if they are in that rival faction also, because seriously, if your going to flame, troll, generate hateful personal attacks, etc...against your rival faction you can't seriously continue to also be friends with them. Your goal is to be pure enemies to generate FUN! Mhmm..yep, that sounds fun to me. So, if Rescind and Nem ever become rivals I can not call anyone there a friend again? I'm sorry but that is just shallow and sad in my opinion. Good to know your willing to give up your friends for the sake of good TW though so I won't be all of a sudden shocked when all the hate, personal attacks, name calling, flaming, etc...starts pouring in against me and any other "friends" in our faction from "friends" in your faction. Wow, this is making me really want good, fun TW's with Rescind. Can't wait <.<
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    So basically, the way you both see it...whatever factions have top rivalries on the server should HATE each other and in so doing you are going to need to give up all your friends if they are in that rival faction also, because seriously, if your going to flame, troll, generate hateful personal attacks, etc...against your rival faction you can't seriously continue to also be friends with them. Your goal is to be pure enemies to generate FUN! Mhmm..yep, that sounds fun to me. So, if Rescind and Nem ever become rivals I can not call anyone there a friend again? I'm sorry but that is just shallow and sad in my opinion. Good to know your willing to give up your friends for the sake of good TW though so I won't be all of a sudden shocked when all the hate, personal attacks, name calling, flaming, etc...starts pouring in against me and any other "friends" in our faction from "friends" in your faction. Wow, this is making me really want good, fun TW's with Rescind. Can't wait <.<

    Kitty has never kicked anybody out of squad do their faction, kitty hasnt declined joining squad due faction of the squad members and kitty has never stopped talking to friends just cause they are in different faction. Rivalry and hating are different things, yet the whole flower world aint rivalry.

    The only faction, that I know of, that has not squaded with somebody cause of faction to this day is Nemesis. It was Narla that kicked Impulse members out of FC squads, not the other way around. And more often that not, it`s been Narla/Nemesis members cutting the connections than the other way around. To me, it`s not you who should be worried of rivalry but your friends, stricly forgetting the invidual personalities.

    Ps. For readers convience, Narla = Nemesis, and being honest, that statement isn`t too far from the truth.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Ah, everything old is new again.

    The people that hurl personal insults, abhor personal insults.

    The people that want to take over the map, now want friendly TW.

    A faction full of people that wanted only fun TW, rage against TW factions that were trying to have a fun TW.

    People rage against faction hopping "factors", many of whom didn't hop factions soon enough to save the server the first time around.

    People, look, with TW pay coming back, and guild bases, etc. - its just a FACT: TW will be boring. It will be dominated by only one faction. That one faction will be the one with the most rank 9s in it assuming they can field a full squad of 80 players total. The most rank 9s will go to the faction with the best TW pay (first) and the most active members (second). Even masters such as Proski and I won't be able to crack that strangle hold. If TW pay were around, does anyone REALLY believe Narla would have been so easily broken apart? Nah, not a chance.

    And for all the memories of Narla vs Impulse TWs, am I the only one that remembers? There weren't that many of them. b:surrender. The build up lasted WAY longer than the actual fight.

    The only thing that will change TW and make for genuine, long-lasting competition in TW is a willingness on the part of the players of the server to do what it takes to make it so.

    That willingness has never been here.

    Not when it was Narla vs. Impulse.

    Not when it was Narla vs. Elusive.

    LEAST of all when it was Nemesis vs. ELU/Zulusive.

    And not in the foreseeable future.

    Why do you think I'm finding my fun running around the server getting my kicks "debuffing" people by overwriting their lvl 10 cleric buffs with my lvl 4 ones?

    Because that is all that's left -- get your chits and giggles where you can, while you can, until you can no longer.

    Just because its so,

    -BLOODMYSTIC, scientifically proven 99 44/100% right 100% of the time.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Kattanyia - Archosaur
    Kattanyia - Archosaur Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Rivalry and hating are different things, yet the whole flower world aint rivalry.

    They did not say rivalry, the words they used are hated enemy, hate, hate, hate.

    All you can ever do is try to drudge up past butthurt bs you think you got from Narla that had nothing to do with my post at all. Seriously, your an idiot that frankly everyone but your own friends and probably some of them too are sick of even hearing from. How's that for fun rivalry? Am I getting it right Kaz?
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    How's that for fun rivalry? Am I getting it right Kaz?

    No Kat. Meet me near south banker for lessons.

    Don't wear any panties.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • _Spot_ - Lost City
    _Spot_ - Lost City Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    WTB a tw like activity that's actually be done everyday...3 days of tw is just not enough...1 day per week of pk tourney is just not enough....i want both of those to be everyday...

    if the problem for everyday tw is the reward:
    1. Make rewards only for friday saturday sunday
    2. No rewards on the rest of those days

    if the problem for pvp tourney is the exp and warsoul reward:
    1. Like the tw, make the warsoul reward for thursday only
    2. Limit the exp reward on the rest of the days w/ no warsoul reward
    3. More warsoul tags ftw for skills :)

    I know its not ON topic but this server IS clearly boring...make more activities plox.....

    there you go boredom is over
  • Martin - Harshlands
    Martin - Harshlands Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Ah, everything old is new again.

    The people that hurl personal insults, abhor personal insults.

    The people that want to take over the map, now want friendly TW.

    A faction full of people that wanted only fun TW, rage against TW factions that were trying to have a fun TW.

    People rage against faction hopping "factors", many of whom didn't hop factions soon enough to save the server the first time around.

    People, look, with TW pay coming back, and guild bases, etc. - its just a FACT: TW will be boring. It will be dominated by only one faction. That one faction will be the one with the most rank 9s in it assuming they can field a full squad of 80 players total. The most rank 9s will go to the faction with the best TW pay (first) and the most active members (second).

    For all the memories of Narla vs Impulse TWs, am I the only one that remembers? There weren't that many of them. b:surrender

    The only thing that will change TW and make for genuine, long-lasting competition in TW is a willingness on the part of the players of the server to do what it takes to make it so.

    That willingness has never been here.

    Not when it was Narla vs. Impulse.

    Not when it was Narla vs. Elusive.

    LEAST of all when it was Nemesis vs. ELU/Zulusive.

    And not in the foreseeable future.

    Why do you think I'm finding my fun running around the server getting my kicks "debuffing" people by overwriting their lvl 10 cleric buffs with my lvl 4 ones?

    Because that is all that's left -- get your chits and giggles where you can, while you can, until you can no longer.

    Just because its so,

    -BLOODMYSTIC, scientifically proven 99 44/100% right 100% of the time.

    Honestly blood where do you live, we need to drink together sometimes. Don't care how old you are, comments like these deserve a toast.

    Kaz, next time instead of posting that naked. Open a bottle of jack, turn on you web cam for me, and call it a man date k?
    PvE = F2P PvP = P2P
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Honestly blood where do you live, we need to drink together sometimes. Don't care how old you are, comments like these deserve a toast.

    Kaz, next time instead of posting that naked. Open a bottle of jack, turn on you web cam for me, and call it a man date k?

    You want to drink with me . . . .

    and Kaz naked on webcam?

    Ok, but pants are a requirement.

    And everyone knows I live in Da'burg, it ain't that far . . . .
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Martin - Harshlands
    Martin - Harshlands Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    You want to drink with me . . . .

    and Kaz naked on webcam?

    Ok, but pants are a requirement.

    And everyone knows I live in Da'burg, it ain't that far . . . .

    Plenty of burg's out there, especially in my state. WTB weather for shorts...

    On a serious note about this thread, you can't haz tw but you can haz better gear then rank 9.

    I am curious as to what will happen when better gear is released, like is it going to turn into a whoever gets the shot first? I mean what tops a gear set with 60att lvl and amazing refines? +100att with g17 refines? More damg and slightly more hp?

    PWI join our amazing pvp and tw, O and btw it's in sudden death mode now. b:victory
    PvE = F2P PvP = P2P
  • AgentPotato - Archosaur
    AgentPotato - Archosaur Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Rivalry and hating are different things, yet the whole flower world aint rivalry.

    They did not say rivalry, the words they used are hated enemy, hate, hate, hate.

    All you can ever do is try to drudge up past butthurt bs you think you got from Narla that had nothing to do with my post at all. Seriously, your an idiot that frankly everyone but your own friends and probably some of them too are sick of even hearing from. How's that for fun rivalry? Am I getting it right Kaz?

    Next thing they'll tell you to do, Kat, is chill, cool down, 'its just a game', etc etc. You can never do it right. Either they tell you to take a chill pill, or they tell you you're being too complacent. Its impossible to do the right thing unless you become exactly like them in your game play. This is why we need give and take, this... this... criticism and narrow mindedness that comes from both sides is what turns healthy competition and rivalry into hating and condescension. We bring it upon ourselves and blame it on everyone else.

    This drama, this unwillingness to let go of the past, this blowing out of proportion of one person's comments (seriously, some of you just cant stop mocking, or let go of 'refined communities'). I dont even know where that came from, but its so blown out of proportion that its barely even recognizable anymore. I guess its supposed to be funny, but its really only funny to a select few people, to everyone else it reeks of butthurt bitterness.
  • AgentPotato - Archosaur
    AgentPotato - Archosaur Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    PWI join our amazing pvp and tw, O and btw it's in sudden death mode now. b:victory

    lmao, so true b:laugh
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Plenty of burg's out there, especially in my state.

    I didn't say "a burg", I said "Da'Burg"

    Ok, here's some more hints: It ain't . . . .


    Yes, all cities in Martin's state.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • AgentPotato - Archosaur
    AgentPotato - Archosaur Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I didn't say "a burg", I said "Da'Burg"

    Ok, here's some more hints: It ain't . . . .


    Yes, all cities in Martin's state.

    Lewisburg b:dirty

    Oh, and technically most of those are boroughs, not cities.
  • Kehrendorh - Archosaur
    Kehrendorh - Archosaur Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    This drama, this unwillingness to let go of the past, this blowing out of proportion of one person's comments (seriously, some of you just cant stop mocking, or let go of 'refined communities'). I dont even know where that came from, but its so blown out of proportion that its barely even recognizable anymore. I guess its supposed to be funny, but its really only funny to a select few people, to everyone else it reeks of butthurt bitterness.


    Amen for blunt honesty from one of the people who has a grip on reality.
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Lewisburg b:dirty

    Oh, and technically most of those are boroughs, not cities.

    oh, go burrow a you know what in your you know where
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I think everybody's got it all a bit wrong...

    @ Kaz: I remember when Elusive was first made. You hated it. I was on your friends list and after Elusive happened, you disliked me, and began ignoring me, killing me on sight, where before, we could hang out at west and talk while both of us were white named. You, later on, apologized for acting that way. You said the rivalry got to your head.
    Rivalry isn't about hatred, but I do agree that it's not about being as friendly as possible, making deals, planning out when to attack eachother, and holding eachother's hands.

    @ Kat: Hateful TWs... Hateful rivalry... it's part of the game, Kat. You need to realize that complaining about it only fuels the opposition. Impulse vs Narla hateful? Please, it was only 1 or 2 good TWs you guys had. The rest of the "rivalry" was just staring at eachother, turning away, owning lower lvl factions, and then making a big deal out of one big TW every month or so.

    @ Agent: No, she's not getting it wrong. If that's how she feels, and wants to express it, by all means. The fact that others will tell her to chill down, or trash talk back, it's simply part of it all. If she doesn't want them to trash her back, she shouldn't say it. She's a big girl, she should know that.
    People find fun in different things. I enjoy many things in this game, but when it gets to the point that I'm bored out of my mind, my favorite thing to do is troll people. Trash talking is fun to me. If it's not fun to some, they shouldn't get involved and stop telling the trash talkers to "get a life" as I've been told many times. We're all in a game, how could you possibly tell somebody to get a life? Because you do something more "productive" in a game? In the end, when it comes to our real life, it means nothing how we spend our time in the game. It is all pointless.

    Hatred was never Elusive's game. Sure, there are individuals who did hate the opponents. But that wasn't from one side, it was from both. Kaz was one example, and there were more. I never tried pushing away any of my friends from Narla because of it.

    Proski and I joined Narla vent a few times during the first Elusive. We tried speaking to Mango in a friendly manner, but Mango would have none of it. He spoke to us with such an arrogant tone and kept treating us as if we were mere children asking for a dollar or two for an ice cream. That attitude he gave us, is what eventually fueled the trolling against him, and Narla always jumped in to defend.

    The trashing first began when he initiated it at west gate during the first few PK wars. It was 7 Elusives vs 20 Narlas. As we build chi and buffed in sz, he kept trashing us, telling us how terrible we were for losing an uphill battle. Of course we were going to retaliate, that's how we are. We love competition. That's why Elusive was made in the first place.
    That was the very first trashing that ever happened between elusive and narla.

    After Narla disbanded, we trolled them. It was our glory moment, and we were savoring it. The same way that after that failed three way gank, Narla kept making their snotty remarks on world chat. So much glory, you took down two factions in under 20 minutes, and one in 40. I remember all the hate-filled PMs from Narla that day. Telling me how badly Elusive failed. In fact, I remember a lot of occasions. I remember the day I got my rank 8... lol. So much hatred, and nobody on that list of people that hate-PMd me was not in Narla.

    Anyway, a lot of this stuff was never stuff that we didn't get past. We understood it was part of the rivalry and the trolling. We take this game as... well.. a game. After Narla went to Nemesis, we disbanded for many reasons. A lot, I'd say 95% of our members, disliked Mango. However, we still convinced our faction to go to Nemesis to help them grow. That's something that Nemesis/Narla always forgets. We never "hated" the opposition, we welcomed it, because that's what Elusive was made for. Once it was over, we let it go. We HELPED them get back on their feet.

    It's this simple: If you don't like the trolling, the trashing; don't participate in it.
  • AgentPotato - Archosaur
    AgentPotato - Archosaur Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I think everybody's got it all a bit wrong...

    @ Kaz: I remember when Elusive was first made. You hated it. I was on your friends list and after Elusive happened, you disliked me, and began ignoring me, killing me on sight, where before, we could hang out at west and talk while both of us were white named. You, later on, apologized for acting that way. You said the rivalry got to your head.
    Rivalry isn't about hatred, but I do agree that it's not about being as friendly as possible, making deals, planning out when to attack eachother, and holding eachother's hands.

    @ Kat: Hateful TWs... Hateful rivalry... it's part of the game, Kat. You need to realize that complaining about it only fuels the opposition. Impulse vs Narla hateful? Please, it was only 1 or 2 good TWs you guys had. The rest of the "rivalry" was just staring at eachother, turning away, owning lower lvl factions, and then making a big deal out of one big TW every month or so.

    @ Agent: No, she's not getting it wrong. If that's how she feels, and wants to express it, by all means. The fact that others will tell her to chill down, or trash talk back, it's simply part of it all. If she doesn't want them to trash her back, she shouldn't say it. She's a big girl, she should know that.
    People find fun in different things. I enjoy many things in this game, but when it gets to the point that I'm bored out of my mind, my favorite thing to do is troll people. Trash talking is fun to me. If it's not fun to some, they shouldn't get involved and stop telling the trash talkers to "get a life" as I've been told many times. We're all in a game, how could you possibly tell somebody to get a life? Because you do something more "productive" in a game? In the end, when it comes to our real life, it means nothing how we spend our time in the game. It is all pointless.

    Hatred was never Elusive's game. Sure, there are individuals who did hate the opponents. But that wasn't from one side, it was from both. Kaz was one example, and there were more. I never tried pushing away any of my friends from Narla because of it.

    Proski and I joined Narla vent a few times during the first Elusive. We tried speaking to Mango in a friendly manner, but Mango would have none of it. He spoke to us with such an arrogant tone and kept treating us as if we were mere children asking for a dollar or two for an ice cream. That attitude he gave us, is what eventually fueled the trolling against him, and Narla always jumped in to defend.

    The trashing first began when he initiated it at west gate during the first few PK wars. It was 7 Elusives vs 20 Narlas. As we build chi and buffed in sz, he kept trashing us, telling us how terrible we were for losing an uphill battle. Of course we were going to retaliate, that's how we are. We love competition. That's why Elusive was made in the first place.
    That was the very first trashing that ever happened between elusive and narla.

    After Narla disbanded, we trolled them. It was our glory moment, and we were savoring it. The same way that after that failed three way gank, Narla kept making their snotty remarks on world chat. So much glory, you took down two factions in under 20 minutes, and one in 40. I remember all the hate-filled PMs from Narla that day. Telling me how badly Elusive failed. In fact, I remember a lot of occasions. I remember the day I got my rank 8... lol. So much hatred, and nobody on that list of people that hate-PMd me was not in Narla.

    Anyway, a lot of this stuff was never stuff that we didn't get past. We understood it was part of the rivalry and the trolling. We take this game as... well.. a game. After Narla went to Nemesis, we disbanded for many reasons. A lot, I'd say 95% of our members, disliked Mango. However, we still convinced our faction to go to Nemesis to help them grow. That's something that Nemesis/Narla always forgets. We never "hated" the opposition, we welcomed it, because that's what Elusive was made for. Once it was over, we let it go. We HELPED them get back on their feet.

    It's this simple: If you don't like the trolling, the trashing; don't participate in it.

    You troll people, then tell them if they dont like it, dont join it? You give them no choice. If you troll people, they will be affected no matter what. I'm sorry, but I begin to feel anger when people claim to find pleasure in taunting/trolling and trash talking people. Call me a carebear, or whatever the hell you want to call me, but to me that is the epitome of rudeness and it disgusts me. And no I'm not an angelic being who has never taunted or trashtalked, but I never do it without having been in some way taunted or belittled by another person first, and I get over it, I don't continue to do it to that person over and over and over and over, without mercy. And i usually offer some kind of apology for it, because I nearly always feel bad for it afterwards.

    As for the Narla vs Elusive history, can we just once and for all stop bringing it up? I already feel like an old man because all these forum trolls seem capable of anymore is rehashing and retelling old stories. Everyone has their own version of what happened, all are faulty in some aspects, and none of us are going to change them. I swear, if I was God, and I had an Almighty Hammer of Suppression, I would Hammer that history so Almightily into Suppression that you couldn't recognize it if you were its own damn mother. It just seriously needs to die.
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    You troll people, then tell them if they dont like it, dont join it? You give them no choice. If you troll people, they will be affected no matter what.

    If they don't like trolling, they shouldn't join it. Yes, that's what I suggested.
    They have a choice. The fact they can't resist doesn't mean they don't have one.
    The fact that two people also disagree and state their opinions does not necessarily mean they're trash talking either. I am not trash talking you here, but we do disagree. I would not try to troll you or trash talk you because you are one of the closest people to me in this game and I have nothing but respect for you.
    I'm sorry, but I begin to feel anger when people claim to find pleasure in taunting/trolling and trash talking people. Call me a carebear, or whatever the hell you want to call me, but to me that is the epitome of rudeness and it disgusts me.

    I'm going to quote Mango
    I said that I enjoy it. You say you don't. Everybody has different opinions and different means of fun. I'm here on the forums because I enjoy listening to everybody's opinion, and then, either agreeing, disagreeing, trashing, trolling, or whatever other choice I may have.
    And no I'm not an angelic being who has never taunted or trashtalked, but I never do it without having been in some way taunted or belittled by another person first, and I get over it, I don't continue to do it to that person over and over and over and over, without mercy. And i usually offer some kind of apology for it, because I nearly always feel bad for it afterwards.

    I do feel bad after doing it sometimes too. But the fact that I regret it later on does not justify the fact that I did it to begin with.
    As for the Narla vs Elusive history, can we just once and for all stop bringing it up? I already feel like an old man because all these forum trolls seem capable of anymore is rehashing and retelling old stories. Everyone has their own version of what happened, all are faulty in some aspects, and none of us are going to change them. I swear, if I was God, and I had an Almighty Hammer of Suppression, I would Hammer that history so Almightily into Suppression that you couldn't recognize it if you were its own damn mother. It just seriously needs to die.

    I used this example to make a point.
    People use the history of the server as a premise to their claims against me or whoever they're using it against. I think I have the right to use it as well. Yes, I shared my point of view, but that point of view holds a lot of truth behind it.
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    why does refined community have to be funny or make sense to anybody other than those who its intended to make giggle? consequently, why does everything that gets said on this forum have to be deemed "drama" just because the ones that take most offense to it can't let go as much as those who repeat the jokes apparently can't? if I can say narla narla narla and I know nahktuul somewhere somehow someway is going to take offense to it, i'm sorry but thats funny. not because I'm out to make anybody feel bad and thats how I get my kicks, but because as someone who acts like hes above others by saying hes one of the few who have a grip on reality, the internet evades him. matter of fact, I'd say he has the least grip on reality. reality is that these are forums and if theres something being said in it someone doesn't like, they could've chose all along to not come here. I agree though potato, if somebody is given a reason to respond and then trolled for doing it, well, thats silly, but also different than what im saying. I've never said anybody couldnt post here. hell, i've made threads since may of last year encouraging people to come here by trying to break the ice and involve everybody. people SHOULD be here. but..bigger prevailing point is that hate it, or love it, none of us have a reason to complain about it because... we're here. thats our decision.

    anyway.. of all this talk of personal attacks and slandering, a point wnb demonstrated, which was conveniently ignored, was that some people who've championed integrity have crossed the line further than some of us in the worst of our alleged degeneracy.

    moreover, its superficial to assume we all need to apologize as if theres criteria to meet before we as gamers on the internet are permitted to communicate with each other, shoot the shiit, or even just poke fun. thats what friends do. and lets be honest, thats what we are to each other. some people might try to keep their cool and consider you an acquittance, but whose fooling who? more important than anything you and your friend might find to disagree on or how dramatic it is is the fact that, at the end of the day, you were apart of each others lives - in this case, that we're apart of each others entertainment. honestly there was so few actual things done out of pure hate or to get personal. of like maybe the 2 or 3 that probably ever really happened, one happened to me. was this whole brogaddi trolling of mango really that bad? **** knows, i wasnt around. but it just sounded funny to me. my point is the people who act like the injustice is done to them have never really even truly been hated on past some trolling that made them feel uneasy.

    want to know the BEST thing you can do for somebody on the internet? its not put up this superfluous blown-out-of-proportion portrayal of yourself because you think thats whats 'respected' and it'll better your time on this game, its to shatter this oppresive berlin wall of ignorance that says "this is how you have to run your faction before my principles allign with yours and I endorse you" - are you kidding me? FORGET that. thats what made nothing rival narla for 4 months and a lot of players both in and out quit, and its what will do the same now when the map gets reset. of all of you who think the server will be saved with some PVE tw's, let me save you the disappointment now, you are WRONG. zhadi and blood simultaneously hit the nail on the head for two different reasons: attitudes and context.

    last I checked, I *NEVER* told narla or nemesis or immunity how to act as people or even run their faction. sure I disagree with some of it, but I never said you cant BE that way. I concerned myself with the only thing that was in my right as a friend to most of you based on what you gave me, our time together and what more I felt you could do to promote the best, most competitive and of highest quality TWs - the greatest uniter of not just our server, but every server and every community in the past 3 years on this game. 100,000 people. none of us are uniquely above that. if I'm ever going to make a big headed statement and mean it, its now; as somebody impartial to the narla/impulse era of our game, I know what went wrong by understanding it when everybody else chose to just paint it "drama" where they literally couldnt learn anything from it because it became a sore subject. its why elusive was successful. when impulse fell and people were discouraged from acting "a certain way," it went even even more wrong. but what was that certain way? it was just people being themselves, and in some cases being bold or in others having a great personality. that was all suppressed because no no no, after impulse loss and narla won, people just wanted to be on the right side of history and flock to narla for more frostcovereds. it instead became the thing to bite your tongue and instead keep good relations. phoney ones at that.

    the TW map isnt a place to sit on just to have a color, or to make easy that which was hard/recruit. if you take land you sign a contract with pwi to be responsible with it and not manipulate it with those around you. you agree to either get shiit on or do the shiiting, nothing in between. fact is anybody who says TW isn't that important or that its not "all that they do" is either lieing for the fact that while it might not obviously be all you do, it should be the most important thing because it enhances all other aspects of this game. or straight up not deserving to be on the map. immunity didnt deserve to be on the map. everything they had was inherited because of the efforts of elusive. they would've had to wait another 4 months before taking land when narla finally reset the map. thats a fact, jack. rion is only endorsing TW now because its an opportune moment while players are in limbo and looking for something more. but he doesnt care, hes happy running his family fun faction thing.. and you know what? THATS FINE, HEY, I NEVER SAID HE COULDNT LOL. just don't step into the sandbox of bullies if the seesaw is what you want.

    but look, because our server is so small, in the spirit of fairness, sure.. take land even if you are content with your faction being subpar based on your preferences. BUT, AGAIN, dont complain about why players dont give your faction a chance, or why they leave it. dont act entitled as a leader when you don't prove shiit. this is literally the only reason people ever said anything about immunity. why does nobody say anything about phoenix anymore? because phoenix and brogaddi stopped making outrageous claims about how they were the ones that were going to do stuff to make TW competitive, they just accepted their place and had fun with it. but where it always went wrong was the scheming and tribunal bs.

    I come to these forums to take back what I say a lot of the times not because I regret it or know I was wrong, but because I genuinely feel bad that people who I do consider friends are so damn up tight. that, the same ignorance I admittedly fell victim to in generalizing some of their groups of friends past only what a few of them did they now represent to the fullest by using strawman arguments just to categorize ALL opposition as if theres never been a valid point thats came out of the 'arguing.'

    -as a member of rescind i don't give two ****s about the war with immunity and nemesis. if they had fun they had fun. im the one who rides that word all the time so why would i be against it just because i wasnt in the war. i sacrificed my own gear for the entertainment of even my 'rivals' on this server for months, so why would i be bitter? what i commented on came after the fact because you guys gave me a reason to.


    -rescind was made with NO PREJUDGEMENTS about any of you. but some of you (and you know who you are) threw more wood onto the fire.

    -nobody said anything about immunity until rion gave people a reason to dislike him

    -nemesis was trolling the shiit out of you guys in immunity with league of legends remarks whether you can see that or not. wnbs point is elusive always respected the competition, which was true. we never made a mockery out of anybody actually during the tw. all we cared about was that the TW happened. no matter, that still isnt my business and im not saying it was. again, that was wnb points not mine.. "CONTEXT"

    - anything I said in wc during those trolls was really vague not pertinent. it wasnt "rescind trolling our war" ... give me a break

    -zaibeast said rynis told him nemesis was only using 2 catas, he misheard.

    -then proski wc: pull 8 catas you fackin naabs
    -more whispers from players on both sides about how awkward the TW felt and that it just seemed like a big prolonged joke.

    -proski wc: COME ON WEOW COME ON COME ON

    -immunity guild chat courtesy of.. well, everybody: *crowns ourselves the second best on the server * -wow, rescind sucks. why are they commenting(?) about our TW! rion and that pika thing: rescind doesn't *deserve* a tw, we'd rather see them disband and starve them of the wars. "did we hit their crystal yet?" (lol)

    -rescind guild chat after those comments were coming in, coupled by what rion said earlier: LOL who do these guys think they are + some shiit talk (naturally, duh)

    -proc no longer had a reason to wait for immunity when they said they were going to no show us in the future

    -after the war and only after what had been said. Proski whispering rionhale: you're a ****ing idiot. and good, because he was being one.

    and all kaz is trying to say, while maybe misworded, is that people need to stop the smoke and mirror bullshiit. and hes right. no, there doesn't have to be actual HATRED. there just needs to be enough mutual respect to want to come at somebody and say you want to kick their *** because right now they're better than you. I dont have all the answers, and im not defending that the ones I did have were even right, but I know at least one was. and that was that the original elusive gave our server a place to start from that could've made our server a million times better than what it is now, or will be in the future.

    and i've said this a million times. all this chat has ever been was different people using different methods to hold different people accountable so that they make better decisions relative to their and OTHERS in-game experience. none of you might want to accept the true state of our server because you distract yourselves of the problem, but theres no use lieing about how much fun you have because the 3 biggest advocates of just worry about yourself and don't concern yourself with others have very recently either quit or tried a new game. who am I to say you aren't having fun? that I could never comment on. but how much fun? come on guys, give me a break
  • AgentPotato - Archosaur
    AgentPotato - Archosaur Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    They have a choice. The fact they can't resist doesn't mean they don't have one.

    lol, when you troll someone, you involve them whether they return it or not, so it makes it rather impossible to remove yourself from trolling if you just dont like it. You specifically said you trolled Narla. I know many many people, including myself, that dont enjoy trolling. If you trolled Narla, then you trolled people that didnt like it, and there was nothing they could do about it. You may as well **** someone, and then tell them if they didnt like it, they shouldnt have joined in. Extreme example, but it conveys the point.
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    They did not say rivalry, the words they used are hated enemy, hate, hate, hate.

    All you can ever do is try to drudge up past butthurt bs you think you got from Narla that had nothing to do with my post at all. Seriously, your an idiot that frankly everyone but your own friends and probably some of them too are sick of even hearing from. How's that for fun rivalry? Am I getting it right Kaz?

    I actually was just stating facts. You in Nemesis play this fairplay card so often yet you seem to forget, it`s your members who are the only ones who have ever left squad simply cause there were members of some certain faction in squad. Well, when we talking about situations anybody have heard of. So you saying you are worried your friends in Rescind will start hating you is simply bs, same bs you have provided for god knows how long.

    Ps. You were calling Rescind Elusive when the leader is completely different. On other hand, calling you narla when you got same leader & director is some sort of crime against mankind.

    Pps. You mind actually complaining about something in me/my faction that you/your faction hasnt been doing more? Whole post I replied for example is what I`ve been saying so long, you honestly only see "WnbTank" put ragemode on and dont actually think what you are saying.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    my post should double as a syllabus. therein you'll find the answer to all your questions haha

    and potato, as I said while that may be true that people can be given reasons to be involved from instigation, they ultimately have the choice to involve themselves. nobody can ever take that away from them. and if they do involve themselves, who is saying theres something wrong with that? the only point is that you then probably shouldn't complain about it because all along there was something you could do to prevent it if it proved to be something you didn't like or want.
  • AgentPotato - Archosaur
    AgentPotato - Archosaur Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Pro, your jokes dont have to be funny to everyone. But the jokes that you feel are funny are often at the expense of someone else, and that someone else and his/her friends interpret it as butthurt on your end, which in turn makes them think less of you, which can sometimes become verbal, which in turn makes you see them as stuck up and uptight, which only makes you even more eager to make jokes at their expense.

    Fu for posting before I finished. D:

    Case in point. People used to troll narla and still troll nemesis for being what they feel is uptight asses. That is entirely based on something you feel, when in reality its not nearly always like that. Would you suggest they change who they are just so that you dont form the opinion of them that they are uptight and cocky and troll them for it? In that case, we/they were being trolled for doing basically nothing except existing.

    You personally make fun of comments from mango. Conjecture is the most recent example. Its obvious by now that mango likes to use words that arent commonly used, but he gets trolled for it. The only option he has there is to modify his way of conveying what he is thinking so that you dont troll him for it, and that can hardly be considered an 'option'.

    Am I making any sense at all? it just seems like basic common sense to me...
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